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Sona Koyo Training Report 2

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Summer Training Report

Sona Koyo Steering
Systems Ltd.

*ompany 3rofie;-
  Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd. (hereafter Sona-Koyo)
was founded in 1985 as Sona Steering Systems Ltd. The first
manufacturing pant is situated in the city of !urgaon a"out #5 Km
from $ew %ehi& the capita of 'ndia. The company entered into
technica coa"oration agreement with TKT *orporation formay
caed as Koyo Sei+o *o.& Ltd. apan (hereafter TKT) for the
manufacture of ,anua Steering !ear assem"ies and Steering
*oumn assem"ies. ,aruti Suu+i 'ndia imited& the argest car
manufacturer in the country pic+ed up 1/ e0uity giing Sona-Koyo
the status of a oint 2enture *ompany
  %ue to customer demand& Sona-Koyo started
manufacturing drieine products i+e 3ropeer shafts and 4e
assem"ies in 199 6199#. Sona-Koyo started manufacturing and
seing 7ydrauic 3ower Steering assem"ies and nergy 4"sor"ing
Steering *oumns as the demand for these started in 'ndia. 'n order to
meet the re0uirement of customers in south 'ndia& the company
esta"ished a pant a"out 5 +iometers from *hennai in 1998. %ue to
increased customer demand& the company esta"ished a pant at
%haruhera& a"out #5 +iometers from Sona Koyo Steering System Ltd.&
!urgaon& in :.  

Core values

• Respect for the Individual

• Service to the Customer
• Excellence in pursuit of our goals

Recent !ards for Sona Koyo

• T<' *orporate nironmenta ceence 4ward :=

• T3, ceence 4ward in :

• 7yundai 9
 – >est *o-operatie 2endor 
• ,aruti Suu+i 1 ? 11
 – 'mproement in @arranty <eturns (1)
 – <esearch ? %eeopment (11)
 – Aera ceence (!AL%) (1)
 –  Tier  Bp-gradation (1 ? 11)

• Toyota 1
 – Cuaity *ertificate

• D-!o 1
 – >est 4ward for Cuaity E  33,


  Sona Customers " India


  Sona Customers " glo#al


,anufacturing Locations

Sona Koyo ' -!urgaon

Sona Koyo '''-%haruhera



Sona Koyo G
Sanand& !uIarat


Sona Koyo '' G *hennai(%A, H

: AB


 Technology ) $roducts
Steering Systems
  ST<'$! !4<   ST<'$! *ALB,$

<ac+ and 3inion G ,anua Steering *oumn - <igid

<ac+ and 3inion G 3ower Steering *oumn G *oapsi"e
<.>.S. ,anua !ear 4ssem"y *oumn G *oapsi"e ? Titing
*oumn- Teescoping and Tit
*oumn- 'ntermediate Shafts

ectric 3ower Steering (*3S)

%rie Line
*ase %ifferentia 4ssem"y <ear 4e 4ssem"y
*ut >ee !ears 3ropeer Shaft

Steering *ear
New !

<?3 ,anua
<?3 3ower   ('ntegrated 7ousing)

<?3 ,anua

<>S ,anua

Steering  Column
*oapsi"e *oapsi"e
 ? Tit  ? Tit

New !
Teescoping ? Tit <igid

Intermediate Shafts

New !
'ntermediate Shaft

Latera 'mpact nergy 4"sorption

2i"ration 4"sorption
4ia 'mpact nergy 4"sorption
4ia 'mpact nergy 4"sorption

'ntermediate Shaft 'ntermediate Shaft

'ntermediate Shaft 'ntermediate Shaft

Case %i+erentials  

F8D & F10D Zen & Esteem Omni

Versa Indica Indigo



Economy Cars Premium Cars MUV

Tractors LCV

L*2 G Light *ommercia 2ehice


 There are t!o #asic types of steering system on commercial
vehicles - manual and power . In the manual system the
driver/s e+ort to turn the steering !heel is the primary force
that causes the front !heels to turn to the left or right on the
steering 0nuc0les. 'ith power steering the driver/s turning
e+orts are multiplied #y a hydraulic assist.

 The manual steering system incorporates a steering !heel

shaft column a manual gear #ox and pitman arm1 drag lin0
and 0nuc0le arm tie rod.

 The po!er steering system adds a hydraulic pump1 2uid

reservoir hoses lines1 and either a po!er assist unit mounted
on or integral !ith a po!er steering gear assem#ly.

3or driver protection all steering columns and shafts are

desi ned and constructed to colla se and4or deform in the

,anua Steering !ears and Lin+age
Dust Boot

Rack Busing

Steering Pinion

Inner Tie Rod

Tie Rod Lock !ut Steering Rack

J<ac+ ? 3inion Type


,anua Steering !ears and Lin+age
Tere are se"era# di$$erent manua# steering gears in current and recent
use% Te rack-and-pinion type is te current coice o$ most
manu$acturers $or &assenger "eic#e% ' ty&ica# manua# rack(and(&inion
steering gear assem)#y consists o$ a &inion sa$t and )earing assem)#y*
rack gear* gear ousing* t+o tie rod assem)#ies* an ad,uster assem)#y*
dust )oots and )oot c#am&s* and mounting grommets and )o#ts%

