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English Instruction Manual

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pH/ORP Meter

Operation Instruction

User Notice
Read the operation instruction carefully before ues. TO a!e the easure ent accurate" calibrate the electrode re#ularly. $lass

electrode should be replaced after one year usin#. %oa! the electrode in !cl solution of & ol/' for () hours before first use or after lon# ti e our of use. *o not repair the eter yourself +hen errors occur" ,ust contact the distributor.

There is only one input port for electrode" connect the pH electrode before ph testin#" and connect the ORP electrode before ORP tesin#. Po+er on the eter for (inutes before calibratin#.

./ 0pplication
PH/ORP Meter is a !ind of intelli#ent industry eter"can be used to test and

controll polluted +ater continuously" and the de1ice applies to the field of urban se+a#e treat ent plants" che ical industry" printin# and dyein#" paper" phar aceutical" platin#" and en1iron ental protection.

(/ Main Technical Indicators

Measure2 pH3- .) pH4 5ORP3 6777 6 8777 0ccuracy8 -.-( pH5 8 . Resolution-.-.pH5 . 9 %tability: -.-( pH/() ;<5 : & 9/() ;< 9 94

pH calibratin# solution).-./=.>=/7..> *isplay.(> ? =) '@* Te perature @o pensation-.-- A anual/auto atic3NT@.-B4 loop resistance2&--D

Out si#nal )6(- 0 output isolation protection MaCi u 0lar outputa #roup of hi#h li it alar

contact and a #roup of lo+ li it alar

contactE&0/(F- 9 0@G"Nor ally open contact relay Po+er supply0@ ((-9H.-I F-HJ Po+er consu ption:&K Ln1iron ental conditionsE.GTe perature -M =- A E(GHu idity:>FIRH *i ensions7=N7=N..Hole siJe7(N7( EHNKN*G


OPQiCed stand installation

Put the eter into the front panel" then install the t+o retainin# clips" ti#hten the scre+s +ith a scre+dri1er.

RPKire connectin#


1 2 3 4 5 6 1 -

T2!+ T2!+ R2& 3N+4T A B 5


9 1# 11

,3 NC NC N )
Sac! Ter inals

12 13 14 15 16

TPKire connectin# intruction

.P TLMP.Te perature co pensation (P TLMP(Te perture co pensation &P RLQReference electrode 3blac!4 )P INPUTMeasurin# electrode 3red4 FP 0)>F @o =P S)>F @o unication unication

UP 082 )V(- 0 output8 >P 062 )V(- 0 output6 7P 'O2 Nor ally open contact of lo+ li it alar .-P 'O2 Nor ally open contact of lo+ li it alar ..P HI2 Nor ally open contact of hi#h li it alar .(P HI2 Nor ally open contact of hi#h li it alar .&P N@N/0 .)P N@N/0 .FP N((-9 Po+er .=P '((-9 Po+er . ( . (

W/Measurin# electrode installation


on installation


.P %creen soft !eyboard function introduction Suttons Qunction Sac! *escription 9ie+ para eter settin#s under easurin# state5Sac! to prior screen under Ysettin# enuZ %elect di#it of the para eters @yclically %elect the sub6 enu5chan#e the 1alue of the di#it or chan#e para eters Lnter ain anu under easurin# state5confir selectin#5confir options and pare eters

Ri#ht shift Up shift confir

2P !ain inter%a7e 8is9la"

Temperature value

Current transmission value

Main test value


3P !ain menu

Under this interface [ pressY

Zto enter user lo#in interface"enterYMenu

settin#Zafter inputtin# pass+aord. Then instruction for this interface as follo+in#

NO . .

Menu na e

*escription .. con1ert electrode type bet+een PH\ORP5 (. set ode of te perature co pensation3if set anual te perature co pensation" input te perature 1alue of the tested solution4] %et controllin# of li its for Ph or ORP set the trans ittin# a ount of ran#e Resettin# pass+ord %et the baud rate and instru ent address set bac!li#ht nor ally open or delay close %et the buJJer turned on or off Restore the factory settin#s Only a1ailable under ph testin#. i#ration for ph or ORP

Meas.para eter

( & ) F = U > 7

@trl.para eter Trans.para ete r Pass+ord chan#e @o settin#

Sac!li#ht settin# 0lar sound

*efault para. %ensor ad,us

4P &a7tor" 8e%ault values Menu na e Llectrode typy Te perature co pensation Manual te p. @o pensation 1alue Pull6in 1alue of hi#h li it alar @ut6off 1alue of hi#h li it alar 3less than pull6in 1alue4 Pull6in 1alue of lo+ li it alar @ut6off 1alue of lo+ li it alar 3 ore than pull6in 1alue4 ) 0 correspondin# %ettin# ran#e PH electrode /ORP electrode /0nti ony electrode auto atic/ anual - M .-- A pH2 ..-- M .).-- pH ORP8 .- M 8 .777 9 pH2 -.-- M .&.77 pH ORP - M 8 .77> pH2 -.-- M .&.-- pH ORP6 .777 M 6 .9 pH2 -.-. M .).-- pH ORP 6 .77> M pH2 -.-- M .&.-- pH ORP6 .777 M 6

Qactory default 1alues PH electrode anual (F A pH2 .(.-- pH ORP8 .7-pH2 ...-- pH 9

