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Health and Safety

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Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 NATURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION WORK ......................................................................... 2 2.1 Scope of Work .............................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Schedule of work ......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Working Hours ............................................................................................................. 2 3.0 ORGANISATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................... 3 Contracting Arrangements: ................................................................................................... 3 Construction Supervision: ...................................................................................................... 3 4.0 APPOINTMENT OF PROJECT SUPERVISORS ......................................................................... 4 5.0 COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................... 5 5.1 Communication between Designers and PSCS ................................................................ 5 5.2 Pre-Construction Meeting ............................................................................................... 5 6.0 THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................. 6 6.1 Existing services: .............................................................................................................. 6 7.0 INFORMATION ON THE PRESENCE OF PARTICULAR RISKS TO SAFETY & HEALTH .............. 6 7.1 Construction Work Involving Particular Risks .................................................................. 7 7.1.1 Aggravated risk of falls or burial ............................................................................... 7 7.1.2 Risks from chemical or biological substances ........................................................... 7 7.1.3 Risks from high voltage ............................................................................................. 7 7.1.4 Risk of drowning ....................................................................................................... 7 7.1.5 Risks from underground work .................................................................................. 8 8.0 PLANS FOR CHECKING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFE WORKING PROCEDURES ............ 8 8.1 Site Meetings ................................................................................................................... 8 8.2 Safety Inspection.............................................................................................................. 8 8.3 Safety Audits .................................................................................................................... 8

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

8.4 Safety Inductions ............................................................................................................. 9 8.5 Accident / Incident Record Book ..................................................................................... 9 8.6 Record Keeping ................................................................................................................ 9 9.0 SITE RULES .......................................................................................................................... 10 9.0 FIRST AID ............................................................................................................................ 12 9.1 Emergency Contact Details ............................................................................................ 12

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

This document is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2006 otherwise known as the Construction Regulations. This Preliminary Safety and Health Plan covers the design process for the project. Its main purpose is to provide information to the Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage to allow the preparation of the site induction meeting, Site Specific Safety Statement and help the PSDP compile or update the Safety File. The Preliminary Safety and Health Plan will be made available to all those tendering for the role of Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage (PSCS). It will be the duty of the appointed PSCS to further develop the Preliminary Safety and Health Plan during the construction stage. The PSCS shall develop, implement and monitor the controls deployed to mitigate the risks associated with the hazards identified in this plan. Having regard to the progression of works, additional hazards maybe identified during construction.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP


2.1 Scope of Work The scope of work covered by this Preliminary Safety and Health Plan in to construct a Keadue WWTP Upgrade Works. The project includes the Tendering Team working for a small Civil Engineering contracting organisation. The Tendering Manager has requested that you prepare a submission for senior management documenting your approach to selecting a tender design for use in a design and build works proposal for Keadue WWTP and develop a Construction schedule and cost performance system and monitoring system for use during the contract phase. 2.2 Schedule of work The starting date for the project is January of 2014. It is expected for the works to be completed within a 14 month period. The completion date of works is late 2015. 2.3 Working Hours The permitted working hours for the site is: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday Break: 10:30am-11am Lunch: 1pm-2pm Note: Permission may be granted by the client or engineer for time off or holidays.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP


The Client is: Name: Address: Paul Dolan Dublin Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath The designer of the Project is: Name: Address: KMCF Engineering Dublin Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath

Contracting Arrangements:
A main Contractor shall be appointed to carryout the works. Contracts will be entered into for the main Contract.

Construction Supervision:
Construction will be supervised by the appointed main contractor. The designers will make periodic inspection visits.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP


Project Supervisor for Keadue WWTP: Name: Address: KMCF Engineering Dublin Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath Project Supervisor for Construction Stage: The successful tender (Contractor) shall be appointed as Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage. Contact details to be advised: NAME: ADRESS: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ TELEPHONE: _____________________

I wish to confirm acceptance as PSCS for the project: ______________________________. Health and Safety Officer for Construction Stage: To be Confirmed Any changes of personal must be formally made by writing and acknowledged by the new appointed personal.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

5.1 Communication between Designers and PSCS
Arrangements shall be put in place to facilitate the provisions of any design assumptions or matters relating to safety as identified by the design process.

