The document discusses evolving well completion techniques used in the Khuff Formation in Saudi Arabia to improve gas production. As gas demand increases, efforts focus on developing tighter Khuff-B areas while sustaining production from Khuff-C wells. Well completions have evolved from vertical wells to multistage acid fracturing, shown to optimize stimulation treatments. Analysis of various drilling, completion, and stimulation techniques identifies production drivers and ways to improve future well performance in the heterogeneous Khuff Formation reservoirs.
The document discusses evolving well completion techniques used in the Khuff Formation in Saudi Arabia to improve gas production. As gas demand increases, efforts focus on developing tighter Khuff-B areas while sustaining production from Khuff-C wells. Well completions have evolved from vertical wells to multistage acid fracturing, shown to optimize stimulation treatments. Analysis of various drilling, completion, and stimulation techniques identifies production drivers and ways to improve future well performance in the heterogeneous Khuff Formation reservoirs.
The document discusses evolving well completion techniques used in the Khuff Formation in Saudi Arabia to improve gas production. As gas demand increases, efforts focus on developing tighter Khuff-B areas while sustaining production from Khuff-C wells. Well completions have evolved from vertical wells to multistage acid fracturing, shown to optimize stimulation treatments. Analysis of various drilling, completion, and stimulation techniques identifies production drivers and ways to improve future well performance in the heterogeneous Khuff Formation reservoirs.
The document discusses evolving well completion techniques used in the Khuff Formation in Saudi Arabia to improve gas production. As gas demand increases, efforts focus on developing tighter Khuff-B areas while sustaining production from Khuff-C wells. Well completions have evolved from vertical wells to multistage acid fracturing, shown to optimize stimulation treatments. Analysis of various drilling, completion, and stimulation techniques identifies production drivers and ways to improve future well performance in the heterogeneous Khuff Formation reservoirs.
in Saudi Arabia: Technology as a Function of Reservoir Characteristics Improves Production
Authors: Dr. Zillur Rahim, Dr. Hamoud Al Anazi, Adnan Al-Kanaan, Chris Fredd and Dr. M. Nihat Gurmen
The Khuff formation is a late Permian age heterog- eneous carbonate sequence that underlies the massive Ghawar field in eastern Saudi Arabia. The Khuff is subdivided into four separate intervals (A through D), though production is primarily from the B and C intervals. Since its initial appraisal in the late 1970s, the majority of Khuff development activity has been focused in the Khuff-C reservoir, where single and multistage matrix acidizing treatments have been the predominant stimulation technique. As domestic gas demand in Saudi Arabia continues to rise, unrelenting efforts are underway to develop the tighter Khuff-B areas while sustaining production levels from Khuff-C wells. As a result, an increasing number of wells have been drilled and completed in the Khuff-B reservoir. The latest trends in the development of these tight gas Khuff wells include multistage acid fracturing to optimize the stimulation treatments. Various drilling, completion, and stimulation tech- niques have been utilized in the Khuff development since its inception. Some of the variants analyzed to determine impact on production include: type of stimu- lation treatment, hole azimuth, completion isolation system, and number of stimulation stages per well. In addition, treatment design parameters were analyzed. Particular attention was paid to performance trends from Khuff-B wells where improved technical solutions were required to address challenging reservoir characteristics. The results of this analysis demonstrate that multi- stage fracturing (MSF) technologies made a positive impact on Khuff development with improved production results over time. Trends also highlight an increase in stimulation stage count and a wider range of stimulation treatments with the application of new technologies. The analysis identified the key production drivers in the Khuff and ways to improve production of future wells drilled in the formation. Continued use of MSF has proven very successful in providing substan- tially higher rates and sustained production of the Khuff reservoir.
Khuff reservoir development activity has deployed a wide array of completion techniques ranging from single stage vertical wells to multistage horizontal wells. A commonly referred challenge of carbonates is the fact that they are heterogeneous, geologically complex, and difficult to characterize. Unlike sandstones, with their well-behaved correlations of porosity, permeability and other reservoir properties, the heterogeneous pore systems of carbonate rocks defy routine petrophysical analysis. Carbonates are deposited primarily through biological activity, resulting in a rock that is composed of fossil fragments and other grains of widely varying morphology and commonly has pores with highly complex shapes and sizes, Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Carbonate rock outcrop indicates heterogeneity (Photo courtesy of Mohammad Reza Saberi, University of Bergen).
