Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
A Hydraulic circuit is a group of compon nts suc! as pumps" actuators" and control #al# s so arrang d t!at t! y $ill p rform a us ful tas%& '! n analy(ing or d signing a !ydraulic circuit" t! follo$ing t!r important consid rations must ) ta% n into account* +& Saf ty of op ration ,& - rformanc of d sir d function .& Effici ncy of op ration It is # ry important for t! fluid po$ r / Hydraulics and -n umatics 0 d sign r to !a# a $or%ing %no$l dg of compon nts and !o$ t! y op rat in a circuit& Hydraulic circuits ar d # lop d t!roug! t! us of grap!ical sym)ols for all compon nts& T! sym)ols !a# to conform to t! ANSI sp cification& 5.1 Control of a Single1 Acting Hydraulic Cylinder * A singl 1acting cylind r can 2 rt a forc in only t! 2t nding dir ction as fluid from t! pump nt rs t! )lan% nd of t! cylind r / usually l ft sid of t! piston0& Singl 1 acting cylind r do not r tract !ydraulically& R traction is accomplis! d )y using gra#ity or )y t! inclusion of a compr ssion spring in t! rod nd& A 3ig 4&+ Sym)ol 3orc during 2t nsion stro% is " 3 2t 5 p 6 A7 locity during 2t nsion stro% is " vP ext = QP / AP T! forc and # locity during r traction stro% d p nds upon spring rat as singl 8 acting cylind r do not r tract !ydraulically 3igur 4&, s!o$s a t$o1 postion" t!r $ay" manually op rat d" spring offs t dir ctional control #al# / DC7 0 us d to control t! op ration of a singl 8 acting cylind r& In t! spring offs t mod " full pump flo$ go s t! tan% #ia t! pr ssur r li f #al# & T! spring in t! rod nd of t! cylind r r tracts t! piston as oil from t! )lan% nd 9A: drains )ac% to t! ran%& '! n t! #al# is manually actuat d t! pump flo$ go s to t! cylind r )lan% nd 9A: #ia DC7 + position& T!is 2t nds t! cylind r& At full 2t nsion" pump flo$ go s t!roug! t! r li f #al# & D acti#ation of t! DC7 allo$s t! cylind r to r tract as t! DC7 s!ift into its spring 8 offs t mod &
+ =
T 3 T
3ig 4&,& Control of Single -Acting Hydraulic Cylinder& C 5 Singl acting cylind r - 5 -ump E 5 El ctric ;otor T 5 Tan% 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# D 5,1position" . $ay DC7 ;anually op rat d and spring r turn 5.2 Control of Dou le -Acting Hydraulic Cylinder ! Dou)l 8Acting cylind rs can ) 2t nd d and r tract d !ydraulically& T!us" an output forc can ) appli d in t$o dir ctions& A <
T! output forc / 3 0 and piston # locity of dou)l acting cylind r ar not t! sam for 2t nsion and r traction stro% s& During t! 2t nsion stro% " fluid nt rs t! )lan% nd / A 0 of t! cylind r t!roug! t! ntir circular ar a of t! piston / A- 0& Ho$ # r during t! r traction stro% " fluid nt rs t! rod nd t!roug! t! small r annular ar a ) t$ n t! rod and cylind r )or / A- 8 AR 0" $! r A- 5 piston ar a " and AR 5 rod ar a& Sinc A- 5 is grr at r t!an / A- 8 AR 0" t! r traction # locity is gr at r t!an t! 2t nsion # locity sinc t! pump flo$ rat is constant& Similarly during t! 2t nsion stro% " fluid pr ssur ) ars on t! ntir ar a of t! piston/ A- 0& Ho$ # r during t! r traction stro% " fluid pr ssur ) ars on t! small r annular ar a / A- 8 AR 0& T! diff r nc in ar a accounts for t! diff r nc in output forc " $it! t! output forc is gr at r during 2t nsion& E2t nding stro% * 3orc " 3 2t 5 p 6 A- 11111111 + 7 locity" # 2t 5 >p ? A- 11111, R traction Stro% * 3orc " 3r t 5 p 6 / A- 8 Ar 0 111 . 7 locity" #r t 5 >p ? /A- 8 Ar 0 111 @ It can ) s n from t! a)o# @ Auations t!at forc during 2t nsion stro% and # locity of piston during r traction stro% is gr at r for t! sam op rating pr ssur and flo$ rat & T! po$ r d # lop d )y a !ydraulic cylind r for it! r t! 2t nsion or r traction stro% " can ) found out )y /# locity multipli d )y forc 0 or from / flo$ rat multipli d )y op rating pr ssur 0 -o$ r / %' 0 5 #p / m ? s 0
3 / %N 0 5 > / m. ? s0
p / %-a 0
3igur 4&@ s!o$s a circuit us d to control a dou)l 8 acting !ydraulic cylind r& '! n t! four $ay #al# is in c nt r d configuration " t! cylind r is !ydraulically loc% d as t! ports A and < is )loc% d& T! pump flo$ is unload d )ac% to t! tan% at ss ntially atmosp! ric pr ssur & '! n t! four $ay #al# is actuat d into t! +st position " t! cylind r is 2t nd d against its load forc 3load as oil flo$s to t! )lan% nd of t! cylind r from port t!roug! port A & Also" oil in t! rod nd of t! cylind r is fr to flo$ )ac% to t! tan% #ia t! four $ay #al# from port < t!roug! port T& Not t!at t! cylind r $ould not 2t nd if t!is oil $ r not allo$ d to l a# t! rod nd of t! cylind r& '! n t! four $ay #al# is actuat d into t! ,st position " t! cylind r is r tracts against as oil flo$s to t! rod nd of t! cylind r from port - t!roug! port <& Bil in t! )lan% nd of t! cylind r is r turn d to t! tan% from port A to port T& At t! nd of t! stro% " t! r is no syst m d mand for oil& T!us" t! pump flo$ go s t!roug! t! r li f #al# at its pr ssur 1 l # l s tting unl ss t! four1 $ay #al# is d acti#at d& In any # nt t! syst m is prot ct d from any cylind r o# rloads&
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3 T
3ig 4&@& Control of Dou le -acting %ydraulic cylinder. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump E 5 El ctric ;otor T 5 Tan% 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay "Tand m c nt r" ;anually op rat d and Spring C nt r d DC7 -ro)l m +& A dou)l acting cylind r is !oo% d up to r ciprocat & T! r li f #al# s tting is C= )ars& T! piston ar a is =&=+D m, and t! rod ar a is =&==@4 m,& If t! pump flo$ is =&==+.m. ? s" find t! cylind r sp d and load1 carrying capacity for t! a& E2t nding stro% )& R tracting stro% & Solution* R li f #al# pr ssur s tting" p 5 C= )ars 5 C= 6 +=4 N ?m, -iston ar a" Ap 5 =&=+D m, Rod ar a" Ar 5 =&==@4 m,
-ump flo$" >p 5 =&==+. m.?s a0 E2t nding Stro% * Cylind r sp d" #p 2t 5 >p ? A5 =&==+. ? =&=+D 5 &.&'1( ) / * Load carrying capacity" 3load 5 p 6 A5 C= 6 +=4 6 =&=+D 5 ++,=== N 5 112+,
5 >p ?