5.2 Pre-Construction Meeting

A pre-start meeting shall be held prior to the commencement of the construction stage. It is essential that the PSDP/Designer/Health and Safety Coordinator for Design Process and the PSCS/Contractor/Health and Safety Coordinator for Construction Stage inspect the site and agree on how best to minimize the impact to employees/public/other that may be affected by the proposed works. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that the PSCS/Contractor is made aware, understands and agrees with the safety arrangements as detailed in this plan. The agenda shall include the following:

The provision of information regarding the indicative control measures as identified in the Design Process Risk Assessment

Agree Traffic Management Plan Exchange contact details of PSDP and PSCS

Minutes from the pre-start meeting must be recorded and filed on the Safety and Health File. If the indicative or proposed Traffic Management Plan (TMP) conflicts with the PSCS/Contractors schedule of works a revised TMP must be agreed with between the PSDP and PSCS before commencement of the works. The PSCS is to include the revised TMP in the Developed Safety and Health Plan.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP


The Keadue WWTP Upgrade Works has been approved to plan, design and develop a programme to manage the development. The Keadue WWTP is located off the R285 outside the village of Keadue in Co. Roscommon. The project team has been drafting a tender selection system capable of comparing a series of WWTP options for the planned improvement works at Keadue WWTP, to develop the schedule, cost performance system and monitoring system to be used during the contract phase.

6.1 Existing services:

The contractor is advised to visit the site to locate the exact positions of all Over ground services, Electrical cables, Telephone cables and Buried Cables. ESB: ESB maps have been requested and will be available for contractors on request and should be issued before any contract commences on site. Telephone: Eircom if contacted will mark location of underground cables running in the vicinity of all pipe work. Water mains: Water mains Contact water works caretaker to confirm location on the ground.


The construction work referred to in this Preliminary Safety & Health plan that has been reviewed by the designers. In their review the designers have assumed that all construction work will be done in accordance with the Construction Regulations. The designers have also assumed that the contractors safety statement deals with the normal hazards arising from their particular type of construction work. The Particular Risks identified for this package are listed below:

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

7.1 Construction Work Involving Particular Risks

7.1.1 Aggravated risk of falls or burial Work which puts persons at work at risk of burial under earth-falls, engulfment in swampland or falling from a height, where the risk is particularly aggravated by the nature of the work or processes used or by the environment at the place of work or site. Particular risk identified There will be the normal risk of burial that might be expected on any construction project involving excavations greater than 1.2m deep but the risk is not aggravated in the works. There will be the normal risk of falls from height that might be expected on any construction project. 7.1.2 Risks from chemical or biological substances Work which puts persons at work at risk from chemical or biological substances constituting a particular danger to the safety and health of such persons or involving a legal requirement for health monitoring. Particular risk identified There will be the normal risk of contact with chemical or biological substances that might be expected on any construction project but the risk is not aggravated in the works. 7.1.3 Risks from high voltage
Work near high voltage power lines

Particular risk identified There will be the normal risk of working in the Vicinity of high voltage power lines where carrying out excavation work along roads etc. 7.1.4 Risk of drowning Work exposing persons at work to the risk of drowning. Particular risk identified
This risk does not arise within the proposed construction area.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

7.1.5 Risks from underground work Work on wells, underground earthworks and tunnels Particular risk identified The will be normal risk of working in the vicinity of foundation trenches, construction of dairy washings pit, etc.


Safe working practices will be implemented by way of site Supervision, regular monitoring and auditing of site activities.

8.1 Site Meetings

Safety will be put first item on the agenda at all progress meetings which will be attended by the Site Manager, Construction Team and a representative from the Client. Minutes of such meetings shall be circulated to the team.

8.2 Safety Inspection

The PSCS shall monitor and carry out regular inspections of the work area, relevant items of plant & equipment and the activities of all personnel on site. Relevant items or breaches will be discussed at our site meetings. Where relevant, items of equipment will be inspected and certified at the prescribed intervals, as per statutory regulations.

8.3 Safety Audits

Regular Audits will be undertaken with an emphasis on Safety, by site Management. External Safety Consultants, Safe Place Systems may carry out random / unannounced site audits, covering all aspects of the project. Areas / Items highlighted shall be rectified and signed-off by the Supervisor. Relevant items or breaches of Safety will be discussed at our site meetings.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

8.4 Safety Inductions

Every Employee reporting for work on the site will receive Safety Induction from the Site Supervisor or his representative, prior to commencing work. Each person will sign an Induction Sheet on completion and a register of all such persons will be maintained in the Site Office.

