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TGA March

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Forgive us

OUR sins bishop

page 2

30+ groups
against fracking
page 3

How bright
is our light?
page 6
and Smudge
page 12
Volume 111, Number 2 March 2014 Published in Gippsland Diocese since 1904

We are
the evidence
page 5

Steve Clarke: Approaching Easter There is a magic deeper still, page 10
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ires in February burned
through many hectares
in Gippsland. Some
homes and stock were lost,
but thankIully not lives.
Days aIter the fres began
that threatened Morwell, the
town was still shrouded in
smoke, according to resident
and church member Sandra
Wagner. She said Sunday 9th
February was 'a horrifc day.
It all blew up about 1:30 in
the aIternoon, with smoke

billowing all over the town.
Many people evacuated,
especially Irom the south and
west oI Morwell, as two separate
fres came Irighteningly close
to the town. By 6:00pm on
Sunday, the Princes Highway to
Traralgon was the only road out
oI Morwell. Sandra said it was a
'really scary situation.
The rector at Morwell, the Rev.
Heather Marten, and assistant
priest, the Rev. Lyn Williams,
visited many homes to check

on parishioners, and then went
across to Traralgon to help
out at the relieI centre there.
Heather said that she decided
to leave her own place, partly
because people across the road
Irom her, and in the next block
were being evacuated, and
partly so that she could help at
the relieI centre. She said it was
'awIul to see the devastation
to Iarmland having visited
Moe, she had seen both sides
oI the Ireeway between Moe
and Morwell were 'just black.
She also made the comment,
This is a pretty resilient
community and they bounce
back pretty well.
Other places around
Gippsland were also aIIected
by the fres, not least by many
road closures, and the trains
being unable to go beyond
The Rev. John Batt said that
at Neerim South that Sunday,
the power went out at 10:45
am and did not come on again
until ten o`clock that night.
It was 'very windy and wild
and pretty worrying. Some
people were evacuated Irom
Buln Buln and Jindivick, and
roads were cut. For many
people, it brought back
memories oI the trauma Irom
fve years beIore, when there

was terrible devastation in
the Black Saturday fres.
John said they held prayers
beIore the church service Ior
the CFA, SES and people in
general. Joy Andrews Irom
Warragul said We were
much more Iortunate than fve
years ago.
At Malacoota, Sunday`s
black-out caused some
concern, but Club Terrace
was worse aIIected,
according to the Rev.
Roger Jackman.
Smoke Irom the Hazelwood
coal mine fre has been causing
on-going health problems Ior
Morwell people.
he Bundalaguah Blues
concert was a sell out
with 250 people spilling
out oI the hall. The concert was
held to welcome renowned
Australian blues guitarist and
singer, Fiona Boyes, into the
Gippsland blues community.
The charity concert, on
Thursday February 13th,
raised Iunds Ior the
restoration oI the Bundalaguah
hall, and Ior the creation oI
a youth Iacility in Sale, to
be set up by St. Paul`s Anglican
One purpose oI the 123
Youth Project is to provide
recording studios and a place
Ior young local musicians
to practise.
Many oI the blues
perIormers at the concert
were on their way to the
Bruthen Blues and Arts
Festival. Bishop John
McIntyre and Archdeacon
Philip Muston (above) were also
among the perIormers on
the night. The Rev. Rich
Lanham, Diocesan Youth
Development OIfcer, said
'It was a Iantastic night. The
hall was Iull and the vibe
was awesome.
Gippsland res
by Jan Down
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Two photos by Jan McIntyre
Page 2 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014
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The Gippsland Anglican is the offcial
newspaper of and is published by
The Anglican Diocese of Gippsland,
453 Raymond Street,
Sale, Victoria, 3850.
Editor: Jan Down
Tel: 0407 614 661
Email: editor@gippsanglican.org.au
Printed by Rural Press Printing,
30-32 Grandlee Drive,
Wendouree, Victoria, 3355.
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Please contact the editor for all
advertising submissions, costing and
enquiries, including about inserts
in the newspaper. A full advertising
schedule can be sent out upon
Bundalaguah Blues Night 1
Gippsland res 1
Letter from the Bishop 2
30+ groups 3
against fracking
Hospitality brings blessing 4
South Sudan update 4
We are the evidence 5
Trafalgar awards 6
How bright is our light? 6
Theos award 6
Deep gratitude 7
Farewell for Janet Wallis 7
Grammar Schools 8
VCE results
Local support for 8
children in Thailand
Caring for the environment 9
Approaching Easter 10
From the editor 10
Letter to the editor 10
Beans and Smudge 12
Diocesan Calendar 12

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Bishop John McIntyre
he season oI Lent is
upon us, and right now
I believe we Australians
collectively are much in need oI
repentance about many things.
Individual repentance is
oIten emphasised in Lent but
we tend not to be too big on the
idea oI corporate repentance.
That puts us at odds with the
peoples oI Biblical times.
In the days oI Nehemiah we
read that the people came
together to conIess their sins
and the sins oI their ancestors`
(Nehemiah 9.2). Not only was
their conIession corporate,
it included conIession oI the
sins oI those who had gone
beIore them, the consequences
oI which they recognised
continued to have ongoing ill
eIIect on the liIe oI their nation.
They understood there
could be no justice and mercy
in the liIe oI their nation
while they did not separate
themselves Irom their national
sins, both past and present.
Would that we had such an
understanding today.
Past injustice is oIten
the Ioundation oI present
injustice. II an injustice goes
unrecognised, its consequences
in the liIe oI our community
can be assumed as normal and
go unquestioned. In this way,
we may unwittingly perpetuate
an injustice. It is not until past
injustice is acknowledged as
injustice and conIessed, that we
can overcome its consequences
among us and build the
Ioundation Ior a just Iuture.
This realisation lies at the
heart oI the Lord`s Prayer.
Without the Iorgiveness oI sins
Ior which we pray in the prayer
(Forgive us our sins), there
is no hope that God`s justice
and mercy will be done (Your
will be done on earth), and so
become a reality in the liIe oI
the communities and nation oI
which we are a part.
As I write this, the Greens
are advocating Ior the removal
oI the Lord`s Prayer Irom the
beginning oI parliamentary

sessions. It is something oI an
irony that the political party
that makes so much oI its claim
to stand Ior justice wants to
remove Irom parliament the
commitment to justice implicit
in the Lord`s Prayer.
In repeating the Lord`s
Prayer, our parliamentarians are
being reminded to remember
their accountability to seek
justice, and Ior that matter, to
show mercy. They are reminded
oI their common humanity with
us all (Our Father), and oI their
need to repent oI their part in

the problems oI our nation iI
they are to fnd solutions to the
national issues they are called
to address (Forgive us our sins).
Both these acknowledgements
lay a frm Ioundation Ior
justice and mercy Ior all in our
national liIe.

