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Sermon – 9 Aug 2015 – Daniel 1:8-21 Page 1 Daniel 1:8 – 21 INTRODUCTION – Daniel and his three

friends were taken captive by the Babylonians and were taken from their home in Jerusalem to Babylon.
Babylon had a secular culture, and the lifestyle, tradition, and religion of Babylon was completely
different from the monotheistic Jewish way of life. The four young Jewish men were given three years of
training, indoctrination and education that were designed to separate them from their Jewish beliefs,
Jewish culture, and their worship of the Jewish God “Yahweh”. But … PRINCIPLE #1 – DANIEL IS A MAN
OF CONVICTION (v. 8-16) A. DANIEL DECIDES NOT TO DEFILE HIMSELF (v. 8a) Daniel 1:8a, “But Daniel
resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine...” How would Daniel defile himself if he ate
the royal food and wine given to him from the King of Babylon? He would be eating food which God had
forbidden the Jews to eat. Daniel knew the dietary restrictions given to the children of Israel by God in
the Law by Moses. a. Daniel knew that He was not to eat Pork or Horse, both of which were commonly
eaten in Babylon. b. (Leviticus 11, Deuteronomy 14:3) c. Daniel knew that he was not to eat meat which
had not had the blood drained out of it. (Leviticus 17:11-14) d. Daniel also knew that he was not to eat
meat or drink wine which had been sacrificed or offered to pagan gods. (Exodus 34:15, Numbers 25:1-2,
Deuteronomy 32:37-38). How would Daniel have known the dietary restrictions found in the Law of
Moses? Daniel’s knowledge of the law probably can be traced to godly Jewish parents who had obeyed
Moses’ instructions to teach the scriptures diligently to their children. Moses told the children of Israel
in Deuteronomy 6:6-7, “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress
them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when
you lie down and when you get up.” The Psalmist said in Psalm 78:5-7, “He decreed statutes for Jacob
and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next
generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their
children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep His
commands.” ILLUSTRATION – Donald Campbell tells the story about a Japanese girl, who was studying at
an American college. During a Christmas vacation she went home with an American classmate. When
the vacation was over and she was leaving to go back to college, the mother asked, “How do you like the
way we Americans live?” Sermon – 9 Aug 2015 – Daniel 1:8-21 Page 2 “Oh, I love it,” she said, “You have
a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but one thing puzzles me. I went with you to church and saw
you worship God there. But I have missed the God in your home. In Japan we have a god shelf and we
worship our gods right there in the house. Don’t Americans worship their God in their homes?”
APPLICATION – If we don’t worship God and talk about His commands in our homes we will never
prepare our families to live as effective Christians in our non-Christian society. In our sinful society, it is
inevitable that believers of all ages will face situations where they are asked to disobey God’s
commands. As Christian parents and grandparents, we need to prepare our children and grandchildren
for those occasions by both teaching them God’s commands and obeying His commands ourselves. All of
us who are Christians need to personally commit ourselves to obey God’s commands found in the Bible
regardless of the temptations to live otherwise. Do we spend time reading the Bible to find out how God
commands us to live? Do we obey God’s commands? Do we make sure our children know the
commands of God? Do we encourage them to read their Bibles, attend Sunday School and Church? Do
we want them to know and obey God’s commands? Ephesians 6:4, “Fathers, do not exasperate your
children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” 2. DANIEL BELIEVED THAT
HE PERSONALLY WAS TO OBEY GOD’S COMMANDS. Even though he was a long way from the watchful
eye of his parents, relatives, fellow church members, and priests Daniel resolved to obey God’s
commands. Even though he was surrounded by Babylonians who were totally ignorant of Gods
commands, Daniel had the conviction that he should obey God’s commands. Even though he was
surrounded by many Jewish captives that were willing to disobey God’s commands, Daniel decided that
he would rather obey God than follow the crowd into sin. Daniel had a lot of good reasons to
compromise and to disobey God’s commands. He could have said, “Everybody else is disobeying God.
Nobody is perfect. If I don’t compromise, I’ll be odd and peculiar. I won’t have any friends.”
