Efficient Editing With Vim: Moving Efficiently
Efficient Editing With Vim: Moving Efficiently
Efficient Editing With Vim: Moving Efficiently
This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of vim -- insert mode, command mode, loading and saving files, etc. It is intended to help vi novices develop their skills so that they can use vi efficiently. In this tutorial, <C-X> means Ctrl-X -- that is, hold down the Ctrl key and press X. You can get help on most of the commands used here by typing :help command in vim, where command is what you need help on.
Moving efficiently
Stay out of insert mode
In general, you want to spend as little of your time in vim's insert mode as possible, because in that mode it acts like a dumb editor. This is why most vim novices spend so much time in insert mode -- it makes vim easy to use. But vim's real power lies in command mode! You'll find that the better you know vim, the less time you will spend in insert mode.
Use h, j, k, and l
The first step to efficient editing in vim is to wean yourself from the arrow keys. One of the the advantages of vim's modal design is that you do not need to constantly move your hands back and forth between the arrow keys and the letter keys; when you are in command mode, the letters h, j, k and l correspond to the directions left, down, up, and right, respectively. It takes some practice to get used to, but you will notice the speed difference once you're used to it. When you are editing e-mail or other paragraph-formatted text, you might notice that the direction keys skip more lines than you expect. This is because your paragraphs appear as one long line to vim. Type g before h, j, k or l to move by screen lines instead of virtual lines.
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fx Move the cursor forward to the next occurance of the character x on the current line (obviously, x can be any character you like). This is an extremely useful command. You can type ; to repeat the last f command you gave. tx Same as above, but moves the cursor to right before the character, not all the way to it. (It's very useful, really.) Fx Move the cursor backward to the next occurance of the character x on the current line. w Move the cursor forward by a word. b Move the cursor backward by a word. 0 Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line. ^ Move the cursor to the first character on the current line. $ Move the cursor to the end of the line ) Move the cursor forward to the next sentence. (Useful when editing e-mail or text documents.) ( Move the cursor backward by a sentence.
Move the cursor forward by a screenful of text Move the cursor backward by a screenful of text Move the cursor to the end of the file Move the cursor line num. (For instance, 10G moves to line 10.) Move the cursor to the beginning of the file Move the cursor to the top of the screen. Move the cursor to the middle of the screen. Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. Read the string under the cursor and go to the next place it appears. (For instance, if your cursor was somewhere on the word "bob," the cursor would move to the next occurance of "bob" in your file.) Same as above, except it moves the cursor to the previous occurance. # /text Starting from the cursor, find the next occurance of the string text and go to it. You will need to press Enter to execute the search. To re-execute your last search, type n (for next occurance). ?text Same as /, but searches in the opposite direction. Make a bookmark named a at the current cursor position. A bookmark can ma be named any lowercase letter. You can't see the bookmark, but it's there! Go to bookmark a. Important: that's a backtick, not a single quote. The `a backtick is located to the left of the 1 on most keyboards. Go to the line that you last edited. This is very useful! If you need to scroll `. through the file to look something up, you can go back to where you were without bookmarking it by using the `. command.
Typing efficiently
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i I a A o O c{motion}
Insert text to the left of the current character. Insert text at the beginning of the current line. Insert text to the right of the current character. Insert text at the end of the current line. Create a new line under the current one and insert text there. Create a new line above the current one and insert text there. Delete (change) the text moved over by {motion} and insert text to replace it. For instance, c$ would delete the text from the cursor to the end of the line and enter insert mode. ct! would delete the text from the cursor up to (but not including) the next exclamation mark and enter insert mode. The deleted text is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted. d{motion} Delete the text moved over by {motion} -- same as c{motion}, but doesn't enter insert mode.
Characterwise selection mode. This is the selection mode that most people are used to, so practice with it before trying the others. Linewise selection mode. Whole lines are always selected. This is better than V characterwise mode when you want to copy or move a group of lines. <C-V> Blockwise selection mode. Extremely powerful and available in very few other editors. You can select a rectangular block and any text inside that block will be highlighted. v
All the usual cusor movement keys apply -- so, for instance, vwww would go into visual selection mode and highlight the next three words. Vjj would go into linewise visual selection mode and highlight the current line and the two lines below it.
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d Cut (delete) the highlighted text and put it into the clipboard. y Copy (or yank, which is vim-ese for "copy") the highlighted text into the clipboard. c Cut the highlighted text into the clipboard. This is just like d, except it leaves the editor in insert mode.
d{motion} Cut the text moved over by {motion} to the clipboard. For instance, dw would cut a word and dfS would cut from the cursor up to and including the next capital S on the current line of text. y{motion} Copy the text moved over by {motion}. c{motion} Cut the text moved over by {motion} and leave the editor in insert mode. Cut the current line. dd Copy the current line. yy Cut the current line and leave the editor in insert mode. cc Cut from the cursor to the end of the current line. D Yank the whole line, just like yy. (Yes, it's inconsistent! You can use y$ to Y do what you would expect Y to do.) Cut from the cursor to the end of the current line and leave the editor in C insert mode. Cut the current character. (This is sort of like a command-mode x backspace.) Cut the current character and leave the editor in insert mode. s
Pasting is easy. Put the cursor where you want the pasted text and type p.