As the focus shifted to tighter reservoirs over the years, the well completions have evolved in the Khuff formation from vertical wells that were stimulated to multilaterals and finally to multistage fracturing (MSF) treatments. The success in MSF treatments is depicted in Fig. 2 where the productivity increase is distinct from the other completion methods. This article takes a critical look at these evolutionary steps and analyzes their success rate based on the impact they have on production. During the analysis the effect of the inherent complexity of the carbonate reservoirs and the variability from its giant dimensions as well as strategies to cope with them are discussed.
The Khuff formation represents the earliest major trans- gressive carbonate deposited on a shallow continental shelf in eastern Saudi Arabia. As expected, due to its SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY SUMMER 2013
Fig. 2. PI for different completion types.
Fig. 3. Khuff main lithofacies and gamma ray correlation.
colossal dimensions, the reservoir properties can vary significantly. The Khuff formation was deposited in tidal flat environments, including subtidal, intertidal and sabkha (supratidal) environments. These depositional environments represent four major cycles, Khuff-D, Khuff-C, Khuff-B and Khuff-A, in an upward sequence, Fig. 3. Each cycle starts with a transgressive grainstone facies that makes up the Khuff reservoirs and ends with regressive, muddy and anhydritic facies, which make up the non-reservoir units 1 . Development of reservoir quality appears to be complexity controlled by lateral continuity or discontinuity of depositional facies. Due to these lateral changes, Khuff reservoir development does not exactly follow structural position. Wells situated structurally high do not necessarily exhibit the best reservoir characteristics. Rock diagenesis has also increased or decreased reservoir quality. In some places, dolomitization and leaching have enhanced the reservoir quality but opposite to that we have other places where dolo- mitization and cementation have serious impact in both
porosity and permeability 1 . There is a general trend in which the reservoir quality deteriorates in the northern direction. Khuff is a high-pressure, high temperature carbon- ate reservoir with two main gas bearing layers, dolomitic and tight Khuff-B and the more prolific calcite Khuff-C. The reservoir exhibits extensive heterogeneity in stress, reservoir quality, and reservoir fluids throughout the field. This heterogeneity combined with the deep and hot nature of the reservoir, has made it a challenging task in achieving uniform and effective stimulation of all layers 2, 3 . Consequently, well production potential can significantly fluctuate if treatments are not optimized. The reduction in variability in production has been the goal throughout the history of Khuff reservoirs. From simple acid washes to major acid fracturing operations, every carbonate stimulation technology has found an application over the years in these reservoirs. Parallel to the advances in the chemistry of fluid technologies, the completion techniques also evolved through the application of many different cased and open hole technologies. Saudi Aramcos rigorous evaluation in its laboratory and in the field ensured that only the most useful technologies survived the test of time. The next section will go over these various technologies along with a historical relevance to the changes in the Khuff reservoirs.
As domestic gas demand in Saudi Arabia continues to rise, unrelenting efforts are underway to develop the
Fig. 4. Variation in kh.
