CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. R, 4.1. Document has been duly INCORPORATED by REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. Document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described.
CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. R, 4.1. Document has been duly INCORPORATED by REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. Document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described.
CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. R, 4.1. Document has been duly INCORPORATED by REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. Document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described.
CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. R, 4.1. Document has been duly INCORPORATED by REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. Document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described.
The document discusses colorimetry standards and recommendations from the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).
It discusses current knowledge and recommendations regarding colorimetry from the CIE technical committee.
The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is referenced.
By Authority Of
Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance. Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER WASHINGTON, D.C. Document Name: CFR Section(s): Standards Body: e CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition 10 CFR 430 Subpart B, App. R, 4.1.1 International Commission on Illumination ISBN 3 901 906 33 9 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIO NALE BELE UCHTU NGSKOMMISSI 0 N CIE 15:2004 3rd Edition UDC: 535.66 535.67 612.843.31 159.937.51 I Descriptor: Colorimetry Colour of objects Colour vision Perception of colour CIE 15:2004 This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 1-48 of Division 1 "Vision and Colour" and has been approved by the Board of Administration of the Commission Internationale de l'Eciairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a ete elabore par Ie Comite Technique CIE 1-48 de la Division 1 "Vision et Couleur" et a ete approuve par Ie Bureau de la Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, pour etude et emploi. Le document expose les connaissances et I'experience actuelles dans Ie domaine particulier de la lumiere et de I'eclairage decrit ici. II est destine a etre utilise par les membres de la CIE et par tout les interesses. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. II faut consulter les plus recents comptes rend us de la CIE, ou Ie CIE NEWS, en ce qui concerne des amendements nouveaux eventuels. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE Technischen Komitee 1-48 der Division 1 "Sehen und Farbe" ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de l'Eciairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet uber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE- Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimml. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, dar.. das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mbgliche spatere Anderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention d'organisme ou de produit n'implique pas une preference de la CIE. Malgre Ie soin apporte a la compilation de tous les documents jusqu'a la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait etre exhaustif. Die Erwahnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich gror..e Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mbglich, dar.. diese nicht vollstandig sind. CIE 2004 - All rights reserved II CIE 15:2004 This report has been prepared by the Technical Committee 1-48 "Revision of CIE document 15.2 Colorimetry" of CIE Division 1 "Colour and Vision" by using previously published material of the CIE and considering resolutions of the CIE Division 1 meeting at Teddington 2000-04- 06 and Rochester 2001-06-22/23. This present publication replaces CIE 15.2-1986 "Colorimetry"l. Members of the Technical Committee during the preparation of this report were: P.J. Alessi USA E.C. Carter USA M.D. Fairchild USA R.WG. Hunt United Kingdom C.S. McCamy USA B. Kranicz Hungary J.R. Moore United Kingdom L. Morren Belgium J.H. Nobbs United Kingdom Y.Ohno USA M.R. Pointer United Kingdom D.C. Rich USA A R. Robertson Canada J.D. Schanda (chair) Hungary R. Seve France P.W. Trezona United Kingdom K. Witt Germany H. Yaguchi Japan The following Editorial Committee was responsible for the formulation of the document: E.C. Carter, Y. Ohno, M.R. Pointer, AR. Robertson, R. Seve, J.D. Schanda, K. Witt. Items of mainly historic importance have been placed into Appendix A I According to the new CIE publication numbering policy - that indicates a new revised edition only by the year of publication - this technical report has got the number of 15:2004 and not 15.3:2004. III CIE 15:2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY VII RESUME ZUSAMMENFASSUNG VII VII 1. SCOPE 2. PREFACE 3. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING STANDARD PHYSICAL DATA OF ILLUMINANTS AND SOURCES 2 3.1 Recommendations concerning standard physical data of illuminants 2 3.2 Artificial sources representative of illuminants 5 4. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING STANDARD OF REFLECTANCE 5 5. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING GEOMETRIC CONDITIONS FOR COLORIMETRY 5 5.1 Recommended nomenclature for directional irradiation 6 5.1.1 Forty-five degree directional geometry (45x) 6 5.1.2 Forty-five degree annular geometry (45a) 6 5.1.3 Zero degree directional geometry (0) 6 5.1.4 Eight degree geometry W) 7 5.2 Recommended geometry for reflection measurements 7 5.2.1 Diffuse: eight-degree geometry, specular component included (di:8) 7 5.2.2 Diffuse: eight-degree geometry, specular component excluded (de:8) 7 5.2.3 Eight degree: diffuse geometry, specular component included W:di) 7 5.2.4 Eight degree: diffuse geometry, specular component excluded (8:de) 7 5.2.5 Diffuse / diffuse geometry (d:d) 7 5.2.6 Alternative diffuse geometry (d:OO) 7 5.2.7 Forty-five degree annular / normal geometry (45a:00) 7 5.2.8 Normal/forty-five degree annular geometry (0:45a) 8 5.2.9 Forty-five degree directional/normal geometry (45x:OO) 8 5.2.10 Normal/forty-five degree directional geometry (0:45x) 8 5.3 Recommended geometry for transmission measurements 8 5.3.1 Normal/normal geometry (0:0) 8 5.3.2 Diffuse / normal geometry, regular component included (di:OO) 9 5.3.3 Diffuse / normal geometry, regular component excluded (de:OO) 9 5.3.4 Normal/diffuse geometry, regular component included (oo:di) 9 5.3.5 Normal/diffuse geometry, regular component excluded (Oo:de) 9 5.3.6 Diffuse / diffuse geometry (d:d) 9 6. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING STANDARD OBSERVER DATA 9 6.1 CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer 9 6.2 CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer 10 7. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE CALCULATION OF TRISTIMULUS VALUES AND CHROMATICITY COORDINATES 12 7.1 Calculation of tristimulus values 12 7.1.1 Secondary light sources (reflecting or transmitting objects) 12 7.1.2 Iliuminants and self-luminous objects 13 7.2 The use of abridged or truncated data 13 7.2.1 Abridgement 13 7.2.2 Truncation 14 7.2.3 Weighting factors 14 7.2.4 Numerical procedures 15 7.2.5 Bandwidth of a spectrometer 15 7.3 Calculation of chromaticity coordinates 15 7.4 Equations representing relationships between colour stimuli 16 IV CIE 15:2004 8, RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING UNIFORM COLOUR SPACING AND COLOUR DIFFERENCES 16 8,1 CIE 1976 uniform chromaticity scale diagram (UCS diagram) 16 8,2 CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces 16 8.2.1 CI E 1976 (L*a*b*) colour space; CI ELAB colour space 17 8.2.2 CI E 1976 (L *u*v*) colour space; CI ELUV colour space 18 8,2,3 Notes on CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces 19 8,3 Improved industrial colour difference evaluation 20 8,3,1 CIEDE2000 total colour difference formula 20 9 RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING MISCELLANEOUS COLORIMETRIC PRACTICES AND FORMULAE 22 9,1 Dominant wavelength and purity 22 9,1,1 Dominant wavelength (of a colour stimulus), Ad 22 9,1.2 Complementary wavelength (of a colour stimulus), Ac 22 9,1,3 Colorimetric purity, Pc 22 9,1 A Excitation purity, Pe 22 9,2 Special metamerism indices 23 9.2.1 Special metamerism index: change in illuminant 23 9.2.2 Special metamerism index: change in observer 24 9,3 Assessment of the quality of a daylight simulator for colorimetry 25 9A The evaluation of whiteness 26 9,5 Calculation of correlated colour temperature 26 10, REFERENCES 27 11. TABLES 30 11,1 Table 1. 1, Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminants 30 11.2 Table T.2, Components 5 0 ) ~ ) , 51 (A), S2(A) 33 11,3 Table 1.3, Tristimulus values, chromaticity coordinates of CIE illuminants 35 11 A Table T.4. CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer 36 11,5 Table T,5, CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer 38 11,6 Table 1.6, Relative spectral power distributions of illuminants representing typical fluorescent lamps, for wavelengths )" = 380 nm to 780 nm at 5 nm intervals 40 11,7 Table 1.7, High pressure discharge lamps, HP1: Standard high pressure sodium lamp; HP2: Colour enhanced high pressure sodium lamp; HP3-5: Three types of high pressure metal halide lamps 47 11,8 Table T,8, Colorimetric data for the fluorescent lamp illuminants of Table 1.6 49 11,9 Table 1.9, Colorimetric data for the high pressure illuminants of Table 1.7 50 11,10 Table T, 1 0, Values of the first deviation function used in the calculation of the observer metamerism index 51 APPENDIX A OLD RECOMMENDATIONS, NOW OBSOLETE, AS WELL AS REFERENCES TO NON-CIE COLOUR DIFFERENCE FORMULAE 52 Appendix A 1, Iliuminant B and Source B 52 Appendix A2, Iliuminant C and Source C 52 Appendix A3, CIE 1964 uniform colour space and colour difference formula 53 u, v uniform chromaticity scale (CIE 1960 UCS) diagram 53 1964 uniform space and colour difference formula 53 Appendix A.4. CIE 1994 colour difference formula (CIE94) 53 Appendix A5, CMC(I:c) colour difference formula 54 Appendix A6, DIN99 colour difference formula 54 References 54 APPENDIX B, DEFINITIONS OF THE r(A), g(A), b(A) COLOUR-MATCHING FUNCTIONS, THE CIE RGB SYSTEM AND THE DERIVATION OF THE CIE XYZ SYSTEM FROM THE CIE RGB SYSTEM FOR THE 1931 STANDARD OBSERVER 55 Appendix B, 1, Determination of the r(A), g(Je), b(}.) colour-matching functions 55 Appendix B.2, Derivation of the CIE XYZ trichromatic system from the CIE RGB trichromatic system 56 V CIE 15:2004 Appendix B.3. Definition of the colour-matching functions in the CIE 1964 trichromatic ~ ~ m ~ Reference 61 APPENDIX C. ALTERNATIVE METHOD TO DEFINE DAYLIGHT ILLUMINANTS- METHOD OF CALCULATION, CORRECTED TABLES AND EQUATIONS (FOR INFORMATION AND EVALUATION) 62 R ~ r e ~ ~ APPENDIX D. REVERSE TRANSFORMATION FROM VALUES L *, a*, b* TO TRISTIMULUS VALUES X, Y, Z 66 Reference 66 APPENDIX E. INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK'S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR 67 References 67 EXPLANATORY COMMENTS 68 VI COLORIMETRY SUMMARY CIE 15:2004 This publication provides the recommendations of the CIE concerning basic colorimetry. Specifically, it includes the use of the standard illuminants and the standard colorimetric observers; the reference standard for reflectance; the illuminating and viewing conditions; the calculation of tristimulus values, chromaticity coordinates, colour spaces and colour differences; and the various other colorimetric practices and formulae. This publication is consistent with the fundamental data and procedures described in the CIE Standards on Colorimetry. For further details of some of the phenomena discussed here the reader is directed to the appropriate technical reports. COLORIMETRIE RESUME Ce document donne les recommandations de la CIE pour la colorimetrie de base. Plus particulierement il traite de I'emploi des illuminants normalises et des observateurs colorimetriques normalises, de la reference normalisee pour Ie facteur de reflexion, des conditions d'eclairage et d'observation, du calcul des composantes trichromatiques, des coordonnees trichromatiques, des espaces chromatiques et des ecarts de couleur, ainsi que de I'emploi de diverses autres pratiques et formules colorimetriques. Cette publication est en accord avec les donnees et procedures de base qui sont decrites dans les normes CIE de colorimetrie. Pour des details complementaires relatifs aux questions traitees ici, Ie lecteur est invite a consulter les rapports techniques appropries. FARBMESSUNG ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die hier wiedergegebenen Empfehlungen der CIE beziehen sich auf die Anwendung oder die Benutzung der Normlichtarten und der Normalbeobachter, auf den Wei [l,standard, auf die Beleuchtungs- und Beobachtungsbedingungen, auf die Berechnung von Normfarbwerten und Normfarbwertanteilen, Farbenraumen und Farbabstanden, und auf verschiedene andere farbmetrische Praktiken und Formeln. Diese Ver6ffentlichung stimmt mit den grundlegenden Daten und Verfahren uberein, die in CIE Normen fUr Farbmessung beschrieben sind. Weitere Einzelheiten einiger hier diskutierter Phanomene findet der Leser in geeigneten technischen Berichten. VII CIE 15:2004 VIII CIE 15:2004 1. SCOPE This report is intended to provide a consistent and comprehensive account of the recommendations of the CIE for basic colorimetry, It summarises basic colorimetric data and practices; it does not, however, deal with colour appearance specification, 2. PREFACE By general consent in all countries the specification of basic standards for use in colorimetry is the province of the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE), The first major recommendations regarding colorimetric standards were made by the CIE in 1931, and these formed the basis of modern colorimetry, The original recommendations of 1931 were reviewed from time to time by the CIE Colorimetry Committee and later by CIE Division 1, Vision and Colour, When necessary changes were made, New recommendations were added to supplement the existing ones or to broaden the scope of colorimetry in accordance with developments in practice and science, The deliberations and recommendations made by the CIE Colorimetry Committee and Division 1 are recorded in the Proceedings of the various Sessions of the CIE. However the access to these Proceedings has always been rather limited and much of the material published in the Proceedings is obsolete or inconsistent with current colorimetric practice, The recommendations, while few in number, also present an incoherent picture, Many recommendations are merely proposals of study or work on certain topiCS that were considered important at the time, For these reasons in 1971 the CI E published a special document on colorimetry to provide a consistent and comprehensive account of basic colorimetric recommendations, This document was not intended to be a textbook on colorimetry but rather a reference to the basic standards that govern modern colorimetry, The document was issued as CIE Publication No, 15 (CIE, 1971), Since 1971 it has been necessary to add two supplements to the document [Suppl. 1 on Special metamerism index: change of iIIuminant (CIE, 1972) and SuppL 2 on Recommendations on uniform colour spaces, colour-difference equations and psychometric colour terms (CIE, 1978)]. Several Technical Reports were also published during the intervening years, Publication CIE 15,2, published in 1986 (CIE, 1986b) incorporated the first two supplements, Further amendments, described in detail in CIE 51-1981, A method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry (CI E, 1981); CIE 80-1989, Special metamerism index: observer metamerism (CIE, 1989); CIE 101-1993, Parametric effects in colour difference evaluation (C I E, 1993); C IE 116-1995, Industrial colour difference evaluation (CIE, 1995a); CIE 135/3, CIE TC 1-45 report: Supplement 1-1999 to CIE 51-1981, Virtual metamers for assessing the quality of simulators of CIE iIIuminant 050 (CIE, 1999b) and CIE 142-2001, Improvement to industrial colour difference evaluation (CIE, 2001a) are all parts of the CIE system of colorimetry, The present version, CIE 15:2004 summarises all CIE recommendations on basic colorimetry, Short explanatory texts and a historic overview are also included, Colour appearance models are not covered, for these see CIE 131-1998 (CIE, 1998a); CIE 159:2004 (CIE, 2004b) and CIE x014-1998 (CIE, 1998b), In compiling this third edition the opportunity has been taken to incorporate all relevant recommendations, The publications enumerated in the previous paragraph contain background information on the single subjects, those interested in more detail about the development of the recommendations and their background experiments are referred to these publications, CIE 15:2004 is based on CIE standards containing the fundamental data on CIE standard illuminants and standard observers, The presently official versions of these standards are CIE S 005-1998, CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry (CIE, 1998c) (published also as ISO 10526:1999) and CIE S 002-1986, CIE standard colorimetric observers (CIE, 19868), (published also as CIE/ISO 10527:1991), These standards contain the fundamental colorimetric data [see also CIE DS 014-2.2:2004 (CIE, 2004a)]. It is anticipated that further amendments of colorimetric practice and further standards will be published, thus one should consult the latest CIE list of publications published in CIE Proceedings, and in most recent Technical Reports; this information is also available on the CIE world wide web home page ( CIE 15:2004 The wording of the original recommendations has been altered to be consistent with modern nomenclature and in some cases the original recommendations have also been modified in content to bring them into line with present day thinking and practice. The versions given in this document are the recommendations now in force and supersede all previous recommendations until such time as any amendments are published by the CIE. The recommendations are divided into the following seven groups: - Recommendations concerning standard physical data of illuminants and sources. - Recommendations concerning the standard of reflectance. - Recommendations concerning geometric conditions for colorimetry. Recommendations concerning standard observer data. Recommendations concerning the calculation of tristimulus values and chromaticity coordinates. - Recommendations concerning uniform colour spacing and colour difference. - Recommendations concerning miscellaneous colorimetric practices and formulae. The definitive data relating to standard colorimetric illuminants and observers are those given at 1 nm intervals in the appropriate CIE standards [CIE, 1998c (to be replaced by CIE, 2004a); CIE, 1986a]. The data have not been printed in the present report, but are included in the accompanying CD-ROM. Abridged data, at 5 nm intervals, are given in Section 11, and these may be used in those cases where calculation at the wider intervals is unlikely to produce any significant error. For all colorimetric calculations wavelength in standard air should be used" 1. