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AASHTO PCI BDM Loss Ex. 9.4 070319

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5 PROVISIONS SIGN CONVENTION Positive terms are: o Tension in steel o When prestress loss is labeled as such it is assigned a positive sign o When prestress gain is labeled as such it is assigned a positive sign o Compression in concrete o Bending causing bottom fiber tension o Eccentricity of deck relative to composite section if deck is above girder as in common practice o Eccentricity of prestress force if prestress is below section centroid as in common practice NOTATION Ac = Ad = Ag = Ati = Aif = Act = Aps = Ecd = Ect = Ep = ed = epc = epg = epti = eptf = area of section calculated using the gross composite concrete section properties of the girder and the deck and the deck-to-girder modular ratio (in.2) area of deck concrete gross area of precast section (in.2) area of transformed section calculated using the initial girder concrete modulus of elasticity area of transformed section of girder calculated using the girder concrete modulus of elasticity at service area of transformed composite section calculated using moduli of elasticity of girder and deck at service area of prestressing steel (in.2) modulus of elasticity of deck concrete (ksi) modulus of elasticity of concrete at transfer or at time of load application (ksi) modulus of elasticity of deck concrete eccentricity of deck with respect to the transformed gross composite section, usually negative as it is above centroid eccentricity of prestressing force with respect to centroid of gross composite section, positive if below centroid eccentricity of prestressing force with respect to centroid of gross girder section, positive if below centroid eccentricity of prestressing force with respect to centroid of initial transformed section of girder eccentricity of prestressing force with respect to centroid of final transformed section

eptc = fcgp = f'ci = fpi = fpt = H= Ic = Ig = Iti = Itf = Itc = Kdf = Kid = kf = khc = khs = Kid = ktd = kvs = Mg= Md= MSIDL= MLL= Pe =

Pi =

of girder eccentricity of prestressing force with respect to centroid of composite transformed section of girder and deck the concrete stresses at the center of gravity of the prestressing tendons due to the prestressing force immediately after transfer and the self-weight of the member at the sections of maximum moment (ksi) specified compressive strength of concrete at time of prestressing for pretensioned members and at time of initial loading for nonprestressed members. If concrete age at time of initial loading is unknown at design time, f'ci may be taken as 0.80f'c (ksi) prestressing steel stress immediately prior to transfer (ksi) stress in prestressing steel immediately after transfer (ksi) relative humidity (%). In the absence of better information, H may be taken from Figure moment of inertia of section calculated using the gross composite concrete section properties of the girder and the deck and the deck-to-girder modular ratio at service (in.4) moment of inertia of gross precast section (in.4) moment of inertia of transformed section calculated using the initial concrete modulus of elasticity (in.4) moment of inertia of transformed section calculated using the girder concrete modulus of elasticity at service moment of inertia of transformed composite section calculated using concrete moduli of elasticity at service transformed section coefficient that accounts for time-dependent interaction between concrete and bonded steel in the section being considered for time period between deck placement and final time transformed section coefficient that accounts for time-dependent interaction between concrete and bonded steel in the section being considered for time period between transfer and deck placement factor for the effect of concrete strength humidity factor for creep humidity factor for shrinkage (%) transformed section coefficient that accounts for time-dependent interaction between concrete and bonded steel in the section being considered for time period between transfer and deck placement time development factor factor for the effect of the volume-to-surface ratio of the component midspan moment due to member self weight (kip-in.) midspan moment due deck weight, diaphragms and other loads introduced before composite action is effected (kip-in.) midspan moment due to dead loads after deck has become composite with girder (kip-in.) midspan moment due to live load (kip-in.) effective prestressing, including long term effects due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation and including elastic stress change (loss or gain) due to initial prestress, girder weight, deck weigh and all other loads introduced before composite action takes effect, but excluding any elastic stress gain due to composite dead loads or due to live loads (kip) prestressing force immediately prior to transfer (kip)

