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Api 652

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Lining of aboveground The moisture vapor transmission of

API 652
petroleum storage tank bottoms. various lining materials can be
Specific to ASST in hydrocarbon comparatively tested using ASTM
Scope E96 or ASTM G9
Served only as a guide Thin film
Thickness ≤ 20 mils
Consensus standard: lining
1. NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6 and Apply 2 – 3 coats system
2. NACE No. 11/SSPC-PA 8 Less expensive
Corrosion Easier to apply
Chemical corrosion Often applied to new bottom
- Chemical attack (caustic, Difficult to apply to corroded
sulfuric acid, ballast water , & bottoms or uneven surfaces
water neutralization) MFL more accurate
- Acid becomes diluted & Thick film Can be used for both new and old
hence much more corrosive. lining tanks.
Concentration cell corrosion Thick film – reinforced
- Occurs when a surface Thick film – un-reinforced
deposit, mill scale, or crevice Surface roughness required 1.5 – 4
creates a localized area of Installation mils (increase with the thickness of
lower oxygen. the lining)
- May cause pitting at rate as Surface finish must white (NACE
high as 80mils (2mm) / year. No. 1/SSPC-SP 5) or near white
Galvanic cell corrosion (NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10)
- Cathode and anode abrasive blast and cleaned
- Hot rolled carbon steel is Coating must be installed when the
covered with thin layer of temperature is at least 5˚F above
oxide (mill scale) which is the dew point and relative humidity
cathodic. be below 80%
- Welding can produce built in Inspectors should NACE certified
galvanic couple. or persons who have demonstrated
Corrosion caused by sulfate- a thorough knowledge of coating
reducing bacteria (SRB) and lining practices.
- Colonies of bacteria Follow inspection procedures of
Erosion corrosion NACE RP0288
- Highly localized metal loss Take WFT measurements
- Abrasive particles Take DFT measurements
- Normally in waste water Determine coating hardness using
treatment and mixing tanks. appropriate procedures.
- Emulsions & agitation. Holiday test :-
Fretting Thick film – high voltage detector
- Occur at bottom external Thin film – low voltage detector
floating roof tanks.
- Corrosion occurs when
repeatedly floating roof
landed, support leg rest on
striker plate.
- Cookie cutter corrosion
Most of tank bottom lining materials
are initially selected based on
chemical resistance or compatibility
with stored product.
All lining materials absorb moisture
over time
A bend test on coating candidate
should be performed conform to
ASTM D 522

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