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING STANDARD PHYSICAL DATA OF ILLUMINANTS AND SOURCES 3.1 Recommendations concerning standard physical data of illuminants 2 It is recommended that the following illuminants, defined by relative spectral power distributions given in Table 1 of CIE S 005-1998 (CIE, 1998c)"I, be used for general colorimetry . CIE standard illuminant A The relative spectral power distribution S A , ~ ) is defined by the equation 1,435 x 10 7 5 exp------1 S (A) = 1 00 (560 J x 2 848 x 560 A A 1,435x10 7 exp 2848 A (3.1 ) where A is the wavelength in nanometres and the numerical values in the two exponential terms are definitive constants originating from the first definition of Iliuminant A in 1931 3 . This spectral power distribution is normalized to the value 100 (exactly) at the wavelength 560 nm (exactly). CIE standard illuminant A is defined over the spectral region from 300 nm to 830 nmlv in CIE S 005-1998 (CIE, 1998c) to six significant digits. Should higher precision be needed, II Superscripts of Arabic numerals refer to Explanatory Comments given on page 68-72. III The spectral power distribution tables published in the CIE Standard are reproduced on the CD-ROM that accompanies this Technical Report. IV The wavelength range for standard illuminants is 300 nm - 830 nm because, for evaluating luminescent samples the UV spectral range is relevant. For most colorimetric investigations the restricted wavelength range, 380 nm - 780 nm, can be used. 2 CIE 15:2004 values calculated using Equ. 3.1 should be used v Section 11 contains abridged tables that can be used in most practical calculations. On the use of these tables see Section 7.2. Note 1: The definition reproduced here is in accordance with the values of Iliuminant A originally published in 1931, see CIE S 005-1998 (CIE, 1998c) and CIE OS 014- 2.2:2004 (CIE, 2004a). Note 2: Despite the fact that Equ. 3.1 is based on Planck's equation for a vacuum, the wavelengths are to be taken as being in standard air (dry air at 15C and 101325 Pa, containing 0,03% by volume of carbon dioxide). This makes CIE standard illuminant A compatible with other CIE colorimetric and photometric data. CIE standard illuminant 065 The relative spectral power distribution representing a phase of daylight with a correlated colour temperature of approximately 6500 K (called also nominal correlated colour temperature of the daylight illuminant)4, symbol: S065(,1.). The official values of S065().) are as given in CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry (CIE, 1998c)VI. Note 1: Regarding the definition of correlated colour temperature (Tep) of an illuminant see Section 9.5. Note 2: Section 11 provides abridged tables that can be used in many practical calculations. On the use of these tables see Section 7.2. The values of relative spectral power distribution of CIE standard illuminant 065 given in Table T.1 at 5 nm intervals are consistent with the values from 300 nm to 830 nm at 1 nm intervals and with six significant figures given in CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry (CIE, 1998c). They have been taken from the tables of the Standard. Note 3: If values at other wavelengths than printed in Table 1 of the standard (CIE, 1998c) at 1 nm intervals are needed, linear interpolation should be used . Other iIIuminants 0 It is recommended that, in the interest of standardization, 065 be used whenever possible. When 065 cannot be used, it is recommended that one of the daylight illuminants 050, 055, or 075 defined in Table T.1 be used. When none of these daylight illuminants can be used, a daylight illuminant at a nominal correlated colour temperature (Tep) can be calculated using the following equations. These equations will give an illuminant whose correlated colour temperature is approximately equal to the nominal value, but not exactly S04. (a) Chromaticity The 1931 (x,y) chromaticity coordinates of the daylight (D) to be defined must satisfy the following relation: Yo = -3,000X02 + 2,870xo - 0,275 (3.2) with Xo being within the range of 0,250 to 0,380. The correlated colour temperature Tep of daylight 0 is related to Xo by the following formulae based on normals to the Planckian locus on a uniform chromaticity diagram (see Section 9.5): (i) for correlated colour temperatures from approximately 4000 K to 7000 K: -4,6070x10 9 + 2,9678x106 + 0,09911x103 +0,244063 (Tep r (Tep (Tep) (3.3) (ii) for correlated colour temperatures from greater than 7000 K to approximately 25 000 K: v Terminology in this publication follows the traditional terminology used in colorimetry. A separate publication on colorimetry will deal with the current "uncertainty" description of stating measurement results and will recommend methods for calculating colorimetric uncertainties. VI The spectral power distribution tables published in the CIE Standard are reproduced on the CD-ROM that accompanies this Technical Report. 3 CIE 15:2004 -2,0064x109 + 1,9018x10 6 + 0,24748x10 3 +0,237040 (rep (rep (rep ) (b) Relative spectral power distribution The relative spectral power distribution S(A) of daylight 0 is to be computed from S(A) = o } ~ ) + M 1 S 1 (A) + M 2 S 2 (A) (3.4) (3.5) where So(A), S1(A), S2(A) are functions of wavelength, I" given in Table T.2, and M 1 , M2 are factors whose values are related to the chromaticity coordinates XD, YD as follows: M1 = -1,3515-1,7703xD +5,9114YD 0,0241 + 0,2562xD - 0,7341YD M2 = 0,0300-31,4424xD +30,0717YD 0,0241 + 0,256 2x D - 0,7341y D Notes on standard illuminant 065 and other illuminants 0 (3.6) Note 1: Seasonal and geographical variations in the spectral power distribution of daylight occur, particularly in the ultraviolet spectral region, but this recommendation should be used pending the availability of further information on these variations. Note 2: The spectral power distributions of daylight illuminants 0 produced by this recommendation are based on experimental observations over the wavelength range 330 nm to 700 nm, and on extrapolation in the wavelength ranges 300 nm to 330 nm and 700 nm to 830 nm (see Judd et aI., 1964). The extrapolated values are believed to be accurate enough for colorimetric purposes, but should not be used for other purposes. Note 3: If values at other wavelengths than those printed in Table T.2 are needed, linear interpolation should be used (see also Appendix C). Note 4: The relative spectral power distributions of the 0 illuminants given in Table T.1 and in the CIE standard on illuminants for colorimetry (CIE, 1998c) were derived by the procedure given above with some intermediate rounding and with some adjustments for changes in the International Temperature Scales. Thus for historic reasons, the tabulated values are slightly different from the calculated values. For the time being the tabulated values are the official data. (Eventually these data may be superseded by the method described in Appendix C, which provides a harmonised method of calculation for trial that will produce congruent results if the modified tables and equations are used.) Note 5: 'Mlen samples exhibiting luminescence excited by ultraviolet radiation are involved, one of the 0 illuminants defined in these recommendations should always be used to represent daylight. lIIuminant B Intended to represent direct sunlight with a correlated colour temperature of approximately 4900 K. Note: The use of this illuminant is deprecated, see Appendix A. IIluminant C Intended to represent average daylight with a correlated colour temperature of approximately 6800 K. Note 1: Iliuminant C does not have the status of a CIE standard but its relative spectral power distribution, tristimulus values and chromaticity coordinates are given in Table T.1 and Table T.3, as many practical measurement instruments and calculations still use this illuminant. Note 2: The tristimulus values and chromaticity coordinates of the illuminant C and of 050, 4 CIE 15:2004 D55, D75, calculated from the values of S(J,), given in Table T.2., are shown in Table T.3. The reproduced tristimulus values are those of the perfect reflecting diffuser irradiated by the respective illuminant, see Section 7.1.1. This table also includes similar data for CIE standard illuminant A and D65. 3.2 Artificial sources representative of iIIuminants It is recommended that the following artificial sources be used if it is desired to realise the illuminants defined in Section 3.1 for actual laboratory inspection. Source A CIE standard illuminant A is to be realised by a gas-filled tungsten filament lamp operating at a correlated colour temperature of 2856 K (C2 = 1 ,4388x1 0- 2 mK). If the source is also to be used in the UV region, a lamp having an envelope or window made of fused-quartz or silica must be used because glass absorbs the UV component of the radiation from the filament. Source B See Appendix A. Source C See Appendix A. Source D65 At present no artificial source is recommended to realise CIE standard illuminant D65 or any other illuminant D of different correlated colour temperature. It is hoped that new developments in light sources and filters will eventually offer sufficient basis for a CIE recommendation. Meanwhile the CI E has agreed on a formula to describe the quality of a daylight simulator for colorimetry, see Section 9.3. Notes on artificial sources representative of illuminants Note 1: The artificial sources defined above and recommended as representative sources for CIE illuminants are named "CIE sources for colorimetry". Note 2: Whenever the highest accuracy of the spectral power distribution of a standard is required, it is advisable to make a spectroradiometric calibration of the actual source used, because the relative spectral power distribution of the source may not exactly coincide at all wavelengths with that defining the corresponding illuminant. Note 3: The spectrum of a D65 simulator fluorescent lamp is reproduced in Table T.6.2b as FL3.15, see Section 9.3. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING STANDARD OF REFLECTANCE 6 The perfect reflecting diffuser is the reference standard for reflectance (CIE, 1986a). It is defined as the ideal isotropic diffuser with a reflectance equal to unity. For real measurements, reflectance standards, such as pressed barium sulphate or PTFE (known also under the trade names Algoflon, Halon, Spectralon), must be calibrated in terms of the perfect reflecting diffuser (see CIE, 1979a; CIE, 1979b) for the required geometry. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING GEOMETRIC CONDITIONS FOR COLORIMETRy7 Colorimetric specifications are derived from spectral or tristimulus measurements. The measured values depend on the geometric relationships between the measuring instrument and the sample. These relationships are called "geometric conditions" or Simply "geometry". Similarly, visual appraisals of coloured samples are affected by illuminating and viewing geometry. The degree of correlation between measured values and visual appraisals depends on the degree to which the geometric conditions of measurement simulate the geometric conditions of viewing. (The use of the term "viewing" with reference to measuring 5 CIE 15:2004 instruments is deprecated because it blurs the important distinction between instrumental measurements and visual observation.) Terms and definitions used in this Section of CIE 15:2004 introduce a terminology not used in previous versions of CIE 15, they are the following: reference plane plane in which the surface of a sample or standard is placed during measurements For reflection measurements, the geometry is defined with respect to the reference plane. For transmission measurements, there is a reference plane for the incident light and a second reference plane, displaced by the sample thickness, for the transmitted light. The recommendations of this publication are based on the assumption of negligible thickness. sampling aperture area of the reference plane on which measurements are made The sampling aperture is delimited by the area illuminated or by the area over which the receiver senses flux, whichever is smaller. If the illuminated area is the larger, the area measured is said to be "over filled"; if it is the smaller, the area measured is said to be "under filled". modulation generic term for measured ratios such as reflectance, reflectance factor or transmittance irradiation or influx (illumination or incidence) geometry angular distribution of irradiance at the centre of the sampling aperture reflection/transmission or efflux (col/ection, measuring) geometry angular distribution of receiver responsivity with respect to the centre of the sampling aperture Note: The influx and efflux geometry specify the geometric nature of the measurement. It is recommended that the geometry used when determining the colorimetric specification of diffusely reflecting samples corresponds to one of the following irradiating (influx) and reflection/transmission (efflux) conditions vn 5.1 Recommended nomenclature for directional irradiation 5.1.1 Forty-five degree directional geometry (45x) Irradiation of reflecting materials at 45 to the normal, at one azimuth angle, emphasizes texture and directionality. The "x" in the symbol indicates that the azimuthal direction of the incident beam is in the x direction on the reference plane. 5.1.2 Forty-five degree annular geometry (45a) In measuring the colours of reflecting samples with 45 illumination, the effects of texture and directionality are minimized by irradiating at 45 to the normal, from all azimuthal directions, simultaneously. This irradiation (influx) geometry may be achieved by the use of a small source and an elliptic ring reflector or other aspheric optics. This geometry is sometimes approximated by the use of a number of light sources in a ring or a number of fibre bundles illuminated by a single source and terminated in a ring. Such an approximation to annular geometry is called circumferential geometry, symbol 45c. 5.1.3 Zero degree directional geometry (0) Irradiation of reflecting materials at the normal. VII Users of this report should check with the CIE list of publications for a technical report on this subject. 6 CIE 15:2004 5.1.4 Eight degree geometry (8) Irradiation of reflecting materials at 8 to the normal, at one azimuth angle. It is used to substitute the zero-degree directional geometry in many practical applications, as in reflection measurements it permits differentiation between specular component included and excluded measurements. 5.2 Recommended geometry for reflection measurements 5.2.1 Diffuse: eight-degree geometry, specular component included (di:8) For di:8 geometry, it is recommended that the sample be irradiated by an integrating sphereS, that the measured area be overfilled, that the area of the sampling aperture be uniformly irradiated, that it be irradiated uniformly from all directions within the hemisphere bounded by its plane, that the responsivity of the receiver be uniform over the area of the sampling aperture, that the axis of the reflected (efflux) beam be 8 off the normal to the centre of the sample, and that radiation reflected at the sampling aperture be evaluated uniformly at all directions within 5 of the axis of the collection (efflux) beam. The size of the sampling aperture, area and angular uniformity of irradiation, angular displacement of the collected (efflux) beam from the normal, and area and angular uniformity of responsivity of the receiver can affect measured values and may be standardized in the future. 5.2.2 Diffuse: eight-degree geometry, specular component excluded (de:8) It is recommended that the specifications for di:8 be met, except that there be no radiation reflected in the direction of the receiver by a plane first-surface mirror at the sampling aperture and that there be no rays specularly reflected within 1 of such rays, as an allowance for instrumental scattering of stray light or misalignment. The amount of stray light specularly reflected in the direction of the receiver may affect measured values and may be standardized in the future. 5.2.3 Eight degree: diffuse geometry, specular component included (8:di) It is recommended that the conditions for di:8be met, but with the light path reversed, so the sampling aperture is irradiated under 8 and flux reflected at the sampling aperture is collected at all angles in the hemisphere bounded by the reference plane. The sampling aperture should be underfilled with radiation. 5.2.4 Eight degree: diffuse geometry, specular component excluded (8:de) It is recommended that the geometric conditions for de:8 be met, but with the light path reversed. The sampling aperture should be underfilled with radiation. 5.2.5 Diffuse / diffuse geometry (d:d) It is recommended that for irradiation the specifications for di:8 be met, and flux reflected at the sampling aperture is collected at all angles in the hemisphere bounded by the reference plane. In this geometry the sampling aperture can be neither underfilled nor overfilled. 5.2.6 Alternative diffuse geometry (d:OO) An alternative diffuse geometry is the strict specular excluded geometry defined when the efflux direction is along the specimen normal. 5.2.7 Forty-five degree annular / normal geometry (45a:OO) It is recommended that the sampling aperture be irradiated uniformly from all directions between two right circular cones with their axes on the normal to the sampling aperture and apices at the centre of the sampling aperture, the smaller cone having a half angle of 40 and the larger of 50. It is recommended that the receiver uniformly collects and evaluates all radiation reflected within a cone with its axis on the normal to the sampling aperture, apex at the centre of the sampling aperture, and a half angle of 5. If this illuminating geometry is approximated by the use of a number of light sources in a ring or a number of fibre bundles illuminated by a single source and terminated in a ring, one gets the circumferential/normal 7 CIE 15:2004 geometry (45c:OO). The above angular specifications should also hold for this geometry. These angular specifications and the surface and angular uniformity of irradiation and sensing may affect measured values and may be standardized in the future. 