Energy Outlook 2014
Energy Outlook 2014
Energy Outlook 2014
Executive Director
International Energy Agency
he world is undergoing an
era of economic rebalancing
toward emerging markets,
and that is especially true within
the oil market, where shifting
patterns in consumption and
production further complicate
the broader trends. The global
energy map is not just shifting
east. Traditional producers like Saudi Arabia are seeing
booming demand, while heavily consuming markets
such as North America are experiencing production
revolutions thanks to new techniques and technologies.
New trading patterns and technological advances
also mean new scope for international market reform
creating a common incentive for market stability
and investment promotion. The next fve years will
consolidate the rise of the non-OECD in virtually
every aspect of the oil market, and most of the growth
(though by no means all of it) will come from East-of-
Suez economies. The idea that the emerging markets
and developing economies would eventually overtake
the OECD in oil demand is nothing new, but it is
happening faster than expected.
One of the consequences of those changes is a
transformed global product supply chain. New, non-
OECD mega-refneries are challenging OECD refning
economics, at least beyond the US. Their expanding
reach is accelerating the globalisation of the product
market, particularly in the case of refneries geared
toward export. With it come the beneft of greater
market fexibility in the dispatch of product supply,
but also longer supply chains, higher
reliance on stocks to meet demand,
diminished visibility in inventory
levels, increased disruption risks,
reduced market transparency and,
possibly, greater price variation
between key markets and also
between seasonal peak and troughs
in demand.
The IEAs Medium Term Oil Market
Report 2013, released in May, offers
projections to 2018. As refnery
capacity additions are forecast to
increase faster than world demand
over the medium term, the persistence of excess
refning capacity is expected to weigh on refning
margins, severely affecting the less effcient and older
refneries in the world. The overall upgrading ratio
gradually increases from 44% in 2012 to 47% in 2018 as
new refneries focus mainly on heavy crude oil
processing, mostly from the Middle East and Latin
America. The capacity expansions in Asia and the
Middle East, however, represent two different distinct
investment strategies. Whereas Asian capacity
development is meant to service rapidly rising
domestic demand, Middle East exporters (mostly in
joint venture with OECD refners or Chinese
companies, and mostly in Saudi Arabia) are climbing
the value chain and expanding into products and
This has put OECD refners in particular
European ones into a tight spot. Facing weak
demand, tighter regulations, and an aging capital
stock, these refners have little choice but to increase
their competitiveness through restructuring and
consolidation. The refning sector in OECD Americas is
undergoing a complete restructuring, with each
regional district trying to optimise its crude slate
between light domestic crude oil and heavy imported
oil. High sustained margins and the outlook for
continued growth pushes US refners to invest in deep
conversion and light oil processing. Recent
developments in Spain and Portugal show that
investment into deep conversion units can indeed
present a proftable alternative to closures. Yet despite
these efforts, the overcapacity which exists today is
bound to force a continuation of the capacity shut-ins
we have seen since 2008. Over that period, 15
European refneries have closed with a total capacity of
1.7 mb/d, and more are expected in the coming years.
Japanese refners will close a total of
around 800 kb/d by next year, in
line with government regulations
aimed at increasing conversion
Looking out to 2035, the World
Energy Outlook 2013 shows the
global refning sector set to
experience continued turbulence
amidst declining OECD demand and
Asian growth. Strains on the refning
system are amplifed by the
changing composition of feedstocks.
A growing share of oil supply PTQ Q1 2014 5
Outlook for 2014
What are the important trends affecting the downstream processing industry this year?
Executives and experts forecast challenges and prospects that could affect protability
Figure 1 Regional share of CDU expansions
Other Asia
Middle East
bypasses the refning system altogether, including most
natural gas liquids as well as oil products produced
directly from gas or coal. As a result, global demand
for refned products grows by only 10 mb/d to 2035
less than the growth in both overall liquids demand
(16.8 mb/d) and net refnery capacity additions (13
mb/d). Over-capacity in the sector is therefore a long
term phenomenon as well, but prospects for OECD
refners vary.
