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Map Basics: HSC Manual

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HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !

anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T

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Map Basics

Fig. 1. &or%' #a( ) th *at tu'e-*on+ tu'e coor' nates, -sua%%y the norma% ./C #a( user 'oes not nee' to "no) the ma( coor' nate system 'eta %s )h ch are summar 0e' n th s cha(ter, .o)e1er, 2 you a'' your o)n ma(s to the ./C #a( mo'u%e 3C45./C55#a(5#a(s6 2o%'er, t may be use2u% to rea' th s cha(ter 2 rst, The tra' t ona% %at tu'e-%on+ tu'e ma( coor' nate system s sho)n n 7 +, 1, The e8uator ' 1 'es the earth nto the northern an' southern hem s(heres, The 9 an' / n the :-a; s sca%e stan' 2or 9orth an' /outh, The <-a; s 0ero (o nt has been 2 ;e' at =reen) ch, *on'on, Th s ' 1 'es the >arth nto )estern an' eastern hem s(heres, The & an' > stan' 2or &est an' >ast n the <-sca%e, The %ocat on 'ata may be s(ec 2 e' us n+ 1ar ous synta;es, Tra' t ona%%y, the :-a; s coor' nate s + 1en 2 rst an' then the <-a; s, 7or e;am(%e, the %ocat on o2 the Outotec Research Oy ma n entrance (re' (o nt n 7 +, 1,) may be s(ec 2 e' n the 2o%%o) n+ )ay4 Y-axis Latitu! 9 ?1@ 27,727A ?1@ 27,727A 9 9 ?1@ 27A 4C,?D ?1,4?1E8CCC 9 ?1@ 27,71EA 9 ?1@ 27A 4C,2D ?817,447 "m X-axis Longitu! > 21@ 52,0?8A 21@ 52,0?8A > > 21@ 52A 4,1D 21,8712???7 > 21@ 52,27?A > 21@ 52A 1?,5D 154?,457 "m Syntax ''@mm,mmmB ''@mm,mmmB ''@mmBss,s6 '',''''''' ''@mm,mmmB ''@mmBss,s6 Datum &=/-84 &=/-84 &=/-84 -T# -T# -T# -T# Comm nt De2au%t n =$/ O%'er synta; /econ's a%so Dec ma% 2ormat 9at ona% 9at ona% 9at ona%

./C #a( su((orts a%% these 2ormats an' many others, D + ts4 ' F 'e+ree, m F m nute, s F secon',

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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Map Datums
The ma( 'atum s(ec 2 es the "a#t$%s s$ap , one &ix ! point an' the sca' , Due to h stor ca% reasons, countr es o2ten use the r o)n nat ona% 'atums n the r ma(s, The >arthBs sha(e s 2ar 2rom a (er2ect s(here, Gts sha(e s 2 ;e' by s(ec 2y n+ the ''ipsoi!( )h ch may be use' 2or tr +onometr ca% %ocat on ca%cu%at ons, 7 +, 2, The >%% (so ' s a smooth mathemat ca% sur2ace that best 2 ts the sha(e o2 the earth sur2ace, The re8u re' (arameters are4 a F ) F & F * >arth ra' us at e8uator F /em #aHor A; s F ?C78,1C7 "m (&=/-84) >arth ra' us at (o%es F /em # nor A; s F ?C5?,752 "m (&=/-84) 7%atten n+ F (a-b)Ia F 0,00CC52810??47 (&=/-84) >ccentr c ty F 2 J 2 K 2 L 2

