Reason Public Policy Institute
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Reason Foundation
Executive Summary
R estructuring and increasing competition in the electricity industry is a reality in over half of U.S. states
and the District of Columbia. As the electricity industry becomes more competitive, competition in
electric power generation will create more choices for consumers and lead to efficient production of power.
To realize these benefits, though, will also involve reconsidering the tax, legal and regulatory treatment of
electric cooperatives. Cooperatives are member-owned non-profit private power companies, and they enjoy
the following subsidies:
Tax exemption. Cooperatives are exempt from federal corporate income tax, some other federal taxes,
and state and local income taxes. Investor-owned utilities are not tax exempt because of their for-profit
status, but they can take advantage of investment tax credits and accelerated depreciation, while
cooperatives cannot.
Loans. Through the Rural Utilities Service (RUS, successor to the Rural Electrification Administration),
electric cooperatives qualify for low-interest insured or guaranteed loans. These loans, in combination
with the fact that they cannot pay interest to their members on their shares, mean that cooperatives have a
low cost of capital relative to other utilities. These loan policies introduce distortions into commercial
credit markets and are likely to decrease the productive efficiency of cooperatives, particularly
generation cooperatives.
Federal preference power. Cooperatives receive preferential treatment in purchasing relatively low-cost
hydropower from federal generation facilities. Preference power distorts prices among regional markets,
and because of taxpayer subsidies to federal generation facilities, means that some regions are receiving
subsidies paid for by all taxpayers.
Cooperatives have also changed their business models as they have used these characteristics to their
advantage, diversifying into such complementary businesses as natural gas, water and waste water,
telecommunications, and cable and satellite television. As the country has evolved demographically,
cooperatives have also found that their member base is increasingly suburban instead of rural, and that they
can reach out to customers that are not their traditional members. Many cooperatives that used to serve small,
rural communities now serve upscale urban developments, yet retain the preferential treatment accorded to
them in return for serving small, rural communities. Thus many rural cooperatives are going commercial
concerns, not lifeline service to rural areas any longer.
A timely reexamination of these factors would contribute to the growth and success of competition in the
electricity industry. Integrating electric cooperatives into the restructuring industry will bring benefits to
cooperative members and consumers, but the best way to ensure that those benefits occur is to create
consistent tax, legal and regulatory treatment. Markets do not function well when participants play by
different rules.
We make a series of policy recommendations for cooperatives to navigate the transition to a competitive
electricity industry, and for all consumers to enjoy sovereignty to choose providers and services:
Change the cooperative’s tax exemption, ensuring at least that the income they earn on operations other
than selling electricity to members is taxable;
Revise the loan operations and provisions of the RUS so that the loans they make are less risky, the
borrowers who are financially able transition to commercial credit, and the agency can return to its
mission of improving rural electric and telephone infrastructure; and
Remove federal preference power special treatment for cooperatives, opening access to federal power for all
through an auction process.
Pol ic y S t udy No. 2 9 6
Table of Contents
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
A. Previous Estimates of Cooperative Subsidies and Production Efficiency ..................................................2
B. Focus of our Analysis.............................................................................................................................4
Part 1
T he California electricity crisis and prospects of rising energy prices are prompting reevaluations of many
energy policies. One set of policies that warrants careful reexamination is the tax, legal and regulatory
treatment of cooperative utility companies. As a result of regulatory change, restructuring, and technological
innovation, the electricity industry is currently undergoing dramatic, dynamic change and redefinition. Over
half of U.S. states have initiated electricity restructuring, and, while the pace of change may be delayed by the
California experience, most of the rest will probably follow over time. While most recent attention has gone
to restructuring investor-owned utilities, cooperatives can play a role in a competitive electricity industry.
However, the existing legal, tax and regulatory differences between cooperatives and investor-owned utilities
give cooperatives subsidies that are at odds with a restructuring industry and the benefits of competition.
Subsidies distort the resource allocation signals that create efficiency when pricing and investment decisions
occur through markets.
To a certain extent the evolution in the electricity industry and in cooperatives mirrors larger changes in the
economy over the past several decades, changes that have generated higher average incomes and significantly
different population density patterns from the first half of the twentieth century. For example, many
cooperatives that used to serve rural communities now find that they serve densely populated suburbs with
higher average incomes than the rural populations they initially served. In the twenty-first century the
electricity industry will do business very differently than it is today, and certainly differently than it did at the
time of the Rural Electrification Act in 1936.
In 1998, cooperatives in the U.S. had an 8.5 percent market share as measured by revenue. Public and
municipal utilities had a 13.8 percent market share, and investor-owned utilities had a 77.2 percent market
share.1 Over the 1990s, cooperatives experienced more sales revenue growth than other types of electric
companies. Between 1992 and 1998 sales revenue at cooperatives grew at 4.3 percent, while IOU revenues
grew at 1.9 percent and the overall U.S. electricity market’s sales revenue grew at 2.4 percent.2
Electric cooperatives operate according to cooperative principles, which derive from the original Rochdale
Pioneers in Victorian England. A modern summary of these principles is
Electric cooperatives use these as their operating principles. In his remarks to the 1999 convention of the
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), NRECA President Glenn English said
[E]lectric cooperatives pursue a different kind of wealth: the strength that comes from people working
together to help themselves. That is why the cooperative way of conducting business has been granted
appropriate recognition in state and federal law. Such laws take into account that the business model we
use does not center on profit. If you serve yourself, it is impossible to make a profit. The word does not
rightly belong in our business vocabulary That is what makes us very different and very special, and why
the law must deal with us differently. Cooperatives do not ask to be exempted from the law, but that we be
treated differently because we are different. We ask that laws and regulations be designed to allow private
cooperative businesses to meet the needs of their consumer-owners in accordance with the cooperative
This statement is entirely in keeping with the traditional cooperative remit to provide electric power to rural
communities; however, that mission is a diminishing focus of the modern cooperative.