5.2.8 Normal I farly-five degree annular geometry (0:45a) It is recommended that the angular and spatial conditions for 45a:O be met, with the light path reversed, so the sampling aperture is irradiated normally and reflected radiation is collected within an annulus centred at 45to the normal. 5.2.9 Forty-five degree directional I normal geometry (45x:OO) It is recommended that the angular and spatial conditions for 45a:0 be met with the exception that irradiation is only at one azimuth angle, this excludes the specular component, but emphasizes texture and directionality. The "x" in the symbol indicates that the azimuthal direction of the incident beam is in the x direction on the reference plane. 5.2.10 Normal I forty-five degree directional geometry (O:45x) It is recommended that the angular and spatial conditions for 45x:0 be met, with the light path reversed, so the sampling aperture is irradiated normally and reflected radiation is collected at one azimuth angle at 45to the normal. Notes on recommended geometry for reflection measurements Note 1: Conditions 5.2.1,5.2.2,5.2.6,5.2.7,5.2.8,5.2.9 and 5.2.10 give values of reflectance factor, R(},). For directional measurement with a sufficiently small angular spread, these values of reflectance factor become identical to values of radiance factor. For condition 5.2.3, for measuring with an ideal sphere, reflectance is measured. Thus, in the limit, the 45x:0 condition gives the radiance factor 13450; the 0:45x condition gives the radiance factor /3045; the di:8 condition gives the factor fJdiS; that approximates the radiance factor fJd:O; and the 8:di condition gives the reflectance p (see CIE, 1987). Note 2: It is important that the particular irradiating and measuring conditions used should be specified even if they are within the range of one of these recommended standard conditions. Measurements of some types of samples (for example retro-reflective materials) may require different geometry or tolerances. Note 3: When integrating spheres are used, they should be fitted with white-coated baffles to prevent light passing directly between the sample and the spot of the sphere wall irradiated or measured. When the regular component of reflection is to be included, the sphere efficiency for that part of sphere wall that receives the regularly reflected radiation component should be of the same reflectance value as the sphere wall. The total area of the ports of the integrating sphere should not exceed 10 percent of the internal reflecting sphere area. Note 4: It should be noted that diffusing samples may scatter radiation in directions approximately parallel to their surfaces, and such radiation should be included in the measurement of diffuse reflectance. Note 5: When integrating spheres are used for measuring luminescent samples, the spectral power distribution of the irradiating system is altered by the reflected and emitted power from the sample (see CIE, 1988). The use of the 45a:0, 45x:0 or 0:45a, 0:45x condition is therefore preferable (see Gundlach and Mallwitz, 1976; Alman and Billmeyer, 1976). 5.3 Recommended geometry for transmission measurements 5.3.1 Normal I normal geometry (0:0) It is recommended that the irradiating (influx) and measuring (efflux) geometry be of identical right-circular conic form, with their axes on the normal to the centre of the sampling aperture, and half-angle of 5, that the surface and angular irradiation of the sampling aperture be 8 CIE 15:2004 uniform, and that the surface and angular responsivity of the receiver be uniform. Deviation of axes from normal and variations in surface and angular conditions may affect measured values and may be standardized in the future. 5.3.2 Diffuse / normal geometry, regular component included (di:OO) It is recommended that the sampling aperture be uniformly irradiated from all directions in the hemisphere bounded by the first reference plane and that the measuring (efflux) beam be as specified for 0:0 geometry. Deviation of the measuring (efflux) axis from normal and variations in surface and angular conditions may affect measured values and may be standardized in the future. 5.3.3 Diffuse / normal geometry, regular component excluded (de:OO) It is recommended that the geometry be that specified for di:O except that, with the sampling aperture open (i.e. no sample in place), there be no rays directed toward the receiver and no rays within 1 of such rays, as measured at the centre of the sampling aperture. 5.3.4 Normal/diffuse geometry, regular component included (oo:di) It is recommended that the geometry be the reverse of that specified for di:O geometry. 5.3.5 Normal/diffuse geometry, regular component excluded (Oo:de) It is recommended that the geometry be the reverse of that specified for de:O geometry. 5.3.6 Diffuse / diffuse geometry (d:d) It is recommended that the sampling aperture be uniformly irradiated at all angles within the hemisphere bounded by the first reference plane and that the transmitted flux be uniformly evaluated at all directions within the hemisphere bounded by the second reference plane. Notes on recommended geometry for transmission measurements Note 1: All the above conditions measure transmittance except for those where the regular component is excluded when the quantity measured is transmittance factor. Note 2: It is important that the particular irradiating and collecting conditions used are specified, even if they are within the range of one of the conditions recommended here. Measurements of some types of samples may require different geometry or tolerances. Note 3: Integrating spheres shall be fitted with white-coated baffles to prevent radiation passing directly from source to sample or reference in the case of diffuse irradiation or directly from sample or reference to detector in the case of diffuse collection. The total area of the ports of the integrating sphere should not exceed 10 percent of the internal reflecting sphere area. Note 4: The construction of an instrument for normal/normal measurements shall be such that the irradiating (influx) and collecting (efflux) beams shall be equal whether there is a sample in place or not. Note 5: It should be noted that diffusing samples may scatter radiation in directions approximately parallel to their surfaces. and such radiation should be included in the measurement of diffuse transmittance. Note 6: Multiple reflections between the sample and the incident beam optics if the incident beam is normal to the sample surface may cause measurement errors. These can be eliminated by slightly tilting the sample. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING STANDARD OBSERVER DATA 9 6.1 CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer For correlation with visual colour matching of fields subtending between about 1 and about 4 at the eye of the observer, it is recommended that colorimetric specifications of colour 9 CIE 15:2004 stimuli be based on the colour-matching functions x(.1,), Y(.1,), Z().) 10. A 2 0 visual field represents a diameter of about 17 mm at a viewing distance of 0,5 m. These colour-matching functions are given in the standard as values from 360 nm to 830 nm at 1 nm intervals with seven significant figures, and they define the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer (in technical applications often written as 2-standard colorimetric observer)VIIi. In the case where more coarsely sampled data will produce no significant calculation error, the tables reproduced in Section 11 may be used instead of the 1 nm interval data. The values given in Table TA at 5 nm intervals are selected values from the standard, rounded to six decimal places 11 . Note 1: x(J,), y(J,), z(.1,) are the normalized tristimulus values of monochromatic radiations for a set of reference stimuli [Xl, [V], [Z) required to match each wavelength of the equi- energy spectrum. Their levels are such that the maximum of y(2) is unity and L x(J,) = LZ(.1,) = LY(2). (The equi-energy spectrum is radiation whose spectral concentration of power as a function of wavelength is constant.) Note 2: The real reference stimuli [RJ, [G], [B] of the original trichromatic system lead, by transformation, to [X], [V], [Z]. y(J,) is equated to V(.1,), the spectral luminous efficiency function for photopic vision, defining the Cl E standard photometric observer for photopic vision (for more details see Appendix B). Note 3: The reference stimuli [X], [V], [Z] were chosen for reasons of convenience in colorimetric computations. The colour-matching functions x(2) , y(.1,), z(2) are commonly used to obtain the tristimulus values X, Y, Z of colour stimuli (see Section 7.1 for details). Note 4: If the colour-matching functions at closer intervals than given in Table TA are required, the values given in the CIE Standard S002 (CIE, 19868) should be used. For interpolation at wavelength intervals smaller than 1 nm a linear interpolation should be used. Note 5: The chromaticity coordinates (see Section 7.3) x(J,), y(2), z(}.) of the spectral stimuli are the ratios x(.1,) = x(.1,) x(2) + Y(.1,) + z(2) Y(X)= y(2) (6.1) x(2) + Y(.1,) + z(.1,) z(.1,) = z().) x(2) + y(.1,) + z(.1,) x(.1,) and y(.1,) are given in Table 1.4. Note 6: The chromaticity coordinates XE, YE, ZE of the equi-energy spectrum derived from the sums LX(.1,),Ly(.1,),Lz(J.) ofTable1.4are XE = 0,333 334 YE = 0,333 331 ZE = 0,333 335 (6.2) The small differences between the values of the chromaticity coordinates XE, YE, ZE are due to the limited number of decimal digits given in the table. 6.2 CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer For correlation with visual colour matching of fields of angular subtense greater than 4 0 at the eye of the observer, it is recommended that colorimetric specifications of colour stimuli be VIII Table 1 of CIE standard colorimetric observers (CIE, 1986a) is reproduced in the CD-ROM that accompanies this Technical Report. 10 CIE 15:2004 based on the colour-matching functions X1Q(J,), Y1O(A), Z1Q(J,) published in the CIE Standard: CIE standard colorimetric observers (CIE, 1986a). A 10visual field represents a diameter of about 90 mm at a viewing distance of 0,5 m. These colour-matching functions are given in the standard as values from 360 nm to 830 nm at 1 nm intervals with six significant figures, and they define the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer (in technical applications often written as 10-standard colorimetric observer)lx. In the case more coarsely sampled data will produce no significant calculation error, the tables reproduced in Section 11 may be used instead of the 1-nm interval data. The values given in Table T.5 at 5 nm intervals are selected values from the standard, rounded to six decimal places. Note 1: X 10 (A), Yd},), ZlO(J,) are the normalized tristimulus values of monochromatic radiations for a set of reference stimuli [X lO ], [YlO] , [ZlO] required to match each wavelength of the equi-energy spectrum. Their levels are such that the maximum of YdA) is unity and LX 10 (A) = LY10()') = LZ 10 (A) (The equi-energy spectrum is radiation whose spectral concentration of power as a function of wavelength is constant.) Note 2: The real reference stimuli [R lO ], [G 10 ], [BlO] of the original trichromatic system are related by transformation to the reference stimuli [X 10 ], [Y 10 ], [ZlO], which were chosen for reasons of convenience in colorimetric computations (see Appendix B). The colour-matching functions, X1Q(A), Y1Q(A), ZlO(A) are commonly used to obtain the tristimulus values X 10 , Y lO , Z10 of colour stimuli. Note 3: If the colour-matching functions of Table T.5 are required at closer intervals, the values at 1 nm intervals given in the standard, CIE standard colorimetric observers (CIE, 1986a) should be used. For values at other than the 1 nm intervals see Note 4 to 6.1. Note 4: The chromaticity coordinates X10(A), Y1O(A) , Z10(A) of the spectral stimuli are the ratios ( ") _ x10 (.-i) x 10 /L - x 10 (,1,) +Y10(,1,) + Z10(J,) YlO(A) = Y10(}') x 10 (J,) +Y10(;Q +Z10(..1) X 10 (J,) +YlO(..1) + ZlO(,1,) X1Q(,-i) and Y1O(}') are given in Table T.5. (6.3) Note 5: The chromaticity coordinates XlO,E, YlO,E, ZlO,E of the equi-energy spectrum derived from the sums LX1Q(,1,), LY1o(,1,), LZ lO (A)ofTable T.5 are XIO,E = 0,333298 YIO,E = 0,333 336 ZIO,E = 0,333 366 (6.4) The small differences between the values of the chromaticity coordinates X10E, Y10E, ZlOE are due to the limited number of decimal digits given in the table. Note 6. The large-field colour matching data as defined by the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer are intended to apply to matches where the luminance and the relative spectral power distributions of the matched stimuli are such that no participation of the rod receptors of the visual mechanism is to be expected. This condition of observation is important as "rod intrusion" may upset the predictions of the standard observer. For daylight, possible participation of rod vision in colour matches is likely to diminish progressively above about 10 cdm- 2 and be entirely absent at about 200 cdm- 2 . For further details see 12 IX Table 2 of CIE standard colorimetric observers (CIE, 1986a) is reproduced on the CD-ROM that accompanies this Technical Report. 11 CIE 15:2004 The CIE 1931 and 1964 standard colorimetric observers were both derived from trichromatic systems based on real red [R], green [G] and blue [B] primaries, see Appendix B. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE CALCULATION OF TRISTIMULUS VALUES AND CHROMATICITY COORDINATES 13 7.1 Calculation of tristimulus values The CIE Standard (CIE, 1986a) on standard colorimetric observers recommends that the CIE tristimulus values of a colour stimulus be obtained by multiplying at each wavelength the value of the colour stimulus function I/JA(A) by that of each of the CIE colour-matching functions and integrating each set of products over the wavelength range corresponding to the entire visible spectrum, 360 nm to 830 nm. The integration can be carried out by numerical summation at wavelength intervals, equal to 1 nm. x = k ;. y = /. XlO = klO ;. (A)XlO(A),dA /. Yjo = k 10 17 ;. (),lY10(A)LiA ). ZlO = k 10 9;. (A)Z10(A),dA A (7.1) In the above equations 9;.{).) denotes the spectral distribution of the colour stimulus function, i.e. AA) = d(A)/dA, see CIE International Lighting Vocabulary item 845-01-17 (CIE, 1987). X, Y, Z are tristimulus values, X(A), y().), z().) are colour-matching functions of a standard colorimetric observer, and k is a normalising constant defined below. Each of these may be specified for the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system by being written without a subscript, orfor the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system by the use of the subscript 10. The fundamental colorimetric tables are the 1 nm tables in CIE standards. All rigorous calculations should use these 1 nm tables. For most practical purposes, the summation may be approximated by using wavelength intervals, equal to 5 nm over the wavelength range 380 nm to 780 nm. Values of the CIE colour-matching functions at 5 nm intervals suitable for use in summation over this range of wavelengths are given in Tables T.4 and T.5. When measurements have been made at smaller intervals than 5 nm, the appropriate values from the tables in the standards should be used. Tristimulus values are usually evaluated on a relative basis. In such cases the relative colour stimulus function, 9 (A), may be used instead of the colour stimulus function, ;.(A) , but it is essential that, for stimuli that will be considered together, all the spectral distributions involved be assessed on the same relative basis. The tristimulus values obtained are then relative in the sense that all the values involved may be multiplied by the same single arbitrary constant. In certain cases, however, k and klO must be chosen according to agreed conventions; these are explained in Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2. Tristimulus values evaluated on a relative basis may need to be supplemented by the value of a suitable absolute photometric quantity. 7.1.1 Secondary light sources (reflecting or transmitting objects) For reflecting or transmitting object colours, the colour stimulus function, A(A) , is replaced by the relative colour stimulus function, (A), evaluated as (A) = R(A)'S(),) or (A) = r(A),S(A) where: R(A) is the spectral reflectance factor (or spectral radiance factor or spectral reflectance) of the object colour (preferably evaluated for one of the geometric conditions given in Section 5.2). 12 r(A) is the spectral transmittance of the object colour (preferably evaluated for one of the geometric conditions given in Section 5.3). S().) is the relative spectral power distribution of the illuminant (which, whenever CIE 15:2004 possible, should be one of the CIE standard illuminants; see Section 3.1). In this case, the constants, k and k10, are chosen so that Y = 100 for objects for which R(A), or r(},) = 1 for all wavelengths, and hence k = 100ILS(A)'y(A)ld A klO = 1 DOl L S(,AlY10 (},)LU A (7.2) For other objects, the values of Yare then equal to the percentage values of luminous reflectance factor or luminance factor or luminous reflectance [in the case of R(A)], or luminous transmittance or luminous transmittance factor [in the case of r(A)]; this is because the Y(A) function is identical to the CIE spectral luminous efficiency function V(A( 7.1.2 lIIuminants and self-luminous objects For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants, k and klO, are usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the Y value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, k, must be put equal to the numerical value of Km, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 Im.W1) and 1/1;.(..1) must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. 