t= td = tf = ti = V/S = ybc = yb = ybti = ybtf = ybtc = sh = bdf = bid = ddf = (t,ti) = b(td,ti) = b(tf,td) = b(tf,ti) = d(tf,td) = fcd = fcdf = fpCD = fpCR = fpES = fpES1 = fpES2 =

maturity of concrete (days), defined as age of concrete between time of loading for creep calculations, or end of curing for shrinkage calculations, and time being considered for analysis of creep or shrinkage effects age at deck placement (days) final age (days) age of concrete at transfer of prestressing (days) volume-to-surface ratio eccentricity of bottom fibers with respect to centroid of gross composite section, positive if below centroid eccentricity of bottom fibers with respect to centroid of gross girder section, positive if below centroid eccentricity of bottom fibers with respect to centroid of initial transformed section of girder eccentricity of bottom fibers with respect to centroid of final transformed section of girder eccentricity of bottom fibers with respect to centroid of composite transformed section of girder and deck shrinkage strain of concrete, positive when shortening, end of member curing and time at which shrinkage effects are determined, Equation shrinkage strain of girder between time of deck placement and final time per Equation concrete shrinkage strain of girder between the time of transfer and deck placement per Equation shrinkage strain of deck concrete between placement and final time per Equation concrete creep coefficient at time t due to loading applied at time ti per Equation girder creep coefficient at time of deck placement due to loading introduced at transfer per Equation girder creep coefficient at final time due to loading at deck placement per Equation girder creep coefficient at final time due to loading introduced at transfer per Equation deck creep coefficient at final time due to loading introduced shortly after deck placement, per Eq. change in concrete stress at centroid of prestressing strands due to long-term losses between transfer and deck placement, combined with deck weight and superimposed loads change in concrete stress at centroid of prestressing strands due to shrinkage of deck concrete prestress loss due to creep of girder concrete between time of deck placement and final time (ksi) prestress loss due to creep of girder concrete between transfer and deck placement (ksi) sum of all losses or gains due to elastic shorting or extension at the time of application of prestress and/or external loads (ksi) sum of all losses or gains due to elastic shorting or extension at the time of application of initial prestress and member self weight, per Equation (ksi) Elastic gain in prestressing steel stress, ksi, at the time of application of deck weight

fpES3 = fpES4 = fpLT = fpR = fpR1 = fpR2 = fpSD = fpSR = fpSS = fpT = h = st =

Elastic gain in prestressing steel stress, ksi, at the time of application of superimposed dead loads (barriers, wearing surface, etc.) Elastic gain in prestressing steel stress, ksi, at the time of application of live load losses due to long-term shrinkage and creep of concrete, and relaxation of the steel (ksi) total prestress loss due to relaxation of prestressing steel, which may be calculated as the sum of fpR1 and fpR2 , or estimated as 2.4 ksi for low relaxation strands and 10 ksi for stress relieved strands prestress loss due to relaxation of prestressing strands between time of transfer and deck placement per Equation (ksi) prestress loss due to relaxation of prestressing strands in concrete section between time of deck placement and final time per Equation (ksi) prestress loss due to shrinkage of girder concrete between time of deck placement and final time (ksi) prestress loss due to shrinkage of girder concrete between transfer and deck placement (ksi) prestress loss due to shrinkage of deck in composite section (ksi) total losses (ksi) correction factor for relative humidity of ambient air, per Equation correction factor for specified concrete strength at time of prestress transfer to the concrete members, Equation

