IFS Conversion Factors
IFS Conversion Factors
IFS Conversion Factors
521 Kiser Street Dayton, OH 45404-1641 Tel: 937-222-9000 Fax: 937-222-9020 To Convert
abampere abcoulomb abcoulomb abfarads abhenries abhenries abmhos abmhos/cubic cm abohms abohms abohms absolute amperes (US)
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by To Convert
acre-feet acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres (based on US survey foot) ampere-hours ampere-hours amperes amperes (absolute) amperes/sq cm amperes/sq cm amperes/sq in amperes/sq in amperes/sq meter amperes/sq meter ampere-turns ampere-turns /meter ampere-turns /meter ampere-turns /meter ampere-turns/cm ampere-turns/cm ampere-turns/cm ampere-turns/in ampere-turns/in ampere-turns/in angstrom unit angstrom unit angstrom unit angstroms angstroms ares ares ares
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325,900. 0.4047 160.0 160.0 10.0 43,560. 100,000. 4,047 0.001562 4,840 0.0040469 40.468 3,600.0 0.03731 0.1 1.0363E-05 6.452 10,000. 0.155 1,550.0 0.0001 0.0006452 1.257 0.01 0.0254 0.01257 2.54 100.0 1.2566 39.37 0.3937 1.257 3.94E-06 1.00E-10 0.0001 1.0E-08 0.1 0.02471 100.0 119.6
gallons hectare or sq hectometer rods rods (based on US survey foot) sq chain (Gunter's) sq feet sq links (Gunter's) sq meters sq miles sq yards square kilometers ares coulombs faradays abamperes faradays per second amps/sq in amps/sq meter amps/sq cm amps/sq meter amps/sq cm amps/sq in gilberts amp/turns/cm amp-turns/in gilberts/cm amp-turns/in amp-turns/meter gausses amp-turns /meter amp-turns/cm gilberts/cm inch meters microns centimeters nanometers acres sq meters square yards
ampere coulomb statcoulombs microfarads henries millihenries siemens megmhos/cubic cm megohms microhms ohms international amperes absolute coulomb international coulombs absolute volt (US) international volts absolute volt (US) statvolts abvolts volts abvolts per centimeter volts per inch acre feet (based on US cubic meters survey foot) acre-feet cubic feet
10.0 10.0 2.998E+10 1.0000E+15 1.0E-09 1.0000E-06 1.00000E+09 1,000.0 1.0000E-15 0.001 1.0E-09 1.0 1.0 0.9997 0.003336 1.0E-08 2.54E-08 1,233.489 43,560.
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by
1.500E+08 1.49598E+11 76.0 33.9 29.92
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kilometers meters cms of mercury ft of water (at 4 C) in of mercury (at 0 C) kgs/sq cm kgs/sq meter pounds/sq in ton/sq inch tons/sq ft bars absolute kilopascals torr
To Convert
barrels, petroleum bars bars bars bars
bars 1.0133 feet of water, 33.898 conventional inches of mercury, 29.922 conventional inches of water (4C) 406.84 kilograms per 1.0332 square centimeter meters of mercury 0.76 (0C) pascals 101,325. pounds per square 2,116.4 foot pounds per square 14.697 inch tons per square foot 1.058 kilopascals 98.0665 pascals 98,066.5 square meters 1.00E-28 cubic meters 0.1589873 liters gallons (oil) cubic inches quarts (dry) bushels (US) gallons cubic meters 158.9873 42 7,056. 105.0 3.281 31.5 0.11924
cubic meters 0.15899 atmospheres 0.9869 dynes/sq cm 1,000,000. feet of water at 68F 33.52 inches of mercury at 29.53 0C bars kgs/sq meter 10,200. bars kilograms-force/sq 1.0197 cm bars kilopascals 100.0 bars pascals 100,000. bars pounds/sq ft 2,089.0 bars pounds/sq in 14.5038 bars tons-force/sq foot 1.0443 bars torr 750.06 barye dynes per square 1.0 centimeter Baryl Dyne/sq cm. 1.0 biots amperes 10.0 bolt (US cloth) meters 36.576 BTU gram-force cm 10,751,000 BTU ergs 1.060E+10 BTU foot-lbs 778.3 BTU gram-calories 252.0 BTU horsepower-hrs 0.0003931 BTU joules 1,054.8 BTU kilogram-calories 0.252 BTU kilogram-meters 107.5 BTU kilowatt-hrs 0.0002928 BTU liter-Atmosphere 10.409 BTU watt hours 0.29307 BTU (IT) (39F) joules 1,059.67 BTU (IT) (59F) joules 1,054.8 BTU (IT) (60F) joules 1,054.68 BTU (IT) (mean) calories, gram 251.99 (mean) BTU (IT) (mean) joules 1,055.87 BTU (IT) ft per hr sq ft watts per meter 1.730735 degree F kelvin BTU (IT) in per hr sq ft watts per meter 0.1442279 degree F kelvin BTU (IT) in per sec sq ft watts per meter 519.2204 degree F kelvin BTU (IT) per cubic foot joules per cubic 37,258.95 meter
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BTU (th) per degree Fahrenheit BTU (th) per degree Rankine BTU (th) per hour BTU (th) per hour sq ft degree F BTU (th) per minute BTU (th) per pound BTU (th) per pound degree Fahrenheit BTU (th) per pound degree Rankine BTU (th) per second BTU (th) per second sq foot degree F BTU (th) per square foot BTU (th) per square foot hour BTU (th) per square foot minute BTU (th) per square foot second BTU (th) per square inch second BTU/hr BTU/hr BTU/hr BTU/hr BTU/min BTU/min BTU/min BTU/min BTU/sq ft/min bucket (Brit. dry) bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels (US) caliber caliber
Page 3 of 34 Multiply by
1897.83 1897.83 0.2928751 5.674466 17.5725 2324.444 4,184 4,184 1,054.35 20,428.08 11,348.93 3.152481 189.1489 11,348.93 1,634,246. 0.2162 0.07 0.0003929 0.2931 12.96 0.02356 0.01757 17.57 0.1221 18,180. 1.2445 2,150.4 0.03524 35.24 4.0 64 32.0 0.30479 0.01 0.254
joules per kelvin joules per kelvin foot pound forces per second gram calories per second horsepower (550 ft*lbf/s) horsepower (boiler) watts watts per square meter kelvin ergs per second foot pound forces per minute foot pound forces per second horsepower (550 ft*lbf/s) kilowatts watts joules per kilogram joules per kilogram kelvin joules per kilogram kelvin watts per square meter kelvin watts joules per square meter watts per square meter watts per square inch watts per square meter joules watts per meter kelvin watts per meter kelvin watts per meter kelvin joules per cubic meter
joules per kelvin joules per kelvin watts watts per square meter kelvin watts joules per kilogram joules per kilogram kelvin joules per kilogram kelvin watts watts per square meter kelvin joules per square meter watts per square meter watts per square meter watts per square meter watts per square meter foot-pounds/sec gram-cal/sec horsepower-hrs watts foot-lbs/sec horsepower kilowatts watts watts/sq in cubic cm cubic feet cubic inches cubic meters liters pecks pint (dry) quarts (dry) barrels (US, dry) inches millimeters
1899.101 1899.101 0.21616 0.069999 0.0003929 2.9833E-05 0.2930711 5.678263 1.76430E+08 777.61 12.958 0.02356 0.01757 17.57 2,326.0 4,186.8 4,186.8 20,441.75 1,055.056 11,356.53 3.154591 0.122 11,356.53 1,054.35 1.729577 0.1441314 518.8732 37,234.03
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Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by
3.088 1.56E-06 1.58E-06
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1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.6103 2.705 0.01 0.3382 9.297E-08 980.7 9.807E-05 2.343E-08 1.0E-05 0.00102 1.02E-08 7.38E-08 980.7 1.00E-05 0.07233 1.00000E+08 0.0087489 2.3624 0.03281 0.098425 0.3937 1.00E-05 0.01 10,000. 6.21E-06 6.215E-06 10.0 393.7 0.01094 1.333224 0.01316 0.4461 136 27.85 0.1934
To Convert
centares centares (centiares) centigrade degrees (temp interval) centigrade degrees (temperature) centigrams centiliters centiliters centiliters centiliters centimeter grams centimeter grams centimeter grams centimeter grams centimeter grams centimeter-dynes centimeter-dynes centimeter-dynes centimeter-grams centimeter-grams centimeter-grams centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters centimeters mercury, conventional centimeters of mercury centimeters of mercury centimeters of mercury centimeters of mercury centimeters of mercury
square meters sq meters celsius degrees (temperature) celsius degrees (temperature) grams cubic inch drams liters ounce fluid (US) BTU ergs joules kilogram calories kilogram meters cm-grams meter-kgs pound-feet cm-dynes meter-kgs pound-feet angstroms ells ems, pica feet hands inches kilometers meters microns miles miles (statute) millimeters mils yards kilopascals atmospheres feet of water kgs/sq meter pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in
foot-pounds horsepower-hour horsepower-hour (metric) calorie joules calorie kilowatt-hour calorie, gram (mean) BTU (mean) calories (15 C) joules calories (20 C) joules calories (IT) joules calories (IT) per gram joules per kilogram calories (IT) per gram joules per kilogram degree Celsius kelvin calories (IT) per gram joules per kilogram kelvin kelvin calories (IT), kilograms joules calories (mean) joules calories (mean), joules kilograms (nutrit) calories (th) joules calories (th) per joules per square square centimeter meter calories (th) per cm sec meters squared per deg Celsius second calories (th) per gram joules per kilogram calories (th) per gram joules per kilogram deg Celsius kelvin calories (th) per gram joules per kilogram kelvin kelvin calories (th) per minute watts calories (th) per second watts calories (th) per sq watts per square centimeter minute meter calories (th) per sq watts per square centimeter second meter calories (th), kilogram joules (nutrition) calories, gram (mean) BTU (IT) (mean) candelas per square candelas per square inch meter candle/sq cm lamberts candle/sq inch lamberts carats, metric grams carats, metric kilograms celsius degrees (temp kelvin interval)
