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PT Akasha Wira International TBK

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Summary of Financial Statement

Indonesian Capital Market Directory 2010
Food and Beverages
(Million Rupiah)
2007 2008 2009
PT Akasha Wira International Tbk.
(Formerly PT Ades Waters Indonesia Tbk)
Water Partners Bottling S.A. 91.94%
UBS AG Singapore-UBS Equities 209114 2.51%
Public 5.55%
Head Ofce Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia
Tower C 15th-16th Floor
Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 88
Jakarta 12520
Phone (021) 2754-5000, (Hunting)
Fax (021) 7884-5549
Factories - Tapos Km. 1, Desa Kranji, Bogor
Jawa Barat
Phone (021) 875-3054, 875-3055
Fax (021) 875-2970
- Jl. Raya Pudak Payung No. 1
Semarang Selatan, Jawa Tengah
Phone (024) 475-062, 475-068, 475-054
Fax (024) 475-074
- Desa Namo Riam, Kecamatan Pancur Batu
Kabupaten Deli Serdang
Sumatera Utara
Business Beverages (Bottled Mineral Water)
Company Status PMA
Total Assets 178,761 185,015 178,287
Current Assets 33,121 59,208 73,551
of which
Cash and cash equivalents 4,025 29,311 38,471
Trade receivables 16,567 16,042 20,093
Inventories 6,371 9,581 7,088
Non-Current Assets 145,640 125,807 104,736
of which
Fixed Assets-Net 143,386 124,311 104,023
Deffered Tax Assets 1,403 733 44
Liabilities 111,655 133,117 110,068
Current Liabilities 96,346 115,217 29,613
of which
Bank loans 16,887 84,251 n.a
Trade payables 3,840 14,599 13,728
Taxes payable 796 842 624
Non-Current Liabilities 15,309 17,900 80,455
Minority Interests in Subsidiaries n.a n.a n.a
Shareholders' Equity 67,106 51,898 68,219
Paid-up capital 589,897 589,897 589,897
Paid-up capital
in excess of par value 5,068 5,068 5,068
Retained earnings (accumulated loss) (527,859) (543,067) (526,746)
Net Sales 131,549 129,542 134,438
Cost of Goods Sold 131,830 93,936 86,062
Gross Profit (281) 35,606 48,376
Operating Expenses 122,752 74,346 43,744
Operating Profit (123,033) (38,740) 4,632
Other Income (Expenses) (28,953) 8,107 12,763
Profit (Loss) before Taxes (151,986) (30,633) 17,395
Profit (Loss) after Taxes (154,851) (15,208) 16,321
Per Share Data (Rp)
Earnings (Loss) per Share (263) (26) 28
Equity per Share 114 88 116
Dividend per Share n.a n.a n.a
Closing Price 730 225 640
Financial Ratios
PER (x) (2.78) (8.73) 23.13
PBV (x) 6.42 2.56 5.53
Dividend Payout (%) n.a n.a n.a
Dividend Yield (%) n.a n.a n.a
Current Ratio (x) 0.34 0.51 2.48
Debt to Equity (x) 1.44 2.22 0.43
Leverage Ratio (x) 0.62 0.72 0.62
Gross Profit Margin (x) n.a 0.27 0.36
Operating Profit Margin (x) n.a n.a 0.05
Net Profit Margin (x) n.a n.a 0.12
Inventory Turnover (x) 20.69 9.80 12.14
Total Assets Turnover (x) 0.74 0.70 0.75
ROI (%) (86.62) (8.22) 9.15
ROE (%) (230.76) (29.30) 23.92
PER = 19.16x ; PBV = 4.27x (June 2010)
Financial Year: December 31
Public Accountant: Hendrawinata Gani & Hidayat
Financial Performance: The Company successfully booked
net income at IDR16.321 billion in 2009, versus net loss at
IDR15.208 billion in 2008.
Brief History: The company supplied bottled water in
plastic glass, plastic bottles and glass bottles. Production ca-
pacity in 1993 was 2.9 million liters per year. Operations are
supported by two bottling plants: one in Cibinong, West Java,
and the other in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. The companys
bottled water has been exported to Singapore and Australia. In
November 1993, the company took over full ownership of PT
Pamargha Indojatim, which operates in the same line of busi-
ness. And on October 1996, buoyed by strong prospects in
the bottled water industry, the company is building a new wa-
ter plant in Ujungpandang. The water source located in Maros,
South Sulawesi will supply this plant which will have a 40 million
liter capacity a year. Cost of the project has been pegged at Rp
3 billion. Construction is slated to nish in the 2nd semester
of 1996 and commercial operations should commence in mid
1997. In October 2000, the company sold its AdeS, Desta, Vica,
and Desca brands to Coca Cola as part of its debt restructuring
process. In 2009, the Company changed its name to PT Akasha
Wira International Tbk.
2010 2009
June June
Total Assets 182,346 172,517
Current Assets 83,297 57,189
Non-Current Assets 99,049 115,328
Liabilities 105,044 120,224
Shareholders' Equity 77,302 52,293
Net Sales 78,114 61,346
Profit after Taxes 9,083 395
ROI (%) 4.98 0.23
ROE (%) 11.75 0.76
(million rupiah)
Institute for Economic and Financial Research
Stock Price, Frequency, Trading Days, Number and Value of Shares Traded and Market Capitalization
Stock Price and Traded Chart
Food and Beverages
No Type of Listing Listing Date Trading Date Number of Shares Total Listed
per Listing Shares
PT Akasha Wira International Tbk.
(Formerly PT Ades Waters Indonesia Tbk)
PT Pentasena Arthasentosa
1 First Issue 13-Jun-94 13-Jun-94 15,000,000 15,000,000
2 Company Listing 13-Jun-94 02-Jan-95 23,000,000 38,000,000
3 Bonus Shares 07-Aug-97 07-Aug-97 38,000,000 76,000,000
4 Right Issue 11-Jun-04 11-Jun-04 73,720,000 149,720,000
5 Right Issue 28-Dec-08 28-Dec-08 440,176,800 589,896,800
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner Hanjaya Limanto
Commissioners Danny Yuwono, Miscellia Dotulong
Board of Directors
President Director Agoes Soewandi Wangsapoetra
Director M. Wisnu Adjie
Number of Employees 274
Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10
Thousand Shares Stock Price (Rp)

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