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Resource Teacher: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Principles of Learning Application of the Principle Contradiction of the Principle

1. Effectiveness learning Teachers writes her intended

with the setting of learning outcome on the
clear and high board.
expectation and

2. Learning is an active Pupil writes letter A instead

process. of Teacher writing for

3. Learning is the
discovery of personal
meaning and

4. Learning is a
cooperative and a
collaborative process.
Learning is enhanced
in an atmosphere of
cooperation and
1. Which principle/s of learning was/ were most applied?

2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why was/were the principle not
very much applied? Give instances where this/these principle/s could have
been applied.

3. How did the application of these learning principles could have been applied?

4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?

5. Do you agree these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they
are not always correct?
My reflection and lessons learned on my observation of my Resource
Teachers application/ non application of these principles.
Among those practices that I observed, which practices will I adopt and which
ones will I improve on? What lessons did I learn?

Practices worth adopting

Practices to avoid and improve

Lesson Learned
1. Teacher Rose believes that students need not know the intended learning
outcomes of her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once
without letting them know what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which
principle of learning does Teacher Rose negate?
A. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectation and learning
B. Learning is an active process.
C. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas
D. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

2. Teacher Emma noticed that in group work, students just leave the work to the
leader and so vowed never to give group work again. Against which principle
of learning is Teacher Emma’s decision?
A. Learning is an active process
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
C. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
D. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning

3. In her desire to finish the content of the course syllabus, Teacher Love just
lectures while students listen. Which principle of learning does Teacher Love
A. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
B. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
C. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
D. Learning is an active process.

4. Teacher Arielle asks her students to see the connection of their new lesson to
their own personal experiences and share the same with the class. Teacher
believes in which principle of learning?
A. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
B. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectation and learning
C. Learning is an active process.
D. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of class.

5. Teacher Lil avoids drills out of context. She gives real world Math problems
for students to drill on. Teacher Lil is very much convinced of which principle
of learning.
A. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
B. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
C. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
D. B. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectation and learning
Principles of Learning in My Own Words
1. As I observe a class, I will use the observation sheet for more focused
observation then analyze my observations with the help of guide questions
then reflect on my observation and answer.


Resource Teacher: School:
Grade Level: Subject Area: Date:

Guiding Principles Related to Lesson Teaching Behavior/s which Prove/s

Objectives/Intended Learning Observation of the Guiding Principle

1. Begin with the end in mind.

2. Share Lesson objective with


3. Lesson Objectives / Intended

learning outcomes are specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Result
Oriented and Timebound (SMART)
Resource Teacher: School:
Grade Level: Subject Area: Date:

Guiding Principles Related to Lesson Teaching Behavior/s which Prove/s

Objectives/Intended Learning Outcomes Observation of the Guiding Principle

1. Begin with the end in mind.

2. Share Lesson objective with


3. Lesson Objectives / Intended

learning outcomes are specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Result
Oriented and Timebound (SMART)
Resource Teacher: School:
Grade Level: Subject Area: Date:

Guiding Principles Related to Lesson Teaching Behavior/s which Prove/s

Objectives/Intended Learning Observation of the Guiding Principle

1. Begin with the end in mind

2. Share Lesson objective with


3. Lesson Objectives / Intended

learning outcomes are specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Result
Oriented and Timebound (SMART)
2. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for you to copy his/her lesson
objective for the day’s lesson. Did his/her lesson objective serve as guiding
star in the sense that the development of the lesson was guided by his/her
lesson objective/ intended learning outcomes?

1. Why is its sound teaching practice for a teacher to “begin with the end in
mind” and to share his/her lesson objective or intended learning outcomes
with his/her students?

2. Did you find the lesson objective/s or intended learning outcome/s SMART?
Support your answer.

3. Do SMART objectives help the lesson become more focused?

4. Were the lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes in the cognitive,

psychomotor and affective domains? Support your answer.

5. Is it necessary to have objectives always in the 3 domains- cognitive,

psychomotor and affective? Why or why not?
For lesson objectives/ learning outcomes to serve as guiding start in lesson
development, will it help if they are SMART?

Does integrating lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes in the three

domains (cognitive, psychomotor, affective) or at least 2 (cognitive or psychomotor
and affective) make lessons more meaningful?
1. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is the best to connect the lesson to
the life of students by integrating a relevant value in the lessons. Which
principle is applied?
A. Lesson objective/intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3
domains cognitive, skill and affective or cognitive and affective or skill and
B. Begin with the end in mind.
C. Share lesson objective/intended learning outcomes with students.
D. Write SMART lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes.

2. Teacher Paz shared this lesson objective/learning outcome with her students:
“Before the period ends, all of you must be able to identify the topic sentence
and supporting sentences of a given paragraph.” Teacher Paz drilled them on
subject-verb agreement to ensure that they can write a good paragraph then
gave a ten-sentence paragraph for the students to determine subject verb
agreement before the class period ended.
Did Teacher Paz use the lesson objective/learning outcomes as guide in
the development of her lesson.
A. Yes
B. No.
C. A little, because subject-verb agreement is a must in paragraph writing.
D. Very much, because she made use of a ten-sentence paragraph for the
end of the period quiz.

3. Here is a lesson objective: “At the end of the lesson, the students must be
able to develop a positive attitude towards work.” Is this a SMART objective?
A. Partly, it is in the affective domain
B. Very much, it is specific
C. Not at all, develop is a non-behavioral term
D. Yes, if the word “develop” is replaced with “create”
Give one researched quotation that states the significance of goals and
objectives. (Don’t forget to state your source)

In one sentence, relate this quote to learning objectives/ intended learning

outcomes as guiding star in lesson development.

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