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SECTION 16530 Site Lighting PHAÀN 16530 Ñeøn Coâng Tröôøng

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PHA N 16530 !E"N CO#NG TR$%"NG


Provisions established within the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 General Requirements, the Specifications, nstructions to !idders and the Drawin"s are collectively applicable to this Section# 1.2 REFERENCES

Ca8c 9ie:u 6hoa;n thie<t la=p theo 9ie=n 6ie=n bo> sun" va? chun" cu;a h@Ap 9o:n" pha:n 1 B CeDu ca:u chun", 9aEc tFnh 6yG thua=t, hH@8n" daIn nha? tha:u va? ba;n veG 9H@Ac H8n" duAn" thu tha=p tron" muAc na?y 1.2 THAM )HA*O

$# $%S C&'#(&) - *lectric +amps ncandescent and ,i"h- ntensity Dischar"e Reflector +amps - Classification of !eam Patterns# !# $%S C'-#1 - !allasts for .luorescent +amps-Specifications# C# $%S C'-#/ - !allasts for ,i"hntensity-Dischar"e and +ow-Pressure Sodium +amps 01ultiple-Supply 2ype3# D# $%S 4%.P$ &5 - %ational *lectrical Code# *# $%S 4 *S RP--5 - +i"htin" for Par6in" .acilities# 1.3 N/A 1.4 $# PERFORMANCE EQUIREMENTS:

$# $%S C&'#(&) B Je?n 9ie=n B 9e?n pha;n KaA pho8n" 9ie=n cH@?n" 9o= maAnh va? sa8n" B phaDn loaAi maIu a8nh sa8n"# !# $%S C'-#1 B !allasts cho 9e?n huy?nh quan" B 9aEc tFnh 6yG thua=t# C# $%S C'-#/ - ballast cho 9e?n naAp pho8n" 9ie=n cH@?n" 9o= cao va? 9e?n natri a8p sua<t tha<p 0loAai cun" ca<p 9a3# D# $%S 4%.P$ &5 B 2ieDu chua>n 9ie=n#

*# $%S 4 *S RP--5 B $8nh sa8n" cho vie=c 9a=u Ke# 1.3 CA'C +E#U CA U TH$,C HIE(N: LhoDn" a8p duAn"

SUBMITTALS Submit under specification 1.4 $# CO#NG -IE(C !E( TR.NH Je= trMnh theo thoDn" so< 6yG thua=t

!# Shop Drawin"s7 ndicate dimensions and components for each luminaire which is not a standard product of the manufacturer# C# Product Data7 Provide dimensions, ratin"s, and performance data# D# Desi"n calculations# *# Data7 nclude li"htin"

!# !a;n veG che< taAo7 trMnh ba?y 6Fch thH@8c va? tha?nh pha:n cho moIi bo= 9e?n 6hoDn" co8 sa;n pha>m chua>n cu;a nha? sa;n Kua<t# C# So< lie=u sa;n pha>m7 cun" ca<p 6Fch thH@8c, ty; le= va? so< lie=u hoaAt 9o=n"# D# So< lie=u thie<t 6e<7 "o:m ba;n" tFnh to8an a8nh sa8n"# 16530 - 1

2est Reports7

ndicate measured

illumination levels# .# 1anufacturerNs nstructions7 ndicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testin" a"ency specified under ORe"ulatory RequirementsO# G# 1anufacturerNs nstructions7 nclude instructions for stora"e, handlin", protection, eKamination, preparation, installation, and startin" of product# 1.5 N/A PRO/ECT RECORD DOCUMENTS: *# !a8o ca8o thF n"hie=m7 trMnh ba?y mH8c chie<u sa8n"# .# ,H@8n" daIn cu;a nha? sa;n Kua<t7 trMnh ba?y ca8c 9ie:u 6ie=n H8n" duAn" va? "i@8i haAn vie=c sH; duAn" 9H@Ac qui 9Rnh b@;i 9aAi ly8 thF n"hie=m sa;n pha>m 9H@Ac chS 9Rnh theo TyeDu ca:u 9ie:u chSnhU# G# ,H@8n" daIn cu;a nha? sa;n Kua<t7 "o:m hH@8n" daIn ve: lHu trHG, va=n ha?nh, ba;o ve=, 6ie>m tra, chua>n bR, laVp 9aEt va? baVt 9a:u sH; duAn" sa;n pha>m# 1.5 TA"I LIE(U GHI NHA(N D$, A'N: LhoDn" a8p duAn" 1.6 SO5 LIE(U BA*O TR. -A" HOA,T !O(NG: LhoDn" a8p duAn" 1.0 $# &5# CA'C +E#U CA U !IE U CH6NH 2heo yeDu ca:u tieDu chua>n $%S 4%.P$