EXAMPLE This example uses the data of Example 9.4 of the precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Bridge Design Manual. The prestress losses and concrete stresses are calculated using the Refined Method of Article of the 2005 Interim of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Third Edition. The bridge consists of six, 120-ft simple span 72 in. deep AASHTO-PCI bulb-tee girders spaced at 9-ft. The girders are designed to act compositely with the 8-in. cast-in-place concrete deck to resist the superimposed dead loads and live loads. The superimposed dead loads consist of the railing and a 2 in. future wearing surface, both are assumed for calculation of losses and stresses to be introduced immediately after the deck has gained design strength. The top in. of the deck is assumed to be worn out with time. It is included in weight calculation but not in cross section properties. The cast-in-place haunch over the girder top flange is assumed to be 0.5 in. thick and 42 in. wide. The bridge crosssection is shown in Figure 1. The bridge is constructed in a region with relative humidity (%), H = 70. Precast concrete strength at ' = 5.8 ksi, and at service, f c' = 6.5 ksi. Cast-in-place concrete strength at 28 days, f c' = release, f ci 4.0 ksi. Prestressing steel: 48-0.5-in. diameter, 270-ksi low relaxation strand, with a centroid at 6.92 from bottom girder fibers. Precast gross section properties are: Ag = 767 in. 2 , I g = 545894 in. 4 , y b = 36.60 in . , Volume-to-surface ratio, V/S = 3. Deck V/S ratio = 3.51. Construction schedule allows for the following assumptions: Concrete age at prestress transfer, ti = 1 day; age at deck placement, td = 90 days. Final conditions are assumed to occur at concrete age, tf = 20000 days. Bending moments at the mid-span cross section are as reported in the PCI BDM. They are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Moment at mid-span (k-in) Dead Load Non-composite Girder, Mg Slab, Md 17,258 19,915 Composite Barriers + FWS, MSIDL 6,480 Live Load plus Dynamic Load Allowance Composite HL-93, MLL 32,082

51' 8" uniform deck thickness


5 spaces @ 9'


Figure 1 Bridge Cross-Section MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Modulus of elasticity of concrete: E c = 33000 w1.5 f c ksi


6.5 Girder at release: E c = (33000) 0.14 + 1000

5.8 = 4456 ksi


6.5 Girder at final time: E c = (33000 ) 0.14 + 1000 4 Deck: E c = (33000 ) 0.14 + 1000
CREEP: (a) Girder

6.5 = 4718 ksi

4 = 3607 ksi

Creep coefficient at final time due to loading at transfer, b (t f ,t i ) t = tf - ti = 20000 - 1 = 19999 days k vs = 1.45 0.13(V / S ) = 1.45 (0.13)(3) = 1.06 0 k hc = 1.56 0.008 H = 1.56 (0.008)(70 ) = 1.00 5 5 = = 0.74 kf = ' 1 + f ci 1 + (5.8)
t 19999 k td = 61 4 f ' ci + t = 61 (4 )(5.8) + 19999 = 1.00

b (t f ,t i ) = 1.9k vs k hc k f k td t i 0.118 = (1.9 )(1.06 )(1.00 )(0.74 )(1.00 )(1)0.118 = 1.48

Girder creep coefficient, b (t d ,t i ) , at time of deck placement due to loading introduced at transfer: td = 90 days, and t = tf - ti = 90 - 1 = 89 days. 89 t k td = = 61 (4 )(5.8) + 89 = 0.70 61 4 f ' ci + t

b (t d ,t i ) = 1.9k vs k hc k f k td t i 0.118 = (1.48)(0.7 ) = 1.04

Girder creep coefficient at final time due to loading at deck placement ti = 90 days

b (t f ,t d ) = 1.9k vs k hc k f k td t i 0.118 = (1.48)(90 )0.118 = 0.87

(b) Deck:
k hc = 1.56 0.008 H = 1.56 (0.008)(70 ) = 1.00 5 5 kf = = = 1.19 ' 1 + f ci 1 + ( 0.80 )(4 ) k vs = 1.45 0.13(V / S ) = 1.45 (0.13)(3.51) = 0.99 0

Deck creep at final time due to loads introduced shortly after deck placement:

b (t f ,t d ) = 1.9k vs k hc k f k td t i 0.118 = (1.9 )(0.99 )(1.00 )(1.19 )(1.00 )(1)0.118 = 2.24

