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The Best of Faiz Ahmed Faiz

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The Best of Faiz

The Best of Faiz (Faiz Ahmed Faiz)/translated by Shiv K. Kumar. New Delhi, UBSPD, 2001, xx, 200 p., $10 (pbk). ISBN 81-7476-330- . "Poet, journalist, translator, film-maker, broadcaster, Marxist activist and recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, Faiz Ahmed Faiz re! into a le end in his lifetime" #ith his death in $%&', his admirers all over the !orld felt as if a literar( era had come to an end" Accordin to )d!ard *aid, a celebrated orientalist, Faiz is +the reatest of contemporar( ,rdu poets-" ".ein a liberal humanist, Faiz-s poetic vision reco nized no national barriers" /is poetr(, musical and multiversant, has lent itself readil( to such reno!ned hazal sin ers as .e um Akhtar, Mehdi /asan, 01bal .ano and 2oor 3ehan" "0n The Best of Faiz, 4umar has presented an )n lish translation of the best of his poems, !ith parallel 5oman script, to enable even non-,rdu readers to enjo( poetr( that articulates the entire ran e of human emotions" /ere is a book for all lovers of poetr( to read and preserve""

(Ex er!ts from Masterpieces of Urdu Ghazal - From 17th to 20th Century" by K.C. Kanda)
Ghazal !"i#i$%&e' i$ I"%$ i$ &he 10&h (e$&)"* +.D. I& #"ew ,"!- &he Pe".i%$ qasida, whi(h /e".e ,!"- h%' (!-e &! I"%$ ,"!- +"%bi%. 0he qasida w%. % p%$e#*"i( w"i&&e$ i$ p"%i.e !, &he e-pe"!" !" hi. $!ble-e$. 0he p%"& !, &he qasida (%lle' tashbib #!& 'e&%(he' %$' 'e/el!pe' i$ ')e (!)".e !, &i-e i$&! &he ghazal. 1he"e%. &he qasida .!-e&i-e. "%$ i$&! %. -%$* %. 100 (!)ple&. !" -!"e i$ -!$!"h*-e, &he ghazal .el'!- ex(ee'e' &wel/e, %$' .e&&le' '!w$ &! %$ %/e"%#e !, .e/e$. Be(%).e !, i&. (!-p%"%&i/e b"e/i&* %$' (!$(e$&"%&i!$, i&. &he-%&i( /%"ie&* %$' "i(h