7.2 The use of abridged or truncated data The use of the tables published in the CIE standard on colorimetric observers (CIE, 19868) requires that the colour stimulus function, (h(A) , or the relative colour stimulus function, (A), be known at 1 nm wavelength intervals over the wavelength range 360 nm to 830 nm. In practical applications, all the required data may not be available because the measurement was made at intervals greater than 1 nm, or unequal wavelength intervals were used, or data at the spectral extremes were omitted (truncation). Often it is possible to predict the needed but unmeasured data. It is recognised that calculation from predicted, rather than from measured, data, or from abridged or truncated data, may be inexact, but the investigator can often be satisfied that the accuracy is sufficient for the intended use of the tristimulus values. It is important to use the same wavelength interval and range throughout for any set of calculations in which data for different colours are to be compared precisely. In particular, it should be noted that the exact values obtained for the perfect diffuser for a given illuminant depend on the wavelength interval and range used 14 7.2.1 Abridgement Abridgement of colour stimulus data by the use of a larger sampling interval, for example 10 nm or 20 nm, will lead to errors in the computed tristimulus values. Such abridgement should be used only when it can be demonstrated that these errors are negligibly small for the intended use of the tristimulus values. If these errors are not negligible, it is recommended that needed but unmeasured values of (h.l).), R(},) , or r{A) be predicted by adequate interpolation. Note 1: Spectral reflectance and transmittance curves are usually smooth enough and continuous to permit interpolation, while e.g. spectral power distribution data of gas discharge lamps are frequently not suited for interpolation. Using interpolated values of spectral power distribution data of such lamps may lead to considerable errors. x CIE Division 1 is currently investigating whether a V10().) function should be introduced, where V lO (A) = Y10(A). Interested parties should check the latest CIE publication list or the recent edition of the International Lighting Vocabulary on the introduction of such a new definition. At the closing of the present edition of CIE 15 no V 1o (A) function has been officially agreed (for further details see Appendix 8). 13 CIE 15:2004 Note 2: Measurement errors also arise from the bandwidth of a spectrometer. Even if the data interval is 1 nm, the colorimetric errors can be significant if the bandwidth of the spectrometer is large. See 7.2.5 for bandwidth requirements. Interpolation Use one of the four following methods to calculate needed but unmeasured values of J2), R(,1) or 1\,1) within the range of measurements: 1) the third-order polynomial interpolation (Lagrange) from the four neighbouring data pOints around the point to be interpolated, or 2) cubic spline interpolation formula, or 3) a fifth order polynomial interpolation formula from the six neighboring data points around the point to be interpolated, or 4) a Sprague interpolation (see Seve, 2003)XI Note: Experiments have shown that for most samples showing smooth reflectance or transmittance spectra, the computed tristimulus values will have an adequate accuracy if measured data, illuminant and colour-matching function values at 5 nm intervals are used. See also Note to Section 7.2.3. 7.2.2 Truncation lMlere the measurement range is less than the practical range of summation, 380 nm to 780 nm, omission of values at the limits of the measurement range will lead to errors in the computed tristimulus values. Such truncation should be used only when it can be demonstrated that these errors are negligibly small for the intended use of the tristimulus values. Note: If these errors due to limited measurement range are not negligibly small, the errors might be reduced by adequate extrapolation of the needed but unmeasured values of .2), R(J,) or 1\/"). The range of the summation is an essential part of the tristimulus specification. Extrapolation Extrapolation is generally not recommended. However, when predicting needed but unmeasured values of x(2) or (2) outside the range of measurements, in the absence of other information, unmeasured values of ;.(,1), [(,1)] or of P(,1), f3 V,), or r(/") may, as a rough approximation, be set equal to the nearest measured value of the appropriate quantity in truncation. 7.2.3 Weighting factors In the case of repetitive calculations from measurements at the same wavelengths, it is often convenient to perform only once those calculations that are independent of the measured data. This results in a table of weighting factors. Such weighting factors should give results consistent with those from the normal calculations. It is recommended that tables of weighting factors be calculated for the full range of wavelengths, 360 nm to 830 nm. This provides tables that may be used for any degree of truncation by adding the weights at the unmeasured wavelengths to those at the extreme measured wavelengths. The sum of the weights at the unmeasured wavelengths is a measure of the maximum error introduced by truncation. Note: If it has been checked that measurement data obtained only at 10 nm or 20 nm intervals satisfy the need of the observer, computation methods as described e.g. in ASTM (1999) might be used. This publication contains weighting factors for both the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer and the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer and a number of illuminants and practical light sources used in colorimetry. Its Table 5 has been developed for the case when the instrument manufacturer has built in a correction to zero bandwidth (see Fairman, 1985). Its Table 6 provides XI A CIE Technical Committee is currently working on a standardized method of interpolation, interested parties should check the latest CIE publication list for more information. The CO- RaM accompanying this report contains PC interpolation programs for linear, Lagrange, spline and Sprague interpolation. 14 CIE 15:2004 weighting factors for the case when a correction to a zero bandwidth is required (see also Venable, 1989; Li et aI., 2004; ASTM, 2001 and ASTM, 2003). 7.2.4 Numerical procedures It is recommended that all numerical calculations be carried out using the full number of significant digits provided by the data in the Tables published in the CIE standards of colorimetry. Final results should be rounded to the number of significant digits indicated by the precision of the measurements. Note 1: For the purpose of calculating tristimulus values, the quantities involved for secondary light sources shall be defined as points of a continuous distribution, each point representing an infinitely narrow range of wavelengths. For primary light sources the relative emitted power is regarded as emitted in a wavelength band equal to the measuring interval and centred around the nominal wavelength. Note 2: For colour stimulus functions of primary light sources that vary rapidly with wavelength, the spectral bandwidth at half power of the measuring instrument used to determine the colour stimulus function should be equal to, or an integer multiple of, the measuring interval. For smoothly varying functions this restriction is less important. For the highest accuracy, a bandwidth of 1 nm may be used for the measuring instrument, but for most practical purposes a bandwidth and measurement interval of 5 nm may be used. The use of bandwidths of 10 nm, or 20 nm is not recommended; it can lead to considerable loss of accuracy, and if applied, should be checked on typical spectra. For practical measurements a trade-off between bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio has to be found, as the latter will influence photometric accuracy. A signal-to-noise ratio of 1 :10- 4 when measuring an ideal white sample is adequate for most applications. Note 3: The foregoing recommendations are based on measurements at equal intervals of wavelength. It is, however, not intended to imply that summations may properly be computed only with such intervals. Other summation procedures, including specifically the method of selected ordinates, may be used providing that the tristimulus values thus computed are consistent with those based on the above recommendations. 7.2.5 Bandwidth of a spectrometer When discussing errors associated with data intervals, it is also important to know measurement errors (uncertainties) due to the bandwidth of a spectrometer because, in real measurements, the data interval (scanning interval) and the bandwidth are closely related with each other to affect the measurement results. Measurement errors arising from the bandwidth of a spectrometer are generally much larger (by an order of magnitude) than the calculation errors associated with data intervals. Even if the data interval is 1 nm (or interpolated to 1 nm intervals), the colorimetric errors can be significant if bandwidth of the spectrometer is large. See also Section 7.2.4 Note 2. 7.3 Calculation of chromaticity coordinates It is recommended that chromaticity coordinates (x, y, z) be derived from the tristimulus values (X, Y, Z) as follows: x X X+Y+Z Y y=---- X+Y+Z Z z=---- X+Y+Z (7.3) Because of the relation x + y + z = 1, it suffices to quote x, y only. The diagram using the chromaticity coordinates x, y is referred to as the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram or the CIE (x, y) (chromaticity) diagram. 15 CIE 15:2004 Note: The chromaticity coordinates XlO, Yl0, ZlO are computed similarly from the tristimulus values X lO , Y lO , ZlO; the CIE 1964 chromaticity diagram is obtained using these values. 7.4 Equations representing relationships between colour stimuli 16 When equations are used to represent relationships between colour stimuli, symbols of vector notation should be used instead of those for numerical relationships. For example, one of the following forms could be used: [C] "" X[X] + Y[Yj + Z[Z] or (7.4) C =XX+YY+ZZ where X, Y, Z are the tristimulus values of colour stimulus [C], or C. The unit vectors of the reference stimuli are indicated either by [X], [Y], [Z], or by the boldface Roman letters X, Y, Z. Note: In Equ. 7.4 the "",," and "=" signs mean "matches". 8. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING UNIFORM COLOUR SPACING AND COLOUR DIFFERENCES 16 8.1 CIE 1976 uniform chromaticity scale diagram (UCS diagram) The use of the following chromaticity diagram is recommended whenever a projective transformation of the (x,y)-diagram yielding colour spacing perceptually more uniform than that of the (x,y)-diagram is desired. The chromaticity diagram is produced by plotting u' = 4X I (X + 15 Y + 3Z) as abscissa and (8.1 ) v' = 9Y I (X + 15Y +3Z) as ordinate, in which X, Y, Z are tristimulus values. The third chromaticity coordinate w' is equal to (1 - u' - v'). Note 1: The colour spacing afforded by this chromaticity diagram is known to be perceptually more uniform than that of the CIE (x,y)-chromaticity diagram for observation of samples having negligibly different luminances (e.g. for Y<0,5). This diagram is intended to apply to comparisons of differences between object colours of the same size and shape, viewed in identical white to middle-grey surroundings, by an observer photopically adapted to a field of chromaticity not too different from that of average daylight. Note 2: The same chromaticity diagram is produced by plotting u' = 4x I (-2x + 12y + 3) as abscissa and v' = 9y I (-2x + 12y + 3) as ordinate, where x, yare chromaticity coordinates. (8.2) Note 3: If the angle subtended at the eye by the pairs of specimens being compared is more than 1 and less than about 4, the tristimulus values X, Y, Z (or chromaticity coordinates x, y), calculated using the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer should be used for the calculation of u' and v'. If the angle is greater than 4, the tristimulus values X 10 , Y lO , Z10, (or chromaticity coordinates XlO, YlO) of the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer should be used to calculate U'lO and V'10. Note 4: The CI E 1960 UCS diagram, now obsolete, is described briefly in Appendix A.3. 8.2 CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces Pending the development of an improved coordinate system 17, the use of one of the following coordinate systems is recommended whenever a three-dimensional spacing perceptually more nearly uniform than that provided by the XYZ system is desired. 16 CIE 15:2004 8.2.1 CIE 1976 (L *a*b*) colour space; CIELAB colour space Basic coordinates Three-dimensional, approximately uniform, colour space produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates, L *, a*, b*, quantities defined by the equations L* = 116 f(YIY n )-16 (8.3) a* = 500[f(XIXn) - f(YIY n )] (8.4) b* = 200[f( YIY n ) - f(llln)] (8.5) where f(XIX n ) = (XIX n ) 113 if (XIX n ) > (24/116)3 (8.6) f(XIX n ) = (841/108)(XIX n )+16/116 if (XIX n ) :::; (24/116)3 (8.7) and f( YIY n ) = (YIY n ) 1/3 if (YIY n ) > (24/116)3 (8.8) f(YlY n ) = (841/108)(YlY n ) +161116 if (YIY n ) :::; (24/116)3 (8.9) and f(llln) = (II In) 1/3 if (Illn) > (24/116)3 (8.10) f(llln) = (841/108)(z/ln) +161116 if (II In) :::; (24/116)3 (8.11) where X, Y,l are the tristimulus values of the test object colour stimulus considered and X n , Yn, In are the tristimulus values of a specified white object colour stimulus. In most cases, the specified white object colour stimulus should be light reflected from a perfect reflecting diffuser illuminated by the same light source as the test object. In this case, X n , Yn, In are the tristimulus values of the light source with Y n equal to 100 18 .. The informative annex Appendix D describes the recommended reverse transformation of the L *, a*, b* coordinates to X, Y, I tristimulus values. Correlates of lightness, chroma and hue Approximate correlates of the perceived attributes lightness, chroma and hue are calculated as follows CIE 1976 lightness: CIE 1976 a,b (CIELAB) chroma CIE 1976 a,b (CIELAB) hue angle: see Section 8.2.3 Note 1 and Note 2. Colour differences L* as defined in Equ. 8.3. C* ab = (a*2 + b*2) 1/2 hab = arctan (b*/a*) (8.12) (8.13) Euclidean distances in CIELAB colour space can be used to represent approximately the perceived magnitude of colour differences between object colour stimuli of the same size and shape, viewed in identical white to middle-grey surroundings, by an observer photopically adapted to a field of chromaticity not too different from that of average daylight. In cases of deviating conditions the correlation between calculated and perceived colour differences may be impaired. Differences between two samples (denoted by subscripts 0 and 1) shall be calculated as follows: CIELAB lightness difference: tJ.L* = L*1- L*o tJ.a* = a*1 - a*o flb* = b*1 - b*o CIELAB chroma difference: tJ.C* ab = C*ab.l - C*ab.o (8.14) (8.15) (8.16) (8.17) 17 CIE 15:2004 CIELAB hue angle difference: (8.18) If the line joining the two colours crosses the positive a * axis, Equ. 8.18 will give a value outside the range 1800, in this case, the value of I'1hab must be corrected by adding or subtracting 360to bring it within this range, see also Section 8.2.3 Note 4. CIELAB hue difference I'1H* ab = 2( C* ab.1 C* ab.o) 1I2,sin(l'1.hab/2) (8.19) for small colour differences away from the achromatic axis t,H*ab = (C'ab,1,C*.b,O)1/2.t,hab (8.20) where the value of I'1hab is in radians. Note 1: The calculation of CIELAB hue and chroma differences is progressively less useful as the absolute value of b.hab approaches 180. Note 2: In information technology and other fields the subscript (R) is sometimes used for reference and (T) for test instead of (0) and (1). Similarly in industrial evaluation of small colour differences (s) is sometimes used for standard and (b) for batch. CIE 1976 a,b (CIELAB) colour difference, I'1E*ab between two colour stimuli is calculated as the Euclidean distance between the points representing them in the space: (8.21) or (8.22) these two definitions of I'1E*ab are equivalent. Alternative ways of calculating I'1.H*ab are: (8.23) where I'1E*ab is calculated from Equ. 8.21, and I'1H*ab has the same sign as I'1hab; (8.24) where k = -1 if a * 1 . b * 0 > a * 0 . b * 1 ' otherwise k = 1 ; and (8.25) More details on these alternative methods of calculating ,'\H*ab are given in Seve (1991), Stokes and Brill (1992) and Seve (1996). Note: In different practical applications it may be necessary to use different weightings for I'1L *, I'1C*ab, and I'1H*ab. In 2001, the CIE recommended such weightings in a new formula for industrial evaluation of small colour differences (CIE, 2001a), see Section 8.3. 8.2.2 CIE 1976 (L *u*v*) colour space; CIELUV colour space Three-dimensional, approximately uniform, colour space produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates, L *, u*, v*, quantities defined by the equations L* = 116 f(YIY n ) -16 See also Equ. 8.3, where 18 (8.26) if (YlY n ) > 1 ~ ~ r (8.27) and f(YIY n ) = (841/108)(Y/Yn) +161116 u* = 13L*(u' - u'n) v* = 13L *(v' - v'n) CIE 15:2004 (8.28) (8.29) (8.30) where Y, u', v' describe the colour stimulus considered and Yn, u'n. v'n describe a specified white object colour stimulus. Approximate correlates of lightness, saturation, chroma, and hue may be calculated as follows: CIE 1976 lightness: CIE 1976 u, v (CIELUV) saturation: CIE 1976 u,v (CIELUV) chroma: CIE 1976, u, v (CIELUV) hue-angle: See 8.2.3, Note 2. L * as defined in Section and Equ. 8.26. su.v = 13 [(u' - U'n)2 + (v'_v'n)2]112 C\v = (U*2 + V*2)112 = L*suv huv = arctan[(v' - v'n)/(U' - u'n)] = arctan(v*lu*) (8.31 ) (8.32) (8.33) CIE 1976 u, v (CIELUV) hue-difference: t,.H* uv = 2( C\v.1 . C\vo) 1/2sin(t,.h u j2) (8.34) where 1 and 0 refer to the two samples between which the colour difference is to be calculated and t,.h uv = h uv . 1 - huv,o (see Seve, 1991). CIELUV colour difference t,.E* uv between two colour stimuli is calculated as the Euclidean distance between the points representing them in the space: (8.35) For an alternative ways to calculate t,.H* uv , see the description in 8.2.1, but change a* to u* and b* to v*. 