Fig. 5. Variation in porosity.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 P I
( s c f d / p s i 2 )
Production Time (days) Multi Stage Fracturing Dual Lateral Vertical Well Stimulated 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 N o r m a l i z e d
k h Khuff-B Khuff-C 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 N o r m a l i z e d
Test Name Steps Fluids Parameters Breakdown Injection Water or linear gel Formation breakdown pressure Transmissibility kh/ Reservoir pressure Shut-in and fall off Fracture closure pressure Step Rate Step up (injection) Fracture extension rate and pressure Step down (injection) Near wellbore friction Calibration Injection Cross-linked gel Fracture geometry Shut-in Fracture closure pressure Fluid efficiency, leakoff
Table 1. Typical parameters computed from minifrac test data
tighter Khuff-B areas while sustaining production levels from Khuff-C wells. Figures 4 and 5 show the trends in formation conductivity (kh) and porosity at different points in the field showing wide heterogeneity. Although the characteristics of Khuff-C are relatively uniform, the kh variation in Khuff-B is noticeable, making this reservoir more challenging to develop. To better understand the reservoir characteristics, most acid fracturing treatments pumped in the Khuff formation include a small treatment prior to the actual job, often called a datafrac or minifrac. A minifrac is a series of injections conducted on the well prior to stimulation to obtain a few important reservoir and fracturing properties 4 . Among these properties are the formation breakdown, extension, and closure pressures and fluid leakoff parameter. These numbers are impor- tant to optimize subsequent fracturing operation and predict pumping pressures. The minifrac usually consists of a breakdown test (with water) followed by a short pressure fall off, step rate test (with water), and a calibration test (with actual gel fluid). Table 1 provides the different tests and the properties that are computed from each of the steps. The kh is an important variable that can be estimated from the minifrac and used to estimate well potential. An example of a minifrac treat- ment is shown in Fig. 6 and the diagnostics plots to compute reservoir and fluid properties, including rock transmissibility are provided in Figs. 7 and 8.
Fig. 6. Typical minifrac treatment in the Khuff.
During a period from 1998 to 2012, numerous fracturing treatments were performed in four different formations accessed from five main Saudi Arabian fields. The average values of fluid flow parameters presented in
Fig. 7. G-Function plot to compute fracture closure pressure.
Fig. 8. Type curve match to compute reservoir transmissibility.
Fig. 9. Normalized transmissibility variation in different Saudi Arabian fields (normalized).
Fig. 9 and fracture parameters in Table 2 illustrate the heterogeneity among the formations. In general, the Khuff carbonate has a higher fracture gradient (FG) when compared with sandstone formations. This higher FG results in higher pumping
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 0 50 100 150 200 P u m p i n g
R a t e S u r f a c e
P r e s s u r e ,
p s i Time, minutes Psurface, psi Slurry Rate, bpm Injection & Breakdown S t e p R a t e Calibration & Falloff 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 P r e s s u r e
D e r i v a t i v e P r e s s u r e ,
p s i
a n d
G - S l o p e G-Function Pressure(psi) G slope(psi) Closure Point Press deriv(psi) ISIP = 12,296 psi (1.02 psi/ft) Closure Pressure = 10,160 psi (0.84 psi/ft) Fluid Efficiency = 8% 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 S l o p e P r e s s u r e
p s i ,
d e r i v a t i v e F(t) = 1/FR Press diff Press deriv Press diff(TC) Press deriv(TC) Slope Slope(TC) P res = 5,000 psi Transmissibility = 351 md.ft/cp 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 N o r m a l i z e d
R e s e r v o i r
T r a n s m i s s i b i l i t y SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY SUMMER 2013
Field F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 Total number of wells in analysis
1 FG avg , psi/ft 0.79 0.79 0.88 0.78 0.77 0.87 FG max , psi/ft 0.97 0.96 1.05 1.08 1.06 0.91 P net , psi 620 870 620 760 470 1,250 F eff , % 13 27 20 30 25 35 P clos , psi 10,610 11,165 12,090 12,400 10,340 13,320 R trans , md-ft/cp 1,275 590 735 400 370 330 P res , psi 7,560 9,625 9,100 8,850 8,000 9,670
Table 2. Reservoir and fracture property variation in Saudi Arabian fields
pressure and difficulty in breaking down the formation. Khuff also has good transmissibility values (kh/), which represent the reservoir flow capacity. Many of the Khuff wells respond very positively to stimulation and deliver good production.
Stimulation treatments in Saudi Arabian nonassociated gas reservoirs started in 1998. Since then, stimulation technologies have become widely used and an assess- ment of well response due to stimulation has shown substantial improvement in production. Recently, hydraulic fracturing has become a normal practice, particularly in moderate to tight gas reservoirs. The improvement and optimization to fracturing technology, however, is a continuing process. Figure 10 shows the normalized job count since 1998 with a mixture of matrix acidizing, fracture acidizing, and proppant fracturing in sandstone formations. There is a clear increase in the number of stimulation treatments in recent years with about 22% of the total treatments occurring in 2012. A similar increasing trend in MSF treatments is shown in Fig. 11. These trends are a direct consequence of the good production response obtained from fracturing.
