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Study of Piston Manufacturing and Completion of A Project On"Understandinng Piston Manufacturinng Process " in Piston Plant

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This is to certify that Sambhav Jain, student of Bachelor of Technology in
Mechanical Engineering from Delhi Technological University has done a six weeks
industrial training at piston plant under my guidance and his performance has been
satisfactory throughout the training period.

Mr. an!eev "oshi
#$iston $lant%


& would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mr Sanjeev Joshi'
for his guidance and help. (is rich experience' cooperation and support have been a
great motivation for me to complete my industrial training. & also wish to express my
gratitude to Mr !"ranja# and all the staff of )ine *+' $iston $lant for their help so
far in my training.
& further undertake that the work presented in this report has not been submitted

Sambhav Jain
Shriram pistons & rings Ltd. (SPRL) is on of the argest & most
sophisti!ated man"fa!t"rers of pre!ision a"to# mobie !omponents
s"!h as pistons$ piston rings$ pistons pins & engine vave in %ndia.
&he prod"!ts are sod "nder brand name '(S)*+SPR, .
SPRL man"fa!t"ring "nit is o!ated at -eer"t Road in .ha/iabad (20
1m from 2ehi).
&he pant has been re!ogni/ed as one of the most modern &
sophisti!ated pants in north %ndia in the 3ed of a"tomobie the
prod"!tion !apa!it4 of pant.
&he pant has been re!ogni/ed as one of the most modern &
sophisti!ated pants in north %ndia in the 3ed of a"tomobie the
prod"!tion !apa!it4 of pant.
56ports saes are of RS. 178!r. &he 4ear 2818#11.
&ota area !overed b4 the fa!tor4 is 27a!res.
&he fa!tor4 has man"fa!t"ring fa!iities for Piston$ Ring$ Pins$ and 5ngine
&ota strength of the !ompan4 is 0238 nos. !onsisting of o:!ers$ sta;$
&he t"rnover+saes for the 4ear 2813#2814 is RS. 1288!r.
&he !ompan4 is e6porting to more than 30 !o"ntries
Pistons 14.8 miion per 4ear.
Pins 11.3miion per 4ear.
Rings 78.7 miion per 4ear.
5ngine vaves 27.82 miion per 4ear.
SPR re!eived the %S= > ?881 !erti3!ate from R@&(9$ .erman4 in 1??4.
&e!hnoog4 from the !oaborators <as s"ppemented <ith in#ho"se
e;orts and b4 impementing <ord#!ass pra!ti!es.
&he !ompan4 re!eived AS#?888 !erti3!ate from &(9$ .erman4 in the
4ear 1???.
&he !ompan4 re!eived %S=#14881 !erti3!ate in the 4ear 2881
SPR re!eived the &S#1B?4? Certi3!ate in the 4ear 2883.
&he !ompan4 re!eived =)S*S > 1D881 !erti3!ate in the 4ear2883.
Eest fo"ndr4 a<ards from instit"te of %ndian Fo"ndr4 men in the 4ear
.reen rating a<ards b4 C%%$ (.P Po"tion Eoard& @ord ban1 in 2884.
&he !ompan4 re!eived &P- e6!een!e a<ard in the 4ear 2884.
56!een!e a<ard in 56port b4 .overnment of %ndia.
&he !ompan4 re!eived re!ognition a<ard b4 .overnment of %ndia for in
)o"se R. & 2.
Re!eived star Performer(%C Piston engine & parts) a<ard form
engineering 56port promotion Co"n!i(55PC) %ndia.
Re!eived siver a<ard#A"ait4 & Eron/e a<ard#Spares form )=G2*
Sie Card(%) Ltd. %n 2887.
Re!eived 2iamond a<ard# =vera best performan!e in AC22-$
="tstanding performan!e in !ost$ Eron/e a<ard for deiver4$ .od
a<ard for 0s from )onda Sie Card (%) Ltd. %n 288B.
SPRL has re!eived the Eest vendor a<ards from -ar"ti S"/"1i for 4
!onse!"tive times$ best s"ppier performan!e a<ards from &ata C"mmins
Ltd for 3 !onse!"tive 4ears$ *nd has sef !erti3ed stat"s <ith most of
the =5-s.
56!een!e a<ard in prod"!tivit4 b4 *C-* in 2887#288D.
56!een!e a<ard % H"ait4 b4 )onda S!ooters and -otors Limited$ )onda
Sie and *C-* in 2887#288D.
56!een!e a<ard in &e!hnoog4 b4 *C-* in2887#8D.
56!een!e a<ard % H"ait4 b4 )onda S!ooters and -otors Limited$
)onda Sie and *C-* in 2887#288D.
56!een!e a<ard in &e!hnoog4 b4 *C-* in2887#8D
-+S Iobens!hmidt$ .erman4 to prod"!e pistons
-+S Ri1en !orporation$ Japan for piston Rings
-+S F4Ji =o/6$ Japan for the man"fa!t"re of engine vaves.
-+S )onda fo"ndr4$ Japan of te!hni!a s"pport
-+S )ero )onda$ Iineti! )onda$ & Shriram )onda.
&he !ompan4 s"ppies it prod"!ts to severa =rigina 5H"ipment
-an"fa!t"rers (=5-s).
S"!h as 2efense 9ehi!e Fa!tories$ *sho1 Le4and$ &ata C"mmins$ -ar"ti
S"/"1i$ -ahindra$ 5i!her &ra!tors$ 2&L(s<araJ)$ Iiros1ar =i 5ngines$
EaJaJ *"to)onda Cars$ S"dram Ca4on$ )onda S!ooter.
Shriram pistons & Rings Ltd. A"ait4 is integra part of <hatever <e do$
<hi!h is reKe!ted in the !ompan4,s H"ait4 poi!4.
-a6imi/ation of &ota e:!ien!4.
5ntire ife !4!e of prod"!tion s4stem.
Cover a departments.
Parti!ipation of a 5mpo4ees.
P"rs"e the ma6imi/ation of e:!ien!4 of the prod"!tion
s4stem b4 ma1ing a osses /ero.
Lero *!!idents$ Lero defe!ts$ Lero Erea1do<ns are rea
meaning of ma6imi/ation of e:!ien!4.
-aintenan!e Cover the entire ife !4!e of the Prod"!tion
s4stem. %& refers to maintenan!e of individ"a pro!ess$
pant & Prod"!tion management s4stems.
ML5R= F*%L(R5N $ ML5R= 255F5C&N $ ML5R= *CC%25G&N$
&hro"gh introd"!tion of &P- <ith parti!ipation.
-a6im"m pro3t thro"gh improvement of overa
eH"ipment e:!ien!4$ prod"!tion in !ost & in!rease in
!"stomer satisfa!tion.

