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(Alexis Jones) Advocacy Plan

Population: Students
Goals Action steps Timeline Who can help Evaluation plan
1. Promoting physical Create an encouraging and Year-round Other physical Survey students perception of PE at
fitness as fun positive environment educators, the beginning of the school year
conducive to learning and parents, and and at the end of the year
participation. Allow students staff
to voice their opinions on the
type of activities they want
to do.
2. Getting students active Create worksheets that Year-round Parents A checklist that shows I gave all of
outside of PE students can fill out to log my students at home activity
how much activity they’re worksheets.
participating in at home
3. Developing teamwork, Developing lessons and Year-round Peers Self-assessment, peer evaluation,
cooperation, and activities that require social and teacher observation

Population: Administration and Staff

Goals Action steps Timeline Who can help Evaluation plan
1. Spreading awareness and Holding meetings with staff Monthly Administrative Assessment of staff
the importance members Staff awareness
2. Gaining access to more Hold fundraisers and speak Every three Community Developing new equipment
equipment out and up for the PE months members local inventory
department toy shops
3. Gaining respect from Identify and analyze issues Every 2 Administrative Write reflections and key
coworkers within the school system months staff points talked about in

Population: Parents
Goals Action steps Timeline Who can help Evaluation plan
1. Increasing parent Communicating with parents Year-round Staff Getting parent input, surveys
involvement in PE by making calls home to on their view of PE
update them on the child’s beginning of year and end of
progress. year
2. Spreading awareness and Creating a field day or One a month Staff and other A survey from both parents
the importance recurring event where physical and students on the
families of students come educators, effectiveness of the event
together to encourage newsletters
movement among youth.
3. Encouraging and creating Creating Year-round Leading Family activity log sheets
student parent at home PE advocates assigned by teachers given
to students.

In the field of physical education, it’s important to plan ahead. When it comes to advocating for our place in the professional
world of education this is especially important. As physical educators, we often fall victim to disrespect among staff and
administration that see us as the lesser than. Physical education can be very beneficial to students physically, emotionally, and
psychologically. However many people do not know this and it comes down to the lack of common knowledge surrounding what
physical education truly is. Creating an advocacy plan is a great step at advancing yourself in the field of profession because it
prepares you. Preparation is key to overcoming obstacles and PE teachers face many throughout their career.
Professional Development Plan
Goal Resources needed Action Steps Timeline
I want to be an -Professional memberships -Pay yearly membership SHAPE =
active member of https://www.shapeamerica.org/MemberPortal/membership- fees January
SHAPE and page.aspx -Sign up to attend/present
IAHPERD https://iahperd.org/about-us/module-variations at both conferences IAHPERD =
Creat PE board -Local professional organization -Meet one a month PE Board=
among local PE -Create effective strategies August
educators in the striving for PE excellence
school district and acceptance
Being a leader in -Staff meetings Be vocal in meetings Year-round
school among staff Advocate for PE
Build rapport with -Phone calls and zoom meetings -Open lines of Year-round
parents communication with

It’s important to advocate for yourself in the field of physical education because it is often overlooked. The education system
often focuses its attention on the mathematics, sciences and english areas of study rather than PE. This is due to the lack of knowledge
on PE among the educational systems and because of this many people fail to realize its true importance in a child's development. By
forming a professional development plan you’re establishing not only your professional report for yourself but for others to see in your
professional environment. When people see that you are active and engaged in the education community, your voice starts to be heard.
When they start to hear your voice, suddenly you begin to matter and this can be a great first step at achieving your professional place
which we so rightfully hold in the schooling system.

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