Fig. 10. Progression in stimulation count in Saudi Arabian reservoirs.
As the stimulation techniques evolved over time, water-based and acid-based polymer fracturing fluids and diverters were first used, followed by polymer-based self-diverting acid systems, and more recently by polymer-free viscoelastic acid systems 5, 6 . Significant optimization steps, derived from field experience and
Fig. 11. Progression in MSF count in Saudi Arabian reservoirs.
post-stimulation results have also been consistently applied, so a reduction of the initial pad volume was achieved without negatively impacting fracture require- ments and performance while still reducing pumping time and fluid costs 3 . Improvements in stimulation fluid technologies was particularly important as the number of stimulation treatments increased and naturally led to an increase in the volume of stimulation fluids required to optimally treat all intervals. The fluid volume increase somewhat affected the well economics and a more effective acid diversion system was needed to ensure that proper stimulation could be achieved in intervals with varying reservoir properties without significantly increasing the acid volume. The utilization of polyacrylamide-based diverters showed diversion improvement in a number of treatments. In 2007, the introduction of a degradable fiber-laden viscoelastic surfactant-based diverter technology significantly improved post-treatment performance as indicated by studies comparing well performance in areas of the field with similar reservoir characteristics 7 . The diversion technology allowed for a reduction in diverter volume, yet still effectively treating all intervals. The high performance diversion efficiency of this new diverter system can be utilized in two different modes. In the first mode, one can target a gas produc- tion that is already achieved with conventional fluids and apply the technology to optimize the acid volume and reduce the associated treatment cost. In the second mode one can target to maximize the gas production as much as possible increasing the total treatment volume. In this mode the new diverter enables more efficient use of the increased total acid volume and creates more 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 N o r m a l i z e d
t o
T o t a l
J o b
C o u n t Year Acid Frac Matrix Acidizing Prop Frac Total 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 N o r m a l i z e d
t o
T o t a l
J o b
reservoir contact area for hydrocarbon flow. Later in Figs. 20 and 21, it will be shown that the second mode of operation is mostly favored in Saudi Arabia due to the increased demand for gas. Figure 12 shows a typical multistage stimulation treatment where the pressure cycles depict the impact of multiple stages of fluid diverter system used to enhance uniform stimu-lation to the exposed reservoir intervals. The increase in MSF treatments and the move towards tighter areas of Khuff reservoirs necessitated evaluation of multistage technologies utilized around the world to develop similar reservoirs. The application of completion methods using multistage assemblies provided a step forward in the application of stimulation technology in Saudi Arabian reservoirs. The multistage assemblies eliminated the use of through tubing bridge plugs for isolation and provided a significant reduction in the operation time. They also allowed for open hole connectivity with the reservoir, and thereby benefited the production in moderate permeability reservoirs com- pared to the plug-and-perf approach with cemented completions. In 2006, the first open hole multistage completion was trial tested with a ball-sleeve type system. The assembly was successfully deployed and the post-
Fig. 13. Increasing number of MSF stages per well.
fracture production rate exceeded expectations. With that success, engineers were motivated to use this technology on a wider scale. Figure 13 shows the increase in stage count per well, with lateral lengths relatively constant at around 3,000 ft. This increase in MSF stage count was better enabled by the adoption of open hole multistage completion technologies. Another major accomplishment is the use of real- time geomechanics to improve drilling quality and to re- orient the wellbores toward the minimum in-situ stress ( min ) direction to achieve transverse or orthogonal fractures 8 . The geomechanical calculations have helped tremendously in achieving wellbore stability with the prediction of correct mud weight to reduce borehole breakouts or breakdowns. Figures 14 and 15 shows, respectively, the initial drilling without the use of geo- mechanics and the reduction in drilling events due to application of real time analysis on data acquired by logs and borehole cuttings. Among other benefits, drilling toward min also allows more fractures to be placed along a wellbore without having one fracture overlap the adjacent one. Once this strategy was implemented, the number of created independent fractures was increased, which improved the overall well production rate. Previously, wells were drilled in the direction of maxi- mum in-situ stress ( max ) resulting in longitudinal fractures during hydraulic fracturing treatments. Often times, such a setup did not provide enough isolation between stages, thereby causing fewer independently created fractures than designed.