SHRINKAGE (a) Girder

Shrinkage strain between prestress transfer and final time:

bif = k vs k hs k f k td 0.48 x10 3 = (1.06 )(1.02 )(0.74 )(1.00 )(0.00048) = 0.000384

Girder shrinkage strain between initial time and deck placement time, t=90-1 = 89 days: 89 t k td = = 61 (4 )(5.8) + 89 = 0.70 61 4 f ' ci + t bid = k vs k hs k f k td 0.48 x10 3 = (0.70)(0.000384 ) = 0.000269 in./in. Girder shrinkage strain between deck placement and final time:

k hs = (2.00 0.14 H ) = 2.00 (0.014 )(70 ) = 1.02

bdf = bif bid = 0.000384 0.000269 = 0.000115 in./in.

(b) Deck
Shrinkage strain between end of deck curing and final time:

ddf = k vs k hs k f k td 0.48 x10 3 = (0.99 )(1.02 )(1.19 )(1.00 )(0.00048) = 0.000579 in./in.
CROSS SECTION PROPERTIES (a) Gross Precast Section:
Gross precast section properties are given in the problem statement; Ag = 767 in. 2 , I g = 545894 in. 4 , y b = 36.60 in .

k hs = (2.00 0.14 H ) = 2.00 (0.014 )(70 ) = 1.02

(b) Gross Composite Section

To obtain gross composite section, the haunch and deck width are first transformed to precast concrete. Transformed deck width = wdtf = wd E d / E c = ( 108 )( 3607 ) / 4718 = 82.57 in. Similarly, transformed haunch width = (24) (3607)/ (4718) = 32.11 in. The gross composite section properties are then obtained using customary calculations, which are summarized in Table 2

Component 1 Girder 2 Deck 3 Haunch

Width, b in. 108.00 42.00

Table 2- Gross Composite Section Properties Modulus Icg+A(ybArea, (A)*(yb Thick of Modular 2 ) ness Elasticity ratio, n (n)(b) (in ) yb yb-yNA Icg yNA)2 (in4) 4 4 2 in. ksi in. in in in in 4718 1 767 36.6 28072 -17.92 545894 792130 7.50 3607 0.76 82.57 619 76.3 47219 21.73 2903 295380 0.50 3607 0.76 32.11 16 72.3 1160 17.73 0 5049 Sum 1402 54.52 1092558

(c) Initial Transformed Section

The initial transformed section consists of the concrete girder with a value of Eci = 4456 ksi, and strands transformed to precast concrete using a modular ratio ni = Es/Eci= 28,500/4456 = 6.40. Steel is transformed using (ni-1) = 5.40. See Table 3.
Table 3- Initial Transformed Section Properties Modulus Compo- Width, Thick Icg+A(ybArea, (A)*(yb of Modular 2 nent b ness Elasticity ratio, n (n)(b) (in ) ) yb yb-yNA Icg yNA)2 (in4) 4 4 2 in. in. ksi in. in in in in 1 Girder 4456 1 767 36.6 28072 -1.46 545894 547525 2 Strands 28500 5.40 40 6.92 274 28.22 0 31562 Sum 807 35.14 579087

(d) Transformed Precast Section at Deck Placement

The transformed precast section at deck placement time is the same as the initial transformed section except that the girder modulus is taken at the value at service Ec = 4,718 ksi. section
Table 4- Transformed Precast Section Properties Modulus Compo- Width, Thick Icg+A(ybArea, (A)*(yb of Modular 2 nent ) b ness Elasticity ratio, n (n)(b) (in ) yb yb-yNA yNA)2 (in4) Icg 4 4 2 in. in. ksi in. in in in in 1 Girder 4718 1 767 36.6 28072 -1.37 545894 547326 2 Strands 28500 5.04 37 6.92 256 28.31 0 29676 Sum 804 35.23 577003

(e) Transformed Precast Section at Deck Placement composite

The transformed composite section consists of the transformed gross section combined with the transformed strand, Table 5.