5.( -egenerative circuit* $.eration 3igur 4&4 s!o$s a r g n rati# circuit t!at is us d to sp d up t! 2t nding sp d of a dou)l 1acting !ydraulic cylind r& H r t! pip lin s to )ot! nds of t! !ydraulic cylind r ar conn ct d to pump" on nd /A0 t!roug! t! , ? . $ay DC7 and t! ot! r nd /<0 dir ctly& T! op ration of t! cylind r during t! r traction stro% is t! sam as t!at of a r gular dou)l 1acting cylind r& 3luid flo$s t!roug! t! DC7 ( ro position from t! actuator A sid during r traction& In t!is position" fluid from t! pump dir ctly nt rs t! rod nd of t! cylind r / dir ct conn ction0& 3luid in t! )lan% nd drains )ac% to t! tan% t!roug! t! DC7 as t! cylind r r tracts& '! n t! DC7 is s!ift d to + position du to manual actuation" t! cylind r 2t nds& T! sp d of 2t nsion is gr at r t!an t!at for a r gular dou)l 1acting cylind r ) caus flo$ from t! rod nd />R0 r g n rat s $it! t! pump flo$ />-0 to pro#id a total flo$ rat />T0" $!ic! is gr at r t!an t! pump flo$ rat to t! A sid of t! cylind r& / Ar a of )lan% nd is mor t!an rod nd" t! r )y )lan% nd pro#id l ast r sistanc 0
3 T "ig 5.5. -egenerative circuit& C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump E 5 El ctric ;otor T 5 Tan% 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# D 5,1position" . $ay " ;anually op rat d and Spring r turn DC7
H nc t!
Qp Ar
111 /,0
T!us t! 2t nding sp d Auals t! pump flo$ di#id d )y t! rod ar a& T!us" a small rod ar a /$!ic! produc s a larg r g n rati# flo$0 pro#id s a larg 2t nding sp d& In fact t! 2t nding sp d can ) gr at r t!an t! r tracting sp d if t! rod ar a is mad small noug!& -atio of /xtending and -etracting S.eed* L t:s d t rmin und r $!at condition t! 2t nding and r tracting sp ds ar Aual& ' %no$ t!at t! r tracting sp d /7pr t0 Auals t! pump flo$ di#id d )y t! diff r nc of t! piston and rod ar as*
V pret = Qp A p Ar
A p Ar Vp ext Qp ? Ar = = Vp ret Qp ?/ Ap Ar 0 Ar
' s t!at $! n t! piston ar a Auals t$o tim s t! rod ar a" t! 2t nsion and r traction sp ds ar Aual& In g n ral" t! gr at r t! ratio of piston ar a to rod ar a" t! gr at r t! ratio of 2t nding sp d to r tracting sp d& #oad-Carrying Ca.acity during /xten*ion ! It s!ould ) not d t!at t! load1carrying capacity of a r g n rati# cylind r during 2t nsion is l ss t!an t!at o)tain d from a r gular dou)l 1acting cylind r& T! load1carrying capacity /3load0 for a r g n rati# cylind r Auals t! pr ssur multipli d )y piston rod ar a rat! r t!an t! pr ssur multipli d )y piston ar a& T!is is du to t! sam syst m pr ssur acting on )ot! sid s of t! piston during t! 2t nding stro% of t! r g n rati# cylind r&& T!us 3load 5 -Ar T!us" t! po$ r o)tain d from t! r g n rati# cylind r is l ss ) caus t! 2t nding sp d is incr as d at t! 2p ns of load1carrying capacity&
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C 8 Dou)l acting cylind r D 8 . -osition" @ 'ay" R g n rati# c nt r" sol noid actuat d" spring c nt r d DC7 R 8 R li f 7al# R 3 1 3ilt r E 8 El ctric ;otor T T1 Tan% - 1 -ump
3igur 4&D s!o$s an application of r g n rati# circuit in a drilling mac!in & H r a .1position" @1$ay " r g n rati# c nt r dir ctional control #al# is us d& '! n t! DC7 is in t! spring1c nt r d position" port - is conn ct d to A and < and tan% port T is )loc% d& In t!is position pump flo$ go s to A and flo$ from rod nd of t! cylind r also Goins t! pump flo$ to gi# s rapid spindl ad#anc / no $or% is don during t!is p riod 0 '!y do s t! spring1c nt r d position gi# rapid 2t nsion of t! cylind r /drill spindl 0H T! r ason is simpl & Bil from t! rod nd r g n rat s $it! t! pump flo$ going to t! )lan% nd& T!is ff cti# ly incr as s pump flo$ to t! )lan% nd of t! cylind r during t! spring1c nt r d mod of op ration& Bnc again $ !a# a r g n rati# cylind r& It s!ould ) not d t!at t! cylind r us d in a r g n rati# circuit is actually a r gular dou)l 1acting cylind r& '!at ma% s it a r g n rati# cylind r is t! $ay it is !oo% d up in t! circuit& T! )lan% and rod nds ar conn ct d in parall l during t! 2t nding stro% of a r g n rati# c nt r& '! n t! DC7 s!ifts to +st position" - is conn ct d to A and < to T gi# s slo$ f d / 2t nsion0 $! n t! drill starts to cut into t! $or% pi c & Similarly $! n t! DC7 s!ifts to ,nd position" - is conn ct d to < and A is conn ct d to T" sinc t! ring ar a is l ss t! cylind r $ill !a# fast r turn motion&