$# Conform $%S 4%.P$ &5#

!# .urnish products listed and classified by Pnderwriters +aboratories, nc# as suitable for purpose specified and shown# 1.1 SITE LIGHTING POLE

1.2 DELI-ER+3 STORAGE3 AND HANDLING $# Deliver, store, protect, and handle products to site under specification# !# $ccept products on site# dama"e nspect for

!# +ie=t 6eD sa;n pha>m 9H@Ac tran" bR va? phaDn loaAi theo pho?n" thF n"hie=m, phu? h@Ap v@8i ca8c chS 9Rnh tron" ba;n veG# 1.1 C$,C TR$%"NG A'NH SA'NG TA,I CO#NG

1.2 PHA#N PHO5I3 L$U TR$7 -A" -A(N HA"NH $# PhaDn pho<i, lHu trHG, ba;o ve= va? va=n ha?nh sa;n pha>m taAi coDn" trH@?n" theo thoDn" so< 6yG thua=t !# Cha<p nha=n sa;n pha>m taAi coDn" trH@?n"# Lie>m tra hH ho;n"# C# !a;o ve= cHAc 6hoDn" bR thie=t haAi hoa?n thie=n baWn" ca8ch va=n ha?nh ca>n tha=n# 1.10 PHO5I H%,P

C# Protect poles from finish dama"e by handlin" carefully# 1.10 COORDINATION

$# .urnish bolt templates and pole mountin" accessories to installer of pole foundations# 1.11 $# E4TRA MATERIALS Provide 15Q lamps spare part#


$# 2ran" bR ba;n" teDn buloDn" va? cHAc "aVn phuA tu?n" cho nha? laVp 9aEt mo8n" cHAc# 1.11 -A(T LIE(U THE#M 16530 - 2

$# !# C# D# *# 2.2

,olophane +ithonia 2horn RPPD Contractor shall submit for approval LUMINARIES

$# 9e?n#

Cun" ca<p 15Q phuA tu?n" thay the<

PHA N 2 - SA*N PHA&M 2.1 CHA5P THUA(N CU*A NHA" SA*N 4UA5T $# !# C# D# *# 2.2 ,olophane +ithonia 2horn RPPD %ha? tha:u 9e= trMnh Kin pheD duye=t BO( !E"N

$# .urnish products as specified on Drawin"s# !# 1aterial7 *Ktruded aluminum housin" with cast aluminum brac6et# C# *nclosure7 Clear borosilicate "lass# Provide "as6etin" between enclosure and frame and luminaire body# D# Photometric Control7 $nodiXed specular aluminum reflector, in sin"le piece *# Photometric Performance7 RP-'# $%S 4 *S

$# 2ran" bR sa;n pha>m nhH chS 9Rnh tron" ba;n veG# !# Ya=t lie=u7 nhoDm *Ktruded boAc l@8p brac6et nhoDm 9u8c sa[n# C# JFnh 6e?m7 ve= sinh 6Fnh# Cun" ca<p mie<n" 9e=m va? 6hun" cho thaDn 9e?n D# Jie:u 6hie>n traVc quan"7 va=t pha;n KaA nhoDm anod, tron" ma;nh 9@n# *# ,oaAt 9o=n" trace quan"7 $%S 4 *S RP-'# pho<i a8nh sa8n" theo phH@n" bMnh pho<i a8nh sa8n" theo phH@n" va? n"Hn" phaDn pho<i#

1# Yertical +i"ht Distribution7 1edium# -# +ateral +i"ht Distribution7 2ype # and cut off distribution .# only# nstallation Conditions7 Zutdoor use

G# !allast7 1anufacturerNs standard, matched to lamp characteristics# ,# +amp7 Zne each#

