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Rubric for ____________Presentation Date: __________
Student Name: Individual Score:
Knowledge of Content Student demonstrates a lack of knowledge of kinetic and potential energy, Newtons Laws work, mass, acceleration and related concepts! Student cannot answer simple "uestions posed by t#e audience! $%&'%&$ Student demonstrates some knowledge of kinetic and potential energy, Newtons Laws work, mass, acceleration and related concepts! , but may not be able to answer all of t#e "uestions posed by t#e audience! ('%($%)' Student demonstrates knowledge of kinetic and potential energy, Newtons Laws work, mass, acceleration and related concepts! and can ade"uately answer "uestions posed by t#e audience! )$%*'%*$ Student demonstrates deep content knowledge and understanding, and can easily and completely answer "uestions posed by t#e audience! $' Oral Presentation Student uses +argon or slang, does not speak loudly or clearly enoug# to be understood by t#e audience! &%(%) Student does not speak loudly or clearly, stares at ground or power point, does not maintain eye contact wit# audience! *%$%, Student uses standard -nglis#, no +argon or slang, speaks loudly and clearly, maintains eye contact wit# t#e audience, and uses appropriate gestures! .%/%0 Student uses standard -nglis#, speaks loudly, clearly and commands audience attention! 1s e2cited and brings personality! Really sells t#eir presentation! Student demonstrates superior skills! &' Group: Group Score: Note: all members of group will receive the same group score. Organiation and Structure 3#e organi4ation of t#e presentation is poor! 3#ere is no e5idence of group planning or in5ol5ement! (%*%, 3#e organi4ation of t#e presentation is not always logical, or t#ere is little e5idence of group in5ol5ement in t#e planning and de5elopment! /%&'%&( 3#e organi4ation of t#e presentation flows in a logical se"uence! 1t is well%planned and s#ows e5idence of group in5ol5ement in planning and de5elopment! &*%&,%&/ Presentation is e2tremely well% organi4ed and s#ows e2tra effort and planning on t#e part of all group members! (' !echnical "spects 3ec#nical features of t#e presentation distract audience from t#e content 6 purpose of presentation! 3ec#nical features do not 3ec#nical features of t#e presentation do not distract audience from t#e content 6 purpose of t#e presentation! 3ec#nical features 3ec#nical features of t#e presentation en#ance t#e content 6 purpose of t#e presentation! 3ec#nical features 3ec#nical features of t#e presentation greatly en#ance t#e content 6 purpose of t#e presentation! 3ec#nical features demonstrate creati5ity, Source: Terri Sappington. Edited by: Lauren Wilson demonstrate care in creation, including editing, proofreading, finis#ing! (%*%, demonstrate limited care in creation, including few editing, proofreading, or finis#ing errors! /%&'%&( demonstrate care in creation, wit# no editing, proofreading, or finis#ing errors! &*%&,%&/ t#oroug# researc#, and careful planning! (' Source: Terri Sappington. Edited by: Lauren Wilson