4.1868 1.16E-06 0.00396832 4.1858 4.1819 4.1868 4,186.8 4,186.8 4,186.8 4,186.8 4.19002 4,190.02 4.184 41,840. 418.4 4,184 4,184 4,184 0.06973333 4.184 697.3333 41,840. 4,184 0.0039685 1550.003 3.142 0.487 0.2 0.0002 1.0
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0.013595 27.85 0.19337 10.0 0.125 16.0 8.0 3.624556 0.00027778 1.04E-05 3.000E+09 64.52 10,000. 0.155 1,550.0 0.0001 0.0006452 5.4993E-05 3.53E-05 0.06102374 1.00E-06 1,000.0 1.31E-06 0.2815606 0.2705122 0.00022 0.0002642 0.0070388 0.0084538 0.00022 0.001 16.894 16.231 0.002113 0.001057 0.0021186 472.0 1.699 0.472
kilopascals pascals pascals pascals feet/min feet/sec kilometers/hr knots meters/min miles/hr miles/min feet/sec/sec kms/hr/sec meters/sec/sec miles/hr/sec dyne-sec/sq cm grains per centimeter second gram/(cm sec) pascal second poise slugs inches meters yards rods (based on US survey foot) sq cms sq inches sq mils square feet square meters square millimeters radians atmospheres, standard bar feet of water at 68F inches of water at 68F
To Convert
cm mercury at 0C cm mercury at 0C cm mercury at 0C cm mercury at 0C cord feet cord feet cords cords (128 ft^3) coulombs coulombs coulombs coulombs/sq cm coulombs/sq cm coulombs/sq in coulombs/sq in coulombs/sq meter coulombs/sq meter cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters cubic centimeters per second cubic cm/minute cubic cm/minute cubic cm/minute
kilograms-force/sq cm pounds-force/ sq foot pounds-force/sq inch torr cords (128 ft^3) cubic feet cord feet cubic meters ampere hours faradays statcoulombs coulombs/sq in coulombs/sq meter coulombs/sq cm coulombs/sq meter coulombs/sq cm coulombs/sq in buckets (br dry) cubic feet cubic inches cubic meter cubic millimeter cubic yards drachm (Brit. fluid) drams (US fluid) gallon (Brit liq.) gallons (US liq.) gills {Canadian and UK (Imperial)} gills {US} imperial gallons liters minims (British) minims (US fluid) pints (US liq.) quarts (US liq.) cubic feet per minute cubic cm/second cubic meters/hour liters/second
1,333.22 98.0638 98.0665 1.1969 0.03281 0.036 0.1943 0.6 0.02237 0.0003728 0.03281 0.036 0.01 0.02237 100.0 0.01 100.0 0.001 0.01 1.0E-06 792 20.12 22.0 4.0 5.07E-06 7.85E-07 0.7854 5.4555E-09 5.067075E-10 0.0005067075 6.283 0.013158 0.013332 0.4468 5.362
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pounds of water/minute at 68F US gallons/second acre feet bushels (dry) cord feet cubic centimeters cubic cm cubic inches cubic meters cubic yards gallons (US liq.) hogsheads (British) hogsheads (US) imperial gallons kiloliters liters pints (US liq.) pounds of water quarts (US liq) gallons (US) per minute tons of water per 24 hours cubic meters per second gallons (US) per second inches (miner's) cubic yards per minute gallons (US) per minute liters per minute pounds of water per minute cubic cms/sec gallons/sec liters/sec pounds of water/min gallons/min million gals./day cubic meters/minute US gallons/minute barrels (US, dry)
To Convert
0.1247 2.2957E-05 0.8036 0.0625 28,320. 28,320. 1,728.0 0.02832 0.037037037 7.48052 0.098873 0.11874 6.229 0.028316 28.32 59.84 62.366 29.92 0.12468 0.74912 0.0004719474 0.1247 0.66667 2.2222 448.83 1,699.0 3,745.3 472.0 0.1247 0.472 62.43 448.831 0.646317 1.699 448.8 0.00014172
cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches cubic inches per minute cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters cubic meters/hour cubic meters/hour cubic meters/hour cubic miles cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards cubic yards
bushels (US) 0.00046503 centiliters 1.6385 cubic centimeters 16.39 cubic feet 0.0005787 cubic meters 1.64E-05 cubic yards 2.14E-05 gallons 0.004329 imperial gallons 3.61E-03 liters 0.01639 mil-feet 106,100. ounces (US fluid) 0.55402 pecks (British) 0.0018031 pecks (US) 0.0018601 pints (US dry) 0.029762 pints (US liq.) 0.03463 pounds of water 0.036127 quarts (US dry) 0.014881 quarts (US liq.) 0.01732 cubic meters per 2.731177E-07 second bushels (dry) 28.38 bushels (US) 28.377 cubic centimeters 1,000,000. cubic cms 1,000,000. cubic feet 35.31 cubic inches 61,023. cubic yards 1.307951 gallons (US liq.) 264.2 imperial gallons 220 liters 1,000.0 pints (US liq.) 2,113.0 quarts (US liq.) 1,057.0 cubic meters/second 2.78E-04 liters/second 0.2778 US gallons/minute 4.403 cubic meters 4.168182E+0 9 cubic cms 764,600. cubic feet 27.0 cubic inches 46,656. cubic meters 0.7646 gallons 202 kiloliters 0.76453 liters 764.6
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
04-18-2003 Multiply by To Convert
dekaliters dekameters deniers deniers drams drams drams drams (apothecary or troy) drams (apothecary or troy) drams (apothecary or troy) drams (apothecary or troy) drams (apothecary or troy) drams (avoirdupois) drams(apoth. or troy) drams(apoth. or troy) drams(US fluid or apoth.) drops dyne centimeters dyne centimeters dyne centimeters dyne centimeters dyne centimeters dyne centimeters per second dyne/cm dynes dynes dynes dynes dynes dynes dynes dynes dynes/sq cm dynes/sq cm dynes/sq cm
Page 7 of 34 Multiply by
10.0 10.0 0.0001111111 1.111111E-07 27.3437 1.7718 0.0625 0.36969 27.344 1.7718 0.0625 0.0039063 27.345 0.125 0.1371429 3.6967 0.01666 0.00102 1.0 7.376E-08 1.02E-08 0.1 1.0 0.01 0.00102 1.00E-07 1.00E-05 1.02E-06 1.0E-05 7.23E-05 2.25E-06 2.248E-06 9.87E-07 1.00E-06 1.0
liters meters grams per meter kilograms per meter grains grams ounces centiliters grains grams ounces (US fluid) pounds (troy or apothecary) grains ounces (troy) ounces(avoirdupois) cubic cm teaspoons centimeter grams ergs foot pound forces meter kilograms newton meters ergs per second erg/sq millimeter grams joules/cm joules/meter (newtons) kilograms newtons poundals pounds pounds (troy or apothecary) atmospheres bars barye
cubic yards pints (US liq.) 1,615.9 cubic yards quarts (US liq.) 807.9 cubic yards per minute cubic meters per 0.01274258 second cubic yards/min cubic feet/sec 0.45 cubic yards/min gallons/sec 3.367 cubic yards/min liters/sec 12.74 cups cubic cms 236.588 cups (US) cubic meters 0.0002365882 cups (US) milliliters 236.5882 curies becquerels 3.7000E+10 Dalton Gram 1.65E-24 darcies meters squared 9.869233E-13 days hours 24.0 days minutes 1,440.0 days seconds 86,400. days (mean solar) years (365 days) 0.0027378 days (sidereal) seconds 86,164.09 debyes coulomb meters 3.335641E-30 decigrams grams 0.1 deciliters liters 0.1 decimeters meters 0.1 degree fahrenheit kelvins per watt 1.895634 hours per BTU (IT) degree f'heit hours sq square meter kelvins 0.1761102 ft per BTU (IT) per watt degree f'heit hr sq ft meter kelvins per 6.933472 per BTU in (IT) watt degree f'heit secs per kelvins per watt 0.0005269175 BTU (th) degrees (angle) minutes (angle) 59.988 degrees (angle) quadrants 0.01111 degrees (angle) radians 0.01745 degrees (angle) revolutions 0.0027778 degrees (angle) seconds 3,600.0 degrees (angle) seconds (angle) 3,599.7 degrees geographic degrees, minutes, 999,999. (decimal) seconds degrees, angular grade 1.111 degrees, minutes, degrees geographic 999,999. seconds (decimal) degrees/sec radians/sec 0.01745 degrees/sec revolutions/min 0.1667 degrees/sec revolutions/sec 0.002778 dekagrams grams 10.0
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0.01 2.95E-05 0.0004015 1.0197E-06 0.010197 0.00023207 0.1 0.01 1.602177E-19 114.3 45.0 0.4233 0.167 1.00000E+09 10.0 1.0E-08 1.0E-09 1.0E-09 1.5097E+26 1.0 9.48E-11 0.0010197 1.0 7.37E-08 2.39E-08 0.00102 3.73E-14 1.00E-07 2.39E-11 1.02E-08 2.773E-14 2.773E-11 0.001 100.0 5.69E-06 1.0 4.43E-06
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7.38E-08 1.34E-10 1.43E-09 1.00E-10 1.0E-07 0.5555556 0.5555556 96,500. 26.8 96,490. 1.0E-09 1,000,000. 6.0 1.828804 30.48 0.16667 0.0015151 12.0 0.0003048 0.3048 0.3048 0.0001645 0.0001894 304.8 12,000. 0.060606 0.05 0.3333 40.63666 40,636.66 0.0295 0.02984 0.8826 0.03048 304.8 2.984 9,809. 62.43 0.4335
ergs per square millimeter in of mercury at 0 C in of water at 4 C kilograms per square centimeter kilograms per square meter ounces (avoir) per square inch pascals centipoise joules cm inches cm inch farads amperes volts henries ohms planck's quantum dyne-cm/sec BTU centimeter grams dyne-centimeters foot-pounds gram-calories grams-cms horsepower-hrs joules kg-calories kg-meters kilowatt hours watt hours watts per square meter dynes per square centimeter BTU/min dyne centimeters per second ft-lbs/min
To Convert
ergs/sec ergs/sec ergs/sec ergs/sec ergs/sec fahrenheit degrees (temp interval) fahrenheit degrees (temp interval) faraday/sec faradays faradays farads farads fathoms fathoms feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet of mercury, conventional feet of mercury, conventional feet of water feet of water feet of water feet of water feet of water feet of water feet of water feet of water feet of water
