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Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel

(UNS S21800)

Electralloys Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel provides a significantly lower cost alternative to fight wear and galling compared to cobalt and high nickel alloys. Its uniform corrosion resistance exceeds Type 304 in most media. Chloride pitting resistance is superior to Type 316 and room temperature yield strength is twice that of 304 or 316. Nitronic 60 offers excellent high temperature oxidation resistance and low temperature impact resistance.
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (Nominal Analysis, weight percent)
Carbon (max.).................................. Manganese..................................... Phosphorous (max.)....................... Sulfur (max.)................................... 0.10 7.0/9.0 0.04 0.010 Silicon (max.)................................... 3.5/4.5 Chromium....................................... 16.0/18.0 Nickel.............................................. 8.0/9.0 Nitrogen......................................... 0.08/0.18

Outstanding galling resistance at both room temperature and elevated temperatures makes Electralloys Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel a valuable material for valve stems; seats and trim; fastening systems, including nuts and bolts; chain drive systems; pins, bushings and bearings; and pump components such as wear rings and lobes. Nitronic 60 is the most effective wear and galling resistant material for bridge pins and is used in hydroelectric dam wear applications. Cavitation erosion resistance of Nitronic 60 is superior to the austenitic stainless steels as well as duplex stainless steels making it highly successful for wear rings in vertical centrifugal pumps. The combination of Nitronic 60 and Nitronic 50 has replaced cobalt wear alloys in some cases. The use of Nitronic 60 weld overlay on most other stainless steels and certain carbon steels develops sound deposits with wear galling resistant properties about equal to an all weld deposit. Electralloys Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel is supplied in ingot, forging billet, bar, plate and welding wire to meet the requirements of the following specifications, and more

AMS 5848, ASTM A240, ASTM A276, ASTM A314, ASTM A193 (bolting), ASTM A194 (nuts), ASTM A479, ASTM A580 (wire), ASTM A351 (castings for high temp service), ASTM A743 (castings) AWS A5.9 (ER218 alloy weld wire), ASME Code Case 1817
The information and data contained in this Product Data sheet are intended for general information and do not constitute any warranty, expressed or implied, of suitability for any applications or design.


800.458.7273 or 814.678.4100


Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel

Typical Magnetic Permeability @ RT:
0% cold work 25% cold work 50% cold work 75% cold work

(UNS S21800)
Room and Elevated Temperature Tensile:
UTS ksi Nominal 1 (25.4 mm) dia. bars 70F (21C) 400F (204C) 1200F (649C) um/m/C 15.8 17.3 18.5 104 80 65 717 552 448 57 34 28 393 234 193 62 69 49 MPa ksi YS MPa El %

1.003 1.004 1.007 1.010


0.275 lb./in.3 (7.622 gm/cm3)

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion: (Annealed Material)

Temperature F 70 to 200 70 to 600 70 to 1200 Temperature C 21 to 93 21 to 316 21 to 649 10-6 in/in./F 8.8 9.6 10.3

Minimum Acceptable Tensile Properties: (Annealed Bar)

Room Temperature 95 655 50 345 50

Effect of Cold Work on room Temperature Properties:

10% 30% 120 161 263 827 1110 1813 91 132 217 627 910 1496 51 26 10

Nitronic 60 may be formed by the same methods used with other austenitic stainless steels. However the alloy is stronger and requires more power for forming and forging. Forging should be accomplished after heating to 2150F. Additional reheats will be required relative to Type 316. In-process annealing for fabrication or forming may be done at 1900F to 2000F.


Impact Data, Annealed Bar:

F 70 -320 C 21 -196 ft*lb >240 160 J >325 217

Annealing is done at 1900F to 2000F followed by water quenching. Nitronic 60 cannot be hardened by heat treatment.


Galling is defined as the tearing of metal surfaces which suddenly renders a component unusable. The galling resistance and wear resistance of Nitronic 60 exceed all other austenitic stainless steel, ph and duplex stainless steel, and compares favorably with cobalt or high nickel wear alloys in many test conditions. Nitronic 60 also performs successfully in elevated temperature service, 800F - 1500F (427C - 816C), for automotive valve trim, stems and bushings. Many galling resistance and wear compatibility test conditions and results are available in Electralloys Nitronic 60 Product Data Bulletin.

General corrosion resistance of Electralloys Nitronic 60 Stainless Steel falls between that of Types 304 and 316. Nitronic 60 does offer better chloride pitting resistance and stress corrosion resistance than Type 316 in laboratory conditions. (Corrosion tests are not normally performed for Nitronic 60 High Strength.)

Because of its desirable metallurgical properties of wear and galling resistance, machining of Nitronic 60 is not easy. However with sufficient power and tool rigidity Nitronic 60 can be very successfully machined. Use of coated carbide tooling is suggested.

Nitronic 60 is characterized by low magnetic permeability even after severe cold working and at cryogenic temperatures.


Electralloys Nitronic 60 bars are also available in a high-strength condition attained by proprietary processing. Bars cannot be subsequently hot forged or welded without loss of strength. Corrosion resistance may also be lessened to varying degrees depending upon environment. Refer to Electralloys Nitronic 60 Product Data Bulletin for additional information.
Nitronic is a registered trademark of AK Steel.

Nitronic 60 is readily weldable using conventional joining processes. Weld metal tensile strengths are slightly above those of the unwelded base metal. Wear properties are near, but slightly below those of the unwelded base metal.



800.458.7273 or 814.678.4100

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