At a time when the Federal
Government is commending
the retelling oI history in
schools to deny our injustices
towards the frst nations oI this
land, the Greens suggest we
remove the one act oI corporate
commitment to justice in which
our parliamentarians are asked
to engage together. At a time
when our barbarity towards
those who seek asylum in
this country is covered by a
shroud oI shameIul secrecy,
the Greens want to remove
our parliamentarians` common
commitment to show mercy,
implicit in their recitation oI the
Lord`s Prayer.
I certainly understand the
tragic reality that repeating the
Lord`s Prayer in our parliaments
is in danger oI becoming
merely tokenistic, but a call to
remove it makes little sense.
All the more reason why we as
the people oI God, on behalI oI
our nation, should conIess our
corporate sins past and present
during Lent 2014. And what
better way to do this than by
saying the Lord`s Prayer?
Letter from the Bishop
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The Greens suggest we
remove the one act of
corporate commitment
to justice in which our
parliamentarians are
asked to engage together.
ommunity Groups
around Gippsland are
galvanising to challenge
unconventional gas (or coal
seam gas`) mining across
the region. They say it will
desecrate the environment,
devalue land and reduce
the region`s population.
According to Sale activist and
pediatrician Jo McCubbin, more
than 30 groups have Iormed
across the region, Irom Poowong
East to Lakes Entrance.
Included are church people
concerned Ior what the
process, popularly known
as Iracking`, will do to the
creation and people`s health.
More than a hundred people
met at Meerlieu.
Groups in Mirboo North,
Seaspray and Poowong have
undertaken door knocking to
engage with local residents.
Seaspray is reported to have
voted to be a gas feld Iree`
community. East Gippsland
communities are encouraging
each other to work together
to survey their communities.
They have threatened, iI
necessary, to blockade drilling
planned Ior this month.
'The people are fnding
a voice across Gippsland,
she said.
Dr McCubbi n sai d
Gippsland`s water supply and
means oI Iood production were
under threat Irom the mining
process. It involves drilling
pipes vertically down through
coal, rock and shale, and then
horizontally into seams or
gas pockets to extract tight gas`
(gas retrieved Irom rocks oI low
permeability) by pumping a
mixture oI water, chemicals
and sand along small seams.
The Irack fuid` is then
returned to the surIace,
by this stage consisting oI
water mixed with hydro-
carbons, heavy metals and
radioactive substances leached
Irom the rocks. It is disposed oI
by various means.
Possible risks oI the process
include the devaluation oI
Iarming land, leading to reduced
population, and pollution oI
agricultural water by pollutants
including radioactive elements
that may make their way
into the Iood chain, Dr
McCubbin says.
'There is no requirement
to test Ior radioactivity in
agricultural water, she said.
'Engineers are interested in
the technology oI the mining,
but oIten don`t consider the
disposal oI waste to be their
problem. There is no legislation
Ior who has to fx up the mess
at the end, or who has to make
sure the well casings that are
leIt, do not begin to leak.
Dr McCubbin was concerned
that there was insuIfcient
baseline monitoring oI water,
air and health standards required
by legislation. It was oIten leIt
to mining companies to selI-
'Gippsland is already a
Iragile area, she said, adding
that the Strezlecki Iormation
was an unstable Iault-line and
Gippsland was prone to earth
movement and subsidence.
Those in Iavor oI CSG
mining, including many in
Government and business, cite
the benefts as including more
jobs and cheaper natural gas
Ior consumers.
'These supposed advantages
are questionable in the long-
term, said Dr McCubbin.
'Although initially contract
drillers will be employed,
many will be brought in Irom
other parts oI Australia as fy-in
fy-out workers. And with
devalued Iarming land and
shrinking towns many jobs will
be lost as well.
She said there was now such
a surplus oI natural gas in the
US that America now wants to
export it to Australia`s markets.
Dr McCubbin said Iarmers
were pressured into allowing
mining companies onto their
land. Exploration Licences aIter
fve years could be replaced
with Retention Licences that
could be renewed, resulting in
Iarming land being tied up in
the Iracking process Ior up to 30
years, even iI no signifcant gas
actually fows.
The 'Lock the Gates
initiative was encouraging
more Iarmers to resist the
process, she said. 'II people
stick together and talk to their
neighbours about it, they can
be strong. She said Gippsland
people should also 'have a
chat with their local members
to voice their concerns about
CSG extraction.
'Government and some
Iarmers are seduced by big
business, she said. 'Politicians
are being very quiet about
the whole thing, although
to their credit they have
extended the current
moratorium on the chemical
Iracking until aIter the
state election.
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Another person associated with
the challenge, Community
Over Mining`s Tracey Anton,
said the mental health risks
associated with CSG extraction
had not been widely canvassed.
As landholdings are devalued
through multiple drillings
and contamination oI water
and soil, and through
localised subsidence oI land,
properties will become
unsaleable. You won`t be able
to borrow to improve your land
iI it is worth little.
'With this, a lack oI clarity
on insurance and continued
rating oI such properties will
cause increased stress, with
depression to Iollow.
Ms. Anton warned that
young people would move out
oI regional communities in
search oI jobs.
'The mining companies say
they will put back into` the
community through giving
money to sporting groups
and other groups. But there`s
not much use in doing this iI
the people especially the
younger people have gone,
she said.
CSG mining has been
widely practised in parts oI
the USA Ior several decades.
But the results have been
destructive to the environment
in many regions, notably in
Texas and around the GulI
oI Mexico.
The Social Responsibilities
Committee oI the Melbourne
Anglican Diocese has
produced a detailed report on
coal seam gas mining which
can be seen at:
March 2014 The GippsIand AngIican Page 3
Philip Muston investigates concerns about coal seam gas mining
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Farm photograph: Jan Down, sign photograph courtsey Gas Field Free Seaspray
Dr McCubbin said
Gippslands water
supply and means of
food production were
under threat.

t`s with great enthusiasm
and expectation that I begin
my regular spot in the
Gippsland Anglican paper. I`m
excited and hopeIul about the
conversations and possibilities
that will be generated as we
serve the Lord, developing and
growing ministry to Iamilies
and young people.
2014 is also the year the new
fve year diocesan plan really
begins to roll out, as parishes
adopt and plan to address
key elements oI the Diocesan
Strategic Directions.
My role as Diocesan Youth
Development OIfcer has me
invited to diIIerent parishes
with a view to supporting them,
as they develop their ministry
plans Ior their communities.
OIten this goes beyond simple
youth ministry, as the parishes
recognise that youth ministry
is a component oI the whole
parish activity, and sometimes
there are other more pressing
issues that need to be addressed,
well beIore a youth ministry
is begun.
In addition to this some
parishes are recognising that
youth ministry is not their most
immediate ministry need; in
Iact I have advised a number oI
churches to consider children`s
and Iamily programs like MOPS
or Mainly Music as beginning
points Ior their strategic plan,
as these ministries provide an
excellent platIorm to grow
relational ministry to parents
and their children. I recently
asked two parishes to consider
two questions as they seek to
develop their new ministry plans:
1. What are vou prepared
to do? and
2. How long are vou prepared
to do it for?
I asked these questions
aIter telling the story oI the
Aboriginal church in Gilgandra
that Jules and I worked with, and
how two people met Ior church
every Sunday Ior fve years,
believing that the Lord would
send people to their church and
it would grow again, and God
did and the church grew.
I would like us all to
consider these questions, as
they challenge us to assess our
dependence on God and trust
in his provision. As Christian
people making plans Ior God`s
people, we need to frst look at
ourselves. To be aware that God
loves us dearly and that Jesus`
death and resurrection Iree us
Irom Iear; and to experience the
joy that comes Irom knowing
this. The greatest ministry/tool
resource that God provides us
with is 'us. We are the people
whom God restores, heals and
Irees. The people whom God
created us to be. God wants to
use each oI us as evidence oI
his great love and grace, and
we are challenged to embrace
it and refect it to others.
I would ask us all to consider
our time spent with the Lord.
I think the frst parish activity
should be to gather together Ior
prayer about where the Lord
wants us to Iocus. To develop a
regular prayer routine and even
Iast together.
There are always plenty
oI programs or activities that
we can run in our churches;
however we need to be sure we
are seeking God Ior direction as
we decide what to do.
I hope to see many oI you at
the Youth and Families Ministry
Summit on February 21-23
at Raymond Island where we
will discuss, share, brainstorm
and encourage each other in

