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Digital Cycle Sheet

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SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering CSE 109 Digital Logic Lab

ntroduction Lab! Introduction to Altera uartu! II and Altera DE "oard O"#ecti$e!% &' To introduce !tudent! (it) uartu! II !o*t(are *or !c)e+atic de!i,n -' To introduce !tudent! (it) Model.Si+ Si+ulator /' To !)o( t)e 0roce!! o* do(nloadin, t)e de!i,n to )ard(are E"periment 1! Logic #ate$ &' Veri*1 trut) ta"le o* AND2 OR2 and NOT ,ate! -' Veri*1 trut) ta"le o* NAND and NOR ,ate! /' Veri*1 trut) ta"le o* 3OR and 3NOR ,ate! 4' S)o( t)at NAND and NOR are uni$er!al ,ate!' 5' Veri*1 De.Mor,an6! la( *or t)ree $aria"le!' E"periment %! Combinational circuit$ &' You !)ould lau,) at a #o7e i* it i! *unn12 it i! in ,ood ta!te2 and it i! not o**en!i$e to ot)er!2 or i* it i! told in cla!! "1 1our 0ro*e!!or 8re,ardle!! o* ()et)er it i! *unn1 and in ,ood ta!te9 and it i! not o**en!i$e to ot)er!' I+0le+ent u!in, "a!ic ,ate!' -' T)e co+0an1 !a*e !)ould "e unloc7ed onl1 ()en Mr' :one! i! in t)e o**ice or Mr' E$an! i! in t)e o**ice2 and onl1 ()en t)e co+0an1 i! o0en *or "u!ine!!2 and onl1 ()en t)e !ecurit1 ,uard i! 0re!ent' I+0le+ent u!in, onl1 NAND ,ate!' /' You !)ould (ear 1our o$er!)oe! i* 1ou are out!ide in a )ea$1 rain and 1ou are (earin, 1our ne( !uede !)oe!2 or i* 1our +ot)er tell! 1ou to' E;0re!! t)e ,i$en 0ro"le+ in POS *or+ o* e;0re!!ion' I+0le+ent u!in, onl1 NOR ,ate! 4' Four c)air! are 0laced in a ro(% Eac) c)air +a1 "e occu0ied 8&9 or e+0t1 8<9' F8 A2 B2 C2 D9 i! & i** t)ere are +ore 0eo0le !ittin, in t)e le*t t(o c)air! t)an in t)e ri,)t t(o c)air!' Reali=e t)e ,i$en 0ro"le+ in all *our di**erent *or+! o* >oolean e;0re!!ion! E"periment &! 'dder$ and Subtractor$ &' De!i,n a *ull adder u!in, t(o )al* adder!' -' De!i,n a co+"inational circuit (it) t)ree in0ut!2 ;2 12 and =2 and t)ree out0ut!2 A2 > and C u!in, *ull adder and an in$erter' ?)en t)e "inar1 in0ut i! <2 &2 -2 or /2 t)e "inar1 out0ut i! one ,reater t)an t)e in0ut' ?)en t)e "inar1 in0ut i! 42 52 @2 or A2 t)e "inar1 out0ut i! one le!! t)an t)e in0ut' /' De!i,n a *ull !u"tractor u!in, t(o )al* !u"tractor!' 4' I+0le+ent t)e *our >oolean *unction! li!ted u!in, t)ree )al* .adder! DB E B AC>C D A>CC F B A>CC D 8AC D >C9C G B A>C