8.2.3 Notes on CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces Note 1: lMlen the linear formulae (Equ.'s 8.7, 8.9 or 8.11) are used for XlXn, Y/Ynor ZIZ n , anomalous values of hab may be obtained (McLaren, 1980). Anomalous values are unlikely to occur for surface colours but may occur for transparent object colours of low luminance factor lying close to the spectrum locus or purple line. Note 2: hab (or huv) lies between 0 0 and 90 0 if a* and b* (or u* and v*) are both positive, between 90 0 and 180 0 if b* (v*) is positive and a* (u*) is negative, between 180 0 and 270 0 if b* and a* (v* and u*) are both negative, and between 270 0 and 360 0 if b* (v*) is negative and a* (u*) is positive. Note 3: CI E 1976 a,b and u, v hue-differences are introduced so that a colour difference t,.E* can be broken up into components t,.L *, t,.C*, and t,.H* whose squares sum to the square of t,.E*. Differences in CIE 1976 a,b or u,v hue-angle, /\hab (or t,.h uv ) , do not have this property. Note 4: If the line joining the two colours crosses the positive a* (or u*) axis, the value of t,.h ab (or t,.h uv ) must be corrected by adding or subtracting 360 to bring it into the range 1800. Note 5: These spaces are intended to apply to comparisons of differences between object colours of the same size and shape, viewed in identical white to middle-grey surroundings, by an observer photopically adapted to a field of chromaticity not too different from that of average daylight. Note 6: If the angle subtended at the eye by the pairs of object colours being compared is between about 1 0 and 4 0 the tristimulus values X, Y, Z calculated with respect to the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer should be used for the calculation of L *, a*, b *, u*, v* and hence t,.E* ab, C* ab, Suv, C\v, hab' huv, t,.H'ab, L\H\v. If the angle is greater 19 CIE 15:2004 than 4, the tristimulus values X lO , Y lO , Z10 calculated with respect to the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer should be used to calculate L*10, a*10, b*10, U*lO, V*lO, and hence ,\E*ab,10, C*ab,10, Suv,10, C\v,10, hab,10, huv.10, I .... H*ab,10, /\H\v,10' Note 7: The obsolete CIE 1964 uniform colour space and colour difference formula are described briefly in the Appendix A. Note 8: In different practical applications it may be necessary to use different weightings for I1L*, ,,,>C*, and I1H*, see Section 8.3. Note 9: Equ.'s 8.21 to 8.25 and 8.35 have been replaced for small colour differences by the new recommendation of the CIE, see Section 8.3. 8.3 Improved industrial colour difference evaluation 8.3.1 CIEDE2000 total colour difference formula The CIE 1976 uniform colour spaces provide for the calculation of colour differences as vector distances in those spaces. Industrial practice with small colour differences has shown non-uniform effects with calculated values in different ranges and different directions in those spaces. Moreover, a change of external observing conditions may change the perceived magnitude of the colour difference in a sample pair. The work documented in CIE 101-1993 (CI E, 1993) describes a number of external parameters of a visual task that affect the correlation of visual magnitude judgements of colour differences with their colorimetric measures. The outcome of those studies was the definition of reference conditions of a visual task to which a colour-difference formula should be adapted. Experimental data sets must now be chosen to meet reference conditions or to clearly define quantified deviations from them. The CIEDE2000 total colour difference formula corrects for the non-uniformity of the CIELAB colour space for small colour differences under reference conditions. Improvements to the calculation of total colour difference for industrial colour difference evaluation are made through corrections for the effects of lightness dependence, chroma dependence, hue dependence and hue-chroma interaction on perceived colour difference. The scaling along the a* axis is modified to correct for a non-uniformity observed with grey colours. The resulting recommendation is as follows (CIE, 2001a)xl!: (8.36) A localized modification of the scaling along the a* (red-green opponent) axis is made to improve agreement with visual colour-difference perception for neutral colours. The modification increases the magnitudes of a' values compared to a* values for colours at low chroma. The transformation is as follows: L'= L* a'=a*(1+G) (8.37) b' = b* (8.38) The transformed L', a', b' values are used in calculation of hue angle, chroma and lightness, chroma and hue differences and these quantities are designated by a prime mark in the equations. XII We follow here the terminology used in CIE 142-2001 (CIE, 2001a), and omit the subscript "10", although CIEDE2000 is recommended for sample size larger than 4 degrees and thus the 10 degree observer has to be used. 20 CIE 15:2004 Weighting functions, SL, Sc, SH adjust the total colour-difference for variation in perceived magnitude with variation in the location of the colour-difference pair in L', a', b' coordinates. S - 1 0,015 (['-50 L L - + r==='===,= ~ 2 + (['-50L (8.39) Sc = 1 + 0,045C ' SH = 1+ 0,015C'T T = 1- 0,17 COS(h'-30)+ 0,24 COS{2h')+ 0,32 COS(3h'+6)- 0,20 cos(4h'-63) (8.40) (8.41 ) (8.42) Visual colour-difference perception data show an interaction between chroma difference and hue difference in the blue region that is observed as a tilt of the major axis of a colour-difference ellipsoid from the direction of constant hue angle. To account for this effect, a rotation function is applied to weighted hue and chroma differences. Rr = -sin(2t.e)Rc (8.43) (8.44) R = 2 ~ c ~ ~ (8.45) Mean hue angle and M9 values are in degree units. Note 1: All quantities with a super-position bar indicate the mean of the values for each of the samples of a colour-difference pair. Note 2: The parametric factors, k L , kc, kH are correction terms for variation in experimental conditions. Under reference conditions they are all set at 1. For other choices see (CIE, 1993). The reference conditions are: Illumination: Illuminance: Observer: Background field: Viewing mode: Sample size: Sample separation: Sample colour- source simulating the spectral relative irradiance of CIE standard illuminant 065. 1000 Ix. normal colour vision. uniform, neutral grey with L * = 50. object. greater than 4 degrees subtended visual angle. minimum sample separation achieved by placing the sample pair in direct edge contact. difference magnitude: 0 to 5 CIELAB units. Sample structure: homogeneous colour without visually apparent pattern or non- uniformity. Note 3: An alternative colour difference formula (CMC formula) not developed by the CIE, but used by some ISO committees, is briefly described in Appendix A.5 for reference purposes. Note 4: A further colour difference formula based on a modified colour space derived from CIELAB is the DIN 99 formula (DIN, 2003), see Appendix A 6. 21 CIE 15:2004 9 RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING MISCELLANEOUS COLORIMETRIC PRACTICES AND FORMULAE 9.1 Dominant wavelength and purity19 VVhen it is desired to express chromaticity in terms of dominant (or complementary) wavelength and purity, it is recommended that the evaluations be carried out as follows. 9.1.1 Dominant wavelength (of a colour stimulus), }'{j Wavelength of the monochromatic stimulus that, when additively mixed in suitable proportions with the specified achromatic stimulus, matches the colour stimulus considered. Note: For stimuli whose chromaticities lie between those of the specified achromatic stimulus and the two ends of the spectrum, complementary wavelength is used instead of dominant wavelength. 9.1.2 Complementary wavelength (of a colour stimulus), Ac Wavelength of the monochromatic stimulus that, when additively mixed in suitable proportions with the colour stimulus considered, matches the specified achromatic stimulus. Note: See note to dominant wavelength. 9.1.3 Colorimetric purity, Pc Quantity, Pc, defined by the relation Pc = Li(Ld + Ln) (9.1) where Ld and Ln are, respectively, the luminances of the monochromatic stimulus and of the specified achromatic stimulus that match the colour stimulus considered in an additive mixture. Note 1: In the case of stimuli characterized by complementary wavelength, suitable mixtures of light from the two ends of the spectrum are used instead of the monochromatic stimulus, and colorimetric purity should then be calculated using the equation given in Note 2. Note 2: In the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, colorimetric purity is related to excitation purity (see 9.1.4), Pe, by the equation Pc = PeYd /y (9.2) where Yd and yare the y-chromaticity coordinates, respectively, of the monochromatic stimulus and the colour stimulus considered. Note 3: In the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system, the colorimetric purity, Pc.l0 is defined by the relation given in Note 2, but using Pe.l0, Yd.l0, and Y10 instead of Pe, Yd, and y. 9.1.4 Excitation purity, Pe Quantity, Pe, defined by the ratio NC/ND of two collinear distances on the chromaticity diagram of the CIE 1931 or 1964 standard colorimetric system, the first distance being that between the point C representing the colour stimulus considered and the point N representing the specified achromatic stimulus; the second distance being that between the point Nand the point D on the spectrum locus at the dominant wavelength of the colour stimulus considered. The definition leads to the following expressions: Pe Y - Yn Yd - Y n x-x or P e = __ n_ Xd - xn (9.3) where (x, y), (x n , Yn), (Xd, Yd) are the x, Y chromaticity coordinates of the points C, Nand D, respectively. Note 1: For colour stimuli for which no dominant wavelength exists, see Note 1 under colorimetric purity (Section 9.1.3). 22 CIE 15:2004 Note 2: The formulae in x and yare equivalent but the use of that which has the greater value in the numerator results in greater precision. Note 3: Excitation purity is related to colorimetric purity by the equation: Pe = Pc ylYd, or Pe.1D = Pc.1D Y1D / Yd.1D 9.2 Special metamerism indices 20 Two specimens having identical tristimulus values for a given reference illuminant and reference observer are metameric if their spectral radiance distributions differ within the visible spectrum. The procedures concerned with a special metamerism index for a change from a reference illuminant to a test illuminant of different spectral composition, or that for a change from a reference observer to a test observer of different colour-matching functions are called the determination of special metamerism indices. A measure of the metamerism for the two specimens is the colour difference between the two metameric specimens caused by substituting an illuminant, "special metamerism index: change in illuminant", and caused by substituting an observer, "special metamerism index: change in observer". The colour difference is evaluated using a CIE colour difference formula and it must be clearly stated which formula has been used. It is recommended that for two specimens whose corresponding tristimulus values (X1 = X 2 , Y 1 = Y 2 , Z1 = Z2) are identical with respect to a reference illuminant and observer, the metamerism index, M, be set equal to the colour difference liE*ab between the two specimens computed for the test illuminant or for the test observer. 9.2.1 Special metamerism index: change in illuminant This procedure defines a special metamerism index M i1m for a change from a reference illuminant to a test illuminant of different spectral composition. Note: The metamerism index M ilm is not suitable for determining the resultant colour shift or specifying the colour constancy of a single object colour when the illuminant is changed. Tristimulus values under reference illuminant For a pair of metameric object colours, their tristimulus values X',i, Y',i, Z',i (i = 1, 2) under a reference illuminant are computed by the usual CIE recommendation (see Section 7) as Xm,i = k L ptA.) S(lo) X(A) liA A (9.4) Zm,i = k I piCA) S{.),) Z(A) liA A for m=r (reference illuminant), where pl:1) is the spectral reflectance of the metameric pair ( i = 1,2), SeA) is the spectral power distribution of the reference illuminant, and x(:1), y(:1), z(:1) are the colour-matching functions of either the CIE 1931 or 1964 standard colorimetric observers. It should be stated which observer has been used, and k 100 (9.5) IS(),)Y(A).LU }, The preferred reference illuminant is CIE standard illuminant 065. If another illuminant is used as reference, this should be noted. For the set of the tristimulus values Xu, Y r ,;, Zr.; (i = 1,2), the following relation holds by definition. (9.6) 23 CIE 15:2004 If Equ. 9.6 fails to hold exactly, a suitable account should be taken of this failure. The nature of such account should be completely specified and the size of the failure recorded. See Note 1 after Tristimulus values under test illuminant For the same pair of metameric object colours, their tristimulus values Xu, Yt,j,Zt,i (i = 1, 2) under test illuminant are computed from Equ. 9.4 with m=t, by inserting the spectral power distribution of the test illuminant into S(A). Suitable test illuminants include CIE standard illuminant A and the FL- and HP- illuminants defined in Table T.6 and T.7. The FL-illuminants represent typical fluorescent lamps21. Colorimetric data for these illuminants are given in Table T.8. For the colour rendering index calculation the method as described in CIE 13.3 (CIE, 1995b) was used. The most appropriate choice of test illuminant depends upon application, but where only a few typical FL-illuminants are to be selected, FL2, FL7 and FL 11 should take priority. The HP-illuminants are typical high-pressure lamp spectra used at the time of publishing this repo2 It may be useful to determine the metamerism index with respect to several test illuminants. The specific test illuminant used must be identified as a subscript to M, e.g. MA,ilm or M FL11 ,ilm, etc. Colour difference and metamerism index The colour difference t:.E*ab is computed between the tristimulus values Xt,1, Y\,1, Zt,1 of object colour 1, and X t ,2, Yt.2, Zt,2 of object colour 2. Then the metamerism index M ilrn is defined as (9.7) If colour difference formulas other than CI ELAB are used, this should be noted. 9.2.2 Special metamerism index: change in observer The CIE 1931 and 1964 standard colorimetric observers represent the colour vIsion properties of the average population reasonably well. Nevertheless it is well known that individual deviations in the colour-matching functions occur among colour normal observers. The special metamerism index: change in observer (CIE, 1989) was introduced to describe the average degree of mismatch found among metameric colours if the colour- matching functions of one of the standard colorimetric observers are changed to those of a standard deviate observer of normal colour vision. Tristimulus values for standard colorimetric observers For a pair of metameric object colours, their tristimulus values Xu, Yr,j,Zr,i (i = 1, 2) for the standard colorimetric (reference) observers are computed from Equ. 9.4, with m=r, by use of either the CIE 1931 or 1964 colour-matching functions. If the two metameric object colours fail to be a precise match with respect to the standard colorimetric observer, a suitable account should be taken of this failure. The nature of such account should be completely specified and the size of the failure recorded. See Note 1 after Tristimulus values for standard deviate observer For the same pair of metameric object colours, their tristimulus values Xt,i, Yt,i,Zt,i (i = 1, 2) for the standard deviate (test) observer are computed from Equ. 9.4, with m=t, by inserting the colour-matching functions xd(A), Yd(A), Zd(A) of the standard deviate observer. The colour- matching functions x d (},), Yd(A), Z d . ~ ) are given by 24 Xd(A) = x(A) + 6X(A) Yd(A) = y(A) + t,.Y(A) zd(A)= z(A) + t,.z(},) CIE 15:2004 (9.8) where t,. x(A) , t,. y(ll) , t,. z(),) are the so-called first deviation functions defined in Table 1.1 of (CIE, 1989) and are reproduced in Table T.1 O. Colour difference and metamerism index The colour difference t,.E*ab is computed between the tristimulus values Xu, Vi.l, Zt.l of object colour 1, and X t . 2 , Y t . 2 , Zt.2 of object colour 2. Then the metamerism index MobS is defined as (9.9) If a colour difference formula other than CIELAB is used, this should be included in the parenthesis as e.g. Mobs (u*v*). Notes on special metamerism indices Note 1: When the samples are not exactly metameric, that is Xr1 *- Xr 2 , Y r . 1 *- Yr 2 , Zr.1 *- Zr.2, then the tristimulus values X t ,2, Yt.2, Zt.2 are adjusted by the multiplicative method as follows. (9.10) Note 2: Each colour normal observer shows a colour difference t,.E*i for a sample pair metameric with respect to a reference observer and an irradiating illuminant. About 95 % of 6E*s for colour normal observers are usually found to be within 2 6M obs (a*b* or u*v*). Note 3: Further characterization of the observer metamerism can be done by calculating the range of colour mismatch, see (CIE, 1989). 9.3 Assessment of the quality of a daylight simulator for colorimetry23 The quality of simulators of CIE daylight illuminants 050,055,065 and 075 can be assessed by calculating the special metamerism index for change in illuminant, employing specified samples that are metameric matches for the CIE illuminants 050, 055, 065 and 075, respectively, and the CI E 1964 standard colorimetric observer. The purpose of this assessment is to quantify the suitability of a test source as a practical reproduction of CIE standard illuminant 050, 055, 065, or 075 for colorimetric tasks 24 The basis for the assessment is the special metamerism index: change in illuminant (see Section 9.2.1), employing specified samples that are metameric matches for the standard daylight illuminant and the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer. The method quantifies the mismatch resulting when samples that are a match under the standard daylight illuminant are viewed under the illumination of the test source, the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer being used throughout. A visible range metamerism index is employed to evaluate the colorimetric suitability of the test source for the visible wavelength range. Tables of spectral reflection radiance factor define the metameric samples. An ultraviolet range metamerism index is employed with a second set of metameric samples to evaluate the suitability of the test source in relation to ultraviolet-excited luminescent colours. The metameric sample pairs for this assessment are comprised of a luminescent and a non-luminescent sample, which are spectrally identical matches for the standard daylight illuminant. The non-luminescent sample in each metameric pair is specified by values of spectral reflection radiance factor for each standard daylight illuminant (050, 055, 065, and 075). 