5. Appropriate antibiotic therapy of GABH Strep pharyngitis can limit or prevent all
of the following complications except:
(a) Rheumatic fever
(b) Glomerulonephritis
(c) Pharyngeal space infections
(d) Spread of the infection to others
7. Which of the nerve blocks listed below is most appropriate when midfacial
anesthesia is required?
(a) Inferior alveolar nerve block
(b) Infraorbital nerve block
(c) Supraorbital nerve block
(d) Posterior superior alveolar nerve block
8. All of the following statements regarding Ellis II fractures are true except:
(a) They involve both the enamel and dentin.
(b) They are associated with hot and cold sensitivity.
(c) Bleeding from the tooth is characteristic.
(d) Dental follow-up within 24 hours is recommended.
10. All the following statements regarding posterior epistaxis (including its treatment)
are accurate except:
(a) It is less common than anterior epistaxis.
(b) Most commonly occurs in children and young adults.
(c) Placement of a posterior pack can result in hypoxia and hypercarbia.
(d) Patients treated with a posterior pack should be admitted.
13. The initial study of choice for confirming the presence of a retropharyngeal
abscess is a soft-tissue lateral film of the neck. To avoid obtaining a false positive
result, this film must be taken:
(a) During expiration with the neck in slight extension
(b) During expiration with the neck in slight flexion
(c) During inspiration with the neck in slight extension
(d) During inspiration with the neck in slight flexion
15. A three-year-old is brought in for evaluation of sore throat, fever and refusal to
eat. The child's voice is muffled. Exam reveals a unilateral bulging of the posterior
pharyngeal wall, tender anterior cervical adenopathy and temperature of 102°F. The
most likely diagnosis is:
(a) Retropharyngeal abscess
(b) Peritonsillar abscess
(c) Ludwig's angina
(d) Masticator space abscess
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. A
170 ENT
357. Intermaxillary suture are sometimes raised forming a
longitudinal midline ridge known as: (AFMC 2003)
a. Torus auditory
b. Torus mandibularis
c. Torus palatine
d. Torus maxillaris
359. Third molar caries with extension of the lesion towards tonsillar
fossa and shift of tonsil reveals which of the following
complication? (UP 2002)
a. Parapharyngeal abscess
b. Retropharyngeal abscess
c. Tonsillar abscess
d. Dental abscess
365. Openings of the tube of bronchoscope are known as: (CMC 2002)
a. Holes
b. Apertures
c. Vents
d. Any of the above
395. Which of the following is not the site for PARAGANGLIOMA? (AIIMS
Nov 2003)
a. Carotid bifurcation
b. Jugular foramen
c. Promontory in middle ear
d. Geniculate ganglion
176 ENT
396. Bano Begum presented with bleeding from ear, pain, tinnitus and
increasing deafness. Examination revealed red swelling/mass
behind the intact tympanic membrane that blanches on pressure
with pneumatic speculum. Treatments for her include all EXCEPT:
(AIIMS 2001)
a. Preoperative embolisation
b. Radiotherapy
c. Surgery
d. Interferons
399. A male aged 60 years has foul breath, he regurgitates food that
is eaten 3 days ago. Likely diagnosis is: (AIPGE 2001)
a. Zenker’s diverticulum
b. Meckel’s diverticulum
c. Scleroderma
d. Achalasia cardia
400. Main problem associated with carotid body tumor operation is:
(Maharashtra 2000)
a. The tumor blends with bifurcation of carotid artery
b. The tumor blends with jugular vein
c. Recurrence
d. Vaso vagal Shock
401. True about Carotid body tumor is all EXCEPT: (AIIMS Nov 2004)
a. It is highly vascular mass
b. True cut biopsy is investigation of choice
c. Operative intervention is best avoided in elderly patients.
d. Radiotherapy has no effect
Throat and Esophagus 177
402. Investigation of choice for carotid body tumor? (AFMC 2004)
a. Angiography
b. USG with colour Doppler
d. MRI
403. A 40 year old patient is suffering from carotid body tumor. Which
of the following is the best choice of treatment for him?