Contin"o"s improvement.
&e!hnoog4 deveopment.
=rgani/ationa and Personne deveopment.
Cost Red"!tion e;orts.
5;e!tive "se of a reso"r!es.
=rgani/ation <hi!h is sensitive & intera!tive to the needs of
@or1 to internationa norms of A"ait4 & -anagement.
&he !ompan4 has s"!!essf"4 pra!ti!ed the best <or1 ethi!s
& te!hnoog4 aong <ith the &P- & 1ai/en approa!h &
harmon4 thro"gh team<or1.
Contin"o"s "pgrading of H"ait4 & pro!ess to meet !hanging
of !"stomer.
Descripi!" !# $ %e"er$& $'!(!)i&e
* !4indri!a$ hoo< a"min"m or iron part$ !osed on top and open
at the bottom$ 3tting !ose4 <ithin the engine !4inder or seeve
and !apabe of being driven aternate4 "p and do<n in the !4inder.
&he piston transmits the for!e of e6panding !omb"stion gases
thro"gh the piston pin to the !onne!ting rod and !ran1shaft thro<s.
&he piston serves as a !arrier for the piston rings
*"mini"m ao4s are the preferred materia for pistons both in
gasoine and diese engines d"e to their spe!i3! !hara!teristi!sO#
o< densit4$ high therma !ond"!tivit4$ eas4 ma!hinabiit4$ high
reiabiit4 and ver4 good re!4!ing !hara!teristi!s. Proper !ontro of
the !hemi!a !omposition$ pro!essing !onditions and 3na heat
treatment res"ts in a mi!ro str"!t"re <hi!h ens"res the reH"ired
me!hani!a and therma performan!e$ in parti!"ar the high therma
fatig"e resistan!e.
&he standard materia for piston is *#12PSi ao4 !ontaining in
addition appro6imate4 1P ea!h of C"$ Gi and -g.
Foo<ing are the standard Piston terminoogiesO#
*) L*G2
&hat part of the piston above the top ring or bet<een ring grooves.
&he ands !on3ne and s"pport the piston rings in their grooves.
E) )5*& 2*-
* narro< groove !"t in the top and of some pistons to red"!e heat
Ko< to the top ring groove. &his groove 3s <ith !arbon d"ring
engine operation and red"!es heat Ko< to the top ring.
C) C=-PR5SS%=G 2%S&*GC5 (or height)
&he distan!e from the !enter of the pin hoe to the top of the
piston. <here grooves are ma!hined.
2) R%G. E5L&
&hat area bet<een the top of the piston and the pin hoe for the
instaation of piston rings.
5) P%S&=G )5*2
&he top piston s"rfa!e against <hi!h the !omb"stion gases e6ert
press"re. &he piston head ma4 be Kat$ !on!ave$ !onve6 or of
irreg"ar shape.
F) P%S&=G P%GS (@rist pins or g"dgeon pins)
Conne!tions bet<een the "pper end of the !onne!ting rod and the
piston. Pins ma4 be hed in one of three <a4sO
1. *n!hored in the piston <ith the b"shing in the "pper end of the
!onne!ting rod os!iating on the pin.
2. Camped in the rod <ith the pin os!iating in the piston.
3. F" Koating in both !onne!ting rod and piston <ith o!1 rings or
other devi!es preventing the pin from !onta!ting the !4inder <a.
.) SI%R&
&hat part of the piston o!ated bet<een the 3rst ring groove above
the pin hoe$ and the bottom (open end) of the piston. &he s1irt
forms a bearing area in !onta!t <ith the !4inder <a.
)) P%G )=L5
*n opening thro"gh the piston s1irt to !arr4 the piston pin.
%) -*J=R &)R(S& F*C5
&hat portion of the piston s1irt <hi!h !arries the greatest thr"st
oad. &his is on the right side <hen vie<ing the engine from the
K4<hee end <ith the !ran1shaft rotating !o"nter!o!1<ise.
J) -%G=R &)R(S& F*C5
&hat portion of the piston s1irt <hi!h is opposite the maJor
thr"st fa!e.
I) =%L R%G. .R==95
* groove !"t into the piston aro"nd its !ir!"mferen!e$ at
the bottom of the ring bet or at the o<er end of piston
s1irt. =i ring grooves are "s"a4 <ider than !ompression
ring grooves and genera4 have hoes or sots thro"gh the
bottom of the groove for oi drainage to the interior of the
L) C=-PR5SS%=G R%G. .R==95
* groove !"t into the piston aro"nd its !ir!"mferen!e$ in the "pper
part of the ring bet. &he depth of groove varies depending on
piston si/e and t4pes of rings "sed.
-) SC(FF E*G2
* narro< raised band or bands ma!hined on the top and of some
pistons to red"!e the possibiit4 of s!":ng.
G) .R==95 25P&)
&he distan!e from the !4inder <a to the bottom of the ring groove
<ith the piston !entered in the !4inder.
=) .R==95 R==& 2%*-5&5R
2iameter of the piston meas"red at the bottom of the groove. &he
