Dot Under Ba of Bismillah
Dot Under Ba of Bismillah
Dot Under Ba of Bismillah
Ba of Bismillah:
"Know that all th wis!om ofth Ha"nl# S$%i&t'%s a% in Th ('%)an an! what"% is
in Th ('%)an is inth Fatihah *S'%at'l Ham!+ an! what"% is in Fatihah is in Bismillah
an!what"% is in Bismillah is in th Ba of Bismillah an! what"% is in th Ba
ofBismillah is n$a&s'lat! in th !ot 'n!% th ,a -Ha.%at Ali sai! h is th!ot 'n!% th
Th% a% &lnt# of %iwa#at whi$hha" mntion! that ALI is DOT *N'0ta+ of Ba1i
Bismillah an! ths %iwa#at alsomntion that ha! Ali as wish!2 h $o'l! ha" 3&lain!
s'%at al fatiha o%,ismillah o% ,a1 ,ismillah so m'$h that &a4s wo'l! ha" to , lift! ,#
7DOT: B4innin42fo'n!ation2 f'n!amntal2
Bas of 8is!om:ThBa, 'l ilm
Atom: En%4ti$ 9ow%
Th Dot: :- 9EN: Th9ow% of 8is!om
9I;OT: 9oint ofMo"mnt
<nt%of =%a"it# *<-=+: 9oint of Balan$in4-
9ointof 9%o>$tion: D%aftin4 -
S'n:Th so'%$ of Li4ht/Ra#
;ision? S$o&
A,'T'%a,?Titl of Ali A-S 4i"n,# Na,i 9a@ *S-A-8-8+ !' &%olon4 &%ost%ations
<ha%ismati$ Dot? "isi,l#2 'n"isi,l#"i4o%o's Ma'la Kainaat
No Dot *N'0ta+ in @alma A inth nam of AliB C
BA DTh A%a,i$ Ltt%:
ThA%a,i$ ltt% Ba is 0'i"alnt to th ltt% )B) in th En4lish al&ha,t- It isth s$on!
ltt% in A%a,i$- Ba in A%a,i$ n'm%olo4# whi$h is @nown as A,>a!has th "al' of E- This
a%ti$l is a,o't th s&i%it'al manin4 of th ltt%Ba-
In th fi%st R"lation%$i"! ,# M'hamma! f%om Allah th%o'4h Fi,%al was
"Ra!: In th nam of#o'% Ra,,---