Radiant heating and cooling systems offer an energy effcient alternative to all-air systems. Air-side ventilation system is designed to meet all of the ventilation requirements for the building. Hydronic (or water-side) radiant system makes up the balance of the heating and cooling loads.
Radiant heating and cooling systems offer an energy effcient alternative to all-air systems. Air-side ventilation system is designed to meet all of the ventilation requirements for the building. Hydronic (or water-side) radiant system makes up the balance of the heating and cooling loads.
Radiant heating and cooling systems offer an energy effcient alternative to all-air systems. Air-side ventilation system is designed to meet all of the ventilation requirements for the building. Hydronic (or water-side) radiant system makes up the balance of the heating and cooling loads.
Radiant heating and cooling systems offer an energy effcient alternative to all-air systems. Air-side ventilation system is designed to meet all of the ventilation requirements for the building. Hydronic (or water-side) radiant system makes up the balance of the heating and cooling loads.
for more information on Radiant Heating and Cooling
S E C T I O N H Engineering Guide Radiant Products H-2 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Radiant Products Engineering Guide Introduction To Radiant Heating and Cooling Radiant heating and cooling systems offer an energy effcient alternative to all-air systems. In most cases, the supply air volume of the air handling system is limited in size to satisfy only the ventilation and latent loads, with the radiant system making up the balance of the heating and cooling loads. This comfortable method of heating and cooling may save energy, space and building maintenance costs. The following pages offer an introduction to the products, systems and design methodology, as well as the advantages and limitations of radiant heating and cooling. Management of heat loads can generally be classifed into two different types: all- air systems or hybrid systems. All-air systems have been the most prominent in North America during the 20th century and have been in use since the advent of air conditioning. These systems use air to service both the ventilation requirement as well as the building cooling load. In general, these systems have a central air handling unit (or rooftop unit) that delivers enough cool or warm air to satisfy the building load. Diffusers mounted in the zone deliver this air in such a way as to promote comfort and evenly distribute the air. In many cases, the amount of air required to cool or warm the space or the fuctuations of loads make designing in accordance to these principles diffcult. Draft is not uncommon, and some ceiling diffusers have been known to dump at low capacities. Hybrid systems have two components: an air-side ventilation system and a hydronic (or water-side) radiant system. The air-side is designed to meet all of the ventilation requirements for the building, as well as satisfy all latent loads. It is a 100% outside air system and because the primary function of the supply air system is ventilation as opposed to cooling, it can be supplied at higher supply air temperatures than is typical of overhead air distribution systems. The water-side is designed to meet the balance of the sensible cooling and heating loads. These loads may be handled by water based products, such as radiant panels, which transfer heat mainly by thermal radiation, and chilled sails, which transfer heat using a combination of thermal radiation and natural convection. Radiant panels have been used for sensible heating and cooling in North American buildings for over half a century, and are a widely recognized and well-established technology. Chilled sails were originally developed in Europe in the late 1990s, and are a relatively new technology in North America. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-3 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Figure 1: Examples of radiant heating and cooling Radiant heating and cooling systems provide an effective method for satisfying the heating and/or cooling loads of a space while promoting a high level of occupant comfort and energy effciency. Hydronic systems have been successfully used in several applications having dramatically different characteristics. Some examples of areas where radiant systems have been applied include: Green Buildings Hospitals Burn Centers Isolation Rooms Schools Data Centers Offce Buildings Airports Cafeterias Television Studios Theaters Casinos Benets of Air-Water Systems There are many benefts to heating and cooling using radiant panels and chilled sails. Advantages of these water based heating and cooling systems over other mechanical systems include: Energy and system effciency Reduced system horse power Indoor environmental quality Improved indoor air quality Increased thermal comfort Reduced mechanical footprint Lower maintenance costs Improved system hygiene Radiant systems are a good choice where: Thermal comfort is a major design consideration Areas have high sensible loads Areas require a high indoor air quality (100% outdoor air system) Energy conservation is desired Energy Efciency The heat transfer capacity of water allows for a reduction in the energy used to transport an equivalent amount of heat as an all-air system (Stetiu, 1998). These reductions can be found primarily through reduced fan energy. The higher chilled water supply (CHWS) temperatures used with active and passive beam systems, typically around 58 F [14.5 C], provide many opportunities for a reduction in energy use, including increased water-side economizer use. This increased CHWS temperature also allows for more water-side economizer hours than would be possible with other systems where CHWS temperatures are typically ~45 F [7 C]. Concepts and Benets Indoor Air Quality Depending on the application, under maximum load, only ~15 to 40% of the cooling air fow in a typical space is outdoor air and is required by code to satisfy the ventilation requirements. The balance of the supply air fow is recirculated air which, when not treated, can transport pollutants through the building. Radiant systems transfer heat directly to/from the zone and are often used with a 100% outdoor air system which exhausts polluted air directly to the outside, reducing the opportunity for VOCs and illness to travel between air distribution zones. Noise Radiant systems do not usually have fan powered devices near the zone. This typically results in lower zone noise levels than what is achieved with all-air systems. In situations where passive beams are used in conjunction with a quiet air system, such as displacement ventilation, the opportunities for noise reduction increase further. Reduced Mechanical Footprint The increased cooling capacity of water allows the transport system to be reduced in size. It is generally not unusual to be able to replace ~60 ft [6 m] of air shaft with a 6 in. [150 mm] water riser, increasing the amount of foor space available for use or lease. Due to the simplicity of the systems (i.e. reduction in the number of moving parts and the elimination of zone flters, drain pans, condensate pumps, and mechanical components), there tends to be less space required in the interstitial space to support the HVAC system. Lower Maintenance Costs With no terminal unit or fan coil flters or motors to replace, a simple cleaning is all that is required in order to maintain the product. H-4 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S When To Use Radiant Systems Hygienic System With the elimination of the majority of flters and drain pans, there is a reduced risk of mold or bacteria growth in the entire mechanical system. Radiant systems such as radiant panels and chilled sails are well-suited to some applications and less so to others. As a result, each application must be reviewed for potential benefts as well as the suitability of these