Broad Crested Weir Module-3
Broad Crested Weir Module-3
Broad Crested Weir Module-3
Water Resources Engineering Laboratory Flow Over a Broad Crested Weir Author Humberto Avila(PhD)
FLOW OVER A BROAD CRESTED WEIR Modified by Redahegn(Redi) Sileshi January, 2009 1. Outcomes 2. 3. Conduct various civil engineering experiments related to the course, analyze and evaluate the results with regard to real application. Write a well organized work report with good verbal, graphical content.
Objectives: Understand the flow patterns over a broad-crested weir. Use the equation that quantifies the discharge over a broad-crested weir and be familiar with the equation by taking various values for the parameters in the equation. Determine the discharge coefficient Cd on a broad-crested weir using the given parameters. Analyze and discuss the results. Theory
Weirs are elevated hydraulic structures used to measure flow and/or control the water elevation at outflows from basins and channels [1]. Broad-crested weirs operate under the theory that critical flow conditions are created above the weir [1]. That means that the depth of water above the weir is equivalent to the critical depth (yc). Critical condition is obtained when the relationship between the inertial forces and the gravitational forces of the flow is equal to 1.0; therefore, the velocity of the flow, V, is equal to the velocity of the wave (or celerity), c = is known as Froude number (F). F=1 when the flow is critical.
gy ;. This relationship
V gy
where, V= average velocity of the flow (m/s) y = depth of water (m). y becomes yc if critical flow is present. g = Gravity (m/s2) Figure 1 shows the profile on a broad-crested weir.
Water Resources Engineering Laboratory Flow Over a Broad Crested Weir Author Humberto Avila(PhD)
V2/2g h1
The following equation represents the actual flow rate over a broad-crested weir,
Q = Cd
2 g b H 3
3/ 2
= C d 1.705 b H 3 / 2
where, Q = Actual flowrate (m3/s) Cd = Discharge Coefficient g = Gravity (m/s2) b = Breadth of weir (m). b = 0.076 m (3 in) yo = upstream water depth (m) yc = critical depth (m). In this case is the depth relative to the top of the weir. h1 = Upstream head relative to the top of the broad-crested weir (m). H = Total energy head (m) of upstream flow measured relative to the weir-crest elevation.
H = h1 +
Vo . 2g Vo 2g
HT = Total energy head (m) of upstream flow measured relative to the base of the flume (m).
H T = yo +
Vo= average upstream velocity (m/s). Vo =Q/Ao P = Broad-crested weir height (m) In real application it is more convenient to use h1 in the equation instead of H. Therefore, the equation 2 is affected by a coefficient of velocity, Cv .[4].
Q = Cd Cv
2 g b h1 3
3/ 2
= C d C v 1.705 b h1
3/ 2
Finally, a proper operation of a broad-crested weir is achieved when flow conditions are restricted to an operation range of 0.08< h1/L <0.33, (French, 1985) [1]; where L is the length of the weir (m). 4. Experimental Procedure
The experiment has the following procedure: The broad-crested weir will be installed in the flume, which has to be leveled. 2
Water Resources Engineering Laboratory Flow Over a Broad Crested Weir Author Humberto Avila(PhD)