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The key takeaways from the document are that stripping and snubbing are procedures used to trip tubulars through BOPs under pressure when there is well pressure. Stripping is used when pipe weight is sufficient to overcome well pressure, while snubbing requires an external force. Guidelines for stripping include maintaining a constant bottomhole pressure through volume balancing and gradually increasing annulus pressure.

The two procedures are stripping, which is used when pipe weight overcomes well pressure, and snubbing, which is used when pipe weight is not sufficient and requires an external force.

Guidelines for a successful stripping operation include pressure control through volume balancing, accurately measuring bled mud, gradually increasing annulus pressure, adjusting annular preventer closing pressure, and not stripping drill pipe with rubbers through the annular preventer.


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During drilling, completion and workover operations it often becomes necessary to trip tubulars through the BOPs under pressure. The procedures used are called STRIPPING and SNUBBING. STRIPPING: This procedure is used when the pipe weight is sufficient to overcome the upward force created by well pressure acting on the cross-sectional area of the pipe. SNUBBING: This procedure is used when the pipe weight is not sufficient to overcome the upward force created by well pressure on the cross-sectional area of the pipe. In this case an external force must be applied to move the pipe through the BOPs.


See Figure 1 to Figure 7

1.2.1 General Stripping is an emergency well control procedure. It requires good planning, proper training of personnel and careful execution. The primary objective of the stripping operation shall be to maintain a constant bottom hole pressure, thus preventing a build up of excessive borehole pressures or influx from exposed permeable zones. The following are guidelines for carrying out a successful stripping operation: a) Pressure control is based on a volume balance. This means that for every barrel of pipe stripped in the hole, a barrel of mud must be bled off. Since it is necessary to install an inside BOP before stripping, total displacement must be considered, including both pipe displacement and internal capacity. Mud bled from the annulus must be accurately measured in order to maintain the correct volume balance. The mud should be bled through a manually operated choke since a hydraulically operated choke has too much delay in operation. This delay makes it impossible to bleed accurate volumes and thereby maintain proper well pressure. Annulus pressure should not be constant while stripping pipe into the hole. It should gradually increase as the pipe is stripped into the lower density kick fluid. This is due to the increased length or height of the influx fluid in the annulus and the resultant loss of hydrostatic pressure. When stripping with the annular preventer, the closing pressure on this preventer must be adjusted to allow a small amount of leakage to lubricate and reduce wear on the sealing element. The mud which is allowed to leak past the annular preventer should be measured along with the mud bled through the adjustable choke. 1




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Drill pipe with rubbers should never be stripped through the annular preventer, because excess friction and wear would be generated due to the rubber to rubber contact. If stripping is to be carried out with two sets of pipe rams, then a side outlet is required between the rams. This is necessary to enable the pressure to be equalised, before opening the rams. Opening rams without equalising the pressure, will shorten the life of the sealing element. Pressure from the well must not be used to equalise the pressure across the rams.


Figure 1 shows a typical stripping rig-up. The rig-up can vary depending on the particular choke manifold and BOP stack on the well, at the time stripping is required.

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The objective in all stripping operations is the same as the objective when killing a well, i.e. to maintain a constant bottomhole pressure, slightly greater than the formation pressure, throughout the entire operation. Borehole pressure relationships, during the stripping operation, are explained in Figure 2 to Figure 7. These show the changes in well conditions which occur during a typical stripping operation. NOTE: In the example well show, assume that loss of circulation cannot occur.