25 CIE 15:2004 The luminescent sample in each metameric pair is specified by values of spectral reflection radiance factor, relative spectral distribution of radiance emitted by fluorescence, and spectral external radiant efficiency. The ultraviolet range metamerism index quantifies the failure of the spectrally identical match between the luminescent and the non-luminescent sample pairs resulting from changing the illuminating source from a standard daylight illuminant to a test source. Detailed description of the test method, including the tables needed for calculating the quality index, and a computer program of the calculation method on disk, are published in CIE 51.2-1999 (CIE, 1999c), see also (CIE, 2001 b). 9.4 The evaluation of whiteness 25 To promote uniformity of practice in the evaluation of whiteness of surface colours, it is recommended that the formulae for whiteness, Wor W lO , and for tint, Twor T w . 10 , given below, be used for comparisons of the whiteness of samples evaluated for CIE standard illuminant 065. The application of the formulae is restricted to samples that are called "white" commercially, that do not differ much in colour and fluorescence, and that are measured on the same instrument at nearly the same time. Within these restrictions, the formulae provide relative, but not absolute, evaluations of whiteness, that are adequate for commercial use, when employing measuring instruments having suitable modern and commercially available facilities. W Y + 800(xn - x) + 1700(Yn - y) Y10 + 800(Xn,10 - XlO) + 1700(Yn,10 - YIO) 1000(xn-x) - 650(Yn - y) TW10 900(Xn.10 - X10) - 650(Yn1o - Y1O) (9.11 ) where Y is the Y-tristimulus value of the sample, x and yare the x, Y chromaticity coordinates of the sample, and X n , Yn are the chromaticity coordinates of the perfect diffuser, all for the CI E 1931 standard colorimetric observer; Y 10 , X10 , Y10, Xn.10 and Yn,10 are similar values for the CI E 1964 standard colorimetric observer. Note 1: The higher the value of Wor W 1O , the greater is the indicated whiteness. The more positive the value of Twor T w ,10, the greener the tint; the more negative the value of Tw or T w10 , the redder the tint. For the perfect diffuser Wand W10 are equal to 100, and Twand T w ,10 are equal to zero. Note 2: Linear whiteness formulae are applicable only within a restricted volume of the colour solid. These formulae may be used only for samples whose values of Wor W 10 and Tw or T w ,10 lie within the following limits: greater than 40 and less than 5Y - 280, or 5Y 10 - 280; greater than -4 and less than +2. Note 3: The tint formulae are based on the empirical results that lines of equal tint run approximately parallel to lines of dominant wavelength 466 nm in the x, Y and X1O, Y10 chromaticity diagrams. Note 4: Equal differences in Wor W10 do not always represent equal perceptual differences in whiteness, nor do equal differences in Twor T w ,10 always represent equal perceptual differences in greenishness or reddishness of whites. Measures of whiteness and tint that correlate uniformly with these perceptual attributes would require more complicated formulae, which is beyond present knowledge. 9.5 Calculation of correlated colour temperature 26 The concept of correlated colour temperature used to be based on visual observations. Recent investigations have shown (see Borbely et aI., 2001) that no metrological definition can be based on such perceptual investigations. Therefore a new definition has been proposed. The definition agrees with the previously recommended calculation method and thus does not cause any changes to calculated values. 26 CIE 15:2004 correlated colour temperature (Tep) temperature of a Planckian radiator having the chromaticity nearest the chromaticity associated with the given spectral distribution on a diagram where the (CI E 1931 standard observer based) u', 2/3v' coordinates of the Planckian 10CUS XIII and the test stimulus are depicted Note 1: The concept of correlated colour temperature should not be used if the chromaticity of the test source differs more than L'lC = [(u't-U'p)2+ ,(v't_V'p)2]1/2 = 5.10- 2 from the 9 Planckian radiator, where u't, V't refer to the test source, u'p,v'p to the Planckian radiator. Note 2: Correlated colour temperature can be calculated by a simple minimum search computer program that searches for that Planckian temperature that provides the smallest chromaticity difference between the test chromaticity and the Planckian locus, or e.g. by a method recommended by Robertson (1968). 10. REFERENCES ALMAN, DH, BILLMEYER, F.W. JR., 1976. Integrating sphere errors in the colorimetry of fluorescent materials. Color Res. Appl, 1, 141-145, 1976. ASTM, 1999. American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E 308. Standard practice for computing the colors of objects by using the CIE system, 1999. ASTM, 2001. American Society for Testing and Materials E-2022-01. Standard practice for calculation of weighting factors for tristimulus integration, 2001. ASTM, 2003. American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E2022-01. Standard practice for calculating of weighting factors for tristimulus integration, 2003. see e.g. ASTM Book of Standards Vol. 06.01 BORBELY, A., SAMSON, A., SCHANDA, J., 2001. The concept of correlated colour temperature revisited. Color Res. Appl., 26/6, 450-457, 2001. CIE. 1931. Proc. of the 8th Session ofCIE, Cambridge, 19-29, 1931. CI E, 1948. Proc. of the 11th Session of CIE, Paris, 16, 1948. CIE, 1951. Proc. of the 12th Session ofCIE, Stockholm, Vol. 3, 63,1951. CIE. 1955. Proc. of the 13th Session of CIE, Zurich, Vol. 1, Section 1.3.1, 12-13, 1955. CIE, 1957. CIE Bulletin No.3, 16, 1957. CIE, 1959. Proc. ofthe 14th Session ofCIE, Brussels, Vol. A, 91-109,1959. CIE, 1963. Proc. of the 15th Session ofCIE, Vienna, Vol. A, 35, 1963. CIE, 1967. Proc. of the 16th Session ofCIE, Washington, D.C., Vol. A, 95-97,1967. CIE, 1971. CIE 15-1971. Colorimetry, 1971. CIE, 1972. Supplement No. 1 to CIE 15-1971. Special metamerism index: Change in illuminant, 1972. CIE, 1978. Supplement No.2 to CIE 15-1971. Recommendations on uniform colour spaces, colour-difference equations, psychometric colour terms, 1978. CI E, 1979a. CI E 44-1979. Absolute methods for reflection measurements, 1979. CI E, 1979b. CI E 46-1979. A review of publications on properties and reflection values of material reflection standards, 1979. XIII In calculating the chromaticity coordinates of the Planckian radiator the C2 value according to ITC-90 has to be used (C2 = 1,4388) in Planck's equation for standard air, but assuming n=1. See Appendix E. 27 CIE 15:2004 CIE, 1981. CIE 51-1981. A method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry, 1981. CI E, 1986a. CI E S002-1986. CIE standard colorimetric observers, 1986. (Published also as CIEIISO 10527:1991). CIE, 1986b. CIE 15.2-1986. Colorimetry, Second Edition, 1986. CIE, 1987. CIE 17.4-1987. International Lighting Vocabulary, 1987. CIE, 1988. CIE 76-1988. Intercomparison on measurement of (total) spectral radiance factor of luminescent specimens, 1988. CIE, 1989. CIE 80-1989. Special metamerism index: Change in observer, 1989. CIE, 1993. CIE 101-1993. Parametric effects in colour difference evaluation, 1993. CIE, 1995a. CIE 116-1995. Industrial colour difference evaluation, 1995. CIE, 1995b. CIE 13.3-1995. Method of measuring and specifying colour rendering properties of light sources, 1995. CIE, 1998a. CIE 131-1998. The CIE 1997 interim colour appearance model (simple version), CIECAM97s, 1998. CIE, 1998b. CIE x014-1998. Proc. ofthe CIE expert symposium '97 on colour standards for imaging technology, 1998. CIE, 1998c. Standard CIE S005/E-1998. CIE standard iIIuminants for colorimetry, 1998. (Published also as ISO 10526/CIE S 005/E-1999). CIE, 1998d. CIE 130-1998. Practical methods for the measurement of reflectance and transmittance, 1998. CIE, 1999a. CIE 135/4-1999. Some recent developments in colour difference evaluation, 1999. CIE, 1999b. CIE 135/3-1999. Supplement 1-1999 to CIE 51-1981, Virtual metamers for assessing the quality of simulators of CIE iIIuminant 050, 1999. CIE, 1999c. CIE 51.2-1999. A method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry, 1999. CIE, 2001 a. CIE 142-2001. Improvement to industrial colour-difference evaluation, 2001. CIE, 2001 b. CIE OS 012:2001. Standard method of assessing the spectral quality of daylight simulators for visual appraisal and measurement of colour, 2001. CIE, 2004a. CIE OS 014-2.2:2004 Colorimetry- Part 2. CIE Standard lIIuminants, 2004. CIE, 2004b. CIE 159:2004. A colour appearance model for colour management systems: CIECAM02, 2004. 01 N, 2003. DIN 6176:2003. Colorimetric determination of colour differences of surface colours using the DIN 99 formula, 2003. FAIRMAN, H.S., 1985. The calculation of weight factors for tristimulus integration. Color Res. Appl., 10, 199-203, 1985. GUNDLACH, D., MALLWlTZ, E., 1976. Fragen der Probenbeleuchtung und Mei3geometrie in der Farbmessung. Die Farbe, 25, 113-130, 1976. JIS, 1991. JIS 8716. Fluorescent lamp as a simulator of CIE standard illuminant 0 65 for a visual comparison of surface colours - Type and characteristics, 1991. JUDD, 0.8., MACADAM, D.L., WfSZECKI, G., 1964. with the collaboration of BUDDE, H.W, CONDIT, HR, HENDERSON, S.T., SIMONDS, J.L. Spectral distribution oftypical daylight as a function of correlated color temperature. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 54, 1031-1040, 1964. LE GRAND, Y., 1968. Light, Colour and Vision. Second Edition. London, Chapman and Hall, 1-564, 1968. 28 CIE 15:2004 LI, C.J., LUO, M.R., RIGG, B., 2004. A new method for computing optimum weights for calculating CIE Tristimulus Values. Color Res. Appl., 29,91-103,2004. MCLAREN, K., 1980. CIELAB hue-angle anomalies at low tristimulus ratios. Color Res. App/., 5,139-143,1980. PAULI, H., 1976. Proposed extension of the CIE recommendation on "Uniform color spaces, color difference equations, and metric color terms". J. Opt. Soc. Am., 66, 866-867, 1976. ROBERTSON, A.R., 1968. Computation of correlated color temperature and distribution temperature. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 58, 1528-35, 1968. ROBERTSON, A.R., 1978. CIE guidelines for coordinated research on colour difference evaluation. Color Res. Appl., 3, 149-151, 1978. SEVE, R., 1991. New formula for the computation of CIE 1976 hue difference. Color Res. App/., 16,217-218,1991. SEVE, R., 1996. Practical formula for the computation of CIE 1976 hue difference. Color Res. Appl., 21, 314,1996. SEVE, R., DUVAL, B., 2003. Interpolation procedure: Proposals and comments. In CIE 152:2003, Proc. CIE 25 th Session Vol. 1. 01-74-77,2003. STOKES, M., BRILL, M.H., 1992. Efficient computation of L'..H*ab. Color Res. Appl., 17,410- 411,1992. VENABLE, WH., 1989. Accurate tristimulus values from spectral data. Color Res. Appl., 14, 260-267, 1989. WYSZECKI, G., 1968. Recent agreements reached by the Colorimetry Committee of the Commission Internationale de l'Eciairage, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 58,290-292,1968. WYSZECKI, G., STILES, WS., 1982. Color Science - Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae. 2nd Edition. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1982. 29 CIE 15:2004 11. TABLES This Section of the report contains tables of abridged and truncated colorimetric data. The full tables - recommended for general use - are found in the CIE standards on colorimetrl lV The tables presented here are intended for use, only when the highest precision is not required. Users should check before using these tables whether the level of precision meets their needs. The illuminant tables in this section are provided for the range between 300 nm and 780 nm. The tables of other colorimetric functions are provided for the range between 380 nm and 780 nm. All tables are at 5 nm intervals. 11.1 Table T.1. Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminants Relative spectral power distributions [S(A)] of CIE standard illuminants A and 065, as well as CIE illuminants C, 050, 055 and 075 for wavelengths A = 300 nm to 780 nm at 5 nm intervals xv A, nm Standard Standard Iliuminant IIluminant Iliuminant Iliumina IIluminantA Iliuminant 065 C 050 055 075 300 0,930483 0,0341000 0,00 0,019 0,024 0,043 305 1,12821 1,66430 0,00 1,035 1,048 2,588 310 1,35769 3,29450 0,00 2,051 2,072 5,133 315 1,62219 11,7652 0,00 4.914 6,648 17,470 320 1,92508 20,2360 0,01 7,778 11,224 29,808 325 2,26980 28,6447 0,20 11,263 15,936 42,369 330 2,65981 37,0535 0,40 14,748 20,647 54,930 335 3,09861 38,501 1 1,55 16,348 22,266 56,095 340 3,58968 39,9488 2,70 17,948 23,885 57,259 345 4,13648 42,4302 4,85 19,479 25,851 60,000 350 4,74238 44,911 7 7,00 21,010 27,817 62,740 355 5,41070 45,7750 9,95 22,476 29,219 62,861 360 6,14462 46,6383 12,90 23,942 30,621 62,982 365 6,94720 49,3637 17,20 25,451 32,464 66,647 370 7,82135 52,0891 21,40 26,961 34,308 70,312 375 8,76980 51,0323 27,50 25,724 33,446 68,507 380 9,79510 49,9755 33,00 24,488 32,584 66,703 385 10,8996 52,311 8 39,92 27,179 35,335 68,333 390 12,0853 54,6482 47,40 29,871 38,087 69,963 395 13,3543 68,701 5 55,17 39,589 49,518 85,946 400 14,7080 82,7549 63,30 49,308 60,949 101,929 405 16.1480 87,1204 71,81 52,910 64,751 106,911 410 17,6753 91,4860 80,60 56,513 68,554 111,894 415 19,2907 92,4589 89,53 58,273 70,065 112,346 420 20,9950 93,431 8 98,10 60,034 71,577 112,798 XIV These tables can also be found on the accompanying CO-ROM. xv Standard illuminant A and standard illuminant 065 data are every fifth value from the CIE Standard. The illuminant C data are unchanged from CIE 15.2-1986. The 050,055 and 075 data are calculated according to the present version of CI E 15. 30 CIE 15:2004 Standard Standard Iliuminant Iliuminant Ilium 1 I 1 ~ i.:Lnm C 050 055 425 22,7883 90,0570 105,80 58,926 69,746 107,945 430 24,6709 86,6823 112,40 57,818 67,914 103,092 435 26,6425 95,7736 117,75 66,321 76,760 112,145 440 28,7027 104,865 121,50 74,825 85,605 121,198 445 30,8508 110,936 123,45 81,036 91,799 127,104 450 33,0859 117,008 124,00 87,247 97,993 133,010 455 35,4068 117,410 123,60 88,930 99,228 132,682 460 37,8121 117,812 123,10 90,612 100,463 132,355 465 40,3002 116,336 123,30 90,990 100,188 129,838 470 42,8693 114,861 123,80 91,368 99,913 127,322 475 45,5174 115,392 124,09 93,238 101,326 127,061 480 48,2423 115,923 123,90 95,109 102,739 126.800 485 51,0418 112,367 122,92 93,536 100,409 122.291 490 53,9132 108,811 120,70 91,963 98,078 117,783 495 56,8539 109,082 116,90 93,843 99,379 117,186 500 59,861 1 109.354 112,10 95,724 100,680 116,589 505 62,9320 108,578 106,98 96,169 100,688 115,146 510 66,0635 107,802 102,30 96,613 100,695 113,702 515 69,2525 106,296 98,81 96,871 100,341 111,181 520 72,4959 104,790 96,90 97,129 99,987 108,659 525 75,7903 106,239 96,78 99,614 102,098 109,552 530 79,1326 107,689 98,00 102,099 104,210 110,445 535 82,5193 106,047 99,94 101,427 103,156 108,367 540 85,9470 104,405 102,10 100,755 102,102 106.289 545 89,4124 104,225 103,95 101,536 102,535 105,596 550 92,9120 104,046 105,20 102,317 102,968 104,904 555 96,4423 102,023 105,67 101,159 101,484 102,452 560 100,000 100,000 105,30 100,000 100,000 100,000 565 103,582 98,167 1 104,11 98,868 98,608 97,808 570 107,184 96,3342 102,30 97,735 97,216 95,616 575 110,803 96,061 1 100,15 98,327 97,482 94,914 580 114,436 95,7880 97,80 98,918 97,749 94,213 585 118,080 92,2368 95,43 96,208 94,590 90,605 590 121,731 88,6856 93,20 93,499 91,432 86,997 595 125,386 89,3459 91,22 95,593 92,926 87,112 600 129,043 90,0062 89,70 97,688 94,419 87,227 605 132,697 89,8026 88,83 98,478 94,780 86,684 610 136,346 89,5991 88,40 99,269 95,140 86,140 615 139,988 88,6489 88,19 99,155 94,680 84,861 620 143,618 87,6987 88,10 99,042 94,220 83,581 625 147,235 85,4936 88,06 97,382 92,334 81,164 630 150,836 83,2886 88,00 95,722 90,448 78,747 31 CIE 15:2004
Standard Iliuminant Iliuminant
, nm Iliuminant A Iliuminant D65 C D50 D55 D 18 83,4939 87,86 97,290 91,389 78,587 157.979 83,6992 87,80 98,857 92,330 78,428 645 161,516 81,8630 87,99 97,262 90,592 76,614 650 165,028 80,0268 88,20 95,667 88,854 74,801 655 168,510 80,1207 88,20 96,929 89,586 74,562 660 171,963 80,2146 87,90 98,190 90,317 74,324 665 175,383 81,2462 87,22 100,597 92,133 74,873 670 178,769 82,277 8 86,30 103,003 93,950 75,422 675 182,118 80,2810 85,30 101,068 91,953 73,499 680 185,429 78,2842 84,00 99,133 89,956 71,576 685 188,701 74,0027 82,21 93,257 84,817 67,714 690 191,931 69,7213 80,20 87,381 79,677 63,852 695 195,118 70,6652 78,24 I QO A92 81,258 64,464 700 198,261 71,609 1 76,30 91,604 82,840 65,076 705 201,359 72,9790 74,36 92,246 83,842 66,573 710 204,409 74,3490 72,40 92,889 84,844 68,070 715 207,411 67,9765 70,40 84,872 77,539 62,256 720 210,365 61,6040 68,30 76,854 70,235 56,443 725 213,268 65,7448 66,30 81,683 74,768 60,343 730 216,120 69,8856 64,40 86,511 79,301 64,242 735 218,920 72,4863 62,80 89,546 82,147 66,697 740 221,667 75,0870 61,50 92,580 84,993 69,151 745 224,361 69,3398 60,20 85,405 78,437 63,890 750 227,000 63,5927 59,20 78,230 71,880 58,629 755 229,585 55,0054 58,50 67,961 62,337 50,623 760 232,115 46,4182 58,10 57,692 52,793 42,617 765 234,589 56,611 8 58,00 70,307 64,360 51,985 770 237,008 66,8054 58,20 82,923 75,927 61,352 775 239,370 65,0941 58,50 80,599 73,872 59,838 780 241,675 63,3828 59,10 78,274 71,818 58,324 32 CIE 15:2004 11.2 Table T.2. Components So(A), S1(A), S2(A) Components SO(A) , S1(A), SZ(A) of daylight used in the calculation of relative spectral power distributions of CIE daylight illuminants of different correlated colour temperatures, for wavelengths }, = 300 nm to 830 nm at 5 nm intervals. I A, nm I SoV,) I S1(}') I S2(.1,) I }., nm So(.1,) SM) S2V,) 300 0,04 0,02 0,00 490 113,50 20,10 -1,80 305 3,02 2,26 1,00 495 113,30 18,15 -1,65 310 6,00 4,50 2,00 500 113,10 16,20 -1,50 315 17,80 13,45 3,00 505 111,95 14,70 -1,40 320 29,60 22,40 4,00 510 110,80 13,20 -1,30 325 42,45 32,20 6,25 515 108,65 10,90 -1,25 330 55,30 42,00 8,50 520 106,50 8,60 -1,20 335 56,30 41,30 8,15 525 107,65 7,35 -1,10 340 57,30 40,60 7,80 530 108,80 6,10 -1,00 345 59,55 41,10 7,25 535 107,05 5,15 -0,75 350 61,80 41,60 6,70 540 105,30 4,20 -0,50 355 61,65 39,80 6,00 545 104,85 3,05 -0,40 360 61,50 38,00 5,30 550 104,40 1,90 -0,30 365 65,15 40,20 5,70 555 102,20 0,95 -0,15 370 68,80 42,40 6,10 560 100,00 0,00 0,00 375 66,10 40,45 4,55 565 98,00 -0,80 0,10 380 63,40 38,50 3,00 570 96,00 -1,60 0,20 385 64,60 36,75 2,10 575 95,55 -2,55 0,35 390 65,80 35,00 1,20 580 95,10 -3,50 0,50 395 80,30 39,20 0.05 585 92,10 -3,50 1,30 400 94,80 43,40 -1.10 590 89,10 -3,50 2,10 405 99,80 44,85 -0,80 595 89,80 -4,65 2,65 410 104,80 46,30 -0,50 600 90,50 -5,80 3,20 415 105,35 45,10 -0,60 605 90,40 -6,50 3,65 420 105,90 43,90 -0,70 610 90,30 -7,20 4,10 425 101,35 40,50 -0,95 615 89,35 -7,90 4,40 430 96,80 37,10 -1,20 620 88,40 -8,60 4,70 435 105,35 36,90 -1,90 625 86,20 -9,05 4,90 440 113,90 36,70 -2,60 630 84,00 -9,50 5,10 445 I 119,75 36,30 -2,75 I 635 84,55 -10,20 5,90 450 125,60 35,90 -2,90 640 85,10 -10,90 6,70 455 125,55 34,25 -2,85 645 83,50 -10,80 7,00 460 I 125,50 32,60 -2,80 650 81,90 -10,70 7,30 465 123,40 30,25 -2,70 655 82,25 -11,35 7,95 470 121,30 27,90 -2,60 660 82,60 -12,00 8,60 475 121,30 26,10 -2,60 665 83,75 -13,00 9,20 480 121,30 24,30 -2,60 670 84,90 -14,00 9,80 485 117,40 22,20 -2,20 675 ',au 10,00 33 CIE 15:2004 A nm .C:UJ) S1()') S2( SO(,1) S1(.1) S2(.1) 680 81,30 -13,60 10,20 58,15 -9,50 6,30 685 76,60 -12,80 9,25 770 68,60 -11,20 7,40 690 71,90 -12,00 8,30 775 66,80 -10,80 7,10 695 73,10 -12,65 8,95 780 65,00 -10,40 6,80 700 74,30 -13,30 9,60 785 65,50 -10,50 6,90 705 75,35 -13,10 9,05 790 66,00 -10,60 7,00 710 76,40 -12,90 8,50 795 63,50 -10,15 6,70 715 69,85 -11,75 7,75 800 61,00 -9,70 6,40 720 63,30 -10,60 7,00 805 57,15 -9,00 5,95 725 67,50 -11,10 7,30 810 53,30 -8,30 5,50 730 71,70 -11,60 7,60 815 56,10 -8,80 5,80 735 74,35 -11,90 7,80 820 58,90 -9,30 6,10 740 77,00 -12,20 8,00 825 60,40 -9,55 6,30 745 71,10 -11,20 7,35 830 61,90 -9,80 6,50 750 65,20 -10,20 6,70 755 56,45 -9,00 5,95 760 47,70 -7,80 5,20 34 CIE 15:2004 11.3 Table T.3. Tristimulus values, chromaticity coordinates of CIE iIIuminants Tristimulus values, X, Y, Z, and chromaticity coordinates x, y, and u', v' for CIE standard illuminants A and D65, as well as for CIE illuminants C, D50, D55 and D75 computed for the 1931 and 1964 standard colorimetric observers. 