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Christ The Healer: "The Sower Sows The Word"

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Christ the Healer

The Sower Sows the Word

Up to now, in this course, weve been laying a foundation, concerning Gods Ability and Willingness to heal. thin! weve laid enough of a foundation, that "#W healing. can start to teach you $#W to receive your

n the ne%t session, well start to loo! at the & 'ethods that God has given, (which we can use) to receive our healing. *ut, before we do that, Sows the Word. MARK 4 - $ow do with... want to loo! at the 'ost i'portant parable that +esus ever told , The Sower

!now that this is the 'ost i'portant parable +esus ever told- .ets start reading

Verse 11-13 , n other words, this parable is the !ey to everything/ understand every other parable +esus told.

f you !now this parable, you can

n fact, if you understand this parable, you can understand how the 0"T 10 2 "G3#4 #5 G#3 W#12S/ So, lets pic! this up in verse 67, and see what +esus has to say. ("ow, as we read this, !eep in 'ind that +esus had already told the parable , earlier that day. Now, a few hours later, the disciples have co'e to $i', and saying, We dont understand a word you 8ust said. ,So, what were reading here, is +esus 09:.;";T #" of the parable.

MARK 4:14-25 ;ll right. The first thing we want to get here, as we study this parable, is... (1) TH !"#$ CT What was +esus teaching on- What was the subject of $is ser'onSee, weve studied this parable ( ' tal!ing about the church world in general, now), %r&' the negati(e for so long, that we 'isse) alt&gether , what +esus was teaching on. We loo!ed for so long, at the different !inds of ground that failed , that we lost the sub8ect of the parable. ,The sub8ect of this parable, is *+T the )i%%erent ,in)s &% gr&-n) the seed was sown in. The sub8ect is The Word of God.

<"ow, a lot of people havent understood that. ,They thought +esus was tal!ing about the )i%%erent ,in)s &% gr&-n) the seed was s&.n in. (They thought that was the sub8ect of the parable.) "ow, that was fine, until (erse 2/. *ut, then they got down to (erse 2/, and didnt !now what to do with it. ($es not tal!ing about ground, any'ore/) ,So, what the translators did, is= They put in one of those little change of sub8ect signs , (>ou !now, it) loo!s li!e a little bac!wards :. ;nd, they th&-ght that +esus too! off on so'e totally unrelated sub8ect. *ut, +esus 3 3"T change sub8ects here. $es still tal!ing about the Word/

<"ow, .hen y&- ,n&. the W#13 is the sub8ect, you can read (erse 21, and itll 'a!e so'e sense. ;nd he said unto the', s a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed- and not to be set on a candle stic!. (The candle in this verse, represents the Word of God. So, lets read it that way.) ;nd he said unto the', s TH W+R0 brought (int& the bed- and not to be set on a candle stic!. arth) to be put under a bushel, or under a

, n other words, 3id God send $is Word into the earth t& hi)e it fro' 'en- #f course not/ ,God sent $is Word to 0". G$T0" 'en/ (Thats why $e called it a candle.) ;nd he said unto the', 010 2+0 21V and not to be set +"T 1* TH +3 *"! H1! W+R0 to be put under a bushel, or under a bed-

5or there is nothing hid (in the W&r)) which shall not be 'anifested, neither was anything !ept secret, but that it should co'e abroad. f any 'an have ears to hear, let hi' hear. ,.et hi' hear what- .et hi' hear T$0 W#13/ ,So, we can plainly see, that +esus is still tal!ing about the Word, here/ ,"ow, $e doesnt change sub8ects ;T ;.., through this chapter. $is SU*+0?T all the way through here, is the Word of God. ,#nce you !now that, youre in a position, where you can receive fro' $is teaching. <;ll right. The second thing we want to get here, is...