APPLICATION – Do we have the conviction that we personally are to obey God’s commands? Is our
conviction that we personally are to obey God’s commands strong enough to withstand a little peer
pressure? Can our conviction to obey God’s commands withstand a little ridicule or teasing? Or are we
quick to compromise our Christian conviction to obey God’s commands? A lot of Christians know what
God’s commands are, but they don’t have the desire or conviction that they need to obey them
personally. We must remember that compromising with our non-Christian culture and disobeying God’s
commands can be very expensive emotionally, physically and spiritually. We can’t put a price on peace
of mind, joy and eternal rewards. PRINCIPLE #2 – DANIEL IS DETERMINED TO OBEY GOD AND TAKES
Daniel 1:8-21 Page 3 Daniel 1:8-10, “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and
wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused
the official to show favor and sympathy to Daniel, but the official told Daniel, “I am afraid of my lord the
King, who has assigned your food and drink. Why should he see you looking worse than the other young
men your age? The king would then have my head because of you.” The way Daniel approaches the
Babylonian in authority over him reflects his good judgment and common sense. Instead of approaching
him with a demand, Daniel approaches him by asking for permission. By asking for permission Daniel
demonstrated a respect for authority – even if it was ungodly authority. God had caused the chief
official to show favor and compassion to Daniel, but the chief official refused Daniel’s request because
he was afraid of the king and did not want to be caught changing the kings orders. The chief official was
not kidding Daniel. If he did not do his job well, he really might lose his head. Life was cheap in Babylon
and subject to the whims of the king. Life is cheap in North Korea as well and subject to the whims of
Kim Jong Un. Reports say that Kim Jong Un has executed 70 officials, many by machine gun, since taking
power in 2011. South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, said that that Hyon Yong-chol, 66, North
Korea's defense minister, had apparently been executed, possibly with an anti-aircraft gun, in front of
hundreds of people at a military school in the North Korean capital. His offense was disloyalty to Kim. He
was seen dozing off during a military event presided over by Kim and challenged his authority on several
occasions. January 3, 2014, “Jang Song Thaek, Kim Jong Un’s, uncle who was 2nd in command in North
Korea and is believed to have been in charge of training his young nephew was executed as a traitor. A
Hong Kong-based pro-Beijing newspaper (Wen Wei Po) reported that Jang and his five closest aides
were set upon by 120 hunting hounds which had been starved for five days. Kim and his brother Kim
Jong Chol supervised the one-hour ordeal along with 300 other officials, according to the newspaper.
(Wen Wei Po). The newspaper added that Jang and other aides were "completely eaten up." USA TODAY
10:33 a.m. EDT July 9, 2015; World News, January 3, 2014 APPLICATION – A person with deep moral
convictions does not need to be rude, disrespectful, or abandon common sense to make a point. A
person can seek to obey God and live a holy life in a pagan culture without being obnoxious. We can be
thankful that we do not live in a country that was founded on or adopted an atheistic culture. 2. DANIEL
14, “Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael,
and Azariah, ‘Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to
drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your
servants in accordance with what you see.’ So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days.” When
the chief official refused to change Daniel’s diet, Daniel did not give up on his desire to please God
easily. He persisted by approaching the guard who was directly responsible for him with a proposal that
their diet be changed for just 10 days as a test. Their diet would consist of vegetables and water. This
would insure that their diet would not include any food that was forbidden by God’s law. The guard who
did not report directly to the king, could afford to take a chance agreed to change their diet for just 10
days. Sermon – 9 Aug 2015 – Daniel 1:8-21 Page 4 ILLUSTRATION – We should persistently pursue our
goals as well as persistently seek to please God. We shouldn’t give up easily. (p. 41 “Man in the Mirror”)
- Steve and his wife sold their businesses, he enrolled in graduate school out of state, and they
purchased a home near the university. When they went to close the mortgage on the new house, the
mortgage company wanted him to falsify some financial information. Steve said, “I can’t do that.” They
said, “It’s no big deal. Everybody does it,” Steve said, “I don’t think you understand; I can’t do that. The
Bible says, “Thou shalt not lie.” The finance officer said, “If you don’t then we can’t give you the loan.”
Steve really believed God had led them to the decision to return to school, but to complete the move he
would have to compromise his integrity. He said his decision was really quite simple: Who do I put first
in this decision - my own desires or Christ?” Steve decided to return to school locally instead of moving
out of state on a lie. He decided to put Jesus first, and he couldn’t be more at peace. APPLICATION – Are
we persistent in our desire to obey God’s commands? Or do we give up quickly? PRINCIPLE #3 – GOD
Daniel 1:15-16, “At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the
young men who ate the royal food. So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to
drink and gave them vegetables instead.” Daniel’s faith led him to believe that in only 10 days God
would bring about such improvement in their appearance that the guard would change their diet
permanently. Daniel’s faith in God was rewarded, for at the end of the 10 days the four young men had
a healthier appearance than the others and the guard did in fact change their diet permanently. B.