types of systems. One consideration which can assist in the decision to employ hydronic systems as opposed to an all-air system, is the air-side load fractionor the percentage of the total air supply that must be delivered to the zone to satisfy code and dehumidifcation requirements. Table 1 shows the load fraction for several spaces. In the table the best applications for hydronic systems are those with the lowest air-side load fraction as they are the ones that will beneft the most from the effciencies of hydronic systems. Another factor which should be examined is the sensible heat ratio or the percentage of the cooling load that is sensible as opposed to latent. The latent loads must be satisfed with an air system and offer some sensible cooling at the same time because of the temperature of dehumidifed air. If the total sensible cooling load is signifcantly higher than the capacity of the air supplied to satisfy the latent loads, a radiant system might be a good choice. Commercial Ofce Buildings In an offce building hydronic heating and cooling systems provide several benefts. The lower supply air volume of the air handling system provides signifcant energy savings. In addition, the smaller infrastructure required to move this lower air fow allows for small plenum spaces, translating into shorter foor-to-foor construction or higher ceilings. The lower supply air volume and elimination of fans at or near the space offers a signifcant reduction in generated noise. Often the lower air fow translates to reheat requirements being reduced. In the case of 100% outside air systems, the lighting load captured in the return plenum is exhausted from the building, lowering the overall cooling load. Schools Schools are another application that can beneft greatly from radiant panels and chilled sails systems. Similar to offce buildings, the benefts of a lower supply air volume to the space are lower fan power, shorter plenum height, reduced reheat requirement, and lower noise levels (often a critical design parameter of schools). Hospital Patient Rooms Hospitals are unique applications in that the supply air volume required by local codes for each space is often greater than the requirement of the cooling and heating load. In some cases the standard or code requires these higher air-change rates for all-air systems only. In these cases the total air-change rate required is reduced if supplemental heating or cooling is used. This allows for a signifcant reduction in system air volume and yields energy savings and other benefts. Furthermore, because these systems are generally constant air volume with the potential to reduce the primary air-change rates, reheat and the cooling energy discarded as part of the reheat process is a signifcant energy savings opportunity. Depending on the application, a 100% outside air system may be used. These systems utilize no return air and no mixing of return between patient rooms, potentially lowering the risk of hospital associated infections. Hotels / Dorms Hotels, motels, dormitories, and similar type buildings can also beneft from hydronic systems. Fan power savings often come from the elimination of fan coil units located in the occupied space. The energy savings associated with these local fans is similar in magnitude to that of larger air handling systems. It also allows for the elimination of the electrical service required for the installation of fan coil units as well as a reduction in the maintenance of the drain and flter systems. The removal of these fans from the occupied space also provides lower noise levels, which can be a signifcant beneft in the sleep areas. Application Total Air Volume (Typ.) Ventilation Requirement (Typ.) Air-Side Load Fraction Offce 1 cfm/ft 2 [5 L/s m 2 ] 0.15 cfm/ft 2 [0.75 L/s m 2 ] 0.15 School 1.5 cfm/ft 2 [7.5 L/s m 2 ] 0.5 cfm/ft 2 [2.5 L/s m 2 ] 0.33 Lobby 2 cfm/ft 2 [10 L/s m 2 ] 1 cfm/ft 2 [5 L/s m 2 ] 0.5 Patient Room 6 ach 2 ach 0.33 Load-driven Lab 20 ach 6 ach 0.3 Table 1: Typical load fractions for several spaces in the United States Limitations There are several areas in a building where humidity can be diffcult to control, such as lobby areas and locations of egress. These areas may see a signifcant short term humidity load if the entrances are not isolated in some way (revolving doors or vestibules). In these areas, a choice of a complimentary technology such as fan coil units or displacement ventilation is ideal. Other applications may have high air fow/ ventilation requirements, such as an exhaust driven lab. The majority of the benefit provided by the hydronic system is linked to the reduction in supply air fow. As such, these applications may not see suffcient beneft to justify the addition of the hydronic circulation system, making them not likely to be a good candidate for this technology. Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-5 Products - Radiant Panels Operation Radiant panels mainly use thermal radiation to handle the heating or cooling loads of a space. Thermal radiation heat exchange is based on differences in surface temperatures as discussed in Chapter 3Introduction to Heat Transfer from the Price Engineer's Handbook. Radiant panels add energy to or remove it from a room mainly using radiation with surfaces in the room, but also directly to occupants (Figure 2). To a lesser extent, the panels also heat or cool a room through convection of the room air as it is heated or cooled by the panel surface. Because radiant panels can handle the sensible portion of a building load they must be paired with an air system for ventilation and latent load removal. In heating, for example, heat from warm water is transferred to the panel surface via conduction. The heat passes through the tubing, the mounting extrusion (the fn), and the panel itself, to the panel surface. At the surface, heat is both radiated to other surfaces in the room and transferred to room air via natural convection. The heat transfer through a radiant panel can easily be modeled with a thermal resistance circuit, as in Figure 3. The resistance circuit represents the actual components of a radiant panel. The nodes represent various temperatures of the panel component surfaces, and the resistors represent the heat conduction through the panel components and to the surrounding room. The tw node represents the mean water temperature that transfers through the copper tubing to the actual panel components. To achieve the maximum possible surface temperature of the panel, Tsurf, the conduction from the pipe to the fn to the panel surface must be maximized, or, inversely, the resistance must be minimized. This can be achieved by using materials that are highly conductive such as copper tubing and aluminum for the fn and panel. Even surface contact between the water tubing and the fns decreases resistance, along with thermal paste which can be applied between the fn and the panel surface to help spread heat evenly to the panel surface (Figure 4) RADIATION Figure 2: Radiation pathways R conv,s T air, ceiling T panel, outer insulation R insulation AUST, ceiling R rad,s R conv,room T air, room Fin Surface AUST, room T surf, panel R rad,room R fin T fin, ave R panel surface Copper tubing with Towards slab Towards room and occupants AUST = Area-weighted temperature of all indoor surfaces of walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, etc. Figure 3: Thermal resistance circuit diagram of a modular radiant panel Without Thermal Paste With Thermal Paste Figure 4: Surface temperature distribution of a radiant panel Radiant Products Engineering Guide H-6 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Interconnect Return The amount of thermal energy that is transferred to the room surfaces via radiation is dependent on the view factors from the panel to the various room surfaces, along with the emissivity of the panel surface. A larger temperature gradient results in greater thermal radiation. Also, the view factors from the panel to the room, as well as the emissivity of the panel surface affect the temperature of the receiving surface. Refer to Chapter 3 Introduction to Heat Transfer of the Engineer's Handbook for further details on the theory of radiant heat transfer. Insulation on the back of the panel helps decrease the amount of heat that travels by radiation or convection to the ceiling. Applications Radiant panels can be applied to virtually any space, especially areas with high sensible loads, areas that require a high indoor air quality, or areas where thermal comfort and energy conservation are major design considerations. Typical applications of hydronic radiant panels are hospitals including patient rooms, isolation rooms, and burn centers schools, data centers, offce buildings, and airports. 