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Avoiding repetition
The amazing . command
In vi, typing . (a period) will repeat the last command you gave. For instance, if your last command was dw (delete word), vi will delete another word.
Using counts
Counts are one of the most powerful and time-saving features of vim. Any command can be preceded by a number. The number will tell vim how many times to execute the command. Here are a few examples:
will move the cursor down three lines. will delete ten lines.
will yank (copy) text from the cursor to the third quotation mark after the cursor on the current line. Counts are useful to extend the range of a motion in this manner.
Recording macros
Occasionally, you'll find yourself doing the same thing over and over to blocks of text in your document. vim will let you record an ad-hoc macro to perform the operation.
qregister Start macro recording into the named register. For instance, qa starts recording and puts the macro into register a. End recording. q @register Replay the macro stored in the named register. For instance, @a replays the macro in register a.
Keep in mind that macros just record your keystrokes and play them back; they are not magic. Recording macros is almost an art form because there are so many commands that accomplish a given task in vim, and you must carefully select the commands you use while your macro is recording so that they will work in all the places you plan to execute the macro.
]p Just like p, but it automatically adjusts the indent level of the pasted code to match that of the code you paste into. Try it! % Putting the cursor on a brace, bracket, or parenthese and pressing % will send the cursor to the matching brace, bracket, or parenthese. Great for fixing parse problems related to heavily nested blocks of code or logic. >> Indent the highlighted code. (See the earlier section about efficient text selection. If no text is selected, the current line is indented.) << Like >>, but un-indents. gd Go to the definition (or declaration) of the function or variable under the cursor.
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K Go to the man page for the word currently under the cursor. (For instance, if your cursor is currently over the word sleep, you will see the man page for sleep displayed.)
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:sp filename Splits the screen horizontally and opens filename in the new area. :vsp filename Splits the screen vertically and opens filename in the new area.
For most purposes, horizontal splits are easier to manage. Any split can be further split -- you can edit as many files in a single instance of vim as you like.
Managing splits
Once you are editing multiple files, you will probably need to move back and forth through your files and manage the size of the splits so that you can see the relevant portions of the files you're interested in. The prefix for all the below commands is <C-W> -- that is, hold down Ctrl and type w. Press <C-W> before typing any of the below commands.
<C-W> Moves to the next split. Moves to the split above the current split. k Moves to the split above the current split. Up Moves to the split below the current split. j Down Moves to the split below the current split. Increases the size of the current split by one line. (Try combining this with + counts -- e.g. 5<C-W>+ will make the split five lines bigger.) (Minus sign) Decreases the size of the current split by one line. (Underscore) Maximize the current split (that is, make it take up as much _ room as possible.)
Recommended mappings
I recommend adding the below files to your .vimrc file to make working with splits easier:
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The first two lines allow you to switch between splits much more smoothly -- just press <C-J> to open and maximize the split below the current one and <C-K> to open and maximize the split above the current one. I chose these mappings because they correspond to vi's default up and down keys, you might want to use different key combinations if you've ever used an editor that had hotkeys for moving from one open file to another. The last line allows splits to reduce their size to a single line (which includes the filename and position); this saves a lot of space when you have many splits open. By default, vim forces splits to include an additional line that contains the line of text the cursor was on in that file.
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This setting prevents vim from emulating the original vi's bugs and limitations.
set autoindent set smartindent
The first setting tells vim to use "autoindent" (that is, use the current line's indent level to set the indent level of new lines). The second makes vim attempt to intelligently guess the indent level of any new line based on the previous line, assuming the source file is in a C-like language. Combined, they are very useful in writing well-formatted source code.
set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4
I prefer 4-space tabs to 8-space tabs. The first setting sets up 4-space tabs, and the second tells vi to use 4 spaces when text is indented (auto or with the manual indent adjustmenters.)
set showmatch
This setting will cause the cursor to very briefly jump to a brace/parenthese/bracket's "match" whenever you type a closing or opening brace/parenthese/bracket. I've had almost no mismatched-punctuation errors since I started using this setting.
set guioptions-=T
I find the toolbar in the GUI version of vim (gvim) to be somewhat useless visual clutter. This option gets rid of the toolbar.
set vb t_vb=
This setting prevents vi from making its annoying beeps when a command doesn't work. Instead, it briefly flashes the screen -- much less annoying.
set ruler
This setting ensures that each window contains a statusline that displays the current cursor position.
set nohls
By default, search matches are highlighted. I find this annoying most of the time. This option turns off search highlighting. You can always turn it back on with :set hls.
set incsearch
With this nifty option, vim will search for text as you enter it. For instance, if you type /bob to search for bob, vi will go to the first "b" after you type the "b,"
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to the first "bo" after you type the "o," and so on. It makes searching much faster, since if you pay attention you never have to enter more than the minimum number of characters to find your target location. Make sure that you press Enter to accept the match after vim finds the location you want.
set virtualedit=all
By default, vim doesn't let the cursor stray beyond the defined text. This setting allows the cursor to freely roam anywhere it likes in command mode. It feels weird at first but is quite useful. Type :help options within vim to get a complete list of options. Many more advanced techniques, options, and mappings are available on the official vim site.
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