Calculator Programmable Thermostat
Calculator Programmable Thermostat
Calculator Programmable Thermostat
This energy savings calculator was developed by the U.S. EPA and U.S. DOE and is provided for estimating purposes only. Actual energy savings may vary based on use and other factors.
Enter your own values in the gray 4 boxes or use our default values.
Number of Units* Initial Cost for one programmable thermostat Initial Cost for one manual thermostat Unit Fuel Cost (Cooling) ($/kWh) Unit Fuel Cost (Heating) ($/Therm) 1 $92 $73 $0.115 $1.08 City
Choose your city from the drop-down menu
Heating Season**
Typical Indoor Temperature w/o Set-Back Nighttime Set-Back Temperature (Average) Daytime Set-Back Temperature (Average) Heating System Type 70 62 62
Cooling Season**
Typical Indoor Temperature w/o Set-Up Nighttime Set-Up Temperature (Average) Daytime Set-Up Temperature (Average) Cooling System Type 78 82 85
*This calculator is based on an average sized home. For buildings with more than one heating/cooling zone, you may enter the appropriate number of thermostat units to increase the implementation cost, but the number of thermostats entered does not affect the building size or heating/cooling load. **All temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit. Setpoint is defined as the temperature setting for any given time period. Set-back temperature is defined as the lower setpoint temperature for the energy-savings periods during the heating season, generally nighttime and daytime. Set-up temperature is defined as the higher setpoint temperature for the energy-savings periods during the cooling season, generally nighttime and daytime.
Annual and Life Cycle Costs and Savings for 1 Programmable Thermostat(s)
1 Programmable Thermostat(s) Annual Energy Costs
Heating Energy Cost Heating Energy Consumption (MBTU) Cooling Energy Cost Cooling Energy Consumption (MBTU) $464 43 $201 5.9 $666 $566 52 $270 8.0 $836 $102 9 $69 2 $171
1 Manual Thermostat(s)
$9,299 $6,293 786 $3,006 120 $73 $9,372 Simple payback of initial cost (years)
Energy Prices
Residential Gas Price Residential Electricity Price Residential Fuel Oil Price $1.08 /therm $0.1151 $/kWh $3.76 $/gallon US Department of Energy, Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (Early Release), (converted from 2010 to 2011 dollars),
Nighttime Hours Daytime Hours 8 10
Thermostat Savings
Savings per Degree of Setback (Heating Season) Savings per Degree of Setback (Cooling Season) 3% 6% 15 years Industry Data 2004 Industry Data 2004 LBNL 2007
$92 $73
CO2 Equivalents
Annual CO2 sequestration per forested acre Annual CO2 emissions per average passenger car 10,347 lbs CO2/yr 11,244 lbs CO2/yr EPAs Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator,
Discount Rate
Commercial and Residential Discount Rate (real) 4% A real discount rate of 4 percent is assumed, which is roughly equivalent to the nominal discount rate of 7 percent (4 percent real discount rate + 3 percent inflation rate).
Heating Cooling 4,122 10,816 20,370 14,274 9,105 14,371 2,863 3,279 1,695 2,277 3,477 3,152 7,254 1,442 1,734
1,430 0 0 70 0 0 1,881 1,708 2,643 2,274 1,969 2,045 127 3,746 2,840
EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002 EPA 2002