ft-lbs/sec horsepower kg-calories/min kilowatts watts celsius degrees (temperature) kelvin ampere (absolute) ampere-hours coulombs abfarads microfarads feet meters centimeters fathoms (based on US survey foot) furlongs inches kilometers meters meters miles (naut.) miles (stat.) millimeters mils rods (based on US survey foot) rope yards kilopascals pascals amospheres bar in of mercury kgs/sq cm kgs/sq meter kilopascals kilowatts pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in
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13,825. 13,560,000 0.0003766161 0.02259697 13,558,000
standard atmospheres kilopascals pascals centimeters mercury, conventional kilopascals pascals knots (nautical miles per hour) meters per second meters per second feet per minute meters per second kilometers per hour per second meters per second per second meters per second squared meters to the fourth power per cent grade cms/sec feet/sec kms/hr meters/min miles/hr cms/sec kms/hr knots meters/min miles/hr miles/min cms/sec/sec kms/hr/sec meters/sec/sec miles/hr/sec femtometers meters cubic meters milliliters
To Convert
foot pound forces foot pound forces foot pound forces per hour foot pound forces per minute foot pound forces per second foot pound forces per second foot poundals footcandles footcandles footcandles footlamberts foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds foot-pounds/min foot-pounds/min foot-pounds/min foot-pounds/min foot-pounds/min foot-pounds/sec foot-pounds/sec foot-pounds/sec foot-pounds/sec foot-pounds/sec foot-pounds-force foot-pounds-force foot-pounds-force foot-pounds-force foot-pounds-force foot-pounds-force franklins furlongs
centimeter grams dyne centimeters watts watts ergs per second
2.98898 2,988.98 2.2417 2.989067 2,989.067 0.00016447 8.466667E-05 0.00508 59.988 0.3048 1.097 0.3048 0.3048 0.008630975 1.0 0.508 0.01667 0.01829 0.3048 0.01136 30.48 1.097 0.5921 18.29 0.6818 0.01136 30.48 1.097 0.3048 0.6818 1.0 1.0E-15 2.957353E-05 29.57353
foot pound forces 59.988 per minute joules 0.04214011 lumens per square 1.0 foot lumens per square 10.764 meter lux 10.76391 candelas per square 3.426259 meter BTU 0.001286 ergs 1,360,000. gram-calories 0.3238 hp-hrs 5.05E-07 joules 1.356 kg-calories 0.000324 kg-meters 0.1383 kilowatt-hrs 3.77E-07 BTU/min 0.001286 foot-pounds/sec 0.01667 horsepower 3.03E-05 kg-calories/min 0.000324 kilowatts 2.26E-05 BTU/hr 4.6263 BTU/min 0.07717 horsepower 0.000818 kg-calories/min 1.01945 kilowatts 0.001356 BTU 0.001285 horsepower-hours 5.05E-07 joules 1.356 kilocalories 3.24E-04 kilogram-force-mete 0.13825 rs kilowatt-hours 3.77E-07 coulombs 3.335641E-10 feet 660.0
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gallons of water gallons/min gallons/min gallons/min gallons/min gallons/min
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8.3453 8.0208 0.002228 3.785 0.6308 500 0.7958 1.0 1.0 6.452 0.0001 1.00E-08 6.45E-08 0.0001 0.7958 1.0 0.7958 2.021 79.581 0.1183 0.25 142.07 142.07 0.0001420653 0.1420653 118.29 0.0001182941 0.01570796 0.01571 0.036571 0.03657143 6.479891E-05 64.79891 0.0020833 0.0022857
meters miles (US) rods cubic cms cubic feet cubic inches cubic meters cubic yards liters gallons (US liq.) acre feet barrels (US, dry) gallons (imp.) gallons {Canadian and UK (Imp)} hogsheads (US) kiloliters liters/cubic meter pints (US liq.) pounds of water quarts (US liq.) cubic feet per second cubic meters per second liters per second cubic meters per joule liters per joule
200.17 0.125 40.0 3,785.412 0.1337 231 0.003785 0.004951 3.785 1.20095 3.0684E-06 0.031746 0.83267 0.83271 0.015873 0.0037853 0.133 8.0 8.3472 4.0 1.5472 4.381264E-08 4.381264E-05 1.410089E-09 1.410089E-06 6.30902E-05 6.0085 8.0193 0.297 227.12 0.00454609 1.201 4.54609
gallons (US) per day gallons (US) per horsepower hour gallons (US) per horsepower hour gallons (US) per minute cubic meters per second gallons (US) per minute tons of water per 24 hours gallons (US) per second cubic feet per minute gallons (US) per second cubic yards per minute gallons (US) per second liters per minute gallons {Canadian and cubic meters UK (Imp)} gallons {Canadian and gallons (US) UK (Imp)} gallons {Canadian and liters UK (Imp)}
pounds of water cubic feet/hr cubic ft/sec liters/minute liters/sec pounds of water/hour gausses ampere turns per centimeter gausses gilberts per centimeter gausses lines per square centimeter gausses lines/sq inch gausses teslas gausses webers/sq cm gausses webers/sq inch gausses webers/sq meter gilberts ampere-turns gilberts per centimeter gausses gilberts/cm amp-turns/cm gilberts/cm amp-turns/in gilberts/cm amp-turns/meter gills liters gills pints (liq.) gills (British) cubic cm gills {Canadian and UK cubic centimeters (Imperial)} gills {Canadian and UK cubic meters (Imperial)} gills {Canadian and UK liters (Imperial)} gills {US} cubic centimeters gills {US} cubic meters gons (also called radians grades) Grade Radian grains drams (apothecary or troy) grains drams (avoirdupois) grains kilograms grains milligrams grains ounces (troy or apothecary) grains ounces (US fluid)
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
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grams - (water) grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams grams force grams per centimeter second grams per cubic centimeter grams/cm grams/cubic centimeter grams/cubic cm grams/cubic cm grams/cubic cm grams/liter grams/liter grams/liter grams/liter grams/sq cm grams-force/centimete r hand hectares hectares hectares hectograms hectoliters hectometers hectowatts hemispheres henries henries hogsheads (British) hogsheads (US) hogsheads (US) horsepower
Page 11 of 34 Multiply by
pounds (troy or 0.00014286 apothecary) grains scruples 0.05 grains weights 0.041667 grains (avoirdupois) grains (troy) 1.0 grains (troy) grains (avoirdupois) 1.0 grains (troy) grams 0.0648 grains (troy) ounces (avoirdupois) 0.0020833 grains (troy) pennyweights (troy) 0.04167 grains (troy) weights 0.04167 grains per gallon (US) grams per liter 0.017118 grains per gallon (US) kilograms per cubic 0.01711806 meter grains per gallon (US) milligrams per liter 17.11806 grains/imp. gallon parts/million 14.286 grains/US gallon parts/million 17.118 grains/US gallon pounds/million gal 142.86 gram/(cm sec) centipoise 0.01 gram-calories BTU 0.0039683 gram-calories ergs 4.19E-07 gram-calories foot-pounds 3.088 gram-calories horsepower-hrs 1.56E-06 gram-calories kilowatt-hrs 1.163E-06 gram-calories watt-hrs 0.001163 gram-calories/sec BTU/hr 14.286 gram-centimeters BTU 9.297E-08 gram-centimeters ergs 980.7 gram-centimeters joules 980,700. gram-centimeters kg-cal 2.343E+08 gram-centimeters kg-meters 100,000. gram-forces per square pascals 98.0665 centimeter grams carat(metric) 5.0 grams centigrams 100.0 grams daltons 6.0606E+23 grams decigrams 10.0 grams dekagrams 0.1 grams drams 0.56438339 grams dynes 980.7 grams grains 15.43 grams hectograms 0.01 grams joules/cm 9.81E-05 grams joules/meter 0.009807 (newtons)
liters 0.001 kilograms 0.001 micrograms 1,000,000. milligrams 1,000.0 moles 1.0 ounces (troy) 0.032150747 ounces (US fluid) 0.035275 ounces(avoirdupois) 0.035273962 poundals 0.07093 pounds 0.0022046226 weights 0.64309 newtons 9.81E-03 poises 1.0 kilograms per cubic meter pounds/inch pounds/cubic inch pounds/cubic ft pounds/cubic in pounds/mil-foot grains/gal parts/million pounds/1000 gal pounds/cubic ft pounds/sq ft newton/meter cm acres sq feet square meters grams liters meters watts steradians abhenries millihenries cubic feet cubic feet gallons (US) BTU/hour 1,000.0 0.0056 0.03613 62.43 0.03613 3.41E-07 58.417 1,000.0 8.345 0.062427 2.0481 98.07 10.16 2.471 107,600. 10,000. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.2814 1.00000E+09 1,000.0 10.114 8.42184 63.0 33.48
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Conversion Factors
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tons, long (2240 lb) kilograms pounds tons (long) ounces (avoirdupois) pounds tons (long) tons (metric) cubic centimeters cubic feet cubic meters cubic yards liters pounds of water at 62F in air angstroms centimeters centimeters chains (based on US survey foot) ells ems, pica feet kilometers links (engineer's) links (surveyor's) meters miles millimeters mils nails paces pixels rods (based on US survey foot) yards cubic feet per minute atmospheres bar feet of water inches of water at 68F kgs/sq cm
Page 12 of 34 Multiply by
500.0 45.35924 112.0 0.05 1,600.0 100.0 0.0446429 0.0453592 4,546 0.16054 0.004546 5.95E-03 4.546 10.0 2.54000E+08 2.54 2.54 0.0012626 0.022222 5.988 0.08333333 2.54E-05 0.083333 0.12626 0.0254 1.578E-05 25.4 1,000.0 0.44444 0.033333 72.0 0.0050505 0.027777778 1.5 0.03342 0.03386 1.133 13.62 0.03453
BTU/min foot-lbs/min foot-lbs/sec horsepower (metric) kg-calories/min kilowatts watts BTU (IT) per hour ergs per second BTU/hr kilowatts watts watts horsepower watts watts watts watt hours BTU foot-pounds-force kilocalories kilogram-force-mete rs BTU ergs foot-lbs gram-calories joules kg-calories kg-meters kilowatt-hrs days minutes seconds weeks days weeks years (365 days) seconds kilograms