root diameter of ea!h groove on an4 given piston ma4 di;er$
depending on the t4pe of ring to be instaed.
P) L*G2 2%*-5&5R
2iameter of the and being meas"red. %n some piston designs a
ands are eH"a diameter. %n others the4 in!rease from top to
A) SI%R& .R==95
* groove !"t into the piston aro"nd its !ir!"mferen!e beo< the pin
hoe to !arr4 an oi ring.
R) =FFS5& P%G )=L5
=n some pistons the pin hoe is o;set to one side of the piston
S) &=P .R==95 SP*C5R
Ead4 <orn top grooves m"st be re ma!hined before instaation of
ne< rings. * stee spa!er is instaed above the ring in a
re!onditioned groove to red"!e the side !earan!e to the
re!ommended dimension.
P%S&=G SI%R& &*P5R # &he di;eren!e bet<een the diameter of
the piston at the top of the s1irt and at the bottom of the s1irt <ith
the diameters being meas"red in the thr"st dire!tion.
P%S&=G C*- # &he !ir!"mferentia shape in <hi!h a piston s1irt
is man"fa!t"red to provide proper !4inder !onta!t and r"nning
!earan!e "nder a norma !onditions of temperat"re and oad.
C*S&#%G .R==95 %GS5R&#* stee or !ast iron insert$ in an
a"min"m piston$ either !hemi!a4 or me!hani!a4 bonded d"ring
the man"fa!t"ring pro!ess$ into <hi!h the top groove is ma!hined
to provide a onger <earing s"rfa!e for the top ring
Piston in fo"ndr4 shopO# &he pistons are 3rst prod"!e in the fo"ndr4
shop from the -oten meta in the form of ro"gh piston <hose
diameter is arger than 3nished prod"!t
&he Piston from fo"ndr4 shop "ndergoes the foo<ing pro!ess to
get the 3na prod"!t O#
*+ Ro"gh t"rning
Ro"gh t"rning operation is the initia t"rning operation$ it ma4 or
ma4 not be reH"ired for a given t4pe of piston
,+ Lo!ating seat t"rning
&his is genera4 the 3rst and one of the most important pro!ess in
the ine $ o!ating seat is the base on <hi!h f"rther operations are
performed on the piston $so it sho"d be of ma6im"m a!!"ra!4
-+ Pre pre boring
&his is the pro!ess in <hi!h ring bore are 3rst enarged before
feeding it to pre#boring ma!hine
.. Pre boring$ 5nargement & Cir!ip grooving
&his is a maJor step in the man"fa!t"ring of piston the piston after
pre pre boring is fed into the pre boring ma!hine to enarge the
bore before 3na boring $ !ir!ips are aso made d"ring this step.
/. Eroa!hing
Eroa!hing is made for providing "bri!ation bet<een the pinbore
and the g"dgeon pin$ it is done "sing a broa!hing too.
0+ =i hoe driing
=i hoes are dried to provide "bri!ation to the inside part of the
piston d"ring engine r"nning$ oi hoes are dried after the
broa!hing operation.
1+ *ng"ar driing
*ng"ar hoes are dried in a separate pro!ess.
2+ Pin Eoss driing
3+ Pre .rooving & Cavit4 &"rning in!"ding 3ne fa!ing.
* piston is not !ompete4 verti!a in height$ some mo"nt of !"rve is
given so as to fa!iitate the ret"rn stro1e$ this t4pe of fa!ing is
performed on a 3ne fa!ing ma!hine Cavit4 t"rning and pre grooving
are done for ma1ing ring so!1ets
*4+ Finish =va &"rning
* piston is not !ompete4 !ir!"ar in !ross se!tion$ some t4pe of
ovait4 is given $ this is done on a ova t"rning ma!hine $ in an ova
t"rning ma!hine the Q$R$&L feeds !an be provided independent4 .
**+ Finish grooving & groove !hamfering
&his is the 3na grooving pro!ess in <hi!h ring grooves are !"t.
*,+ Fine Eoring
&he 3ne boring operation is the ast ma!hining opertation
performed $ it is done on a 3ne boring ma!hine
*-+ @ashing
@ashing of piston is a ong pro!ess in <hi!h it goes thro"gh
fooo<ing stepsO#
*.+ 9is"a %nspe!tion
9is"a inspe!tion is performed to !he!1 for s"rfa!e and other
defe!ts in the ma!hining .
*/. &in Pating
*!!ording to the demand of the !"stomer the pistons are send for
tin pating. %n ee!tropating$ an ioni! meta is s"ppied <ith
ee!trons to form a non#ioni! !oating on a s"bstrate. * !ommon
s4stem invoves a !hemi!a so"tion <ith the ioni! form of the
meta$ an anode (positive4 !harged) <hi!h ma4 !onsist of the
meta being pated (a so"be anode) or an inso"be anode ("s"a4
!arbon$ patin"m$ titani"m$ ead$ or stee)$ and 3na4$ a !athode
(negative4 !harged) <here ee!trons are s"ppied to prod"!e a 3m
of non#ioni! meta.
#!r M-F!r5*+0Lsi%($ E6p

