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Albert Pike S Background

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Albert Pike's Background

Very few outsiders know about the intimate plans of Albert Pike and the architects of the New
World Order. In the 19th entury Albert Pike established a framework for brin!in! about the
One World Order. "ased on a #ision re#ealed to him$ Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of e#ents
that would play themsel#es out in the %&th century$ with e#en more of these e#ents yet to
come. It is this blueprint which we belie#e unseen leaders are followin! today$ knowin!ly or
not$ to en!ineer the planned 'hird and (inal World War.
About Albert Pike
Albert Pike was born on )ecember %9$ 1*&9$ in "oston$ and was
the oldest of si+ children born to "en,amin and -arah Andrews
Pike. .e studied at .ar#ard$ and later ser#ed as a "ri!adier/
0eneral in the onfederate Army. After the i#il War$ Pike was
found !uilty of treason and ,ailed$ only to be pardoned by fellow
(reemason President Andrew 1ohnson on April %%$ 1*22$ who
met with him the ne+t day at the White .ouse. On 1une %&$
1*23$ -cottish 4ite officials conferred upon 1ohnson the 5th to
6%nd (reemasonry de!rees$ and he later went to "oston to
dedicate a 7asonic 'emple.
Pike was said to be a !enius$ able to read and write in 12
different lan!ua!es$ althou!h I cannot find a record anywhere of
what those lan!ua!es were. In addition$ he is widely accused of
pla!iarism$ so take with a pinch of salt. At #arious sta!es of his
life we was a poet$ philosopher$ frontiersman$ soldier$
humanitarian and philanthropist. A 66rd de!ree 7ason$ he was
one of the foundin! fathers$ and head of the Ancient Accepted -cottish 4ite of (reemasonry$
bein! the 0rand ommander of North American (reemasonry from 1*89 and retained that
position until his death in 1*91. In 1*29$ he was a top leader in the 9ni!hts of the 9u 9lu+
Incidentally$ (reemasonry itself is a fascinatin! sub,ect and I could de#ote an entire website to
it. -imon 0ray$ a (reemason$ has compiled a stunnin! amount of information on (reemasonry
that I recommend for anyone who wants to learn more about it.
Pike was said to be a -atanist$ who indul!ed in the occult$ and he apparently possessed a
bracelet which he used to summon :ucifer$ with whom he had constant communication. .e
was the 0rand 7aster of a :uciferian !roup known as the Order of the Palladium ;or
-o#erei!n ouncil of Wisdom<$ which had been founded in Paris in 1363. Palladism had been
brou!ht to 0reece from =!ypt by Pytha!oras in the fifth century$ and it was this cult of -atan
that was introduced to the inner circle of the 7asonic lod!es. It was ali!ned with the
Palladium of the 'emplars. In 1*&1$ Issac :on!$ a 1ew$ brou!ht a statue of "aphomet ;-atan<
to harleston$ -outh arolina$ where he helped to establish the Ancient and Accepted -cottish
4ite. :on! apparently chose harleston because it was !eo!raphically located on the 66rd
parallel of latitude ;incidentally$ so is "a!hdad<$ and this council is considered to be the
7other -upreme ouncil of all 7asonic :od!es of the World.
Pike was :on!>s successor$ and he chan!ed the name of the Order to the New and 4eformed
Palladian 4ite ;or 4eformed Palladium<. 'he Order contained two de!rees?
Adelph ;or "rother<$ and
ompanion of @lysses ;or ompanion of Penelope<.
Pike>s ri!ht/hand man was Phileas Walder$ from -witAerland$ who was a former :utheran
minister$ a 7asonic leader$ occultist$ and spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with
0iusseppe 7aAAini of Italy ;1*&8/1*3%< who was a 66rd de!ree 7ason$ who became head of
the Illuminati in 1*65$ and who founded the 7afia in 1*2&. 'o!ether with 7aAAini$ :ord
.enry Palmerston of =n!land ;13*5/1*28$ 66rd de!ree 7ason<$ and Otto #on "ismarck from
0ermany ;1*18/1*9*$ 66rd de!ree 7ason<$ Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian 4ite to
create a -atanic umbrella !roup that would tie all 7asonic !roups to!ether.
Albert Pike died on April %$ 1*91$ and was buried in Oak .ill emetery$ althou!h the corpse
of Pike currently lies in the headBuarters of the ouncil of the 66rd de!ree of the -cottish 4ite
of (reemasonry in Washin!ton$ ).. ;see The Deadly Deception$ by 1im -haw / former 66rd