42.44 33,000. 550.0 1.014 10.68 0.7457 745.7 2,545.2 7.4571E+09 33,479. 9.803 9,809.5 746.0 0.9863 735.4988 745.7 746.043 745.71 2,545.0 1,976,000. 641.5 273,200. 2,547.0 2.6800E+13 1,980,000. 641,190. 2,684,000. 641.1 273,700. 0.7457 0.04167 59.988 3,600.0 0.005952 0.04166667 0.005952381 0.00011408 3,590.17 50.80235
hundredweight (long, 112 lb) hundredweight (short, 100 lb) hundredweights (long) hundredweights (long) hundredweights (short) hundredweights (short) hundredweights (short) hundredweights (short) imperial gallons imperial gallons imperial gallons imperial gallons imperial gallons imperial gallons inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches (miner's) inches of mercury inches of mercury inches of mercury inches of mercury inches of mercury
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
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345.3 3.3864 33.86387 70.73 0.4912 0.033423
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To Convert
kgs/sq meter kilopascals millibars pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in atmospheres, standard inches of mercury (0C) dynes per square centimeter inches of mercury kilopascals (32F) inches of mercury pascals (32F) inches of mercury kilopascals (60F) inches of mercury pascals (60F) inches of mercury, inches of water (4C) conventional inches of water bar inches of water inches of mercury at 0C inches of water kilograms-force/sq cm inches of water kilopascals inches of water ounces-force/sq inch inches of water pounds-force/sq foot inches of water pounds-force/sq inch inches of water standard atmospheres inches of water pascals (39.2F) inches of water (4C) dynes per square centimeter inches of water (60F) pascals inches of water (at 4C) atmospheres inches of water (at 4C) inches of mercury inches of water (at 4C) kgs/sq cm inches of water (at 4C) ounces/sq in inches of water (at 4C) pounds/sq ft inches of water (at 4C) pounds/sq in inches of water, pascals conventional inches per second meters per second
33,864. 3.38638 3,386.38 3.37685 3,376.85 13.596 0.002487 0.07342 0.002535 0.2487 0.577 5.193 0.03606 0.002454 249.082 2,490.7 248.84 0.002458 0.07355 0.00254 0.5781 5.204 0.03613 249.0889 0.0254
inches per second squared inches to the fourth power international coulombs international ampere International Volt joules joules joules joules joules joules joules joules joules joules joules joules joules per centimeter joules per meter joules per meter joules per meter joules per meter joules per meter joules per meter joules per second joules/cm joules/cm joules/cm joules/cm joules/cm kaysers kilocalories (IT) kilocalories (mean) kilocalories (th) kilocalories (th) per minute kilocalories (th) per second kilogram calories
meters per second 254.0 squared meters to the fourth 4.162314E-07 power absolute coulomb 0.99984 ampere (absolute) 0.9998 Volts (absolute) 1.0003 BTU 0.000948 calories 0.239 thermochemical centimeter grams 10,197. ergs 10,000,000 foot-pounds 0.7376 horsepower hours 3.7258E-07 kg-calories 0.0002389 kg-meters 0.102 kilowatt hours 2.7778E-07 poundals 723.3 pounds 22.48 watt-hrs 0.0002778 kilograms 10.197 dynes 100,000. grams 101.97 joules per 0.01 centimeter kilograms 0.10197 poundals 7.2307 pounds (troy or 0.22482 apothecary) watts (absolute) 1.0 dynes 10,000,000 grams 10,200. joules/meter 100.0 (newton) poundals 723.3 pounds 22.48 reciprocal meters 0.01 joules 4,186.8 joules 4,190.02 joules 4,184 watts 69.73333 watts centimeter grams 4,184 42,680,000
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Conversion Factors
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4.1859E+10 1.1621 6.97840E+08
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ergs watt hours ergs per second foot pound forces per minute foot pound forces per second horsepower (550 ft*lbf/s) kilowatts watts centimeter grams horsepower hours watt hours BTU foot-pounds hp-hrs joules kg-meters kilojoules kilowatt-hrs newton meters kilograms newtons kilopascals pascals pascals pascals BTU ergs foot-pounds joules kg-calories kilowatt-hrs dynes grams hundredweight (long, 112 lb)
To Convert
kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms kilograms per square centimeter kilograms per square centimeter kilograms per square meter kilograms per square meter kilograms per square meter kilograms per square meter kilograms per square meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/cubic meter kilograms/meter kilograms/sq cm kilograms/sq cm kilograms/sq cm kilograms/sq cm kilograms/sq cm kilograms/sq cm kilograms/sq meter
3,085.5 51.414 0.093633 0.069735 69.784 100,000. 3.6536E-06 0.0027233 3.968 3,088.0 0.00156 4,186 426.9 4.186 0.001163 9.80665 9.80665 9.80665 98.0665 98,066.5 9,806,650. 9.80665 0.009294 98,000,000 7.233 9.804 0.002342 2.723E-06 980,665. 1,000.0 0.019684
hundredweight 0.022046 (short, 100 lb) joules/cm 0.09807 joules/meter 9.807 (newtons) moles 1,000.0 myriagrams 0.1 ounces (avoird) 35.274 poundals 70.93 pounds 2.205 slugs 0.06854 tons (long) 0.0009842 tons (short) 0.001102 tons, metric 0.001 dynes per square 980,660. centimeter inches of water (4C) 393.7 centimeters mercury, conventional dynes per square centimeter pascals tons, (short) per square inch tons, short per square foot feet of water grams/cubic cm inches of mercury pound/cubic ft pounds/cubic in pounds/mil-foot pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in pounds/ft atmospheres dynes feet of water inches of mercury pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in atmospheres 0.0073529 98.066 4,848,000. 7.1124E-07 0.00010241 0.003281 0.001 0.002896 0.06243 3.613E-05 3.405E-10 0.2048 0.001422 0.672 0.9678 980,665. 32.81 28.96 2,048.0 14.22 9.678E-05
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Conversion Factors
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kilometers/hr kilometers/hr kilometers/hr/sec kilometers/hr/sec kilometers/hr/sec kilometers/hr/sec kilopascals kilopascals kilopascals kilopascals kilopascals kilopascals kilopascals kiloponds (kilogram-forces) kilowatt hours kilowatt hours kilowatt hours kilowatt-hours kilowatt-hours kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatt-hrs kilowatts kilowatts kilowatts kilowatts kilowatts kilowatts kilowatts kilowatts
Page 15 of 34 Multiply by
16.67 0.6214 27.78 0.9113 0.2778 0.6214 0.3351 0.2953 4.021 0.010197 1,000.0 1,000.0 0.145 9.80665 3.6 3.53 500.0 860 367,100. 3,413.0 3.60E+13 2,655,000. 859,850. 1.341 3,600,000. 860.5 367,100. 22.75 56.92 1.0000E+10 44,248. 44,260. 737.6 1.341 0.10201 14.34
meters/min miles/hr cms/hr/sec ft/sec/sec meters/sec/sec miles/hr/sec feet of water at 68F inches of mercury at 32F inches of water at 68F kilograms-force/sq cm newtons/sq meter pascals pounds-force/sq inch newtons megajoules pounds of water evaporated watt hours kilocalories kilogram-force meters BTU ergs foot-lbs gram-calories horsepower-hrs joules kg-calories kg-meters lbs of water raised from 62 to 212 F. BTU/min ergs per second foot pound forces per minute foot-lbs/min foot-lbs/sec horsepower horsepower (boiler) kg-calories/min
bars feet of water inches of mercury pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in kgs/sq meter bar feet of water at 68F inches of mercury kilopascals pounds-force/sq foot kilograms-force/sq cm pounds-force/sq inch kilograms-force/sq cm standard atmospheres kilojoules kilogram calories kilolines maxwells kilolines webers kiloliters cubic feet kiloliters cubic yards kiloliters gallons (US) kiloliters liters kilometers astronomical unit kilometers centimeters kilometers feet kilometers inches kilometers light year kilometers meters kilometers miles kilometers miles (nautical) kilometers millimeters kilometers mils (0.001 in) kilometers myriameters kilometers parsecs kilometers yards kilometers per hour meters per second kilometers per minute meters per second kilometers per minute miles per hour kilometers per minute miles per minute kilometers/hr cms/sec kilometers/hr feet/min kilometers/hr feet/sec kilometers/hr knots
9.807E-05 0.003281 0.002896 0.2048 0.001422 1,000,000. 0.9807 32.87 28.96 98.07 2,048.0 14.223 0.9678 0.23889 1,000.0 1.0E-05 35.316 1.308 264.18 1,000.0 6.68E-09 100,000. 3,280.84 39,370. 1.06E-13 1,000.0 0.6214 0.5396 1,000,000. 39,370,000 0.1 3.2425E-14 1,094 0.2777778 16.667 37.286 0.62139 27.78 54.68 0.9113 0.5396
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Conversion Factors
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liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters (water) liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters liters per second liters per second
Page 16 of 34 Multiply by
kilocalories/minute myriawatts watts kilonewtons newtons pounds (troy or apothecary) kilopascals pascals feet/hr feet/sec kilometers/hr nautical miles/hr statute miles/hr yards/hr centimeters per second meters per minute meters per second miles per hour miles per minute candelas per square meter candles/sq cm candles/sq in joules per square meter centipoise centipoise miles (approx.) meters astronomical unit kilometers miles gausses gausses webers/sq cm webers/sq in webers/sq meter inches inches BTU