8.5 Accident / Incident Record Book

This must be kept and maintained by the Site Manager. This accident record book must be used to record relevant details every time anyone is injured, however slightly. This includes any of the following: Employee Sub-Contractors Employees Anyone on site Any member of the public Any employee of the Client

8.6 Record Keeping

There are Statutory Requirements with respect to Health and Safety records. Statutory Registers (C.R. Forms) are available from the H.S.A. There are three which are particularly relevant to this project. There are two main parts which are particularly relevant to this project. These are: WH1 - known as the Scaffold Book AF3 - known as the Excavation Book

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

8.7 Arrangements for Reporting and Recording of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences
Notification of Accidents to H.S.A. (where applicable) will be done by the injured persons Employer, using the approved Form IR1. All accidents on Site will be notified to the main contractor, and investigated by them if appropriate to prevent recurrence. Any dangerous occurrence must be investigated and steps taken to avoid a recurrence. Accidents involving injury to any member of the Public are immediately reported to the H.S.A. using the approved form IR1.

8.8 Permits to Work

Permits to Work shall be required for the Following operations on site: Hot works Roof works Excavation works Termination and Connection of all Mechanical and Electrical services Other areas as may be required during construction


These are generic rules for the general guidance of the all persons involved in the project/works and must be developed by the PSDP/Designer/Health and Safety Coordinator for Design Process/PSCS/Contractor/Health and Safety Coordinator for Construction Stage to become Site Specific Rules for the project in hand. Specific site rules site rules must consider the risks identified in the Design Process Risk Assessment and the construction stage risk assessment e.g. if a 360 excavator is to be used during construction, the following shall be included in the site rules for the construction stage: Only trained personnel shall operate the 360 excavator. The operator shall have his CSCS card or equivalent available at all times for inspection. The following CR forms shall also be made available for inspection: CR4, CR 4A, CR 4B.

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

1. All site visitors, personnel and contractors are required to comply with the Site Safety and Health Policy and the specific Construction Stage Safety and Health Plan. 2. The PSCS shall ensure that all subcontractors are assessed with regard to their level of competence and availability of resources. 3. All risks identified in the Design Process Safety and Health Plan and in the Health, Safety and Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2006 are to be individually identified and addressed by the PSCS. 4. Method Statements and Safety Statements should be reviewed and revised on an ongoing basis to take into account any new issues which arise during the course of the works. Revisions, which could affect safety, health and welfare, should be raised at site meetings. 5. All site personnel and safety and health personnel should be advised on an ongoing basis of any revisions to the Safety and Health Plan by the PSCS/Health and Safety Coordinator for Construction Stage. 6. Standard and proof of adequate training of personnel on site should be included in the Safety and Health Plan prepared by the PSCS/Health and Safety Coordinator for Construction Stage. 7. Smoking is not permitted within designated working areas. 8. Eating and drinking should not be allowed in designated working areas. 9. The PSCS/Health and Safety Coordinator for Construction Stage should ensure that all excavations are supported in accordance with the requirements of the 2006 Regulations. 10. The PSCS/Health and Safety Coordinator for Construction Stage must ensure that all relevant Safety and Health Regulations are adhered to at all times. The information contained in this Safety and Health Plan has been prepared prior to the commencement of the work on site. Signed: ______________________________ (Project Supervisor for Design Phase) Signed: ______________________________ (Health and Safety Coordinator) Date: ______________ Date: ______________

Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for Keadue WWTP

The Health and Safety Plan must be kept and for 5 Years.


The main contractor will provide statutory First Aid Equipment at this Site. A suitable First Aid Kit (fitted out in proportion to numbers employed on Site will be kept at a clearly indicated location in the site offices. This box shall be under the care of, and stocked by, a named individual.

9.1 Emergency Contact Details

Emergency Details
First Aider (s): To be confirmed

Mullingar Regional Hospital


Local A&E/Hospital:
Cavan Regional Hospital 049-123456

Tullamore Regional Hospital


Local Doctors:

Dr. Joe Blogs


MIDOC GP Out of Hours Service 043-123456 043-12345

Local Gardai:

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