GOD’S GIVES THEM THE ABILITY TO LEARN (v. 17) Daniel 1:17, “To these four young men God gave
knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand
visions and dreams of all kinds.” With God’s help Daniel and his friends mastered the Babylonian
literature on astrology, magic incantations, omens, and divination. They not only had a thorough
knowledge of the Chaldean literature, but because they had a thorough knowledge of God’s law they
also had wisdom to understand it as well. Only Daniel was given understanding “in all visions and
dreams”. Their intellectual ability and their physical health were gifts from God. They could have prayed
the prayer of the Psalmist in Psalm 119:98-100, “Your commands make me wiser than my enemies for
they are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have
more understanding than the elders for I obey your precepts.” C. THEY IMPRESS THE KING AND ENTER
HIS SERVICE. (v. 18-21) Daniel 1:18-21, “At the end of the time set by the king to bring them in, the chief
official presented them to Nebuchadnezzar. The king talked with them, and he found none equal to
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael Sermon – 9 Aug 2015 – Daniel 1:8-21 Page 5 and Azariah; so they entered the
king’s service. In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he
found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom. And Daniel
remained there until the first year of King Cyrus.” At the end of the three years of training, all of the
young men were brought before king Nebuchadnezzar for a personal interview. Because of God’s
goodness to them, Daniel and his friends graduated at the top of their class. In fact God had blessed
them so abundantly that they even surpassed the Babylonian experts at their own game. They entered
the service of the King and Daniel served the kings of Babylon for approximately the next 70 years. The
one Christian leader in our day who has been an unofficial chaplain of our Presidents for the last 65
years has been Billy Graham. Every president of the United States since Truman has courted Billy
Graham’s favor. In 1950, Truman called Billy and asked, “Would you like to meet the President?” Billy
did and he went to the White House, and before He left, the two prayed together. President Eisenhower
asked Billy’s counsel when he was sending troops into Little Rock because black students were not being
allowed to enroll in an all-white high school. Billy also was invited to visit Eisenhower at Walter Reed
Hospital shortly before he died. They talked about assurance of salvation and prayed together.
Eisenhower then said he was ready to die. Four days before he was inaugurated as President, John
Kennedy invited Billy to spend the day with him in Palm Beach. Billy said Kennedy was concerned about
the moral and spiritual condition of the nations. Billy spent more than 20 nights at the White house
during Johnson’s administration. Every time Billy would say to President Johnson, “Let’s have a prayer,”
the President would get on his knees to pray. Billy was personal friends with Richard Nixon beginning in
1950. President Nixon often asked Billy to read the Bible and pray with him. In the last year of Nixon’s
presidency he told an aide, “Don’t let Billy Graham near me, I don’t want him tarred with Watergate.”
Gerald Ford said, “Billy dropped by the Oval Office on several occasions while I was President. They were
get-togethers of old friends. They had no political or other significance.” Billy and Ruth Graham visited
Jimmy and Rosylann Carter both in the governor’s mansion in Georgia and in the White House.” Billy
met Ronald Reagan in 1953 and the two remained close friends. After the assignation attempt on
President Reagan’s life, Billy flew immediately to Washington, D.C., to comfort and pray with Mrs.
Reagan, and do anything he could for the President. President Reagan said, “It was through Billy Graham
that I found myself praying even more than on a daily basis … and that in the position I held, that my
prayers more and more were to give me the wisdom to make decisions that would serve God and be
pleasing to Him.” Billy said that George H.W. Bush says straight out that he has received Christ as his
Savior and that he is a born again believer.” Billy was with President Bush at the White House in 1991,
the Gulf War began. President Bush said, “Billy Graham has been an inspiration in my life,” said Bush. “It
is my firm belief that no one can be President … without understanding the power of prayer, without
faith. And Billy Graham helped me understand that.” When he was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton
joined Billy Graham at a Little Rock Crusade in 1989. Billy also visited Clinton in the Oval Office after he
became President. George W. Bush said a turning point in his faith came during a private talk with Billy
Graham along the coast of Maine in 1985. He wrote, “Graham’s words planted the “mustard seed in my
soul” that eventually led to a decision to “recommit my heart to Jesus Christ.” Even President Barack
Obama visited Billy Graham at his Montreat, NC home in April 2010. The two of them had a private
prayer time and some conversation. Sermon – 9 Aug 2015 – Daniel 1:8-21 Page 6 APPLICATION – No one
should say, “If I live for God, I’ll lose out.” You may lose out on some worldly experiences, but you will
experience the abundant life Christ promised. As the man of God had said to Eli many years before in 1
Samuel 2:30, “Them that honor me I will honor.” PRINCIPLE #l – DANIEL WAS A MAN OF CONVICTION (v.
POSITION IN THE ROYAL PALACE In every age God is looking for people like Daniel, people who are
willing to stand alone in order to obey Him. And their greatest rewards won’t be in this life. We need to
be like Daniel. We need to learn and remember God’s commands. Then we must diligently obey them.

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