14.33 0.1 1,000.0 4.448222 4,448.222 1,000.0 6,894.757 6,894,757. 6,080 1.689 1.8532 1.0 1.151 2,027.0 51.467 30.883 0.5144444 1.1515 1.1515 3,183.099 0.3183 2.054 41,840. 2.42 0.000672 3.0 9.46073E+15 63,239.7 9.460E+12 5.90E+12 1.0 0.155 1.55E-09 1.00E-08 1.55E-05 12. 7.92 0.096071
bushels (US dry) 0.02838 centiliters 100.0 cubic centimeters 1,000.0 cubic feet 0.03531 cubic inches 61.02 cubic meters 0.001 cubic yards 0.001308 deciliters 10.0 dekaliters 0.1 gallons (US liq.) 0.2642 gills {US} 8.4531 grams (water) 1000.028 hectoliters 0.01 imperial gallons 0.22 kiloliters 0.001 microliters 1,000,000. milliliters 1,000.0 ounces (US fluid) 33.818 pecks (British) 0.10999 pecks (US) 0.11351 pints (US dry) 1.8162 pints (US liq.) 2.113 quarts (US liq) 1.057 steres 0.001 cubic feet per minute 2.1186 cubic yards per 0.078493 minute liters per second gallons (US) per 15.853 minute liters/min cubic ft/sec 0.0005886 liters/min gals/sec 0.004403 liters/second cubic meters/hour 3.6 liters/second cubic meters/second 0.001 liters/second imperial gallons 13.2 liters/second US gallons/minute 15.85 lumen spherical candle 0.07958 power lumen watt 0.001496 lumens per square foot lux 10.76391 lumens per square footcandles 0.092902 meter lumens per square lumens per square 0.092937 meter foot lumens/sq ft foot-candles 1.0
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Conversion Factors
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10.76 0.0929 0.07 0.0583 0.9991 8.328
Page 17 of 34 Multiply by
0.54681 3.281 0.0049958 0.01 39.37 0.001 1.0000E+12 1,000,000. 0.0005396 0.0006214 1,000.0 1.00000E+09 0.19885 1.179 1.094 1.3158 1.667 3.281 0.05468 0.06 0.03238 0.03728 196.8 3.281 3.6 0.06 2.237 0.03728 100.0 3.281 3.6 2.237 1.00E-06 1.0E-15 900,000. 1.00E-06 1,000.0 1.00E-12 1.00E-06 2.54E-08 0.0254
lumen/sq meter foot-candles grains/imperical gallon at 62F grains/US gall at 60F grams/cubic meter at 15C pounds/million US gallons at 60F kilolines megalines webers maxwells kilograms-force/sq mm kilopascals newtons/ sq meter pascals pounds-force/sq inch abmhos per cubic centimeter megmhos per cubic inch mhos per mil foot
To Convert
meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters meters of mercury (0C) meters/min meters/min meters/min meters/min meters/min meters/min meters/sec meters/sec meters/sec meters/sec meters/sec meters/sec meters/sec/sec meters/sec/sec meters/sec/sec meters/sec/sec microfarad microfarads microfarads micrograms microhms microhms microhms microinches microinches
fathoms (based on US survey foot) feet furlongs hectometers inches kilometers micromicrons microns miles (nautical) miles (statute) millimeters millimicrons rods (based on US survey foot) varas yards atmospheres, standard cms/sec feet/min feet/sec kms/hr knots miles/hr feet/min feet/sec kilometers/hr kilometers/min miles/hr miles/min cms/sec/sec ft/sec/sec kms/hr/sec miles/hr/sec farads abfarads statfarads grams abohms megohms ohms meters micrometers
0.001 1.0E-06 1.00E-08 1,000,000. 0.102 1,000.0 1,000,000. 1,000,000. 145.0 0.001 2.54 0.1662
megmhos per cubic 0.3937 centimeter abohms 1.0000E+15 microhms 1.00E+12 ohms 1,000,000. cm-dynes 98,100,000 cm-grams 100,000. pound-feet 7.233 angstroms 1.0000E+10 bolts (US cloth) 0.02734 centimeters 100.0 chains (based on US 0.049702 survey foot) decimeters 10.0 dekameters 0.1
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Conversion Factors
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miles, nautical miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr miles/hr/sec miles/hr/sec miles/hr/sec miles/hr/sec miles/min miles/min miles/min miles/min miles/min mil-feet millibars millibars millibars milligrams milligrams milligrams/liter millihenries millihenries milliliters millimeters millimeters millimeters millimeters millimeters millimeters millimeters millimeters millimeters mercury, conventional millimeters of mercury (0C) millimeters of water, conventional million gals/day millmicrons
Page 18 of 34 Multiply by
1,852.0 44.7 88.0 1.467 1.609 0.02682 0.8684 26.82 0.1667 44.7 1.467 1.609 0.447 2,682.0 88.0 1.609 0.8684 60.0 9.425E-06 0.02953 0.1 100.0 0.01543236 0.001 1.0 1,000,000. 0.001 0.001 0.1 0.003281 0.03937 1.00E-06 0.001 6.21E-07 39.37 0.001094 133.3224 0.0013158 9.80665 1.54723 1.00E-09
liters meters meters angstroms centimeters inches meters micrometers pascals centimeters feet inches kilometers leagues light years meters millimeters parsecs rods (based on US survey foot) yards furlongs
meters cms/sec feet/min feet/sec kms/hr kms/min knots meters/min miles/min cms/sec/sec feet/sec/sec kms/hr/sec meters/sec/sec cms/sec feet/sec kms/min knots/min miles/hr cubic inches inches of mercury kilopascals pascals grains grams parts/million abhenries henries liters centimeters feet inches kilometers meters miles mils yards pascals atmospheres, standard pascals cubic ft/sec meters
1.00E-06 1.0E-06 1.0E-12 10,000. 0.0001 3.94E-05 1.00E-06 1.0 0.1333 160,934.4 5,280 63,371. 1.609344 0.33333 1.6949E-13 1609.344 1,609,300. 5.2632E-14 320 1,760.0 8.0
feet 6,080.27 kilometers 1.853 meters 1,853.0 miles (statute) 1.1516 yards 2,027.0 centimeters 160,900. feet 5,280 inches 63,360. kilometers 1.609 light years 1.6900E+13 meters 1,609.0 miles (nautical) 0.8684 yards 1,760.0 knots (nautical miles 0.86881 per hour) kilometers per liter 0.4251437 meters per cubic 425,143.7 meter meters per second 0.44704 meters per second 26.8224 meters per second 1609.344
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Conversion Factors
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ounce (avoirdupois)-force inches ounce (avoirdupois)-force inches ounce (avoirdupois)-forces Ounce/sqinch ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces (avoir) per cubic inch ounces (avoir) per gal {Can, UK Imp} ounces (avoir) per gal {Can, UK Imp} ounces (avoir) per gallon (US) ounces (avoir) per gallon (US) ounces (avoir) per square foot ounces (avoir) per square inch ounces (avoir) per square inch ounces (avoir) per square inch ounces (avoir) per square inch ounces (avoir) per square yard ounces (avoird) ounces (avoird) ounces (avoird) ounces (avoird) ounces (avoird) ounces (avoird)
Page 19 of 34 Multiply by
7.061552 0.007061552 0.2780139 4,309 16.0 437.5 28.349527 0.9115 0.0625 2.79E-05 2.835E-05 1729.994 6.236023 6.236023 7.489152 7.489152 0.3051517 4,309 1.7298 43.94185 0.0625 0.03390575 7.2918 48.001 28.34952 0.02834952 0.91158 0.075953
centimeters feet inches kilometers yards kilometers meters millimeters degrees (angle) radians cubic ft/min cubic cm cubic cm days hours weeks degrees quadrants radians seconds seconds moles kilograms kilometers kilowatts inches decibals dynes kilograms-force poundals pounds-force amperes per meter ohm (absolute) ohm meters ohm meters ohm square millimeters per meter abohms megohms microhms ohms
millinewton meters newton meters newtons Dynes/sq cm. drams grains grams ounces (troy) pounds tons (long) tons (metric) kilograms per cubic meter grams per liter kilograms per cubic meter grams per liter kilograms per cubic meter kilograms per square meter dynes per square centimeter inches of water (4C) kilograms per square meter pounds per square inch kilograms per square meter drams (apothecary or troy) grains (troy) grams kilograms ounces (troy or apothecary) pounds (troy or apothecary)
0.00254 8.333E-05 0.001 0.00254 2.778E-05 1.609344 2.54E-05 0.0254 0.05625 0.0009817477 1.5 0.059192 0.061612 0.00069444 0.01667 9.9206E-05 0.01667 0.0001852 0.0002909 60.0 59.83617 1.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 2.25 8.686 100,000. 0.10197 7.233 0.2248 79.57747 1.0005 0.01 1.662426E-09 0.001662426 1.00000E+09 1.00E-06 1,000,000. 0.9995
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Conversion Factors
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1.805 0.02957 8.0 480 31.10348 0.03110348 1.097 1.0971 0.068573 0.068587 3.4287E-05 20.0 480.0 31.103481 1.09714 20.0 0.08333 2.9568 1.805 2.957353E-05 16.0 437.5 28.349 0.02957 29.57353 0.9115 0.0625 2.79E-05 3.125E-05 2.841306E-05 28.41306 16.0
Page 20 of 34 Multiply by
437.5 28.35 0.0625 2.84E-05 2.79E-05 0.08333 1.8046 0.02957 4,309 0.0625 30.0 3.084E+13 1.90E+13 3.085678E+1 6 1.0 0.07016 0.0584 8.345 0.101972 1.02E-05 0.001 7.5019 1.0 0.000145 0.000145 0.0075006 1000 554.6 9.091901 0.25 537.605 0.008809768 8.809582 8.0 24.0 0.001555174 24.0 1.55517 0.05
cubic inches liters drams (apothecary or troy) grains grams kilograms ounces (avoird) ounces (US fluid) pounds (avoirdupois) pounds (troy or apothecary) tons, short weights grains grams ounces (avoirdupois) pennyweights (troy) pounds (troy) centiliters cubic inches cubic meters drams (apothecary or troy) grains grams liters milliliters ounces (troy or apothecary) pounds (troy or apothecary) tons, long (2240 lb) tons, short cubic meters milliliters drams av.