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Figure 2 shows drill pipe run into a 10,000 ft hole filled with 10 ppg mud and then closed in with the BOPs. The drill pipe is fitted with a back pressure valve and the weight of the drill pipe is sufficient to overcome the tendencies of the well bore pressures to push the drill string out of the hole. A valve and a check valve are installed between the well bore and the gas sand, to simulate flow from formation. Pressure gauges show: a) b) c) Pressure in the gas sand Bottom hole pressure Surface pressure 5400 psi 5200 psi (due to mud hydrostatic pressure) 0 psi

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Figure 3 shows that the adjustable choke and the valve between the gas sand and the wellbore have been opened causing gas to flow into the wellbore and mud to flow into the trip tank. After a period of flow, the adjustable choke was CLOSED trapping the gas bubble at the bottom of the hole and preventing further influx. Since the valve from the gas sand is OPEN, the pressure at the bottom of the hole will equalise with the formation pressure. Pressure gauges now show: a) b) c) Pressure in the gas sand Bottomhole pressure Surface pressure 5400 psi 5400 psi 450 psi

The surface pressure has increased by 450 psi, which is equal to the new bottomhole pressure less the total hydrostatic pressure of the mixed column of 10 ppg mud and the much lighter gas.

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Figure 4 shows the drill pipe run further into the hole through the closed BOP. The total displacement of the pipe run is one barrel and is represented by the cross-hatched area. Pressure gauges now show: a) Pressure in the gas sand b) Bottomhole pressure c) Surface pressure 5400 psi 5450 psi 500 psi

The wellbore pressures have increased because fluid or gas could not escape from the well as the one barrel of drill pipe was added. The gas compressed to allow room for the drill pipe, thus causing an increase of 50 psi in the system.

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Figure 5 shows that the adjustable choke has been OPENED and exactly one barrel of mud, including leakage past the BOP, has been bled. Pressure gauges now show: a) b) c) Pressure in the gas sand Bottomhole pressure Surface pressure 5400 psi 5400 psi 450 psi

Note that the wellbore pressure has returned to the original value (Figure 3). By bleeding one barrel of mud, the gas bubble expanded back to its original volume and the wellbore pressure dropped 50 psi. From this, the following conclusions can be made: 1) If mud is bled from the well at the same rate as pipe is run into the hole, the wellbore pressure will remain constant and no additional gas will flow into the well. If mud is not bled while pipe is stripped into the well, wellbore pressures will rise and fracturing will probably occur downhole.


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Figure 6 shows that the drill pipe has been run to the top of the gas bubble. The correct volume of mud has been bled as indicated by the surface pressure and the bottomhole pressure. Pressure gauges now show: a) b) c) Pressure in the gas sand Bottomhole pressure Surface pressure 5400 psi 5400 psi 450 psi

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Figure 7 shows the pressures which exist when the drill pipe has been run into the gas bubble on the bottom and mud, equal to the volume of the drill pipe run, has been properly bled off. The pressure gauges now show: a) b) c) Pressure in gas sand 5400 psi Bottomhole pressure 5400 psi Surface pressure 500 psi

Note the bottomhole pressure has remained at 5400 psi, but the surface pressure has increased to 500 psi. This increase of 50 psi should be expected because the drillpipe displaces gas up the annulus as it passes into the gas bubble. This increases the length of the gas column and reduces the total hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore. Since the bottomhole pressure remains the same and the hydrostatic pressure is less, the surface pressure must increase. The same increases in surface pressure will be experienced if gas percolates from below the bottom of the pipe into the annulus around the pipe. A further pressure increase will be experienced as gas percolates and expands towards the surface. This increase due to gas migration, can be controlled by bleeding an additional amount of fluid using the volumetric method or by bleeding enough mud to hold the pipe pressure constant when all of the gas is in the annulus.

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Stripping Procedures Stripping procedures must be adjusted to suit the well conditions and the equipment which is available. A specific procedure should be developed for each situation. The following guidelines provide a basis for the design of detailed procedures closing in the well on a kick, with pipe off bottom and stripping back to bottom: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Install a safety valve on the drill pipe, in the OPEN position. Close the safety valve. Install a back pressure valve above the safety valve. OPEN the safety valve. OPEN the hydraulic valve to the choke manifold. OPEN the choke. CLOSE the annular preventer, (position the tool joint so that the pipe rams can be closed). CLOSE the choke while observing maximum pressure limitations. Ensure that the above steps are executed as quickly as possible.

