LP 130113
LP 130113
LP 130113
A conviction is a belief that is considered true and worthy of standing upon regardless of the consequences.
However, today we live in a generation that is being persuaded that there are no absolute moral truths. Instead of relying upon the truths in the Bible, each person is left to decide what is right in his own eyes. Because there are no standards, our society has become ungodly, immoral, unsafe, and worthy of Gods judgment. We need to turn from this dangerous situation and stand firmly, without compromise, for our biblical beliefs.
Daniels example
To resist the temptations to compromise our standards, we need to follow Daniels godly example to see how:
n He
stood up for his convictions when he was a teenager. Early in life, Daniel made up his mind to live as a Hebrew and keep the Law of Moses. His first test came when he was given food and wine from the kings table. Since this food had been offered to idols, he requested a diet of vegetables and water. After 10 days, the kings official found that Daniel and his friends looked better than the other youths. was convinced that he should be a godly example to others. Daniels determination to live in obedience to the Lord set an example for the other Jewish youths who were living in that heathen society. knew God would hear and answer his prayers. Thats why Daniel had the boldness to hold firm to his convictions and risk requesting a different diet. Since the Lord is committed to answering the prayers of His children who walk in obedience, we can also have this same conviction. was committed to being true to the Word of God. When Nebuchadnezzar had an alarming dream (Dan. 4:19-29), the Lord gave Daniel the horrifying interpretation. At that moment, Daniel had to decide whether he would tell the king the truth or conceal it. Despite the danger, Daniel held to his persuasions and delivered the Lords message to the king. He had the courage to stand by what was right even though the king could have eliminated him.
n He
Daniel is a perfect example of a man who lived according to his strong scriptural convictions. He was willing to stand for them even when doing so could have cost him his life.
n He
n He
n He
had a conviction that he was not going to bow down to any other god. At one point Daniels three friends who shared his beliefs were put to the test. When Nebuchadnezzar made an image of himself and commanded all the people to bow down to it, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused, even though they faced being thrown into a burning furnace. They believed the Lord could deliver them. They were willing to die rather than bow down to any other god. was fully persuaded that God would protect him no matter what. Daniel could not be bought off or frightened into compromise because he had nothing to fear as long as his convictions were founded on Gods Word.
obedience opened doors of opportunity to counsel and influence kings. If hed chosen to blend into the culture, the kings probably wouldnt have noticed him. But because he was a person of character who stood up for his convictions, they heard about the one true God. As believers, we make an impact in others life by bolding living for Christ without compromising our values. gave him favor with the kings. Although Daniel was a foreigner who held firmly to his Hebrew beliefs, he was promoted to the highest places of authority by every king he served. Instead of persecuting him for speaking the truth, they raised him up. endowed him with one of the most important prophecies in His Word. Because Daniel had remained a trustworthy and obedient servant in the midst of the Babylonian culture, the Lord entrusted him with amazing prophecies about future events.
n God
n He
Daniels motivation
Daniel was compelled to stand firm because:
n He
n God
was taught by his parents. Having grown up in Jerusalem, Daniel learned to obey the Mosaic Law. studied the Word of God. Since he knew the Scriptures, he could confidently stand on the truth when challenged or questioned. loved the Lord. Daniels devotion to God and His Word empowered his commitment. was committed to obey God. He didnt just know the Word and love the Lord; he proved it with his obedience.
n He
Your convictions
God is looking for people like Danielfollowers of Christ who will stand by their godly convictions, even in the face of threat or temptation to compromise for profit. Use your God-given convictions to guide your actions.
n He n He
n What n Why
standards in society have become ungodly, immoral, or unsafe in your opinion? should you take a stand against the corruption you see when others dont seem to care at all? can God use you as a person of character in your areas of influence whether at work, church, or at home?
remained obedient to the Lord. Daniel won his first battle when he refused to defile himself with the kings food. But that was just the beginning of his lifelong obedience to God.
n How
n He
influenced his companions to do the same. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego followed Daniels example of obedience and also refused to eat the kings food. They were all
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