-ro)l m ,& A dou)l acting cylind r is !oo% d up in t! r g n rati# circuit& T! r li f #al# s tting is C= )ars& T! piston ar a is =&=+D m, and t! rod ar a is =&==@4 m,& If t! pump flo$ is =&==+.m. ? s" find t! cylind r sp d and load1 carrying capacity for t! a& E2t nding stro% )& R tracting stro% & Solution* R li f #al# pr ssur s tting" p 5 C= )ars 5 C= 6 +=4 N ?m, -iston ar a" Ap 5 =&=+D m, Rod ar a" Ar 5 =&==@4 m, -ump flo$" >p 5 =&==+. m.?s c0 E2t nding Stro% * Cylind r sp d" #p 2t 5 >p ? Ar /R g n rati# Sp d0 5 =&==+. ? =&==@4 5 &.21 ) / * Load carrying capacity" 3load 5 p 6 Ar 5 C= 6 +=4 6 =&==@4 5 .+4== N 5 (1.5+, d0 R tracting Stro% * Cylind r Sp d" #p R t 5 >p ? /A- 8 Ar0 5 =&==+. ? / =&=+D 1 =&==@4 0 5 &.11( ) / * Load carrying capacity" 3load 5 p 6 / A- 8 Ar 0 5 C= 6 +=4 6 / =&=+D 1 =&==@4 5 E=4== N 5 '&.5+, .& A dou)l acting cylind r is !oo% d up in t! r g n rati# circuit& T! r li f #al# s tting is +== )ars and t! pump flo$ is =&==+Dm. ? s& If t! r g n rati# and r tracting sp d ar Aual to =&,4m? s" find t! piston and rod ar a and also load1 carrying capacity for t! a& E2t nding stro% )& R tracting stro% Solution* R li f #al# pr ssur s tting" p 5 +=4 )ars 5 +=4 6 +=4 N ?m, -ump flo$" >p 5 =&==+D m.?s" Sp d 5 =&,4 m? s ' !a# r g n rati# cylind r sp d" T! r for Rod ar a"
#p 2t 5 >p ? 5 >p ? #p 2t
a0 E2t nding Stro% * Load carrying capacity" 3load 5 p 6 Ar 5 +=4 6 +=4 6 =&==D@ 5 DC,== N 5 24.2+, )0 R tracting Stro% * Load carrying capacity" 3load 5 p 6 / A- 8 Ar 0 5 +=4 6 +=4 6 / =&=+,E 1 =&==D4 0 5 242&& , = 24.2+, 4&4 Pu). 5 unloading circuit *
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D C7 -
U 3 T 3ig 4&C& Pu). unloading circuit. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump T 5 Tan% 3 5 3ilt r U 5 unloading7al# T
D 5.1position" @ $ay "clos d c nt r" ;anually op rat d and Spring C nt r d DC7 In 3ig& 4&C $ s a circuit using an unloading #al# to unload a pump& T! unloading #al# op ns $! n t! cylind r r ac! s t! nd of its 2t nsion stro% ) caus t! c! c% #al# % ps !ig!1pr ssur oil in t! pilot lin of t! unloading #al# & '! n t! DC7 is s!ift d to r tract t! cylind r" t! motion of t! piston r duc s t! pr ssur in t! pilot lin of t! unloading #al# & T!is r s ts t! unloading #al# until t! cylind r is fully r tract d" at $!ic! point t! unloading #al# unloads t! pump& T!us" t! unloading #al# unloads t! pump at t! nds of t! 2t nding and r traction stro% s as $ ll as in t! spring1c nt r d position of t! DC7& 5.2 Dou le Pu). Hydraulic *y*te) 6 Hi 5 #o circuit 7 C
" #$AD
= +
C7 R T 3 3 -+ -, U T
3ig 4&E Dou)l pump Hydraulic syst m -+ 11 Lo$ disc!arg " Hig! pr ssur pump -, 11 Hig! disc!arg " Lo$ pr ssur pump R 11 R li f #al# U 8 Unloading #al# T 1 Tan% C7 8 C! c% #al# D 8 . -osition" @ 'ay" clos d c nt r" manual actuat d DC7 C1 Dou)l acting cylind r 3 1 3ilt r
3igur 41E s!o$s a circuit t!at us s t$o pumps" on !ig!1pr ssur " lo$1flo$ pump and t! ot! r lo$1pr ssur " !ig!1flo$ pump& Bn can find application in a punc! pr ss in $!ic! t! !ydraulic ram must 2t nd rapidly o# r a larg distanc $it! # ry lo$ pr ssur )ut !ig! flo$ r Auir m nts& Ho$ # r" during t! s!ort motion portion $! n t! punc!ing op ration occurs" t! pr ssur r Auir m nts ar !ig! du to t! punc!ing load& Sinc t! cylind r tra# l is small during t! punc!ing op ration" t! flo$1rat r Auir m nts ar also lo$& T! circuit s!o$n liminat s t! n c ssity of !a#ing a # ry 2p nsi# !ig!1 pr ssur " !ig!1flo$ pump& '! n t! punc!ing op ration ) gins" t! incr as d pr ssur op ns t! unloading #al# to unload t! lo$1pr ssur pump& T! purpos of t! r li f #al# is to prot ct t! !ig!1pr ssur pump from o# rpr ssur at t! nd of t! cylind r stro% & T! c! c% #al# prot cts t! lo$1pr ssur pump from !ig! pr ssur " $!ic! occurs during t! punc!ing op ration" at t! nds of t! cylind r stro% " and $! n t! DC7 is in its spring1c nt r d mod & 5.4 Counter 8alance 9alve A..lication ! C
" #$AD
C7 A
+ =
T 3 T
C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r mount d # rtically - 5 -ump C< 5 Count r <alanc 7al# C7 5 C! c% 7al# T 5 Tan% 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay " Tand m c nt r" ;anually op rat d and Spring r turn DC7
3igur 4&I illustrat s t! us of a count r)alanc or )ac%1pr ssur #al# to % p a # rtically mount d cylind r in t! up$ard position $!il t! pump is idling i& $! n t! DC7 is in its c nt r position& During t! do$n$ard mo# m nt of t! cylind r t! count r)alanc #al# is s t to op n at slig!tly a)o# t! pr ssur r Auir d to !old t! piston up / c! c% #al# do s not p rmit flo$ in t!is dir ction 0& T! control signal for t! count r)alanc #al# can ) o)tain d from t! )lan% nd or rod nd of t! cylind r& If d ri# d from t! rod nd" t! pr ssur s tting of t! count r )alanc #al# Auals 3L? /A-1Ar 0& If d ri# d from )lan% nd t! pr ssur s tting Auals 3L ? A-& T!is pr ssur is l ss and ! nc usually it !as to ) d ri# d from )lan% nd& T!is p rmits t! cylind r to ) forc d do$n$ard $! n pr ssur is appli d on t! top& T! c! c% #al# is us d to lift t! cylind r up as t! count r)alanc #al# is clos d in t!is dir ction& T! Tand m 1c nt r dir ctional control #al# unloads t! pump& T! DC7 is a manually 1actuat d" spring1c nt r d #al# $it! tand m1c nt r flo$ pat! configuration& 5.' Hydraulic Cylinder Se:uencing circuit! A s Au nc #al# caus s op rations in a !ydraulic circuit s Au ntially& 3igur 4&+= is an 2ampl $! r t$o s Au nc #al# s ar us d to control t! s Au nc of op rations of t$o dou)l 