building these ministries. I`m
always keen to talk with any
oI you about growing ministry
in your churches and I am
available to come to you and
meet with your people as you
develop your parish ministry
strategy. I can be contacted on
0419392462 or richlanham
I`ll leave you with Jesus
talking to us about trusting him
to provide and seeking him Ior
his direction and plan:
!"##$%& ()*+,-.
'ThereIore I tell you, do not
worry about your liIe, what you
will eat or drink; or about your
body, what you will wear.
Is not liIe more than Iood, and
the body more than clothes?
Look at the birds oI the air;
they do not sow or reap or
store away in barns, and yet
your heavenly Father Ieeds
them. Are you not much more
valuable than they? Can any
one oI you by worrying add a
single hour to your liIe?
'And why do you worry
about clothes? See how the

fowers oI the feld grow.
They do not labour or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even
Solomon in all his splendour
was dressed like one oI these.
II that is how God clothes the
grass oI the feld, which is here
today and tomorrow is thrown
into the fre, will he not much
more clothe you you oI little
Iaith? So do not worry, saying,
What shall we eat?` or What
shall we drink?` or What shall
we wear?` For the pagans run
aIter all these things, and your
heavenly Father knows that you
need them. But seek frst his
kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be
given to you as well. ThereIore
do not worry about tomorrow,
Ior tomorrow will worry about
itselI. Each day has enough
trouble oI its own.

The Lord Jesus bless you.
The Rev. Rich Lanham
Assistant Minister
St Paul`s Cathedral, Sale
Diocesan Youth
Development OIfcer
We are the evidence of Gods love and grace
This year Christians are being
asked to help break down
barriers by welcoming asylum
seekers and reIugees into their
homes or churches Ior dinner
during ReIugee Week, 15
21 June, 2014. The theme Ior
ReIugeee Week this year is
Restoring Hope.
It is hoped that through
this experience oI hospitality,
new Iriendships will develop.
World Visions` Visier Sany
said 'Many asylum seekers and
reIugees who come to Australia
oIten Ieel marginalised and
excluded. Welcome to My Place
asks Chritians to heed Christ`s
message oI reaching our to our
Iellow man and making them
Ieel welcome.
Christians are invited to
sign up Ior a training session to
learn about running Welcome
to My Place. Participants will
then be equipped to teach other
members oI their churches
about hosting a dinner.
Training will take place
in Melbourne, Sydney and
Adelaide during February
and March.
Melbourne Training Session:
Thursday 6th March
6:30 9:00pm
NewHope Baptist Church
3 Springfeld Road
Blackburn North VIC 3130
Wecome to my place
inviting refugees to dinner
Welcome to Australia and World Vision partner in joint campaign to offer
hospitality and friendship to asylum seekers and refugees.
Page 4 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014
Rich with Chyop on a frst fshing expedition

Youth and Families
A container of computers, clothes, school equipment, army
tents and other materials, which was sent last year from
Gippsland to the Bor orphanage in South Sudan, has been
raided, with everything taken except for some Colorbond
roong material and the container itself.
Abraham Maluk, Executive Director of the Bor Orphanage
and Community Education Project, reports that the children
from the orphanage in Bor are now hiding beside the Nile
River. People are fearful because the rebels are still in the area.
The team of workers from the orphanage are trying to do what
they can to care for the children, but the situation is very bad.
Many homes have been burned down, and there is an urgent
need for tents, food, medical supplies and mosquito nets,
especially as the rainy season approaches.
Abraham asks that people continue to pray for the children
and workers in Bor, as well as the team here in Gippsland,
and all those who have lost family and friends in this crisis.
The civil war in South Sudan began in December last
year. Many thousands of people have been killed, and
hundreds of thousands displaced in the violence. While
there has been a shaky ceasere, the crisis is far from over.
For up to date information, see the ABM website:
and this poster for the fundraising Bingo night in Traralgon.
March 2014 The GippsIand AngIican Page 5
Hospitality brings blessing
by Jane Peters
ver the past Iew
months the Wonthaggi
Inverloch church has
been pleased to to host diIIerent
groups who in turn have blessed
us. Last December a group oI
students Irom the Christian
Union at Monash University
arrived aIter attending their
National Training ConIerence.
They were immediately able to
put some oI their training into
practice as they participated in
parish activities, especially the
Christmas program involving
the Inverloch-Kongwak Primary
School. Each class came Irom

the school Ior a 1.5 hour session
highlighting the Christmas
story. The uni students were
kept busy helping with the
craIts, story reading and the
singing sessions. On Sunday
they participated in the services
in diIIerent ways.
Soon aIter Christmas the
parish hosted the Inverloch
SUFM team. The team is based
at the church property and the
parish helped out by providing
showering Iacilities and
catering Ior some oI the events.
The week kicked oII with a
Fun Run and sausage sizzle
and it was great to see a large
number oI people participating.

