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Dot Under Ba of Bismillah

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Ba of Bismillah:
"Know that all th wis!om ofth Ha"nl# S$%i&t'%s a% in Th ('%)an an! what"% is
in Th ('%)an is inth Fatihah *S'%at'l Ham!+ an! what"% is in Fatihah is in Bismillah
an!what"% is in Bismillah is in th Ba of Bismillah an! what"% is in th Ba
ofBismillah is n$a&s'lat! in th !ot 'n!% th ,a -Ha.%at Ali sai! h is th!ot 'n!% th
Th% a% &lnt# of %iwa#at whi$hha" mntion! that ALI is DOT *N'0ta+ of Ba1i
Bismillah an! ths %iwa#at alsomntion that ha! Ali as wish!2 h $o'l! ha" 3&lain!
s'%at al fatiha o%,ismillah o% ,a1 ,ismillah so m'$h that &a4s wo'l! ha" to , lift! ,#
7DOT: B4innin42fo'n!ation2 f'n!amntal2
Bas of 8is!om:ThBa, 'l ilm
Atom: En%4ti$ 9ow%
Th Dot: :- 9EN: Th9ow% of 8is!om
9I;OT: 9oint ofMo"mnt
<nt%of =%a"it# *<-=+: 9oint of Balan$in4-
9ointof 9%o>$tion: D%aftin4 -
S'n:Th so'%$ of Li4ht/Ra#
;ision? S$o&
A,'T'%a,?Titl of Ali A-S 4i"n,# Na,i 9a@ *S-A-8-8+ !' &%olon4 &%ost%ations
<ha%ismati$ Dot? "isi,l#2 'n"isi,l#"i4o%o's Ma'la Kainaat
No Dot *N'0ta+ in @alma A inth nam of AliB C
BA DTh A%a,i$ Ltt%:
ThA%a,i$ ltt% Ba is 0'i"alnt to th ltt% )B) in th En4lish al&ha,t- It isth s$on!
ltt% in A%a,i$- Ba in A%a,i$ n'm%olo4# whi$h is @nown as A,>a!has th "al' of E- This
a%ti$l is a,o't th s&i%it'al manin4 of th ltt%Ba-
In th fi%st R"lation%$i"! ,# M'hamma! f%om Allah th%o'4h Fi,%al was
"Ra!: In th nam of#o'% Ra,,---

" (Quran: Al Alaq Chapter

The letter Ba is thefirst letter in the verse Bismillah, Bismillah is the first verse in the
Quran.Every hapter in the Quran starts !ith the verse Bismillah e"ept hapter
9Ta!#a. $hy is it missin% at the start &f hapter 9' The verse p&ints t& theletter Ba.
(earh )&r Bismillah:
$hy searh f&r Bismillah'*f Bismillah ha+ n&t #een missin% fr&m &ne &f the hapters, n&
&ne !&ul+ l&&,+eeply at the verse Bismillah. *t !&ul+ #e &verl&&,e+ #y every rea+er &f
theQuran. At the start &f hapter 9 the rea+er is #ein% t&l+ #y Allah, -&&,. The &penin%
verse Bismillah is missin%. /& an+ l&&, at the verseBismillah. The rea+er has %&ts&
use+ t& rea+in% every hapter &f the Quran startin% !ith Bismillah. 0&! therea+er nee+s
t& #e a!a,ene+. (e&n+ly, in all the previ&us hapters 1 t& 2 the firstletter is Alif &r 3a as
Chapter 1: Al )atihah: Al 4am+u -illahi5a##il Alameen
Chapter 6: Al Baqara: Alif -aam 7eem
Chapter 8: Al *mran: Alif -aam 7eem
Chapter 9: An 0isaa: 3a Ay 3uhan 0as (utTa,&& 5a##a,um...
Chapter :: Al 7ai+a: 3a Ay 3uhal -a;eenaAmanu...
Chapter 6: Al Anaam: Al 4am+u -illahil-a;ee....
Chapter <: Al Aaraf: Alif -aam 7eem (aa+
Chapter 2: Al Anfal: 3as Al&& 0a,a AanilAnfaal...
Chapter 9: At Ta!#a: Baraa atum 7inAllahi $a 5as&&lih C&nt ==6

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