The outlook for the United States is helped by the
increasing availability of local crude, but the benefts to
refners vary by location thanks to new supply sources
and ongoing infrastructure constraints. Still, as the net
North American requirement for imported crude all
but disappears by 2035, the region becomes a large
exporter of oil products. On the other hand, medium
term European diffculties are compounded to 2035 by
declining local crude production (particularly from the
North Sea), product demand that is heavily skewed
towards diesel, and disappearing export markets for
For the non-OECD, the longer outlook period also
reveals new trends. Middle Eastern refning capacity
additions, initially focused on boosting product
exports and adding value to oil otherwise exported
as crude, turns to domestic needs as regional demand
rises to 2035. And in Asia, the region emerges as
the unrivalled centre of global trade, drawing in a
rising share of crude not only from the Middle East,
but also from Russia, Africa, Latin America,
and Canada. Massive additions to refning capacity
are still not suffcient to meet regional demand, and
both China and India are net oil product importers in
The changes occurring in the refning balance are
refective of both the traditional refning model in
which increasingly consumptive countries prefer to
import crude and refne it for domestic production
and also a new phenomenon in the rise of global
refning centres. The increase of product trade refects a
desire of some exporters to capture the added value of
exporting refned product, and also an effort to
diversify into highly specialised industries such as
petrochemicals. While some export oriented refning
capacity additions in the Middle East could be needed
to meet growing regional demand after 2025 or so, the
trend could catch on in North Africa, West Africa,
Brazil, or Russia with even greater implications for
the future of OECD refning as global product trade
increases more substantially. And all of this could also
have implications for global oil security a core
mission of the IEA as countries consider how best to
manage strategic oil stock balances and emergency
policy. Longer and more specialised product trade
routes can also render supply disruptions more acute.
Like with globalisation more generally, increasing
international oil trade will also mean the increased
need for international cooperation to secure
and manage that trade and thus the need for the
kind of international energy governance provided by
the IEA.
Daniel M McCarthy
President, CB&Is Technology
Operating Group
Member, Board of Directors, Chevron Lummus
Global LLC
he powerful impact of
technology changes in todays
energy markets has created
major paradigm shifts in barely 10
years. As a result of these technical
innovations, billions of dollars in
investments are now moving to
the sources of new energy supplies
with somewhat surprising results
and consequences.
Some may call these disruptive technologies, but
forward thinkers will realise they are opportunities to
improve productivity. As an example, the planning of
large, new olefn or liquefed natural gas capacity in
the United States is no longer considered so radical,
now that the economical natural gas feedstocks are
produced and available in the US.
This is good news for refning, petrochemical and
energy markets as we regularly see examples where a
technology innovation can dramatically shift products
or businesses. In some cases, it may take 20 or 30 years
for the technological changes to work through the
system and be fully implemented. Chevron
commercialised Isodewaxing catalysts to produce
higher quality Group II and III lube base oils 20 years
ago, but solvent dewaxed Group I lube oils are still
common today. For new technology deployment to be
rapid, its scale and beneft must be very large and
The deployment in the US of new hydraulic fracturing
(fracking) technology for shale oil and gas deposits has
been both rapid and widespread, generating enormous
growth in new oil and gas supplies. We could assume
that other countries such as Russia, China and
Argentina, with similar or even greater shale assets,
would also be candidates for such rapid growth.
However, in these countries the investment capital and
technology deployment have been slow and limited, not
rapid and widespread. These three markets should
eventually catch up to the new shale technology
deployment, but probably not in this decade.
The discovery and production of oil and gas from
shale has generated a new dynamic and neither oil
producers, refners, nor petrochemical operators are
sheltered from its ripple effects. The rush to purchase
and produce attractive shale oil assets has been
predicated on US crude oil prices of approximately
$100/bbl for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil.
The current production rates have driven crude oil
prices below $100/bbl. Further rapid increases in supply
levels through new oil producing wells or oil associated
with gas produced for LNG could cause WTI to fall to
$80/bbl or less, resulting in a signifcant reduction in
new drilling and curtailment of supply growth.