(2) TH +#$ CT

, n other words= Whats the 10;S#" for this parable- What is +esus trying to tell -s about the Word,Well, T$0 #*+0?T (of this parable is)= To show us how to US0 Gods word, to produce results. , n this parable, +esus is showing us how to US0 Gods W#13, to 10?0 @0 Gods *.0SS "GS. <$ow 'any of you !now= God wor!s through $is Word<God wor!s through $is Word/ ( n fact, thats the only way $e wor!s/ $e doesnt wor! any other way/) <So, if youre ever going to 10?0 @0 ;">T$ "G fro' God, its going to co'e through $is Word/ (Thats how $es going to get it over to you/) <"ow, heres where a lot of people have had a proble'. ,T$0> 2"#W fro' the Word, that healing belongs to the'/ (Theyve seen it for the'selves, fro' the Word/) ,A;nd, if youve been in this course, every wee!, thin! you !now it/B ,; lot of people !now that healing *0.#"GS to the'... <They 8ust cant figure how to get it off the pages, and into their lives/ (Where they can see it, and %eel it.) ,Well, thats the whole :# "T of this parable/ +esus is showing us how to US0 T$0 W#13, to get results.

<So, weve seen the sub8ect= The sub8ect is the Word of God. ,Weve seen the ob8ect= +esus is showing us how to G0T the blessings #55 T$0 :;G0, and into our lives. ,.ets go to the ne%t step. The third things we need to find, is...

(3) TH +3 RAT1+* , n other words, $ow does it wor!,What do have to do, to get the blessings off the page, and into 'y life.ets pic! this bac! up in Verse 24, and see h&. it .&r,s/ (1e'e'ber, $es still spea!ing about the Word of God.) Verse 24-25 ,"ow, in those few short verses, +esus showed us how to US0 $ S W#13, to 10?0 @0 G#3S *.0SS "GS. .ets loo! at it again, and ll 'a!e it si'ple for you.

This is H&. the W&r) W&r,s6 Verse 24 - So is the !ingdo' of God, as if a 'an should cast ! ,(Underline= S003.) , n this verse, +esus is ?#4:;1 "G the way T$0 W#13 W#12S, to the way a S003 W#12S/ ,( ts the e%act sa'e operation/ They both wor! the sa'e way/) <So, how thought wed go at this, is= W+RK!/ thought wed ta,e a %e. 'in-tes, and e%a'ine H+W A ! 0 0 into the ground. (C%)

*ecause, if we can understand how a S003 wor!s, then .e7ll A"T+MAT1CA889 understand how the Word wor!s, since they both wor! the sa'e way.


0 3R+0"C : 0 T+ 3R+0"C ...

(a) 1T7! TH *AT"R +; A !

-(Ill explain what I mean by that in a minute. You just write it down.) -(Now what do I mean! Its the N"#$%& of a seed to produce') ,Well, suppose you went down to !a%e.ay7s, after class, and bought so'e C+R* ! h&'e, and <lante) it in your garden. 0. ;nd, .ent

,>ou wouldnt have to worry that= That seed .&-l)n7t ,n&. .hat t& )&, once it was planted/ <(That little seed, isnt going to get in the ground, scratch its little seed,head, and say, Whatd they put 'e in here for- t sure is dar!/.) ,"o/ That seed !nows its 8ob/ ;"3 T G#0S 1 G$T T# T/ , ts 8ob is to :1#3U?0, and that seed W .. :1#3U?0. Thats its ";TU10/ (Thats what it W;"TS T# 3#/) ,Thats the whole :U1:#S0 of it/ So... < TS T$0 *AT"R #5 ; S003 T# :1#3U?0... #"T 1T W188 A8WA9! 3R+0"C 1T! +W* K1*0. (D%) A;T R

, n other words= Theres ne(er g&ing t& be a ti'e , when you plant C+R* in your garden, and reap CARR+T!. (#r, you plant =arr&ts, and reap # A*!/)

,"o. 0verything produces after its own !ind/ (Thats the .aw of Genesis= 0verything produces after its own !ind/) ,;ll right. "ow, lets ta!e that !AM 3R1*C138 , and apply it to the Word. ,Suppose you want a $ealing for your body. Where do you go-

<>ou go to the H A81*2 !CR13T"R !/ Thats H A81*2 ! (;nd, that H A81*2 ! *#3>/ 0 !nows its business/)


ts business is t& 3R+0"C A H A81*2 in your

(;nd, as soon as you 2 T AH+80 &% it, that S003 goes to wor!/) >#U 4;> "#T ! 4;> "#T ; 8 T, but it does/ t goes to wor! 8ust li!e a seed/) ,"ow, 8ust li!e that C+R* ! 0 has W1TH1* 1T! 8; the power to <r&)-=e '&re =&rn...

