Episode 6 On Lesson Development
Episode 6 On Lesson Development
Episode 6 On Lesson Development
My Target
In this Episode, I must be able to trace how my Resource Teacher develops her/his lesson
My Map
I will observe at least 2 Resource Teachers, analyze and reflect on my observations.
To realize my Target, I will follow the following steps:
1. Describe how the teacher began his/her lesson. Why do you think she/he
do that?
3. How did she/he end his lesson? Why do you think she/he did that?
4. Did you notice an assessment of learning in the process of
teaching? If yes, how was it done?
6. Checklist – Of the following, which did you observe? Please check if you
observe the item.
8. Teacher/students summarizing
My Analysis
2. Did you observe any part of the lesso development to have been
out of place? Explan your answer.
My Reflections
“Tell them what you want to tell them; tell them, tell them what you told them.” Relate
this statement to lesson development.
My Portfolio
Re-construct your Resource Teacher’s lesson. Your lesson plan must have the parts of a lesson
plan. A lesson plan outline may do, provide all the parts of a lesson are covered