1# PhaDn 9H8n"7 trun" -# PhaDn n"an"7 loaAi

# Pole7 2appered precast pole to match eKistin" site li"htin" fiKtures# 2.3 BALLASTS Dischar"e 0, D3

.# Jie:u 6ie=n laVp 9aEt7 chS du?n" beDn n"oa?i# ,# !allast7 theo tieDu chua>n nha? sa;n Kua<t, thFch h@Ap v@8i 9aEc tFnh 9e?n# ,# Je?n7 cho moIi ca8i#

$# ,i"h ntensity !allast7 1# 1anufacturers a# ,olophane b# $dvance c# Pniversal d# RPPD

# CHAc7 cHAc 9u8c sa[n re 9e> 6h@8p v@8i a8n" sa8n" n"oa?i a8nh sa8n" taAi coDn" trH@?n" hie=n hHGu# 2.3 BALLASTS 16530 - 3

-# 2ype C\$ 0constant watt autotransformer3, or uniform start system pulse# (# Description7 $%S halide or hi"h pressure ballast# C'-#/, metal sodium lamp

$# 1# a# b# c# d#

!allast pho?n" 9ie=n cH@?n" 9o= maAnh7 %ha? sa;n Kua<t ,olophane $dvance Pniversal RPPD

/# Provide ballast suitable for lamp specified# ]# ^# 2.4 Yolta"e7 1atch luminaire volta"e# ] Cear "uarantee LAMPS lamp type specified for

-# +oaAi C\$ 0haWn" so< ma8y bie<n 9o>i tHA 9o=n" \3_ hay 9o:n" nha<t 6h@;i 9o=n" Kun" he= tho<n"# (# 1oD ta;7 theo tieDu chua>n $%S C'-/, haloXen 6im loaAi hay ballast 9e?n natri a8p sua<t cao# /# Cun" ca<p ballast thFch h@Ap cho 9e?n#

$# Provide luminaire# 2.5 $# !# 2.6 $# POLES

]# Jie=n a8p7 thFch h@Ap v@8i 9ie=n a8p n"uo:n sa8n"# ^# 2.4 !a;o ha?nh ] na`m# !E"N

Refer to schedule on drawin"s# Product of siam steel "roup# CONTACTOR S Square D or equal# $# Cun" ca<p loaAi 9e?n 9H@Ac chS 9Rnh cho n"uo:n sa8n"# 2.5 $# !# 2.6 $# C$,C 2ham 6ha;o 6e< hoaAch treDn ba;n veG# Sa;n pha>m "o<c the8p siam# CO#NG TA8C D vuoDn" hay tH@n" 9H@n"#

!# *lectrically held type, rated at volta"e indicated (5 ampere li"htin" load, minimum with number of poles required, --5-volt operatin" coil, desi"ned for tun"sten, fluorescent metal halide, pressure sodium or mercury lamp loads# 1# Provide %*1$ 1 sheet metal case# -# Square D, Class ')5(# (# $ccessories a# $uKiliary Contacts7 2wo, normally open# 2.0 PHOTOCELLS

!# +oAai tay ca:m baWn" 9ie=n, 9ie=n a8p 9Rnh mH8c chS 9Rnh (5 ampe, cHAc nho; nha<t, --5Y cho daDy 9ie=n hoaAt 9o=n", 9H@Ac thie<t 6e< vonfam, halo"en 6im loaAi, huy?nh quan", natri a8p sua<t hay ta;i 9e?n thuy; n"aDn# 1# -# (# a# 2.0 Cun" ca<p %*1$ 1 ho=p 6im loaAi# D vuoDn" loaAi ')5(# PhuA 6ie=n# CoDn" taVc thH@?n"7 hai, thH@?n" m@;# QUANG !IE(N

$# Photo-cells7 --5 Y, ]5 cycles, enclosed weatherproof type for outdoor application# 1# 14- % conduit entrance# -# .ail-safe operation# (# Provide time delay device to eliminate nuisance switchin"# /# Controls7 2emperature compensated, spectrum response permittin" cell to face any direction eKcept south#

$# 2e< ba?o quan" 9ie=n --5Y, chu trMnh ]5 vo?n", "o:m loaAi n"a`n th@?i tie<t 6hi laVp beDn n"oa?i# 1# +o<i va?o ca8p 9ie=n a# 16530 - 4