In this dynamic environment, electric cooperatives have evolved in directions that no longer reflect the
original objectives of the Rural Electrification Act. Cooperatives have been entrepreneurial in finding new
business opportunities during ongoing electricity restructuring and the advent of competition in electricity (as
are investor-owned utilities and other members of the supply chain that were not even envisioned in 1936).
Thus cooperatives today are very different types of businesses than they were in 1936. Economic dynamism
and adherence to the original principles of cooperatives are not mutually exclusive, but they do raise some
public policy issues because of the differential legal, tax and regulatory treatment of cooperatives.
The changes in the environment facing electric cooperatives, as well as the changes in their operations, have
led to research into the differential treatment of electric cooperatives and IOUs in the past two decades. A
1982 Congressional Research Service study estimated the imputed effect on utility rates of the special tax and
financial treatment of electric cooperatives, in response to two earlier studies that had calculated different
estimates of the average subsidy amount, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Subsidy per consumer estimates for different types of utilities, 1981-82
Cooperative subsidy IOU subsidy Municipal subsidy
NRECA study $9.46 $42.48 $40.45
Pace study $40.29 $7.24 N/A
Source: “Let’s Talk Facts About Subsidies to Utilities,” National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 1981; Joe Pace,
“The Subsidy (or Lack Thereof) Received by Cooperative Electric Utilities,” summarized in H. Cavanaugh, “Who Gets More
Aid – Privates or Co-ops?” Electrical World, August 1982, pp. 37-41.
Much of the difference between these figures comes from differences in the quantification of insured loans
and loan guarantees to cooperatives, as well as the tax credits and accelerated depreciation for which for-
profit companies (including IOUs) are eligible while cooperatives are not. The CRS thus chose to focus on
differences in rates instead of quantification of the subsidy, limiting their study to the following issues:
Table 2: Congressional Research Service estimates of tax and financial subsidies, 1980
Method of analysis Effect of tax benefits on Effect of tax benefits on Effect of tax benefits and
IOUs electric cooperatives loan programs on electric
Average financial data 7% rate decrease 26% decrease in capital 40% rate decrease
Capital cost of new 7% rate decrease 22% decrease in capital 35% rate decrease
financing costs
Net present value of 8-14% or 18-25% rate 20-21% decrease in 32-34% rate decrease
capital cost over life of decrease, depending on capital costs
average utility investment assumptions
Source: Investor-Owned Electric Utilities versus Rural Electric Cooperatives: A Comparison of Tax and Financial Subsidies,
Congressional Research Service, November 29, 1982, pp. 4-7.
Using 1980 data on IOUs and cooperatives, the CRS found that “rural electric cooperatives currently receive
larger subsidies from the Federal Government through tax-exempt status and borrowing subsidies than
investor-owned electric utilities receive through the investment tax credit and accelerated depreciation.”5
Other analysts have also explored possible differences in productive efficiency between cooperatives and
IOUs. In a 1988 study in the Southern Economic Journal, economists Daniel Hollas and Stanley Stansell
used a sample of cooperatives, IOUs and municipal utilities to estimate profit functions. They found that in
the generation sector of the electricity industry, cooperatives have higher average costs per megawatt hour
generated than IOUs.6 In a subsequent study, economist Dan Michael Berry elaborated on this and other
studies, arguing that cooperatives are less likely to achieve productive efficiency than IOUs for several
reasons. Primarily because they operate at smaller scales, their management is more prone to incentive
problems due to difficulties in unseating cooperative management, and monitoring problems accompanying
the cooperative ownership structure, cooperatives do not benefit from mergers and takeovers that are a typical
tool for cost savings in for-profit companies. Thus they tend to operate at less efficient, more costly levels.
… [I]t appears that the managers and their lobby are intent on protecting “historic territories,” not
necessarily the interests of the RECs’ owners/ ratepayers … Whether due to managerial choice or federal
tax policy, resources are being misallocated if scale economies are foregone … [A]s the REC is not bound
by stockholders to earn a market-based profit rate, its management is afforded an even greater ability to
shirk (or to simply manage the firm in an inefficient, if conscientious, manner) … The cooperative
framework does not provide the cost-cutting incentive to merger that is inherent in the investor-owned
sector. Indeed, there is a disincentive with the RECs, as mergers often lead to managerial downsizing.7
Thus, characteristics of the cooperative ownership structure lead to higher production costs for both
distribution and power supply cooperatives, according to Berry’s analysis.
4 Reason Public Policy Institute
Berry claims that although the cooperative share of the electricity industry is small, that improved production
efficiency would result in substantial cost savings for both customers and taxpayers.
REC composite annual revenues now [1991] exceed $20 billion on $60 billion of (book value) assets.
Hence, if the power consumed by electric cooperative customers was produced more efficiently,
substantial cost savings might ensue. The REC’s operations are also important in that the federal
government program that subsidizes these private, “nonprofit” firms now costs the taxpayers nearly $1
billion per year. Moreover, the REC’s tax-exempt status places an annual implicit cost of millions of
dollars on the taxpayers in the form of foregone corporate income taxes … it is time to seriously consider
the efficacy of this aging New Deal program …8
One of his specific findings is that power supply cooperatives were actually the least efficient, a result Berry
attributes to their high debt/equity ratio relative to distribution cooperatives and IOUs. As we will see later in
this analysis, federally insured and guaranteed loans are the foundation of this high debt level at G&T
In this study we argue that much of the decades-old public policy governing electricity cooperatives has
become obsolete due to changes in technology, incomes and demographics in the American economy. While
cooperatives are seizing opportunities to make the most of competition, they still argue for being treated more
favorably than other private companies. We focus on three particular policies: tax exemption, loan subsidies
and guarantees, and preference in purchasing power from federal generators. These policies, relics of the
rural electrification movement, are not suited to a competitive environment.