(AIIMS 2004 may)
a. Excision of tumor
b. Radiotherapy
c. Chemotherapy
d. Carotid artery ligation both proximal and distal to the tumor
412. Dysphagia lusoria due to: (AIIMS Nov 2003; Manipal 2002)
a. Esophageal diverticulum
b. Aneurysm of aorta
c. Esophageal web
d. Compression of esophagus by aberrant blood vessel
418. Most common site for squamous cell Carcinoma esophagus is:
(AIPGE 2001)
a. Upper third
b. Middle third
c. Lower third
d. Gastro esophageal junction
423. A young patients with dysphagia move for liquids than solids. He
regurgitates food often at night. Radiography shows a rat-tailed
appearance. Likely diagnosis is: (AIIMS May 1996)
a. Achalasia cardia
b. CA oesophagus
c. Zenker’s diverticulum
d. Diffuse esophageal spasm
424. A male aged 60 years has foul breath; He regurgitates food that
is eaten 3 days ago a gurgling sound is often heard on swallowing:
Likely diagnosis is: (AI 2001)
a. Zenkers diverticulum
b. Meckels diverticulum
c. Scleroderma
d. Achalasia cardia
427. Hyperkeratosis of palm and sole is seen in: (AIIMS Dec 97)
a. Carcinoma colon
b. Hepatoma
c. Adenocarcinoma lung
d. CA oesophagus
Throat and Esophagus 181
428. The adenocarcinoma of esophagus-developed in: (AI 2002)
a. Barrett’s esophagus
b. Long standing achalasia
c. Corrosive structure
d. Alcohol abuse
430. Most common site for squamous cell carcinoma esophagus is:
(AI 2001)
a. Upper third
b. Middle third
c. Lower third
d. Gastro-esophageal junction
436. The hypopharynx includes all the following EXCEPT: (JIPMER 2003)
a. Pyriform fossa
b. Epiglottis
c. Post cricoid region
d. Valeculae
Throat and Esophagus 183
357. Ans: (c) (Torus palatine)
Torus palatine
Intermaxillary suture are sometimes raised forming a longitudinal
midline ridge called torus palatine.
Torus auditory
The posteroinferior wall of external meatus occasionally presents
a smooth to roughened longitudinal elevation, known as auditory
Torus mandibularis
Above Mylohyoid line, the bone medial to roots of molar teeth is
sometime developed into a rounded ridge called torus
Torus maxillaris
It is occasionally present on the alveolar process spanning the
palatal aspect of subcervical roots of upper molar teeth.
376. Ans: (a) (Croup) (Ref. RRM Dahnert 5th ed. 377)
Croup or Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis
Croup is most common viral in etiology with parainfluenza viruses
often being implicated. It mainly involves the subglottis and trachea
with swelling causing obstruction at the level of the cricoid cartilage
Parainfluenza or RSV causes Croup or acute laryngotracheo-
bronchitis or acute viral spasmodic laryngitis, with peak incidence
between 2-3 years of age. Hoarse cry and brassy cough are its
characteristic features. Steeple sign is characteristic radiographic
feature of croup characterized by subglottic ‘inverted V’ i.e.
symmetrical funnel-shaped narrowing 1-1.5 cm below lower
margins of pyriform sinuses on AP radiograph (loss of normal
‘shouldering’ of air column caused by mucosal edema and external
restriction of cricoid), accentuated on expiration, paradoxical
inspiratory collapse, less pronounced during expiration.
Thumb sign is seen in acute epiglottitis on lateral neck radiograph
Acute laryngitis can be caused by a variety of bacterial and viral
agents that may cause edema, ulceration, and pseudomembrane
400. Ans: (a) (The tumor blends with bifurcation of carotid artery)
(Ref. Bailey and Love-23rd ed.-955, 24th 774)
Throat and Esophagus 197
Chemodectoma / Carotid body tumor / Potato tumor
Most frequent paraganglioma of head and neck
Derived from third branchial arch and neural crest cells.
Rare neurogenic tumor presenting in 5th decade, arising from
chemoreceptor cells on medial aspect of carotid bulb and, at this
point tumor is adherent to carotid wall. This makes its surgical
excision potentially serious.
Most common age =30-40 yrs
Bilateral in 5%
Multicentric in 3% (associated with other paragangliomas)
Located within the adventitia of carotid bifurcation
Usually asymptomatic
But presents as slowly enlarging painless lump in neck at the level
of carotid bifurcation i.e. a pulsatile neck mass below the angle of
mandible The mass is firm, rubbery, pulsatile and mobile from
side to side only.
Malignant transformation in 6%
May be associated with pheochromocytomas
Radiological features:
It is highly vascular mass and CECT neck is ideal modality as an
investigation to diagnose it.
Oval mass involving the carotid space splaying the internal and
external carotid arteries
Focal hypodense area may be seen due to necrosis with marked
enhancement (may be minimal or absent if thrombosis had
Calcification is rare
May extend into Para pharyngeal space in 8% cases
Characteristic ‘Salt & pepper’ appearance with areas of
hypointensity and hyperintensity on enhanced T1W1 due to multiple
vessels within
The mass and enhancing stroma
Tumor is predominantly isointense on T1W1 & T2W1 with patchy
areas of T2-hyperintensity
Marked enhancement (variable if thrombosis has occurred)
Spaying of internal and external carotid arteries
Nutrient vessels seen in arterial phase
Marked vascularity with dense tumor blush in the capillary phase
Forceful Dilatation Esophagomyotomy
- Pneumatic / Hydrostatic Heller’s myotomy is
ideally suited to a minimal
acess approach by either
204 ENT
Intrasphincteric botulinum toxin injection into the LES through a
flexible esophagoscope is a novel pharmacological treatment.
