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1. Hyperacusis is seen in all of the following except: a. Exposure to loud sounds b. Otosclerosis c. Meniere's disease d. Severe head injury 2. Menieres disease is characterized by the triad of a. Deafness, nystagmus, tremors b. Deafness, vertigo, nystagmus c. Deafness, tinnitus, vertigo d. Deafness, tremors, tinnitus 3. The first clinical presentation of acoustic neuroma is feature of: a. Brainstem involvement b. Cerebellar involvement c. Facial nerve involvement d. Cochleovestibular symptoms 4. Most common cause of conductive deafness in children less than 12yrs: a. CSOM b. Otosclerosis c. Serous otitis media d. Atresia of auditory canals on both sides 5. Negative Rhinne's test for 256 Hz tuning fork indicates a minimum air-bone gap of a. lOdB b. 15dB c. 20dB d. 25dB 6. Cauliflower ear seen in: a. Hematoma of the auricle b. Carcinoma of the auricle c. Fungal infection of the auricle d. Congenital deformity 7. Causative organism for malignant otitis externa is: a. Hemophilus b. Staphylococcus c. Streptococcus d. Pseudomonas 8. Unilateral conductive hearing loss in a patient with history of head injury. On examination, tympanic membrane is normal and mobile. The cause for deafness could be: a. Collection of fluid in the middle ear b. Otosclerosis c. Dislocation of the incudostapedial joint d. ASOM 9. Most common cause of chronic ear infection in India is: a. Syphilitic otitis media b. TB otitis media c. CSOM d. Fungal otitis media 10. Referred pain in the ear is commonly from: a. Maxillary carcinoma b. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma c. Carcinoma tongue d. Malignant otitis externa 11. Tuning fork frequency used for testing is: a. 512 Hz b. 1048 Hz c. 248 Hz d. All of the above 12. Calorie test based on thermal stimulation of which part of the semi circular canals: a. Lateral b. Posterior c. Anterior d. All of the above 13. All of the following are true about glomus-jugulare tumor except: a. Commonly metastasizes to lymph nodes b. Pulsatile tinnitus and conductive deafness seen c. Most commonly affects male d. Paraganglioma's 14. Malignant otitis externa is caused by: a. S.aureus b. S. albus c. P. aeruginosa d. E. coli 15. The limit of loudness (expressed as decibels) that workers can tolerate without substantial damage to their hearing, during their work hours, is: a. 55 b. 65 c. 75 d. 85 16. Which is not seen in Meniere's disease a. Tinnitus b. Hearing loss c. Loss of consciousness d. Vertigo 17. Which of the following forms lateral wall of mastoid antrum: a. Mastoid process b. Suprameatal triangle c. Petrous temporal bone d. Tympnaic cleft 18. Bithermal caloric test stimulates which of the following: a. Superior semicircular canal b. Posterior semicircular canal c. Horizontal semicircular canal d. All of the above 19. Which of the following defines vertigo: a. Ringing of ears b. Subjective sense of imbalance c. Sense of pressure in the ear d. Infection of the inner ear

20. CSF rhinorrhoea is due to the fracture of which of the following a. Nasal bones b. Cribriform plate c. Temporal bone d. Maxillary bone 21. Young's operation is done for: a. Atrophic rhinitis b. Vasomotor rhinitis c. Antrachonal polyp d. Allergic rhinitis

22. Treatment of choice for antrochoanal polyp: a. Intranasal polypectomy b. Caldwell-Luc operation c. Endoscopic sinus surgery d. Intranasal ethmoidectomy 23. Which of the following is associated with olfactory nerve dysfunction: a. Down syndrome b. Turner syndrome c. Parkinson disease d. Marfan syndrome 24. Sinus not present at birth is/are: a. Maxillary b. Ethmoidal c. Frontal d. All of the above 25. What is rhinophyma: a. Hypertrophy of sweat glands b. Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands c. Hypertrophy of meibomian glands d. Hypertrophy of lacrimal gland 26. Nasal angiofibroma of nose is common in: a. Younger males b. Younger females c. Young adults d. Adolescents of both sexes 27. Malignant tumour is commonest in which of the following sinus: a. Maxillary b. Frontal c. Ethmoidal d. Sphenoidal 28. A child presents with unilateral, foul smelling nasal discharge. Most probable cause could be: a. Acute sinusitis b. Foreign body c. Rhinolith d. Nasal synechiae

29. Sinus opening in middle meatus is: a. Posterior ethmoid sinus b. Sphenoid sinus c. Frontal sinus d. Nasolacrimal duct

30. All of the following are true regarding tracheostomy tube except: a. Double lumen tube b. Made of titanium silver alloy c. Cuffed tube prevents aspiration of pharyngeal secretions d. Ideally should be changed every 3rd day 31. One of the most important complication of tracheostomy is: a. Surgical emphysema b. Hemorrhage c. Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy d. Displacement of tube 32. Stridor in an infant is most commonly due to: a. Diphtheria b. Acute epiglottitis c. Foreign body aspiration d. Laryngomalacia

33. Paralysis of which muscle lead to hyperacusis in Bell's palsy: a. Tensor veli palatini b. Levator palatini c. Stapedius d. Sternocleidomastoid 34. Horner's syndrome is caused by: a. Facial injury b. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma with metastasis c. Meniere's disease d. All of the above

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