Math Internal Assessment
Math Internal Assessment
Math Internal Assessment
G-force Tolerance
Byeolah Henson
The G-Force is the result of the acceleration and the gravity. It is the force that is
caused by the gravity when one goes through certain acceleration. G-force es!ecially the
hori"ontal g-force can be a!!lied to everyday life. But the most common way to e#!erience
both hori"ontal and vertical g-force is the rollercoaster. $hen a rollercoaster is going in a fast
and hori"ontal acceleration one%s body tends to get !ushed bac&wards due to g-force. This is
often &nown as 'eye balls-in(. )n the other hand 'eye balls- out( is when the rollercoaster
moves bac&ward one%s body tend get !ushed forward. The o!!osite movement of the body
and acceleration also a!!lies to vertical g-force. For e#am!le when the rollercoaster shoots
u! one e#!erience 'blood towards feet(.
G-force is label with g. For e#am!le * re!resent the five times the force of the
This data shows the a forward acceleration G# +g, where one e#!eriences the 'eye
balls- in( and the time that a human being can e#!erience
Time +min, -G# +g,
../ 0*
...0 12
../ 1.
..0 /*
/ //
0 3
/. 4
0. 5.*
In this data hori"ontal G-force the human beings toleration time is de!endent on the
!ositive acceleration that one is e#!eriencing in. By means the time will vary from the
change for the acceleration. Hence the forward acceleration in the hori"ontal direction is the
inde!endent variable or the 6 and the Time +min, is the de!endent variable the 7. The
!arameter of this data that any !ositive variables. However the limitation or constraints of
this data is that time cannot be negative which means that the de!endent variables cannot be
negative. Hence the hori"ontal asym!totes can be !redicted on .. Also since this only
e#!lains the !ositive acceleration there cannot be any negative numbers for 6 the
inde!endent variable.
6 +inde!endent, 7 +de!endent,
0* .../
12 ...0
1. ../
/* ..0
// /
3 0
4 /.
5.* 0.
According to the gra!h shown above the time of one can e#!erience reduces as the
acceleration increases. This decrease is ra!id in the beginning but as it a!!roaches near . it
slows down with a curve. All of the variables of the data are only !resent on the first
8uadrant. Also as e#!ected the hori"ontal asym!tote at . is very visible in this gra!h.
Thus the e#!onential function model
ab y = seems to be a!!ro!riate for this gra!h.
A lot li&e this gra!h the e#!onential functions have ra!id decrease in the beginning and a
curve near the a#is. Also in the e#!onential function y cannot be . or negative. 9esulting the
e#!onential model to have a hori"ontal asym!tote at . li&e the gra!h.
To create an e8uation using the e#!onential function model !ic& two !oints of the
, / // + , 0. * . 5 +
These two !oints seems to be most reasonable use in order to fit the starting !oint of
the ra!id decrease or the highest !oint and the other one reveals the end of the curve.
In order to solve for a and b, !lug these coordinates into the formula
ab x y = , + .
/ ab =
* . 5
0. ab =
By using the second e8uation
* . 5
0. ab =
solve for a.
* . 5
0. ab =
:ivide both sides with b
* . 5
In order to solve for b substitute
* . 5
/ ab =
* . 5
/ b
* . 4
0. / b =
:ivide both sides with 0.
* . 4
b =
b =
* . 4
*30 . . = b
To solve for
*30 . . = b to a
* . 5
* . 5
*30 . .
= a
0/* = a
<lug the a and b to the function.
( )
x y *30 . . 0/* , + =
The red line re!resents the model function
( )
y *30 . . 0/* =