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DSP 16 Mark

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Anna University Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 5th Semester Regulation 2008 EC2302 Digital Signal Processing Question Bank - 16 Mark Questions


Unit I

b) State and prove shifting property of DFT. (6) 2. Derive and draw the radix -2 DIT algorithms for FFT of 8 points. (16) 3. Compute the DFT for the sequence {1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1}. Using radix -2 DIF FFT and radix -2 DIT- FFT algorithm. (16) 4. Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response is h(n) = {1, 1, 1} and input signal x(n) = {3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1}. Using Overlap add overlap save method. (16) 5. In an LTI system the input x(n) = {1, 1, 1}and the impulse response h(n) = {-1, -}Determine the response of LTI system by radix -2 DIT FFT (16)




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1. a) Compute 4- point DFT of casual three sample sequence is given by, x(n) = 1/3, 0_n_2 = 0, else (10)


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6. Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response is h(n) = {1, 1, 1} and input signal x(n) = {3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1}. Using Overlap save method (16)

Unit II

1 . With a neat sketch explain the design of IIR filter using impulse invariant transformation. (16)

3. For a given specifications of the desired low pass filter is

1Ha(Sn)= Sn2 + 1.414Sn +1 with a cutoff frequency of 0.4 _, using bilinear transformation. (16). 6. List the three well known methods of design technique for IIR filters and explain any one. (16) 7. Design a low pass filter using rectangular window by taking 9 samples of w(n) and with a cutoff frequency of 1.2 radians/sec.Using frequency sampling method, design a band pass FIR filter with the following specification. Sampling frequency Fs =8000 Hz, Cutoff




5. The normalized transfer function of an analog filter is given by,

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4. Explain the procedural steps the design of low pass digital Butterworth filter and list its properties. (16)

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Design a Butterworth filter using bilinear transformation. (16)

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0.707 _ |H(_)| _1.0, 0 _ _ _ 0.2_|H(_)| _ 0.08, 0.4 _ _ _ _ _

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2. Apply impulse invariant transformation to H(S) = (S +1) (S + 2) with T =1sec and find H(Z). (16)


frequency fc1 =1000Hz, fc2 =3000Hz.Determine the filter coefficients for N =7. (16) 8. Design an ideal high pass filter with Hd(ej _) = 1 ; _/4 _ | _| _ _= 0 ; | _| _ _/4 Using Hamming window with N =11 (16) 9. Determine the coefficients of a linear phase FIR filter of length N =15 which has a symmetric unit sample response and a frequency response that satisfies the conditions H (2 _k /15) = 1; for k = 0, 1, 2, 3= 0.4 ; for k = 4

Unit III

3. Discuss in detail about quantization effect in ADC of signals. Derive the expression for Pe(n) and SNR. (16) 4 a. Write short notes on limit cycle oscillation (8) b. Explain in detail about signal scaling (8) 5. A digital system is characterized by the difference equation Y(n)=0.95y(n-1)+x(n).determine the dead band of the system when x(n)=0 and y(-1)=13. (16)


2. The output of an A/D is fed through a digital system whose system function is H(Z)=0.6z/z-0.6. Find the output noise power of the digital system=8 bits (8)



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1. The output of an A/D is fed through a digital system whose system function is H(Z)=(1-_)z /(z-_), 0<_<1.Find the output noise power of the digital system. (8)

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6. Two first order filters are connected in cascaded whose system functions of the Individual sections are H1(z)=1/(1-0.8z- ) and H2(z)=1/(1-0.9z ).Determine the Over all output noise power. (16)

Unit IV

1. Explain how DFT and FFT are useful in power spectral estimation. (10) 2. Explain Power spectrum estimation using the Bartlett window. (8) 3. Obtain the mean and variance of the averaging modified period gram estimate. (16)

7. How the parametric methods overcome the limitations of the nonparametric methods? (10)

Unit V

1. Explain in detail about the applications of PDSP (10) 2. Explain briefly:


6. What are the limitations of non-parametric methods in spectral estimation? (8)



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5. Derive the mean and variance of the power spectral estimate of the Blackman and Turkey method. (10)

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4. How is the Blackman and Turkey method used in smoothing the Periodogram? (10)


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(i). Von Neumann architecture (5) (ii). Harvard architecture (5) (iii).VLIW architecture (6) 3. Explain in detail about (i). MAC unit (8 ) (ii). Pipelining (8) 4. Draw and explain the architecture of TMS 320C5x processor (16) 5. Explain in detail about the Addressing modes of TMS 320C50 (16)




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