Although still subject to certain state revenue taxes, electricity cooperatives are exempt from many federal
and state taxes to which for-profit businesses are subject, including investor-owned utilities. However, the
economic reasons underlying those exemptions have changed.
` As cooperatives become more entrepreneurial, their business models evolve away from those that
provided the original rationale for tax exemption.
` In addition, as cooperatives serve markets that are less and less rural and tend to have higher incomes
(such as suburbs), taxpayers not served by cooperatives essentially subsidize the members of
cooperatives as a result of this tax exemption.
` In cases where the cooperatives’ markets have higher incomes relative to, for example, urban customers
of investor-owned utilities, this tax exemption serves as income redistribution to higher-income
This tax exemption policy is inequitable, inefficient and distortionary, and should be revised in light of recent
market and technological changes.
Electricity cooperatives can also use the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to borrow at interest rates below
market rates, and the RUS provides loan guarantees that enhance the credit ratings of cooperatives. In
addition, the evolution of many cooperatives has included their not returning equity to members as they are
supposed to according to cooperative principles. That equity access makes cooperative investment and
expansion easier and cheaper than it is for investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and other taxable corporations.
Cooperatives (and municipal utilities) also receive low-cost, subsidized power generated from federally-
owned sources preferentially. As in the case of tax exemption, this preference acts as a subsidy to the
cooperatives’ members, which is both distortionary and redistributive.
The unfortunate result of these biases is inequitable taxpayer subsidies of cooperatives and their members and
customers; while all taxpayers fund these activities, only a small proportion of the U.S. population enjoys the
benefits accruing to cooperatives from these biases and subsidies. This fact has become more apparent over
the past three decades, during which time many observers have wondered if the Rural Electrification
Administration/Rural Utilities Service has distorted economic outcomes and outlived its usefulness, and if
public policy toward cooperatives should change.
6 Reason Public Policy Institute
Part 2
Historical Background
T he turn of the century marked the beginning of electrification in the United States. Initially, the electric
industry focused on bringing light into homes and businesses, but with the advent of the electric motor,
progressive farmers became more interested in using electricity to help irrigate and farm their land. It soon
became apparent, however, that electrification was developing unevenly, as most central station electric
service provided electricity only to areas with a relatively dense population. During the time of the Great
Depression, the sources of capital that had been used to fund the construction of electric utilities began to run
out. In addition, due to the economic problems, farmers were in financial trouble and lacked the purchasing
power to finance rural electrification. The solution seemed to be for the Federal government to step in and
provide long term financing for rural electrification at lower interest rates than those that could be obtained
through commercial lenders.
As part of the New Deal, President Roosevelt established the Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
through Executive Order 7037 on May 11, 1935.
One of Roosevelt’s principal aims was to bring electricity to rural America. Convinced that the private
utilities companies would not do the job at rates country folks could afford, he concluded that the Federal
government would have to lead the way. In 1935 he set up the Rural Electrification Administration as
part of his relief program.9
The purpose of the REA was to provide loans to support the electrification of rural America, because most
electric utilities only found it feasible to serve high-density areas. The statutory provision for the REA was
passed in the Rural Electrification Act in 1936, and the REA became part of the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) in 1939. The REA provided direct loans to construct and maintain electric utilities, and
it also provided guarantees on loans made by other lenders. According to the Rural Electrification Act (RE
Act), loans could be made, “for the purpose of financing the construction and operation of generating plants,
electric transmission and distribution lines or systems for the furnishing of electric energy to persons in rural
areas who are not receiving central station service…”10 Rural areas were defined as areas that did not have a
population of more than 1,500 people.
REA funds were supposed to be used to bring electricity to rural areas that were not served by investor-owned
utilities, so most loans were given to governmental units and cooperative associations. Farmers began to
form cooperatives to distribute their own electricity in order to provide electricity to areas with low
population densities, where it was not profitable for private utilities to operate:
[T]o overcome … opposition, the [Roosevelt] Administration urged the establishment of nonprofit rural
cooperatives that would borrow money from the REA to build power lines and supply cheap electricity. In
the spring of 1936, congressional leaders, rallying behind the motto “let’s electrify the country,” made
REA an independent agency which would principally give loans to nonprofit organizations.”11
As of April 1997, over 99 percent of the electricity loans made by the federal government were given to
nonprofit cooperatives.12 Since cooperatives initially had no means of generating their own electricity, they
reached an agreement with power companies around the time of their inception to buy energy from them at
standard wholesale rates, and these rates could be further discounted during the development period of the
Motivated by the difficulties of rural poverty in the Texas hill country, Congressman Lyndon Johnson was an
avid supporter of the rural electrification mission of the REA in the 1930s and 1940s. Johnson persuaded
Roosevelt to modify the population density minimum that the REA had established before granting a loan.
Roosevelt agreed to encourage the PWA [Public Works Administration] to provide the $7.35 million [to
build transmission lines from a new dam], which it did promptly, and to press Carmody [administrator of
the REA] into relaxing the density requirement to Hill Country cooperatives.13
Johnson spent much of 1938 working to encourage farmers to join cooperatives (and persuading
municipalities to establish public power companies). By 1939 hill country farms had access to cheap
electricity through Johnson’s efforts, from which Johnson earned a longer-run political benefit; “… the dams
and rural electrification gave him a record of accomplishment which was invaluable in his political
Before 1944, electricity loans granted by the REA were made at interest rates that fluctuated with the
government’s cost of money. In 1944, Congress instituted a fixed interest rate of 2 percent, which was the
cost of money to the government at that time. However, as interest rates grew over time, the government was
faced with subsidizing more of the cost of REA loans. In 1973, The RE Act was amended to establish the
Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund (RETRF) for the purpose of making loans to REA
borrowers. The amendment increased the interest rate on loans made from the RETRF to a standard rate of 5
percent, and it also enabled the REA to guarantee loans made by other lenders.
