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Iso 11949 - 1995

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IS0 11949
First edition 1995-I 2-15

Fer-blanc 6lectrolytique

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Reference number IS0 11949:1995(E)


Copyright ISO


IS0 11949:1995(E)

IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical Standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approvallby at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 11949 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 9, Tinplate and b/a&p/ate. It cancels and replaces IS0 111 l-1:1983, and IS0 4977-2:1988. IS0 111 l-2:1983, IS0 4977-I:1984

Annexes A and B form an integral part of this International nexes C, D and E are for information only.

Standard. An-

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0 IS0 1995 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland



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IS0 11949:1995(E)




1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for single and double cold-reduced low-carbon mild steel electrolytic tinplate in the form of sheets or coils for subsequent cutting into sheets. Single-reduced tinplate is specified in nominal thicknesses that are multiples of 0,005 mm, from 0,17 mm up to and including 0,49 mm. Double-reduced tinplate is specified in nominal thicknesses that are multiples of 0,005 mm, from 0,14 mm up to and including 0,29 mm. This International Standard applies to coils and sheets cut from coils in nominal minimum widths of 500 mm. Annex E lists the relevant clauses for the selected product.

3.1 electrolytic tinplate: Low-carbon mild steel sheet or coil coated on both surfaces with tin that is applied in continuous electrolytic operation. 3.2 differentially coated electrolytic tinplate: Cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate, one surface of which carries a heavier tin coating than the other. 3.3 single cold-reduced: Term used to describe those products where the steel substrate has been reduced to the desired thickness in a cold-reduction mill and subsequently annealed and temper rolled. 3.4 double cold-reduced: Term used to describe those products in which the steel base has had a second major reduction after annealing. 3.5 standard grade tinplate: Material in sheet form which is the product of line inspection. It is suitable, under normal conditions of storage, for established lacquering and printing over the entire surface of the sheet and does not contain any of the following: a) pinholes, i.e. any perforation thickness of the material; b) thickness 10.3; c) through the whole

2 Normative


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The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 1024:1989, Metallic materials - Hardness test Rockwell superficial test (scales ISN, 3ON, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T). IS0 6892:1984, Metallic materials Tensile testing.

outside the tolerance range specified in

surface defects which render the material unsuitable for the intended use;

d) damage or shape-related defects which render the material unsuitable for the intended use. 3.6 second grade tinplate: Material which represents the best sheets rejected from the standard grade but may contain sheets exhibiting defects in surface appearance and shape of limited extent. Suitability for established lacquering and printing over the entire surface of the sheet is not assured. 3.7 batch annealed; box annealed (BA): Annealed by the process in which the cold-reduced strip is annealed in tight coil form, within a protective atmosphere, for a predetermined time-temperature cycle.

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International following definitions apply. Standard, the

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3.8 continuously annealed (CA): Annealed by the process in which cold-reduced coils are unwound and annealed in strip form within a protective atmosphere. 3.9 finish: mined by the together with can be either Surface appearance of tinplate, detersurface characteristics of the steel base the conditioning of the tin coating which flow-melted or unflow-melted.


consignment: Quantity of material of the same specification made available for dispatch at the same time.


bulk package; bulk: Packaging unit comprising a base platform or pallet, the sheets and packaging material. (See pallet.)

3.9.1 bright finish: Finish resulting from the use of temper-mill work rolls that have been ground to a high degree of polish together with a flow-melted or unflow-melted tin coating. 3.92 stone finish: Finish on flow-melted tinplate characterized by a directional pattern, resulting from the use of final-mill work rolls that have been ground to a lower degree of polish than those used for the smooth finish, together with a flow-melted tin coating. 3.9.3 silver finish: Finish resulting from the use of temper-mill work rolls that have been shot blasted, together with a flow-melted tin coating. 3.9.4 matt finish: Finish resulting from the use of temper-mill work rolls that h,ave been shot blasted, together with an unflow-melted tin coating. coil: Rolled flat strip product which is wound into regularly superimposed laps so as to form a coil with almost flat sides.