.)##e.&i/e$e.., &he ghazal .!!$ e(lip.e' &he qasida %$' be(%-e &he -!.& p!p)l%" ,!"- !, p!e&"* i$ I"%$. 0he ghazal (%-e &! I$'i% wi&h &he %'/e$& %$' ex&e$.i!$ !, &he 2).li- i$,l)e$(e ,"!- &he 12&h (e$&)"* !$w%"'.. 0he 2!#h)l. b"!)#h& %l!$# wi&h &he- I"%$i%$ ()l&)"e %$' (i/ili3%&i!$, i$(l)'i$# I"%$i%$ p!e&"* %$' li&e"%&)"e. 1he$ Pe".i%$ #%/e w%* &! U"') %. &he l%$#)%#e !, p!e&"* %$' ()l&)"e i$ I$'i%, &he ghazal, &he ,")i& !, I$'!-I"%$i%$ ()l&)"e, ,!)$' i&. !pp!"&)$i&* &! #"!w %$' 'e/el!p. +l&h!)#h &he ghazal i. .%i' &! h%/e be#)$ wi&h +-i" 4h)."! (1253-1325) i$ N!"&he"$ I$'i%, De((%$ i$ &he S!)&h w%. i&. "e%l h!-e i$ &he e%"l* .&%#e.. I& w%. $)".e' %$' &"%i$e' i$ &he (!)"&. !, 6!l(!$'% %$' Bi7%p)" )$'e" &he p%&"!$%#e !, 2).li")le".. 2!h'. 8)li 8)&%b Sh%h, 1%7hi, 9%.h-i, N)."%&i %$' 1%li -%* be (!)$&e' %-!$# i&. pi!$ee".. :, &he.e, 1%li De((%$* (1667-1707) -%* be (%lle' &he ;h%)(e" !, U"') p!e&"*. 1%li<. /i.i& &! Delhi -%'e i$ 1700 %(=)i"e. % hi.&!"i( .i#$i,i(%$(e. 0hi. /i.i& w%. i$.&")-e$&%l i$ .*$&he.i3i$# &he p!e&i( .&"e%-. !, &he S!)&h %$' &he N!"&h. 1%li<. p!e&"* %w%ke$e' &he -i$'. !, &he Pe".i%$-l!/i$# N!"&h &! &he be%)&* %$' "i(h$e.. !, U"') l%$#)%#e, %$' i$&"!')(e' &he- &! &he &")e ,l%/!" !, ghazal, &h). e$(!)"%#i$# i&. "%pi' #"!w&h %$' p!p)l%"i&*. I$ i&. ,!"-, &he ghazal i. % .h!"& p!e- "%"el* !, -!"e &h%$ % '!3e$ (!)ple&. i$ &he .%-e -e&"e. I& %lw%*. !pe$. wi&h % "h*-i$# (!)ple& (%lle' matla. 0he "h*-e !, &he !pe$i$# (!)ple& i. "epe%&e' %& &he e$' !, .e(!$' li$e i$ e%(h .)((ee'i$# /e".e, .! &h%& &he "h*-i$# p%&&e"$ -%* be "ep"e.e$&e' %. ++, B+, ;+, D+, %$' .! !$. I$ %''i&i!$ &! &he "e.&"i(&i!$ !, "h*-e, &he ghazal %l.! !b.e"/e. &he (!$/e$&i!$ !, radif. Radif 'e-%$'. &h%& % p!"&i!$ !, &he ,i".& li$e -- (!-p"i.i$# $!& -!"e &h%$ &w! !" &h"ee w!"'. -- i--e'i%&el* p"e(e'i$# &he "h*-e-w!"' %& &he e$', .h!)l' "h*-e wi&h i&. (!)$&e"p%"& i$ &he .e(!$' li$e !, &he !pe$i$# (!)ple&, %$' %,&e"w%"'. %l&e"$%&el* &h"!)#h!)& &he p!e-. 0he !pe$i$# (!)ple& !, &he ghazal i. %lw%*. % "ep"e.e$&%&i/e (!)ple&> i& .e&. &he -!!' %$' &!$e !, &he p!e- %$' p"ep%"e. ). ,!" i&. p"!pe" %pp"e(i%&i!$. 0he l%.& (!)ple& !, &he ghazal (%lle' makta !,&e$ i$(l)'e. &he pe$-$%-e !, &he p!e&, %$' i. -!"e pe".!$%l &h%$ #e$e"%l i$ i&. &!$e %$' i$&e$&. 9e"e &he p!e& -%* exp"e.. hi. !w$ .&%&e !, -i$', !" 'e.("ibe hi. "eli#i!). ,%i&h, !" p"%* ,!" hi. bel!/e', !" i$')l#e i$ p!e&i( .el,-p"%i.e. 0he 'i,,e"e$& (!)ple&. !, &he ghazal %"e $!& b!)$' b* &he )$i&* %$' (!$.i.&e$(* !, &h!)#h&. ?%(h (!)ple& i. % .el,-.),,i(ie$& )$i&, 'e&%(h%ble %$' =)!&%ble, #e$e"%ll* (!$&%i$i$# &he (!-ple&e exp"e..i!$ !, %$ i'e%. S!-e p!e&. i$(l)'i$# 9%."%&, I=b%l %$' @!.h h%/e w"i&&e$ ghazal. i$ &he .&*le !, % nazm, b%.e' !$ % .i$#le &he-e, p"!pe"l* 'e/el!pe' %$' (!$(l)'e'. B)& .)(h ghazal. %"e %$ ex(ep&i!$ "%&he" &h%$ % ")le, %$' &he &"%'i&i!$%l ghazal .&ill h!l'. .w%*. 9!we/e", we '! (!-e %("!.., !,, %$' !$, e/e$ i$ &he w!"k. !, (l%..i(%l p!e&., ghazal. exhibi&i$# (!$&i$)i&* !, &he-e !", -!"e !,&e$, % .e& !, /e".e. (!$$e(&e' i$ &he-e %$' &h!)#h&. S)(h % &he-%&i( #"!)p i. (%lle' % qita, %$' i.