The SUFM runs with the
support oI many churches in
Inverloch and surrounding areas
and it is a blessing to be able to
host them each year. A closing
service saw the participation
oI representatives oI many oI
these congregations.
As the holiday season
comes to a close the parish is
conscious that the blessings
that fow Irom hospitality
will be continuing as we begin
our Monday Community Meal
program Ior 2014. God`s love
and provision is evident as we
share meals and our lives with
diners and volunteers who
come Irom week to week.
Contestants prepare for the start of the Fun Run.
Lorna White and Wendy McBurnie discuss the next session with Ale,
Tim and Samuel from Monash Uni Christian Union.
Page 4 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014

Around The Parishes
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by Jan Down

Page 6 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014

Two Trafalgar parishioners were
recognised for their service to the
community on Australia Day.
Jackie Neale was the
Trafalgar Citizen of the year.
She has worked with various
community groups, includ-
ing playgroup, when her chil-
dren were small; the Battle of
Trafalgar (president for three
years); Scouts; the Public Hall
committee; the Trafalgar Com-
munity Development Association;
and the Trafalgar Lions.
Jackie is an ideas person,
but is also willing to put in the
hard work to make a project hap-
pen. She used her knowledge
of the building industry to as-
sist the Trafalgar Anglican Parish
to work towards the building of a
community complex, which should
start soon. For the past two Christ-
mases Jackie has organised a
friendly event at the Public Hall for
people who may have spent the
day alone for a variety of reasons.
Linda OConnor was working in
the CFA and MFB communication
centre in 2009 when there was
a very bad re season, including
Black Saturday and Darlimurla
complex res. She worked through-
out this intense period when many
people called in and, along with
some other workers, has been rec-
ognised with a National Emergency
Medal. Linda says the atmosphere
was intense in the call centre and
all the workers felt under huge
pressure, especially some whose
own homes were under threat.
How bright is our light?
Around The Parishes
Trafalgar Australia Day Awards for Two
by Carolyn Raymond

St. Mary`s Morwel examines
its own gospel living
ow that school is back, it
Ieels as iI the year has really
begun. At St Mary`s we have
celebrated the 'start oI the
year by spending one Sunday in
looking at the strengths oI our
parish liIe and also what we can
do both to grow our spiritual
lives and to reach out to
our community.
Archdeacon Heather Marten
invited the Rev Trevor Smith
to come and spend the day
with us and to Iacilitate the
conversation. We had only one
service that day so all could
come and be involved. Trevor
preached, and the gospel
reading was a timely reminder
that we are the salt oI the earth
and the light oI the world.
All through the service the
congregation could look at the
wonderIul altar piece made Ior
us by the Sunday School. This
large altar hanging reminded us
all to count our blessings. Some
oI the beatitudes were printed
below the title.
At the end oI the service,
Trevor gave out cards on
which each oI us had to write
oI one event or characteristic
oI our parish in which we
were Iulflling the gospel, and
were living as the light oI the
world. Later, when we gathered
together Ior our conversation,
we compared the diIIerent ways
in which we strongly lived as a
light to the world.
We then joined in groups oI
like-minded people to see the
signifcance oI this action. It
may be outreach through the
Christmas services, prayer and
the collection oI money Ior
those in need, resilience and
Iaith in times oI diIfculty, the
ministry among children, or
the ministry oI Iunerals. Each
group looked more deeply
into one oI these ministries,
considering the action; the
belieI that had supported the
action; and the result oI this
action. This was an aIfrming
look at the liIe oI the parish and
will encourage and direct our
parish liIe in the years to come.
Trevor will collate this material
and bring it back to the Parish
Council who will share the
result with the congregation.
Thank you Trevor, Ior your
support oI our liIe at St Mary`s.
1. Some members of the Sundav
School sharing the altar frontal
that thev had made for us.
2. The people of St Marvs
gathered in the hall to have a
'Conversation` about our future
direction as a parish.
3. Janet Harris, Lorraine Peake,
Archdeacon Heather and the Rev
Trevor Smith at the Conversation
Teos beach mission won the Lakes Entrance Australia Day
Award for Event of the Year. Photo courtesy of East Gippsland
L-R: Al Steenholdt, Dr Hugh Chisholm, Rev Janet Wallis,
Peter Wallis, Pat Bowman
Marion Noppert third from right
Photos by Ezara Jennings
March 2014 The GippsIand AngIican Page 7
by Mary Nicholls
summer progressive
.dinner was hosted by the
parish as an early Iundraiser
and more importantly a social
occasion. Approximately 40
parishioners, Iriends and children
participated as we travelled
in cars and mini bus to
parishioners` homes Ior nibbles,
barbeque main course and then
back to St Luke`s hall Ior coIIee
and dessert.
AIter enjoying the hospitality
and unique garden setting at
Marion Noppert`s home, we
were pleased to be able to
use the occasion to express
our deep gratitude to Marion
who has IaithIully served
the parish Ior over 30 years
as the Kindergarten hall
Only those in the parish
Iamiliar with St Luke`s
Kindergarten and our Iull
children`s youth ministry
programs could begin to imagine
the unique and arduous task
this demanded. Kindergarten
equipment seemingly disappeared
(into store rooms) two to three
evenings per week and at
weekends, making way Ior our
busy parish activities.
Graeme Nicholls (warden),
on behalI oI the parish expressed
our gratitude with a small giIt
presentation. He refected
on Marion`s un-fappable
fexibility and graciousness
as unexpected short notice Ior
hall use occurred on occasions.
Yes Marion was employed by
the Kindergarten committees;
however, as a Moe Parishioner,
she acted as a wonderIul liaison
between the church and the
community. The closure oI the
Kindergarten at the end oI 2013
marked 60 years oI community
service, which was fttingly
celebrated in December.
Changing community needs
and an expansion oI local
shire kindergartens had made
our once valuable community
service redundant. The parish
is now considering the best way
Iorward in utilising its Iacilities
and grounds Ior local ministry.
Deep Gratitude
by Marion Dewar
n Sunday evening, on 2nd
February, the Reverend
Janet Wallis and Mr Peter
Wallis were Iarewelled Irom
the Anglican Parish oI
Leongatha aIter more than six
years oI ministry.
People Irom St Peter`s
Church, the other churches
within the parish, and churches
Iurther afeld, as well as people
Irom the community and nearby
towns joined in an evening oI
celebration oI the ministry oI
the Wallis Iamily.
The evening began with a
barbeque tea, Iollowed by some
home grown entertainment and
a number oI speeches.
The speeches were made by
Hattie Steenholdt (on behalI
oI youth and children oI the
parish); Grace Kuhne (on behalI
oI centres oI Dumbalk and
Meeniyan); Doug Grigg (on
behalI oI centres oI Tarwin
Lower and Venus Bay); Howard
Stevens (on behalI oI Leongatha
Primary School Christian
Religious Education Program);
South Gippsland Shire Council
Mayor Cr Jim Fawcett (on
behalI oI the shire and the
community); Father Peter
Kooloos (on behalI oI the
Ministers` Fellowship and
the Christian churches oI the
district); and Dr Hugh Chisholm
(on behalI oI the parish).
Mrs Margaret Stokes made
a presentation to Mr Peter
Wallis and Mrs Pat Bowman
made a presentation to the Rev
Janet Wallis.