Since 2003, the impact on refning is equally dramatic
6 PTQ Q1 2014
as light paraffnic crude oils from shale have displaced
more naphthenic crude oils in the refners diet.
Combine this crude oil supply quality change with
declining gasoline demand in the US and Europe and
the cost of gasoline octane has risen to historic levels.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the cost to raise one barrel of
gasoline by one octane point has almost doubled in the
past 10 years. We expect this to drive scientists and
engineers to develop new gasoline reforming
technology and catalysts.
The worldwide petrochemical industry accounts for
feedstock demand of about 6% of the total natural gas
and liquid fuels produced worldwide. The
petrochemical industry represents a value of roughly
$3 trillion in economic output. This sector also feels the
economic ripples from growing US shale oil and shale
gas production. We have already mentioned how
primary olefn demand is driving producers to secure
low cost supplies of ethane and LPG from shale gas.
For petrochemical producers securing feedstock from
refneries, the changes are equally dramatic.
US aromatic derivative petrochemical producers have
typically purchased high octane gasoline blending
streams containing benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX)
as feedstocks for aromatics extraction and manufacture
of aromatic polymers such as polystyrene, and chemical
derivatives such as paraxylene. As seasonal gasoline
demand would rise or fall, the price and supply of high
octane BTX would follow along to meet the octane
demand of the gasoline market. As seasonal gasoline
demand dropped off, excess BTX streams would be
available at lower prices for aromatic chemical
producers, until recently.
Figure 2 shows the trends of US mixed xylene and
gasoline prices. They generally track each other. From
2004 to 2010, the average price spread was
approximately $30/bbl but as octane demand and
value have increased since 2011, the spread has
increased to about $50/bbl. This change has made it
more expensive for aromatic petrochemical producers
to secure feedstocks. It has forced producers to secure
less expensive feedstocks elsewhere and in turn made
aromatic polymers less competitive with olefnic
8 PTQ Q1 2014
polymers. If this trend continues, new reforming and
aromatics extraction capacity will be constructed in
locations with cost competitive feedstocks.
There are many examples in our own research and
development activities where we expect and search for
breakthrough technology innovations that can
dramatically change fuels and petrochemical products
and markets. Some future breakthrough technologies
may include producing ethylene and propylene
directly from methane, direct coupling of methane
derived methyl groups into hydrocarbons, full
hydrocracking conversion of petroleum residues to
light clean products, biofuels innovations, and more
cost effcient polymers and specialty materials.
In the oil industry, the Hubbert peak theory is
named after American geophysicist M King Hubbert,
who in 1956 observed that the amount of oil under the
ground is fnite; therefore the rate of discovery which
initially increases quickly must reach a maximum and
decline. This theory has worked very well worldwide
describing declines in oil output until the fracking
revolution pushed new reserves into the equation and
pushed out the date of peak oil by many years. Such
breakthroughs are not common. However, when they
occur, they create many new opportunities and are a
welcome reward for those who drive change.
ISODEWAXING is a registered trademark of Chevron.
Rajeev Gautam
President & CEO
UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company
ooking back on 2013, it
was an impressive and
eventful year for the refning,
petrochemicals, gas processing,
and renewables industries.
Global production of heavy
crudes and diesel demand
continued to grow, as did demand
for polyester, plastics and detergents. And this has
been the case especially in developing economies
Figure 1 US retail Octane Index Barrel (OIB) price
USGC mixed xylenes contract
NY reg. gasoline spot
Figure 2 Mixed xylene pricing vs gasoline
where refners look for methods to increase production
of petrochemicals. Technological advancements in
natural gas have made the economical development of
shale and offshore gas resources possible to a greater
extent than ever before. Meanwhile, regulation,
technology and economics are creating incentives for
producers to ramp up production of renewable fuels.
But 2013 was not immune to challenges. While some
of these will continue into 2014, increased population
growth and middle class expansion will create higher
demand for energy sources such as natural gas, coal
and oil.
Government regulations will mean even tighter fuel
specifcations and higher renewable content. And the
market will continue to demand higher yields at lower
costs. While these challenges will vary by region, the
whole world will feel the impact.