Fig. +. >arth sha(e mo'e%%e' ) th a +eometr ca% e%% (so ', The current )or%') 'e e%% (so ' stan'ar' s ca%%e' the &=/-84 (&or%' =eo'et c /ystem 1E84), Th s 'atum s use' common%y n =$/ na1 +ators (=$/ F =%oba% $os t on n+ /ystem), 9at ona% 'atums may be con1erte' to th s 2ormat us n+ the nat ona% e%% (so ' 'ata ) th D<, D: an' DM (arameters )h ch 'escr be the nat ona% 'atum sh 2t to the &=/-84, Ge, the nat ona% 'atum 2 ;e' (o nt sh 2t to the &=/-84, The bas c 'atum-(o nt o2 7 n%an' s the Obser1atory o2 .e%s n" , These sh 2t 1a%ues s(ec 2y the or +o sh 2t n the Cartes an base' ;-y-0-coor' nate system n the m ''%e o2 the earth, ,$ HSC Map Datum Data)as conta ns se1era% nat ona% 'atums, ,e, s(ec 2 cat on o2 the e%% (so ' an' sh 2t 1a%ues to the &=/-84 'atum, :ou may see th s 'ata by se%ect n+ -,oo's( Datums(./, :ou may a%so a'' your o)n 'ata to th s 2 %e, 2or e;am(%e, us n+ #/ >;ce%, .o)e1er, 'o not a'' ne) co%umns to th s 2 %e, The (ath o2 th s 2 %e s usua%%y4 3C45./C55#a(5#a(Datum,;%s6, The ' 22erence bet)een the nat ona% 'atum %ocat on (o nts s usua%%y %ess than 200 K C00 meters com(are' to &=/-84, 7or nstance, th s ' 22erence cannot be seen on the %ar+e-sca%e ma(s % "e 7 +, 1, Gn 7 n%an' the sh 2t s rou+h%y 200 m, The ./C Datum Con1erter may be use' to est mate the e22ect o2 the Datum sh 2t on the %ocat on coor' nates, /e%ect 3,oo's( ,#ans'ato# 0.6 2rom the ma n menu, 7 +, C,

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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Fig. 0. #a( Datum Con1erter con1erts Datum 1 %ocat on 'ata ('ec ma% 2ormat) to Datum 2 %ocat on 'ata, /h 2t 1a%ues D<, D: an' DM 'escr be the ' 22erence bet)een Datum 1 an' 2 2 ;e' (o nts n ;-y-0-coor' nate system, )h ch or +o s n the m ''%e o2 the >arth, <-a; s (o nts to =reen) ch, :-a; s to >8uator E0@ >ast 2rom =reen) ch an' M-a; s (o nts to 9orth $o%e,

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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U,M Coo#!inat s 12i'om t # Coo#!inat s3

Fig. 4. De2au%t -T# 0ones o2 the )or%', 9at ona% ma(s are ty( ca%%y base' on " %ometer coor' nates, because the ' stances an' areas are easy to ca%cu%ate on these ma(s, These "m-base' coor' nates are, ho)e1er, 1a% ' on%y ) th n a % m te' %at tu'e-%on+ tu'e ran+e, because the >arth s s(her ca% an' a ba%%-sha(e' sur2ace s m(oss b%e to con1ert to t)o-' mens ona% 2orm ) thout a %ar+e ' stort on, 7 +, 4, .o)e1er, 2or a % m te' sur2ace ran+e t s (oss b%e to carry out the con1ers on ) th reasonab%y %o) ' stort on an' error, The -T# (-n 1ersa% Trans1erse #ercator) (roHect on s the most common metho' to con1ert the % m te' area o2 the s(her ca% %at tu'e-%on+ tu'e ma( n a 2%at t)o' mens ona% 2orm, 7 +, 5, -sua%%y the ) 'th o2 the -T# 0ones s ?@,

Fig. 5. The 'e2au%t ) 'th o2 the -T# 0one s ?@, The -T# 0one :-coor' nates 'escr be the ' stance 2rom the e8uator, The <coor' nate 'escr bes the ' stance 2rom the -T# 0one centra% mer ' an ( ,e, %on+ tu'e % ne 2rom 9orth to /outh $o%e), Common%y, n or'er to +et n ce %oo" n+ number 1a%ues the Fa's "asting an' Fa's No#t$ing (arameters are use',

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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Fig. 5. Current%y use' -T# (=auss-NrO+er) 0ones n 7 n%an', Centra% mer ' ans are 21@>, 24@>, 27@> an' C0@>, These ma(s are a%so ca%%e' NN!-ma(s, 7 n%an' uses s% +ht%y mo' 2 e' -T# (roHect on ty(e (=auss-NrO+er), the 0one ) 'th s on%y C@ an' the /ca% n+ 7actor s 0,EEE? nstea' o2 1,0, The bas c 'atum-(o nt o2 7 n%an' s at the yar' o2 Obser1atory o2 .e%s n" , /ma%% countr es o2ten use on%y one -T# 0one, ho)e1er, %ar+e ones nee' more, 7or e;am(%e, 7 n%an' uses ? 0ones o2 )h ch the centra% mer ' ans are4 18, 21, 24, 27, C0 an' CC@, The most common ones are 21, 24, 27 an' C0@, 7 +, 5, At the )est coast the 2o%%o) n+ -T# (arameters are use'4 C nt#a' M #i!ian 21@ Fa's "asting -1500 "m Fa's No#t$ing 0 "m These 1a%ues s(ec 2y the coor' nate sca%e )h ch s use' n 7 nn sh -T# (=aussNrO+er) ma(s,