E"periment (! Se)en Segment Di$pla* and Code Con)erter$ &' To de!i,n t)e >CD to !e$en !e,+ent circuit 8u!e !e$en !e,+ent di!0la1 to !)o( t)e out0ut9 -' De!i,n a circuit to di!0la1 t)rice o* a nu+"er on !e$en !e,+ent di!0la1 8Con!ider +a;i+u+ in0ut nu+"er to "e - "it9 /' De!i,n a co+"inational circuit ()ic) con$ert! - 4 - & code to E 4 .- .& code' 4' A circuit )a! *our in0ut! RSTU and *our out0ut! VWYZ. RSTU re0re!ent! a "inar1 coded. deci+al di,it' VW re0re!ent! t)e Fuotient and YZ t)e re+ainder ()en RSTU i! di$ided "1 / 8VW and YZ re0re!ent -."it "inar1 nu+"er!9' A!!u+e t)at in$alid in0ut! do not occur' De!i,n a code con$erter ()ic) con$ert! RSTU to VWYZ' E"periment +! Binar* ,arallel 'dder and -agnitude Comparator &' De!i,n - . "it 0arallel adderG!u"tractor circuit' -' De!i,n >CD adder u!in, "inar1 0arallel adder!' /' De!i,n E;ce!!.5 to >CD code con$erter u!in, "inar1 0arallel adder' 4' Deter+ine ()ic) o* t)ree ,i$en in0ut! A2 >2 and C i! ,reate!t u!in, -."it Ma,nitude Co+0arator ()ere A2 >2 and C are -.di,it "inar1 nu+"er!' E"periment .! Decoder and Encoder &' To de!i,n - to 4 line decoder -' De!i,n a lo,ic circuit to control t)e tra**ic li,)t a! 0er t)e ,i$en detail!' Ve)icle detection !en!or! are 0laced alon, C and D 8+ain road9 and lane! A and > 8acce!! road9' T)e!e !en!or out0ut! are LO? 8<9 ()en no $e)icle i! 0re!ent and HIGH 8&9 ()en a $e)icle i! 0re!ent' T)e inter!ection tra**ic li,)t i! to "e controlled accordin, to t)e *ollo(in, lo,ic% a' T)e ea!t.(e!t 8E.?9 tra**ic li,)t (ill "e ,reen ()ene$er "ot) lane! C and D are occu0ied' "' T)e E.? li,)t (ill "e ,reen ()ene$er eit)er C or D i! occu0ied "ut lane! A or > are not occu0ied' c' T)e nort).!out) 8N.S9 li,)t (ill "e ,reen ()ene$er "ot) lane! A and > are occu0ied "ut C or D are not occu0ied' d' T)e N.S li,)t (ill al!o "e ,reen ()en eit)er A or > i! occu0ied ()ile C and D are "ot) $acant' e' T)e E.? li,)t (ill "e ,reen ()en no $e)icle! are 0re!ent' U!in, t)e !en!or out0ut! A2 >2 C and D a! in0ut!2 N.S and E.? "e t(o out0ut! t)at ,o )i,) ()en t)e corre!0ondin, li,)t to "e ,reen' Si+ulate t)e a"o$e !cenario u!in, decoder!' /' De!i,n a deci+al to >CD Encoder' 4' To de!i,n and i+0le+ent E line to / line 0riorit1 encoder' Include an out0ut HE6 8ena"le9 to indicate t)at at lea!t one in0ut i! H&6' E"periment /! -ultiple"er$ and De0multiple"er$ &' S)o( )o( t(o 4.to.& and one -.to.& +ulti0le;er! could "e connected to *or+ an E.to.& MU3 (it) t)ree control in0ut!' -' De!i,n a 4."it E$en 0arit1 C)ec7er u!in, a +ulti0le;er /' De!i,n -.to.4 line de.+ulti0le;er u!in, NOR ,ate! 4' De!i,n a circuit ()ic) 0er*or+ 3 I Y i* A B & and Y I3 i* A B<' Hint% U!e a -."it !u"tractor and t(o -."it - ; & MU3'

E"periment 1! Se2uential circuit$ and Shi3t regi$ter$

&' A !eFuential circuit )a! t(o *li0.*lo0! A and >2 t(o in0ut! ; and 12 and an out0ut =' T)e *li0. *lo0 in0ut *unction! and circuit *unction! are a! *ollo(!% :A B ;>D1C>C JA B ;1C>C :> B ;AC J> B ;1CDA K B ;1A D ;C1C> To o"tain t)e !tate ta"le and i+0le+ent t)e circuit to $eri*1 t)e o"tained !tate ta"le -' For t)e *ollo(in, !eFuential net(or72 *ind t)e ne;t.!tate eFuation *or eac) *li0.*lo0' U!in, t)e!e ne;t.!tate eFuation!2 con!truct t)e !tate ta"le and !tate dia,ra+'

/' Tran!*er t)e content! o* re,i!ter HA6 to re,i!ter H>6 in a !erial +anner u!in, !)i*t re,i!ter!' T)e content! o* t)e re,i!ter HA6 need to "e retained' 4' I+0le+ent a *our "it !erial adder u!in, !)i*t re,i!ter E"periment 9! S*nchronou$ Counter$ &' De!i,n and i+0le+ent *our "it !1nc)ronou! u0 I do(n "inar1 counter -' De!i,n and i+0le+ent a "inar1 counter (it) t)e re0eated !eFuence a! <2 &2 /2 A2 @2 4 u!in, SR *li0 *lo0!' /' De!i,n Mod.L Counter u!in, 4."it "inar1 counter (it) 0arallel load' 4' De!i,n and i+0le+ent *our "it :o)n!on counter E"periment 10! '$*nchronou$ counter$ &' De!i,n and i+0le+ent a!1nc)ronou! "inar1 counter -' De!i,n and i+0le+ent a!1nc)ronou! >CD counter /' Deter+ine t)e count !eFuence o* t)e counter and identi*1 (eat)er t)e counter i! !el*.!tartin, or not'

4' De!i,n a Mod.@ ri00le counter'

&' -' /'

Accu+ulator ALU >idirectional S)i*t Re,i!ter'

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