In nearly every case, process technologies provide the
most economical, effcient and sustainable solutions to
directly meet these challenges.
Within refning, heavy crude production will
continue to grow and demand for low value residual
fuels will decline. There will be a growing need for
technologies such as UOPs Unifex process a slurry
hydrocracking technology that converts low quality
residue streams to high quality transportation fuels
while minimising byproducts, achieves a maximum
conversion of 90%, and produces an attractive
feedstock for subsequent high quality diesel
In addition to maximising the yield from every barrel
of oil, refners are looking for ways to increase
petrochemicals production to meet global demand.
The global propylene gap will continue to grow as
traditional crackers shift to lighter, lower propylene
feedstocks such as ethane. There is strong demand for
propane hydrogenation technologies such as UOP
Olefex process, which produces on-purpose propylene
from propane at a very high yield with the
lowest cash cost of production and the highest return
on investment.
In areas with limited availability to conventional
olefn feedstocks, cheaper, more abundant feedstocks
such as coal will help producers address demand in
new ways. The UOP/Hydro Methanol-to-Olefns
(MTO) process converts methanol derived from non-
crude oil sources such as coal or natural gas to
ethylene and propylene at very high effciencies.
Natural gas not only will become a more common
ingredient for high value petrochemical feedstocks, but
it is on track to become one of the worlds top energy
Global unconventional gas resources are estimated to
yield 250 years of supply. Effcient contaminant
removal, purifcation and liquids recovery will be
essential steps to effciently monetise natural gas
The UOP Russell product line offers modular plants
that enable shale and conventional natural gas
producers to remove contaminants and recover high
value natural gas liquids used for petrochemicals and
fuels. UOP is continuously improving techniques for
gas treating and contaminant removal to ensure that
the gas can be cleaned to liquefed natural gas
In addition to natural gas, new, more effcient
alternative energy resources are on the horizon. These
renewable fuels and chemicals will support growing
global energy needs, while also addressing
environmental concerns.
UOPs frst Ecofning unit for renewable diesel
production is on-line, with more units in design and
construction. This technology is preferred by refners
due to the drop-in nature of the fuel product and the
ability to leverage existing infrastructure.
In 2014 and beyond, the oil and gas industry will be
driven by the development of global technologies that
are highly effcient, use cost advantaged resources and
provide compelling environmental benefts.
Eric Benazzi
Vice President Marketing & External
t the end of the year
2013, our future seems
uncertain. Contradicting
economic indicators are preventing
professionals from identifying a
clear trend for 2014.
Global GDP growth should reach
3.6% in 2014. This indicates that
the global economy continues to
recover post-2013, where growth should settle at 2.9%.
However, after a boost in capital infows, emerging
economies are facing a diffcult situation. This
monetary abundance led to the formation of credit
bubbles in Brazil, Russia, India, China and Turkey,
which increased infationary pressures.
The necessary resorption of fnancial imbalance in
emerging nations has led to a slowdown in their
domestic demand and activity, which was exacerbated
by a decrease in world trade due partially to Europes
poor economic health. To measure the decrease in
trade intensity it can be noted that exports as a share
of the world GDP, which rose steadily from the mid-
1980s to 2008, has remained stable since, slightly above
The growth of emerging nations import volumes
may therefore continue to decline, as it did in 2012,
holding back the driving force behind world trade if
this crisis was not curbed.
While writing these lines, GDP in the US is forecast
to grow 2.6% in 2014. Exploration and development of
unconventional gas and oil resources gave the US a
competitive advantage allowing them to stimulate
their petrochemical industry while having cheap
However, the latest episode in the US budget crisis
raises concerns about a possible recovery in 2014.
10 PTQ Q1 2014
Indeed, Americas debt ceiling has only been raised for
a few months. Lack of a compromise in February
would lead to a destabilisation of the US economy that
would compare to the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis.
Such a scenario was deemed unthinkable given its
devastating consequences.
So, which indicators can we reasonably count on?