T, >#U

("ow, thats true, isnt it- >ou plant the =&rn see), it grows up into a stal, , and produces '&re &% the sa'e ,in)/ t produces ?#1".) Well... +ust li!e a ?#1" S003 has within itself, the <&.er t& <r&)-=e 'ore ?#1"... ,The H A81*2 !CR13T"R ! in the *ible, have W1TH1* TH M! 8V ! the ability to produce a H A81*2 in your body. See... 8-,e 1:3> - (A'<li%ie)) - says: "o word of God is void of power. (The word void 'eans e'pty. So, lets read it that way= "o word of God is 04:T>, or W T$#UT :#W01/) ,See, what God has done is= $es ta!en $is Word, and ;188 0 1T with $is power/ -$es ta!en the !A8VAT1+* !CR13T"R !, and filled the' with the 3+W R T+ !AV / ,$es ta!en the H A81*2 !CR13T"R !, and filled the' with TH 3+W R T+ H A8 / ,$es ta!en the 3R+!3 R1T9 !CR13T"R !, and filled the' with the 3+W R T+ 3R+!3 R 9+" / <So, where do you go to G0T ; $0;. "G- >ou go to the $0;. "G S003/ ,The $0;. "G S?1 :TU10S in the * *.0, are full of $0;. "G :#W01/ ;nd, theyll produce a healing in your body/ ;ll right. The second thing, want you to see about a seed, is this=

(b) 1* +R0 R ;+R A !

0 T+ 3R+0"C A*9TH1*2? 1T HA! T+ # 38A*T 06

,"ow, thats obvious to us, in the natural/ *ut, how 'any of us 4 SS T, in the Spiritual/ Verse 24 - So is the !ingdo' of God, as if a 'an should cast seed 1*T+ TH 2R+"*0@A ,"ow, what did we say the Seed was- T$0 W#13 #5 G#3/ ,(.u!es Gospel put it even plainer= "ow the parable is this= The seed is the Word of God.) <So, weve established that the seed is Gods Word. <Then, whats the ground that we :.;"T the seed into- T$0 $U4;" $0;1T. Verse 15 - ;nd these are they by the way side, where the word is sownE but when they have heard, Satan co'eth i''ediately, and ta!eth away the Word that was s&.n (.here:) ... " T$0 1 $0;1TS/ ,So, we could read Verse 24, this way= So is the !ingdo' of God, as if a 'an should TAK W+R0, and 3"T 1T 1* H1! H ART... <Thats where your healing *0G "S/ ,See, its not enough, for you to 8ust ?;11> >#U1 * *.0 to church/ :#. S$ it, and $UG it, and T10;T T 10;. " ?0/ ts not enough for you to TH

f you want to 10?0 @0 $0;. "G, youre going to have to T;20 T$0 $0;. "G S?1 :TU10S, and :UT T$04 " >#U1 $0;1T/ <Thats where your healing S/ ts " T$0 W#13/ (*ro. $agin= The Word is the $ealer today/) That leads us to the third thing want you to see... (=) A ! +; A ! 0? WH * 1T 1! 38A*T 0? W188 2R+W6 (There7s a 2R+W1*2 T1M ? in the 81; 06)

,"ow, lets go bac! to our natural illustration, for a 'o'ent. <>ou never go out, in your garden, plant a corn seed one day, and harvest a ?#1" ?1#:, the next . (3o you-) "o. t ta!es T 40 to G1#W/

<The sa'e things is T1U0 with the Word/ So is the !ingdo' of God, as if a 'an should TAK TH W+R0, and 3"T 1T 1* H1! H ART , and should sleep and rise, night and day, and the W+R0 should spring and 2R+W "3, he !noweth not how... <See, theres a G1#W "G T 40, with the Word, after youve :UT T " >#U1 $0;1T/ ,Theres a ti'e where that seed 4;TU10S, and grows inside you/ ("ow, this is where 4#ST :0#:.0 .#S0 their healing/ 3uring the growing ti'e.) ,They get the Word, and pray/ They confess it a few ti'es/ ;nd, when they dont see an 4403 ;T0 ?$;"G0 in their bodies, they U:1##T the seed/ ,(Well, 'outh/) guess its not wor!ing/ >#U +UST U:1##T03 T$0 S003/ >ou uprooted it with your