1acting cylind rs C+ and C, & '! n t! DC7 is s!ift d into its +st position" t! l ft cylind r 2t nds compl t ly" and only $! n t! l ft cylind r pr ssur r ac! s t! pr ssur s tting of s Au nc #al# " t! #al# op ns and t! n t! rig!t cylind r 2t nds& If t! DC7 is t! n s!ift d into its ,nd position" t! rig!t cylind r r tracts fully" and t! n t! l ft cylind r r tracts& H nc t!is s Au nc of cylind r op ration is controll d )y t! s Au nc #al# s& T! spring c nt r d position of t! DC7 loc%s )ot! cylind rs in plac & Bn can find t! application of t!is circuit in pr ss circuit& 3or 2ampl " t! l ft cylind r t! clamping cylind r C+ could 2t nd and clamp a $or%pi c & T! n t! rig!t cylind r C," t! punc!ing cylind r 2t nds to punc! a !ol in t! $or%pi c & T! rig!t cylind r t! n r tracts t! punc! " and t! n t! l ft cylind r r tracts to d clamp t! $or%pi c for r mo#al& B)#iously t! s mac!ining op rations must occur in t! prop r s Au nc as sta)lis! d )y t! s Au nc #al# s in t! circuit& C+ C,
S7 S7
T T "ig 5.1&& Cylinder Se:uencing circuit Bp ration s Au nc is * C+ F C,F C,1 C+ 1 F is E2t nsion of piston 1 is R traction of piston C+ J C, 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump K S7 5 S Au nc 7al# K R 5 R li f 7al# C7 5 C! c% 7al# K T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r D 5.1position" @ $ay " Tand m c nt r" Sol noid op rat d and Spring r turn DC7
"igure 5.11
C7 S7 S7
T T "ig 5.11. Auto)atic Cylinder -eci.rocating Sy*te) u*ing Se:uence valve* C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump S7 5 S Au nc 7al# C7 5 C! c% 7al# K R 5 R li f 7al# T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r D 5,1position" @ $ay " pilot op rat d DC7
3igur 4&++ s!o$s a circuit t!at produc s continuous automatic r ciprocation of a !ydraulic cylind r& T!is is accomplis! d )y using t$o s Au nc #al# s" ac! of $!ic! s ns s a stro% compl tion )y t! corr sponding )uildup of pr ssur & Eac! c! c% #al# and corr sponding pilot lin pr # nts s!ifting of t! four1$ay #al# until t! particular stro% of t! cylind r !as ) n compl t d& T! c! c% #al# s ar n d d to allo$ pilot oil to l a# it! r nd of t! DC7 $!il pilot pr ssur is appli d to t! opposit nd& T!is p rmits t! spool of t! DC7 to s!ift as r Auir d& An alt rnati# circuit diagram is s!o$n in 3igur 4&+, & In t! circuit as t! cylind r r ciprocat s" t! pilot dir ctional #al# is op rat d )y sol noid DC7 to supply fluid to it! r nd of t! main four $ay dir ctional #al# & T!is caus s t! mac!in to r ciprocat automatically" and it $ill not stop until pump is s!ut off& Limit S$itc!
C A D+ +
++ <
, D,
3 T
3ig 4&+,& Auto)atic Cylinder -eci.rocating Sy*te) u*ing DC9;*. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump R 5 R li f 7al# T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r D+ 5,1position" @ $ay " pilot op rat d DC7 D, 5,1position" @ $ay " m c!anical op rat d DC7
T! limit s$itc! + and , $ill alt rnati# ly n rgi( and d n rgi( sol noid "t! r )y c!anging t! dir ctional of fluid flo$ into t! pilot 5.1&. #oc+ed cylinder u*ing .ilot c%ec+ valve*!
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3 T
3ig 4&+.& #oc+ed Cylinder u*ing Pilot C%ec+ 9alve. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump -C7+ J -C7, 5 -ilot C! c% 7al# R 5 R li f 7al# T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r D 5.1position" @ $ay " clos d c nt r" manually op rat d DC7
In many cylind r applications" it is n c ssary to loc% t! cylind r so t!at its piston cannot ) mo# d du to an 2t rnal forc acting on t! piston rod& Bn m t!od for loc%ing a cylind r in t!is fas!ion is )y using pilot c! c% #al# s" as s!o$n in 3ig 4&+.& T! cylind r can ) 2t nd d and r tract d as normally don )y t! action of t! dir ctional control #al# & If r gular c! c% #al# s $ r us d" t! cylind r could not ) 2t nd d or r tract d )y t! action of t! DC7& An 2t rnal forc " acting on t! piston rod" $ill not mo# t! piston in it! r dir ction ) caus r # rs flo$ t!roug! it! r pilot c! c% #al# is not p rmitt d und r t! s conditions& 5.12. C<#=,D/- S<,CH-$,=>=,? C=-C@=AS ! a& Cylinder connected in *erie* * 3igur 4&+@ is a # ry int r sting circuit" $!ic! s ms to s!o$ to s!o$ !o$ t$o id ntical cylind rs can ) sync!roni( d )y piping t! m in parall l& Ho$ # r" # n if t! t$o cylind rs ar id ntical" it $ould ) n c ssary for t! loads on t! cylind rs to ) id ntical in ord r for t! m to 2t nd in 2act sync!roni(ation& If t! loads ar not 2actly id ntical /as is al$ays t! cas 0" t! cylind r $it! t! small r load $ould 2t nd first ) caus it $ould mo# at a lo$ r pr ssur l # l& Aft r t!is cylind r !as fully compl t d its stro% " t! syst m pr ssur $ill incr as to t! !ig! r l # l r Auir d to 2t nd t! cylind r $it! t! gr at r load& It s!ould ) point d out t!at no t$o cylind rs ar r ally id ntical& 3or 2ampl " diff r nc s in pac%ing friction $ill #ary from cylind r to cylind r& T!is alon $ould pr # nt cylind r sync!roni(ation for t! circuit of 3ig& 4&+@& C+ J C, 5 Dou)l acting cylind r - 5 -ump T 5 Tan% 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay " Tand m c nt r" Sol noid op rat d and Spring r turn DC7