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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Fig. 5. *at tu'e, *on+ tu'e K -T# =r ' Con1erter, :ou may use the ./C #a( *at tu'e, *on+ tu'e K -T# =r ' Con1erter to test the e22ect o2 the -T# 'atum on the coor' nate 1a%ues, 7 +, ?, The -T# con1erter may be o(ene' 2rom the ./C #a( ma n menu -,oo's( ,#ans'ato# +./ se%ect on, :ou may see some nat ona% -T# (arameters by se%ect n+ ./C #a( ma n menu -,oo's( Datums(./, :ou may a%so a'' your o)n 'ata to th s 2 %e, 2or e;am(%e, us n+ #/ >;ce%, .o)e1er, 'o not a'' ne) co%umns to th s 2 %e, The (ath o2 th s 2 %e s usua%%y4 3C45./C55#a(5 #a(Datum,;%s6, 6M789,AN,: 1. G2 you a'' an' ca% brate ne) ma(s to ./C #a( (%ease remember to se%ect the 1a% ' ma( Datum 2 rst, G2 you se%ect the )ron+ one the coor' nates ) %% be n error, +. ./C #a( 1ers on 1,0 su((orts on%y -T# an' *at tu'e-*on+ tu'e ma(s ) th the same :- an' <-sca%e, These ma(s are o2ten ca%%e' >8u rectan+u%ar #ercator $roHect on, Cy% n'r ca% >8u ' stant $roHect on or $%ate Carr ma(s, 0. ./C #a( su((orts or +o sh 2t an' rotat on n a%% ma(s,

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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HSC Map Datum Data)as

Fig. ;. ./C #a( Datum Database, :ou may o(en ./C #a( Datum Database us n+ ma n menu se%ect on 3Too%s, DatumsP6 or you may use >;ce% to o(en the 2 %e4 C45./C55#a(5 #a(Datum,;%s Th s 2 %e 'o not conta n a%% (oss b%e 'atums (some 12000 may be 2oun') but you may eas %y a'' the m ss n+ 'atatum by nsert n+ a ne) ro) to the 'atum tab%e, .o)e1er, 'o not nsert or 'e%ete co%ums, because then ./C #a( rea's the 'atum recor' 'ata 2rom the )ron+ 'ata 2 e%'s,

HSC MANUAL December 17, 2004 Outotec Research Oy Antt Ro ne, !ar""o #ans ""a-aho, !anne $a%osaar 04217-ORC-T
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Location Data "##o# Sou#c s

The =$/ na1 +ator + 1es usua%%y the error n meters, t 'e(en's on the %oca% con' t ons an' the number o2 1 s b%e sate%% tes, -sua%%y the error s a 2e) meters, The nat ona% 'atum sh 2t com(are' to &=/-84 s usua%%y %ess than C00 meters, n 7 n%an' th s sh 2t s some 200 meters, The Datum con1ers on error us n+ D<, D: an' DM (arameters s some meters because t 'oes not ta"e nto account the /ca% n+ 7actor an' rotat on sh 2t o2 the ;-y-0-coor' nates, ./C #a( sa1es the /toc" $%ace %ocat on 'ata us n+ nat ona% 'atum because the D<, D: an' DM (arameters may 1ary, The *at tu'e-*on+ tu'e an' -T# con1ers on error s usua%%y sma%% ) th n the + 1en -T# 0one, ho)e1er, outs 'e th s 0one the error ncreases a %ot, The roun' n+-u( error 'e(en's on the %ocat on 1a%ue synta;, One 'e+ree s rou+h%y 111,C "m an' one m nute s 1,8 "m an' one secon' s C0,E m, On th s bas s some e;am(%es o2 the the synta; errors may be + 1en as4 Syntax 9oun!ing-up "##o# 1m t #s3 Comm nt 9 '',mm,ss 9 '',mm,mmm 9 '',''''' 9 '','''''' 15,4? m 0,E28 m 0,55? m 0,05? m /econ's Dec ma% m nutes Dec ma% 'e+rees Dec ma% 'e+rees

The 9orth an' /outh $o%e an' cont nents mo1e s%o)%y, the ' mens ons o2 the earth chan+e, the &=/-84 e%% (so ' s(ec 2 es the earth sha(e a((ro; mate%y, /o nobo'y "no)s )h ch are the abso%ute%y correct (%ace coor' nates,

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