The *ible calls that *eco'ing weary, and fainting in your 'ind/ Thats where the battle ground is= " T$0 4 "3/ <>oull plant the Word, and (of course), not see any outward change/ ;nd, Satan will lie to your 'ind/ $ell say= ts not wor!ing/ ,Well, would you believe that about your garden- "#. >oud 2"#W its growing, and its 8ust going to ta!e so'e ti'e. 2alatians 4:5 says - ;nd let us not be weary (or lose heart) in well doing. 5or in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not. <When did :aul say we were going to reap- 1ight after we planted,#f course not/ >ou dont S#W, and 10;: in the sa'e season/ Theres a growing ti'e/ <;nd, 1; 9+"788 0+ WHAT7! * C !!AR9 T+ 3R+T CT TH 2R+W1*2 T1M ? HARV !T 1! !"R / W+R0? 0"R1*2 TH

,Write that down/ ts the 'ost i'portant state'ent, ll 'a!e today/ f you get that much, you can pray, and get the rest. (10:0;T.)

,"ow, why would you have to protect the Word- (Theres a T$ 05 on this planet/ $is na'e is Satan.) ,See, Satan also (nows that the Words producing/ ;nd, hell )& his best to try t& get you to U:1##T the seed/ ,He cant do it/ *ut, hell lie to you, and try to get you to U:1##T the seed/

*ut... 1; 9+"788 0+ WHAT7! * C !!AR9 T+ 3R+T CT TH 2R+W1*2 T1M ? HARV !T 1! !"R / 5ourth thing...

W+R0? 0"R1*2 TH

()) A ;ARM R HA! C+*;10 *C 1* TH !

07! A#181T9 T+ 3R+0"C @

So is the !ingdo' of God, as if a 'an should cast seed into the ground= ;nd should sleep and rise, night and day... ;nd should sleep and rise night and day. , see two things in this part of the verse= (a) 5irst, it bac!s up what we 8ust said= Theres a growing ti'e with a seed. ; far'er doesnt :.;"T his crop one day, and $;1@0ST it the ne%t. $e sleeps and rises, night and day... W; T "G for the seed to produce. , So, first, theres a growing ti'e. (b) Secondly, see the fact that $0 G#0S #", about $ S 3; .> 1#UT "0/ (Write...)

;A1TH 1! HAV1*2 C+*;10 *C 1* TH !

07! A#181T9 T+ 3R+0"C 6 (D%)

, n the natural, you never see a far'er, plant a seed... and then go out 0@01> 4#1" "G, and dig it up, to see if its S:1#UT03 yet/ (;re you !idding- >ou do that enough, and youll 2 .. it/) "o, a far'er has ?#"5 30"?0 in the seeds ability to produce/ So, he goes about his daily routine/ ,;nd, its the sa'e with the Word/ TH W+R0 1! 3R+0"C1*2 in y&-r heart an) li%e? 24 H+"R! A 0A96 9&- B-st )&n7t ! ,*ut the Word will 'ature, if you hold onto it/ ;nd... WH * TH W+R0 +* TH 1*!10 ? 2 T! !TR+*2 R THA* TH +"T!10 ? TH !1CK* !! W188 C0R+3 +;;A6 Thats Verse 2D/ , 5or the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself... !1CK* !! +* TH 1T6

(*ut, notice, it doesnt happen all at once/) 5or the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself/ ;1R!T TH #8A0 , then the C+R* in the ear. AR, after that the ;"88

,4ost people want to harvest, as soon as they see a sprout/ *ut, it doesnt wor! that way/ 5or the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself/ ;1R!T TH #8A0 , then the AR, after that the ;"88 C+R* in the ear. *ut, when the fruit is brought forth, i''ediately he putteth in the sic!le, because the harvest is co'e.

