The Food Hourglass - Wild About Walnuts
The Food Hourglass - Wild About Walnuts
The Food Hourglass - Wild About Walnuts
Cathy Glass
Nuts Finally, we have arrived at the nuts! Nuts are very interesting foodstuffs. They contain lots of fats and that is why people often say nuts will make you fat, which is nonsense of course. Its evident that nuts are loaded with fats, a nut consists of more than 50 percent fat. But we have already discovered that not all fats are alike. Nuts consist of very healthy fats. Walnuts are an important vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, while walnuts contain a third type of omega-3 fatty acid, namely alpha-linolenic acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to make people lose weight instead of getting fatter. This may seem strange because, strictly speaking, 100 grams of fat contain about 900 kilocalories, which is quite a lot. But this has been measured by burning 100 grams of fat in a glass jar in a laboratory, where the resulting release of energy is measured (in kilocalories). However, the human body is not
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a glass lab jar, and it has different ways of dealing with the various types of fat it encounters. In short, the fats in walnuts are very different from the fattening fats in a burger, or in fries. Because walnuts contain so many omega-3 fatty acids they are also called brain food. As we have seen earlier, omega-3 fatty acids play an important part in the build-up and functioning of the brain. For example, research has demonstrated that Alzheimer-infected mice that are put on a diet of lots of walnuts deteriorate slower, in terms of their memory and learning ability, than mice that arent fed walnuts.175 But keeping the brain healthy is not the only thing that nuts do. Extensive studies demonstrate that nuts have a big influence on the heart and vascular system. Women who eat a handful of walnuts every day, have 45 percent less chance of contracting a cardiovascular disease, according to the Nurses Health Study, one of the most well-known studies ever conducted.176 Indeed, the conclusion of the researchers was: Given the strong scientific evidence for the beneficial effects of nuts, it seems justifiable to move nuts to a more prominent place in the United States Department of Agriculture Food Guide Pyramid. They didnt really act upon this recommendation, since the US Department of Agriculture has recently abandoned the food pyramid in favour of a food plate that consists of just four large sections (fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and a separate section for dairy products). Nowhere are nuts shown. Of course the main complaint is that this new food diagram is much too simple. And thats certainly true! This food plate is ridiculously oversimplified (since it is meant for the general public) and more than half of it consists of precisely those products we should consume less. But lets get back to the nuts. Walnuts in particular are very beneficial to the heart and vascular system. Not only
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because walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, but because they also contain arginine, an amino acid that dilates the blood vessels and keeps the vascular walls healthy. Walnuts also contain different types of vitamin E. In the natural world, eight types of vitamin E exist. But most dietary supplements contain just a single type of vitamin E, called alfa-tocoferol. This is fairly absurd, since the body doesnt need just one type of vitamin E, but multiple types. Walnuts, on the other hand also contain gamma-tocoferol, among other things. This is a type of vitamin E that is said to be beneficial to the blood vessels, unlike alfa-tocoferol, which is frequently used in dietary supplements.177 As a result of all these substances in nuts, the blood vessels will be less susceptible to cholesterol precipitation. People who eat almonds, for example, have fewer oxidised cholesterol particles in their blood.178 It is mainly the oxidised cholesterol particles that are sticky and cause a hardening of the arteries. Other studies have demonstrated that people who eat walnuts have 19 percent fewer ICAM proteins on their vascular walls. ICAM proteins are a kind of harpoon that catch white blood cells and remove them from the bloodstream, where they can stick to the vascular walls and cause inflammation, which in turn will cause the blood vessels to clog even faster (in this way you could regard hardening of the arteries as a kind of inflammatory disease).179
Eating a handful of walnuts every day considerably reduces the chance of getting a heart attack. Walnuts are beneficial to the heart and vascular system because they contain the following substances, among other things: omega-3 fatty acids that make sure the blood vessels are less susceptible to inflammation;
Continued overleaf
several types of vitamin E that make sure the cholesterol particles are less sticky; the amino acid called arginine, which widens the blood vessels. Furthermore, studies have proved that walnuts can slow down the ageing of the brain.
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