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Anatomy latin definitions Word Def Examples Misc

acromion adenoid (aka pharyngeal tonsil) alveolus ampulla

akros = summit (cf. Acropolis) and omos = shoulder, hence, the tip of the shoulder aden=gland, eidos=form a basin, hence any small hollow

acromium process adenoids superior alveolar nerve, inferior alveolar nerve

anconeus ansa arytenoid buccal bursa capitus

flask (for wine) ampulla of ductus deferens elbow, hence the muscle attached to the (lateral surface of the) olecranon anconeus muscle handle, loop ansa cervicalis arytaina = pitcher, and eidos = arytenoid cartilage (because it shape or form curves like a spout) cheak purse head buccal branch, buccinator subscapular bursa splenius capitus

carotid carpus

Greek karoo, to put to sleep (heavy sleep), because compression of the common or internal carotid artery may cause coma. otos = of the ear carotid artery wrist flexor carpi radialis

caruncle cecum cephalic chyli cilia ciliary cisterna/cysterna clinoid comitans

diminuitive form of caro = flesh, hence, a small fleshy elevation. sublingual papilla (caruncle) blind kephale = head juice (Greek) eyelashes cilia = eyelashes. foramen cecum braciocephalic trunk cisterna chyli ciliary ganglion, long/short ciliary nerves long ciliary nerve, short ciliary nerve

box, reservoir, cistern cisterna chyli kline=bed, eidos=form: shaped like bed-post accompanying korax = a crow, and eidos = shape or form, hence, like a crow's beak. vena comitans costacoracoid, coracoid process


corniculate corona cricoid crista cuneiform

shaped like a small horn

corniculate cartilage

crown, diadem coronary artery Greek krikos = ring, and eidos = shape or form cricothyroid muscle crest cuneus = wedge Greek dia = between, and enkephalos = brain, hence in general the structures surrounding the 3rd ventricle net (i.e. greater omentum, Greek) filus=thread, thread-like ditch, trench bottom or base mushroom cockerel Greek chin larynx a hook, hence, hooked. gap U-shaped down to pour in or over (funnel shape) a narrow passage side jaw-bone; now used only for the upper jaw passage molar slanting, or deviating from the perpendicular or the horizontal stopped up; hence, a structure which closes a hole obturator artery, nerve ob=prominent, caput=head -> back of head occipital lobe shoulder Greek otos = ear eyelid papillary muscle, fungiform nipple papilla Greek para = beside, and otos = of the ear; hence, beside the ear. parotid gland omohyoid otic ganglion mylohyoid bone hyoid bone hypogastric plexus same name in uterus, heart narrow strip connecting two organs or cavities fascia lata maxillary artery, maxillary sinus crista galli cuneiform cartilage

diencephalon epiploic filiform fossa fundus fungiform gallus geneion/genio glottis hamate hiatus hyoid hypo infundibulum isthmus lata maxilla meatus mylo

epiploic foramen, gastroepiploic artery filiform papilla ovarian fossa, iliac fossa fundus of uterus, fundus of stomach fungiform papilla crista galli geniohyoid epiglottis


obturator occipital omo otic palpebrae papilla


petro pisiform plexus pollicis

rocky pisi = pea, hence pea-shaped something woven, a braid of the thumb. pro = before, and fundus = bottom; hence profundus = deep shameful (i.e. external genitalia) straight curve, fold, bend / pocket, lap

lesser petrosal nerve, petrotympanic fissure pisiform bone aortic plexus, hypogastric plexus flexor pollicis longus

profundus pudendal rectus sinus splenius

flexor digitorum profundus pudendal nerve rectus abdominus, rectus femoris coronary sinus, prostate sinus



synovial telencephalon thyroid trochlear uvula vallate vallecula vas vastus vesica vestibule

bandage splenius capitus stylos = an instrument for writing, and eidos = shape or form styloid process syn = with, and ovum = egg; hence the fluid in freely movable joints resembling eggwhite synovial joint syn = with, and ovum = egg; hence pertaining to the fluid in freely movable joints resembling egg-white. Greek telos = end, and enkephalos = brain Greek thyreos = shield, and eidos = shape or form pulley little grape vallatus = walled diminutive of Latin vallis = a small valley vessel great, vast, extensive of bladder trochlear nerve uvula vesicae vallate papilla valleculae vas deferns vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius uvula vesicae

think of PDA stylus

zygomatic sura arcuate

entrance hall nasal vestibule yoke; hence, pertaining to the bone joining the maxillary, frontal, temporal and sphenoid bones zygomatic nerve calf curved, arched sural nerve, vessels arcuate popliteal ligament, arcuate line


diminutive of trabs = a beam; hence the supporting fibres of a structure.

arachnoid trabeculae

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