Fig. 14. Drilling events without the aid of geomechanics.
Fig. 15. Reduction in drilling events with geomechanics.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 I n j e c t i o n
R a t e ,
b p m P r e s s u r e ,
p s i Pump Time, minutes Surface Pressure, psi Calculated-psiBHP Slurry Rate, bpm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1998 2000 2003 2006 2008 2011 2014 N u m b e r
o f
S t a g e s Year Time (Day) Depth Tight Hole/ Overpull Stuck Pipe / Wireline Tool Reaming 9 5/8" Casing Khuff C Res. Unayzah B Unayzah Form. Base Unayzah A Unayzah C Base Khuff B Res. Khuff D Anhydrite 7" LNR Time (Day) Depth Tight Hole/ Overpull Stuck Pipe / Wireline Tool Reaming 5-7/8" OH Unayzah-A Reservoir MW used 92-93 pcf MW recommended 91 pcf String stuck 8ft off BTM. 100% CIRC, 100% Rotation Lost 150 psi, torque increase, back ream High speed motor stalling. Ream Fishing operation, string becomes free RIH with new bit, ream tight under-guage hole ream last 20 ft due to torque spikes, hole in good condition slide hole very tight and sticking Depth MD, 500 ft SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY SUMMER 2013
Saudi Aramco carbonate wells are stimulated with a range of fluid systems and methodologies depending on the reservoir characteristics and production expectations 9 . As a result, there is a significant difference in the amount of reservoir contact surface area that can be achieved during stimulation. To take these differences into account, the total post-stimulation reservoir contact area is computed based on fracture data analysis and a reservoir contact area function (RCAF) is used for interpreting the production results. The RCAF is a combination of both reservoir charac- teristics and completion characteristics, such as fluid mobility, fracture properties, and open hole geometry. The analysis shows that the productivity index (PI) and initial gas rate both increase with increasing RCAF, Figs. 16 and 17. Such trends were not observed when analyzing production performance relative to just reservoir characteristics. The RCAF values are significantly different for the three cases, Fig. 2, for the various completion methods of MSF (RCAF = 20), open hole dual lateral (RCAF = 0.0014), and open hole vertical well (RCAF = 0.0002). In the 33 wells evaluated in this study, 62% to 99% of the total surface area (open hole section plus fractures) is created by the hydraulic fractures. Therefore, the surface areas created by the
Fig. 16. Improved PI with higher reservoir contact.
Fig. 17. Improved gas rate with higher reservoir contact.
Fig. 18. Well-A productivity improvement with three stage treatment.
Fig. 19. Well-A inflow performance relationship curves showing well performance.
hydraulic fracturing treatments are dominating the production results. The production results were also analyzed to understand the impact of fracturing on a per stage basis. Figures 18 and 19 illustrate the PI increase and nodal analysis for a three stage acid fracturing treatment performed on Well-A. Nodal analysis highlights the improvement from an un-stimulated production rate of about 9 million standard cubic ft per day (MMscfd) compared to a post-stimulation production rate of about 36 MMscfd. The PI data clearly show improvement with each fracturing stage. The same trend is observed for the overall performance of the 33 wells in this study, with an increase in PI obtained with an increase in the number of fracturing stages, Fig. 20. Production simu- lations were performed to demonstrate the potential impact of adding additional transverse hydraulic frac- turing stages to Well-A, Fig. 21. The results indicate that the production rate would continue to increase with increasing stage count up to eight stages, above which there is only moderate additional gains in production for this set lateral length of 3,000 ft and these well conditions. Therefore, Well-A could benefit from additional fracturing stages to further increase the reservoir contact surface area. These trends for the Khuff formation are consistent with the impact of MSF reported for the James Lime formation, where the production also increased with an increasing number of transverse fracturing stages 10 .
