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o 91.564 Data Communications II Homework 1 1. Find the frequency band a ocations for the fo owin! systems.

"# radio$ F# radio$ %roadcast &'$ "#()$ I)# band$ I*** +,-.11b$ I*** +,-.11a$ % uetooth. Ans: The frequency allocations are )ystem AM radio FM radio !roadcast T" AM#$ %$M &and Frequency %and " ocations
535-1605 KHz

-10 MHz

54MHz 806MHz 800-900MHz

%$M !and % '(ordless )hones* 1+ ,-A.s/ 001-01 MHz %$M !and %% '!luetooth* 01211& ,-A.s/ 123-123 35 +Hz %$M !and %%% ',ireless #!4/ 52515-52 5 +Hz %$M !and %% '!luetooth* 01211& ,-A.s/ 123-123 35 +Hz .%% !and % '%ndoor syste7s* 01211a ,-A.s/ 5215-5215 +Hz %$M !and %% '!luetooth* 01211& ,-A.s/ 123-123 35 +Hz

%666 01211& %666 01211a !luetooth

-. If you ha.e a ce /hone 0if not$ ask a friend1$ try to find the fo owin! information2 3hat is the /ro.ider 0"&4&$ 'eri5on$ etc16 3hat is the under yin! mu ti/ e7in! technique 0&D#"$ CD#"$ etc1 6 3hat is the frequency band in use6

Does the com/any offer data ser.ice6 If so$ what is the standard 0CD(D$ 8(9)$ etc16 and what is the /romised data rate6 Ans: #ro8ider: T-7o&ile Multi)le9in: technique: +$M Frequency &and: 1000MHz (o7)any offers data ser8ice* usin: standard +#;$* average data rate 56<&)s2 =r: #ro8ider: (in:ular Multi)le9in: technique: T>MA Frequency &and: 50?1000MHz (o7)any offers data ser8ice* usin: standard +#;$* data rate )ea< at 50-135 K&)s2 =r: #ro8ider: "erizon Multi)le9in: technique: (>MA Frequency &and: 00 ? 1000MHz (o7)any offers data ser8ice* usin: standard (>#>* )ro7ised data rate 133&)s with an average rate of 30 @ 60<&)s =r: #ro8ider: $)rint Multi)le9in: technique: (>MA Frequency &and: 1000MHz (o7)any offers data ser8ice* usin: standard (>#>* data rate u) to 133 <&)s* 50-50<&)s a8era:e

:. 3hat is the ayered architecture of the Internet6 In a wire ess network$ describe how each ayer wou d be different from a wired network. Ans: 5- -ayer architecture of the %nternet: A))lication '-ayer 5/ Trans)ort '-ayer 3/ .etAor< '-ayer 3/ >ata -in< '-ayer 1/ #hysical '-ayer 1/ >ifferences &etAeen Aireless netAor< and Aired netAor<: '1/ ,ired netAor< uses Aires 'e2:2* tAisted )air* coa9* fi&er o)tic/ as trans7ission 7edia in )hysical layer2 ,ireless netAor< uses air Aa8es* Ahich requires different codin:* 7odulation sche7es2

'1/ %nterference and collision is 7uch 7ore se8ere in Aireless netAor<s2 >ata lin< layer in Aireless netAor< uses different techniques to a8oid collision and 7a<e sure data Aas recei8ed2 '3/ ,ireless netAor< needs to deal Aith de8ice location and hando8er in netAor< layer2 %n Aireless ad hoc netAor<s* routin: can &e different than Aired netAor<s2 '3/ .o &i: difference &etAeen Aireless and Aired netAor< in trans)ort layer2 '5/ A))lication layer is unaAare of the )hysical as)ects of the netAor<2 A))lication layer in Aired netAor< su))orts ser8ices li<e FT#* $MT# etc2 =ne can also ta<e the )hysical layer characteristics into account Ahen Aritin: an a))lication2 4. "s stora!e ca/acity increases$ we can store ar!er and ar!er amounts of data on sma er and sma er stora!e de.ices. Indeed$ we can en.ision microsco/ic com/uter chi/s storin! teraf o/s of data. )u//ose this data is to be transferred o.er some distance. Discuss the /ros and cons of /uttin! a ar!er number of these stora!e de.ices in a truck and dri.in! them to their destination rather than sendin! the data e ectronica y. 0from 8o dsmith 3ire ess Communications book1. Ans: For deli8erin: de8ices in truc<: #ros: ;elia&le* no error* no interference +uaranteed >ata deli8ery BThe )ositi8e side of shi))in: &y truc< is that it <ee)s thousands of )eo)le dressed in &roAn e7)loyedC (ons: $loA* e9)ensi8e* incon8enient* B-ots of hu7an and other factors co7e into consideration in trans)ortationC 5. 3hat is the ad.anta!e of usin! I)# band6 3hat is the disad.anta!e6 "nd how does the FCC miti!ate the /rob em6 ;ame a few systems that use the I)#<band. Ans: The ad8anta:e is that an F(( license is not required to o)erate in these &ands2 HoAe8er* since 7any other syste7s o)erate in these &ands for the sa7e reason* the issues of si:nal interference and coe9istent are serious a7on: co77unications in %$M &ands2 The F(( 7iti:ates the interference )ro&le7 &y settin: a li7it on the )oAer )er unit &andAidth for %$M-&and syste7s2 6. How many CD(D data ines are needed to achie.e the same data rate as the a.era!e rate of 3i<#a7 0from 8o dsmith 3ire ess Communications book1 6 Ans: (##>Ds trans7ission rate is 1021<&)s2 ,i-Ma9Ds a8era:e data rate is 50M&)s $o* Ae need 50*000 ? 1021 E 3363 (>#> data lines to achie8e the sa7e rate2