Pr!5'ci!" !pi(i7$i!" ec8"i9'es
P!;$ Y!;e
Po1a#4o1e is a Japanese term that means "mista1e#proo3ng". *
po1a#4o1e is an4 me!hanism in a ean man"fa!t"ring pro!ess that
heps an eH"ipment operator avoid mista1es. %ts p"rpose is to
eiminate prod"!t defe!ts b4 preventing$ !orre!ting$ or dra<ing
attention to h"man errors as the4 o!!"r.
Po1a 4o1e <as provide on the foo<ing ma!hinesO#
1. &o !he!1 pre pre boring operation before boring operation.
2. For prevention of variation bet<een enargement diameter and
pre bore diameter.
3. For prevention of <rong oading of piston.
4. &o !he!1 !ompression height$ pin bore diameter$ groove
diameter$ pin bore sH"areness$ maJor o"tside diameter.
0. &o !he!1 for oi hoe driing.
B. &o !he!1 for driing pin boss.
7. &o !he!1 for missing sot in pin bore.
I" pr!cess i"speci!"
*part from "tii/ing po1a 4o1e individ"a inspe!tion apparat"s is
provided to ea!h <or1er so that he !an inspe!t and !orre!t an4
irreg"arities in the ma!hining$ aso reJe!tion !hart and prod"!tion
!harts are "sed to meas"re and red"!e reJe!tions and optimi/e
% have done B <ee1s training in Shriram Piston and Rings
Limited .ha/iabad$ <ith m4 e6perien!e % !an sa4 that this
opport"nit4 has proved a boon for me and it have rea4
heped me to "nderstand ind"stria ethi!s and
professiona <or1 !"t"re. )igh4 a"tomati! environment
of ind"str4 have rea4 heped in
(nderstanding !on!ept of CGC ma!hines.
% !ompeted m4 training in piston pant in <hi!h % st"died
P.=.S. (prod"!tion operation seH"en!e) for man4 piston
modes and % <as aso assigned a proJe!t (nderstanding
Piston -an"fa!t"ring Pro!ess.
Fina4 % !an !on!"de that this training <i be rea4
hepf" for me in deveoping me as an engineer and
e6pore m4 potentia.

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