de!ree 7ason and Past 7aster of all -cottish 4ite bodies.<
The Albert Pike Monument
Albert Pike made his mark before the war in Arkansas as a lawyer and writer$ but as a
onfederate "ri!adier 0eneral$ he was$ accordin! to the Arkansas )emocrat of 1uly 61$ 193*$
a complete CWA-./O@'$C not a hero. Det$ 0en. Albert Pike is the only onfederate !eneral
with a statue on federal property in Washin!ton$ ). .e was honoured$ not as a commander
or e#en as a lawyer$ but as -outhern re!ional leader of the -cottish 4ite of (reemasonry. 'he
statue stands on a pedestal near the foot of apitol .ill$ between the )epartment of :abor
buildin! and the 7unicipal "uildin!$ between 6rd and 5th -treets$ on ) -treet$ NW. 7ore
back!round on the colorful history of the statue can be found at the 7asonic Info website.
)urin! the 199% presidential campai!n$ :yndon .. :a4ouche and his #ice presidential
runnin! mate$ the 4e#erend 1ames "e#el$ launched a mobiliAation to remo#e the statue of
0eneral Albert Pike from Washin!ton$ )..>s 1udiciary -Buare. On (ebruary 1$ the campai!n
drew an an!ry attack from freemasonic leader . (red 9leinknecht$ who attempted to defend
both Pike and the 9u 9lu+ 9lan from :a4ouche and "e#el>s attack. A speech by Anton
haitkin entitled >Why Albert Pike>s -tatue 7ust (all> can be found here ;-eptember %1$
The Illuminati and Albert Pike
Adam Weishaupt ;135* / 1*11< formed the Order of Perfectibilists on 7ay 1$ 1332 ;to this
day celebrated as 7ay )ay throu!hout many western countries<$ which later became known
as the Illuminati$ a secret society whose name means C=nli!htened OnesC. Althou!h the
Order was founded to pro#ide an opportunity for the free e+chan!e of ideas$ Weishaupt>s
back!round as a 1esuit seems to ha#e influenced the actual character of the society$ such that
the e+press aim of this Order became to abolish hristianity$ and o#erturn all ci#il
An Italian re#olutionary leader$ 0iusseppe 7aAAini ;1*&8/1*3%<$ a 66rd de!ree 7ason$ was
selected by the Illuminati to head their worldwide operations in 1*65. ;7aAAini also founded
the 7afia in 1*2&<. "ecause of 7aAAini>s re#olutionary acti#ities in =urope$ the "a#arian
!o#ernment cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret societies for alle!edly plottin! a
massi#e o#erthrow of =urope>s monarchies. As the secrets of the Illuminati were re#ealed$
they were persecuted and e#entually disbanded$ only to re/establish themsel#es in the depths
of other or!aniAations$ of which (reemasonry was one.
)urin! his leadership$ 7aAAini enticed Albert Pike into the ;now formally disbanded$ but still
operatin!< Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world !o#ernment$ and when
asked by 7aAAini$ readily a!reed to write a ritual tome that !uided the transition from a#era!e
hi!h/rankin! mason into a top/rankin! Illuminati mason ;66rd de!ree<. -ince 7aAAini also
wanted Pike to head the Illuminati>s American chapter$ he clearly felt Pike was worthy of such
a task. 7aAAini>s intention was that once a mason had made his way up the (reemason ladder
and pro#en himself worthy$ the hi!hest rankin! members would offer membership to the
secret >society within a society>.
It is for this reason that most (reemasons #ehemently deny the e#il intentions of their
fraternity. -ince the #ast ma,ority ne#er reach the 6&th de!ree$ they would not be aware of
the real purpose behind 7asonry. When instructin! Pike how the tome should be de#eloped$
7aAAini wrote the followin! to Pike in a letter dated 1anuary %%$ 1*3&. 4emember that
(reemasonry wasn>t started by Pike / rather it was infiltrated by the Illuminati who were
lookin! for a respectable forum in which to hide their clandestine acti#ities?
CWe must allow all the federations to continue ,ust as they are$ with their systems$ their
central authorities and their di#erse modes of correspondence between hi!h !rades of the
same rite$ or!aniAed as they are at the present$ but we must create a super rite$ which will
remain unknown$ to which we will call those 7asons of hi!h de!ree whom we shall select.
With re!ard to our brothers in 7asonry$ these men must be pled!es to the strictest secrecy.
'hrou!h this supreme rite$ we will !o#ern all (reemasonry which will become the one
international center$ the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.C