One change in the 1973 Act was designed to increase the financial self-sufficiency of distribution
cooperatives, with the REA making insured loans at a standard interest rate that does not cover 100 percent of
the financing of a long-term project.
The 1973 amendments authorized an insured loan program under which loans could be made at a
standard interest rate of 5 percent or a special interest rate of 2 percent … The borrower must obtain the
balance of its loan needs from other lenders. REA usually bases the proportion of loan funds it will
provide on the system’s plant revenue ratio – a ratio relating the cost of a system’s plant to its revenues.15
The requirement to obtain financing through retail credit markets was intended to increase the financial self-
sufficiency of distribution cooperatives. The REA was also authorized to guarantee non-REA loans made to
electric cooperatives. However, “the law also provided that REA loans would be excluded from the Federal
budget.”16 Thus while taxpayer-generated revenues and government debt finance the loans that the REA
makes to borrowers, that expenditure is not considered a part of the budget, and is thus not weighed against
the other possible uses of taxpayer money to determine cost-effectiveness, equity or efficiency.
8 Reason Public Policy Institute
Another change occurred in 1994, when the Federal Crop Insurance Reform and Department of Agriculture
Reorganization Act of 1994 established the Rural Utilities Service (RUS). The RUS administers the
electricity loan programs that the REA had previously managed. The RUS provides two types of direct loans:
hardship rate loans and municipal rate loans. In order to qualify for a hardship rate loan, a borrower’s
customers must have below average income per capita or a lower than average median household income, and
they must have a fairly high cost for providing service to their customers. As of 1998, hardship rate loans had
a 5 percent interest rate. Municipal rate loans are granted to applicants who qualify for loans but who do not
meet the criteria to be eligible for hardship rate loans. The interest rate on these loans is tied to an index of
municipal bond rates. In addition, the Treasury’s Federal Financing Bank (FFB) has made all of the
electricity loans that the RUS has issued repayment guarantees on in recent times. The interest rate on these
loans is equal to the cost of money to the Treasury plus one-eighth of 1 percent. The FFB typically has lower
interest rates than those offered by commercial lenders.
In addition to being eligible to receive loans and guarantees on loans from the RUS at lower interest rates,
electric cooperatives are exempt from Federal income taxes under section 501(c)(12) of the Internal Revenue
Code, which offers tax-exempt status to cooperative companies that derive most of their income from their
members. The main criterion for receiving tax exempt status requires that a cooperative collect 85 percent or
more of its revenue from its members in order to meet its losses and expenses. This statute is very broad,
however, and it has not been revised since the 1920s. Furthermore, the statute exempts all electric
cooperatives from taxation, regardless of any changes in their activities, size, market, or financial standing.
Since the establishment of the RE Act and the Internal Revenue Code, rural life in America and electric
cooperatives have changed significantly. Initially, cooperatives were very small associations that lacked
financial resources, and they purchased and distributed electricity to their members in sparsely populated
regions. Before the passage of the RE Act, they were limited by the prohibitive costs associated with building
electrical lines and facilities. With the infusion of capital by the federal government, by 1950 almost 1,000
electric cooperatives had received loans from the REA.17 The 1950s were a time of rural development, and
consequently electric cooperatives experienced a rapid growth in demand for electricity. Furthermore,
between 1960 and 1981, the sales of electricity by cooperatives increased from 25.4 million to 186.5 million
megawatt-hours, which represents an average annual growth rate for REA funded borrowers that was 50
percent higher than that of the overall electric utility industry.18 By 1965, 98 percent of farms in the United
States had electric service, 51 percent of which received their electricity from cooperatives.19 It seemed that
much of the original purpose of the REA had been achieved. Moreover, in 1949 “the REA was given
authority to make loans to extend and improve telephone service in rural areas. At that time, approximately
36 percent of the nation’s farms had telephone service, most of which was outdated. Today, virtually all
farms have telephone service.”20 The expansion of highway networks and widespread automobile ownership
have also reduced the isolation of many rural communities.
As electricity service became more evenly distributed, the REA began making loans to generation and
transmission cooperatives. These cooperatives generate and sell electricity to their members, which are
distribution cooperatives. The original criteria for loans to generation and transmission cooperatives
specified that loans could be made only under two conditions: when no other sufficient source of power is
available in the region, or when the rates of the available power sources would cause the consumers to pay
more for power than they would if they purchased power from facilities funded by the REA. In 1961, a third
criterion was added, which said a loan could be made to a generation and transmission cooperative if it is
necessary to “protect the security and effectiveness of REA-financed systems.”21 Whereas few loans to
generation and transmission cooperatives could be justified under the first two criteria, the vagueness of the
third criterion made it easier to fund the construction of power plants and that are exempt from federal income
taxes with loans from the federal government that charged lower interest rates. By 1981, cooperatives were
generating approximately 77.2 million megawatt-hours of electricity, which was the equivalent of about 52
percent of their total requirements.22 This expansion represents a movement towards the vertical integration
of electric cooperatives, and it indicates that cooperatives has deviated from their original purpose of reliably
distributing electricity in rural areas with a low population density.