The potent neurotoxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine from
nerve endings. However follow up in such patients has been
disappointing despite encouraging early results
(Ref. Sabiston, Pg. 16,721; Harrison 15th Edition, Pg.1645)
1. Average length of oesophagus is 25 cm.
2. It has got four constrictions normally present at following sites:
a) 10 cm from the incisor teeth (At the junction of cricopharynx,
the narrowest part).
b) 15 cm from the incisor teeth (where it is crossed by left
c) 25 cm from the incisor teeth (where it is indented by left
d) 40 cm from the incisor teeth (at the oesophago-cardiac
3. It is the most muscular segment of GIT
4. Upper one third has striated muscle, lower two third
oesophageal wall is composed of inner circular muscle and
outer longitudinal muscle without serosal layer.
5. Toughest layer of oesophagus is muscularis mucosa.
6. Only myenteric plexus is present in lower two third of oesophagus
while in upper one third, both myenteric and meissner’s plexuses
are absent.
7. Mucosal lining is squamous except in distal 1–2 cm, which is
lined by columnar epithelium.
8. Oesophagus reaches abdomen through a hiatus in
right crus of diaphragm at the level of T10.
9 Blood supply of oesophagus:
a) Upper one-third—Inferior thyroid artery
b) Middle one-third—Oesophageal branches of aorta
c) Lower one-third—Branches from left gastric artery.
-The organ of Corti is the sensory end organ of hearing in the cochlea
-The macula is the sensory end organ in the utricle and saccule
8-Auricular hematoma
a- may be complicated by otitis externa
b- cauli ear is one of its complications
c- evacuation of the extra-vasated blood is not essential
d- all of the above
-Auricular hematoma may be complicated by perichondritis and
cauli ear
evacuation of the extra-vasated blood is essential to avoid complications
20-Throbbing and severe earach is present in the following stage of acute otitis
media :
a- stage of salpingitis
b- stage of catarrhal otitis media
c- stage of suppurative otitis media
d- stage of tympanic membrane perforation
21-The tympanic membrane perforation in acute otitis media is
a- central in the pars tensa
b- marginal in the pars tensa
c- small in the pars flaccida
d- non of the above
25-Cholesteatoma is characterized by
a- continuous mucopurulent ear discharge
b-A foul smelling ear discharge
c- A central tympanic membrane perforation
d- non of the above
26-A child with retraced drum and conductive deafness after inadequate
treatment of acute suppurative otitis media is suffering from :
a-chronic tubotympanic otitis media
b-chronic atticoantral otitis media
c- otitis media with effusion
d- all of the above
e-non of the above
30-In a 45 years old female patient presenting with pulsating tinnitus and red
mass behind the drum, all of the following are true except :
a- glomus tumour is a possible diagnosis
b-more assessment is needed by CT scan or MRI
c- MRI angiography confirm the diagnosis
d-biopsy is essential to verify the pathological nature
-Biopsy is contraindicated as it will lead to profuse bleeding
36-In a patient having acute suppurative otitis media with bulging drum,
myringotomy is benificial to
a-drain the middle ear
b- avoid rupture of the tympanic membrane
c-avoid complications
d-all of the above
40-A child with an attic drum perforation who developed nausea, projrctile
vomiting and fever of 40 degree is suspicious to have got :
a- otogenic meningitis
b- otogenic labyrinthitis
c- petrositis
d- mastoiditis
41-The first line of treatment in a child who develops lower motor neurone facial
paralysis after acute otitis media is :
a- antibiotics and corticosteroids
b- decompression of facial nerve
c- exploration of facial nerve
d- myringotomy
51-A 30 years old patient with recurrent attacks of vertigo, hearing loss and
tinnitus associated with nausea and vomiting has
a- benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
b-vestibular neuronitis
c-Meniere’s disease
d-acoustic neuroma]
1- In benign paroxysmal positional vertigo there is recurrent attacks of vertigo for
seconds which occurs when the patient assumes certain head position
2- in vestibular neuronitis there is sudden severe vertigo for dayes but bo hearing loss
3- in Meniere’s disease recurrent attacks of vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus
associated with nausea and vomiting
53-The XI, X and XI cranial nerves may be involved in all of the following except
a-acoustic neuroma
b-transverse temporal bone fracture
c-malignant otitis externa
d- squamous cell carcinoma of the middle ear
-in transverse temporal bone fracture the involved nerves are VII & VIII
54-In lower motor neurone facial paralysis with intact taste sensation at the
anterior 2/3 of the tongue, the level of the lesion is :
a- in the internal auditory canal
b-in the horizontal tympanic part
c- in the vertical part above the stapes
d- in the stylomastoid foramen
57-A large near total perforation following acute necrotizing otitis media must be
followed up for fear of
a- recurrent middle ear infection
b- secondary acquired cholesteatoma
c-retraction pocket