1. Linear Radiant Panels Linear radiant panels are constructed of a series of integrated aluminum heat sinks and copper tubing. Multiple heat sinks form the visible face of the panel and are joined via tongue-and-groove connections. Insulated backing helps keep the radiant exchange limited to the occupied space. The components of linear radiant panels can be seen in Figure 5. 2. Modular Radiant Panels Modular radiant panels are designed to be integrated into or alongside standard suspended ceiling systems or to suspend from the ceiling in an exposed application. The visible side of the modular radiant panel is a formed steel or aluminum sheet to which the aluminum heat sinks are attached. Copper tubing runs through the heat sinks, and insulated backing helps keep the radiant exchange limited to the occupied space. The components of modular radiant panels can be seen in Figure 6. Connecting Radiant Panels Both linear and modular radiant panels can be connected in series, as shown below. The panels are supplied with straight tubing, using 180 return connections for end panels and interconnects between panels. A typical series application of panels is a perimeter layout with the panels running from wall to wall where an even temperature distribution across several panels is desired. The loose connection pieces allow the panels to be trimmed in order to ft. In these applications, the fnal connections are done in the feld (Figure 7). Products - Radiant Panels Figure 5: Components of a linear radiant panel without insulation Figure 6: Components of a modular radiant panel without insulation Figure 7: Series connection details for linear radiant panels DESIGN TIP Linear and modular radiant panels can be connected in series in a cloud confguration, provided the panel surface temperatures do not vary signifcantly and water-side pressure drop is maintained at acceptable levels. A grouping of 4 to 6 modular panels at 2 ft [600 mm] wide and 4 ft [1200 mm] long is common as the panel surface temperature will typically be within 2 to 4 F [1 to 2 C] across the grouping in cooling or 10 to 20 F [6 to 12 C] in heating. Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-7 Products - Chilled Sails Operation Chilled sails provide a functional and unique alternative to conventional radiant panels. Sails couple the radiant cooling effects of standard radiant panels with a convective component. In cooling mode, chilled sails create natural convection by cooling the surrounding air as it passes over the surface facing the plenum. As the air falls into the occupied zone, where warm air is pulled over the sail, the convective cooling capacity of the sail is coupled with the radiant capacity of the cool sail surface, resulting in a cooling capacity greater than that of standard radiant panels. In cooling, the approximate breakdown of heat mode transfer of chilled sails is 30% by thermal radiation and 70% by natural convection. A general air fow diagram of an exposed chilled sail in heating and cooling mode can be seen in Figure 8. In certain applications, sails can also be used for heating. In heating mode, the sails use radiation only to heat the zone below. Because sails have no insulation on their reverse side, heat is radiated not only towards the room, but also towards the building structure. As the slab warms, it in turn helps heat the room to a small extent by thermal radiation and natural convection. Like radiant panels, chilled sails can also be analyzed using a thermal resistance circuit diagram, as seen in Figure 9. The resistance circuit represents the actual components of a chilled sail. The nodes represent various temperatures of the sail component surfaces or the conditions of the room, and the resistors represent the heat conduction through the panel components or heat transfer between the sail and the room. The mean water temperature, tw, node represents the mean water temperature that transfers through the copper tubing to the actual sail. Most chilled sails are one single extrusion, which means that the fn and sail are one solid piece of aluminum. To maximize heat transfer through the sail, or, conversely, to minimize resistance, a material with high thermal conductivity, such as aluminum, is typically used. As seen in Figure 10, a chilled sail transfers heat to a room with a combination of radiation and natural convection. Because chilled sails have no insulation on their reverse sides, heat is transferred from the copper tubing/fn to the slab and plenum. The heat transfer from the sail to the room has three components: natural convection with the room air, thermal radiation with the room surfaces, and thermal radiation from the top of the sail with either the suspended ceiling or the fxed ceiling, depending on the design details. Figure 8: Air fow pattern of an exposed chilled sail in cooling and heating mode Cooling Heating Sail Sail Figure 9: Thermal resistance circuit diagram of a chilled sail Figure 10: Typical chilled sail Radiant Products Engineering Guide Towards slab Towards room and occupants T air, room AUST, room R rad, room R rad, ceiling T air,ceiling R conv, ceiling R conv, room R fin/sail AUST, ceiling T surface, fin/soil Sail/Fin Copper tubing with Top Bottom H-8 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Products - Chilled Sails In cooling mode, the majority of the heat transfer occurs by natural convection as warm air rises due to natural buoyancy forces, passes over the chilled sails, cools, and then sinks down into the occupied zone. In heating mode, heat is transferred mainly through thermal radiation with room surfaces, where it increases the average unheated surface temperature of the room (AUST). As warm air rises past the heated sails, natural convection occurs, which results in warmer return air. Because sails are water-only systems, they can only handle the sensible portion of a building load and must be paired with a fresh air system for ventilation and latent load removal. Applications Their cooling capacity and unique design make chilled sails an excellent alternative to panel systems, particularly in applications that have an architectural focus. Typical applications of chilled sails include offces, meeting/conference rooms, theaters, studios, lobbies/foyers, waiting areas, or any areas were radiant panel use is appropriate. Chilled sails are designed for architectural appeal and are typically installed in T-bar ceiling grids or freely suspended. Figure 11: Exposed chilled sails Figure 13: Active and inactive sections Figure 12: Continuous chilled sail sections Radiant Products Engineering Guide Components Chilled sails are typically constructed from copper piping and aluminum extrusions designed to optimize capacity, as well as for architectural appeal (Figure 11). Exposed chilled sails are often installed as the fnished ceiling by either installing as a cloud, as shown in Figure 11, or combining active and inactive sections for a continuous look, as seen in Figure 12. Chilled sails are designed to be installed either open to the room or below or behind a perforated ceiling, and may be installed in large or discrete sections. In either case, the operation of the chilled sail requires that a portion of the ceiling is open to allow air circulation to the rear of the assembly. For installations behind a perforated ceiling or installed as a cloud in an open ceiling, this is generally not an issue. For installations where the sails are installed in a ceiling system, this is often accomplished by using non-active sections of sail to allow air to pass up to the area above the ceiling, as show in Figure 13. Passive Elements for Return Passive Elements for Return E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-9 0 75 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 C a p a c i t y