So, lets.... R V1 W: , f you want a healing, you need to go to the $ealing Scriptures/ Thats healing seed. ,The $ealing Scriptures in the *ible, have W T$ " T$04S0.@0S, the power to produce a healing, in your body. , n order to receive your healing, you have to ta!e the Word, and plant it in your heart. ,Then, realiFe theres a G1#W "G T 40. ; ti'e, in which, the Word G1#WS and 4;TU10S on the inside. t ta!es T 40, for the Word to produce your healing. ,3uring that ti'e, you have to :1#T0?T the Word in your heart. ,5aith is believing that the Word is wor!ing, even though you cant see it. , f youll do whats necessary to protect the Word, during the growing ti'e, harvest is sure. ,;nd, when the W#13 on the inside, gets ST1#"G01 than the S ?2"0SS on the outside, that sic!ness will drop off.

,;ll right. .ets ta!e the ne%t step. <We said to you that Satan will try to get you to U:1##T the seed, before it produces. , hope all of you are 'ature enough to realiFe= Satan isnt going to 8ust sit bac!, and watch the Word produce/ ,"o. $es going to do his best, to ST#: the Word fro' producing. ,;nd, theres G things he co'es against us with, in order to stop the growing ti'e. <;nd, heres where the different !inds of ground co'e in.

4 K1*0! +; 2R+"*0 When we opened this, we saw that= There were 7 !inds of ground 'entioned. (C bad/ ;nd, 6 good/) ,What 'ade the' differ<They all heard the Word/ <;nd, when it ca'e right down to it, 4#ST #5 T$04 10?0 @03 TSo, what 'ade the difference- Why didnt the first C !inds of Ground produce<The first C, H AR0 TH W+R0, and then, for so'e reason, 8+!T 1T/ ,Satan got the Word out of their heart/ $;1@0ST/ ;nd, without the Seed planted, T$010 ?;" *0 "#

<The 6st C !inds of ground produced "#T$ "G. *ecause, they .#ST T$0 W#13/ ,"ow, they all fell for different things/ (.i!e said, Satan has G different things, hell use, to try to get the Word out of your heart/) ,;nd, it doesnt 'atter to $ 4, which one you fall for/ ;s long as he can get the Word out of your heart/ (Thats what hes after/) So, the *;3 G1#U"3 W;S *;3, because they lost the Word/ ,;ll right, then. What 'ade the G##3 G1#U"3, good8-,e D:15 - *ut they on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word 200: T, (literally , Hprotect it), and bring forth fruit W T$ :;T 0"?0. ,;gain, if you want to produce a harvest, you have to :1#T0?T the Word, and be :;T 0"T, while the seed grows/ So, the G##3 G1#U"3, 20:T T$0 S003 :.;"T03, and they brought forth a harvest/ ,So, all of us have the potential to be good ground, then, dont we, used to thin! so'e of us were born bad ground, so'e were born good, and you 8ust hope you got the luc!y tic!et. ,*ut, what it really co'es down to is this= $#W 5;1 ;10 >#U W .. "G T# G#, T# :1#T0?T T$0 W#13, >#U@0 $0;13,(With 'ost of us , up to now , not very far/)

!ATA*7! 5 TACT1C! , (G things he uses to get the Word out/) Were going to ta!e the first two together, because theyre very si'ilar, and the process is the sa'e. (1-2) A;;81CT1+* A*0 3 R! C"T1+* ,(1e'e'ber, said earlier, that tests and trials dont co'e to develop your faith. Satan uses the' to get the Word out of your heart.) ,Well, lets loo! closer. ,("ow, as we pic! this up, youll notice that were s!ipping right over the first !ind of ground. *ecause, the people represented here, "0@01 10?0 @03 T$0 W#13. They never gave the Word a chance to get planted. They heard it, and either 3 3"T U"301ST;"3 T, or 3 3"T *0. 0@0 T/ , t never got planted. ,Therefore, Satan didnt have to do ;">T$ "G to get the Word out. $e 8ust stole it, as soon as they heard it. , Verse 14-15. They didnt receive it, so he could ta!e it i''ediately. ,"ow, with 'ost of us, ;S *0. 0@01S, we 0+ R C 1V the Word we hear. ,We at least gi(e it a =han=e to get planted. So, Satan has to wor! a little harder. So, he co'es at us, 5 1ST, with ;55. ?T #" and :01S0?UT #".

