De Complete
De Complete
De Complete
dy = 6 x dx dy =
6 x dx 1 2 = 3x + cy
So, we now have an implicit solution. This solution is easy enough to get an explicit solution, however before getting that it is usually easier to fin the value of the constant at this point. So apply the initial con ition an fin the value of c.
= 3 (1) + c 2!
25 1
"lug this into the general solution an then solve to get an explicit solution.
= 3x 2! 1 2! 2 3x
y( x)=
#ow, as far as solutions go we$ve got the solution. %e o nee to start worrying about intervals of vali ity however. &ecall that there are two con itions that efine an interval of vali ity. 'irst, it must be a continuous interval with no brea(s or holes in it. Secon it must contain the value of the in epen ent variable in the initial con ition, x = 1 in this case. So, for our case we$ve got to avoi two values of x. #amely, x
2! 3
will give us ivision by *ero. This gives us three possible intervals of vali ity.
<x< 2! 3
2! 3
2! 3
2! 3
+owever, only one of these will contain the value of x from the initial con ition an so we can see that
2! <x< 3
2! 3
#ote that this oes not say that either of the other two intervals liste above can$t be the interval of vali ity for any solution. %ith the proper initial con ition either of these coul have been the interval of vali ity. %e$ll leave it to you to verify the etails of the following claims. ,f we use an initial con ition of
y ( -) = 1 2)
we will get exactly the same solution however in this case the interval of vali ity woul be the first one.
< x < 2! 3
.i(ewise, if we use
y ( 6) =
1 !)
as the initial con ition we again get exactly the same solution an in this case the thir interval becomes the interval of vali ity.
2! < x< 3
So, simply changing the initial con ition a little can give any of the possible intervals.
Example 2 Solve the following ,/" an fin the interval of vali ity for the solution. 2 3x + - x y (1) = 3 y 2 y = Solutio n This ifferential e0uation is clearly separable, so let1s put it in the proper form an then integrate
both si es.
( 2 y - ) dy = ( 3x 2 + - x
( 2 y - ) dy = ( 3x
+ -x
- ) dx y - y = x + 2x -x + c
%e now have our implicit solution, so as with the first example let$s apply the initial con ition at this point to etermine the value of c.
( 3)
y - y = x + 2x -x 2
%e now nee to fin the explicit solution. This is actually easier than it might loo( an you alrea y (now how to o it. 'irst we nee to rewrite the solution a little
y -y
+ 2x -x 2) = )
To solve this all we nee to recogni*e is that this is 0ua ratic in y an so we can use the 0ua ratic formula to solve it. +owever, unli(e 0ua ratics you are use to, at least some of the 2constants3 will not actually be constant, but will in fact involve x$s. So, upon using the 0ua ratic formula on this we get.
y( x)= =
- 16 - (1)
( (x
+ 2 x - x 2)
- 16 + - ( x 3 + 2 x 2 - x 2 ) 2
#ext, notice that we can factor a - out from un er the s0uare root 4it will come out as a 256 an then simplify a little.
y( x)=
- 2 - + ( x + 2x -x
3 2
2) 2
= 2 x3 + 2 x 2 - x + 2
%e are almost there. #otice that we$ve actually got two solutions here 4the 2 36 an we only want a single solution. ,n fact, only one of the signs can be correct. So, to figure out which one is correct we can reapply the initial con ition to this. 7nly one of the signs will give the correct value so we can use this to figure out which one of the signs is correct. "lugging x 8 1 into the solution gives.
3 = y (1) = 2
1 + 2 - + 2 = 2 1 = 3,1
,n this case it loo(s li(e the 293 is the correct sign for our solution. #ote that it is completely possible that the 2:3 coul be the solution so on$t always expect it to be one or the other. The explicit solution for our ifferential e0uation is.
y ( x ) = 2 + x3 + 2 x 2 - x + 2
To finish the example out we nee to etermine the interval of vali ity for the solution. ,f we were to put a large negative value of x in the solution we woul en up with complex values in our solution an we want to avoi complex numbers in our solutions here. So, we will nee to etermine which values of x will give real solutions. To o this we will nee to solve the following ine0uality.
x +2x -x+2 )
,n other wor s, we nee to ma(e sure that the 0uantity un er the ra ical stays positive. ;sing a computer algebra system li(e <aple or <athematica we see that the left si e is *ero at x 8 :3.36523 as well as two complex values, but we can ignore complex values for interval of vali ity computations. 'inally a graph of the 0uantity un er the ra ical is shown below.
of x$s for which the 0uantity is positive. #otice as well that this interval also contains the value of x that is in the initial con ition as it shoul . Therefore, the interval of vali ity of the solution is x 3.36523 . +ere is graph of the solution.