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 P r o d u c t i v i t y
I n d e x ,
s c f d / p s i 2 Reservoir Contact Area Function 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 I n s t a n t a n e o u s
P o t e n t i a l ,
M M s c f d Reservoir Contact Area Function Stg-1 Stg-2 Stg-3 Total 0.14 0.33 1.43 2.01 PI, scfd/psi 2 WELL - A 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 P r e s s u r e ,
p s i Gas Rate, MMscfd Skin 0 Skin -6 Post Job OutFlow WELL - A SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY SUMMER 2013
Fig. 20. Improved PI with successful MSF treatments evaluated in 33 wells.
Fig. 21. Production simulation showing the impact of increasing number of fracturing stages (Nf).
With the ongoing objective of optimizing the completion and stimulation strategies for the Khuff formation, the various stimulation designs were analyzed in more detail. There are insignificant variations in the completion and stimulation strategies used in Khuff-B and Khuff-C formations. Subsequently, there is a significant differ- ence in how the tighter formations are stimulated the use of more acid, diversion, and increased stages are a few of the important variables to ensure good stimulation and productivity 11 . The positive impact of increased acid volume on well productivity is demonstrated in Figs. 22 and 23.
Fig. 22. Improved PI with increased volume of treatments.
Fig. 23. Improved PI per stage with more acid.
Fig. 24. Fracture geometry profile at the end of the treatment.
Fig. 25. Conductivity calculated from well production response.
Figure 24 illustrates the simulated acid etched profile achieved for a typical acid fracturing treatment. This profile compares well with the calculated conduc-tivity and etched fracture half-length based on actual production response, Fig. 25. The example illustrates good conductivity within a fracture length ranging between the wellbore and 130 ft (width varying between 0.6 and 0.15, Fig. 24). The conductivity gain is between 2,000 md-ft and 3,000 md-ft 12 . As a final point, the trend of increasing production with improved stimulation treatments (more RCAF and more acid volume) is observed in the majority of cases; however, there are some anomalies with less effective performance in three of the Khuff wells (labeled as anomalies in Fig. 23). These anomalies can be attributed
2-Stage 3-Stage 4-Stage 0.27 0.56 0.88 PI, scfd/psi 2 0 30 60 90 0 300 600 900 1,200 G a s
R a t e ,
M M s c f d Days Nf=1 Nf=2 Nf=3 Nf=4 Nf=5 Nf=6 Nf=7 Nf=8 Nf=9 Nf=10 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 P r o d u c t i v i t y
I n d e x
s c f d / p s i 2 Acid Volume (1,000 gal) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 20 40 60 80 100 P I
S t a g e Acid vol gal/ft in Openhole Section Normal Trend Outstanding Anomaly High Transmissibility FracCADE* *Mark of Schlumberger ACL Etched Wi dths Saudi Aramco HRDH 1115 Stg 1 04-23-2012 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Fracture Hal f-Length - ft 12460 12480 12500 12520 12540 W e l l
D e p t h
f t < 0.00 i n 0.00 - 0.07 i n 0.07 - 0.15 i n 0.15 - 0.22 i n 0.22 - 0.30 i n 0.30 - 0.37 i n 0.37 - 0.45 i n 0.45 - 0.52 i n 0.52 - 0.59 i n > 0.59 i n Frac Half Length, ft 100 1000 10000 0 200 400 C o n d u c t i v i t y ,
to not achieving sufficient acid etched conductivity along the length of the fracture. There is a significant differ- ence in the achieved acid etched length in high temp- erature areas where the acid reaction rate significantly increases and adversely affects the reservoir contact area. This suggests poor connection to the created conductivity in fractures and/or the inability to etch all of the surface area initially created by the pad sequence, due to rapid acid spending at high temperatures. In such condition, there is an opportunity for further optimization of the hydraulic fracturing treatments to achieve more effective reservoir contact surface area. For example, more effective stimulation techniques may involve more fracturing stages, larger acid volumes, the use of more advanced fluids, additional diverting stages, or even the use of proppant fracturing treatments in carbonate reservoirs. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate the importance of achieving long effective fracture lengths and ensuring sufficient conductivity so the created surface area maintains connection to the wellbore. These key hydraulic fracture design considerations become even more important for delivering production as development extends into ever more challenging deep tight carbonate formations.