Around The Parishes
Farewell for Janet Wallis

Page 8 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014
Eales Irom Warragul (95.4)
and Frances Manson Irom
Nar Nar Goon (95). A Iurther
nine students obtained scores
over 90.
This year`s results are
another pleasing perIormance
Ior the School. 16 oI students
obtained an ATAR score oI
over 90 putting them in the
top 10 oI the state; whilst
42 obtained an ATAR
score in excess oI 80 placing
them in the top 20. 81 oI the
students placed in the top 50.
One student obtained an

ATAR score over 99; whilst a
Iurther nine students achieved
scores over 95.
In terms oI study scores in
individual subjects, we were
delighted that 63 oI the scores
were above the state average
oI 30; whilst over 10 oI the
scores were over 40 and hence
will be published on the VCE
high achiever`s list.
The list oI high achieving
students continues to show
an impressive geographical
diversity refecting the School`s
large catchment.
Gippsland Grammar
VCE results 2013
The Dux oI St Paul`s Ior
2013 was Adam Smetana Irom Drouin.
Adam obtained an outstanding ATAR
score oI 99 which included fve scores
over 40; two oI which were over
45. Adam plans to study Medicine.
Close behind Adam were David
Hamilton Irom Warragul (98.6); Jessica
Bibby Irom Drouin (98.55) and Benjamin
Fraser Irom Warragul (98.55).
Other very high achievers included:
Liam De Vries Irom Morwell (97.95);
Kristen Bovery-Spencer Irom Traralgon
(97.6); Leon Raymond Irom Traralgon
(96); Bonnie Koopmans Irom Warragul
(95.65); Daisy-Anne
ippsland Grammar
student, Laura Wigney,
spent part oI her
summer holiday as a volunteer
in Thailand, working on
a community project with
Empower International.
Empower, which was Iounded
by her Iather, GeoII Wigney,
is a not-Ior-proft, Iair-trade
organisation which aims to
empower the privileged to
empower the poor.
Laura and her Iather were
part oI a team oI eighteen
selI-Iunded volunteers, who
travelled to Northern Thailand
to work on the Clear Skies
House`, which has received

support Irom Empower Ior
the past three years. In 2011,
Empower frst sent a team to
rebuild the original bamboo
structure which was then
housing eight children. This
new house consisted oI separate
sleeping areas Ior boys and
girls, bathrooms and a room Ior
the carers. It also had an outdoor
kitchen area and dining room.
The most recent project saw
Laura and the team working
to build a new dormitory and
security wall to ensure the
saIety oI the children. The
Clear Skies House` now
houses twenty-fve children
and all living and education
expenses are covered by
Empower. The group aims to
help educate the children so

that they may have a bright and
saIe Iuture.
An important Iocus
Ior Empower is to oIIer a
saIe living environment to
vulnerable women and children
who are oIten at risk oI being
Iorced into human traIfcking
and sexual slavery.
OIten the children are
orphaned or abandoned and
have nowhere else to go.
Empower International has a
retail outlet at 188 Main Street in
Bairnsdale. The shop is not-Ior-
proft and supports Iair-trade.
All products are handmade and
careIully selected Irom small
businesses oIIering training and
employment to those in need.
For Iurther inIormation, please
go to: www.empower.org.au/.
81)*' .4--129 :12 )"('/2#%
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by Meredith Lynch
The Dux of Gippsland Grammar
for 2013 is Lachlan Buck,
from Lakes Entrance.
Lachlan obtained an ATAR
score of 98.75, with ve
scores over 40, including a 46
in Physical Education, which
he studied in 2012.
This years results are
another strong performance
for the School. This year six
out of the top ten ATARs were
scored by girls.
Close behind Lach-
lan were Sarah Scott from
Sale (98.6), Mark McAn-
ulty from Maffra (97.8),
Emily Lade from Flynn (96.9),
Harry Thackray from Maffra
(96.7), Melis Rutherford
from Paynesville (95.95),
Emily Simpson-Page from
Pearsondale (95.85),
Ritchie Hua from Sale (95.5),
Dallas Adams from Newry
(95.45), and Mikayla Colley
from Sale (94.85).
One student, Sarah Scott,
achieved a perfect score of
50 for Legal Studies.
As a school we are thrilled
with the outstanding results
attained by our high achiev-
ing students; however, there
are many other success
stories this year not listed in
these notes.
We would like to
congratulate all of our students
who successfully obtained
their VCE or VCAL certicates
and also our dedicated staff
who have worked tirelessly
to assist these students for
many years.
;9 <*4'. ,2*==*2 ;)"11' > ?@A 2#.4'9. BCDE
by David Baker, Principal
Children and house parents standing in front of the new dormitory at Clear Skies House in Thailand
March 2014 The GippsIand AngIican Page 9