o f
S a i l ,
% Free Area as a Percentage of Sail Area Figure 16: Typical piping of a sail with an odd number of passes Figure 17: Typical even number of passes Figure 14: Free area vs. active area of sail Figure 15: Clearance between chilled sail and slab 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 E f f e c t i v e
C a p a c i t y
o f
S a i l ,
% Clearance Between Chilled Sail and Slab, in. Clearance Between Chilled Sail and Slab, mm Water Supply Sail 1 Sail 2 Sail 3 Water Return Flex Hose Flex Hose Water Supply Flex Hose Products - Chilled Sails The amount of free area vs. active area of sail will affect the performance of the sail system according to Figure 14. In all cases, the amount of space between the back of the sail and the structural slab will affect the level of circulation, and thereby the convective cooling component. This capacity is affected according to Figure 15. Radiant Products Engineering Guide Connecting Chilled Sails Depending on the width of the unit, the sails may have connection locations on opposite ends. Sails with an odd number of sections will have connections on opposite ends, and even number of sections will have connections on the same ends, as seen in Figures 16 and 17 below. Flex hose is generally used to connect the water fow between the units. H-10 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S 1. Determine the ventilation requirement The ventilation requirement should be calculated to meet ventilatiown codes. For example, using ASHRAE Standard 62-2004 to determine the minimum fresh air fow rate: L1 where Qoz = minimum fresh air fow rate, cfm [L/s] Rp = outdoor air fow rate per person, cfm/person [L/s(person)] Pz = zone population or maximum number of occupants in zone Ra = outdoor air fow rate per unit area, cfm/ft 2 [L/sm 2 ] AZ = zone foor area or net occupied area of the zone, ft 2 [m 2 ] 2. Determine required supply air dew-point temperature to remove the latent load L2 where qL = latent load, Btu/h [W] Qs = supply air fow rate, cfm [L/s] W = difference in humidity ratio between the supply air and the room condition, lbm,w/lbm,DA or gr/lbm,DA [kgw/kgDA or gw/kgDA] Typically, the moisture content of the ventilation air will be suffciently low in the heating season to offset the internal gains. 3. Determine the occupied zone humidity ratio if there is excessive latent cooling From equation L2: L3 where Woz = humidity ratio of the room condition, lbm,w/lbm,DA or gr/lbm,DA [kgw/kgDA or gw/kgDA] WSA = humidity ratio of the supply air, lbm,w/lbm,DA or gr/lbm,DA [kgw/kgDA or gw/kgDA] If Woz is determined to be too low for comfort, humidifcation of the ventilation air should be considered. 4. Determine the supply air volume The supply air volume is the maximum volume required by code for ventilation, and the volume required for controlling the latent load: L4 where QL = air fow rate required for controlling the latent load, cfm [L/s] 5. Determine the heating capacity of the supply air IP L5 SI L5 where qs,air = heating capacity of the supply air, Btu/h [W] = fuid density, lbm/ft 3 [kg/m 3 ] cp = specifc heat at constant pressure Btu/hlbF [kJ/(kgK)] Qair = supply air fow rate, cfm [L/s] tair = air temperature change (treturn - tsupply), F [K] Design Procedure Heating Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-11 6. Determine the heating required from the water side L6 where qs, hydronic = heating capacity of the water side, Btu/h [W] qt = total sensible heating capacity, Btu/h [W] 7. Determine an appropriate temperature loss through the panels Specify a panel surface temperature, then fnd the related mean water temperature, tw. Design Procedure Heating Radiant Products Engineering Guide Figure 18: Connection between mean water temperature and panel surface temperature or, tpanel - troom = 0.74 (tw
[ K ] 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 10 15 20 25 30 40 tpanel - troom [K] tpanel - troom [R] 8. Determine the heat transfer coefcients for the radiant panels The natural convection coeffcient is: IP L7 SI L7
Where hc,natural = natural convection coeffcient, Btu/hft 2 F [W/m 2 K] ta = room temperature, F [K] tpanel = panel temperature, F [K] Dh = hydraulic diameter, ft [m] Dh = 4Apanels / Ppanels L8 Where Apanels = surface area of active panels, ft 2 [m 2 ] Ppanels = the pipe internal perimeter, ft [m] H-12 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Design Procedure Heating Radiant Products Engineering Guide The forced convection coeffcient is: IP L9 SI L9 Where hc,forced = forced convection coeffcient, Btu/hft 2 F [W/m 2 K] ach = air change rate, cfm/ft 2 [m 3 /hm 2 ]
The total convection coeffcient is: L10 Where hc,total = total convection coeffcient, Btu/hft2F [W/m2K] 9. Determine the specic capacity of the radiant panels The convective heat transfer per square foot to the panel is determined: L11 where qc = convective heat fux or convective rate per cross sectional area, Btu/hft 2 [W/m 2 ] qc = convective heat transfer rate, Btu/h [W] A = surface area of the medium, ft 2 [m 2 ] Assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the air temperature, the radiant heat exchange with the panel is determined: IP L12 SI L12
where q r = radiant heat fux, Btu/hft 2 [W/m 2 ] AUST = area-weighted temperature of all indoor surfaces of walls, ceiling, foor, windows, doors, etc. (excluding active panel surfaces), F [C] The total heat transfer per unit of face area is L13 where qo = total heat fux, Btu/hft 2 [W/m 2 ] 10. Determine the area of panels required L14 where Apanels = area of panels, ft 2 [m 2 ] E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-13 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 1 - Patient Room (IP) Consider the patient room shown in the fgure below. The patient room includes a television, monitoring equipment and overhead lighting. The temperature set-point is 75 F with a minimum relative humidity of 40%. The room is 10 ft wide and 20 ft long, with a 9 ft ceiling. The attached toilet room is 5 ft wide and 7 ft long, with an 8 ft ceiling. There is one exterior wall and window. The supply air temperature in heating mode is reset to 95 F, with the heating water temperature at 175F. Determine The water fow rate and pressure drop for the heating panels required to handle the heating load, assuming 15 F outdoor air temperature Overnight in winter, the envelope loss is 4800 Btu/h and the internal gains at that time are limited to the patient load: Design Considerations Patient 160 Btu/h Medical Staff/Visitors 0 Television 0 Medical Equipment 0 Overhead Lighting 0 Envelope -4800 Btu/h Total -4640 Btu/h Patient latent load 155 Btu/h Determine the Ventilation Requirement For this example, local code refers to ASHRAE Standard 170-2008 for the HVAC system. According to ASHRAE Standard 170-2008, patient rooms with auxiliary heating require 4 ach of supply air, of which two are outdoor air. Determine the required supply air dew-point temperature to remove the latent load From equation L2: Using the ventilation rate: PATIENT ROOM Corridor 10 ft 20 ft 5 ft 7 ft H-14 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 1 - Patient Room (IP) In this case, the supply air is a mix of the return air and the ventilation air. This mixture of outdoor air (at the outdoor conditions, assuming saturated air at 15 F with a humidity ratio of 12.5 gr/lb) and return air (assuming that it is at the design conditions of 75 F, 40% RH 52.5 gr/lb), will have more than enough capacity to handle the latent load. In applications where humidity is critical, further analysis may be done to determine the requirement of humidifcation. For more information refer to Chapter 5Introduction to Psychrometrics of the Price Engineer's Handbook. Determine the heating capacity of the supply air Using equation L5:
Determine the heating required from the water side
Determine an appropriate temperature loss through the panels Using a mean water temperature of:
Determine the heat transfer coefcients for the radiant panels Using equation L7 and the relation for Dh from equation L8, the natural convection coeffcient is determined: Due to the confguration of the room, it can be assumed as a frst estimation that the panels will be arranged at the perimeter where the load is, and run the width of the exposure (10 ft). Assuming also a 2 ft width of panel:
Using equation L9, the forced convection coeffcient is determined:
Using equation L10, the total convection coeffcient is determined:
Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-15 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 1 - Patient Room (IP) Determine the specic capacity of the radiant panels Using equation L11, the convective heat transfer per square foot to the panel is determined:
The outside air temperature has a signifcant impact on the inside surface temperatures of exterior walls. The exterior wall temperature is determined with an h value, convective heat transfer coeffcient of a vertical wall, of 1.46 Btu/(hft 2 F) and a U value, overall heat transfer coeffcient, of 0.315 Btu/(hft 2 F):
The average unheated surface temperature is: t
Calculating the radiant heat exchange:
From equation L13, the total heat transfer per unit of face area is:
Determine the area of panels required Using equation L14:
H-16 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 1 - Patient Room (IP) Therefore, the assumption of panel size (20 ft 2 ) used to calculate the hydraulic diameter is appropriate. The fow rate required to manage the load with a panel T of 10 F is: For simplicity, a 2 ft 10 ft Price RPL linear radiant panel is selected. This panel with 0.41 gpm will have a pipe velocity of 0.55 fps, which corresponds to a Reynolds number of 1900, which is in the laminar range. For a better selection, the fow rate is increased to 1.3 gpm, which corresponds with a Reynolds number of 6400, which is in the turbulent region. From the performance chart, this also increases the pressure drop from 0.31 ft to 3.7 ft, which will allow better fow control of the panel. Recalculating the temperature loss in the panel as well as the capacity: This increase in capacity will result in only requiring 15.7 ft 2 , though it is more practical to stay with the original size in order to maintain aesthetics (the panel will run the length of the perimeter) as well as a standard module size (24 in. wide). Panels can be designed to have both active and inactive sections to maintain aesthetics. When running the entire length of the room, the trim and series option will allow the panel to be trimmed on site if the room size varies slightly during construction. PATIENT ROOM Corridor Panel Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-17 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Consider the patient room shown in the fgure below. The patient room includes a television, monitoring equipment and overhead lighting. The temperature set-point is 24 C with a minimum relative humidity of 40%. The room is 3 m wide, 6 m long, and has a 3 m ceiling. There is one exterior wall and window. The supply air temperature in heating mode is reset to 35 C and the heating water temperature is 72 C. PATIENT ROOM Corridor 3 m 6 m 1.75 m 2.25 m Determine The water fow rate and pressure drop for the heating panels required to handle the heating load, assuming -10 C outdoor air temperature. Overnight in winter, the envelope loss is 1400 W and the internal gains at that time are limited to the patient load: Design Considerations Patient 50 W Medical Staff/Visitors 0 Television 0 Medical Equipment 0 Overhead Lighting 0 Envelope -1400 W Total -1350 W Patient latent load 45 W Determine the Ventilation Requirement For this example, local code refers to ASHRAE Standard 170-2008 for the HVAC system. According to ASHRAE Standard 170-2008, patient rooms with auxiliary heating require 4 ach of supply air, of which two are outdoor air. Determine the required supply air dew-point temperature to remove the latent load From equation L2: Using the ventilation rate: Example 1 - Patient Room (SI) H-18 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S In this case, the supply air is a mix of the return air and the ventilation air. This mixture of outdoor air (at the outdoor conditions, assuming saturated air at -10 C with a humidity ratio of 1.8 g/kg) and return air (assuming that it is at the design conditions of 24 C, 40% RH 7.4 g/kg), will have more than enough capacity to handle the latent load. In applications where humidity is critical, further analysis may be done to determine the requirement of humidifcation. For more information refer to Chapter 5Introduction to Psychrometrics of the Price Engineer's Handbook. Determine the heating capacity of the supply air Using equation L5:
Determine the heating required from the water side
Determine an appropriate temperature loss through the panels Using a mean water temperature of:
Determine the heat transfer coeffcients for the radiant panels Using equation L.7 and the relation for Dh from equation L.8, the natural convection coeffcient is determined: Due to the confguration of the room, it can be assumed as a frst estimation that the panels will be arranged at the perimeter where the load is, and run the width of the exposure (3 m). Assuming also a 600 mm width of panel:
Using equation L9, the forced convection coeffcient is determined:
Using equation L10, the total convection coeffcient is determined:
Example 1 - Patient Room (SI) Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-19 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 1 - Patient Room (SI) Determine the specic capacity of the radiant panels Using equation L11, the convective heat transfer per square foot to the panel is determined:
The outside air temperature has a signifcant impact on the inside surface temperatures of exterior walls. The exterior wall temperature is determined with an h value, convective heat transfer coeffcient of a vertical wall, of 8.29 W/(m 2 K) and a U value, overall heat transfer coeffcient, of 0.055 W/(m 2 K):
The average unheated surface temperature is:
Calculating the radiant heat exchange:
From equation L13, the total heat transfer per unit of face area is:
Determine the area of panels required Using equation L14:
H-20 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 1 - Patient Room (SI) Therefore, the assumption of panel size (1.8 m 2 ) used to calculate the hydraulic diameter is appropriate. The fow rate required to manage the load with a panel T of 5 K is: For simplicity, a 600 mm 3000 mm RPL linear radiant panel is selected. This panel with 0.027 kg/s will have a pipe velocity of 0.24 m/s, which corresponds to a Reynolds number of 4300 with a pressure drop of 1.2 kPa, which is a good selection. When running the entire length of the room, the trim and series option will allow the panel to be trimmed on site if the room size varies slightly during construction. PATIENT ROOM Corridor Panel Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-21 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Design Procedure Cooling 1. Determine the ventilation requirement The ventilation requirement should be calculated to meet ventilation codes. For example, using ASHRAE Standard 62-2004 to determine the minimum fresh air fow rate: L1 2. Determine required supply air dew-point temperature to remove the latent load L2 If the required humidity ratio is not practical, recalculate the supply air volume required with the desired humidity ratio. 3. Determine the supply air volume The supply air volume is the maximum volume required by code for ventilation and the volume required for controlling the latent load: L4 4. Determine the sensible cooling capacity of the supply air IP L5 SI L5 5. Determine the sensible cooling required from the water side L6 6. Determine an appropriate temperature rise through the panels A panel temperature correction is unnecessary because the temperature differential between the water and air is small in cooling mode. For panels and sails that are designed well, the surface temperature can be approximated to be the mean water temperature: L15 where tw = mean water temperature, F [K] tCHWS = chilled water supply temperature, F [K] tout = chilled water return temperature, F [K] 7. Determine the heat transfer coefcients for the radiant panels The natural convection coeffcient is: IP L16 SI L16 H-22 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Design Procedure Cooling The forced convection coeffcient is: IP L9 SI L9