1 2 3 4

Compo- Width, nent b in. Girder Deck 108.00 Haunch 42.00 Strands

Table 5- Tranformed Composite Section Properties Modulus Icg+A(ybArea, (A)*(yb Thick of Modular 2 ness Elasticity ratio, n (n)(b) (in ) ) yNA)2 (in4) yb yb-yNA Icg 4 4 2 in. ksi in. in in in in 4718.00 1 767 36.6 28072 -16.69 545894 759632 7.50 3607.00 0.76 82.57 619 76.3 47219 22.96 2903 329258 0.50 3607.00 0.76 32.11 16 72.3 1160 18.96 0 5770 28500 5.04 37 6.92 256 -46.37 0 79609 Sum 1439 53.29 1174268

Table 6 gives a summary of the section properties need for calculation of the prestress loss components.

Table 6- Section properties

Precast Girder Section Properties Gross Area (in2) Bottom fiber eccentricity (in.) Moment of inertia (in4) Prestress eccentricity (in.) Deck eccentricity (in.) 767 36.60 545894 29.68 Transformedinitial 807 35.14 579087 28.22 Transformedfinal 804 35.23 577003 28.31 Composite Girder, Deck Gross 1402 54.52 1092558 47.60 21.73 Transformed 1439 53.29 1174268 46.37

Note that ed, the eccentricity of the deck center relative to the center of the composite section, ((72+.5+3.75)-54.52) = 21.73 in. is negative because it is above the centroid of the composite section.


f pSR = bid E p K id
where bid = 0.000269 , E p = 28,500 ksi , and K id = 1 E p A ps Ag e 2 pg 1 + 1+ E ci Ag Ig 1 + 0.7 b (t f ,t i ) 1

(1 + (0.7 )(1.49 )) = 0.78

K id =

(767 )(29.68)2 28500 7.344 + 1+ 1 545894 4456 767

f pSR = bid E p K id = (0.000269 )(28500 )(0.78) = 5.980 ksi

f pCR = Ep E ci f cgp b (t d , t i )K id

where f cgp is concrete stress due to initial prestress plus girder weight:
f cgp 1 e pti 2 = Pi + Ati I ti M g e pti I ti

f cgp =


1 (28.22)2 + 807 579087

(17258)(28.22 ) = 3.048 ksi 579087

28500 f pCR = (3.048)(1.04 )(0.78) = 15.814 ksi 4456

The relaxation loss, fpR1, may be assumed equal to 1.2 ksi for low-relaxation strands.




+ f pCR + f pR1 ) = 5.980+15.814+1.200 = 22.994 ksi


f pSD = bdf E p K df
where bdf = 0.000115, E p = 28,500 ksi, and K df = 1 E p A ps Ac e 2 pc 1+ 1+ E ci Ac Ic 1 + 0.7 b (t f ,t i ) 1


K df =

(1402)(47.60) 28500 7.344 1+ 1+ 1092558 4456 1402

(1 + (0.7 )(1.49 ))

= 0.79

f pSD =

(0.000115)(28500)(0.79) = 2.589


f pCD = Ep E ci f cgp ( b (t f , t i ) b (t d , t i ))K df + Ep Ec f cd b (t f , t d )K df

The first term represents loss due to creep caused by initial loads.

28500 f pCD1 = (3.048)(1.48 1.04 )(0.79 ) = 6.776 ksi 4456

The second term represents gain due to creep caused by forces introduced beyond the initial loading. These forces are the some of the long term losses between initial and deck placement, plus the deck weight plus the superimposed loads. The corresponding concrete stress increment at steel centroid, fcd, can be calculated using: f cd = (f pSR + f pCR
2 A ps A g e pg 1 + + f pR1 ) Ag Ig

M d e ptf (M SIDL )e ptc I I tc tf 2160 + 4320 = 6480 kip-in.