]# Provide unit with sur"e protection# ^# Switch7 SPS2 rated for 1,555-watts incandescent lamp load# &# Zperatin" point field adbustable from - to ]5 foot candles# PART 3 - E4ECUTION 3.1 E4AMINATION

-# ,oaAt 9o=n" an to?an bR pha8 ho;n"# (# Cun" ca<p thie<t bR treI th@?i "ian 9e> loaAi bo; sHA chuye>n maAch hH ho;n" /# Jie:u 6hie>n7 bu? nhie=t 9o=, quan" hoAc cho phe8p te< ba?o tie<p Ku8c v@8i ba<t 6y? hH@8n" na?o trH? hH@8n" nam# ]# Cun" ca<p 9@n vR co8 ba;o ve=# ^# CoDn" taVc7 9Rnh mH8c SPS2 coDn" sua<t 9e?n 1#555\# &# ,oaAt 9o=n" 9ie>m taAi coDn" trH@?n" 9H@Ac 9ie:u chSnh tH? - 9e<n ]5 foot candles PHA N 3 - THI CO#NG 3.1 )IE&M TRA

$# *Kamine eKcavation and concrete foundation for li"htin" poles# !# *Kamine each luminaire to determine suitability for lamps specified# 3.2 INSTALLATION with

$# nstall in accordance manufacturersN instructions#

$# Lie>m tra vie=c 9a?o b@8i mo8n" beD toDn" cho ca8c cHAc a8nh sa8n"# !# Lie>m tra moIi n"uo:n sa8n" 9e> quye<t 9Rnh tFnh thFch h@Ap cho 9e?n# 3.2 LA8P !A9T

!# nstall li"htin" poles at locations indicated# C# nstall poles plumb# Provide double nuts to adbust plumb# Grout around each base# D# nstall lamps in each luminaire#

$# +aVp theo hH@8n" daIn cu;a nha? sa;n Kua<t# !# +aVp cHAc a8nh sa8n" 9u8n" vR trF chS 9Rnh# C# +aVp poles plumb 7 cun" ca<p - nu8t 9e> 9ie:u chSnh plumb# YHGa lo;n" Kun" quanh moIi ne:n D# +aVp 9e?n neon tron" moIi bo= sa8n"#

*# !ond luminaries and metal poles to branch circuit equipment "roundin" conductor# .# nstall photocell approKimately 5#)1(] mm# above roof with cells facin" north# 3.3 FIELD QUALIT+ CONTROL

$# Zperate each luminaire after installation and connection# nspect for improper connections and operation# !# 1easure illumination levels to verify conformance with performance requirements# 3.4 AD/USTING

*# !o= sa8n" lieDn tie<p va? cHAc 6im loaAi 9e<n daDy daIn no<i 9a<t thie<t bR maAch nha8nh# .# +aVp te< ba?o quan" 9ie=n Ka<p KS 5#)1(]mm# 2reDn ma8i cho te< ba?o hH@8n" ve: phFa baVc# 3.3 !IE U )HIE&N CHA5T L$%,NG HIE(N TR$%"NG $# ,oaAt 9o=n" moIi n"uo:n sa8n" sau 6hi laVp 9aEt va? 6e<t no<i# Lie>m tra ca8c 6e<t no<i va? hoaAt 9o=n" thFch h@Ap#

$# $im and adbust luminaries to provide illumination levels and distribution indicated on Drawin"s# !# Relamp luminaries which have failed

16530 - 5


lamps at Date of Substantial Completion#

!# Jo mH8Ac n"uo:n sa8n" 9e> 6ie>m tra hoaAt 9o=n" theo yeDu ca:u thHAc hie=n# 3.4 !IE U CH6NH

$# JRnh hH@8n" va? 9ie:u chSnh n"uo:n sa8n" 9e> cun" ca<p mH8c chie<u sa8n" va? phaDn pho<i theo chS 9Rnh tron" ba;n veG# *%D Z. S*C2 Z% !# SaVp Ke<p laAi 9e?n bR hH ho;n" taAi th@?i 9ie>m hoa?n tha?nh#

*%D Z. S*C2 Z%

16530 - 6


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