Besides expanding from simply distributing electricity in rural areas to building generation and transmission
cooperatives, many cooperatives also are providing electric service to areas which exceed the population
threshold for rural areas. According to the GAO, the RUS requires that cooperatives must establish that they
serve rural areas before they receive their first loan. Currently, the population maximum is 2,500 people. If a
cooperative applies for a subsequent loan, however, it does not have to prove that it meets the test of serving a
rural area again. Consequently, if the population of an area has grown and exceeds 2,500, a cooperative can
still borrow funds from the RUS to provide electric service to that area. For instance, in one case, an
electricity distribution borrower received its first loan from the RUS in 1945, and in 1996, it received another
loan, but by 1995, this borrower was already serving approximately 140,000 customers, none of which lived
in areas that were classified as completely rural.23
10 Reason Public Policy Institute
Part 3
I n the 1930s, the large scale of central electricity generation meant that serving rural customers was not yet
particularly profitable at prices those customers were willing to pay. The combination of the RE Act and
the cooperative ethos electrified rural communities over the past sixty-five years. Thus “the landscape of
rural America has changed as well. Where the original program served mainly farmsteads, today’s rural
electric cooperative program serves essentially every type of commercial and business enterprise imaginable
as well as suburban subdivisions and entire communities.”24 Today, 870 distribution cooperatives and 60
G&T cooperatives serve 34 million consumers, about 11 percent of the U.S. population, in 46 states.25 From
1992 to 1999, the market share (measured by revenue) that cooperatives serve in the U.S. increased from 7.7
percent to 8.9 percent.26 Over the same time period, cooperatives enjoyed an annual average growth rate of
4.3 percent, substantially higher than the IOU growth rate (1.9 percent) and the overall growth rate of the U.S.
market (2.4 percent).27
Although the goal of rural electrification was substantially achieved by the 1960s, cooperatives have been
entrepreneurial in finding ways to change their business model to bring a variety of services and new
technologies to rural customers. These services include other energy services, water infrastructure, cable and
satellite television and security, and fiber optic and wireless telecommunications. As Gene Argo, Midwest
Energy’s president and general manager, said in 1999, “Just because you’re an electric cooperative doesn’t
mean you’re restricted from doing other things, and what you are today doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what
you’re going to be tomorrow.”28
Electric cooperatives have also formed pools and other affiliations (or servcos) to streamline many of their
processes, including marketing, generation and transmission. Touchstone Energy is a nationwide example of
a cooperative alliance. Formed in 1998, Touchstone is an affiliation of 550 local cooperative electric utilities
in 38 states serving 16 million customers.29 One of the largest benefits of the Touchstone network for
cooperatives is branding and marketing. Cooperatives co-brand with Touchstone and can use their leverage
to advertise more cost effectively and to increase the national profile of electric cooperatives. Touchstone
also intends to act as an information network, communicating best business practices among its cooperative
member systems.
From a power supply perspective, Pacific N. W. Generating Co-op (PNGC Power) is a G&T cooperative with
15 distribution cooperative members. Such affiliations abound across the country, enabling “the G&T to
maintain access to wholesale markets and to tailor products to meet retail customer needs.” The PNGC
Power network also gives the distribution cooperative member systems access to a share of output from
Bonneville Power Administration.30
One such affiliation for providing propane and fuel oil in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia is Mid-
Atlantic Co-op Services (MACS). MACS is a regional marketing consortium of Adams Electric Co-op in
Pennsylvania, Choptank Electric Co-op in Maryland, and Southern Maryland Electric Co-op in Maryland.
“MACS will provide the Maryland cooperatives with new competitive options for the deregulated
marketplace. At the same time, it allows Adams Electric to reduce its financial exposure, open up new
markets and obtain new capital.”31
Cooperative ConNEXTions, in Westminster, Colorado, comprises 153 distribution systems and 12 G&Ts
with four million customers in 15 states. EnPower, in Maple Grove, Minnesota, counts 92 co-ops and
seven G&Ts as members. Combined they have three million customers in eight states. These two large
servcos help their members diversify into propane, as well as into surge suppression, consolidated billing,
warranty programs, and security and other services.33
As Donald Van Deest of Central Wisconsin Electric noted, “our core margins will come from diversification.
Co-op managers and boards have to act, not react.”34 Other such servcos include En Power, TSE and Sierra
Cooperatives have also diversified their target markets, expanding to serve customers that are not cooperative
members. For example, Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative serves a part of the Washington, DC
metropolitan area that has been urbanizing rapidly over the past decade. “In 1997, the cooperative invested
$100,000 in a marketing subsidiary and began selling two big companies’ satellite-TV dishes to northern
Virginia and Washington residents.”35 Some observers, including former Department of Agriculture
Inspector General Roger Viadero, believe that spending that money on services for rural Americans would be
more consistent with the mission of electric cooperatives and the RUS. In fact, an audit of RUS borrowers to
see how they invested their funds showed that
hundreds of electricity cooperatives with low-interest government loans had nearly $11 billion of outside
investments during 1997 … But only 61 million, or about 0.5%, went into local-business ventures or rural
This result indicates that cooperatives business activities have extended beyond their original mission and
beyond their members and owners. Indeed, their business models and new customer outreach make them
look and operate increasingly like IOUs.
One lingering feature of the RE Act is that once a community is deemed REA-eligible, it retains that
eligibility even if the demographics of the area change. Thus
12 Reason Public Policy Institute
[O]nce a system has qualified as a borrower – say, in the late 1930s – it remains eligible for REA
subsidized loans to this day, even though the demographics of the service area may have changed
drastically in the intervening years. Critics note that several REA-eligible areas that were once rural are
now suburban communities or even high-priced tourist resorts; frequently mentioned locales include
Manassas, Virginia, Aspen, Colorado and Hilton Head, South Carolina. The population of rural service
areas has grown as well as shifted; industry sources have estimated that by the turn of the century, about
50 electric borrowers will have a quarter million or more residents.37
A 1998 GAO study found that most borrowers between 1994 and 1997 served communities of 5,001 to
25,000 customers, and some loans did go to cooperatives with more than 100,000 customers.