=. Describe three disad.anta!es of usin! a wire ess >"; instead of a wired >";. For what a// ications wi these disad.anta!es be outwei!hed by the benefits of wire ess mobi ity. For what a// ications wi the disad.anta!es o.erride the ad.anta!es. 0from 8o dsmith?s 3ire ess Communications book1 Ans: Three disad8anta:es of Aireless -A.: '1/ 7ay e9hi&it )oor )erfor7ance* loA throu:h)ut* loAer Fo$* hi:h error rates due to interference '1/ not secure '3/ -oAer )oAer* li7ited ca)acity* hi:h setu) cost* s7all co8era:e For e9a7)le* the disad8anta:es &e outAei:hed &y the &enefits of Aireless 7o&ility in folloAin: a))lications: B8oice a))lication* short 7essa:e a))lication* re7ote sensorC Bnot &andAidth-intensi8e a))lication* li<e e7ail* Ae& &roAsin:C The disad8anta:es o8erride the ad8anta:es in the folloAin: a))lication: Be-co77erce* 8ideo a))licationC Bhi:h security* defense netAor<sC B7ulti7edia a))licationC Bstoc< tradin: a))licationC +. 3hat are the main /rob ems of si!na /ro/a!ation6 3hy do radio wa.es not a ways fo ow a strai!ht ine6 3hy is ref ection both usefu and harmfu 6 Ans: ,ireless si:nal )ro)a:ation is su&Gect to si:nal stren:th attenuation* interference* shadoAin:* and other )ro)a:ation effects* e2:2* reflection* refraction* scatterin:* and diffraction2 These can cause inter7ittent connecti8ity and hi:h &it error rates in Aireless co77unications2 ;adio Aa8es do not alAays folloA a strai:ht line &ecause of the reflection* refraction* scatterin:* and diffraction effects2 ;eflection is useful &ecause radio Aa8es can noA reach )laces Aithout line of si:ht2 ;eflection is har7ful since it can lead to 7ulti)ath )ro)a:ation* and hence ti7e dis)ersion and distortion in recei8ed si:nals2 9. 3hy$ ty/ica y$ is di!ita modu ation not enou!h for radio transmission6 3hat are !enera !oa s for di!ita modu ation6 3hat are ty/ica schemes for di!ita modu ation6 Ans: %n addition to the di:ital 7odulation Ahich con8erts the &its to &ase&and si:nals* analo: 7odulation is usually a))lied to shift the center frequency of &ase&and si:nal u) to the radio carrier2 The 7ain reasons are '1/ s7aller antennas 'e2:2* ?3/ can &e used '1/ Frequency >i8ision Multi)le9in: can &e i7)le7ented '3/ the si:nal can &e ada)ted to the s)ecific 7ediu7 characteristics ')ath loss* reflection etc de)end on 7ediu7* lon: Aa8e for su&7arine* 8ery short Aa8e for direct 7icroAa8e/2 The :eneral :oal for di:ital 7odulation is that di:ital data is translated into an analo: si:nal for trans7ission '&ase&and/2 Main di:ital 7odulation sche7es include A$K* F$K* #$K2

1,. 3hat are the main benefits of a s/read s/ectrum system6 How can s/readin! be achie.ed6 3hy is D))) system resistant to mu ti</ath fadin! effects6 Ans: The 7ain &enefits include resistant to frequency-selecti8e fadin: and 7ulti-)ath effect coe9istence of se8eral si:nals Aithout dyna7ic coordination a characteristics li<e &ac<:round noise ta)-)roof $)readin: can &e achie8ed &y >irect $equence or Frequency Ho))in: s)read s)ectru7 7echanis7s2 >$$$ syste7 s)reads the narroA &and si:nal into a &road &and si:nal usin: a s)ecial code* 7a<in: the si:nal resistant to 7ulti)le-)ath fadin:2

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