In 1*31$ Pike published the *21 pa!e 7asonic handbook known as the Morals and Dogma of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
After 7aAAini>s death on 7arch 11$ 1*3%$ Pike appointed Adriano :emmi ;1*%%/1*92$ 66rd
de!ree 7ason<$ a banker from (lorence$ Italy$ to run their sub#ersi#e acti#ities in =urope.
:emmi was a supporter of patriot and re#olutionary 0iuseppe 0aribaldi$ and may ha#e been
acti#e in the :uciferian -ociety founded by Pike. :emmi$ in turn$ was succeeded by :enin
and 'rotsky$ then by -talin. 'he re#olutionary acti#ities of all these men were financed by
"ritish$ (rench$ 0erman$ and American international bankersE all of them dominated by the
.ouse of 4othschild.
"etween 1*89 and 1*31$ Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and
#arious re#olutions throu!hout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy
to its final sta!e in the %&th entury.
In addition to the -upreme ouncil in harleston$ -outh arolina$ Pike established -upreme
ouncils in 4ome$ Italy ;led by 7aAAini<E :ondon$ =n!land ;led by Palmerston<E and "erlin$
0ermany ;led by "ismarck<. .e set up %6 subordinate councils in strate!ic places throu!hout
the world$ includin! fi#e 0rand entral )irectories in Washin!ton$ ) ;North America<$
7onte#ideo ;-outh America<$ Naples ;=urope<$ alcutta ;Asia<$ and 7auritius ;Africa<$
which were used to !ather information. All of these branches ha#e been the secret
headBuarters for the Illuminati>s acti#ities e#er since.
Albert Pike and Three World Wars
Albert Pike recei#ed a #ision$ which he described in a letter that he wrote to 7aAAini$ dated
Au!ust 18$ 1*31. 'his letter !raphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as
necessary to brin! about the One World Order$ and we can mar#el at how accurately it has
predicted e#ents that ha#e already taken place.
Pike's Letter to Mazzini
It is a commonly belie#ed fallacy that for a short time$ the Pike letter to 7aAAini was on
display in the "ritish 7useum :ibrary in :ondon$ and it was copied by William 0uy arr$
former Intelli!ence Officer in the 4oyal anadian Na#y. 'he "ritish :ibrary has confirmed
in writin! to me that such a document has ne#er been in their possession. (urthermore$ in
arr>s book$ Satan, Prince of this World$ arr includes the followin! footnote?
C'he 9eeper of 7anuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NO' catalo!ued in
the "ritish 7useum :ibrary. It seems stran!e that a man of ardinal 4odri!ueA>s knowled!e
should ha#e said that it WA- in 19%8C.
It appears that arr learned about this letter from ardinal aro y 4odri!ueA of -antia!o$
hile$ who wrote The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled.
'o date$ no conclusi#e proof e+ists to show that this letter was e#er written. Ne#ertheless$ the
letter is widely Buoted and the topic of much discussion.
(ollowin! are apparently e+tracts of the letter$ showin! how 'hree World Wars ha#e been
planned for many !enerations.
CThe First World War must be brou!ht about in order to permit the Illuminati to o#erthrow
the power of the Aars in 4ussia and of makin! that country a fortress of atheistic
ommunism. 'he di#er!ences caused by the Ca!enturC ;a!ents< of the Illuminati between the
"ritish and 0ermanic =mpires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war$
ommunism will be built and used in order to destroy the other !o#ernments and in order to
weaken the reli!ions.C
-tudents of history will reco!niAe that the political alliances of =n!land on one side and
0ermany on the other$ for!ed between 1*31 and 1*9* by Otto #on "ismarck$ co/conspirator
of Albert Pike$ were instrumental in brin!in! about the (irst World War.
CThe Second World War must be fomented by takin! ad#anta!e of the differences between
the (ascists and the political Fionists. 'his war must be brou!ht about so that NaAism is
destroyed and that the political Fionism be stron! enou!h to institute a so#erei!n state of
Israel in Palestine. )urin! the -econd World War$ International ommunism must become
stron! enou!h in order to balance hristendom$ which would be then restrained and held in
check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.C