NOTE: 9)

Record and monitor the drill pipe and casing pressures. To determine drill pipe pressure, the Kelly must be stabbed and the back pressure valve pumped OPEN DO NOT let the casing pressure exceed the maximum allowed. If the casing pressure exceeds 1500 psi on initial closure, then the pipe rams can be used for stripping. The following can be used to determine if stripping is possible: a) b) Size and buoyed weight of the drill pipe in the hole. Casing pressure.


If the casing pressure increases to the maximum allowed during stripping operations, then STOP stripping and consider circulating the well with kill weight mud or bullheading. 10) 11) 12) Rig up the casing pressure gauge so that it can be seen by the Driller. Rig up so the mud from the choke manifold and leakage around the annular preventer can both be accurately measured. Adjust the accumulator unit regulator, on the annular preventer, until a slight leakage of well fluid past the rubber, is obtained. Monitor the closing pressure of the annular BOP, while tool joints are being stripped through, to ensure that the regulator is functioning correctly. If possible, a small accumulator should be installed in the annular preventer closing line to dampen pressure pulses as the tool joint passes through the packing element. This will increase packing element life and allow faster stripping. 10


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Start running pipe while bleeding mud from the casing using the hand adjustable choke. Run the pipe slowly and evenly to avoid pressure surges. Measure the amount of mud bled off through the choke and the mud that leaks by the annular BOP to ensure that the total volume equals the volume of pipe run. Example 1: Stripping 4 OD 16.6 lbs/ft, H-90 Drill Pipe From Table 1, Total Displacement of Drill Pipe: 1 - 31 ft Joint = 0.633 bbls I - 93 ft Stand = 1.899 bbls The total mud bled off and the leakage from the annular BOP should be 1.899 bbls. for each stand run. Since it is difficult to measure volumes this small, the volume of several stands should be calculated and the volume of mud bled measured over several stands.

14) 15)

Do not attempt to maintain a constant casing pressure. The casing pressure will increase as the pipe is stripped through the gas bubble. Drill pipe pressure will be equal to the casing pressure until the pipe enters the top of the bubble. The drill pipe pressure will then drop until the pipe emerges from the bottom of the bubble and should be held constant until the pipe is stripped to bottom. Once the pipe is on bottom, obtain an accurate drill pipe pressure and begin circulating the gas bubble out using a constant bottomhole pressure well killing method.


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1 Includes tool joints, wall thickness, and internal capacity. Table 1


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Surface Pressure Consideration The method used to return drill pipe to bottom under well pressure depends on the closed-in annular pressure. This pressure also indicates the preventer requirements. Consider the following: Strip or Snub If the annular closed-in pressure is such that the buoyed weight of the drill pipe will not pull the pipe into the hole, the pipe will have to be pushed or snubbed into the well. The procedure will be dictated by attempting to lower the drill pipe through the annular preventer after the closing pressure has been regulated. Tool Joint Consideration The buoyed weight of the drill pipe may not be great enough to overcome the upward force exerted by the annular pressure, as the larger diameter tool joint enters the annular preventer. This can be determined by attempting to lower the tool joint through the annular preventer after the closing pressure has been regulated. The annular pressure is low enough to allow the pipe body to strip through the annular preventer, but will not allow the pipe to move as the tool joint goes through the annular preventer. In this instance a combination of preventers are required to carry out stripping. The most difficult part of a stripping operation is moving the tool joint through the preventer stack. The tool joint can be run through the annular preventer, with the seal maintained by careful regulation of the closing pressure. High closing pressure and high well pressure will decrease the life of the packing element. The tool joint size compared to the pipe size, and the type shoulder on the tool joint, will also effect element wear. The smaller the annular preventer that will accommodate the pipe to be stripped, the longer the packing element will last. The selection of preventer combination to be used depends on the following: a) b) c) d) e) Surface pressure Well conditions Length of pipe to be stripped Size of preventers Size of the drill pipe and tool joints

Table 2 is a list of guidelines commonly used for selecting preventers for stripping.