The total convection coeffcient is: L10 8. Determine the specic capacity of the radiant panels The convective heat transfer per square foot to the panel is determined: L11
Assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the air temperature, the radiant heat exchange with the panel is determined: IP L12 SI L12
The total heat transfer per unit of face area is: L13
9. Determine the area of panels required L14 Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-23 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 2 - Small Ofce (IP) Consider a small offce with a southern exposure. The space is designed for two occupants, a computer with LCD monitor, T8 forescent lighting, and has a temperature set-point of 75 F. The room is 10 ft wide, 12 ft long, and 9 ft from foor to ceiling. The owner expressed interest in using radiant panels. 12 ft 9 ft 10 ft SMALL OFFICE Window Space Considerations One of the primary considerations when using a radiant heating and cooling system is humidity control. As previously discussed, it is important to consider both the ventilation requirements and the latent load when designing the air-side of the system. The assumptions made for the example are as follows: Load/person is 250 Btu/h sensible and 155 Btu/h latent Lighting load in the space is 6.875 Btu/h/ft Computer load is 300 Btu/h (CPU and LCD Monitor) Total skin load is 1450 Btu/h Specifc heat and density of the air are 0.24 Btu/lbF and 0.075 lb/ft respectively Design conditions are 75 F, with 50% relative humidity Design dew point is 55 F Design Considerations Occupants 2 Set-Point 75 F Floor Area 120 ft Exterior Wall 108 ft Volume 1080 ft qoz 800 Btu/h ql 825 Btu/h qex 1450 Btu/h qT 3075 Btu/h Determine a) The ventilation requirement. b) The suitable supply air and supply water temperatures. c) The total convective heat transfer coeffcient for radiant panels. H-24 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Solution a) Determine the ventilation requirement The ventilation requirement should be calculated to meet ventilation codes. For example, using ASHRAE Standard 62-2004 to determine the minimum fresh air fow rate for a typical offce space: b) Determine required supply air dew-point temperature to remove the latent load From equation L2: Using the ventilation rate:
At the design conditions (75 F, 50% RH), the humidity ratio is 65 gr/lb, requiring a difference in humidity ratio between the supply and room air of: From the fgure below, the dew point corresponding to the humidity ratio is 40 F, which is too cool for standard equipment. Evaluating the humidity ratio at several temperatures led to the selection of a dew point of 50 F in order to use less expensive common equipment while also minimizing the supply air volume required to control humidity. Humidity Ratio Dew Point lb/lb gr/lb 40 0.00543 38 45 0.0065 46 50 0.0075 53 55 0.0095 67 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 35 40 1 2 . 5 1 3 . 0 1 3 . 5 10% 20% 30% 4 0 % 5 0 % 6 0 % 7 0 % 8 0 % 9 0 % 1 4 . 0 1 4 . 5 1 5 . 0 45 55 60 65 70 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 65 Dry Bulb Temperature, F E n t h a l p y - B t u / l b o f D r y A i r H u m i d i t y
R a t i o ,
l b w / l b D A 70 75 80 85 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 6 0 6 5 Volume - ft 3 /lb of Dry Air Saturation Temperature, F Relative Humidity 40 45 50 55 60 35 0.0075 50 Example 2 - Small Ofce (IP) Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-25 Radiant Products Engineering Guide The required air volume to satisfy the latent load is: The supply air volume to the offce is the maximum volume required by code for ventilation and the volume required for controlling the latent load: c) Determine the heat transfer coefcients for the radiant panels For panels and sails that are designed well, the surface temperature can be approximated to be the mean water temperature. Assuming a chilled water supply temperature 2 F above the dew point in order to minimize the potential for condensation and a temperature rise of 4 F through the panel leads to a mean water temperature of: Using equation L16, the natural convection coeffcient is determined: Using equation L9, the forced convection coeffcient is determined:
Using equation L10, the total convection coeffcient is determined:
Example 2 - Small Ofce (IP) H-26 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 2 - Small Ofce (SI) Consider a small offce with a southern exposure. The space is designed for two occupants, a computer with LCD monitor, T8 forescent lighting, and has a design temperature set-point of 24 C. The room is 3 m wide, 4 m long, and 3 m from foor to ceiling. The owner expressed interest in using radiant panels. Space Considerations One of the primary considerations when using a radiant heating and cooling system is humidity control. As previously discussed, it is important to consider both the ventilation requirements and the latent load when designing the air-side of the system. The assumptions made for the example are as follows: Load/person is 65 W sensible and 55 W latent Lighting load in the space is 25 W/m Computer load is 80 W (CPU and LCD Monitor) Total skin load is 425 W Specifc heat and density of the air are 1.007 kJ/kgK and 1.3 kg/m respectively Design conditions are 24 C, with 50% relative humidity Design dew point is 13 C Design Considerations Occupants 2 Set-Point 24 C Floor Area 12 m Exterior Wall 12 m Volume 36 m qoz 210 W ql 300 W qex 425 W qT 935 W Determine a) The ventilation requirement. b) The suitable supply air and supply water temperatures. c) The total convective heat transfer coeffcient for radiant panels. 3 m 4 m 3 m SMALL OFFICE Window Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-27 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 2 - Small Ofce (SI) Solution a) Determine the ventilation requirement The ventilation requirement should be calculated to meet ventilation codes. For example, using ASHRAE Standard 62-2004 to determine the minimum fresh air fow rate for a typical offce space: b) Determine required supply air dew-point temperature to remove the latent load From equation L2: Using the ventilation rate:
At the design conditions (24 C, 50% RH), the humidity ratio is 9.5 g/kg of dry air, requiring a difference in humidity ratio between the supply and room air of: From the fgure below the dew point corresponding to the humidity ratio is 5 C, which is too cool for standard equipment. Evaluating the humidity ratio at several temperatures led to the selection of a dewpoint of 10 C in order to use less expensive equipment while also minimizing the supply air volume required to control humidity. Humidity Ratio Dew Point g/kg 5 5.5 7.5 6.75 10 8 12.5 9.25 Dry-Bulb Temperature, C E n t h a l p y - k J / k g o f D r y A i r 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 50 55 60 65 70 75 85 90 95 100 105 105 110 115 120 125 Volume - m 3 /kg of Dry Air Saturation Temperature, C Relative Humidity H u m i d i t y