" #oad
C, "#oad A
+ =
3 T
3ig 4&+@& Cylinder %oo+ed in .arallel for *ync%roniBing 6Cill not o.erate7 )& Cylinder* connected in Serie* ! T! circuit of 3ig& 4&+4 s!o$s a simpl $ay to sync!roni( t$o cylind rs& 3luid from t! pump is d li# r d to t! )lan% nd of cylind r +" and fluid from t! rod nd of cylind r + is d li# r d to t! )lan% nd of cylind r ,& 3luid r turns to t! tan% from t! rod nd of cylind r , #ia t! DC7& T!us" t! cylind rs ar !oo% d in s ri s& 3or t! t$o cylind rs to ) sync!roni( d" t! piston ar a of cylind r , must Aual t! diff r nc ) t$ n t! ar as of t! piston and rod for cylind r +& It s!ould also ) not d t!at t! pump must ) capa)l of d li# ring a pr ssur Aual to t!at r Auir d for t! piston of cylind r + )y its lf to o# rcom t! loads acting on )ot! cylind rs& It s!ould ) not d t!at t! pr ssur at t! )lan% nd of cylind r + and t! rod nd of cylind r , ar Aual as p r -ascal:s la$& -+Ap+ 1 -,/Ap+ 8 Ar+0 5 3+
And -,Ap, 1 -./Ap,1Ar,0 5 3, Adding )ot! Auations and noting t!at A-, 5 Ap+ 8 AR+ and t!at -. 5 = /du to t! drain lin to t! tan%0" $ o)tain t! d sir d r sult -+Ap+5 3+ F 3,
" #oad
C, "#oad A
+ =
3 T
3ig 4&+4& Cylinder %oo+ed in Serie* for *ync%roniBing 6 Dill $.erate 7 C+ J C, 5 Dou)l acting cylind r !oo% d in s ri s - 5 -ump T 5 Tan%
3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay " Tand m c nt r" Sol noid op rat d and Spring r turn DC7
" #$AD
C C7 3C7
3ig 4&+D& 0eter 5 in circuit. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r K - 5 -ump K T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# K C7 5 C! c% 7al# K 3C7 5 3lo$ control 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay "Tand m c nt r" ;anually op rat d "Spring C nt r d DC7
'! n t! dir ctional control #al# is actuat d to t! +st position" oil flo$s t!roug! t! flo$ control #al# to 2t nd t! cylind r& T! 2t nding sp d of t! cylind r d p nds on t! s tting /p rc nt of full op ning position0 of t! flo$ control #al# & '! n t! dir ctional control #al# is actuat d to t! ,nd position" t! cylind r r tracts as oil flo$s from t! cylind r to t! oil tan% t!roug! t! c! c% #al# as $ ll as t! flo$ control #al# & Analy*i* of /xtending S.eed Control ! During t! 2t nsion stro% " if t! flo$ control #al# is fully op n" all t! flo$ from t! pump go s to t! cylind r to produc ma2imum cylind r sp d& As t! flo$ control #al# is partially clos d its pr ssur drop incr as s& T!is caus s an incr as in pr ssur p+& Continu d closing of t! flo$ control #al# ultimat ly r sults in pr ssur p+ r ac!ing and 2c ding t! crac%ing pr ssur of t! pr ssur r li f #al# /-R70& T! r sult is a slo$ r cylind r sp d sinc part of t! pump flo$ go s )ac% to t! oil tan% t!roug! t! -R7 s tting and t! amount of pump flo$ t!at is not d sir d )y t! cylind r flo$s t!roug! t! -R7& An analysis to d t rmin t! 2t nding sp d is gi# n as follo$s* T! flo$ rat to t! cylind r Auals pump flo$ rat minus t! flo$ rat t!roug! t! -R7& >cyl 5 >pump 8 >-R7 T! flo$ rat t!roug! t! flo$ control #al# /3C70 is go# rn d )y >3C7 5 C7 - ? Sg 5 C7 /p+ 8 p, 0 ? Sg '! r
Also" pr ssur p. 5 = /ignoring small frictional pr ssur drop in drain lin from rod nd of cylind r to oil tan%0& -r ssur p, can ) o)tain d )y summing forc s on t! !ydraulic cylind r& p,Apiston 5 3load or 3inally t! p, 5 3load ?Apiston 111/a0 2t nding sp d of t! cylind r is found& 7cyl 5 >cyl ? Apiston 5 >3C7 ?Apiston 111111 /)0 using EAs& /a0 and /)0 yi lds t! final r sult&
PPRV Fload ? A piston Sg
Vcyl =
Cv A piston
111111 / +0
As can ) s n )y EA& +" )y #arying t! s tting of t! flo$ control syst m" and t!us t! #alu of C7" t! d sir d 2t nding sp d of t! cylind r can ) ac!i # d&
,& 0eter 5 out Circuit * In t!is typ of sp d control" t! flo$ control #al# is plac d ) t$ n t! actuator and t! tan% & T! r )y" it controls t! amount of fluid going out of t! actuator& 3ig 4&+C s!o$s a m t r1out circuit&
" #$AD
3ig 4&+C& 0eter 5 out Circuit. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind rK - 5 -ump K T 5 Tan%K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# K C7 5 C! c% 7al# K 3C7 5 3lo$ control 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay "Tand m c nt r" ;anually op rat d and Spring C nt r d DC7
; t r1in syst ms ar us d primarily $! n t! 2t rnal load oppos s t! dir ction of motion of t! !ydraulic cylind r& An 2ampl of t! opposit situation is t! cas of a $ ig!t pulling do$n$ard on t! piston rod of a # rtical cylind r& In t!is cas t! $ ig!t $ould sudd nly drop )y pulling t! piston rod do$n if a m t r1in syst m is us d # n if t! flo$ control #al# is compl t ly clos d& T!us" t! m t r1out syst m is g n rally pr f rr d o# r t! m t r1in typ & Bn dra$)ac% of a m t r1out syst m is t!
