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Meeting Agenda2

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Meeting Agenda – Project WUCES

Date: 21st October 2009 Location: Portugal Participants Prese




Purpose of the meeting: Arto Nurmi 

Mare Kivistik 

Mariapia D’Uva 
Getting to know each other.
Susana Silva 

Yannis Pailas

Establishing communication means. Carmelo Sassi 

Raffaelina Di Iorio 

Mari Arminen 
Preparing an energy management policy at school.
Maarit Vainio 

Ester Randman 
Addressing sustainable school initiatives.
Jenni 

Jorge Magalhães 

Defining goals to be achieved in the first year. Teresa Santos 

Isabel Pimentel 

Rosa Figueiredo
Planning activities for the first year.

Planning assessment/ resources.

Getting to know the website WUCES (e-journal).

Setting criteria for the pupils’ mobility.

Evaluate this meeting Plan the next meeting

Write here what issues are to be addressed next


Did we achieve the meeting purpose: Yes  No February 8th -12th
Did everybody participate: Building
Yes  No an evaluation chart for monitoring the pupils’ learning
Keep on track with the mini-projects;
Were items appropriate for the meeting purpose?YesNo
Finding out in what way each school is a potential consumer;
Did we stay on track with our agenda: Yes  No
How can schools model sustainability
Did we become aware of our next steps: Yes  N0


Thank you for participating!

Susana Margarida Silva

Before the meeting During the meeting

Agenda Items Record decisions

1. Getting to The school partners presented

know each other. themselves.

Each member described its school:

number of

pupils, grades in each school, number of

teachers and timetables.

2. Establishing All the teachers agreed to use moodle

communication platform and got registered in the Ínsua

means. moodle. Also all the school partners agreed
to became editors on a e-journal website

3. Preparing an The different school discussed how to

energy accomplish this and decided to get to
management know the city hall policy in what concerns
policy at school. energy saving policies. Every school
should get a partnership with the city hall
in this matter.

4. Addressing Every school partner will work in mini-

sustainable projects. These will be developed
school initiatives. according to TBL approaches. Getting to
know each school, the school surrounding
areas and the community and post it on
the e-journal.

5. Defining goals All the school partners will use the moodle
to be achieved in for communication purposes; they will
the first year. participate with data and in discussion
foruns. Also the e-journal must be visible
for the different National Agencies to
monitor and assess the project work.

6. Planning This issue is attached in the chart.

activities for the
first year.

7. Planning All teachers agreed to assess pupils by

assessment/ monitoring their work and at the end of the
resources. first year using specific evaluation charts

and achieve some statistic treatment.

8. Getting to The teachers became familiar with

know the website http://wuces.netau.net/wordpress/

9. Setting criteria Criteria were discussed among those who

for the pupils’ had already experience in the exchange
mobility. program with pupils. Behaviour is to be
considered a main issue for the pupil’s

10. Setting a Salo, Finland, February 8th -12th

date and place
Estonia, May 10th to 14th
for the next
meeting/ Project

Activity schedule, 2009/2010

Type of Activity Participants Timing School

e for its

Data for the e-journal End of

Description of the school all
surroundings and


Documentary on animals in End of

danger of the
all school All

Extinction in each partner country. year

Building a solar oven using skype End of

sessions the first
all term All

between the different schools:

Skype session Portugal+ January

all 25th 11
a.m. Portugal

Skype session Portugal + Novembe

Estonia r 11th
11 a.m. +Estonia

Skype session Portugal + 23rd Portugal

Finland Novembe +Finland

11 a.m.

Skype session 15th

Portugal+ Portugal+
Italy Italy
9 a.m.

Skype session Portugal ?


Ask the local council if schools can Until

be part Decembe
All r All

Of any bulk purchasing deals for


Project WUCES: First meeting decisions

Activity schedule, 2009/2010

Type of Activity Participants Timing School

for its

Find out how many trees December

Were planted in each school All All

Since it started.

Planting trees (5) as a way June 2011

of All All

helping the reduce the



Find out how each of the

schools is All June 2010 All

heated (oil, gas, wood, coal,


Calculate the amount of


That was used for heating in
the past

school year.

Project WUCES: First meeting decisions

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