R a t i o ,
g w / k g D A 30 10 5 15 20 0 . 7 8 0 . 8 0 0 . 8 2 0 . 8 4 0 . 8 6 0 . 9 0 0 . 9 2 0 . 9 4 0 . 9 6 10% 2 0 % 3 0 % 4 0 % 5 0 % 6 0 % 7 0 % 8 0 % 9 0 % 25 8 H-28 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 2 - Small Ofce (SI) The required air volume to satisfy the latent load is: The supply air volume to the offce is the maximum volume required by code for ventilation and the volume required for controlling the latent load: c) Determine the heat transfer coefcients for the radiant panels For panels and sails that are designed well, the surface temperature can be approximated to be the mean water temperature. Assuming a chilled water supply temperature 1 K above the dew point in order to minimize the potential for condensation and a temperature rise of 2 K through the panel leads to a mean water temperature of: Using equation L16, the natural convection coeffcient is determined: Using equation L9, the forced convection coeffcient is determined:
Using equation L10, the total convection coeffcient is determined:
Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-29 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Performance Radiant panels performance depends on several factors: The difference in surface temperatures between the panel and the surrounding surfaces The mean water temperature and the panel thermal resistance View factor of the panel to the surfaces to be cooled/heated Water fow rate Emissivity and absorption of affected surfaces The water fow rate in the coil affects two performance factors. First, the heat transfer between the water and the panel is dependent on whether the fow is laminar (poor), transitional (inconsistent) or turbulent (good). Secondly, it also affects the mean water temperature. The higher the fow rate, the closer the discharge temperature will be to the inlet, thereby changing the average water temperature imposed on the panel. As the separation between the mean water temperature and the surrounding room temperature (T) increases, so does the capacity. In heating, the T is limited by thermal comfort. In cooling, the T is also limited by two factors, thermal comfort and condensation prevention. Good practice for panel selection in cooling avoids condensation by limiting the entering water temperature to the rooms dew point + 2 F [1 K]. The most common design condition for spaces in cooling is 75 F [24 C] at 50% RH, producing a dew point of 55 F [13 C] and limiting entering water temperature to a minimum of 57 F [14 C]. Figure 19 shows the effect on the fow rate, indicated by Reynolds number, on the capacity of a typical radiant panel. As indicated on the chart, increasing the fow rate into the transitional range (Re > 2300, shown in blue on the graph) increases the output of the panel. Product Selection Figure 19: Radiant panel capacity vs. water fow 40 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 50 60 70 80 90 100
C a p a c i t y ,
% Re The water fow rate is largely dependent on the pressure drop and return water temperatures acceptable to the designer. In most cases the water fow rate should be selected to be fully turbulent (Re > 4000) under design conditions. The difference between the mean water temperature is defned as: L17 and the room/surrounding surface temperatures are the primary driver of panel performance. The larger this difference is, the greater the radiant and convective transfer rates are. As noted in equation L12, the radiant energy exchange between two surfaces is based on the absolute temperature to the fourth power. Conversely, a lower temperature difference will reduce the amount of potential energy exchange, and thereby capacity. As a result, it is desirable from a capacity standpoint to select entry water temperatures as low as possible in cooling, while maintaining it above the dew point in the room to ensure sensible cooling only. The location of radiant panels relative to loads in the space infuences their capacity and is greatly dependent on the view factor of the panel to the objects that are to be conditioned. When used in spaces with high solar gain, such as perimeter zones, the capacity increases as the surrounding surface temperature increases. As surface temperatures change throughout the day, panel capacity changes accordingly. Furthermore, as the distance between the panel and the affected surface increases, the view factor diminishes, thus reducing direct radiant exchange between the two surfaces. Panel placement is based on a combination of surface temperature and distance to the occupant in order to ensure an effective operative temperature is achieved. Locating panels along glass perimeters without low emissivity coatings may have a negative effect on energy use as some energy will be lost to the outdoors through the glass. H-30 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (IP) Design Considerations Occupants 2 Set-Point 75 F Floor Area 120 ft Exterior Wall 108 ft Volume 1080 ft qoz 800 Btu/h ql 825 Btu/h qex 1450 Btu/h qT 3075 Btu/h hc, total 0.823 Btu/hftF Qs 38 cfm Ts 50 F tCHWS 57 F tpanel 59 F Determine a) The area of panels required. b) The area of panels required assuming 95 F outdoor air temperature. c) The fow rate for the panels from (b). d) A practical layout and piping arrangement for the panels from (b). 12 ft 9 ft 10 ft SMALL OFFICE Window Consider the small offce presented in the previous example. Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-31 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Solution a) Determine the sensible cooling capacity of the supply air Using equation L5: Determine the sensible cooling required from the water-side
Determine the specic capacity of the radiant panels Using equation L11, the convective heat transfer to the panel is determined: Using equation L12 and assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the room air set-point temperature, the radiant heat exchange with the panel is determined:
From equation L13, the total heat transfer per unit of face area is:
Determine the area of panels required Using equation L14: Using multiples of 4 ft 2 , which is a standard ceiling tile sized at 2 ft 2 ft, the total area required is 76 ft 2 . Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (IP) H-32 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (IP) b) The area of panels required assuming 95 F outdoor air temperature The exterior wall temperature is determined with an h value, convective heat transfer coeffcient, of 1.46 Btu/(hft 2 F) and a U value, overall heat transfer coeffcient, of 0.693 Btu/(hft 2 F):
The average unheated surface temperature is: Recalculating the radiant heat exchange and total heat transfer from (a):
Determine the area of panels required Using equation L14:
Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-33 Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (IP) Radiant Products Engineering Guide SMALL OFFICE Light Panel Panel Panel Panel Panel SMALL OFFICE Panel Panel Panel Panel Light c) The ow rate for the panels from (b) d) A practical layout and piping arrangement for the panels from (b) In order to ft the panels from (b) in a lay-in ceiling, a 48 in. 24 in. RPM modular panel is selected. Referring to the product data sheet, a fow rate of 1.02 (~1 gpm) has a water pressure drop of 0.17 ft. Using these panels would require a quantity of:
If these panels are connected in series, the total loop pressure drop would be: H-34 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (SI) Design Considerations Occupants 2 Set-Point 24 C Floor Area 12 m Exterior Wall 12 m Volume 36 m qoz 210 W ql 300W qex 425 W qT 935 W hc, total 4.71 W/m 2 K Qs 22.5 L/s Ts 10 C tCHWS 14 C tpanel 15 C Determine a) The area of panels required. b) The area of panels required assuming 35 C outdoor air temperature. c) The fow rate for the panels from (b). d) A practical layout and piping arrangement for the panels from (b). Consider the small offce presented in the previous example. 3 m 4 m 3 m SMALL OFFICE Window Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-35 Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (SI) Solution a) Determine the sensible cooling capacity of the supply air Using equation L5: Determine the sensible cooling required from the water-side