The global fuel and petrochemical demand should
experience growth, sustained by a growing world
population and its aspiration to a greater mobility and
lifestyle. Growth in the demand for refnery products
could increase by 1.1 million b/d, to reach a 2014
global oil demand of about 92 million b/d. On-road
diesel will continue to drive the demand, calling for
additional hydroprocessing capacities.
Product specifcations and environmental quality
standards will continue to tighten worldwide calling
for advanced technologies and innovative solutions.
Impulse, our latest hydroprocessing catalyst
technology and Symphony, our latest reforming
catalyst, are the result of a long term commitment to
clean fuels and our answer to market trends.
Feedstock and streams produced in refning,
petrochemical sites and natural gas felds are
continuously requiring solutions to remove
contaminants subject to stringent requirements and
emission limits. As a result, we deliver a complete
range of technologies and products and Claus catalysts
enabling the removal of all kind of contaminants such
as Cl, F, As, Si, Hg, H
S, RSH, and so on.
Demand in main petrochemical products should
keep growing at a rate of 4% to 5%. In regions where
demand is high or resources abundant, the
construction of mega scale complexes integrating
refning and petrochemical units will allow recovering
valuable products from low value heavy feeds and
reaching higher proftability. Regarding projects where
multiple technologies are involved, Axens Integrated
Process Solution is nowadays a must.
Those integrated mega scale complexes will continue
to require the latest technologies to convert the bottom
of the barrel and to maximise motor fuel yields,
notably diesel. VR ebullated bed hydrocracking plants
combined with solvent deasphalting or cokers units
and VGO hydrocrackers will play a key role as well as
scheme combining AR/VRDS and RFCC units when
naphtha/gasoline production is targeted.
In Europe, where refneries are facing strong
competitive pressure, energy costs represent more than
50% of operating expenses, so any improvement in this
feld will improve competiveness. Many new refning
entrants on the market have invested in the assets and
developed their ability to process a higher number of
crudes. In order to help EU refners on this path,
Axens revamping offer helps improve and upgrade
their existing assets and assists in improving process
energy effciency in order to increase competitiveness
at a minor risk.
Innovation will continue to be the best tools to
respond to market changes and to improve
Roberto Penno
Chief Executive Ofcer
Global Engineering & Construction Group
Foster Wheeler
e are certainly seeing
robust activity in all of
the hydrocarbon related
business sectors in which Foster
Wheelers Global Engineering
and Construction Group operates:
onshore and offshore upstream oil
and gas, midstream/LNG, refning,
chemicals, and power, as well
as seeing continued investment in pharmaceuticals,
power, environmental and minerals and metals, where
we also operate.
This year there has been a very strong focus in the
industry on North America, with more projects
moving forward in both petrochemicals and chemicals
and in LNG liquefaction and more emerging too. Asia
and the Middle East also continue to see strong project
I would like to highlight a number of key themes we
are seeing which also underpin our companys E&C
strategy going forward.
Local service delivery has always been important to
us and is becoming increasingly important to our
clients. We have continued to develop operations in
key local markets, both organically, in joint venture,
and through M&A. Key markets in which we have
recently strengthened our ability to deliver the global
Foster Wheeler brand and quality locally include Saudi
Arabia, Mexico, and China, to name just three. I will
add to this the US, where we are already strong and
well known but have continued to enhance our
presence and capabilities. Our Houston operation has
had a great year with major wins, especially in
chemicals, and we acquired construction specialists
Yonkers Industries at the end of 2012.