p"e.)-%bl* "e.!"&e' &! whe$ % p!e& i. (!$,"!$&e' wi&h %$ el%b!"%&e &h!)#h& 'i,,i()l& &! be (!$'e$.e' i$ % .i$#le /e".e. +l&h!)#h &he ghazal 'e%l. wi&h &he wh!le .pe(&")- !, h)-%$ expe"ie$(e, i&. (e$&"%l (!$(e"$ i. l!/e. Ghazal i. %$ +"%bi( w!"' whi(h li&e"%ll* -e%$. &%lki$# &! w!-e$.

Faiz Ahmed Faiz# $ife and Ghazals

A%i3 +h-e' A%i3 w%. b!"$ i$ 1 11 %& Si%lk!& %$' w%. e')(%&e' %& B%h!"e, whe"e he .&)'ie' ?$#li.h li&e"%&)"e %$' phil!.!ph*. 9e be#%$ hi. (%"ee" %. % le(&)"e" i$ ?$#li.h %& +-"i&.%". +,&e" &he .e(!$' 1!"l' 1%", he &)"$e' &! 7!)"$%li.- %$' 'i.&i$#)i.he' hi-.el, %. &he e'i&!" !, The Pakistan Times. 9e w%. (h%"#e' wi&h (!-pli(i&* i$ &he C%w%lpi$'i (!$.pi"%(* (%.e %$' w%. (!$'e-$e' &! ,!)" *e%".< i-p"i.!$-e$& i$ 1 51. 0he 7%il &e"- #%/e hi- % ,i".&-h%$' expe"ie$(e !, &he h%".h "e%li&ie. !, li,e, %$' p"!/i'e' hi- wi&h &he -)(h-$ee'e' lei.)"e %$' .!li&)'e &! &hi$k !)& hi. &h!)#h&. %$' &"%$.-)&e &he- i$&! p!e&"*. 0w! !, hi. b!!k., ast-e!a"a %$' #indan-$ama %"e &he p"!')(&. !, &hi. pe"i!' !, i-p"i.!$-e$&. +. % p!e&, A%i3 be#%$ w"i&i$# !$ &he (!$/e$&i!$%l &he-e. !, l!/e %$' be%)&*, b)& .!!$ &he.e (!$/e$&i!$%l &he-e. #e& .)b-e"#e' i$ &he l%"#e" .!(i%l %$' p!li&i(%l i..)e. !, &he '%*. 0he &"%'i&i!$%l #"ie,. !, l!/e #e& ,).e' wi&h &he &"%/%il. !, &he %,,li(&e' h)-%$i&*, %$' A%i3 ).e. hi. p!e&"* &! (h%-pi!$ &he (%).e !, .!(i%li.&i( h)-%$i.-. ;!$.e=)e$&l*, &he ,%-ili%" i-%#e"* !, % l!/e-p!e& %(=)i"e. $ew -e%$i$#. i$ &he h%$'. !, A%i3... 0hi. &)"$i$# %w%* ,"!- "!-%$(e &! "e%li.-, ,"!?"!. &! +#%pe, i. be%)&i,)ll* .)##e.&e' i$ hi. p!e- (% nazm), "mujh se pehli si mohabbat meri mahboob na maang." I$ &he -%&&e" !, 'i(&i!$ %$' .&*le, A%i3 -%* be (%lle' &he i$he"i&!" !, &he &"%'i&i!$ !, 6h%lib. 9i. %'-i"%&i!$ ,!" 6h%lib i. %l.! "e,le(&e' i$ &he &i&le !, hi. ,i".& p)bli.he' w!"k, $a%sh-e-Faryadi, whi(h (!-e. .&"%i#h& ,"!- &he !pe$i$# li$e !, &he ,i".& ghazal !, i&an-e-Ghali". +l&h!)#h he h%. w"i&&e$ p!e-. i$ % .i-ple, (!$/e".%&i!$%l .&*le, he h%. % -%"ke' p"e,e"e$(e ,!" p!li.he', Pe".i%$i.e' 'i(&i!$, &he 'i(&i!$ !, &he eli&e "%&he" &h%$ !, &he (!--!$e".. B)& be(%).e !, &he )$i/e".%li&* !, hi. &h!)#h& %$' .*-p%&he&i( /i.i!$, %$' be(%).e !, hi. pe",e(& h%$'li$# !, &he ghazal, hi. p!e&"* i. "e%' %$' %'-i"e' i$ b!&h p%"&. !, &he I$'i%$ .)b-(!$&i$e$&. A%i3 i. % D(!--i&&e'D p!e& wh! "e#%"'. p!e&"* %. % /ehi(le !, .e"i!). &h!)#h&, %$' $!& % -e"e ple%.)"%ble p%.&i-e. 9e '!e. $!& %((ep& &he -%xi- !, D%"& ,!" %"&<. .%keD. +$ %'-i"e" !, 4%"l 2%"x %$' % p!e& !, &he pe!ple, A%i3 w%. h!$!)"e' b* S!/ie& C)..i% wi&h &he p"e.&i#i!). Be$i$ +w%"' ,!" Pe%(e %$' hi. p!e-. h%/e bee$ &"%$.l%&e' i$&! &he C)..i%$ l%$#)%#e. 9i. p!e&i(%l (!lle(&i!$. i$(l)'e $a%sh-e-Faryadi (1 43), ast-e-!a"a (1 52), #indan-$ama (1 56) %$' ast-e'ah-e-!an( (1 65). A%i3 p%..e' %w%* i$ 1 84.