Mslab = (1659.6) (12) = 19915 kip-in., and MSIDL =

The prestress eccentricity relative to the centroid of transformed precast and transformed composite section are e ptf = 28.31 in. and e ptc 46.37 in.

f cd

2 ( 767 )(29.68) 7.344 = (22.994 ) 1+ 545894 767

(19915)(28.31) (6480 )(46.37 ) 577003 1174268

= 1.726 ksi 28500 f pCD 2 = ( 1.726 )(0.87 )(0.79 ) = 7.166 ksi 4718
Net value = f pCD = f pCD1 + f pCD 2 = 6.776 7.166 = 0.390 ksi (i.e. net gain)


f pR 2 = f pR1 = 1.20 ksi

f pSS = Ep Ec f cdf K df (1 + 0.7 b (t f , t d ))


where f cdf =

1 e pc e d ddf A d E cd (1 + 0.7 d (t f , t d )) A Ic c

Ad = (108) (7.5) + (42) (0.5) = 831 in2 ed = 21.73 in. (0.000579 )(831)(3607 ) 1 (47.60)(21.73) = 0.158 ksi f cdf = 1 + (0.7 )(2.24 ) 1092558 1402 f pSS = Ep 28500 f cdf K df (1 + 0.7 b (t f , t d )) = ( 0.158)(0.79 )(1 + (0.7 )(0.88)) = 1.219 ksi Ec 4718

(e) TOTAL LONG TERM LOSS BETWEEN DECK PLACEMENT AND FINAL TIME (excluding deck shrinkage effects = (f pSR + f pCR + f pR2 ) = 2.59 0.39 + 1.20 = 3.40 ksi
Long term loss should be applied as a negative prestress to the corresponding concrete section to obtain the loss of compressive concrete stress. However, an exception is that the stress gain due to concrete shrinkage corresponds to a tensile concrete stress increment which is calculated separately. An exact solution would be to use the net section properties. An acceptable approximation is to use the gross section properties. The precast section should be used with the loss between initial and deck placement. The gross composite section should be used for the second time period.



Note that no elastic losses are required to be explicitly calculated in order to correctly calculate the concrete stresses, as long as the proper section properties are used.

(a) Concrete stresses while section is still precast only:

Concrete stress due to initial prestress plus self weight
e pti y b 1 f cb1 = Pi A + I ti ti Mg yb = I ti

f cb1 =


(28.22)(35.14) (17258)(35.14) = 3.342 ksi 1 + 579087 579087 807

Concrete stress due to loss between initial time and deck placement, and due to deck weight and superimposed dead load

f cb 2 = (f pSR + f pCR + f pR1 )

A ps A g e pg y b 1 + Ag Ig


7.344 (767 )(29.68)(36.60 ) f cb 2 = (22.994 ) 1 + = 0.556 ksi 545894 767

Concrete stress due to deck placement (M d ) y btf f cb 3 = = 1.216 ksi I tf

(b) Concrete stresses after section becomes composite:

Concrete stress due to loss between deck placement and final f cb4 = (f pSD + f pCD + f pR2 ) A ps A c e pc y bc 1 + Ic Ac

7.344 (1,402 )(47.60 )(54.52) f cb4 = (3.40 ) 1 + = 0.077 ksi 1,092,558 1,402
Due to deck shrinkage

f cbSS = f cbSS

K df (0.000579)(831)(3,607) 1 (54.52)(21.73) = (0.79) = -0.195 ksi 1 + (0.70)(2.24) 1,092,558 1,402

1 ddf A d E cd y e bc d 1 + 0 .7 d ( t f , t d ) A c Ic

Concrete stress due to superimposed dead load (M )y f cb 5 = SIDL btc = 0.294 ksi I tc Concrete stress due to live load M y (32082)(53.29) f cb 6 = LL btc = = 1.457 ksi I tc 1173788 Net concrete stress at bottom fibers at final time f cb = f cbi = 3.342 0.556 1.216 0.077 - 0.195 0.294 1.456 = 0.452 ksi