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SURFACE PRESSURE 1000 psi or less 1000 to 1500 psi 1500 psi or greater LENGTH OF PIPE TO BE STRIPPED a. 1000 ft b. Greater than 1000 ft Table 2 RECOMMENDED TECHNIQUE Annular Preventer Annular Preventer Preventer Combination Preventer Combination


Stripping Procedures for Preventer Combinations The two preventer combinations used to strip pipe are: a) b) Annular Preventer only Combination of preventers i) Annular to ram ii) Ram to ram

i) Annular Preventer Only When the annular pressure is 1000 psi or less, stripping with the annular preventer is preferred over the combination preventer. This is because it is faster, easier for the rig crews to learn and is a relatively simple operation to control. Certain considerations have to be made concerning the accumulator bank, before stripping with any preventer combination. These considerations are: a) b) c) The accumulator bank should be fully charged and isolated from the closing pumps. This provides a power source to close in the well in case of mechanical failure. The closing pumps should be used to provide all power to operate the preventer during the stripping operation. Ensure that the closing unit manifold does not contain internal or external check valves. They should be removed for stripping operations to allow the closing pressure to be properly regulated.

The movement of the tool joint through the annular preventer forces the actuator piston down, allowing the packing element to open and the tool joint to go through without loss of seal. This will increase the hydraulic pressure in the closing chamber unless the tool joint is moved slowly through the annular preventer. With slow movement of the pipe the regulator will prevent a build up of pressure. Accumulators mounted in the closing line of the annular preventer will dampen closing pressure fluctuations caused by the lag in reaction time of the pressure regulator. Regulate the closing line pressure to the minimum required to maintain a seal.


This must not be less than 600 psi. Certain annular preventers can lose the seal and open, if the closing pressure is below 600 psi and well pressure is low.

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ii) Combination of Preventers Stripping with more than one preventer can be used when the surface pressure exceeds 1000 psi and more than 1000 ft of drill pipe is to be stripped. The combination of preventers selected depends on the number of preventers in the stack and the location of the drilling spool. NOTE: Avoid using the bottom ram preventer for stripping, if possible. It should be reserved as the master valve and only used when necessary, perhaps to repair other preventers.

A pump must always be used to equalise the pressure across the rams Never use well pressure. If well fluid is used to equalise the pressures, mud from the hole will flow across the preventer, thus allowing the additional flow of gas into the well. There are two main types of stripping which use a combination of preventers. THEY ARE: a) Annular to Ram Stripping When stripping with ram preventers, the same principle applies to packing element wear as the annular preventers. The lower the closing pressure while stripping, the longer the life of the sealing element. Initially CLOSE the ram preventers, using 1500 psi pressure, and then adjust the regulator to reduce the pressure, depending on the pressure of the well. The annular preventer should also be closed with 1500 psi and the regulator adjusted to sealing pressure with a minimum of 600 psi. REMEMBER: The most difficult part of a stripping operation is to move the tool joint through the preventer stack.

b) Ram to Ram Stripping The following general guidelines apply to all pipe ram preventer to pipe ram preventer stripping. i) The same generaj techniques are applied in ram to ram stripping as outlined in annular to ram stripping. When stripping with ram preventers, the lower the closing pressure, the longer the life of the sealing element. The pipe ram above the drilling spool should be used as the primary stripping preventer. The pipe ram immediately below the drilling spool should only be used to strip enough drill pipe to move the tool joint through the upper pipe ram preventer. The bottom ram preventer in the stack should be used as a master valve and closed only to repair parts of the BOP stack above the bottom ram preventer.






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With a three-ram preventer stack, the location of the drilling spool may make it impossible to strip ram to ram. With a two-ram preventer stack it may be necessary to add on additional preventers to strip into the hole safely. As in all stripping operations, the location of the tool joint in the preventer stack must be known at all times.




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