For example, an electricity distribution borrower that first received a loan in 1945 received another loan
in 1996; in the year prior to receiving this recent loan, the borrower had almost 140,000 customers …
None of these counties was classified as completely rural by USDA’s Economic Research Service – all
contained an urban population that exceeded 2,500. Furthermore, two of the counties were within a
metropolitan area having a population of at least 1 million.38
Only 26 electricity borrowers (6%) between 1994 and 1997 served 2,500 or fewer customers, which is the
current population threshold for being considered a rural community. For example, Oglethorpe Power is a
G&T cooperative in Atlanta that had $5.1 billion in assets and $399 million of outside investments in 1997.
It supplies power to distribution cooperatives, many of which serve Atlanta suburbs.39 Metropolitan
statistical areas with a population greater than one million that are served by rural electric cooperatives
Philadelphia – Wilmington
Washington – Baltimore
St. Louis
Even if a cooperative no longer borrows funds from the RUS, its cooperative status continues to qualify it for
tax exemption and federal preference power purchases. These characteristics decrease the operating costs
and capital costs of the cooperative, even if the area in which it is located is a resort area or has a high
average household income. As Table 3 indicates, several cooperatives serve resort areas where median
household incomes are relatively high, particularly in comparison to cities, which are typically not served by
rural electric cooperatives. While these data are not exhaustive or necessarily representative of all
cooperatives, they suggest that cooperatives in some areas serve populations that have relatively high
incomes, while IOU customers (and municipal customers, in the case of Los Angeles) in cities pay more for
electricity and have relatively lower incomes.
Table 3: Rates, Incomes and Poverty in Selected Cooperative Service Territories and U.S. Cities
State City or Resort Electric Cooperative Residential Rate Median Income Poverty
Thus in some cases the persistence of subsidies to cooperatives redistribute income from low-income
communities to higher-income communities, because the regulatory treatment of cooperatives has not evolved
as the communities they serve have changed.
Over the past decades, electric cooperatives have gone well beyond their original mission of rural
electrification, and the RUS has encouraged this mission shift to more general infrastructure issues.
Cooperatives have also started competing with for-profit private companies in commercial ventures unrelated
to the provision of electricity. While this innovation and entrepreneurship is good for the cooperatives’
customers, we must consider whether continuing to subsidize these increasingly commercial operations is a
cost-effective use of taxpayer money.
14 Reason Public Policy Institute
Part 4
E lectric cooperatives are considered tax-exempt nonprofit organizations under Internal Revenue Code
501(c)(12). Cooperatives were granted tax-exempt status in 1923 because of their non-profit mission to
provide electricity to sparsely populated rural areas, although this exemption was little used until the Rural
Electrification Act in 1936 offered loans for rural electrification.41 The Revenue Act of 1924 amended the
Revenue Act of 1916 so that electric cooperatives still qualified for tax exemption if they received at least 85
percent of their revenue from their members. Electric cooperatives are exempt from corporate income tax,
other federal taxes, and state and local income taxes.
This tax treatment of electric cooperatives persists, even though the Revenue Act of 1969 implemented an
income tax on income other than that derived from members, because to be taxable the cooperative has to
derive the income from an activity that is not directly related to the its tax-exempt activities. Thus electric
cooperatives can include income from renting poles to cable television and other utility companies, for
example, toward their 85 percent threshold, because the poles are substantially related to their tax-exempt
business. Examples of sources of nonmember income are sales of electricity and related services to
nonmembers and the rental of property for uses other than sales of electricity to members.
Tax exemption affects cooperative utilities in several ways. First, gross income from serving members is tax-
free income. In addition, the 85 percent rule enables cooperatives to earn 15 percent of their income from
serving non-members, yet not pay taxes on that income. Because of the existence of economies of scale and
scope in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, these nonmember activities can actually
decrease the average cost of providing electricity to members, thereby increasing the apparent income from
serving members and making it easier to achieve the 85 percent member income threshold for tax exemption.
Finally, tax exemption enables cooperatives to use the patronage capital of their members instead of going to
equity markets to raise capital to fund their operations. Because they are not required to pay market-based
returns to their members, and are actually prohibited from paying interest to members on patronage capital,
they have had access to a potentially large pool of inexpensive capital.
In calendar year 1978, for example, electric cooperatives reporting to REA retained 86 percent of their
year-end margins, whereas IOUs reporting to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission were able to
retain 21 percent of after-tax earnings.42
This degree of retention makes investment and expansion substantially less expensive for cooperatives than
for IOUs and taxable corporations in other industries, because their cost of capital is substantially lower.
The operations of most electric cooperatives have changed substantially since they were first granted tax-
exempt status almost 70 years ago. As mentioned above, many cooperatives now serve areas with more
customers than envisioned in the original rural mission of the cooperative movement. Most cooperatives are
medium-sized utilities, and resemble investor-owned utilities much more than they did in the 1930s. These
changes, however, have not translated into changes in the tax treatment of cooperatives.
As a result of these changes, the nature of current electric cooperative operations is diverse. Yet, unlike
other assistance programs, tax exemption presently applies to all electric cooperatives regardless of
differences in their operations, financial condition, size, or type of customers served, provided they meet
the broad statutory requirement of the law.43
Finding that “tax exemption provides an indirect tax subsidy to electric cooperatives and their members,” this
1983 GAO study recommended several alternative tax treatments that would reflect the changes in the
operations of most electric cooperatives.44 One option that the GAO recommended was to treat only the
income from the sale of electricity to members as non-taxable. Updating this recommendation to consider
whether or not any telecommunications or water income from members should be non-taxable would be a
valuable activity.