(1-2) A;;81CT1+* E 3 R! C"T1+* Verse 14 - So, notice, they 10?0 @03 the Word, with G.;3"0SS. ,>ou !now, that happens 'ost ti'es with healing. :eople are G.;3 to hear that +esus is the healer. (.ets !eep reading, and see what happens.) Verses 14-1> - "otice, in this verse, Satan brought ;55. ?T #" and :01S0?UT #" to get the Word out/ Well loo! at the affliction itself, in 8ust a 'o'ent. *ut, first, steal the Word. ,They had no 1##T in the'selves/ (Underline= 1oot.) (Where you see the word root, substitute the word revelation.) want you to notice W$> he was able to

,See, they heard the Word, and received it G.;3.>/ (>es, +esus is the healer.) * V R R A889 HA0 TH R V 8AT1+* +; 1T? ;+R TH M! 8V !6 (They had no root in the'selves/ They 8ust believed it, because the preacher said it.)

#"T? TH 9

,So, when Satan brought ;55. ?T #" or :01S0?UT #", for the Words sa!e, they let go of the Word. <>ou !now when Satans 4#ST . 20.> to try to 'a!e you sic!preached/ 1ight after youve heard healing

, TS ; T0ST/ (;re you going to ST ?2 with the Word, or go with what you 500.-) <Too 'any, loo! at their bodies, and G0T #550"303 at the preacher, and lose the Word/ ( thought he said +esus would heal 'e/ confessed the Word for C days, and ' still sic!/ This faith stuff doesnt wor!/) ,>ou 8ust lost the Word, sunshine/ ,.et 'e define these two words for you, and well 'ove on. A;;81CT1+*: DC7& , Thlipsis= We loo!ed at it before= t 'eans, :ressure, affliction, tests, troubles and trials. 3 R! C"T1+*: 6C&G , 3iog'os , (dee,ogue,'os) , ts a good translation= t 'eans persecution, or literally, harass'ent. ,Satan brings these things, to get the Word out of your heart. ,The ne%t three things are all 'entioned in the sa'e verse. Verse 1D-15

(3) TH CAR ! +; TH1! W+R80 (Underline= ?ares) , 2R K: 4eri'na , 4ental suffering, grief, concern, solicitude, an%iety, worry. ;ll 'ean a troubling and engrossing e'otion or affair. t i'plies oppression of the 'ind, weighed down by responsibilities. ,3id you !now worry is a sin, ts 8ust another for' of fear/ ;nd, Satan uses it, to get the Word out of your heart. <"ow, lets turn to an interesting Scripture in .u!es Gospel. 8-,e 21:34 - "ow, need to define so'e words for you here. +V RCHAR2 0: 4eans weighed down. ,Ta!e heed lest at any ti'e, your hearts be W0 G$03 3#W" with surfeiting...

!"R; 1T1*2: #verindulgence in eating or drin!ing. (gluttony). ,Ta!e heed lest at any ti'e, your hearts be W0 G$03 3#W" with surfeiting and drun!enness... ,(We all !now what that is/ *ut, notice whats 'entioned ne%t.)

