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Leviticus: KEY WORD: "Holiness" - It Is Found 87 Times. The Whole Book Echoes Forth The Message, "God Is

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The name of this book suggests its contents. Leviticus is a book about the Levites, the priests, and their service to God. It has been called the Handbook of the priests. It is a book rich in typology and contains wonderful pictures of our redemption. For greatest spiritual profit, it ought to be studied in con unction with the book of Hebrews. KEY WORD: !Holiness" # It is found $% times. The whole book echoes forth the message, !God is Holy", and it insists n the holiness of God&s people 'Lev. (()**,*+,. This book answers the -uestion) !How may an unholy people approach a holy God. The answer in this book is that God must be approached by sacrifice and by a mediator. /hrist came to meet both needs. He was both our sacrifice and our Priest. 0o, the second key word in this book is !1tonement" # It is found *+ times.

SUMMARY: 2In Genesis, we see Israel chosen. In 34odus, we see Israel delivered. In Leviticus, we see Israel approaching God in worship. In 34odus, we see 5oses constructing and completing the Tabernacle. In Leviticus, we see how they were to worship God, and commune with Him.

OUTLINE: '1, /hapters (#(6 # The way of 1ccess to God. 'i, Through sacrifices and offerings # There were + in all) 2The 7urnt 8ffering # Lev. ( 2The 5eal 8ffering # Lev. 9 2The :eace 8ffering # Lev. ; 2The 0in 8ffering # Lev. *#+)(; 2The Trespass 8ffering # Lev. +)(*#<)(% 'ii, Through :riestly 5ediation. 2/hapters (#$ deal with the calling, cleansing, garment and atonement of the human priest. 2/hapter (6 deals with the sin and udgement of =adab and 1bihu, and the solemn lesson that is learned that we must approach God in the way He has prescribed.

'7, /hapters ((#99 # 0pecial Instruction for the :eople. 2These people were called unto holiness. They were not to be like the heathen around them, but were to be a separate people. God gave them laws in relation to their food, cleanliness, sanitation, customs and morals. Included were laws of hygiene that are practised today, only in the most advanced nations. God&s laws then, as now, were for the good of the people. He gave them instruction concerning idolatry, se4, respect for parents, deaf people, poor people, talebearers, and hatred and vengeance.


'i, The 5oral /ode # is comprised of the (6 commandments '34. 96,. This body of rules was never meant to be a means of salvation. The purpose of the moral law was to show man that he is a sinner, and is in need of a 0aviour. It was given as an unattainable standard, so men would reali>e their need of accepting God&s free gift of righteousness through faith '?o. ;)(@#96A Gal. ;)9(#9*,. 'ii, The 0piritual /ode # This is shadow !/hristology". This section dealt with those special ordinances which foreshadowed /hrist and our ?edemption. It included the sacrifices, temple furniture, feast days, offerings, and Bewish ceremonial worship. 'Heb. (6)( # For the law, having a 0H1C8D of good things to come...", 2The Law pointed to the problem. The 0acrifices pointed to the 0olution '/hrist,. 'iii, The 0ocial /ode # dealt with such things as dietary regulations, rules of sanitation, instructions on the proper care of land and crops, ta4ation, the military, marriage, divorce, child birth, etc.

'/, /hapters 9;#9% # The Five 1nnual Feasts # 0ee handout.

'C, General Instructions /oncerning) 2The 0abbatical Eear # 8nce in % years, the ground was left untilled '9+)9#%,, and people gave themselves to things pertaining to God. 2The Eear of Bubilee # 8nce in +6 years, the slaves were liberated, debtors were freed, and a general restitution took place '9+)$#(<,. 2/onditions of 7lessing, and Darnings of Budgement # '/hapter 9<, # To violate God&s laws is to do so at our own peril. God&s restrictions are for our good. '/ommandment) 1n order from God, from which there is no escape, about which we have no choice". ?emember, God didn&t give 5oses the (6 suggestionsF, 2The law of Gows and Titles # '/hapter 9%, # The book closes with the reminder, !These are the commandments which the Lord commanded 5oses for the /hildren of Israel."

MAJOR LESSONS FROM LEVITICUS: 'a, God is Holy. 'b, The awfulness of sin. 0in separates us from God. 'c, The need for redemption. 5an cannot save himself. This book shows us that redemption is by) 0ubstitution) The innocent must die for the guilty. Garious kinds of animals were used in Lev. Imputation) The sins of the individual were transferred, by faith, to the sacrifice. Ceath) Leviticus is a book of 9% bloodstained chapters. It was the shed blood that atoned for sin. 'd, The =eed for 5ediation # This is where the priest fits into the picture. =o man brought his offerings to the Lord 'Lev. @)(+#($A (<)(+,. Today, /hrist is our 5ediator. 1nd, still, we have no approach to God, but through His =ame. 'e, ?edemption is unto Holiness. Besus doesn&t save us !in" our sin. He saves us !from" our sin. De have been redeemed by a Holy God, that we might become like Him. ( :eter ()(+,(<

# !7e ye holy, as I am holy." Lit) 7ecome 'ginomai # implies a process, ye holy. God himself is our standard of holiness.

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