To Convert
ounces av. ounces av. ounces av. ounces av. ounces av. ounces troy ounces, US fluid ounces, US fluid ounces/sq inch ounces/sq inch paces parsec parsec parsecs parts per million parts/million parts/million parts/million pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascals pascal second pecks (British) pecks (British) pecks (US) pecks (US) pecks (US) pecks (US) pecks (US) pennyweights pennyweights pennyweights (troy) pennyweights (troy) pennyweights (troy)
grains grams pounds av. tonnes metric ton tons long pounds troy cubic inches liters dynes/sq cm pounds/sq in inches kilometers miles meters milligrams per liter grains/imperial gal grains/US gal. pounds/million gal kilograms per square meter kilograms-force/sq cm kilopascals microns newtons/sq meter pounds per square inch pounds-force/sq inch torrs centipoise cubic inches liters bushels cubic inches cubic meters liters quarts (dry) grains kilograms grains grams ounces (troy)
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by
0.0041667 1.0 1.45322E-12 1.45929E-12 5.72135E-11 5.74525E-11
Page 21 of 34 Multiply by
0.8326742 0.5 6.624E-27 0.0003527778 0.3527778 0.0003514598 0.3514598 100.0 1.0 0.1 0.0020886 0.06721 0.04214011 0.0002926397 1.488164 13,826. 14.1 0.001383 0.1383 0.0141 0.138255 0.03108 1.488164 13,560,000 13,825. 0.1383 1.355818 53.37866 0.1129848 4.448222 47.88026 6,894.757 4.448222 14.5939 175.1268
pounds (troy) feet per 100 feet kilograms per pascal second meter kilograms per pascal second meter kilograms per pascal sec sq meter kilograms per pascal sec sq meter lux meters millimeters meters millimeters cubic centimeters cubic inches gallons (Brit.) gills (Brit.) liters milliliters ounces (Brit. fluid) pints (US dry) pints (US liq.) cubic inches bushels (US) cubic centimeters cubic inches cubic meters liters milliters pecks (US) pint (Brit. dry) quarts (US dry) cubic centimeters cubic feet cubic inches cubic meters cubic yards gallons (US) gills (US) liters milliliters ounce (US fluid)
To Convert
pints (US liquid) pints (US liquid) Plank's quantum points (computer) points (computer) points (printer's) points (printer's) poise poise poise poise poise pound feet squared pound inches squared poundal seconds per square foot poundals poundals poundals poundals poundals poundals poundals poundals per square foot pound-feet pound-feet pound-feet pound-force feet pound-force feet per inch pound-force inches pound-force inches per inch pound-force seconds per square foot pound-force seconds per square inch pound-forces pound-forces per foot pound-forces per inch
pints (Brit. liquid) quarts (liquid) erg-second meters millimeters meters millimeters centipoise gram/cm sec newton-seconds/sq meter pound-force-seconds /sq foot pounds/foot-second kilogram meters squared kilogram meters squared pascal seconds dynes grams joules/cm joules/meter kilograms newtons pounds pascals cm-dynes cm-grams meter-kgs newton meters newton meters per meter newton meters newton meters per meter pascal seconds pascal seconds newtons newtons per meter newtons per meter
10,000. 0.004233333 4.233333 0.004217518 4.217518 568.26125 34.67743 0.125 4.0 0.56826125 568.26125 20.0 1.032057 1.20095 33.6 0.015625 550.6105 33.6003125 0.0005506105 0.5506105 550.6105 0.0625 0.968939 0.5 473.1765 0.01671 28.875 0.000473 0.000619 0.125 4.0 0.4731765 473.1765 16.0
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by
9.80665 47.88026 6.894757
Page 22 of 34 Multiply by
0.031085 5,760 373.24177 13.1657 12.0 240.0 0.822857 0.00036735 0.00037324 0.00041143 256.0 7,000. 453.6 16.0 1.2153 5E-04 0.01602 27.68 0.1198 0.28329 0.012001 0.016018 0.043956 0.000267 7.576 0.0002675 0.11983 16.019 1.4881 0.5932764 1.488164 0.41667 0.0004133789 1,488.1 1.488164
newtons per kilogram pascals kilopascals pascals drams dynes grains grams joules/cm joules/meter (newtons) kilograms ounces ounces (troy) poundals pounds (troy) tons (short) kilograms ounces (troy or apothecary) ounces (troy) pounds (troy or apothecary) drams (apothecary or troy) dynes hundredweight (long, 112 lb) joules per centimeter joules per meter kilograms kips (1 kip = 1000 lbf) ounces (US fluid) poundals pounds (troy or apothecary)
To Convert
pounds (troy or apothecary) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds (troy) pounds av. pounds av. pounds av. pounds av. pounds av. pounds av. pounds of water pounds of water pounds of water pounds of water evaporated pounds of water per hour pounds of water per minute pounds of water raised fro pounds of water/min pounds of water/minute at 60F pounds of water/minute at 60F pounds per 1000 gallons (US) pounds per cubic foot pounds per cubic inch pounds per cubic yard
slugs grains grams ounces (avoirdupois) ounces (troy) pennyweights (troy) pounds (avoirdupois) tons (long) tons (metric) tons (short) drams av. grains grams ounces av. pounds troy tons short cubic feet cubic inches gallons kilowatt hours tons of water per 24 hours cubic feet per minute kilowatt hours cubic ft/sec cubic cm/second cubic ft/second grams per liter
6,894.757 256.0 444,823. 7,000. 453.5924 0.04448 4.448 0.4536 16.0 14.5833 32.17 1.21528 0.0005 0.4535924 14.583 14.5833 1.2153 256.0 444,800. 0.0089286 0.04448 4.448 0.3732417 0.001 16.0 32.17 1.2153
grams per liter kilograms per meter kilograms per cubic meter pounds per foot kilograms per meter pounds per foot hour centipoise pounds per foot hour pascal seconds pounds per foot second centipoise pounds per foot second pascal seconds
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
04-18-2003 Multiply by To Convert To Page 23 of 34 Multiply by
pounds per gallon (US) grains per gallon 0.0069999 (US) pounds per gallon (US) kilograms per cubic 119.8264 meter pounds per gallon (US) kilograms per liter 0.1198264 pounds per gallon (US) parts per million 0.11983 pounds per gallon {Can kilograms per cubic 99.77637 and UK Imp} meter pounds per gallon {Can kilograms per liter 0.09977637 and UK Imp} pounds per kilograms per joule 1.689659E-07 horsepower hour pounds per hour kilograms per 0.0001259979 second pounds per inch grams per 178.6 centimeter pounds per inch kilograms per meter 17.85797 pounds per mil foot kilograms per cubic 2.9369E+09 meter pounds per mil foot pounds per cubic 1.83280E+08 foot pounds per mil foot pounds per cubic 106,100. inch pounds per minute kilograms per 0.007559873 second pounds per second kilograms per 0.4535924 second pounds per square foot bars 0.0004787 pounds per square foot centimeters 0.035907 mercury, conventional pounds per square foot feet of water, 0.01602 conventional pounds per square foot grams per square 0.48826 centimeter pounds per square foot inches of mercury, 0.01414 conventional pounds per square foot inches of water (4C) 0.19216 pounds per square foot kilograms per 0.00048828 square centimeter pounds per square foot kilograms per 4.882428 square meter pounds per square foot pounds per square 0.006944 inch pounds per square inch bars 0.068966 pounds per square inch centimeters 5.1706 mercury, conventional
pounds per square inch inches of water (4C) 27.678 pounds per square inch kilograms per 0.070324 square centimeter pounds per square inch ounces (avoir) per 16.0 square inch pounds per square inch pascals 6,895. pounds per square inch tons, (short) per 0.0005 square inch pounds per square inch tons, short per 0.072 square foot pounds per yard kilograms per meter 0.4960546 pounds troy ounces troy 12.0 pounds/cubic ft grams/cubic cm 0.01602 pounds/cubic ft kgs/cubic meter 16.02 pounds/cubic ft pounds/cubic in 0.0005787 pounds/cubic ft pounds/mil-foot 5.456E-09 pounds/cubic in gms/cubic cm 27.68 pounds/cubic in kgs/cubic meter 27,680. pounds/cubic in pounds/cubic ft 1,728.0 pounds/cubic in pounds/mil-foot 9.425E-06 pounds/ft kgs/meter 1.488 pounds/in gms/cm 178.6 pounds/mil-foot gms/cubic cm 2,306,000. pounds/sq ft atmospheres 0.0004725 pounds/sq in atmospheres 0.06804 pounds/sq in feet of water 2.307 pounds/sq in inches of mercury 2.036 pounds/sq in kgs/sq meter 703.1 pounds/sq in pounds/sq ft 144.0 pounds-force kilograms-force 0.4536 pounds-force newtons 4.448 pounds-force/foot grams-force/centim 14.88 eter pounds-force/sq inch feet of water at 68F 2.311 pounds-force/sq inch inches of water at 27.76 68F pounds-force/sq inch kilopascals 6.895 pounds-force/sq inch standard 0.06805 atmospheres pounds-mass of water cubic centimeters 453.98 at 60F pounds-mass of water cubic feet 0.01603 at 60F pounds-mass of water cubic inches 27.7 at 60F
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by
0.45398 0.1199 6.894757
Page 24 of 34 Multiply by
500.0 0.01 360.0 4.0 6.283 0.10472 59.988 0.016667 6.0 0.1047 0.01667 0.001745 0.01667 0.0002778 360.0 6.283 60.0 6.283 3,600.0 60.0 0.25 16.5 5.029 0.00625 0.025 198.0 0.003125 5.5 0.000258 20.0 0.1047198 20.0 1.1574E-05 0.00027778 0.00027778 0.016667
liters US gallons kilopascals pascals revolutions degrees minutes radians seconds joules cubic centimeters cubic feet cubic inches cubic meters cubic yards gallons liters ounces barrels (US, dry) bushels (US) cubic inches cubic meters liters pecks (US) pints (US liq.) circumferences degrees grades (also called gons) minutes quadrants revolutions seconds degrees/sec revolutions/min revolutions/sec revs./min/min revs./min/sec revs./sec/sec grays
To Convert