Some of Faiz%s (hazals

Donon jahaan teri mohabbat mein haar ke Gulon mein rang bhare baad-e-naubahaar chale um par!arash-e-loh-o-qalam karte rahenge Du"aa #P"%*e"$ -- + nazm ,!" P%ki.&%$<. I$'epe$'e$(e D%*, 1 67 mujh ko shik!a hai mera% bhai keh tum jaate hooa%

Donon jahaan teri mohabbat mein haar &oh jaa raha hai koi shab-e-gham guzaar ke


'iraan hai maikada khum-o-saaghar udaas hain Tum k%a ga%e ke ruth ga%e din bahaar ke (k fursat-e-gunah mili !oh bhi chaar Dekhe hain hum ne hausle par!ardigaar ke Duni%a ne teri %aad se begaana Tujh se bhi dilfreb hain gham rozgaar ke kar din di%a *aiz

)hule se muskra ke di%e !oh aaj +at puchh !al!ale dil-e-nakarda kaar ke

Gulon mein rang bhare baad-e-naubahaar chale ,hale bhi aao ke gulshan ka kaarobaar chale -afas udaas hai %aaro saba se kuchh to kaho .ahin to bahr-e-.huda aaj zikar-e-%aar chale .abhi to subah tere kunj-e-lab se ho aaghaz .abhi to shab sar-e-kaakul se mushakbaar chale )ara hai dard ka rishta %eh dil gharib sahi Tumhare naam pe aaenge ghamgusaar chale

/o hum pe guzri so guzri magar shab-e-hijraan amaare ashk teri aaqbat san!aar chale +aqaam *aiz koi raah mein jacha hi nahin /o kue %aar se nikle to sue daar chale um par!arash-e-loh-o-qalam karte /o dil pe guzarti hai raqam karte rahenge 0sbaab-e-gham-e-ishq baham karte 'iraani-e-dauraan pe karam karte rahenge rahenge rahenge gi

aan talkhi-e-a%%aam abhi aur barhe aan ahl-e-sitam mashq-e-sitam karte rahenge

+anzur %eh talkhi %eh sitam hum ko ga!aara Dam hai to madaa!a-e-alam karte rahenge +aikhana salaamat hai to hum surkhi-e-mai se Tazzain-e-dar-o-baam-e-haram karte rahenge )aqi hai lahu dil mein to har ashk se paida Rang-e-lab-o-rukhsar-e-sanam karte rahenge (k tarz-e-taghaaful hai so !oh unko mubaarak (k arz-e-tamanna hai so hum karte rahenge