... ;nd ?;10S #5 T$ S . 50, and so that day co'e upon you unawares. <"otice what +esus lu'ped in there, with 31U"20""0SS and G.UTT#">/ Worry/ ,"ow, d venture to say, that none of us, would have co'e to class, s'o!ing a big Hol cigar, (because thats not socially acceptable a'ong ?hristians). ,;nd, surely, none of us would have co'e in here, rip roarin, stu'blin down drun!/ ,*ut, d venture to say that S#40 #5 US, ca'e in here, ?;11> "G a .#;3 #5 ?;10 and W#11>/ <*ut, +esus said, that the ?;10S (worries) of this life, will 3U.. >#U1 S: 1 TU;. :01?0:T #", 8ust as 'uch as drun!enness or gluttony. ,;nd, Satan will use that worry, to 3 @01T >#U1 ;TT0"T #" away fro' the Word/ ($ell get the Word out of your heart/) <So, whats the cure for care1 3 T R 5:4-> - $u'ble yourselves therefore, under the 'ighty hand of God, that he 'ay e%alt you in due ti'e. ($ow do you hu'ble yourself- The ne%t verse tell you.) ,$u'ble yourselves therefore, under the 'ighty hand of God, *> ?;ST "G >#U1 ?;10 #" $ 4/ ,>ou !now what that tells 'e- W#11> S ; 5#14 #5 :1 30/ *ecause youre loo!ing to yourself, as the answer to your proble's/ nstead of letting God be God, and letting $i' ta!e care of you. 1 3 T R 5:> - (A'<li%ie)) - ?asting the whole of your care , all your an%ieties, all your worries, all your concerns #"?0 ;"3 5#1 ;.. on $i'E for he cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully. (4) TH 0 C 1T;"8* !! +; R1CH ! ,"otice, its not riches the'selves that cho!e the Word/ ( f riches cho!ed the Word, then the Word never would have gotten out of $eaven, because God is so'e,!inda rich/) , ts not riches that cho!e the Word/ ts the .#@0 of 'oney, thats the root of all evil.

(5) TH 8"!T! +; +TH R TH1*2! ,.ust= ; strong desire of any !ind/ ("ot 8ust se%/) When you get your ;TT0"T #" and 5#?US on T$ "GS/ Then, Satan will use that to steal the Word/

<So, whats the point here,Those on the good ground are those who in an honest and good heart, having heard the word :1#T0?T it, and bring forth fruit with patience. < f youll do whats necessary to "#T .0T S;T;" #550"3 >#U, and *10;2 >#U1 5#?US, then $;1@0ST S SU10/

A R A8 81;


,So, +esus has told this parable, and then 09:.; "03 T, in depth, to the disciples. Verse 33 - ;nd with 'any such parables spa!e he the Word unto the', as they were able to hear it. *ut, without a parable spa!e he not unto the'= and when they were alone, he e%pounded all thins to his disciples/ ,So, +esus has been preaching this sa'e 'essage ;.. 3;>. $e told the parable of the sower/ 0%plained it to $is 3isciples. Then, with 'any such parables, $e preached the sa'e thing, and e%plained all of T$#S0 parables, as well. ,So, thin! $es pretty 'uch covered the sub8ect/ Verse 35 - ;nd, the !AM 0A9 (not a wee! later, or a 'onth later), but the sa'e day... 3ass &(er: "ow, that was the Word of God. The Son of God said, .ets go over to the other side. ,That was the Word of God, and there was :#W01 in it/ <"otice what $e did "#T say. $e didnt say, .ets go 6ID way over, and then sin!. ,$e said, .ets go to the other side. (;nd, that Word had the power W T$ " TS0.5, to cause itself to co'e to pass.) Verse 35-3> - W "3= Whats that- ;ffliction J persecution arising for the Words sa!e/ (Satan is contesting= .et us pass over to the other side.) Verse 3>-3D - ;S.00:= +esus isnt real worried, here, is $eVerse 3D-35 read this for years, and didnt catch what they said.

<Theyre in the ship, in the 'iddle of the stor', the boat is about to sin!, and they holler= 3ont you ?;10/ ,+esus has 8ust spent all day teaching the' that W#11> and ?;10, will render the Word ineffective, and they co'e and say= 3ont you ?;10- ,( thin! if was $i', d have thrown the' all overboard, and as!ed God for 6D new disciples/) <#f ?#U1S0, $e didnt care/ $e had confidence in the Words ability to produce/ Verse 3D-4/ - $e rebu!ed the wind, and cal'ed the sea= Then, $e chewed out the disciples= $ow is it that >#U have no faith- ,Why could $e e%pect the' to have faith- T$0>3 $0;13 T$0 W#13/ ,;nd, they could have acted on it, 8ust the sa'e as $e did/ ,:eter could have stood up in the bac! of the boat, and said, The Son of the .iving God, said HGo to the other side, and were going if we have to W;.2/ "ow, peace be ST ../ ,;nd, it would have wor!ed for $ 4, 8ust the sa'e as it did for +0SUS/ ,*ut, he let the ?;10S of the world ?$#20 the W#13, and it beca'e unfruitful.

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