After this -econd World War$ ommunism was made stron! enou!h to be!in takin! o#er
weaker !o#ernments. In 1958$ at the Potsdam onference between 'ruman$ hurchill$ and
-talin$ a lar!e portion of =urope was simply handed o#er to 4ussia$ and on the other side of
the world$ the aftermath of the war with 1apan helped to sweep the tide of ommunism into
;4eaders who ar!ue that the terms NaAism and Fionism were not known in 1*31 should
remember that the Illuminati invented both these mo#ements. In addition$ ommunism as an
ideolo!y$ and as a coined phrase$ ori!inates in (rance durin! the 4e#olution. In 13*8$ 4estif
coined the phrase four years before re#olution broke out. 4estif and "abeuf$ in turn$ were
influenced by 4ousseau / as was the most famous conspirator of them all$ Adam Weishaupt.<
CThe Third World War must be fomented by takin! ad#anta!e of the differences caused by
the Ca!enturC of the CIlluminatiC between the political Fionists and the leaders of Islamic
World. 'he war must be conducted in such a way that Islam ;the 7oslem Arabic World< and
political Fionism ;the -tate of Israel< mutually destroy each other. 7eanwhile the other
nations$ once more di#ided on this issue will be constrained to fi!ht to the point of complete
physical$ moral$ spiritual and economical e+haustionGWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the
atheists$ and we shall pro#oke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show
clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism$ ori!in of sa#a!ery and of the most bloody
turmoil. 'hen e#erywhere$ the citiAens$ obli!ed to defend themsel#es a!ainst the world
minority of re#olutionaries$ will e+terminate those destroyers of ci#iliAation$ and the
multitude$ disillusioned with hristianity$ whose deistic spirits will from that moment be
without compass or direction$ an+ious for an ideal$ but without knowin! where to render its
adoration$ will recei#e the true li!ht throu!h the uni#ersal manifestation of the pure doctrine
of :ucifer$ brou!ht finally out in the public #iew. 'his manifestation will result from the
!eneral reactionary mo#ement which will follow the destruction of hristianity and atheism$
both conBuered and e+terminated at the same time.C

-ince the terrorist attacks of -ept 11$ %&&1$ world e#ents$ and in particular in the 7iddle =ast$
show a !rowin! unrest and instability between 7odern Fionism and the Arabic World. 'his is
completely in line with the call for a 'hird World War to be fou!ht between the two$ and their
allies on both sides. 'his 'hird World War is still to come$ and recent e#ents show us that it is
not far off.

Ne+t? 'he New World Order
Pre#ious? Introduction to onspiratorial .istory

If you found this article interestin! and want access to other carefully researched and well
written articles$ you mi!ht want to see what others are sayin! about the 'hreeWorldWars
'op of Pa!e
Dou mi!ht be interested in the followin! e+ternal links?
Albert Pike )efense? )efenses of certain Pike assertions taken from Walter :ee "rown$
Professor =meritus of .istory at the @ni#ersity of Arkansas at (ayette#ille and his book CA
:ife of Albert Pike$C published by the @. of Arkansas press$ 1993.
(reemasonry Inside Out? 'his sensational new analysis of the 7asonic brotherhood e+amines
the basic Buestion asked for almost 6&& years by the !eneral public and surprisin!ly by many
masons themsel#esE HIf (reemasonry is simply a fraternal and charitable or!anisation$ why is
there an almost fanatical obsession with secrecy and mysterious ritualsIJ =/book.
Proof that (reemasonry is lyin! about Albert Pike 66K and the 9u 9lu+ 9lan
=#idence that Albert Pike was hief 1udiciary Officer of the 9u 9lu+ 9lan
A ollection of places named after Albert Pike ;-chools$ streets$ towns$ counties$ temples$
windows$ paintin!s$ medals$ bronAes$ rocks and ri#er pools<
:ayout of Washin!ton ).. and discussion of how President Andrew 1ohnson considered
himself to be the subordinate to Albert Pike$ the leader of North American (reemasonry.
-peech by Presidential candidate :yndon :a4ouche statin! that World War III had already
be!un ;October %8$ 199%<.
:ookin! for pictures of Albert PikeI

1. :ady Lueensborou!h? Occult 'heocracy$ pp. %&*/%&9.
%$ 6$ 5. mdr. William 0uy arr? Luoted in -atan? Prince of 'his World.

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