by Sue Jacka
nglican Earthcare Gippsland
exists to promote the fIth mark
oI the Anglican Communion:
to strive to saIeguard the integrity oI
creation and sustain and renew the liIe
oI the earth`. AEG is a home-grown`
organisation oI our own diocese,
Gippsland. Our aim is to have people
who are concerned about caring Ior
creation in each parish getting together
to learn more and to encourage wise use
oI the earth and its resources.
Our principle Iocus currently is
to support the development oI the
Abbey at Raymond Island as a centre
Ior spirituality and the environment.
We recognise that this is a very special
place with abundant wildliIe as well as
some beautiIul coastal native vegetation.
It is a place where people can connect
both with nature and with God; our ap-
preciation oI creation oIten leads us to
praise God Ior the beauty and complexity
oI the natural environment.
I recently visited the Abbey to
discuss with Archdeacon Edie Ashley,
the Abbey priest, some do-able` projects
that your parish might like to support.
Some oI these may involve manual labour
or Iundraising. All will support the
development oI the centre Ior
spirituality as well as caring Ior the
natural environment:
Planting of Ena Sheumack House
garden with indigenous species.
Removal of polygala (introduced
from South Africa) from the
grounds and coastal areas.
Tend the native areas. Some areas
have had weeds removed and now
we have to wait for the indigenous
plants to re-emerge. This involves
monitoring by taking photographs
of new growth and checking what
is growing, as well as removing the
non-indigenous plants that recur.
Provide quality signage and labels
to raise awareness of the local
plants and their history.
Sponsor an energy audit of the
property. Pay for an electrician
to test the lighting system and
replace existing light bulbs with
energy efcient bulbs.
Sponsor the conversion of the
former boating shed into a small
environment centre.
The construction of habitat boxes.
Provide interpretive signs for the
night sky.
Look after the garden/s outside
the units and other buildings.
Join an environmental education
and work party details and dates
will be advertised soon.
Each of these projects needs to be
considered in consultation with the
Abbey Chapter. Tere are many exciting
possibilities here, so why not see if your
parish can partially or fully support one?
Donations to Anglican Earthcare
Gippsland are tax deductible, so this
may encourage some people or
groups to donate to your project.
Call Sue Jacka 5633 1021 or
Edie Ashley on 5156 0511 to discuss.
The Swamp paperbark scrub growing along the foreshore. These areas are good
habitat for birds and slow down erosion. The paperbarks are under pressure from
the increased salinitv of the Gippsland Lakes. Invasive weed removal is a prioritv
for these areas.
The Forest red gum woodland growing around The Abbev. Forest red gums are food
trees for the koalas on Ravmond Island. Grassv eucalvpt woodlands like this are
threatened nationallv. One aim is to bring back some pockets of this woodland within
the grounds of The Abbev.
@*2(%& :12 9"# #%3(21%=#%9
Approaching Easter:
There is a magic deeper still
Page 10 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014
The Rev. Steve Clarke, Dean of St. Pauls cathedral, Sale,
reects on three art works in the lead up to Easter
From the editor
What can one person do?
And equally What can one
person get away with? Where
does individual responsibility
end, and corporate begin? Does
it really matter whether I, as an
individual, buy recycled toilet
paper or fair-trade coffee?
The bishop speaks in this
months letter about the need
for corporate repentance. Philip
Muston writes about a community
or corporate response to fracking
on farms in Gippsland, and Sue
Jacka asks whole churches to
support earth care projects on
Raymond Island.
I have just been reading about
the churches in Devon, in the
south of England. Martin Goss,
who is Diocesan Environmental
Coordinator for Exeter, describes
a large map in their diocesan
ofce entitled Devons Green
Churches. There are dots and
stars scattered over this map,
each representing a church that
is taking corporate responsibility
for creation care in some way,
through actions such as installing
a composting toilet, or putting up
solar panels, or by undertaking an
energy audit. He points out that
it is often individual pioneers
in a church who get projects
like these started. So individual
action then becomes corporate.
The dioceses of the South
West of England are having
a Carbon Fast for Lent, to
encourage church people to nd
ways to reduce their fossil-fuel
needs. I know of one family who
have decided, for ethical reasons,
to give up supermarket shopping
for Lent something not all of
us could do. Last I heard, they
were spending the months
leading up to Lent in nding local
alternatives, including growing
and preserving some of their own
fruit and vegetables.
I nd it encouraging (and
challenging) to know that my
individual actions and choices do
matter, because they are part of
a bigger picture. Many individual
actions combined can have a
huge impact both negative and
positive. While big corporations
may wield enormous power,
often to the detriment of people
and environment, there is a
different, awesome, leavening
power at work in the world at
the same time. Your kingdom
come. Amen!
Letter to the editor
Oh dear, the bishop is cross again. Cross
with the Abbott government. Before the
last election the bishop was trenchant
in his criticism of the Liberal party and
he also took a swipe at the ALP, which
he described as not much better.
Nevertheless, it seems that about 80% of
Anglicans in Gippsland clearly disregarded
the bishops views and decided to vote
for Liberal and National parties or the ALP.
The days are past when relatives, union
leaders, company bosses, clerics and
other notables are able to wield power
over the voters. Most Australians, happily,
can think for themselves. And when the
bishop espouses such prejudiced and
extreme views, sadly it makes people
even less likely to listen to him when he
has something worthwhile to say.
Roger Doyle
ome oI us reading this, are
old enough to remember
the 1969 album released
by King Crimson, 'In the Court
oI the Crimson King.
Its opening track was a
provocative and prophetic
attempt to predict the
experience oI western society
in the next millennium. It was
simply entitled '21st Century
Schizoid Man.
Cats foot iron claw
Neuro-surgeons scream
for more
At paranoias poison door.
21st centurv schi:oid man.
Blood rack barbed wire
Politicians funeral pvre
Innocents raped with
"#$#%& '()
21st centurv schi:oid man.
Death seed blind mans greed
Poets starving children
Nothing hes got he
reallv needs
21st centurv schi:oid man.
Andrew Fletcher, an 18th century
Scottish moral philosopher,
wrote, 'Give me the making oI
the songs oI a nation and I care
not who writes its laws.
Songs, as with other Iorms
oI popular art, are a major
access point to the mind-
set oI a culture. They play
a dual role, that oI insight
and infuence, Ior they shape
moods and reveal convictions.
So, in the light oI Fletcher`s
maxim it is worth pausing a
moment to refect on these
lyrics, and those oI the album`s
3rd track, 'ConIusion Will Be
My Epitaph
Between the iron gates
of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered bv the deeds
of those
Who know and who are
Knowledge is a deadlv friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.
Confusion will be mv epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and
broken path
If we make it we can all sit
back and laugh,
But I fear tomorrow Ill be
Yes I fear tomorrow Ill be
For King Crimson, liIe`s epitaph
is summed up in one word
conIusion. The predictions are
compelling as the imagination

is leIt to wander through
scenes oI senseless violence,
needless hate, and heartless
cruelty, behind which lies an
unshakeable barrenness oI soul
amidst the uncertainty oI a Iuture
anchored in Iutility. The profle
oI the 21st century 'schizoid
man? Nothing he`s got he
really needs. In case you think
this is too bleak a picture, I oIIer
an account Irom renowned US
Anglican sociologist, Robert
Bellah. In his book The Good
Societv Bellah tells oI a student
speaker at a recent Harvard
University graduation ceremony
who said,
I believe that there is one idea,
one sentiment, which we have
all acquired at some point in
our Harvard careers, and that
ladies and gentlemen is in a
word, confusion... Thev tell
us that it is heresv to suggest
the superioritv of some value,
fantasv to believe in moral
argument, slaverv to submit
to a fudgement sounder than
vour own. The freedom of our
dav is the freedom to devote
ourselves to anv values we
please, on the mere condition
that we do not believe them to
be true.
The Harvard student`s sober
evaluation oI her educational
experience echoes the sentiment
oI the earlier lyrics,
Knowledge is a deadlv friend
When no one sets the rules
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.
I want you, as Christians to
pause a moment with me and

recognise the degree to which
we oIten hide behind neat
philosophical and theological
arguments, heavily Iootnoted Ior
eIIect, rather than Iace the hurts,
conIusion, passions, and loves
oI those among whom we live.
The unmasked vulnerability, the
heartIelt anguish, the soaring
aspirations oI those around
us too oIten go unrecognised.
I invite your attention as we
consider three images that bring
together the threads oI this
article, and oIIer what I
believe to be an answer to the
disorientation oI this generation
and the way back to a coherent
society that truly values all
its members.
In 1633 Rembrandt portrayed
the crucifxion oI Jesus and twice
included himselI in the painting.
First we see him at the Ioot oI the
Cross, gazing up, as iI sharing
responsibility Ior the deed.
Second we see hi m, hand
out st ret ched,
clutching what
appears to be a
Cross, looking
straight into our
Iaces, as iI to
invite us to enter
the scene, to
accept our
place in this
d r a m a .
We see also
the puzzled
fgure with
overly large
hands in the
lower leIt.
He accentuates
Re mbr a nd t `s
i m a g e r y ,
encapsul at i ng

