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Rean'S Building 5/24/2002 Angle Plate Design: Framed Beam Connection

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REAN'S BUILDING 4-21 5/24/2002

Angle plate design:

Framed beam connection
Bearing type

Rbs = Resistance to block shear, kips
= 0.03AvFu + 0.50AtFu
= {(0.30lv + 0.50lh)+0.30[(n-1)(s- h)- h/2]- h/4}xFut
= (K1+K2)Fu tw
Where :
Av = Net shear area, sq. in.
At = Net tension area, sq. in.
Fu = Specified min. tensile strength, ksi
dh = dia. of hole ( dia. of fastener + 1/16"), in.
lh = distance center of hole to beam end, in.
lv = distance of center of hole to edge of web , in.
n = number of fasteners
s = Fastener spacing, in.
H = Depth of beam
Q = Coped dist. in.
Beam = W14 x 38
H = 14.1 in.
tf = 0.515 in.
tw = 0.310 in.
A36, Fy = 36 ksi
A36, Fu = 58 ksi
lv = ? in.
lh = 2 1/2 in.
Q = 3/4 in.
Beam reaction, P = 47.44 kips
A325-X Bolt dia. h = 3/4 in.
Hole dia.,dh = 13/16 in.
n = ? p s
(1.) Bolt Shear :
Area of 3/4 bolt, Ab = 0.442 sq.in.
Fv = 21.6 ksi
Single shear capacity.,Sv = AbFv 9.54 k/bolt
No. of bolt req'd.;r = P/(Sv*2) 2.49 pcs
Use n = 4 pcs
Bolt shear adequacy:
Allowable load for 3/4" A325x = 13.3 k > 9.54 k OK
Bolt strength at bolt holes on beam:
fv act. = (P/2n)/Ab
fv act. = 13.42 > 21.6 ksi OK
(2.) Bolt Spacing:
Minimum spacing = 2 2/3d = 2.00 in.
Prefferd spacing = 3d 2 2/8 in.
To satisfy bearing on web:
Spacing = (2P/Fut)+d/2 1.69 in.
Use standard, s 3.00 in.

(3.) Edge distance :
Minimum distance in the direction of raective force :
lv = 2P/Futw 0.53 in.
Use 1 1/2 in.
(4.) Check Shear & Tension (Block shear)
lv = 1.50 dh/2 = 0.41
lh = 2.50 dh/4 = 0.10
n-1 = 3 Fu = 58
s-dh = 2.19 tw = 0.95
dh = 0.81
0.3lv = 0.45
0.5lh = 1.25
(.3*lv+.5lh) = 1.7
(0.3((n-1)(s-dh)-dh/2))-dh/4= 1.75
Futw = 55.1

Allowable block shear, Rbs = 0.03AvFu + 0.50AtFu
= {(0.30lv + 0.50lh)+0.30[(n-1)(s- dh)- dh/2]- dh/4}xFutw
Rbs = 189.84 kips > P OK
Gross area of web plate = (H-(Q+tf))tw = 3.98 sq.in.
Net area of web plate,Anet = (H-(Q+tf+(dh*n)))tw = 2.97 sq.in.
Shear plate thickness for Block shear (Web):
H' = net length of plate
H' = (H-(Q+tf+(dh*n)) 9.59 in.
fv = 0.4Fy fv = P/Anet Anet=twH'
Required tw due to shear = 0.34 in. < 0.5 " OK

Net tension in web plate,T =

S=3" H' M T

T = Tension in web plate due to Vert. Moment, M
M = from baseframe analysis (staad result)
M = 0.16 k-ft 1.92 k-in.
M = T * H'/2
T = 2M/H'
T = 0.40 kips
ft = 0.5Fy ft =T/(twH') tw =T/(ft*H')
Reqr'd tw due to mom. = 0.002 in. < 0.5" OK
(5.) Connection Angles:
width width thk. length
Try 2L 5 5 1/2 12.32 A36
Allowable bearing :
From Tabl I-F, for Fu = 58 ksi, lv = 1 1/2"
allowble load = 43.5 kips/hole
R = 174 kips > P OK

Shear on plane through fasteners:
allowble shear = 0.40Fy = 14.40 on gross area
0.30Fu = 17.4 on net area
net area governs when (d + 1/16")>L/6n
L = 12.32 in.
n= 4
(d+1/16")= 0.81 in.
L/6n = 0.513 in.
Net area = 2t[L-n(d+1/16)]
Net area, An = 9.07 sq.in.
fv = P/An
fv = 5.23 ksi < 0.3Fu
USE 2L - 5" x 5" x 1/2" x 12.32" Connection angle