1. For the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer as defined in Table T.4 and illuminants as defined in Table T.1 (5 nm intervals over the range 380 nm to 780 nm). I Standard Standard Iliuminant Illuminant Iliuminant Iliuminant Illuminant C D50 D55 D75 1"luminant A D65 X 109,85 95,04 98,07 96,42 95,68 94,97 Y 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 Z 35,58 108,88 118,22 82,51 92,14 122,61 x 0,44758 0,31272 0,31006 0,34567 0,33243 0,29903 Y 0,40745 0,32903 0,31616 0,35851 0,34744 0,31488 u' 0,25597 0,19783 I 0,20089 0,20916 0,20443 0,19353 v' 0,52429 0,46834 0,46089 0,48808 0,48075 0,45853 2. For the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer as defined in Table T.5 and illuminants as defined in Table T.1 (5 nm intervals over the range 380 nm to 780 nm). Standard Standard IIlu'" . n lIIuminant Iliuminant II Illuminant A IIluminant D65 C D50 D55 D X 10 111,14 94,81 97,29 96,72 95,80 94,42 Y lO 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 Z10 35,20 107,32 116,14 81,43 90,93 120,64 X10 0,451 17 0,31381 0,31039 0,34773 0,33412 0,29968 Y10 0,40594 0,33098 0,31905 0,35952 0,34877 0,31740 U'10 0,25896 0,19786 0,20000 0,21015 0,20507 0,19305 V'10 0,52425 0,46954 0,46255 0,48886 0,481 65 0,46004 35 CIE 15:2004 11.4 Table T.4. CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer Truncated set of colour-matching functions x(/l), y(/l), z(/l) and corresponding chromaticity coordinates x(/l), yV") for ). = 380 nm to 780 nm at 5 nm intervals, rounded to 6 and 5 decimal places respectively. VI
-0,404927 0,720251 0,057654 -1,08566 1,93108 0.15458 19500 -0,333995 0,830003 0,029877 -0,63511 1,57830 0,05681 19250 -0,201889 0,933227 0,012874 -0,27128 1,25398 0,01730 19000 0,000000 1,000000 0,000000 0,00000 1,00000 0,00000 18750 0,255754 1,042957 -0,008854 0,19828 0,80858 -0.00686 18500 0,556022 1,061343 -0,014341 0,34686 0,66209 -0,00895 18250 0,904637 1,031339 -0,017422 0,47152 0,53756 -0,00908 18000 1,314803 0,976838 -0,018644 0,57844 0,42976 -0,00820 17750 1,770322 0,887915 -0,017338 0,67035 0,33622 -0,00657 17500 2,236809 0,758780 -0,014812 0,75041 0,25456 -0,00497 17250 2,641981 0,603012 -0,011771 0,81714 0,18650 -0,00364 17000 3,002291 0,452300 -0,008829 0,87130 0,13126 -0,00256 60 CIE 15:2004 v, cm- 1 (10(V) 910(v) - EiiJI b 10 (v) r1O( v) 910( v) 16750 3,159249 0,306869 -0,005990 0,91304 0,08869 -0,0 16500 3,064234 0,184057 -0,003593 0,94438 0,05673 16250 2,717232 0,094471 -0,001844 0,96704 0,03362 -0,00066 16000 2,191156 0,041693 -0,000815 0,98169 0,01868 -0,00037 15750 1,566864 0,013407 -0,000262 0,99168 0,00849 -0,00017 15500 1,000000 0,000000 0,000000 1,00000 0,00000 0,00000 15250 0,575756 -0,002747 0,000054 1,00470 -0,00479 0,00009 15000 0,296964 -0,002029 0,000040 1,00674 -0,00688 0,00014 14750 0,138738 -0,001116 0,000022 1,00795 -0,00811 0,00016 14500 0,0602209 -0,0005130 0,0000100 1,00842 -0,00859 0,00017 14250 0,0247724 -0,0002152 0,0000042 1,00859 -0,00876 0,00017 14000 0,00976319 -0,00008277 0,00000162 1,00838 -0,00855 0,00017 13750 0,00375328 0,00003012 0,00000059 1,00793 -0,00809 0,00016 13500 0,00141908 -0,00001051 0,00000021 1,00731 -0,00746 0,00015 13250 0,000533169 -0,000003543 0,000000069 1,00656 -0,00669 0,00013 13000 0,000199730 -0,000001144 0,000000022 1,00565 -0,00576 0,00011 12750 0,0000743522 -0,0000003472 0,0000000068 1,00460 -0,00469 0,00009 12500 0,0000276506 -0,0000000961 0,0000000019 1,00342 -0,00349 0,00007 I 12250 0,0000102123 -0,0000000220 0,0000000004 1,00212 -0,00216 0,00004 Reference CIE, 1959, Proc, of the 14th Session ofC/E, Brussels, Vol. A, 91-109,1959, CIE, 1986, CIE S002-1986, GtE standard colorimetric observers, 1986, (Published also as CIE/ISO 10527:1991), CIE, 1990, CIE 86-1990, GIE 1988 2 spectral luminous efficiency function for photopic vision, 1990, MORREN L, 2000, Private communication, calculations done for the GIE TC 1-48, SCHANDA, J" 1998. Current CIE work to achieve physiologically correct colour metrics, in Color Vision, Perspectives from different disciplines, eds.: Backhaus, W.G.K" Kliegl, R., Werner, J.S. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, 1998. 61 CIE 15:2004 APPENDIX C. ALTERNATIVE METHOD TO DEFINE DAYLIGHT ILLUMINANTS - METHOD OF CALCULATION, CORRECTED TABLES AND EQUATIONS (FOR INFORMATION AND EVALUATION) If one tries to apply the calculation procedure for other illuminants 0, which is described in Section 3.1 to 065, one has to follow a rounding process for computing the coefficients M1 and M2 and then a peculiar practice for rounding the final results. These unusual procedures explain the slight deviations sometimes observed in comparison with the official table for standard illuminant 065. These changes are negligible for colorimetric calculations, but are annoying if tables are compared, see (Kn3nicz and Schanda, 2000). Daylight illuminant spectral power distribution tables are based on the work of Judd and co-workers (Judd et ai., 1964), who proposed the calculation method of daylight illuminants based on the So, S1, S2 component functions. Judd and co-workers published the So, S1, S2 functions at 10 nm increments: from these the table accepted by the CIE and reproduced in Table T.2 was calculated using linear interpolation. (Also Table 1 of the CIE standard (CIE, 1998) was calculated using linear interpolation.) Using the equations in Section 3.1 without following carefully the details of use may lead to slightly different results if the original 10 nm tables, or the 5 nm tables as reproduced in Section 11. Tables, or the 1 nm tables of the standard are used. To overcome this problem - and to harmonise colorimetric practice - an alternative method is recommended for evaluation. Since the interpolation of all other colorimetric functions from their original 10 nm values has been done by non-linear interpolation, these new tables have been derived by a Lagrange interpolation method xx . The table containing the Lagrange interpolated SOLag, S1Lag and S2Lag values of the So, S1, S2 functions at 1 nm increments is included on the accompanying CD-ROM. The original Judd and co-workers' 10 nm data were used as input data. Table C. 1 shows the 5 nm sampled set of values. The starting point for Daylight IIluminant calculation is the set of Equ.'s 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of the main publication. First one has to calculate the Xo chromaticity coordinate of the daylight phase required using Equ. 3.3 for daylight illuminant correlated colour temperatures from approximately 4000 K to 7000 K, or Equ. 3.4 for daylight illuminant correlated colour temperatures from larger than 7000 K to approximately 25000 K. Then Yo is calculated using Equ. 3.2. These Equ.'s are regarded as defining the daylight chromaticity. The next step is to calculate the Daylight Iliuminant relative spectral power distribution using these Xo, Yo values and Equ. 3.5: xxl (3.5) The official CIE method uses the So()o), S1(A), S2(A) functions as defined in Table T.2. These component spectra were originally determined at the full 10 nm increments, and later linearly interpolated to every 5 nm. To calculate S(A) one has to know the M 1 , M2 factors. The original Judd publication defines these as functions of Xo, Yo as reproduced in Equ. 3.6: xXI -1,3515 -1,7703xo + 5,9114yo 0,0241 + O,2562xD - 0,7341yo M2 = O,0300-31,4424xD +30,0717YD 0,0241 + 0,2562xo - 0,7341yo (3.6) xx To be able to determine So, S1, S2 values at any desired wavelength, the accompanying CD-ROM contains a Lagrange interpolation program. XXI Equ.'s 3.5 and 3.6 are taken from Section 3 of the present document. 62 CIE 15:2004 The constants in these Equ.'s depend, however, on the sampling of the S functions, see (Kranicz and Schanda, 2000). The main publication overcomes this difficulty by stating that calculations have to be done at 10 nm increments with subsequent linear interpolation. The M 1 , M2 functions can be written in a general form: M =9n x o+ h nYo+in n jxo + kyo + I where n = 1 for Equ. M1 and n = 2 for Equ. M 2 . 9, h, i, j, k and I are obtained as the tristimulus values of the So(.-1), S1(}'), S2(A) functions. and recommended values are listed in Table C 2. Thus e.g. = 1000 B002 - Bpo 91 0 2 o where e.g. A,,-,., Bo = I SO(A) Y(A)L\A and
B2 = IS2(J.) y(J.)L\J. Amin1
and the 0 symbols refer to the sum of the three tristimulus values of the form as shown by the B equations for the Y tristimulus values of the So, S1 and S2 functions. The tristimulus values will depend on the method of summation, and thus also the 9, h, i, j, k and I coefficients will depend on them. This ultimately will have an influence on the Xs, Ys chromaticity coordinates of the daylight phases calculated from the S(A) spectral power distribution according to Equ. 3.5. If these Xs, Ys values deviate from the xo, Yo values used as the input values in the calculation, a user may feel unsure as to whether he or she has followed the procedure correctly. To avoid such confusion, values of 9n, hn, in, j, k and I have to be calculated for the summation used for calculating SeA). Table C.2 shows the recommended values for the CIE 1931 and CIE 1964 standard observers using the 1 nm standard tables and the Lagrange interpolated SOLag, S1Lag, S2Lag tables, both for 1 nm and 5 nm abridged and truncated colour matching tables. Using these 91 ... I coefficients the Xs, Ys values agree with the Xo, YD values to five decimal places. 63 CIE 15:2004 Table C.1. SOLag, S1Lag and S2Lag 5 nm sampled spectra. lA, nml SOLag I S1Lag I S2Lsg I IIA, nm SOLag S1 ~ 300 0,04000 0,02000 0,00000 490 113,50000 20,10000 -1,80000 305 -0,15625 -0,15000 1,15625 495 112,95625 18,07500 -1,61250 310 6,00000 4,50000 2,00000 500 113,10000 16,20000 -1,50000 315 16,56625 12,50500 2,84375 505 112,19375 14,74375 -1,38750 320 29,60000 22,40000 4,00000 510 110,80000 13,20000 -1,30000 325 43,80000 33,40625 6,41875 515 108,36250 10,86875 -1,25000 330 55,30000 42,00000 8,50000 520 106,50000 8,60000 -1,20000 335 57,62500 42,46250 8,50000 525 107,60000 7,18125 -1,12500 340 57,30000 40,60000 7,80000 530 108,80000 6,10000 -1,00000 345 59,69375 41,23750 7,29375 535 107,25000 5,13750 -0,75000 350 61,80000 41,60000 6,70000 540 105,30000 4,20000 -0,50000 355 61,47500 39,58750 5,88125 545 104,90625 3,05000 -0,38750 360 61,50000 38,00000 5,30000 550 104,40000 1,90000 -0,30000 365 65,46875 40,21875 5,80625 555 102,39375 0,90625 -0,15000 370 68,80000 42,40000 6,10000 560 100,00000 0,00000 0,00000 375 66,40625 40,94375 4,71250 565 97,78125 -0,80000 0,10000 380 63,40000 38,50000 3,00000 570 96,00000 -1,60000 0,20000 385 62,45000 35,98125 2,05000 575 95,67500 -2,65000 0,26250 390 65,80000 35,00000 1,20000 95,10000 -3,50000 0,50000 395 79,82500 38,80000 -0,10000 91,95625 -3,47500 1,25000 400 94,80000 43,40000 -1,10000 89,10000 -3,50000 2,10000 405 101,54375 45,52500 -0,93125 595 89,43750 -4,56250 2,69375 410 104,80000 46,30000 -0,50000 600 90,50000 -5,80000 3,20000 415 106,54375 45,70625 -0,53125 605 90,60625 -6,55625 3,68125 420 105,90000 43,90000 -0,70000 610 90,30000 -7,20000 4,10000 425 100,35000 40,37500 -0,87500 615 89,61250 -7,93125 4,43125 430 96,80000 37,10000 -1,20000 620 88,40000 -8,60000 4,70000 435 104,05000 36,52500 -1,91250 625 86,01250 -9,05000 4,83750 440 113,90000 36,70000 -2,60000 630 84,00000 -9,50000 5,10000 445 120,82500 36,48125 -2,84375 635 84,47500 -10,26875 5,88750 450 125,60000 35,90000 -2,90000 640 85,10000 -10,90000 6,70000 455 126,54375 34,49375 -2,88125 645 83,52500 -10,80625 7,01875 460 125,50000 32,60000 -2,80000 650 81,90000 -10,70000 7,30000 465 123,39375 30,26875 -2,69375 655 81,90625 -11,21250 7,91250 470 121,30000 27,90000 -2,60000 660 82,60000 -12,00000 8,60000 475 121,52500 26,06875 -2,63750 665 84,01875 -13,10625 9,25625 480 121,30000 24,30000 -2,60000 670 84,90000 -14,00000 9,80000 485 117,42500 22,21875 -2,21875 675 83,83125 -14,02500 10,19375 64 CIE 15:2004 SOLag I S1Lag ~ lA, nml SOLag I S1Lag I S2Lsg 680 81,30000 -13,60000 10,20000 760 47,70000 -7,80000 5,20000 685 76,22500 -12,69375 9,19375 765 57,28125 -9,40000 6,24375 690 71,90000 -12,00000 8,30000 770 68,60000 -11,20000 7,40000 695 72,38125 -12,57500 8,90000 775 68,04375 -11,00000 7,22500 700 74,30000 -13,30000 9,60000 780 65,00000 -10,40000 6,80000 705 76,31875 -13,32500 9,22500 785 65,58750 -10,50625 6,90000 710 76,40000 -12,90000 8,50000 790 66,00000 -10,60000 7,00000 715 69,45625 -11,66250 7,64375 795 64,04375 -10,25000 6,76875 720 63,30000 -10,60000 7,00000 800 61,00000 -9,70000 6,40000 725 66,35000 -10,91875 7,18125 805 56,48750 -8,88125 5,87500 730 71,70000 -11,60000 7,60000 810 53,30000 -8,30000 5,50000 -- 735 75,61250 -12,08750 7,91875 815 55,43125 -8,68125 5,71875 740 77,00000 -12,20000 8,00000 820 58,90000 -9,30000 6,10000 745 72,52500 -11,38750 7,46875 825 61,71875 -9,79375 6,43125 750 65,20000 -10,20000 6,70000 830 61,90000 -9,80000 6,50000 755 54,40625 -8,66250 5,73125 Table C.2. g1 to I coefficients for CIE 1931 and 1964 standard observers and 1 nm standard tables using the Lagrange interpolated So, $1 and S2 functions both for 1 nm and 5 nm sampling, CIE 1931 St. CIE 1964 St. CIE 1931 St. CIE 1964 St. Coeff.s Obs. Obs. Obs. Obs. 1 nm sampling 1 nm sampling 5 nm sampling 5 nm sampling g1 -1,77864 -1,57049 -1,77861 -1,57049 h1 5,90745 5,56450 5,90757 5,56460 11 -1,34666 -1,31211 -1,34674 -1,31215 g2 -31,44505 -30,15166 -31,44464 -30,15139 h2 30,06408 31,07906 30,06400 31,07931 i2 0,03656 -0,73912 0,03638 -0,73928 j 0,25540 0,21249 0,25539 0,21250 k -0,73218 -0,71591 -0,73217 -0,71592 I 0,02387 0,04663 0,02387 0,04663 References CIE, 1998. CIE S005/E:1998. CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry. (Published also as ISO 10526:1999(E)/CIE S 005-1998),1998. JUDD, D.B., MACADAM, D.L. and \NYSZECKI, G., 1964. with the collaboration of BUDDE, H.W, CONDIT, H.R, HENDERSON, S.T, and SIMONDS, J.L. Spectral distribution of typical daylight as a function of correlated color temperature. J Opt. Soc. Am. 54, 1031-1040, 1964. KRANICZ, B. and SCHANDA, J., 2000. Re-evaluation of daylight spectral distributions. Color Res. Appl., 25 (4), 250-259, 2000. 65 I CIE 15:2004 APPENDIX D. REVERSE TRANSFORMATION FROM VALUES L*, a*, b* TO TRISTIMULUS VALUES X, Y, Z In Information Technology (IT) transformations are necessary from the tristimulus values X, Y, Z to the values L *,a*,b* and in the reverse [R] direction. Therefore it was decided at the TC meetings in Veszprem in August 2002 to include a proposed reverse transformation into CIE- Publication 15 "Colorimetry". The first transformations are given in the main part of the document (see Section 8.2.1) and the reverse transformations are in this Appendix D. Reverse transformation: Calculate from the values L*, a*, b* f(YIYn)= (L*+ 16) 1 116 f(XIXn)=a*1 500 +f(YIY n ) f(ZIZn)=f( YIYn)-b*/200 Calculate then the tristimulus values X, Y, Z from: X=Xn[f(XIXn)] 3 if f(XIXn) > 24/116 X=Xn[f(XIXn) -16/116]x(108/841) if f(XIXn):S; 24/116 Y= Yn[f( YIYn)]3 if f(YIYn) > 24/116 or L*> 8 Y= Yn[f( YIYn) - 16/116]x( 108/841) if f(YIYn):S; 24/1160rL*:S; 8 Z=Zn[f(ZIZn)]3 if f(Z/Zn) > 24/116 Z=Zn[f(Z/Zn) -16/116]x(108/841) if f(Z/Zn) :s; 24/116 (0.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.4) (0.5) (0.6) (0.7) (0.8) (0.9) Note: Integer ratios, e. g. 16/116,841/108, 108/841, are used for both transformations to avoid rounding errors. The break point between the non-linear and the linear part of the values L* is at L* =8 as proposed by Pauli (1976). Reference PAULI, H., 1976. Proposed extension of the CIE recommendation on "Uniform color spaces, color difference equations, and metric color terms". J. Opt. Soc. Am., 66,866-867, 1976. 66 CIE 15:2004 APPENDIX E.INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK'S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR According to the Planck's law, the spectral radiance of a blackbody at thermodynamic temperature T [K] in a medium having index of refraction n is given by L ,(A T) = c 1 n 2 X-O [ex ~ ) _1]-1 e./, ' P 'T 7t n/, (E.1 ) where C1 = 2nhc 2 , C2 = hclk, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, k is the Boltzmann constant, and } ~ is the wavelength in the medium, Since T is measured on the International Temperature Scale, the value of C2 used in colorimetry should follow that adopted in the current International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) (Preston-Thomas, 1990; Mielenz et aI., 1991), namely C2= 1,4388 x 10. 2 m K. The official value of C1 is provided by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), and is C1 = 3,741771 x 10. 16 W m 2 (Mohr and Taylor, 2000). The value of C1, however, is not relevant in colorimetry where only the relative spectral distribution of Planck's radiation is used. The value of n of air depends on the partial pressure of each constituent of the air and is also wavelength dependent, but for standard air (dry air at 15C and 101 325 Pa, containing 0,03 percent by volume of carbon dioxide), it is approximately 1,00028 throughout the visible region. This value has been used in photometry and radiometry for a number of years (Blevin, 1972), and is confirmed from the latest physical data showing n more precisely as a function of wavelength (Cohn et aI., 2003). Using Equ. E.1 with n = 1,00028, CIE standard illuminant A can be calculated, with negligible differences from the published values (1 count or less in the 6th significant digit), by SA()') = Le.A{A, T) L e . 