Water proofing creates an impervious barrier to prevent water from entering or escaping building structures. It can be applied to substrates like cement, concrete, render, fiber cement, gypsum boards and timber. There are different types of water proofing products and methods, including membrane/barrier water proofing, in-depth water proofing via crystallization, and grouting structures. Membrane water proofing forms an external layer barrier and can use cementitious, polymer membrane, or a combination of both materials.
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Water proofing creates an impervious barrier to prevent water from entering or escaping building structures. It can be applied to substrates like cement, concrete, render, fiber cement, gypsum boards and timber. There are different types of water proofing products and methods, including membrane/barrier water proofing, in-depth water proofing via crystallization, and grouting structures. Membrane water proofing forms an external layer barrier and can use cementitious, polymer membrane, or a combination of both materials.
Water proofing creates an impervious barrier to prevent water from entering or escaping building structures. It can be applied to substrates like cement, concrete, render, fiber cement, gypsum boards and timber. There are different types of water proofing products and methods, including membrane/barrier water proofing, in-depth water proofing via crystallization, and grouting structures. Membrane water proofing forms an external layer barrier and can use cementitious, polymer membrane, or a combination of both materials.
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Water proofing creates an impervious barrier to prevent water from entering or escaping building structures. It can be applied to substrates like cement, concrete, render, fiber cement, gypsum boards and timber. There are different types of water proofing products and methods, including membrane/barrier water proofing, in-depth water proofing via crystallization, and grouting structures. Membrane water proofing forms an external layer barrier and can use cementitious, polymer membrane, or a combination of both materials.
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Water proofing is the formation of an impervious barrier which is
designed to prevent water entering or escaping from various sections of building structures. Water proofing can be applied to various substrates and back grounds such as • Cement • Concrete • Render • Fiber • Cement sheets • Gypsum boards and • Timber. WATER PROOFING PRODUCTS : Water proofing products such as mainly classified into categories. • Bituminous • Butyl rubber • Neoprene rubber • Hypalon etc…, TYPES OF WATER PROOFING: Water proofing can be classified into three types. 1. Membrane or Barrier water proofing. 2. In depth water proofing or water proofing by Crystallization. 3. Grouting of structure. 1.MEMBRANE WATER PROOFING: In Membrane or Barrier water proofing an external layer is formed which makes barrier to water leakage. This system can be classified as further into the following. a) Cementitous water proofing. b) Polymer membrane water proofing. c) Combination of Cementitous and Polymer membrane waofingter proofing. a.CEMENTITOUS WATER PROOFING : Cementitous water proofing systems are one that uses cementitous materials. E.g.: i. External plaster ii. Box type water proofing using stones iii. Brick bat coba systems. These are used in Indian Civil Industries.” b.POLYMER MEMBRANE WATER PROOFING: These membranes are classified further into two categories i. Pre- fabricated water proofing. ii. In- situ water proofing membranes. PRE-FABRICATED WATER PROOFING: These membranes are fabricated in the factory and joints are sealed at the site. IN-SITU WATER PROOFING MEMBRANES : The water proofing chemicals comes in liquid form brush or spray applied at site. The solvent evaporates (either organic solvent or water based) and a water proofing membrane is formed over the surface. Materials are used • Acrylic • Polyurethane • Bituminous and • Epoxy . Acrylic and Polyurethane can be used for exposed areas and are considered to be more durable systems. These systems can have high flexibility and excellent bonding with substrates. These systems also have good reflectivity. These systems are more suitable where we expect movement of substrates. c.COMBINATION OF CEMENTITOUS AND POLYMER MEMBRANE WATER PROOFING : These systems are either two components considering of dry cementitous powder and liquid, to be mixed together to get brushable slurry or single component having cement and polymer together in dry form. These are most commonly used water proofing systems because of cause of application and excellent bonding with cementitous substrates. The membrane can with stand high water proofing pressure. 2.IN-DEPTH WATER PROOFING OR WATER PROOFING BY CRYSTALLIZATION : In-depth water proofing means water proofing treatment deep into the concrete structure. It is a treatment to the body of the concrete inside. There is a no layer get damaged. There is no layer to be protected. This is the only technology, which shows whether structure has only bad concrete to treat (honey-combed concrete) or the structures is cast better concrete particles.