the questions, invitation, mystery,
and sublimity oI this
extraordinary moment. The
three fgures raising the Cross
pushing, pulling, carrying the
burden oI this awIul deed. And
central to the image is Christ
HimselI. Bathed in light, He
is suspended between heaven
and earth. His near naked Iorm
leaves no doubt that He is truly
human one oI us. Yet his gaze
heavenward tells us that that He
looks into the Face oI the Divine
He sees what we cannot. You
can hear` the words oI entreaty
Father, Iorgive them, Ior they
know not what they do`.
It is a painting Iull oI
rich imagery, Iull oI human
experience and emotion, and
divine promise and hope. It
is intimately personal and yet
embracing oI all who would
enter its scene.
In the 1960s Andy Warhol
painted Campbell`s Soup cans.
In all he created a set oI 32, one
Ior each variety Campbell`s
produced. Warhol`s biographer,
David Bourdon, says the
inspiration came Irom seeing
empty soup cans on his desk and
the desire to show modern liIe as
being without any substantial
personality or individual
expression`. As Warhol simply
explained a group oI painters
have come to the common
conclusion that the most banal
and even vulgar trappings oI
modern civilization can, when
transposed to canvas, become
Art`. He understood the modern
era as one oI commercialisation
and indiscriminate sameness`.
By repeating mechanical
derivatives oI a packaged
commercial product Warhol
was mocking any pretension to
discrimination or perception.
(See: http://en.wikipedia.org/
Noticeably absent Irom
Warhol`s work is the person,
whether human or divine. For
him, we are merely consumers,
without substantial personality
or individual expression, mere
captives to the banal and
derivative. The can is the
object oI meaning, itselI an
absurdity. In stark contrast, Ior
Rembrandt, our identity is tied
to the crucifxion oI this Man
on a Cross; He is the object
oI veneration and wonder.
Both images raise questions
oI human signifcance and
divine purpose. Rembrandt`s
and Warhol`s works oI art serve
as powerIul symbols in terms
oI their respective visions oI
reality. Every society has its
symbols, its icons, which tell
oI its search Ior meaning. Once
a crucifed God was our vision;
now we stare at Campbell`s
Soup cans. Once we were
gathered around the crucifed
Jesus, but now we are merely
You Are What You Worship
There is something terribly
hollow about modern liIe. As
John Alexander reminds us,
The tragedy oI modernity is
that we have nothing worthy
oI worship; the absurdity oI
modernity is that we go ahead
and worship anyway`. You
see, the question oI what we
worship is inextricably linked
to our understanding oI who
we are ourselves. The absence
oI the human Irom Warhol is
ultimately due to the absence oI
the Divine.
The biblical insistence is that,
in Christ, human beings fnd
clues to meaningIul identity.
Without meaningIul identity we
devolve into mere consumers.
In such a world, thereIore, all
things are ultimately absurd.
The presence oI the human
in Rembrandt is due to the
presence oI the Divine. It is
in the crucifed Christ we fnd
clues to what our humanity
entails. His presence among
us speaks oI our inalienable
value and worth. Our presence
at His death speaks oI our
disorientation and culpability.
We are hollow because we are
alienated. Rembrandt`s painting
is Iull oI these rich images.
What about Warhol and soup
cans? They, like us, are Iaced
with emptiness. In Warhol`s
world the emptiness is trivialised.
In Rembrandt`s it is conIronted.
As we approach this Easter,
we are again conIronted with
the question oI the meaning
oI the crucifed and risen
Christ. In moving Irom the
one-dimensional banality
oI Warhol to the multi-
dimensional spirituality oI
Rembrandt we have to ask,
What do we worship, and why?`
As a Christian I worship Christ,
crucifed, and risen Irom the
dead. Why? This is the crucial
question in these postmodern
times. We have passed Irom
Warhol`s `60s image oI empty
consumerism; but to what?
A commonly cited depiction oI
the post-modern condition is
Iound in Edvard Munch`s
painting, The Scream.
It shows an agonised,
tormented fgure on a
lonely bridge, holding its
head in a desperate attempt
to shut out the raging
violence which surrounds it. The
fgure is asexual, the swirling
background unidentifable. The
only clarity is in the agony
oI the person the Scream!
There is a conIronting potency
to this image when considered
Irom a Christian perspective.
At the heart oI the Gospel is
the assurance that God has heard
humanity`s scream. It is an
agonising cry oI human despair,
borne out oI disorientation and
the alienation that Iollows.
God has come among us; He has
conIronted the raging violence
oI our moral and spiritual
conIusion; He has embraced in
protective love all those who
have Iallen victim to sinIulness
and alienation. As Rembrandt so
powerIully depicted, the Cross
tells us to stop lying to ourselves
and Iace our vulnerability. We
crucifed Him. Yet He bore our
alienation willingly.
It is in this mystery that we
come to know the power oI
the Risen Christ. The vacuum
oI postmodernism yearns
not merely Ior proof oI the
Resurrection. Rather it yearns Ior
the meaning oI the Resurrection.
The victory oI Jesus over death
and alienation promises the
silencing oI the Scream, It puts
the soup cans back where they
belong, on our supermarket
shelves. But to comprehend
all this we must stand with
Rembrandt at the Cross, gaze in
wonder at Jesus` love, and own
our share in His death.
In his extraordinary novel,
The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe, C. S. Lewis captures
the drama oI the death and
resurrection oI Christ in a
penetrating allegory. The Lion,
Aslan (the Christ fgure),
triumphant over death, greets
the children (whose deception
by the Witch has lead to Aslan`s
demise on the Stone Table),
and explains,
It means that although the
Witch knew the Deep Magic,
there is magic deeper still
which she did not know.
Her knowledge onlv goes
back to the dawn of Time.
If she could have looked a
little further back, into the
stillness and the darkness
before Time dawned, she
would have read there a
different incantation. She
would have known that when
a willing victim who had
committed no treacherv was
killed in a traitors stead,
the Table would crack and
death itself would start
working backwards.
Lewis` point is both simple
and proIound. There is a deeper
magic. Seen through the eyes oI
Him who conquered death, liIe
is not a scream, nor is it an
empty, impersonal existence.
It is taken up in adoration
and wonder, in the worship oI
the One whose liIe was not
only given Ior us, but is now
shared with us, so that death
itselI would start working
I close with these words
Irom Iormer Archbishop oI
Canterbury, William Temple;
Worship is the submission of
all our nature to God. It is the
quickening of conscience bv
His holiness, nourishment of
mind bv His truth, purifving
of imagination bv His beautv,
opening of the heart to His
love, and submission of will
to His purpose. All this,
gathered up in adoration,
is the greatest of human
expressions of which we
are capable.`
Here then, is the key to the
unity oI all human experience
and its relationships. LiIe is lived
as a giIt, as an act oI worship.
Philosophy Irom Socrates to
Aristotle, Irom Aristotle to
Plato, Irom Plato to the present
has sought Ior the one, uniIying
theme oI liIe, and has ended
in conIusion. Is it knowledge?
Is it pleasure? Is it power? No!
it is in Temple`s statement, it
is in the submission oI all oI our
nature to God.
Conscience quickened bv His
Nourishment of mind bv His
Purifving of imagination bv
His beautv
Opening of heart to His love
Submission of will to His
All this gathered up in adoration
is the greatest oI human
It is liIe in Jesus Christ
that Iuses all else together.
The alternative is a series
oI disconnected events and
experiences that build no
over-all purpose.
There is a magic deeper still!
March 2014 The GippsIand AngIican Page 11
At the heart of the
Gospel is the assurance
that God has heard
humanitys scream.
by Jan Down
had suggested a quiet place
to meet Ior this interview,
but any chance oI that was
totally blown by Lizzie and
Jimmy (see photo), who insisted
on coming with us and were
shouting at each other within a
minute oI my arrival. Or rather,
Lizzie was yelling, 'Jimmy?
JimMYYYY?!! in an eIIort to
help Jenny fnd him. Jimmy was
hiding somewhere in Jenny`s
crowded suitcase.
He popped up eventually, and
then it was all on. None oI us
adults could get a word in. So we
headed up to a local Korumburra
caIe, hoping to keep the young
Iriends amused while we talked.
It worked up to a point...
The Rev. Brenda Burney and
the Rev. Jenny Ramage tell me
they began working creatively
together beIore either oI them
was ordained, when they were
both worshipping at St. Mary`s
Morwell, about 1996.
They began by using the
puppets during church services.
Jenny had Jimmy, and gave
Lizzie to Brenda, who didn`t have
anyone. Then came two old ladies,
Elizabeth and Felicity. These were
characters they adopted Ior some
short skits during services. The
setting was a home Bible Study
group so they would have a
table and chairs at the Iront oI
the church, with cups and saucers
on it, and they would be dressed
'very demurely, as two elderly
church-going ladies.
The two clowns were next.
Brenda is Beans (she has always
been Iull oI them) and Jenny is
Smudge. Jenny says she was an
extremely reluctant clown at frst,
but when she tried it, she loved it.
She is mostly a silent clown, and
can be both sad and happy. Beans
simply can`t be quiet or sad. They
are both white-Iaced clowns, but
Beans says she is 'a mongrel
between the Augustine and the
white-Iaced, while Smudge is
part white-Iaced, part tramp
clown. (See link below Ior more
about types oI clowns.)
The inspiration Ior their stories
came Irom the Bible readings Ior
the day. When they were regularly
perIorming, they would have late
night supper sessions together,
poring over the set readings and
bouncing ideas around. These
times were oIten hilarious, but
they had a serious side too, as
the two would fnd themselves
having to deal with their alter
egos and the things that came up
Ior them Irom their own hearts,
as well as needing to watch out
Ior the temptation to step over
boundaries. Out oI this work came
the stories that touched hearts as
well as Iunny bones. Both say
that clowning has a way oI giving
people permission to cry as well
as laugh, and is another avenue Ior
learning Irom God.
One day in church, Beans
and Smudge claimed they
were keeping all oI the Ten
Commandments, and decided to
sit on the altar rail so as to be as
close to God as possible. However,
as Keith South, the minister,
began explaining the real meaning
oI each commandment, and the
clowns began to comprehend that
they were not quite so perIect aIter