reams rems revolutions revolutions revolutions revolutions per minute per second revolutions per minute per second revolutions per minute per second revolutions/min revolutions/min revolutions/min revolutions/min/min revolutions/min/min revolutions/min/min revolutions/sec revolutions/sec revolutions/sec revolutions/sec/sec revolutions/sec/sec revolutions/sec/sec rods rods rods rods (based on US survey foot) rods (based on US survey foot) rods (based on US survey foot) rods (based on US survey foot) rods (surveyor's meas.) roentgens rope rpms (revolutions per minute) scruples seconds seconds seconds seconds
sheets sieverts degrees quadrants radians radians per second per second revolutions per minute per minute revolutions per second per second degrees/sec radians/sec revolutions/sec radians/sec/sec revs/min/min revs/sec/sec degrees/sec radians/sec revolutions/min radians/sec/sec revs/min/min revs/min/sec chain (Gunter's) feet meters acres furlongs inches miles yards coulombs per kilogram feet radians per second grains days degrees (angle) hours minutes
6,894.757 0.25 90.0 5,400 1.571 324,000. 1.055056E+1 8 946.4 0.03342 57.75 0.0009464 0.001238 0.25 0.9463 32 0.0095238 0.03125 67.2 0.001101221 1.101221 0.125 2.0 0.15916 57.29578 63.654 3,438.0 0.6366 0.15916 206,300. 57.29578 9.549 0.1592 572.9578 9.549 0.1592 0.01
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by
0.016667 3.0864E-06 4.8473E-06 1.6534E-06 0.0002777777 8 0.01666667 3.087E-06 4.85E-06 0.9972696 10.0 1.0E-08 0.002 14.59 32.17 515.3788
Page 25 of 34 Multiply by
2.58064E-05 0.09290304 1,273,000. 6.452 0.006944 645.2 1,000,000. 0.0007716 6.4516E-10 0.00064516 247.1 1.00E+10 10,760,000 1.550E+09 1,000,000. 0.3861 1,196,000. 1.0E-05 0.0002471 0.01 1.0 10,000. 10.76 1,550.0 3.861E-07 1,000,000. 1.196 1.0E-06 640.0 27,900,000 2.59 2,590,000. 3,098,000. 2.5900E+10 2.589998 2,589,998. 1,973.0 0.01 1.076E-05 0.00155
minutes (angle) quadrants radians weeks degrees
To Convert
square feet per hour
minutes quadrants radians seconds nanoseconds seconds reams kilograms pounds kilograms per cubic meter slugs per foot second pascal seconds span inch sphere steradians spherical candle power lumens spherical right angles steradians square centimeters circular mils square centimeters sq miles square centimeters sq millimeters square centimeters sq yards square centimeters square feet square centimeters square inches square centimeters square kilometers square centimeters square meters square centimeters square mils square chains (per US acres survey foot) square degrees steradians square feet acres square feet circular mils square feet hectares square feet sq cms square feet sq inches square feet sq meters square feet sq miles square feet sq millimeters square feet sq yards square feet square kilometers
47.88026 9.0 12.57 12.566 1.5709 197,300. 3.861E-11 100.0 0.0001196 0.001076 0.155 1.0E-10 0.0001 154,990. 0.1 0.00030462 2.296E-05 1.833E+08 9.2937E-06 929.0 144.0 0.0929 3.587E-08 92,900. 0.1111 9.2937E-08
square meters per second square feet per second square meters per second square inches circular mils square inches sq cms square inches sq feet square inches sq millimeters square inches sq mils square inches sq yards square inches square kilometers square inches square meters square kilometers acres square kilometers sq cms square kilometers sq feet square kilometers sq inches square kilometers sq meters square kilometers sq miles square kilometers sq yards square links acres square meters acres square meters ares square meters centares square meters sq cms square meters sq feet square meters sq inches square meters sq miles square meters sq millimeters square meters sq yards square meters square kilometers square miles acres square miles sq feet square miles sq kms square miles sq meters square miles sq yards square miles square centimeters square miles (per US square kilometers survey foot) square miles (per US square meters survey foot) square millimeters circular mils square millimeters sq cms square millimeters sq feet square millimeters sq inches
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by To Convert
tablespoons tablespoons tablespoons (metric) tablespoons (US) teaspoons teaspoons teaspoons (metric) teaspoons (US) texes therms (EC) therms (US) ton-forces ton-forces tonnes (called "metric ton" in US) tons (long) tons (long) tons (long) tons (metric) tons (metric) tons (short) tons (short) tons (short) tons (short) tons (short) tons (short) tons (short) tons (short)/sq ft tons (short)/sq ft tons of refrigeration tons of TNT (energy equivalent) tons of water/24 hrs tons of water/24 hrs tons of water/24 hrs tons per square foot tons per square inch tons short tons short tons, (short) per square inch
Page 26 of 34 Multiply by
1.478676E-05 14.78676 15 14.79 4.928922E-06 4.928922 5.0 4.93 1.0E-06 1.05506E+08 1.054804E+0 8 8.896443 8,896. 1,000.0 1,016.0 2,240.0 1.12 1,000.0 2,205.0 907.1848 32,000. 29,166.66 2,000.0 2,430.56 0.89287 0.9078 9,765. 2,000.0 3,516.853 4.1840E+09 1.3349 0.16643 83.333 0.94518 136.09 2,000.0 0.9072 1,406,000.
cubic meters milliliters milliliters milliliters cubic meters milliliters milliliters cubic cms kilograms per meter joules joules kilonewtons newtons kilograms kilograms pounds tons (short) kilograms pounds kilograms ounces ounces (troy) pounds pounds (troy) tons (long) tons (metric) kgs/sq meter pounds/sq in watts joules cubic ft/hr gallons/min pounds of water/hr atmospheres, standard atmospheres, standard pounds av. tonnes kilograms per square meter
square meters 1.0E-06 square yards 1.196E-06 circular mils 1.273 sq cms 6.452E-06 sq inches 1.00E-06 acres 0.0002066 ares 0.0083612 sq cms 8,361. sq feet 9.0 sq inches 1,296.0 sq meters 0.8361 sq miles 3.228E-07 sq millimeters 836,100. square kilometers 8.3612E-07 cubic meters/hour at 1.608 standard conditions liters/second at standard conditions amperes abcoulombs coulombs farads microfarads henries siemens ohms absolute volt (US) volts hemispheres spheres spherical right angles square degrees cubic meters liters candelas per square meter meters squared per second sq feet/second sq meters/second 0.4474 3.335641E-10 3.3356E-11 3.335641E-10 1.11265E-12 1.1111E-06 8.987552E+1 1 1.11265E-12 8.987552E+1 1 299.76 299.7925 0.1592 0.079555 0.6366 3,283.0 1.0 999.97 10,000. 0.0001 0.001076 0.0001
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by To Convert
watt-hours watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts watts (absolute) watts (absolute) watts (absolute) watts (international) watts per square centimeter watts per square inch watts per square inch webers webers webers per square centimeter webers per square centimeter webers per square centimeter webers per square centimeter webers/sq in webers/sq in webers/sq in webers/sq in webers/sq meter webers/sq meter webers/sq meter webers/sq meter week
Page 27 of 34 Multiply by
pounds per square 2,000.0 inch grams 29.16667 kilograms 0.02916667 hundredweight 0.002 (long, 112 lb) hundredweight 22.4 (short, 100 lb) ounces (US fluid) 35,842. kilograms per cubic 1,328.939 meter hundredweight 22.046 (short, 100 lb) tons, short 1.1016 cubic meters 2.831685 pounds per square 13.889 inch kilograms per cubic 1,186.553 meter kilograms per 0.2519958 second pascals 133.3224 webers 1.256637E-07 pounds of water at 8.328 60F in air cubic feet/hour 8.021 cubic feet/second 0.002228 cubic meters/hour 0.22715 liters/second 0.06309 statvolts 0.003336 volt/cm 0.3937 abvolts 1.00000E+08 volts per inch 2.54 abvolts per 39,370,000 centimeter volts per centimeter 0.3937 watt (absolute) 1.0002 joules 3,600.0 joules 1.0 BTU 3.413 ergs 3.60E+10 foot-pounds 2,656.0 gram-calories 859.85 kilocalories 0.86 kilogram-calories 0.8605
kilowatt-hrs 0.001 BTU (IT) per minute 0.05688 BTU/hr 3.4129 BTU/min 0.05688 erg/sec 107.0 foot pound forces 0.7378 per second foot-lbs/min 44.27 foot-lbs/sec 0.7378 foot-pounds-force/m 44.25 inute hectowatts 0.01 horsepower 0.001341 horsepower (metric) 0.00136 kg-calories/min 0.01433 kilowatts 0.001 BTU (mean)/min 0.056884 joules/sec 1.0 watts (international) 0.9998 watts (absolute) 1.0002 watts per square 10,000. meter BTU (IT) per square 8.1967 foot per minute watts per square 1550.003 meter kilolines 100,000. maxwells 1.00E+08 gausses 1.0000E+08 lines per square inch webers per square inch webers per square meter gausses lines/sq in webers/sq cm webers/sq meter gausses lines/sq in webers/sq cm webers/sq in days 6.45160E+08 6.4516 10,000. 15,500,000 1.00E+08 0.155 1,550.0 10,000. 64,500. 0.0001 0.000645 7.0
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Email: sales@ifs-frp.com 04-18-2003 Multiply by To Convert To Page 28 of 34 Multiply by
hours 168.0 minute (time) 10,080. month 0.2299795 seconds 604,800. centimeters 91.44 chains (based on US 0.045455 survey foot) fathoms 0.5 foot 3.0 inches 36.0 kilometers 0.000914 meters 0.9144 miles (nautical) 0.000493 miles (statute) 0.000568 millimeters 914.4 mils (0.001 in) 36,000. rods (based on US 0.18182 survey foot) knots (nautical miles 0.00049334 per hour) days 365.25 hours minute (time) seconds (time) weeks seconds seconds 8,766. 525,960. 31,600,000 52.17857 31,558,150 31,556,930
These conversion factors and formulas were compiled from a wide variety of sources. While we have tried to carefully "proof" these factors, we have no way of guaranteeing that the original sources were correct. As you use these conversion factors, if you should find one that is incorrectly stated, please share that information with us, so that we can correct future printings. Also, if you find that we have missed including your favorite conversion factors and formulas, please share them with us. We will then make every effort to include them in future editions.