A recent report by Putnam, Hayes and Bartlett (PHB) attempted to quantify the magnitude of effective
subsidy that cooperatives receive due to their tax-exempt status. PHB estimated the amount of taxes that
cooperatives would have had to pay if they were not tax exempt, and their entire income was subject to
taxation regardless of the share received from members. They correctly recognized that IOUs and other
taxable corporations do receive some tax deductions, such as investment tax credits and accelerated
depreciation of property, plant and equipment; cooperatives do not benefit from those tax deductions because
they are tax exempt. Thus the PHB analysis estimates the net subsidy that cooperatives receive relative to
IOUs and other taxable corporations, calculating an estimate of the taxes that cooperatives would pay if they
were treated precisely like a taxable corporation in both tax payments and deductions. Table 4 below
presents their estimates for 1992 and 1995.
Table 4: Estimates of Net Effective Annual Subsidy to Cooperatives Due to Federal, State and
Local Tax Exemption (millions of 1995 dollars)
1995 1992
Net effective annual tax subsidy to $2,541 $2,311
Percent change, 1992-1995 10.0%
Source: Subsidies and Unfair Competitive Advantages Available to Cooperative Utilities, Putnam, Hayes and Bartlett (1998),
p. 30 (1995 data); Joseph Graves, “The $8.4 Billion Drain,” Electric Perspectives 20 (May/June 1995), pp. 18-20 (1992
data). GDP deflator used at www.jsc.nasa.gov/bu2/inflateGDP.html.
This estimate provides an upper bound on the effective subsidy that cooperatives receive due to tax
exemption, because its benchmark is having 100 percent of cooperatives’ income being taxable. If, for
example, cooperatives were released from the 85 percent threshold and the tax code changed so that
cooperatives were responsible for paying tax on the share of their income earned from all activities except
providing electricity to members, then the effective subsidy would be less than that shown in Table 4.
16 Reason Public Policy Institute
Part 5
T he Rural Utilities Service (and its predecessor, the Rural Electrification Administration) has been making
low-interest loans to rural electric cooperatives since its inception in 1936. The interest rates paid on
these loans range from 2 percent to the current U.S. Treasury borrowing rate. These low-interest loans have
enabled successful completion of rural electrification, the original mission of the RE Act.
The RUS makes loans to both types of rural electric cooperatives – distribution cooperatives, and power
supply (G&T) cooperatives. Distribution cooperatives own and operate distribution facilities and distribute
electricity to their retail customers (who have historically been the cooperatives’ owners). Power supply
(G&T) cooperatives own and operate generation facilities and transmission assets. In many regions
distribution cooperatives affiliate as joint owners of the power supply cooperative, and they are bound to
purchase power from the power supply cooperative. Of the more than 900 cooperatives in the U.S., almost
all G&T cooperatives and 700 of 850 distribution cooperatives borrow most of their capital from the RUS.
Loan subsidies and guarantees decrease the cost of capital for electric cooperatives, particularly for
generation projects. One recent estimate shows that the average cost of capital for IOUs is 0.94 cents per
kilowatt hour, while electric cooperatives have a cost of capital that is 0.65 cents per kilowatt hour – 69
percent of the IOU’s average cost of capital. This subsidy consequently decreases the total cost of building
new generation capacity for electric cooperatives, which face a total cost per kilowatt hour of 2.75 cents per
kilowatt hour relative to the IOU cost of 3.04 cents per kilowatt hour.45
Subsidized loans were not part of the original remit of the REA.
Originally, REA loans were made at the Government’s cost of money. There was no subsidy. Indeed,
none was intended. Interest rates on REA loans fluctuated as did the cost of funds. When the REA rate
was set in law in 1944 at 2.0 percent, the Government’s cost of funds (weighted average interest rate on
marketable Treasury issues) was only 1.7 percent. The Government’s cost began to exceed 2.0 percent in
1952 and by 1972 had reached 5.1 percent. In 1973, the REA rate was set at 5.0 percent by Congress.
This rate remains today even though the government’s cost of funds was 8.84 percent in 1990.46
Thus the fixed rate structure on REA/RUS loans has led to taxpayer subsidy of electric cooperatives,
especially since the interest rate increases of the 1970s.
The REA’s original loan programs, from 1936 through the mid-1960s, focused on distribution cooperatives
because extending distribution was the primary mission of the RE Act. In the 1960s, though, the REA began
making loans to power supply cooperatives. This change, combined with the policy change in 1973 allowing
the REA to guarantee loans made by non-REA lenders, dramatically shifted the share of the REA’s loan
portfolio toward power supply cooperatives. These loans have been more risky and prone to loss than the
traditional distribution loans; in fact, loans to power supply cooperatives have been almost the only source of
loan losses.
Between 1974 and 1985 the REA made commitments to guarantee $32.6 billion in loans to 48 G&T
cooperatives to finance generation and transmission projects.47 This increasing indebtedness revealed itself in
the financial statistics of the borrowers, which showed decreasing times interest earned ratios (TIERs), even
going below the stated REA threshold TIER of 2.0.
Electric distribution cooperatives have traditionally been the bulk of cooperatives in the U.S.48 In 1978 there
were 983 REA borrowers; 934 (95 percent) of those borrowers were distribution cooperatives and 49 (5
percent) were generation and transmission (G&T) cooperatives.49 In 1980, while some distribution
cooperatives still required subsidized loans to ensure that rural customers had access to electric power at
prices comparable to urban consumers, other distribution cooperatives could easily have obtained credit in the
retail credit market, without the REA’s subsidized loans. The GAO analyzed the financial status of 110 REA
borrowers, and found that 42 percent of them could qualify for non-REA loans at reasonable interest rates.
However, of that 42 percent, some borrowers did serve substantially rural populations and had higher
operating costs, so requiring them to seek retail credit financing could run counter to the original mission of
the RE Act. For other borrowers, though, the GAO recommended discontinuing their participation in the
REA insured loan program.