all, they began to move Iurther
back down the church. By the end
oI the commandments, they were
out the door.
Keith South was one oI several
people Jenny and Brenda co-
opted into their creative ministry
at Morwell, with Keith becoming
Puddles the clown. AIter a
clowning workshop with the
youth group one night, they all
went Ior a walk, and it had been
raining. There was a huge puddle
and Beans jumped in it and
splashed Keith she says 'I just
couldn`t help it. I love jumping
in puddles! Keith then took his
umbrella, dipped it in the puddle
and tipped it out onto Beans...
I ask iI they have ever done
Iormal training as clowns, and
Brenda says that Jenny taught
her: 'Jenny has been a giIt oI
God Ior me. Jenny is selI-taught,
and it clearly comes naturally to
both. They also Ieel they`ve been
taught by God. 'OIten we would
know where we were going, and
God would do a U-turn on us,
or a right angle. They have run
clowning and puppet workshops
at diIIerent times and places
around Gippsland.
There have been some bizarre
and Iunny moments. Travelling
back Irom an event late one night,
they stopped Ior a coIIee at a
service station and were running
across the road in costume when
suddenly they remembered that
there had been a an armed hold-
up recently by a clown. They
slowed to a walk.
As well as clowning in church,
Beans and Smudge have also
visited the La Trobe Regional
Hospital and nursing homes.
When the Olympic torch came
through Morwell, the clowns
were there, running their own
relay with their Iake torch, as
well as perIorming in the church
tent. Beans has also been seen
clowning around at community
events in Westernport, Brenda`s
last parish. She hopes Beans will
be involved in the Australia Day
community activities in Churchill
next year.
During the late 90s and early
2000s, in the re-structuring and
privatisation oI the electricity
industry in the La Trobe Valley,
there was a huge loss oI jobs and
consequently oI Iamily traditions,
which caused a lot oI pain. Jenny
and Brenda Iound there was
a great need Ior laughter and
connection with people. Their
Madcap Ministries at Morwell
met a real need in the community.
Brenda says their creative work
is 'a way oI having Iun with the
gospel and being ourselves, which
is what God wants us to do. Both
now have some opportunities to
use their creative giIts separately
in their current parishes, but
would love to do more together in
That`s iI Lizzie and Jimmy
will give them some air space...
For more information on
the historv of clowning.
Page 12 The GippsIand AngIican March 2014
Diocesan calendar
5 Ash Wednesday 7:00pm Imposition oI Ashes
the Rt Rev. John McIntyre,
St Paul`s Cathedral Sale
Lenten Studies: Being Disciples:
Through Lent with Matthew
contact the Sale oIfce Ior details oI study groups
14 16 Kidsplus Camp, Raymond Island
15 Anam Cara Community Quiet Day
St James` Heyfeld, 9:30am 3:30pm
5 Anam Cara Community Strategic Directions Day:
Growing in Christ Refections by Bishop John,
St Paul`s Cathedral Sale, 9:30am 3:30pm.
13 Palm Sunday procession: Guest preacher,
the Rt Rev. Dr Ian George 7:00pm
Blues and Blessings Concert with Fiona Boyes,
guest musicians, and combined community choir
St Paul`s Cathedral Sale
15 11:00am Blessing oI the Oils and Renewal
oI Ordination Vows Bishop John 6:00pm
Opening oI the Cathedral Art Show and judging
oI entries. A special Forum on Spirituality and Art
with the Dean; Dr Ian George; award winning
international artist Dawn Stubbs; and Gippsland
Gallery curator Simon Gregg, Iollowed by supper
show-casing local produce and regional wines
St Paul`s Cathedral Sale
17 6:00pm Maundy Thursday Foot Washing,
Stripping oI the Altar, and Vigil, Sale Cathedral
18 9:00am Good Friday Liturgy oI the Cross
3:00pm Stations oI the Cross in the Garden
St Paul`s Cathedral Sale
20 6:00am Eucharist and Lighting oI the New Fire
8:00am Easter Sunday Eucharist
10:00am Easter Sunday Family Eucharist
St Paul`s Cathedral Sale
24 Creative Spirit Festival, Ieaturing a visual art
exhibition at St. Philip`s Anglican Church, Cowes,
and other perIorming and visual arts events
10 Anam Cara Community Quiet Day
St James` Traralgon, 9:30am 3:30 pm
Beans and Smudge
One day in church, Beans
and Smudge claimed they
were keeping all of the Ten

The Arts In Gippsland

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