1. MSF treatments significantly increase the reservoir contact area relative to typical open hole completions. Multistage acid fracturing has proven beneficial in treating moderate to low permeability Khuff wells resulting in high gas production rates. 2. When compared with results obtained from open hole horizontal or dual lateral completions, the PI achieved with MSF treatments has shown higher rates. 3. To date, numerous Khuff wells have been success- fully treated with acid fracturing and the process is ongoing on a routine basis. 4. The increased number of hydraulic fracturing stages has contributed to higher production rates. 5. The PI and initial gas production rate both increased with increasing the RCAF. 6. The application of appropriate stimulation tech- nologies, such as fiber-based diverters, have allowed for optimization of the acid volume and reaction, further leading to increased production. 7. Changing the drilling direction from max to min has allowed the placement of many independent transverse fractures in the same wellbore (and increasing the reservoir contact surface area). Real- time geomechanics has been effective and is essential to obtaining borehole stability.
Nf Fracture Stages TC Type Curve P res Reservoir Pressure P clos Closure pressure R trans Reservoir transmissibility Fracture fluid viscosity FR Dimensionless radial flow time function P surface Surface Pressure F eff Fracture fluid efficiency G-function Nolte G-function (fracture pressure parameter) P net Net Pressure F(t) Inverse time function
The authors thank Saudi Aramco for permission to publish this article and Schlumberger for its technical support and assistance. This article was presented at the SPE Middle East Unconventional Gas Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, January 28-30, 2013.
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11. Rahim, Z., Al-Kanaan, A., Johnston, B., Wilson, S., Al-Anazi, H. and Kalinin, D.: Success Criteria for Multistage Fracturing of Tight Gas in Saudi Arabia, SPE paper 149064, presented at the SPE/DGS Saudi Arabian Section Technical Conference and Exhibition, al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, May 15-18, 2011.
12. Internal Documentation Gas Reservoir Management Department, Saudi Aramco.
Dr. Zillur Rahim is a Petroleum Engineering Consultant with Saudi Aramcos Gas Reservoir Management Department (GRMD). He heads the team responsible for stimulation design, application and assessment for GRMD. Rahims expertise includes well stimulation, pressure transient test analysis, gas field development, planning, production enhancement, and reservoir management. Prior to joining Saudi Aramco, he worked as a Senior Reservoir Engineer with Holditch & Associates, Inc., and later with Schlumberger Reservoir Technologies in College Station, TX, where he used to consult on reservoir engineering, well stimulation, reservoir simulation, and tight gas qualification for national and international companies. Rahim is an Instructor of petroleum engineering industry courses and has trained engineers from the U.S. and overseas. He developed analytical and numerical models to history match and forecast production and pressure behavior in gas reservoirs. Rahim developed 3D hydraulic fracture propagation and proppant transport simulators and numerical models to compute acid reaction, penetration, and fracture conductivity during matrix acid and acid fracturing treatments. Rahim has authored 65 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) papers and numerous in-house technical documents. He is a member of SPE and a technical editor for the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (JPSE). Rahim is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and a mentor for Saudi Aramcos Technologist Development Program (TDP). He is an instructor of the Reservoir Stimulation and Hydraulic Fracturing course for the Upstream Professional Development Center (UPDC) of Saudi Aramco. Rahim is a member of GRMDs technical committee responsible for the assessment and approval of new technologies. Rahim received his B.S. degree from the Institut Algerien du Petrole, Boumerdes, Algeria, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, all in Petroleum Engineering.