Many clients with upstream and downstream
businesses are allocating more and more of their
planned capital spend to the upstream sector. This
sector, both onshore and offshore, remains a
strategically important market for us and one in which
we have continued to develop our skills, service
portfolio and geographic presence, with acquisitions in
the last 12-15 months in additional early consultancy
capabilities, in SAGD with the acquisition of Three
Streams Engineering in Canada, and in on-going asset
We see more and more clients looking to develop PTQ Q1 2014 13
Product specications and
environmental quality
standards will continue
to tighten worldwide
long term strategic relationships with a limited
number of E&C contractors to ensure availability of
high quality resources. For a number of years we have
had a strong focus on developing long term
relationships with clients, working with them
wherever in the world they invest. We aim to match
our skills and geographic footprint development to
align with our clients long term investment plans, so
that we are well placed to meet their needs right
through the project lifecycle, across their entire project
portfolio and wherever in the world they plan to
invest. We have seen a signifcant number of key wins
in 2013 coming from both long standing relationships
and also strategic relationships that are more recently
Projects also keep on growing in size and complexity,
strengthening the requirement for contractors like
Foster Wheeler who have the global horsepower and
track record, technical expertise, and regional and local
knowledge to design and execute these projects safely
and successfully.
Competition remains strong. We focus on
opportunities where we believe we have
differentiators, such as our technologies; our know-
how; our client relationships; our global presence and
our ability to work with clients from the very earliest
phases of projects to help them shape their
investments; and our proven track record of safely
delivering technically complex and very large projects,
often in challenging locations.
Charles T Drevna
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
rom my vantage point in
Washington, DC, I cannot help
but see the year ahead as one
flled with many policy challenges
for the refning and petrochemical
A year ago, I was cautiously
optimistic that US President Barack
Obama would work to advance the
all of the above energy strategy that he so often and
adamantly talked about during his run for re-election.
But during his February State of the Union address,
and then with the release of his climate change plan
in late June 2013, it became clear that the anti-fossil
fuel sentiments of this Administration will continue
into 2014, and throughout the remainder of his
Among the many expected battles ahead is fnding a
palatable solution to the sour Renewable Fuel Standard
(RFS). Progress was made in late 2013 when EPA
recognised the potential adverse effects on consumers of
increasing the ethanol volume in the fuel supply and
reduced the 2014 mandatory volumes. Even with the
cut, greater reductions in the biofuel mandate are
necessary if consumers are to avoid all the detrimental
impacts of the statute. Opposing sides in this battle will
undoubtedly continue to draw lines in the sand until
Congress repeals this broken law or fnds another
solution that considers the impact of this pernicious
policy on consumers, today and into the future.
But, our challenges do not end there. The industry
will continue to face a growing number of climate
regulations that confict with one another. Research has
shown that the RFS increases ozone and greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions and is in confict with CAFE
Standards, as well as other Clean Air Act regulations;
while Tier III regulations result in greater greenhouse
gases, thus contradicting EPAs GHG regulations.
These conficts could leave many facilities across the
country questioning how they will meet some
requirements without violating others.
Finally, one of the largest challenges may come with
the Obama Administrations recent Executive Order
(EO) that adjusted the metrics by which all Federal
agencies assess the costs of carbon emissions, known
as the social cost of carbon (SCC) calculation.
This recent EO is comprised of subjective metrics
that were developed to try and quantify the alleged
societal benefts of reducing only greenhouse gas
Unfortunately, the Social Cost of Carbon scheme will
only add additional burdens on the consumer because
it infates the potential benefts of regulatory actions in
a manner that hides the true economic and societal
costs of new rules. Applying these calculations to
assess the costs and benefts of regulations could
erroneously be used to justify discontinuing the use of
traditional, affordable energy sources through overly
stringent regulations in future rulemakings.
Although the challenges ahead are great, the future
holds enormous opportunity for the refning and
petrochemical industry and the United States. We are
currently witnessing the beginnings of a far reaching
manufacturing renaissance brought on by the recent
increase in domestic oil and natural gas production.
Today more than $100 billion in new manufacturing
infrastructure has been announced and is expected to
be developed throughout the United States during the
next decade.
We are the most fortunate manufacturing region in
the world today with advantaged raw materials,
advanced infrastructure and expertise along the entire
supply chain. The petrochemical industry is on the
verge of an exciting expansion, but it can only
materialise if the federal government stays out of the
way and allows the market to work. My industry will
work tirelessly to advance this development
throughout 2014 and well into the future.
14 PTQ Q1 2014
We are currently witnessing
the beginnings of a far reaching
manufacturing renaissance