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
SI Metric Prefixes
Page 29 of 34
Prefix Exa Peta Tera Giga Mega Kilo Hecto Deca Deci Centi Milli Micro Nano Pico
Value 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000 1,000 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.000001 0.000000001 0.000000000001
Value 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 102 101 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12
Abbreviation E P T G M k h da d c m : n p
Temperature Conversion Formulas Celsius (Centigrade) to Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit to Celsius (Centigrade): Kelvin to Celsius: Rankine to Fahrenheit: Celsius to Kelvin: Fahrenheit to Rankine: ( /C x 9/5 ) + 32 = /F ( /F - 32 ) x 5/9 = /C
/K - 273.15 = /C /R - 459.67 = /F /C + 273.15 = /K /F + 459.67 = /R
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Temperature Conversions 41/ to 80/ F/C F 41 105.8 42 107.6 43 109.4 44 111.2 45 113.0 46 114.8 47 116.6 48 118.4 49 120.2 50 122.0 51 123.8 52 125.6 53 127.4 54 129.2 55 131.0 56 132.8 57 134.6 58 136.4 59 138.2 60 140.0 61 141.8 62 143.6 63 145.4 64 147.2 65 149.0 66 150.8 67 152.6 68 154.4 69 156.2 70 158.0 71 159.8 72 161.6 73 163.4 74 165.2 75 167.0 76 168.8 77 170.6 78 172.4 79 174.2 80 176.0 81/ to 300/ F/C 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Page 30 of 34
-459.4/ to 0/ C F/C F -273 -459.4 -262 -440 -251 -420 -240 -400 -229 -380 -218 -360 -207 -340 -196 -320 -184 -300 -173 -280 -169 -273 -459.4 -168 -270 -454 -162 -260 -436 -157 -250 -418 -151 -240 -400 -146 -230 -382 -140 -220 -364 -134 -210 -346 -129 -200 -328 -123 -190 -310 -118 -180 -292 -112 -170 -274 -107 -160 -256 -101 -150 -238 -96 -140 -220 -90 -130 -202 -84 -120 -184 -79 -110 -166 -73 -100 -148 -68 -90 -130 -62 -80 -112 -57 -70 -94 -51 -60 -76 -46 -50 -58 -40 -40 -40 -34 -30 -22 -29 -20 -4 -23 -10 14 -17.8 0 32
C -17.2 -16.7 -16.1 -15.6 -15.0 -14.4 -13.9 -13.3 -12.8 -12.2 -11.7 -11.1 -10.6 -10.0 -9.4 -8.9 -8.3 -7.8 -7.2 -6.7 -6.1 -5.6 -5.0 -4.4 -3.9 -3.3 -2.8 -2.2 -1.7 -1.1 -0.6 0.0 0.6 1.1 1.7 2.2 2.8 3.3 3.9 4.4
1/ to 40/ F/C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
F 33.8 35.6 37.4 39.2 41.0 42.8 44.6 46.4 48.2 50.0 51.8 53.6 55.4 57.2 59.0 60.8 62.6 64.4 66.2 68.0 69.8 71.6 73.4 75.2 77.0 78.8 80.6 82.4 84.2 86.0 87.8 89.6 91.4 93.2 95.0 96.8 98.6 100.4 102.2 104.0
C 5.0 5.6 6.1 6.7 7.2 7.8 8.3 8.9 9.4 10.0 10.6 11.1 11.7 12.2 12.8 13.3 13.9 14.4 15.0 15.6 16.1 16.7 17.2 17.8 18.3 18.9 19.4 20.0 20.6 21.1 21.7 22.2 22.8 23.3 23.9 24.4 25.0 25.6 26.1 26.7
F 178 180 181 183 185 187 189 190 192 194 196 198 199 201 203 205 207 208 210 212 230 248 266 284 302 320 338 356 374 392 410 428 446 464 482 500 518 536 554 572
310/ to 1300/ C F/C F 154 310 590 160 320 608 166 330 626 171 340 644 177 350 662 182 360 680 188 370 698 193 380 716 199 390 734 204 400 752 216 420 788 227 440 824 238 460 860 249 480 896 260 500 932 271 520 968 282 540 1004 293 560 1040 304 580 1076 316 600 1112 327 620 1148 338 640 1184 349 660 1220 360 680 1256 371 700 1292 382 720 1328 393 740 1364 404 760 1400 416 780 1436 427 800 1472 454 850 1562 482 900 1652 510 950 1742 538 1000 1832 566 1050 1922 593 1100 2012 621 1150 2102 649 1200 2192 677 1250 2282 704 1300 2372
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
04-18-2003 Page 31 of 34
Psig 0 5 10 15 20 25 35 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 350 400 450 500
Psia 14.696 19.696 24.696 29.696 34.696 39.696 49.696 64.696 74.696 84.696 94.696 104.696 114.696 139.696 164.696 189.696 214.696 239.696 264.696 289.696 314.696 364.696 414.696 464.696 514.696
kg/cm2 0.00 0.35 0.70 1.05 1.41 1.76 2.46 3.52 4.22 4.92 5.62 6.33 7.03 8.79 10.55 12.30 14.00 15.82 17.58 19.33 21.08 24.60 28.12 31.64 35.15
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Conversion Factors
04-18-2003 Page 32 of 34
psi 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 14.7 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0
in of H2O 0.2768 0.5536 0.8304 1.1072 1.3840 1.6608 1.9376 2.2144 2.4912 2.7680 5.5360 8.3040 11.072 13.840 16.608 19.376 22.144 24.912 27.68 55.36 83.04 110.72 138.40 166.08 193.76 221.44 249.12 276.80 406.896 415.2 553.6 692.0 830.4 1,107 1,384 2,768 4,152 5,536 6,920
Pressure Conversions in of Hg mm of H2O mm of Hg 0.020 7.031 0.5171 0.040 14.062 1.0342 0.061 21.093 1.5513 0.081 28.124 2.0684 0.101 35.155 2.5855 0.122 42.186 3.1026 0.142 49.217 3.6197 0.162 56.248 4.1368 0.183 63.279 4.6539 0.203 70.31 5.171 0.407 140.62 10.342 0.610 210.93 15.513 0.814 281.24 20.684 1.018 351.55 25.855 1.221 421.86 31.026 1.425 492.17 36.197 1.628 562.48 41.368 1.832 632.79 46.539 2.036 703.1 51.71 4.072 1406.2 103.42 6.108 2109.3 155.13 8.144 2812.4 206.84 10.18 3515.5 258.55 12.216 4218.6 310.26 14.252 4921.7 361.97 16.288 5624.8 413.68 18.324 6327.9 465.39 20.36 7031 517.1 29.929 10335.57 760.137 30.54 10546.5 775.65 40.72 14062 1034.2 50.9 17577.5 1292.75 61.08 21093 1551.3 81.44 28124 2068.4 101.8 35155 2585.5 203.6 70310 5171 305.4 105465 7756.5 407.2 140620 10342 509 175775 12927.5
bar 0.0007 0.00138 0.00207 0.00276 0.00345 0.00413 0.00482 0.00551 0.0062 0.00689 0.01378 0.02067 0.02756 0.03445 0.04134 0.04823 0.05512 0.06201 0.0689 0.1378 0.2067 0.2756 0.3445 0.4134 0.4823 0.5512 0.6201 0.689 1.01283 1.0335 1.378 1.7225 2.067 2.756 3.445 6.89 10.335 13.78 17.225
mbar 0.6895 1.379 2.0685 2.758 3.4475 4.137 4.8265 5.516 6.2055 6.895 13.79 20.685 27.58 34.475 41.37 48.265 55.16 62.055 68.95 137.9 206.85 275.8 344.75 413.7 482.65 551.6 620.55 689.5 1013.565 1034.25 1379 1723.75 2068.5 2758 3447.5 6895 10342.5 13790 17237.5
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
04-18-2003 to megapascal (Mpa) kilogram per square meter (kg/sq m) pascal (Pa) pascal (Pa) megapascal (Mpa) pounds per square inch (psi) Page 33 of 34
To convert kip per square inch (ksi) pounds per square foot (psf) pounds per square foot (psf) pounds per square inch (psi) pounds per square inch (psi) megapascal (Mpa)
Pressure Conversion Factors psi = in. of H2O x (3.6127 x 10-2) psi = in. of Hg x (0.49118) psi = mm of H2O x (1.4223 x 10-3) psi = mm of Hg x (1.9339 x 10-2) psi = cm of H2O x (14.223 ~ 6-3) psi = kg/cm2 x (14.223) psi = bar x (14.503) psi = mbar x (1.4503 x 10-2) psi = Pa x (1.4503 x 10-4) psi = kPa x (1.4503 x 10-1) in. of H2O = psi x 27.68 in. of Hg = psi x 2.036 mm of H2O = psi x 703.1 mm of Hg = psi x 51.71 cm of H2O = psi x 70.3 kg/cm2 = psi x .0703 bar = psi x .0689 mbar = psi x 68.95 Pa = psi x 6895 kPa = psi x 6.895
Technical Bulletin
Conversion Factors
Pressure vs Altitude
Page 34 of 34
Altitude (feet) In of Hg
Pressure mm of Hg psi
-1,000 -500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000
31.02 30.47 29.921 29.38 28.86 28.33 27.82 27.31 26.81 26.32 25.84 25.36 24.89 20.58 16.88 13.75 8.88 5.54 3.426 2.132 1.322 0.820
787.9 773.8 760.0 746.4 732.9 719.7 706.6 693.8 681.1 668.6 656.3 644.2 632.3 522.6 428.8 349.1 225.6 140.7 87.30 54.15 33.59 20.83
15.25 14.94 14.70 14.43 14.18 13.90 13.67 13.41 13.19 12.92 12.70 12.45 12.23 10.10 8.28 6.75 4.36 2.72 1.689 1.048 0.649 0.403