The student lives with his large family in a small flat in a noisy part of town. [1] He shares a bedroom with his younger brother, making it difficult to study in the evenings. [2] Additionally, the living room is usually noisy as the whole family watches TV until late, so he struggles to find a quiet place to do schoolwork. [3]
The student lives with his large family in a small flat in a noisy part of town. [1] He shares a bedroom with his younger brother, making it difficult to study in the evenings. [2] Additionally, the living room is usually noisy as the whole family watches TV until late, so he struggles to find a quiet place to do schoolwork. [3]
The student lives with his large family in a small flat in a noisy part of town. [1] He shares a bedroom with his younger brother, making it difficult to study in the evenings. [2] Additionally, the living room is usually noisy as the whole family watches TV until late, so he struggles to find a quiet place to do schoolwork. [3]
The student lives with his large family in a small flat in a noisy part of town. [1] He shares a bedroom with his younger brother, making it difficult to study in the evenings. [2] Additionally, the living room is usually noisy as the whole family watches TV until late, so he struggles to find a quiet place to do schoolwork. [3]
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School Year: 2013/2014
End- of- term
English test n1 Grade: 9 th Form
Full name: .. Class: 9b .. Number: .. Text: 165 North Road Leads.
12 December 2009 Dear Editor, I am a student and my family is quite large. We live in a flat in a noisy part of the town. The flat is not very big and I share a room with my younger brother. There is one living room where we all eat and watch television. As you can imagine, the room is usually very noisy! My problem is the noise. If I want to study, I have to go to my bedroom. ut my brother goes to bed quite early !he is only "#$. %o I can&t study there in the evening. And my parents and my two sisters usually watch television until "" o&cloc' in the living room. At first I disli'ed television myself. I used to thin' that people spend too much time watching it. A lot of my friends tal'ed about the new programmes, the films and the qui( shows. They never read any boo's or do their homewor'. )owever, I have started watching it because I must sit in the living room while I&m waiting. *ow I li'e television a lot. Then of course, when the programmes are over, I&m very tired and I can&t study properly. What can I do+ Best wishes Jim Brownbill eading com!rehension : "# mar$s% 1/ tick ( ) the right alternative : (1mark) The student wrote the letter to the editor to, - tal' about his future dreams. - .escribe his house and town. - /omplain and as' for advice. 2/ read the statements and say whether they are true or alse: (! marks) ("ick ( ) the right column) #tatements true alse )e lives in the countryside. )is friends en0oy reading boo's. )e shares a room with his elder brother. 1im can&t study properly because he&s very tired. $/ what do the underlined words reer to in the te%t: (1 mark) There !line 2$,3333333333.. They !line "4$,33333333333 4/ find words that have nearly the same meaning as: (1 mark) hated: 3333333333. began: 3333333333. &/what is the unction o the ollowing statements: (1mark) ("ick ( ) the right unction) I can&t study there in the evening. ability
' (rohibition
' inability &ang'age: "(mar$s% 1/ circle the correct alternative: ($ marks) rian, oh! I (orget /orgot /didn t orget) to tell you that 5lise phoned when you were out. %am, she (always (honed / (hones always / always (hones) when I&m not here. ()o/ *s / )id) she leave a message+ rian, no, she didn&t. %am, 6'. I will phone (her/ hers /him) today. (+re you know /)o you know / )id you ,now) her number. rian, yes, it&s in my address boo', you can (took/ to take / take) it. !/ match the statements with their corres(onding unctions: (! marks) ("here is an e%tra unction) Statements functions Answers "7 this is the easiest test I&ve ever had. a7 e8pressing intention " 9 47 his dad is an open-minded person. b7 e8pressing contrast 4 9 :7 I&m tired. I&m going to have an early night. c7 comparing : 9 ;7 while teenagers loo' forward, old people loo' bac'ward. d7 describing ; 9 e7 giving opinion
$/ match the sentences (arts to get a coherent (aragra(h: ($ marks) ("here is an e%tra sentence) A Answers "7 to prevent dog bites, a7 to be careful around pets. " 9 47 first, never leave a baby or a small child b7 remain calm and don&t scream. 4 9 :7 second, teach young children c7 it&s necessary to follow these tips, : 9 ;7 third, never disturb a dog d7 alone with a dog. ; 9 <7 finally, if you are threatened by a dog, e7 until the dog leaves. < 9 f7 that is caring for puppies, sleeping or eating.
)riting: "# mar$s% =ou are a teenager. =our parents don&t give you enough poc'et money. Write a complaint to an editor and tell him about your problem. "he ollowing hints will hel( you: - describe your parents - why do you need more poc'et money+, - to buy stationeries,33333333.. - playing videogames,33333333 Dear Editor,
ESL Conversation Dialogues Scripts 91-100 Volume 10: General English, Australian English, Medical English and Phrasal Verbs: For Tutors Teaching Mature Upper Intermediate to Advanced ESL Students