ORP8 .>-pH2 (.-pH

ORP6 .>-pH2 &.-9 pH

ORP6 .7-pH2 -.-pH

ORP6 .777

1alues (- 0 correspondin# 1alues 3 ore than ) 0 1alues4 pass+ord baud rate address Sac!li#ht *elay ti e 0lar 1oice

pH2 -.-. M .).-- pH ORP - M 8.777 - M 7777 ()--/)>--/7=-( M 77 0l+ays / delay F M 77 % On/off 9

pH2 .).-ORP8.777 .--)>-( delay =- % on

pH 9

5P Rela" alarm Rela" a7tin: as %ollo0in: A7tion 9oint 0lar pull6in 1alue

Alarm 7ut o%% value

Test value Release 9oint

before calibratin#" please chec! +ire connectin#" po+er on for (preheat.

inutes to

Prepare standard solutions of ).--pH"=.>=pH and 7..>pH. @lean the electrode +ith deioniJed +ater" then dry it by filter paper" put the clean electrode into Ph).-- standard buffer"stir #entl" +ait for a stable readin#.

2ntaer t$e s7reen o% sensor a8;ustin:< t$e to9 o% s7reen s$o0s =4/## 9,> < t$e mi88le o% t$e s7reen s$o0s m? valta:e value< 9ress = > a%ter t$e m? valta:e value :ets stable< =S4CC2D> a99ears< t$at means 7alibration %inis$e8/

Re9eat t$e above t0o ste9s to 7alibrate at 6/-69, an8 9/1-9,/ Note: a%ter ea7$ time o% 7alibratin:< clean the electrode +ith deioniJed +ater" and dry it by filter paper"
t$en put the clean electrode into neCt standard buffer/

A%ter all above 7alibratin:< it 0ill enter t$e state o% solution tem9erature 7alibratin: automati7l"/ 3% un8er senttin: o% automati7 tem9erature 7om9ensation< t$e s7reen 8is9la"s tem9erature o% t$e stan8ar8 solution/ 3% un8er settin: o% manual tem9erature 7om9ensation< in9ut t$e tem9erature o%

t$e stan8ar8 solution b" 9ressin: =_ `> < t$en 9ress = 9ress =2SC>< it 0ill ba7@ to main s7reen 0it$out savin:/

> to save an8 %inis$ 7alibratin:/i%

%tandard 1alue table of PH standard buffer solution 3Note2for international users" please #et standard solution locally and refer to the table printed on the pac!a#e of the local standard solution 4 -.-F ol/!# O6Cylylene Te peratureA potassiu potassiu hydro#en F ..F ((F &&F ))F FFF =).-).-).-).-).-).-. ).-( ).-& ).-) ).-= ).-U ).-7 =.7F =.7( =.7=.>> =.>= =.>F =.>) =.>) =.>) =.>& =.>& =.>) 7.&7 7.&& 7.(> 7.(& 7..> 7..) 7... 7.-U 7.-) 7.-& >.77 >.7U -.-(F ol/!# iCture of phosphate -.-. ol/!# %odiu tetraborate

a/)6(- 0 @urrent output for ula

.. PH current output for ula
In factory"output current is defined as- pH correspondin# 1alue is )


pH correspondin# 1alue is ( I b 3 * 6 ) )

0 0 correspondin# 1alue 6

0 correspondin# 1alue GN 3 .= / 3(-

0 correspondin# 1alue4 4 8 ).--

I b 3 * 6 - GN 3 .= / .) 4 8 ).- NoteI2 output current 1alue[) 0:I:(0

*2 pH 1alue displayed[-.--pH:*:.).--pH (. ORP current output for ula In factory"output current is defined as6(--- 9 correspondin# 1alue is ) 8(--- 9 correspondin# 1alue is ( I b 3 * 6 ) 0 0 correspondin# 1alue 6 0]

0 correspondin# 1alue GN 3 .= / 3(-

0 correspondin# 1alue4 4 8 ).--

I b 3 * 36(---4 GN 3 .= / 38(--- 36(---44 4 8 ).- I b 3 * 8 (--- GN 3 .= / )---4 4 8 ).- NoteI2 output current 1alue[) 0:I:(0

*2 ORP 1alue displayed[6(--- 9:*:8(--- 9

c/ho+ to fiC up failures or errors

./Nothin# displays in the screen The po+er is not on or the fuse blo+s.

@hec! the po+er supply line and fuse.

(/readin#s are not stabled The electrode +ire is +et or electrode cera ic is polluted. @hec! the electrode lines" cleanin# the the cera ic hole 3-.. &/abnor al 1alued Llectrode polluted" electrode +ire is +et" electrode brea!e or crac!" or electrode cera ic clo##in#. @leanin# the electrode 3O.. cleanin# cera ic hole3-P. )/%lo+ response The electrode fil s or cera ic hole polluted. Kash the entire electrode F/Relay does not act" or ph 1alue !eeps the sa e in different solutions Relay da a#ed"+ron# settin#" not enou#h solution Replace relay" chan#e settin#s" add solutions H@'4" chec! the electrode line" replace the electrode" H@'4 H@'4

Monitor Llectrode Retainin# clip Manual . . . set .

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