Elastic losses (or gains) should not be used in concrete stress analysis as they are already included if transformed section properties are used. If elastic losses (or gains) are needed to calculated effective steel stress, for example in the shear design, they are calculated as shown below.



f pES1 = 28500 f cgp = (3.048) = 19.495 ksi E ci 4456 Ep


f pES2 = E p M d e ptf Ec I tf 28500 (19915)(28.31) = 5.902 ksi = 577003 4718


f pES 3 =

E p M SIDL e ptc Ec I tc

28500 (6480 )(46.37 ) = 1.546 ksi = 4718 1174268


f pES 4 =

E p M LL e ptc Ec I tc

28500 (32082 )(46.37 ) = 7.653 ksi = 4718 1174268

Effective steel stress = fpi -(fpLT + fpES1 + fPES2 + fPES3 + fpES4) = 202.5- (25.174 + 19.495 - 5.902 - 1.546 - 7.653) = 172.932 ksi

The following pages show the results of the Excel Spreadsheet Prestress_Loss PCI BDM 9.4 070319, which may be downloaded from the website www.structuresprograms.unomaha.edu , Folder Excel Spreadsheet


Prestress Loss and Stresses at Midspan of Pretensioned Concrete Composite Girder Ref: See NCHRP Report 496, "Prestress Losses in Pretensioned High-Strength Concrete Bridge Girders," 2003
Project Name: Designer: PCI BDM 9.4 Maher Tadros Date: 19-Mar-07

Yellow cells--and only yellow cells are input data! Other cells contain notation, components, and results.

Beam A I yb h V/S Aps fpi Es ypb span Deck Width Thickness Haunch width Haunch thickness V/Sd 108 7.5 42.0 0.5

Materials 767.00 in 4 545894 in 36.6 in 72 in 3 in

2 7.344 in 202.5 ksi 2

H fci f'c f'cd ti (release) t (deck pour) tf (final)

70 % 5.800 6.500 4.000 1 ksi ksi ksi days

90 days 27375 days

28500 ksi 6.92 in Service load moments Girder 17258 kip-in Deck, haunch, diaphragms 19915 kip-in SI dead ld. 6480 kip-in 80% of HL93 plus impact* 32082 kip-in *The LL moment to be input here is the same used to check bottom fiber stress at final conditions (AASHTO LRFD Service III)

in in in in


Project Name: Designer:

PCI BDM 9.4 Maher Tadros



Material Properties
Modulus of Elasticity in KSI ( Shrinkage ( E=33000*w^1.5*K1(f'c)^0.5 w=0.140+f'c/1000 =0.00048(5/(1+fci))kskhsktd ks=(1.45-0.13V/S) khs=2.0-0.014H ktd=t/(61-4fci+t) =1.90kskhc(5/(1+fci))ktd*ti-0.118 khc=(1.56-0.008*H) ktd =t/(61-4fci+t) Deck Beam Beam initial at deck placement initial to final initial to deck placam. deck placem. to final Eci Ec Ecd bif bid bdf ddf bif bid bdf ddf Kid Kdf 4456 4718 3607 0.000381 0.000268 0.000113 0.000579 1.479 1.039 0.870 2.247 Gross section 0.77822 0.78194 0.78620 0.78966

Deck initial to final initial to deck placement Deck placem. to final Deck Deck placem. to final 6.3953 Transfromed section factors, K 6.0411 K=1/(1+ni*net*Aps/Anet*(1+0.7*bif)) 0.7645 (, Beam

Creep (

Steel modular ratio ni=Es/Eci " (at deck placement) n=Es/Ec nd=Ed/Ec " (deck)

Section Properties
Section Properties
Gross A (in. ) yb (in.) I (in.4) ep (in.) ed (in.) =1+(A*ep2)/I b =1+A*e*yb/I =1+A*e*(yb-h)/I