Determine the specic capacity of the radiant panels Using equation L11, the convective heat transfer to the panel is determined: Using equation L12 and assuming that the wall temperature is equal to the room air set-point temperature, the radiant heat exchange with the panel is determined:
From equation L13, the total heat transfer per unit of face area is:
Determine the area of panels required Using equation L14: Using multiples of 0.36 m 2 , which is a standard ceiling tile sized at 600 mm 600 mm, the total area required is 6.48 m 2 . Radiant Products Engineering Guide H-36 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (SI) b)The area of panels required assuming 35 C outdoor air temperature The exterior wall temperature is determined with an h value, convective heat transfer coeffcient, of 0.255 W/(m2K) and a U value, overall heat transfer coeffcient, of 0.121 W/(m2K):
The average unheated surface temperature is: Recalculating the radiant heat exchange and total heat transfer from (a):
Determine the area of panels required Using equation L14:
Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-37 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 3 - Small Ofce Panel Selection (SI) SMALL OFFICE Light Panel Panel Panel Panel Panel SMALL OFFICE Panel Panel Panel Panel Light c) The ow rate for the panels from (b) d) A practical layout and piping arrangement for the panels from (b) In order to ft the panels from (b) in a lay-in ceiling, a 1200 mm x 600 mm RPM modular panel is selected. Referring to the product data sheet, a fow rate of 0.07 (~0.075 kg/s) has a water pressure drop of 0.69 kPa. Using these panels would require a quantity of:
If these panels are connected in series, the total loop pressure drop would be: H-38 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 4 - Small Ofce Chilled Sail Selection (IP) Consider the small offce presented in the previous example. Design Considerations Occupants 2 Set-Point 75 F Floor Area 120 ft Exterior Wall 108 ft Volume 1080 ft qoz 800 Btu/h ql 825 Btu/h qex 1450 Btu/h qT 3075 Btu/h Cooling Capacity of Hydronic System 2049 Btu/h tCHWS 57 F tpanel 59 F Determine The required area and possible location of chilled sails. Solution The difference between the room air temperature and the mean panel temperature is: Referring to the product data page, the specifc capacity of the chilled sail is determined using this temperature difference:
12 ft 9 ft 10 ft SMALL OFFICE Window Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-39 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 4 - Small Ofce Chilled Sail Selection (IP) Determine the area of sails required Using equation L14: Selecting a sail that is 10 ft long and 4.5 ft wide provides 45 ft 2 of sail area. From the performance table, this piped-in series will result in a pressure drop of 2 ft. 24 in. 96 in. Price CSA (troom - tw), F Capacity, Btu/h Water Flow Rate, gpm Head Loss, ft 14 635 0.35 0.356 16 740 0.41 0.488 18 848 0.47 0.642 20 959 0.53 0.816 Based on 4 F water temperature drop SMALL OFFICE Sail H-40 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Example 4 - Small Ofce Chilled Sail Selection (SI) Consider the small offce presented in the previous example. 3 m 4 m 3 m SMALL OFFICE Window Design Considerations Occupants 2 Set-Point 24 C Floor Area 12 m Exterior Wall 12 m Volume 36 m qoz 210 W ql 300 W qex 425 W qT 935 W Cooling Capacity of Hydronic System 557 W tCHWS 14 C tpanel 15 C Determine The required area and possible location of chilled sails. Solution The difference between the room air temperature and the mean panel temperature is: Referring to the product data page, the specifc capacity of the chilled sail is determined using this temperature difference:
Radiant Products Engineering Guide E N G I N E E R I N G
P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-41 Radiant Products Engineering Guide Example 4 - Small Ofce Chilled Sail Selection (SI) Determine the area of sails required Using equation L14: Selecting a sail that is 3 m long and 1.5 m wide provides 4.5 m 2 of sail area. From the performance table, this piped-in series will result in a pressure drop of 6 kPa. 600 mm 2908 mm Price CSA (troom - tw), K Capacity, W Water Flow Rate, kg/h Head Loss, kPa 8 186 79 1.06 9 217 93 1.46 10 249 107 1.92 11 281 120 2.44 Based on 4 C water temperature drop SMALL OFFICE Sail H-42 All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. E N G I N E E R I N G
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P R O D U C T S Copyright Price Industries Limited 2011. All Metric dimensions ( ) are soft conversion. Imperial dimensions are converted to metric and rounded to the nearest millimetre. H-43 Radiant Products Engineering Guide References Jeong J. & Mumma, S. A. (2003). Impact of mixed convection on ceiling radiant cooling panel. HVAC&R Research, 9 (3), 251-257. Kochendrfer, C. (1996). Standard testing of cooling panels and their use in system Planning. ASHRAE Transactions, 102 (1), 651-658. Min, T.C., Schutrum, L.F., Parmelee, G.V., & Vouris, J.D. (1956). Natural convection and radiation in a panel heated room. Heating Piping and Air Conditioning (HPAC), 153 160. Mumma, S. A. (2002). Chilled ceilings in parallel with dedicated outdoor air systems: Addressing the concerns of condensation, capacity and cost. ASHRAE Transactions 2002 (2), 220 231. Mundt, E. (1990). Convection fows above common heat sources in rooms with displacement ventilation. Proceedings from Roomvent 1990. Oslo, Norway. Nickel, J. (2002). 1.3 - Heating and cooling with ceilings. Technical report 87/2002e: Cooling and heating systems. Aachen, Germany: Krantz Komponenten. Novoselac, A., Burley, B., & Srebric, J. (2006). New convection correlations for cooled ceiling panels in rooms with mixed and stratifed airfow. HVAC&R Research, 12 (N2), 279-294. Novoselac, A. & Srebric, J. (2002). A critical review on the performance and design of combined cooling ceiling and displacement ventilation systems. Energy and Buildings, 34 (5), 497-509. Olesen, B.W., Sliwinska, E., Madsen, T.L., & Fanger, P.O. (1982). Effect of body posture and activity on the thermal insulation of clothing: Measurements by a moveable thermal manikin. ASHRAE Transactions, 88 (2), 791-801. Price Industries (2011). Price engineer's HVAC handbookA comprehensive guide to HVAC fundamentals. Winnipeg, MB: Price Industries Limited. Schiavon, S, Bauman, F., Lee, K.H., & Webster, T. (2010). Development of a simplied cooling load design tool for underoor air distribution systems, nal report to CEC PIER program. Berkeley, CA: Center for the Built Environment, Center for Environmental Design Research, University of California at Berkeley. Stetiu, C. (1998). Radiant cooling in U.S. offce buildings: Towards eliminating the perception climate imposed barriers. Doctorial Dissertation, Energy and Resources Group, University of California at Berkeley, CA. Tan, H., Murata, T., Aoki, K., & Kurabuchi, T. (1998). Cooled ceiling/displacement ventilation hybrid air conditioning systemDesign criteria. Proceedings from Roomvent 98. Stockholm, Sweden. Virta, M., Butler, D., Grslund, J., Hogeling, J., Kristiansen, E.L., Reinikainen, M., & Svensson, G. (2004). REHVA guidebook no. 5: Chilled beam application guidebook. Brussels, Belgium: Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations (REHVA). Yin, Y., Zhang, X., & Chen, Q. (2009). Condensation risk in a room with high latent load and chilled ceiling panel and with air supplied from liquid desiccant system. HVAC&R Research, 15 (2), 315-327. Zhang, H., Huizenga, C., Arens, E., & Yu, T. (2005). Modeling thermal comfort in stratied environments. Berkeley, CA: Center for the Built Environment, University of California.