-en te steering +ee# is turned* tis manua# mo"ement is re#ayed to

te steering sa$t and sa$t ,oint* ten to te &inion sa$t% Since te
&inion teet mes +it te teet on te rack gear* te rotary motion is
canged to trans"erse mo"ement o$ te rack gear% Ten* te tie rods
and tie rod ends transmit tis mo"ement to te steering knuck#es and

,anua Steering !ears and Lin+age

-orm Tu)e
Sa$t Ba##
Bearing Sector Sa$t

Ba## !ut

Main Sa$t

Ba## Sector Ba## Tu)es

!ut gear  Ba##s


J>a ? $ut Type



 The re-circulating ball type is a past favorite #ecause the #alls

 ,anua Steering !ears and Lin+age  
act as a rolling thread #et!een the !orm gear and the #all nut. It
is used in most commercial vehicle/s steering system. 'ith this
steering gear turning forces are transmitted through #all
#earings from a !orm gear on the steering shaft to a sector gear
on the cross shaft.
 #all nut assem#ly is 5lled !ith #all #earings !hich 6roll7 along
tu#es #et!een the !orm teeth and grooves inside the #all nut.
'hen the steering !heel is turned the !orm gear on the end of the
steering shaft rotates and movement of the re8circulating #alls
causes the #all nut to move up8and8do!n along the !orm.
,ovement of the #all nut is carried to the sector gear #y teeth on
the side of the #all nut. The sector gear in turn moves !ith the
#all nut to rotate the cross shaft and activate the steering lin0age.
 The #alls re8circulate from one end of the #all nut to the other
through #all return guides.

3ower Steering System (>a ? $ut

Steering -ee#

Steering Co#umn

Ba## / !ut 0ear Pitman 'rm

Po+er Steering Pum&

Drag Link

Tie Rod

Steering !ears and Lin+age
Steering -ee#

Steering Co#umn

Po+er Steering Pum&

Po+er Steering 0ear Bo1

2Rack / Pinion3

3ower Steering System

4"er te year* &o+er steering as )ecome a standard e5ui&ment item
on many #arger domestic mode#s% -it tat and te o&tiona# demand $or
tis system* &o+er steering is insta##ed on o"er 67 &ercent o$ a##
domestic ne+ car &roduction% Most #ate(mode# cars +it &o+er steering
use eiter a power rack-and-pinion system or an integral power
steering gear assembly % 0enera##y* te rack(and(&inion system is
insta##ed on $ront +ee# dri"e cars% Te integra# &o+er steering gear is
used on many rear(+ee# dri"e cars%
 '## systems re5uire a &o+er steering &um& attaced to te engine and
dri"en )y a )e#t* a &ressure ose assem)#y* and a return #ine% '#so* a
contro# "a#"e is incor&orated some+ere in te ydrau#ic circuit%
 'utomo)i#e &o+er steering is actua##y &o+er(assisted steering% '##
systems are constructed so tat te car can )e steered manua##y +en
te engine is not running or i$ any $ai#ure occurs at te &o+er source%

Steering !ears ,ounting condition

$ump Column




3ower Steering System (<ac+ ? 3inion type)

Torsion Bar

Rigt Turn Le$t Turn
4i# 8#o+ 4ut
4i# 8#o+
Le$t Turn

Rigt Turn

  *ALB,$ 4SS.
Bpper "+t.

>rg. Bpper I+t

Lower "+t

Bpper shaft

*apsue 'Mshaft

Lower I+t

Bpper B.


Lower B.

: Column Electric $o!er Steering;
Steering System in -ic ectronics
*ontroed ,otor  is used to Pro"ide ECU R/D

 'ssistance to te Dri"er%

Co##a&se Mecanism

 'ctuation Mecanism



-.@ EPS A

•Less 8ue# Consum&tion27%9: against ;: in

•Retuna)i#ity o$ Steering 8ee# ECU R/D

•Modu#arity – <uick 'ssem)#y

•Com&act Si=e
•En"ironmenta# 8riend#iness
•Lo+ Cost 2sa"e >9 to >?7 &er Car3
•Design 8#e1i)i#ity

Rear xle ssy.

>rea+ %rum 4e


Thread in
par+ing ca"e

%i+erential ssy.
*rown @hee

*ase assy


Sun gear 3inion shaft

3inion gear 

3&(CTIO( O3 %i+erential

Turning ange

*ears ) Case %i+erential

Case %i+erential

%ifferentia <ing





Nange o+e
3Mshaft tu"e Side o+e

The pMshaft transmits the power from gear "o to rear ae with the hep of
B. . Bniersa Ioint are fitted on "oth the ends of the shaft.
  The pMshaft has to operate at aried engths and anges. To adIust
anguar motion &B. are proided. To adIust for the change in ength is
pMshaft& a sip Ioint is proided.



4 Bniersa Ioint coupes two shafts (i.e drien ? driing) that permits drie
shaft to transmit power to drien shaft at an ange.
$eed; 't is needed "ecause the rear end of the propeer shaft is constanty
rising and faing due to
a) The feing of the chassis springs due "umpy road.
") They aso aow to rear ae assy& to twist due to the drie and "ra+e
tor0ue reaction.


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