Dr. Hamoud A. Al-Anazi is the General Supervisor of the North Ghawar Gas Reservoir Management Division in the Gas Reservoir Management Department (GRMD). He oversees all work related to the development and management of huge gas fields like Ain-Dar, Shedgum and Uthmaniyah. Hamoud also heads the technical committee that is responsible for all new technology assessments and approvals for GRMD. He joined Saudi Aramco in 1994 as a Research Scientist in the Research & Development Center and moved to the Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC) in 2006. After completing a one-year assignment with the Southern Area Reservoir Management Department, Hamoud joined the Gas Reservoir Management Division and was assigned to supervise the SDGM/UTMN Unit and more recently the HWYH Unit. With his team he successfully implemented the deepening strategy of key wells that resulted in a new discovery of the Unayzah reservoir in UTMN field and the addition of Jauf reserves in the HWYH gas field. Hamouds areas of interests include studies of formation damage, stimulation and fracturing, fluid flow in porous media and gas condensate reservoirs. He has published more than 50 technical papers at local/international conferences and in refereed journals. Hamoud is an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) where he serves on several committees for SPE technical conferences. He is also teaching courses at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, as part of the Part-Time Teaching Program. In 1994, Hamoud received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from KFUPM, and in 1999 and 2003, respectively, he received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Petroleum Engineering, both from the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Adnan A. Al-Kanaan is the Manager of the Gas Reservoir Management Department (GRMD) where he oversees three gas reservoir management divisions. Reporting to the Chief Petroleum Engineer, Adnan is directly responsible for making strategic decisions to enhance and sustain gas delivery to the Kingdom to meet its ever increasing energy demand. He oversees the operating and business plans of GRMD, new technologies and initiatives, unconventional gas development programs, and the overall work, planning and decisions made by his more than 70 engineers and technologists. Adnan has 15 years of diversified experience in oil and gas reservoir management, full field development, reserves assessment, production engineering, mentoring young professionals and effectively managing large groups of professionals. He is a key player in promoting and guiding the Kingdoms unconventional gas program. Adnan also initiated and oversees the Tight Gas Technical Team to assess and produce the Kingdoms vast and challenging tight gas reserves in the most economical way. Prior to the inception of GRMD, he was the General Supervisor for the Gas Reservoir Management Division under the Southern Reservoir Management Department for 3 years, heading one of the most challenging programs in optimizing and managing nonassociated gas fields in Saudi Aramco. Adnan started his career at the Saudi Shell Petrochemical Company as a Senior Process Engineer. He then joined Saudi Aramco in 1997 and was an integral part of the technical team responsible for the on- time initiation of the two major Hawiyah and Haradh Gas Plants that currently process more than 6 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas per day. Adnan also directly managed the Karan and Wasit fields two major offshore gas increment projects with an expected total production capacity of 4.3 bcf of gas per day. He actively participates in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) forums and conferences, and has been the keynote speaker and panelist for many such programs. Adnans areas of interest include reservoir engineering, well test analysis, simulation modeling, reservoir characterization, hydraulic fracturing, reservoir development planning and reservoir management. He chaired the 2013 International Petroleum Technical Conference to be held in Beijing, China. Adnan received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Chris Fredd is the Stimulation Domain Manager for Schlumberger in the Middle East. His current focus is on applying a multidisciplinary approach to optimizing stimulation and completion strategies for conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Chris has over 15 years of experience with Schlumberger in a wide range of stimulation environments, including carbonates, tight gas, shale gas, and coalbed methane. He has held various positions in field operations, technology implementation, and new product development in North and South America, Russia, and the Middle East. In his previous position as Technology Center Manager, Chris commercialized 12 products related to stimulation, diversion, mircoseismic interpretation, and perforating technology, many with a specific focus on unconventional reservoirs. He received his B.S. degree from Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, all in Chemical Engineering. Chris holds 15 patents and has authored or coauthored almost 30 publications in the areas of matrix acidizing, fracture acidizing, hydraulic fracture conductivity, and unconventional reservoir stimulation.
Dr. M. Nihat Gurmen is a Technical Manager at Schlumberger for the Arabian Market covering Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain. Based in al- Khobar, Saudi Arabia, he is a company Subject Matter Expert for stimulation products, fluids and services. Nihat started his Schlumberger career in the Client Support Laboratory in Sugar Land, TX, in 2004. In his next assignment, Nihat transferred to Alice, a field location in South Texas, as the District Technical Engineer. In his current role in the Arabian Market, Nihat ensures that correct technologies are applied in stimulation operations and introduces new products and services as necessary. Nihat received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, and earned a Ph.D. degree from the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, in the Fogler Research Group. Nihat is an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and coauthor of various journal, SPE and patent publications.