Beam bearing plate design:
k1 k1 N
R = DL + LL = 33.17 k fc = 3 ksi
Fy = 36 ksi
W 14 X 53
k1 = 15/16 k = 1 7/16 tw = 3/8
bf = 8.06 tf = 0.66 h = 13.92
Allowable stresses:
Fb = 0.75fy 27 ksi
Fp = o.35f ' 1.05 ksi
A = R/Fb = 31.59 sq.in.
Let B = bf = 8.06 204.72 mm
N = A / B 3.919 in.
use N = 12 in.
304.8 mm
say 305 mm
Actual bearing pressure :
fp = R/(BxN) 0.343 ksi
n = (B/2)-k1 3.0925 in.
Calculate plate thikness:
t = ((3fpn^2/Fb))^.5
t = 0.604 in.
15.33 mm
say 16 mm
USE BEARING PLATE : 205 x 305 x 16 mm
Check web crippling on Lenght (N+2.5k)
@ Reaction:
R/(N+2.5k)tw < or = .75fy
R = 33.17 in.
N = 12.00 in.
2.5k = 3.59 in.
tw = 0.38 in.
R/(N+2.5k)tw = 5.67 <27 ksi OK
Check web crippling @ interior load:
N = 0.00 in.
Rn = 47.44 k
Rn = (N+5k)(Fyw)(tw)
Fyw = Rn/(N+5k)(tw)
Fyw = 17.60 <27 ksi OK
Flange Thickness design:
T = factored applied tension per bolt, excluding initial tightening, kips
B = design tensile strength of bolt
Q = factored prying force per bolt at design load, kips
Fy = yield strength of flange
O = resistance factor
a = dimension shown in figure but to be takenin the analysis at not more than 1.25b
a', b, b' = dimension shown in figure
d = diameter of bolt
d' = width of bolt hole parallel to stem of tee
p = length of flange, parallel to stem, tributary to area of bolt
t = thickness of flange of tee
n = number of bolts
Ft = bolt capacity
A = section area of 1 bolt
M2 M2
M1 M1

2T a b 2T
a' b'
Given: For W14 X 53
T = 32.4 kip-ft h = 13.92 in.
V = 0 kip bf = 8.06 in
Fy = 36 ksi tf = 0.66 in
N = 12 in. tw = 0.38 in
Force in T-STUB, F = T = 32.40
Try n = 4 3/4 dia.Bolt,Ft = 90 kips
O = 0.75 A = 0.442 sq.in.
T = F/n = 8.10 kips
B = OFtA = 29.82 kips
p = N/2 = 6 in.
From equation: t = ((2tb')/(OFyp))^.5 assuming b'= 2.5 in
t = 0.46 in. 11.59 mm
Check Thickness:
1.25b = 3.59375 in.
b' = 2.5 in b = 2.875 in
a' = 3.8425 in >1.25b a = 4.2175 in
= (a'/b')((B/T)-1)
= 4.12 >1
use = 1 d' = 0.81
t^2 = (4.44Tb')/(pFy[1+ (1-(d'/p))])
4.44Tb' = 89.91
pFy = 216.00
1-(d'/p) = 0.87
t = 0.47 in. > 0.66 actual thikness OK
t = 12.00 mm. reqrd. thickness
say 12 mm.
Angle plate design:
Framed beam connection
T = Applied tension per bolt, excluding initial tightening & prying force, kips
Q = Prying force per bolt at design load, kips
B = Allowable tension per bolt, kips
tc = Flange or angle thickness required to develop B in bolts with no prying action, in.
= 8Bb'
Fy = Yield strength of flange material, ksi
p = length of flange, parallel to stem or leg, tributary to each bolt, in.
a = Distance from bolt centerline to edge of tee flange or angle leg more than 1.25b , in.
d = Bolt diameter, in.
d' = width of bolt hole parallel to stem tee stem or angle leg, in.
b' = b-(d/2), in.
a' = a+(d/2), in.
= b'/a'
n = number of bolts
Ab = section area of 1 bolt
N = Fitting length, in.
L = Length of angle plate
dx = Bolt location, in.
= (0< <1.0) ratio of moment at bolt line to mement at stem line
= M2/ M1
' = Value of for which required thickness (treq'd) is a minimum or allowable
applied tension per bolt (Tall) is a maximum.
= Ratio of net area (at bolt line) and a gross area (at the face of the stem or angle leg)
= 1-d'/p

M2 M2
M1 M1

2T a b 2T
a' b'
Web member
From block shear calculation:
Connection Angles:
width width thk. length
Try 2L 5 5 1/2 12.32 A36
M = 0.16 kip-ft L = 12.32 in.
V = 47.44 kip dx = 5 in
Fy = 36 ksi tf = 0.5 in
L =N = 12.32 in. tw = 0.5 in
d = 3/4 in.

3"spacing L M

M = (L/2)*F
Force in T-STUB, F = 0.31 kip
B = 19.4 kips
n = T/B = 0.02 pcs
use n = 4 3/4 Ab = 0.442 sq.in.
T = F/n 0.08 <B OK
Bolt strength at bolt hole for tension:
ftall. = B/Ab ftact. = T/Ab ksi
= 43.91 > 0.2 OK
b = (dx-tw)/2 = 2.25 >1.25 in.
a = [(2w+tw)-dx]/2 2.75 in.
check 1.25b 2.81 > a
use 2.75 in.
b' = (b-d/2) 1.88 in.
a' = (a+d/2) 3.13 in.
p = L/2 = 6.16 in.
d' = d+1/16 0.8125 in.
= 1-d'/2 0.59 in.
= b'/a' 0.60
Calculate = 1/ ((B/T)-1)
if > 1 set ' = 1
if < 1 set ' = lesser of 1/ (( /1- )) and 1
= 413.28
use ' = 0.00
use ' = -1.69

Calculate Thickness, t required =

tc = 8Tb'
pFy(1+ ' )

8Tb' = 1.17
pFy = 221.76
' = 0.00
t = 0.07 < 0.5 OK
t = 1.84
say 2mm
Considering prying force:
tc = 8Tb'
tc = 0.07 < 0.5 OK
= 1/ [((T/B)/(t/tc)^2)-1]
if < 0 set = 0
1/ = 1.68
T/B = 0.00
(t/tc)^2 = 47.43
= -1.68
use = 0.00

Q = B (t/tc)^2
Q = 0.00 kips

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