possi)ility of 2c ssi# pr ssur )uildup in t! rod nd of t! cylind r $!il it is 2t nding& T!is is du to t! magnitud of )ac% pr ssur t!at t! flo$ control #al# can cr at d p nding on its n arn ss to ) ing fully clos d as $ ll as t! si( of t! 2t rnal load and t! piston1to1rod ar a ratio of t! cylind r& In addition an 2c ssi# pr ssur )uildup in t! rod nd of t! cylind r r sults in a larg pr ssur drop across t! flo$ control #al# & T!is produc t! und sira)l ff ct of a !ig! ! at g n ration rat $it! a r sulting incr as in oil t mp ratur & .& 8leed 5 off Circuit * In t!is typ of sp d control" t! flo$ control #al# is plac d ) t$ n t! pr ssur lin and r turn lin & T! r )y" it controls t! fluid )y )l ding off t! 2c ss not n d d )y t! $or%ing cylind r& 3ig 4&+E s!o$s t! )l d1off circuit&
" #$AD
3ig 4&+E& 8leed 5 &ff Circuit. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind rK - 5 -ump K T 5 Tan%K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# K 3C7 5 3lo$ control 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay "Tand m c nt r" ;anually op rat d " Spring C nt r d DC7
T!is typ of flo$ control is muc! mor ffici nt t!an t! inl t r stricting typ for m t r1in" ) caus t! )ypass f atur allo$s fluid to ) 2!aust d to t! tan% at Gust slig!tly !ig! r pr ssur t!an t!at n c ssary to do t! $or%& 'it! t! m t r1in typ " pump d li# ry not us d $ould disc!arg o# r t! main r li f #al# at ma2imum pr ssur &
-ro)l m + * An actuator for$ard sp d is controll d )y a m t r1in circuit& T! pr ssur s tting of r li f #al# is 4= )ar and t! pump disc!arg 5 .= litr s ?min& T! cylind r !as to carry a load of .D== N during t! for$ard motion& T! ar a of piston is +4 cm, and rod ar a 5 Ecm,& T! flo$ control #al# is s t to allo$ only += litr s? min& Calculat t! po$ r input to motor" for$ard sp d and r turn sp d and ffici ncy of t! circuit&
Solution! p, 5 3load ? A- 5 .D== ? =&==+4 5 ,@=====N?m, 5 ,@ )ar& P = 4=1,@ 5 ,D )ar -o$ r input to t! motor 5 p+6>- ? m 54= 6+=46=&===4?=&E4
R turn sp d " #r 5 >- ? /A-1 Ar0 5 =&===4 ? / =&==+4 1= &===E0 5 &.41)/* An*
4 5 ,@6+= 6=&===+D
5.13 S.eed control of Hydraulic 0otor* 3igur 4&+I s!o$s a circuit $! r sp d control of a !ydraulic motor / <i 1dir ctional motor0 is accomplis! d using a flo$ control #al# to control t! fluid flo$ to t! motor& In t! spring1c nt r d position of t! tand m four1$ay #al# " t! motor is !ydraulically loc% d& '! n t! four1$ay #al# is actuat d into t! +st position" t! motor rotat s in on dir ction& Its sp d can ) #ari d )y adGusting t! s tting of t! t!rottl of
t! flo$ control #al# & In t!is $ay t! sp d can ) infinit ly #ari d as t! 2c ss oil go s to t! tan% t!roug! t! pr ssur r li f #al# & '! n t! four1$ay #al# is d acti#at d" t! motor stops sudd nly and ) com s loc% d& '! n t! ,nd position of t! four1$ay #al# is in op ration" t! motor turns in t! opposit dir ction& T! pr ssur r li f #al# pro#id s o# rload prot ction if" for 2ampl " t! motor 2p ri nc s an 2c ssi# torAu load& ;
3ig 4&+I& S.eed control of Hydraulic )otor u*ing "loC control valve. ; 5 <i1dir ctional Hydraulic motor K - 5 -ump K T 5 Tan%K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# K 3C7 5 3lo$ control 7al# D 5.1position" @ $ay "Tand m c nt r" ;anually op rat d and Spring C nt r d DC7 T! sp d of !ydraulic motor can ) controll d it! r )y m t r1in control or m t r1 out control& 3igur 4&,= s!o$s a unidir ctional !ydraulic motor sp d is controll d )y a m t r1 in circuit& H r t! flo$ control #al# is plac d ) t$ n t! pump and motor&
R 3 >L
; / >+1>L0
3ig 4&,=& 0eter- in S.eed control of Hydraulic )otor ; 5 Uni1dir ctional Hydraulic ;otor K - 5 -ump K T 5 Tan%K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# K 3C7 5 3lo$ control 7al# 3igur 4&,+ s!o$s a unidir ctional !ydraulic motor sp d is controll d )y a m t r1 out circuit& H r t! flo$ control #al# is plac d ) t$ n t! motor and tan%& >+ >L 3C7 3 R / >+ 1 >L0 3ig 4&,=& 0eter- out S.eed control of Hydraulic )otor ; 5 Uni1dir ctional Hydraulic ;otor K - 5 -ump K T 5 Tan%K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# K 3C7 5 3lo$ control 7al# ' %no$ t!at t! #olum tric ffici ncy of t! motor is gi# n )y 7ol 5 T! or tical flo$ rat t! motor s!ould consum Actual flo$ rat consum d )y motor ;
7ol 5 >T ? >A Du to l a%ag " a !ydraulic motor consum s mor flo$ rat t!an it s!ould t! or tically consum & T! t! or tical flo$ rat is t! flo$ rat a !ydraulic motor $ould consum if t! r $ r no l a%ag & If >+/5>A 0 is t! flo$ of fluid to t! motor" and >L t! l a%ag " T! n >T is Aual to >+ 8 >L T! n 7ol 5 />+ 8 >L 0 ? >+ In m t r1 in control >+ is maintain d constant d spit #arying load " >L #ari s $it! load " t! r for #olum tric ffici ncy #ari s $it! load& H nc m t r1in syst m $ill not gi# pr cis control of sp d& '! r as in m t r 8 out control >+ #ari s $it! load ! nc pr cis control of sp d r gardl ss of flo$&
4&+4 Hydro*tatic Aran*)i**ion 6 HSA 7* T! s ar sp cial cas s of n rgy transmission syst m& It consists of a dri# $it! !ydraulic n rgy as input& Hydraulic motor con# rt !ydraulic n rgy to m c!anical n rgy& Hydrostatic transmission is a $!ol unit in $!ic! pumps and motors ar d sign d to matc! / t! sp d torAu c!aract ristics 0 to g t optimum transmission& T! HST can ) op n or clos d circuit& /fig 4&,+0 -& E ; &E
3ig 4&,+ Hydrostatic transmission $.en circuit HSA * 3igur 4&,, s!o$s op n typ circuit& T! y ar call d op n circuit dri# s ) caus t! pump dra$s its fluid from a tan%& Its output is t! n dir ct d to a !ydraulic motor and disc!arg d from t! motor )ac% to t! tan%& In t! clos d circuit dri# " 2!aust oil from t! motor is r turn d dir ctly to t! pump inl t& 7aria)l displac m nt pump ; R