Example 3 Solve the following ,/" an fin the interval of vali ity of the solution. xy 3 y ( )) = 1 y 2 1+x =
Solution 'irst separate an then integrate both si es.
dy = x (1 + x dx
1 2 2
dy =
x (1 + x
1 2 2
1 2 2 = 1 + x + c 2y 3 2
1 2
= 1+c
3 1 2 2 = 1 + x 2y 2
1 2 2= 3 2 1 + x y 3 2 1+ 2 x 1 y( x)= y =
3 2 1 2 +x
&eapplying the initial con ition shows us that the 2:3 is the correct sign. The explicit solution is then,
y( x)=
1 3 2 1+ 2 x
.et$s get the interval of vali ity. That$s easier than it might loo( for this problem. 'irst, since 2 1 + x ) the 2inner3 root will not be a problem. Therefore all we nee to worry about is ivision by *ero an negatives un er the 2outer3 root. %e can ta(e care of both be re0uiring
> > - (1 + x
> 2 >1+x 5 2 >x #ote that we were able to s0uare both si es of the ine0uality because both si es of the ine0uality are guarantee to be positive in this case. 'inally solving for x we see that the only possible range of x$s that will not give ivision by *ero or s0uare roots of negative numbers will be,
an nicely enough this also contains the initial con ition x=0. This interval is therefore our interval of vali ity. +ere is a graph of the solution.
5 5 <x< 2 2
Example 4 Solve the following ,/" an fin the interval of vali ity of the solution. y = e y ( 2 x y ( 5) = ) -)
Solution This ifferential e0uation is easy enough to separate, so let1s o that an then integrate both si es.
e y dy = ( 2 x - ) dx e y dy =
y 2
( 2x
- ) dx
e =x -x+ c
=pplying the initial con ition gives
1 = 25 2) + c e =x -x y 2
%e can easily fin the explicit solution to this ifferential e0uation by simply ta(ing the natural log of both si es.
y ( x ) = ln ( x - x
'in ing the interval of vali ity is the last step that we nee to ta(e. &ecall that we can1t plug negative values or *ero into a logarithm, so we nee to solve the following ine0uality
x -x -> )
The 0ua ratic will be *ero at the two points x = 2 2 2 . = graph of the 0ua ratic 4shown below6 shows that there are in fact two intervals in which we will get positive values of the polynomial an hence can be possible intervals of vali ity.
in epen ent variable from the initial con ition. Therefore the interval of vali ity for this solution is.
2+2 2 <x<
+ere is a graph of the solution.
Example 5 Solve the following ,/" an fin the interval of vali ity for the solution. dr r 2 r (1) = 2 = d
Solution This is actually a fairly simple ifferential e0uation to solve. ,$m oing this one mostly because of the interval of vali ity. So, get things separate out an then integrate.
1 1 d 2 dr = r 1 dr 1 d = r 2
#ow, apply the initial con ition to fin c.
1 = ln + cr c= 2
1 2
= ln (1) + c 1
= ln 1 r 2 r=
#ow, there are two problems for our solution here. 'irst we nee to avoi 8 ) because of the natural log. #otice that because of the absolute value on the we on$t nee to worry about being negative. %e will also nee to avoi ivision by *ero. ,n other wor s, we nee to avoi the following points.
1 2
ln = ) ln = 1 2
exponentiate both si es
=e2 = e
So, these three points brea( the number line up into four portions, each of which coul be an interval of vali ity.
y ( )) = )
Solution This problem will re0uire a little wor( to get it separate an in a form that we can integrate, so let1s o that first.
dy dt e
e et
( )
cos y
(1 + t )
2 2
cos ( y ) dy = e
) dt
(1 + t
#ow, with a little integration by parts on both si es we can get an implicit solution.
e y cos ( y ) dy = e t (1 + t 2 ) dt
e y
( sin ( y )
1 2
cos ( y ) ) = e
+ 2t + 3) + c
( 1) = ( 3) + c
= 5
ey 5 sin ( y ) cos ( y ) ) = e t ( t 2 + 2t + 3) + ( 2 2
,t is not possible to fin an explicit solution for this problem an so we will have to leave the solution in its implicit form. 'in ing intervals of vali ity from implicit solutions can often be very ifficult so we will also not bother with that for this problem. =s this last example showe it is not always possible to fin explicit solutions so be on the loo(out for those cases.