2 (560 nm, T) (E.2) where C2 = 1,4388 X 10. 2 mK (ITS-90) and T = 2854,742 K. This temperature T is the value assigned to CIE standard illuminant A in the Planck's equation for standard air. This implies that correlated colour temperature of CIE standard illuminant A should be -2855 K, a change of -1 K from the previous value (2856 K). However, TC 1-48 did not come to a consensus at this time to revise the definition of correlated colour temperature using n = 1,00028, because the form of Planck's equation in vacuum (n is equal to exactly 1) has been used historically and it was concerned that such a revision would cause a small discontinuity from the values obtained in the past (though the difference is practically insignificant and matters only in rigorous calculations). It was also concerned that the revision still would not describe Planck's radiation in air perfectly; the value of n is slightly wavelength dependent, which would bring the CIE standard illuminant A deviating very slightly off from a perfect Planckian radiator {though the deviation would be less than 0,005 % - calculated using data in Cohn et aI., 2003. Therefore, in the current recommendation in CIE 15:2004, colour temperature and correlated colour temperature are calculated using Equ. E.1 with n = 1 (exactly 1), thus no change from the previous practice. This recommendation may be subject to change in the future. References BLEVIN, WR., 1972. Corrections in Optical Pyrometry and Photometry for the Refractive Index of Air. Metrologia, 8, 140-147, 1972. COHN, E.R., LlDE, D.R. and TRIGG, G.L., Editors, 2003. AlP Physics Desk Reference. Third Edition. Springer-Verlag, 2003. MIELENZ, K.D., SAUNDERS, RD., PARR, A.C. and HSIA, J.J., 1991. The New International Temperature Scale of 1990 and its Effect on Radiometric, Photometric, and Colorimetric Measurements and Standards. In CIE 91-1991. Proc. ofthe 22 nd Session of the CIE, 02,65- 68,1991. MOHR, P.J. and TAYLOR, B.N., 2000. CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 1998. Reviews of Modern Physics, 72/2, 351-495, 2000. 67 CIE 15:2004 PRESTON-THOMAS, H., 1990. The International Temperature Scale of 1990, Metr%gia 27, 3-10,1990. EXPLANATORY COMMENTS CIE Division 1 (at its meeting in Rochester in 2001) and CIE Division 2 (at its meeting in Gaithersburg in 2001) confirmed that wavelengths measured in standard air (dry air at 15C and 101 325 Pa, containing 0,03 percent by volume of carbon dioxide) should be used in all CIE publications. 2 This recommendation deviates from earlier recommendations regarding CIE sources A, S, C (CIE, 1931; CIE, 1951). A distinction is made between illuminantand source. The term source refers to a physical emitter of light, such as a lamp or the sun and sky. The term illuminant refers to a specific spectral power distribution, not necessarily provided directly by a source, and not necessarily realizable as a source. The present recommendation first defines illuminants by relative spectral power distributions and then sources. The definition of the sources is considered secondary, as it is conceivable that new developments in lamps and filters will bring about improved sources that represent the illuminants more accurately and are more suitable for laboratory use. At present, no recommendation has been made for a source representing standard illuminant D65. The original recommendations regarding standard illuminant D65 (originally called D 65 ) and other illuminants D representing daylight of different correlated colour temperatures are given in CIE Proceedings (CIE, 1963; CIE, 1967). In 1968 the Comite International des Poids et Mesures modified the "International Practical Temperature Scale, 1948 (amended 1960)" and the value of the radiation constant C2 was set equal to 1,4388.10. 2 mK This modification has affected the colour temperature or correlated colour temperature of the CIE illuminants and sources. 3 Equation 3.1 is equivalent to and can be derived from the expression 68 S(A) = 100 Me,A(A, T) I Me,A( 560, T), where -5 -1 Me,J.JA,T) = c 1 } [exp(c 2 /),T) -1] , }. is the wavelength (in nanometres), and the ratio C2 IT is given by C2 IT = 1,435 x 10 7 /2848 nm (EN.1) (EN.2) (EN.3) Since the numerical value of C1 cancels out of Equ. E.1, this definition of CIE standard illuminant A involves no assumptions about the numerical values of C1, C2, and T other than the ratio defined in Equ. E.3. (See CIE 1998c). CIE standard illuminant A was originally defined in 1931 as the relative spectral power distribution of a Planckian radiator of temperature TCIE 1931 = 2 848 K, (EN.4) the value of the second radiation constant C2 then being taken as C2. CIE 1931 = 1,4350 x 10- 2 mK (EN.5) The form of the definition as now printed was carefully chosen to ensure that CIE standard illuminant A was defined as a relative spectral power distribution and not as a function of temperature; as explained above, the. definition of the relative spectral power distribution has not changed since 1931 and Equ. 3.1 simply expresses it in a general form. What has changed is the temperature assigned to this distribution. The value of C2 given in Equ. E.5 and used by the CIE in 1931 is different from the respective values, C2.ITS-27 = 14350 IJmK, C2.IPTS-48 = 14380 IJmK, and C2.IPTS-68 = C2.ITS-90 = 14388 IJmK, that were assigned to this constant in the International Temperature Scales of 1927, CIE 15:2004 1948, 1968 and 1990, respectively. Although this has had no effect on the relative spectral power distribution of CIE standard illuminant A, the correlated colour temperatures of sources recommended for laboratory realizations have been different, over the years, depending on the values of C2 used. As may be seen from Equ. E.3, the colour temperatures associated with CIE standard iIIuminant A on the various international temperature scales referred to above were T27 = 2 848 K, T48 = 2 854 K, and T68 = Teo = 2 856 K, respectively. Another change over the years has been the explicit decision that the wavelengths in Equ.'s 3.1, E.1 and E.2 should be taken as being in standard air despite the fact that the equations are derived from the form of Planck's equation in vacuum. The Planck's equation requires a refractive index term if the wavelengths refer to a medium other than vacuum. IIluminant A was originally defined in 1931 as the relative spectral distribution of a Planckian radiator but, historically, wavelengths in standard air have always been used in photometry and colorimetry. Despite this, CIE/ISO 10526:1991 and its revision, ISO 1 0526:1999(E)/CIE S 005-1998, stated that the term A denoted a wavelength in vacuum. This was inconsistent with previous CIE publications, but the situation was not addressed until recently. CIE Division 1 and Division 2 agreed in 2001 that all wavelengths used in CIE Publications should be in standard air (explanatory comment 1). The current document follows this decision. ISO 10526:1999/CIE S 005-1998 is also to be revised to reflect this change (CIE S 014-2 to be published). The use of standard air wavelengths means that the colour temperature of illuminant A is very slightly different from the values of T used in the above equations but the difference is insignificant for all practical purposes. See Appendix E for further information on the use of Planck's equation for standard air. It is important to note that the numerical values defined for CIE standard illuminant A have never changed. The only issues have been the change of temperature scale and the use of standard air. The 1 nm tables given in CIE standard S005 and reproduced on the CD-ROM accompanying this report are consistent with Equ. 3.1. In cases where calculation at 5 nm intervals is found to produce no significant error, the data in Table T.1 can be used. The rounded values of S(,.1,) for CIE standard illuminant A given in Table T.1 show, in several instances, small and insignificant discrepancies of one unit in the last decimal from corresponding values commonly used in various publications. The values given in Table T.1 are the correctly rounded values and agree with those of the standard. 4 The correlated colour temperatures are affected by the numerical value of the radiation constant C2. In accordance with the International Practical Temperature Scale, 1948, amended 1960 which was in use at the time when the procedure for calculating daylight illuminants was adopted by the CIE, the value of C2 was equal to 1,4380 x 10- m-K. With this value, the correlated colour temperature of illuminant 065 is approximately equal to 6500 K. The change of C2 to the value of 1,438 8 x 10- 2 mK (International Practical Temperature Scale, 1968) increases the correlated colour temperatures of illuminant 065 by the factor 1,4388/1,4380. Thus the correlated colour temperature increases by approximately 4 K. 5 The method required to calculate the values for the relative spectral power distributions of illuminants 050, 055, 065, and 075, in Table T.1 is as follows 1. Multiply the nominal correlated colour temperature (5000 K, 5500 K, 6500 K or 7500 K) by 1,4388/1,4380. 2. Calculate X D and YD using the equations given in the text. 3. Calculate Ml and M2 using the equations given in the text. 4. Round Ml and Mz to three decimal places. 5. Calculate S(,.1,) every 10 nm by S(,.1,) = So(,.1,) + M 1 S 1 (A) + M 2 S 2 (,.1,) using values of SO(A), S1(A) and S2(,1) from Table T.2. 6. Interpolate the 10 nm values of S().) linearly to obtain values at intermediate wavelengths. 69 CIE 15:2004 This method should also be followed to calculate the relative spectral power distribution of illuminants at other nominal correlated colour temperatures. 6 This recommendation supersedes the original (CIE, 1931) and is in accordance with a later agreement (CIE, 1959). 7 This recommendation has been changed from the original (CIE, 1931) method several times, see joint meeting of E-1.3.1, E-1.3.2 and E-1.2 on June 28, 1967 in Washington (CIE, 1967). The present version is the result of a major updating, as colorimetric practice has shown that more precise definitions of measuring geometry are needed. Regarding practical measurements see also (CIE, 1998d). 8 Where single-beam integrating spheres are used, a correction for the reduction of sphere efficiency caused by sample absorption is necessary. Without such a correction, the instrument will give a non-linear output. The corrected reflectance is given by: where R(A) is the uncorrected reflectance of the sample referred to the perfect reflecting diffuser, Pw(it) is the diffuse/diffuse spectral reflectance of the sphere wall, f; is the fractional area of the i th port, fs is the fractional area of the sample port, and Pr(A) is the reflectance of the reference standard. The above equation assumes ideal integrating characteristics for the sphere and that the other ports have zero effective reflectance. 9 These recommendations are based on the originals (CIE, 1931; CIE, 1959; CIE, 1963). The recommendations given in this document regarding the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer data deviate from the originals in several ways. The CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer is now defined by the colour-matching functions X(A), Y(A), Z(A) from 360 nm to 830 nm at 1 nm intervals (see Table 1 in CIE, 1986a). From these data the abridged data reproduced in Table T.4. have been derived by selecting every fifth value and rounding to six decimal figures. 10 Colour-matching functions X(A), Y(A), Z(A) are relative tristimulus values of monochromatic radiators of equal radiant power related to a set of reference stimuli [X], [Y], [Z]. 11 The colour-matching functions X(A) , y()") , Z(A) given in Table T.4 agree closely with those defined originally in 1931. Three minor changes have been introduced: at )" =775 nm the new values of X(A) is 0,000 059 instead of 0,0000; at it = 555 nm Y(;n is 1,0000 instead of 1,0002; and at A = 740 nm y ) ~ ) is 0,000249 instead of 0,0003. These changes are considered insignificant in most colorimetric computations. From these corrected tables the CIE standard colorimetric observer (CIE, 1986a) was determined. 12 For daylight illuminant 0652,464 scotopic trolands corresponds to 1 photopic troland (see Wyszecki & Stiles, 1982, p. 104). Rod saturation in 9 extrafoveal vision occurs at about 2000-5000 scotopic trolands (see Wyszecki & Stiles, 1982, p. 547). Thus rod saturation would occur at a photopic light level of between 812-2029 trolands. Working from the Table in Le Grand (1968, p. 106) that takes into account variation of pupil size with light level and the Stiles-Crawford effect, this would correspond to 130- 380 cd/m2 (kind contribution by J. Pokorny). 13 These recommendations formalise procedures for practical colorimetric calculations. 14 CIE 15:2004 states only the facts on abridgement and truncation. A forthcoming publication of a tutorial nature will detail the procedures, with examples showing good practice. 70 CIE 15:2004 15 This recommendation is based on the original (CIE, 1955) amended in CIE Bulletin No.3, (CIE, 1957). The use of boldface Roman letters as symbols for vector notations is another alternative which was added in the first edition of this publication. In the present 3rd edition of the document the recommendation to use "Gothic letters" has been dropped. 16 These recommendations are based on those given in supplement No.2 to the 1st edition of this publication (CIE 1978), the publication on "Industrial colour difference evaluation" (CIE 1995a) and the publication "Improvement to industrial colour difference evaluation" (CIE, 2001a), with some amendments agreed at TC 1-48 and TC 1-59 meetings in Veszprem, 2002 and San Diego, 2003. 17 In June 1967 the CIE colorimetry committee recommended to the National Committees of the CIE a detailed working program for pursuing the problem of colour difference calculations (Wyszecki, 1968). Further guidelines were published in 1978 (Robertson, 1978). The parametric effects in colour difference evaluation were summarised in 1993 (CIE, 1993), and an advanced colour difference calculation method was published in 1995 (CIE, 1995a). Recent findings are summarized in (CIE, 1999a). The currently recommended colour difference formula is described in (CIE,2001a). 18 Equations (8.7), (8.9) and (8.11) are based on a suggestion by Pauli (1976), according to which below L *=8 a linear L *=f(Y) dependence should be followed. In CIE 15.2 decimal approximations were used. This brought the break point of YN n = ( J 3 1 (116 \ 2 ~ to 0,008856, and the exact value of - x -I to 7,787. At the Technical 116 3 24; Committee TC 1-48 meeting in Veszprem, 2002, the committee agreed that to secure the continuity at the break between the two parts of the equations f(Ai / A.n), where A 1 = X, A 2 = Y, A3= Z, ~ J 3 should be written instead of its approximate value of 116 0,008856, and similarly -'!'x(116J2 = 841 should be used instead of 7,787 in Equ.'s 3 24 108 (8.7), (8.9) and (8.11). 19 This recommendation is essentially the same as the original (CIE, 1948). 20 Previous two publications Special metamerism index: Change in il/uminant (Supplement No.1 to 1st edition of CIE 15-1971 (CIE, 1971) and Special metamerism index: Change in observer (CIE, 1989) have been combined in this version of CIE 15. CIE 80-1989 is, however, still current, and provides more details on the subject. 21 Table T.6 gives the relative spectral power distributions of 15 Fl-illuminants that represent 15 different types of fluorescent lamps. The Fl1 to Fl12 group of lamps were also included in 15.2 (there as F1 to F12). The further spectra are enumerated by starting with the number 3, reflecting that they have been first introduced when elaborating version 3 of CIE 15. Each of the relative spectral power distributions in the standard halophosphate ("St-Halo") group (Fl3.1- 3.3) consists of two semi-broadband emissions of antimony and manganese activations in a calcium halo-phosphate phosphor. The "Deluxe" group (Fl 3.4-3.6) are more or less enhanced in colour rendering properties as compared to the "St-Halo" group, usually using multiple phosphors. Relative spectral power distributions of the "Deluxe" group are flatter and have a wider range in the visible spectrum than the "St-Halo" group. Re!ative spectral power distributions of the "Three-band" group (Fl3. 7 -3.11) consist mostly of three narrow-band emissions in the red, green, and blue wavelength regions. In most cases the narrow-band emissions are caused by ternary compositions of rare-earth phosphors. Fl3.12-3.14 represent modern multi band fluorescent lamp spectra. Fl3.15 is the spectrum of a fluorescent lamp developed commercially to simulate 065, taken from JIS 8716 (JIS, 1991 ). 71 CIE 15:2004 22 In many applications high-pressure metal-halide and sodium lamps are gaining in importance. Spectra, as reproduced in Table T.7, with colorimetric data shown in Table T.9, are representative spectra of these classes of sources and could be used for checking colorimetric properties of objects when illuminated with such lamps. 23 This is a new Section in the document based on CIE 51, first published in 1981 for assessing illuminants D55, D65 and D75 (CIE, 1981), and amended in 1999 with a technique to assess the quality of D50 illuminants (CIE, 1999b). 24 The daylight simulators having suitable categories, as assessed by the method in this report, can be used to simulate standard illuminants D50, D55, D65 and D75 for visual matching of object-colour samples, and for reproducing the spectral total radiance factor of samples for instrumental colorimetry and spectrophotometry; the samples may be non-fluorescent or fluorescent. The daylight simulators may also be used for the visual appraisal of the colour rendering properties of other light sources, though the present method of evaluation for daylight simulators does not directly relate to the evaluation of colour rendering properties. 25 This recommendation was published for the first time in the edition 15.2-1986 of this publication. 26 This section has been updated according to the decisions of CIE Division 1 obtained at its meeting in Rochester, USA, 2001. 72