3igur 4&,. s!o$s a clos d circuit t!at allo$s it! r dir ction of motor rotation& T! f d pump is pro#id d for r pl nis!ing t! fluid in t! circuit& T! c! c% #al# s pr # nt t! oil flo$ from t! main pump to t! f d pump& H r t$o r li f #al# R + and R, ar us d to prot ct t! main pump in )ot! t! dir ction of rotation& T! motor sp d is #ari d )y c!anging t! pump displac m nt& T! torAu capacity of t! motor can ) adGust d )y t! pr ssur s tting of t! r li f #al# & Clos d circuit dri# s ar a#aila)l as compl t ly int grat d units $it! all t! controls and #al#ing nclos d in a singl " compact !ousing&
3 d -ump
"ig 5.2( Clo*ed circuit 6o.en loo. 7 HSA Perfor)ance! +& Hydraulic po$ r input " -!yd 5 p >- / 'atts 0 $! r p 5 pr ssur s tting of r li f #al# in N ? m, >- 5 pump t! or tical flo$ rat 5 pump displac m nt /m.? r #0
Sp d /rps0
$! r 7- 5 #olum tric ffici ncy of t! pumpK >+ 5 Actual flo$ rat to motor
.& ;otor t! or tical flo$ rat ">; 5 >+ 6 7; $! r 7; 5 #olum tric ffici ncy of t! motor +& ;otor capacity " C; 5 >; ? sp d of motor / m.? r # 0 ,& -o$ r d li# r d to motor" -!yd 5 Syst m pr ssur
/ 'atts 0
.& ; c!anical po$ r g n rat d" -; c! 5 -!yd 6 7 ; 6 ;; $! r ;; 5 m c!anical ffici ncy of !ydraulic motor @& Actual TorAu d # lop d )y motor" Ta 5 -; c! ? , N '! r N 5 sp d of motor in rps E& Id al torAu " Ti 5 C; 6 - ? , I& Actual torAu " Ta 5 Ti 6 ;;
-ro)l m ,& A Hydrostatic transmission op rating at C= )ar pr ssur !as t! follo$ing c!aract ristic for t! pump and t! motor* Pu). * Capacity of pump" C- 5 E, cm.? r # / pump displac m nt0 7olum tric ffici ncy of pump" 7- 5 E, L ; c!anical ffici ncy of pump" ;- 5 EE L Sp d of pump " N 5 4== r # ? min 0otor! Capacity of motor" C; 5 F 7olum tric ffici ncy of motor" 7; 5 I, L ; c!anical ffici ncy of motor" ;; 5 I= L D sir d sp d of motor " N 5 @== r # ? min Actual TorAu " Ta 5 F Solution * -ump t! or tical flo$ rat " >- 5 pump displac m nt 6 sp d 5 E, 6 += 1 =D Actual flo$ rat to t! motor " >+ 5 >- 6 76
4== ? D=
5 =&===DE m. ? s c
5 =&===DE 6 =&E, 5 =& ===4D m. ? s c ;otor t! or tical flo$ rat " >; 5 >+ 6 7; 5 =&===4D 6 =&I, 5 =& ===4+4 m. ? s c ;otor capacity" C; 5 >; ? sp d of motor 5 =&===4+4 ? @==?D= 5 &.&&&&44( )( / *ec -o$ r d li# r d to motor" -!yd 5 syst m pr ssur 5 C= 6 +=4 6 =&===4D 5.I,= 'atts 5 .&I, %' ; c!anical po$ r g n rat d" -; c! 5 -!yd 6 7 ; 6 ;; 5 .&I, 6 =&I, 6 =&I= 5 .&,@D %' Actual TorAu d # lop d )y motor" Ta 5 -; c! ? , N 5 .&,@D6+=== ? /, 6 @== 0 D= 5 44.31 ,- ) Id al torAu " Ti 5 C; 6 - ? , 5 =&====CC. 6 C= 6+=4 ? , 5 ED&+ N1m Actual torAu " Ta 5 Ti 6 ;; 5 ED&+ 6 =&I= 5 44.31 , 5) An* An*
An* >+
A !ydraulic accumulator is a d #ic t!at stor s t! pot ntial n rgy of an incompr ssi)l fluid ! ld und r pr ssur )y an 2t rnal sourc against som dynamic forc & T! dynamic forc can com t!r diff r nt sourc s * Gra#ity" ; c!anical Springs" and Compr ss d gas s& T! stor d pot ntial n rgy in t! accumulator is a Auic% s condary sourc of fluid po$ r capa)l of doing us ful $or% as r Auir d )y t! syst m& T! r ar t!r )asic typ s of accumulator us d in !ydraulic syst m& T! y ar * +& ' ig!t 8 Load d" or gra#ity" typ ,& Spring 1Load d typ .& Gas 8 Load d typ +& Deig%t 5 #oaded Accu)ulator ! T!is typ consists of a # rtical" ! a#y1 $all st l cylind r" $!ic! incorporat s a piston $it! pac%ing to pr ssur l a%ag / 3ig 4&,@0 & A d ad $ ig!t is attac! d to t! top of t! piston& T! forc of gra#ity of t! d ad $ ig!t pro#id s t! pot ntial n rgy in t! accumulator& T!is typ of accumulator cr at s a constant fluid pr ssur t!roug!out t! full #olum output of t! unit r gardl ss of t! rat and Auantity of output& T! main disad#antag of t!is typ of accumulator is 2tr m ly larg si( and ! a#y $ ig!t $!ic! ma% s it unsuita)l for mo)il Auipm nt&
"ig 5.23 Deig%t 5 #oaded accu)ulator ,& S.ring 5 #oaded Accu)ulator ! A spring load d accumulator is similar to t! $ ig!t 8 load d typ 2c pt t!at t! piston is pr load d $it! a spring as s!o$n in fig 4&,4& T! spring is t! sourc of n rgy t!at acts against t! piston" forcing t! fluid into t! !ydraulic syst m& T! pr ssur g n rat d )y t!is typ of accumulator d p nds on t! si( and pr 1loading of t! spring& In addition" t! pr ssur 2 rt d on t! fluid is not a constant& T! spring1 load d accumulator typically d li# rs a r lati# ly small #olum of oil at lo$ pr ssur s& T!us" t! y t nd to ) ! a#y and larg for !ig!1 pr ssur " larg 8 #olum syst ms& T!is typ of accumulator s!ould not ) us d for applications r Auiring
!ig! cycl rat s ) caus t! spring $ill fatigu and los its lasticity& T! r sult is an inop rati# accumulator&
Contain r
-r ssuri( d 3luid 3luid flo$ "ig 5.25 S.ring - Ay.e Accu)ulator @& ?a* #oaded Accu)ulator ! T$o main cat gori s* Gas 7al# ?a* Container
-r ssuri( d 3luid 3luid flo$ port "ig 5.22 ,on Se.arator - Ay.e ?a* Accu)ulator a& ,on *e.arator- Ay.e Accu)ulator* T! non s parator typ of accumulator /fig 4&,D0consists of a fully nclos d s! ll containing an oil port on t! )ottom and a gas c!arging #al# on t! top& T! gas is confin d in t! top and t! oil at t! )ottom of t! s! ll& T! r is no p!ysical s parator ) t$ n t! gas and oil and t!us t! gas pus! s dir ctly on oil& T! main ad#antag of t!is typ is its a)ility to !andl larg #olum of oil& T! main disad#antag is a)sorption of gas in t! oil du to t! lac% of a s parator& A)sorption of gas in t! oil also ma% s t! oil compr ssi)l " r sulting in spongy op ration of t! !ydraulic actuators& T!is typ must ) install d # rtically to % p t! gas confin d at t! top of t! s! ll&