3.20 pallet: Base platform on which a coil is placed to facilitate ready transportation. stillage platform: Base platform on which sheets are stacked to facilitate packing and ready transportation. 3.22 sample unit: 750 m of coil cut into sheets, for the purposes of sampling. 3.23 line inspection: Final inspection of the finished product performed by instruments and/or visual examination at normal production-line speeds. 3.24 anvil effect: Effect which a hard anvil can produce on the numerical hardness value obtained when a hardness test is performed on very thin sheet supported on such an anvil. 4



Information purchaser

to be supplied

by the

3.11 longitudinal bow; line bow: Residual curvature in the strip remaining along the direction of rolling. 3.12 transverse bow; cross bow: Mode of curvature in the sheet such that the distance between its edges parallel to the direction of rolling is less than the sheet width. 3.13
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The following information shall be given in the enquiry and order to assist the manufacturer in supplying the correct material: a) the designation as given in clause 5 excluding the annealing code, unless a specific type of annealing is required; b) the quantity, expressed on an area or mass basis; c) for single-reduced 6.2.1); tinplate, the finish required (see

centre buckle; full centre: Intermittent vertical displacement or wave in the strip occurring other than at the edges.

edge wave: Intermittent vertical displacement occurring at the strip edge when the strip is laid on a flat surface.


3.15 feather edge; transverse thickness profile: Variation in thickness, characterized by a reduction in thickness close to the edges, at right angles to the direction of rolling. 3.16
burr: Metal displaced beyond the plane of the surface of the strip by shearing action.

d) marking requirements for tinplate (see clause 12);



e) any further special requirements.

NOTE 1 Appropriate classifications are suitable for shaping operations such as stamping, drawing, folding, beading and bending, and assembly work such as joint forming, soldering and welding. However, for tin coatings less than 2,8 g/m*, high-speed soft soldering cannot be guaranteed. Welding, for coatings less than 1,4 g/m*, cannot be guaranteed. The end use should be borne in mind when the classification is selected.

3.17 rolling width: Width of the strip perpendicular to the direction of rolling. 2


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5 Designation
5.1 Single-reduced tinplate

In the event that the purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement any of the options included in this International Standard and does not specify his requirements at the time of the enquiry and order, the product shall be supplied on the following basis: a) with cathodic surface passivation treatment using a dichromate salt of an alkali metal (see 6.3); b) where differential tin coatings are ordered, the heavier coated surface shall be indicated by continuous parallel lines spaced at 75 mm intervals (see clause 12); c) for double-reduced finish (see 6.2.2); tinplate, with a stone surface

For the purposes of this International Standard, singlereduced tinplate is designated in terms of a temper classification based on the Rockwell HR30Tm hardness values given in table 2. Single-reduced material covered by this International Standard shall be designated by the following characteristics in the given sequence: a) a description sheet); of the material (either tinplate coil or

b) the number of this International


c) the temper designation in accordance with table 2; d) the type of annealing used by the manufacturer (see 9.1); e) the type of finish (see 3.9);

d) for coils, the location of each joint shall be indicated by a piece of non-rigid material and punched holes (see 11.3); e) for coils, they shall be dispatched with their cores vertical and an internal diameter of 420 mm or 508 mm (see 16.1); f) for sheets, the direction of the runners of the stillage platform is at the discretion of the producer but shall be consistent within a consignment (see 16.2);


the coating masses and their combinations, E (for equally coated) or D (for differentially coated), together with numbers representing the nominal coating mass on each surface (see clause 12); in millimetres:

g) the dimensions, -

for coils, strip thickness x width; for sheets, thickness x width x length.

g) for sheets, the rolling width shall be either of the two specified dimensions (see note 2); h) with a coating of DOS (see 6.3).