Du"aa #P"%*e"$ -- + nazm ,!" P%ki.&%$<. I$'epe$'e$(e D%*, 1 67 aa%eh hath uthein hum hum jinhein rusm-e du"aa %aad hum jinhein soz-e muhabat ke koi buth1 koi khuda %aad nahin bhi nahin si!a

aa%eh urz guzarein keh nigar-e hustee zehar-e imroz mein shiren%a furda bhar de !o jinhein taab-e garaan bar%-a i%aam nahin un ki pulkoon peh shaub-e roz ko hulka ker de

jin ki aankhoon ko roz-e subh ka %aara bhi nahin un ki raatoon mein koi shuma muna!ar ker de jin ke kadumoon ko kisi reh ka sahara bhi nahin un nazroon peh koi raah ujagar ker de jin ka dee2 pari!-e kizb-o ri%a hai un ko himet-e kufr mile1 jurat-e tehqiq mile jin ke sir muntazar-e tegh-e jafa hein un ko dust-e qatil ko jatuk deena% ki taufiq mile ishq ka sir-e nihaa2 jaan tapaa2 hai jis se aaj iqrar karein aur tapish mit jaa"e hurf-e haq dil mein khatakta hai jo kante ki turhaa2 aaj izhar karein aur khalish mit jaa"e mujh ko shik!a hai mera% bhai keh tum jaate hooa% le ga%e sath meri umr-e ghuzishta ki kitaab is mein tau meri bohut kimati tus!eerien thein is mein buchpun tha mera1 aur mera aihd-e shabab is ke badle mujhe tum de ga%e jaate jaate apna% ghum ka %eh dumakta hua khoon rung golaab k%a karoon bhai1 %eh aizaz mein k%oon ker pehnoon mujh se le lo meri sub chaak qamizoon ka hisaab aakhri baar hai1 lo maan lo ik %eh bhi sa!aal aaj tuk tum se mein lota nahin ma%oos-e ja!aab aa ke le ja"o tum apna %eh damukta hua phool mujh ko lota do meri umr-e ghazishta ki kitaab (A%i3 h%' w"i&&e$ &hi. )p!$ &he 'e%&h !, hi. b"!&he".)


Before you came things were just what they were: the road precisely a road, the horizon fixed, the limit of what could be seen, a glass of wine no more than a glass of wine. With you the world took on the spectrum radiating from my heart: your eyes gold as they open to me, slate the colour that falls each time I lose all hope. With your ad ent roses burst into flame: you were the artist of dried!up lea es, sorceress who flicked her wrist to change dust into soot. "ou lac#uered the night black. $s for the sky, the road, the cup of wine: one was my tear!drenched shirt, the other an aching ner e, the third a mirror that ne er reflected the same thing. %ow you are here again ! stay with me. &his time things will fall into place' the road can be the road, the sky nothing but the sky' the glass of wine, as it should be, the glass of wine.
(translated by Naomi Lazard)

Ham keh thehare ajnabi itni mudaraton ke bad Phir banenge ashna kitni mulaqaton ke bad
#ill !e !ho remain stran ers after all kindnesses are over .ecome familiar after all these meetin s are over6 /o! man( seasons of rain !ill have to fall over *carred leaves before their reenness comes unbloodied to mind6 7he instant !hen pain of love ceased brou ht onl( numbness" Mornin s are merciless after the merciful ni hts are over" /o! 0 !anted, but ho! m( fractured heart did not allo!, Flirtatious complaints after the supplications !ere over" And !hat (ou came so !illin to ive up all for, Faiz, #as utterl( unvoiced !hen all the talkin !as over"

Be Near Me
"ou who demolish me, you whom I lo e, be near me. (emain near me when e ening, drunk on the blood of the skies, becomes night, in its one hand a perfumed balm, in the other a sword sheathed in the diamond of stars. Be near me when night laments or sings, or when it begins to dance, its steel!blue anklets ringing with grief. Be here when longings, long submerged in the heart)s waters, resurface and when e eryone begins to look: Where is the assassin* In whose slee e is hidden the redeeming knife* $nd when wine, as it is poured, is the sobbing of children whom nothing will console ! when nothing holds, when nothing is: at that dark hour when night mourns, be near me, my destroyer, my lo er, be near me.

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