Numbers: KEY WORD: "Murmuring". This Is A Book of Murmuring. There Are 7 in All
Numbers: KEY WORD: "Murmuring". This Is A Book of Murmuring. There Are 7 in All
Numbers: KEY WORD: "Murmuring". This Is A Book of Murmuring. There Are 7 in All
Numbers is a book of failure. But, it is not Gods failure, for He had made ever provision for the way. Rather, it is a book of mans failure. It is a book that reveals the marvelous patience of God with errin man. But, it is also a solemn warnin about the !ud ement of God. It is a book of " oin , but never ettin anywhere# $ a reat deal of activity occurs, but no pro ress is actually made. %he book of Numbers commences with Israel at &adesh$barnea, and '( years later, they are at &adesh a ain. In between, we have the story of )ivine patience, and human failure. Israel had been brou ht "out# of * ypt that they mi ht be brou ht into +anaan. +anaan is a type of the abundant +hristian life. But, Israel spent their years in wilderness wanderin s. %hey made no pro ress in any way. %hey simply went in circles. Numbers ,, is a "lo book# of their !ourney. - comparison of the census taken in Numbers ./'0$'1, and in Numbers 21/0. indicates that numerically they declined. In other words, they were unfruitful in this time. %here is a spiritual lesson for us here. 3e, too, have been called out of "* ypt# 4the world5 and it is Gods purpose to brin us into abundant life in +hrist. %he sad truth is that multitudes of +hristians are livin in a spiritual "wilderness#. %hey are involved in a reat deal of activity, but with very little pro ress. Hebrews ,/6$.7 is the Holy 8pirits commentary on this book. 3e remember that these 9.%. stories are written for our learnin 4. +or. .(/..5. KEY WORD: ":urmurin #. %his is a book of murmurin . %here are 6 in all/ 4a5 +oncernin the way $ ../.$, 4b5 +oncernin the food $ ../'$7 4c5 +oncernin the iants $ .,/,,$.'/2 4d5 +oncernin their leaders $ .1/, 4e5 +oncernin )ivine ;ud ements $ .1/'. 4f5 %he second time, concernin the manna $ 2./0
TYPES OF CHRIST: 4a5 %he 8mitten Rock $ 2(/6$.., 4compare *<odus .65. 4b5 %he Bra=en 8erpent $ 2./1$7 4c5 %he +ities of Refu e $ +hapter ,0.
SECTION ONE: -s the book opens, we see the +hildren of Israel in the wilderness of 8inai. %he law had been iven, the tabernacle built, and the priests assi ned to their service. Now God was oin to prepare the nation for its work. He was abut to lead them into the promised land. %he book opens with God numberin the +hildren of Israel. 3e learn the lesson that God knows and cares for his own. 3e see the camp pitched around the tabernacle. %hree million people, and God in their midst. He also manifested His presence by a cloud in the daytime, and a pillar of fire by ni ht. *very Israelite knew that God was present. He was the supplier of their needs. *ven their clothes did not wear out. %here, in the trackless desert, He led them and supplied their every need. God was there. -nd, He is in the +hurch to meet our every need. But, sin crept into the camp. %he people be an to murmur a ainst God. 8o came the !ud ement of fire 4../.$,5. %hen they complained about the food 4../'5. It almost ets monotonous. %he people lon ed for the arlic and onions of * ypt. -s a result of their complainin , God sent them >uail for thirty days. %hey made luttons of themselves, and while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the ?ord was kindled a ainst the people, and they were smitten with a very reat pla ue 4../,,5.Numbers .2/.$.1 records the sin of :iriam and -aron $ 4rebellion a ainst Gods dele ated authority5. - ain, !ud ement fell. -nd, verse .0 makes it plain that there was no pro ress until the sin was dealt with. 8in hinders pro ress. 4In this case , million people were brou ht to a "screechin halt# because of sin in leadership.5
SECTION TWO: %he second section deals with the "wilderness wanderin s#. -bout one year after the reception of the law at 8inai, the +hildren of Israel were at &adesh$Barnea. %his is at the southern border of the promised land. Numbers ., records the sendin of the spies into the promised land, to search it out. %he spies returned divided in their opinion as to their ability to take the land. ;oshua and +aleb ur ed immediate forward action 4.,/,(5. %he ten said it would be impossible 4.,/,.$,,5. %he people wanted to o back to * ypt 4.'/.$'5. %hey even threatened to stone :oses 4.'/.(5. %he ten compared the problem with themselves, and knew they are not able. %he two 4;oshua and +aleb5 compared the problem with God, and knew it was a sure thin @ %hey were only a few days !ourney from the land 4an .. day walk@5, but God told them to turn around, and o back into the wilderness. Anbelief had closed the door@ %heir fate had been sealed. %hey would wander in the desert, until every one twenty years and older died. 9nly ;oshua and +aleb would survive to o into the land. It was durin the wilderness wanderin s, that :oses sinned, and forfeited his ri ht to enter the promised land. Numbers 2. records the account of the Bra=en 8erpent. - ain, we see mans failure, and Gods remedy. - type of +hrist in crucifi<ion 4;ohn ,/.'5. 8o, Numbers reminds us of the failure of man, sins dire conse>uences, and the wonderful remedy that God has provided for sinful man. :ay we learn to obey, and reali=e that Gods way is best.