Precast Beam Net (-APS)

759.66 36.89 539362 29.97 2.2648 2.5569 -0.4820

Transformed Deck

806.62 35.14 579083 28.22 2.1094 2.3815 -0.4489

804.02 35.23 577005 28.31 2.1170 2.3901 -0.4506

619.22 76.25 2903

Haunch 16.05 72.25 0.33

Composite Bm, Deck Gross Net Tr.-final

1402.27 54.52 1092539 47.60 21.63 3.9077 4.3305 -0.0681 1394.93 54.77 1075814 47.85 21.38 3.9685 4.3978 -0.0691 1439.30 53.29 1174254 46.37 3.6358 4.0291 -0.0633

767.00 36.6 545894 29.68 2.2377 2.5263 -0.4762

1.0000 1.0000

Area of deck incl. haunch =




Prestress Loss Using 2007 LRFD Detailed Method

Formulas in this method use gross section properties to approximate net section properties. Otherwise the results are identical to those of NCHRP 18-07

Project NamPCI BDM 9.4 Designer: Maher Tadros




Prestress Loss Components (ksi)

Change 19.493 5.969 15.843 1.200 23.012 5.904 1.546 7.449 2.548 6.764 7.161 1.200 1.187 2.165 7.654 29.567

fps Net 202.5 183.0 177.0 161.2 160.0 160.0 165.9 167.4 167.4 164.9 158.1 165.3 164.1 165.3 165.3 172.9

(1) Initial prestress just before release (2) Elastic shortening due to initial prestress plus self weight (Loss) Prestress transfer, f cgp = 3.048 ksi (3) Shrinkage between release and deck place (Eq See list of equations below (Loss) (4) Creep between release and deck place (Eq (Loss) (5) Relaxation between release and deck place (Loss) Total long-term (initial to deck placemnt)id (6) Elastic gain due to deck weight (Mdecketr-fin/Ibm-tr-fin)*n (7) Elastic gain due to superimposed DL (on composite section) (MADLecomp-fin/Icomp-fin)*n Deck + SIDL: f cd and f pED (8) Shrinkage of beam between deck place and final (Eq (Loss) (9) Creep of beam between deck place and final, initial loads (Eq (Loss) (10) Creep of beam due to deck and SIDL (Eq (Gain) (11) Relaxation between deck place and final (Loss) (12) Shrinkage of deck (Eq,2) (Gain) Total long-term (deck placemnt to final)df (13) Elastic gain due to LL n*(MLLecomp_tr/Icomp_tr) Total loss and effective prestress including gain due to LL,

Only the two highlighted loss values are needed in concrete stress analysis, when transformed section properties are used Extreme Fiber Stresses (using transformed/net section properties)
Bottom Fibers Cause Pi (transf. section, release) Mg (transf., release) Loss (gross section, precast) deck weight (transf., service) SIDL (transf. composite) Loss (gross, composite) Deck shrinkage (gross composite) LL (transf., composite) Net Code Limit Initial Final 4.391 4.391 -1.047 -1.047 -0.557 -1.216 -0.294 -0.076 -0.195 -1.456 3.343 -0.451
0 . 60 f
' ci

Cause Pi (transf. section, release) Mg (transf., release) Loss (net section, precast) deck weight (transf., service) SIDL (transf. composite) Loss (net, composite) Deck shrinkage (gross composite) LL (transf., composite)

Top Fibers Initial Final I Final II Final III -0.828 -0.828 -0.828 -0.414 1.098 1.098 1.098 0.549 0.105 0.105 0.052 1.269 1.269 0.634 0.103 0.103 0.052 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.564 0.564 0.282 0.639 0.639 0.271 2.313 2.952 1.795
0 . 24
' f ci

0 . 19

' c

0 . 45 f

' c

0 . 60

' c

0 . 40 f

' c









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