Se.arator 5 Ay.e Accu)ulator * T! commonly acc pt d d sign of gas load d accumulators is t! s parator typ & In t!is typ t! r is a p!ysical )arri r ) t$ n t! gas and t! oil& T! t!r maGor typ of s parator accumulator ar fr ly floating piston $it! prop r s als& T! piston s r# s as a )arri r ) t$ n t! gas and oil&/fig4&,C0& T! main disad#antag of t! piston typ s of accumulator ar t!at t! y ar 2p nsi# to manufactur and !a# practical si( limitation& T! principal ad#antag of t! piston accumulator is its a)ility to !andl # ry !ig! or lo$ t mp ratur syst m fluids t!roug! t! utili(ation to compati)l B1 ring s als& Gas 7al# ?a*
Contain r -iston -r ssuri( d 3luid 3luid flo$ port "ig 5.24 Se.arator - Ay.e Pi*ton Accu)ulator ii0 Dia.%rag) Accu)ulator* T! diap!ragm typ accumulator consists of a diap!ragm" s cur d in t! s! ll" $!ic! s r# s as an lastic )arri r ) t$ n t! oil and gas/fig4&,E0& A s!utoff )utton" $!ic! is s cur d at t! )as of t! diap!ragm" co# rs t! inl t of t! lin conn ction $! n t! diap!ragm is fully str tc! d& T! primary ad#antag of t!is typ of accumulator is its small $ ig!t1 to 8 #olum ratio" $!ic! ma% s it suita)l almost 2clusi# ly for mo)il applications& T! r striction is on t! d fl ction of t! diap!ragm Gas 7al# Gas Diap!ragm -r ssuri( d 3luid 3luid 7al# "ig 5.2' Dia.%rag) Accu)ulator
8ladder ty.e Accu)ulator* A )ladd r typ 1 accumulator contains an lastic )arri r/ )ladd r0 ) t$ n t! oil and gas/ fig4&,I0& T! )ladd r is fitt d in t! accumulator )y m ans of a #ulcani( d gas1 #al# l m nt and can ) install d or r mo# d t!roug! t! s! ll op ning at t! popp t #al# & T! popp t #al# clos s t! inl t $! n t! accumulator )ladd r is fully 2pand d& T!is pr # nts t! )ladd r from ) ing pr ss d into t! op ning& T! gr at st ad#antag of t!is typ of accumulator is t! positi# s aling ) t$ n t! gas and oil c!am) rs& ;ost $id ly us d typ of accumulator& Gas 7al#
Gas <ladd r
-r ssuri( d 3luid
A C7 R 3 T
+ ,
3ig 4&.=& Accu)ulator a* an auxiliary .oCer *ource. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r A 5 Accumulator - 5 -umpK T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# " C7 5 C! c% 7al# D 5,1position" @ $ay " ;anually op rat d DC7
Bn of t! most common application of accumulator is as an au2iliary po$ r sourc & T! purpos of t! accumulator in t!is application is to stor oil d li# r d )y t! pump during a portion of t! $or% cycl & T! accumulator t! n r l as s t!is stor d oil on d mand to compl t t! cycl " t! r )y s r#ing as a s condary po$ r sourc to assist t! pump& In suc! a syst m $! r int rmitt nt op rations ar p rform d" t! us of an accumulator r sults in ) ing a)l to us a small r si( pump& 3igur 4&.= s!o$s suc! a application in $!ic! a four $ay #al# is us d in conGunction $it! an accumulator& '! n t! four $ay #al# is manually actuat d" oil flo$s from t! accumulator to t! )lan% nd of t! cylind r& T!is 2t nds t! piston until it r ac! s t! nd of its stro% & '!il t! d sir d op ration is occurring / t! cylind r is fully 2t nd d position 0" t! accumulator is ) ing c!arg d )y t! pump& T! four $ay is
t! n d acti#at d for t! r traction of t! cylind r& Bil from )ot! t! pump and accumulator is us d to r tract t! cylind r rapidly& T! c! c% #al# pr # nts t! )ac% flo$ of oil from t! accumulator $! n t! pump is not $or%ing& T! control signal for t! r li f #al# is o)tain d aft r t! c! c% #al# " to control t! com)in d pr ssur of pump and t! accumulator& ,& Accu)ulator a* an e)ergency .oCer *ource* C A
+ =
R 3 T 3ig 4&.+& Accu)ulator a* an /)ergency .oCer *ource. C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r A 5 Accumulator - 5 -umpK T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# " C7 5 C! c% 7al# D 5,1position" @ $ay " ;anually op rat d DC7
In som !ydraulic syst m" saf ty dictat s t!at a cylind r ) r tract d # n t!oug! t! normal supply of oil pr ssur is lost du to a pump or l ctrical po$ r failur & Suc! an application r Auir s t! us of an accumulator as an m rg ncy po$ r sourc & 3igur 4&.+ s!o$s suc! a application in $!ic! a sol noid actuat d t!r $ay #al# is us d in conGunction $it! an accumulator& '! n t! t!r $ay #al# is n rgi( d" oil flo$s to t! )lan% nd of t! cylind r and also t!roug! t! c! c% #al# into t! accumulator and rod nd of t! cylind r& T! accumulator c!arg s as t! cylind r
2t nds& If t! pump fails du to an l ctrical failur " t! sol noid $ill d n rgi( " s!ifting t! #al# to t! spring 1offs t position& T! n t! oil stor d und r pr ssur is forc d from t! accumulator to t! rod nd of t! cylind r& T!is r tracts t! cylind r to t! starting position& In normal $or%ing" $! n t! sol noid is d n rgi( d" t! #al# s!ifts to t! spring offs t position& In t!is position t! accumulator $ill r tract t! cylind r& .& Accu)ulator a* a %ydraulic *%oc+ a *or er *
+ ,
R 3 T 3ig 4&.,& Accu)ulator a* an S%oc+ A *or er C 5 Dou)l acting cylind r A+" A, 5 Accumulators - 5 -umpK T 5 Tan% K 3 5 3ilt r R 5 R li f 7al# " D 5 ,?@ Sol noid actuat d" spring r turn DC7 Bn of t! most important industrial application of accumulator is t! limination or r duction of !ig! pr ssur pulsation or !ydraulic s!oc% Hydraulic s!oc% is caus d )y t! sudd n stoppag " sudd n impact load" or r # rsal $it! ! a#y loads& Hydraulic s!oc%
load may ) r duc d consid ra)ly if t! d c l ration tim of t! flo$ing fluid mass can ) r duc d& T! accumulator / 3ig 4&.,0 s!ould ) install d as clos to t! s!oc% sourc as possi)l & H r , accumulators ar install d n ar t! ntry to t! cylind r& T! oil from t! pump flo$ to t! accumulator first and $! n accumulator is fill d" t! oil mo# s to t! cylind r and piston starts mo#ing&