EXAMPLE Single cold-reduced tinplate sheet, in accordance with this International Standard, of steel grade TH61 +SE (tinplated coating), continuously annealed (CA), stone finish, equally coated with a coating mass of 2,8 g/m*, with a thickness of 0,22 mm, a width of 800 mm and a length of 900 mm shall be designated: Tinplate sheet IS0 11949 - TH6l+SE E 2,8/2,8 - 0,22 x 800 x 900. - CA - stone -

4.3 Additional
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In addition to the information in 4.1 and 4.2, the purchaser may wish to provide further information to the supplier to ensure that the order requirements are consistent with the end use of the product. The purchaser shall inform the supplier of any modifications to his fabrication operations that will significantly affect the way in which the tinplate is used.
NOTE 2 When ordering double cold-reduced tinplate, the purpose of manufacture for which the material is intended should be stated. It should be noted that double coldreduced tinplate is relatively less ductile than single coldreduced tinplate and has very distinct directional properties, so for some uses, for example for built-up can bodies, the direction of rolling should be stated. When double coldreduced tinplate is used for built-up can bodies, the direction of rolling should be around the circumference of the can so as to minimize the hazard of flange cracking.




For the purposes of this International Standard, the mechanical properties in which double-reduced tinplate complying with this International Standard is supplied are designated in terms of a system of mechanical property classifications based on 0,2 % proof stress given in table 3. Double-reduced material covered by this International Standard shall be designated by the following characteristics in the given sequence:

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a) a description sheet);

of the material (either tinplate coil or

finish required shall be specified at the time of ordering [see 4.1 c)]. The appearance is governed by a) the surface characteristics of the steel base which principally result from controlled preparation of the work rolls used during the final stages of temper rolling; b) the mass of the coating applied; c) whether melted. the tin layer is flow-melted or unflow-

b) the number of this International Standard; c) the mechanical property designation (see table 3); ) the type of annealing used by the manufacturer (see 9.1); ) the coating masses and their combinations, E (for equally coated) or D (for differentially coated), together with numbers representing the nominal coating mass on each surface (see clause 12); the dimensions, in millimetres:

6.2.2 for coils, strip thickness x width; for sheets, thickness x width x length.



Double cold-reduced tinplate is usually supplied with a stone surface finish and a flow-brightened tin coating.

EXAMPLE Double cold-reduced tinplate coil, in accordance with this International Standard, of steel grade T620+SE, continuously annealed (CA), differentially coated with coating masses of 8,4 g/m* and 5,6 g/m*, with a thickness of 0,18 mm and a width of 750 mm shall be designated: Tinplate coil IS0 11949 - T620+SE - CA - D 8,4/5,6 -



and oiling

0,18 x 750.

The surface of electrolytic tinplate is normally subjected to a passivation treatment and to oiling. Passivation, produced either by a chemical or an electrochemical treatment, gives a surface with an improved resistance to oxidation and improved suitability for lacquering and printing. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of ordering [see 4.2a)], the usual passivation procedure is a cathodic treatment in a solution of a dichromate salt of an alkali metal. Under normal conditions of transport and storage, electrolytic tinplate shall be suitable for surface treatments such as established lacquering and printing operations. Tinplate coils and sheets are supplied with an oil coating. The oil shall be one that is recognized (i.e. by the relevant national or international authority) as being suitable for food packaging. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of ordering [see 4.2 h)], DOS (dioctyl sebacate) shall be used.

6 Manufacturing
6.1 Manufacture


The purity of tin used to produce the coating shall be not less than 99,85 % (m/m). The methods of manufacture of tinplate are the province of the manufacturer and are not specified in this International Standard. The purchaser shall be informed if any alteration is made to the method of manufacture that will affect the properties of the tinplate.
NOTE 3 It is recommended that the manufacturer supplies to the purchaser such details of the manufacturing process as may assist the purchaser in his efficient use of the tinplate.

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Single-reduced tinplate

The producer is expected to employ his normal quality control and line inspection procedures to ensure that the tinplate manufactured is in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard. However, the production of tinplate coils ous-strip mill operations does not afford tunity for removal of all tinplate that does with the requirements of this International in continuthe oppornot comply Standard.

Single cold-reduced tinplate can be supplied with either a bright, silver, stone or matt finish, and the


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ISO 11949:1995 Cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate

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