Another aspect of the 1980 GAO distribution report is their recommendation that borrowers and the REA
strive to increase the equity levels of borrowers, in keeping with the 1973 amendments to the RE Act. This
step would facilitate the goal of borrower self-sufficiency. The REA had not made substantial progress in
encouraging the financial self-sufficiency of borrowers, and that the loan program as implemented has serious
equity implications. The GAO recommended that the REA establish guidelines for determining which
borrowers would be able to receive and repay loans from retail credit providers, and that the REA compare
borrower operating costs with the operating costs of investor-owned utilities to determine the size of the loan
required for the cooperative to charge comparable rates to its consumers. While the report acknowledged that
rate comparability across regions and different utilities would be complex, the GAO encouraged the REA to
adopt some objective means of determining which borrowers require loans to bring their rates in line with
those of urban customers. Such a benchmark would improve the equity of the insured and guaranteed loan
While fewer borrowers are G&T cooperatives, their loans tend to be larger and have historically been more
risky. G&T cooperatives (and loans to them) are a relatively recent development in the history of electric
As the distribution network expanded nationwide, the distribution cooperatives began to form member-
owned generation and transmission (power) cooperatives. Initially, these power cooperatives served
largely as a service organization for the members, arranging and contracting for the purchase of bulk
power which in turn was sold to distribution members. Subsequently, some of these power cooperatives
began to build their own generating capability to reduce their dependence on outside sources of electric
18 Reason Public Policy Institute
In a 1980 report on the loan process for G&T cooperatives, the GAO focused on the importance of capital
budgeting and demand forecasting in enabling the REA to make cost-effective loans to generation
cooperatives, with the then-timely objective of building more generation capacity to address the nation’s
energy needs. As in the distribution cooperative report in the same year, GAO encouraged the REA to
explore every option for putting eligible borrowers in the retail credit markets. Given the expectation of
increasing capital requirements to expand power generation in the 1980s, the report recommended expanding
the use of non-government lenders for such projects. Most of the REA’s guaranteed loans were financed
using Treasury funds through the Federal Finance Bank (FFB), a wholly-owned government finance agency,
using non-government lenders infrequently. In addition to private lenders and the REA, alternate financing
sources also exist, such as the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation and banks for
cooperatives.51 The existence of these multiple funding sources for G&T loans raises the question of how
necessary the REA loans programs were by the 1980s.
Furthermore, the RE Act stated that the REA could not charge a fee for loan guarantees, so the interpretation
of the Act has meant that the REA bears all of the risk of the loan, including the borrower’s default risk. The
borrowers in this case have no incentive to manage their own risk, so the default risk is actually higher; this
incentive is called moral hazard. Since the REA bears those risks, the cost of electric loan defaults falls upon
taxpayers. As part of incorporating more private lenders into the loan program, this GAO report and others
have suggested sharing some risks associated with guaranteed loans to the borrower and the non-government
lender. One way to distribute this risk is by decreasing the guarantee level below 100 percent. Shifting this
risk would eliminate the incentive facing the non-government lender to make loans to borrowers with high
probability of default, and it would lower the moral hazard problem facing the borrower due to the 100
percent guarantee.
As early as 1980 the GAO also recommended, with strong opposition from the Department of Agriculture,
putting REA insured and guaranteed loans officially on budget.
Both the FFB and the REA are off-budget agencies. Hence, REA’s insured and guaranteed loans are
excluded from the Federal budget totals. This despite the fact that insured loans and FFB loans
guaranteed by the REA are, in effect, direct Government loans funded ultimately through the Treasury.
Outlays under these programs have been high in the past and projections are that they will increase
further. That such outlays, coupled with the burgeoning outlays of other off-budget credit programs, are
not included in the Federal budget totals is of concern to us. We have consistently opposed off-budget
programs principally because such programs do not have to compete for resources within the same
decision framework as on-budget programs, although such programs may be equally worthwhile.52
In 1980, the total outstanding federal and federally assisted credit was $600 billion, and much of it was off-
budget. The budget treatment of REA (and then RUS) loans changed in 1985 with the Gramm-Rudman-
Hollings Deficit Control Act, after which REA/RUS loans were recorded as outlays.53 However, many types
of loan restructurings are still considered off budget, so the true costs of electric loans are difficult to
In 1990 the REA estimated the financing costs of the loan program, using a cost differential methodology.
Estimating the net cost of the loan programs as the difference between the government’s cost of money and
the insured or guaranteed interest rate that borrowers paid (typically lower than the government’s cost of
money), the REA estimated that “[t]he annual value of the subsidy from interest-free loans to REA is $235.4
million, or about $3.8 billion since the [revolving] fund was authorized.”54
Other than the cost differential, another possible cost associated with the loan programs is the likelihood of
loan default. Many loans are in potential risk of default, and while the actual default rate on REA/RUS loans
or guaranteed loans is not well known, many past and current REA/RUS borrowers have experienced
financial difficulties. In the 1980s some G&T cooperatives were in financial trouble and finding it difficult to
repay their REA loans. Between 1985 and 1988, nine cooperatives defaulted on their government loans. The
Congressional Research Service estimated the losses to the government on these loans at $600 million, but
said that the potential losses could even go as high as $6.5 billion.55
More recently, the GAO estimated that in 1996, borrowers in financial difficulty owed over $8 billion of the
outstanding principal of $37.5 billion (21%) owed to the RUS. 12 electricity borrowers accounted for almost
all of the $8 billion, and in total owed almost 25 percent of the entire RUS loan portfolio. None of the
telecommunications borrowers were in financial distress.56 The RUS attributed much of the electricity
delinquency to loans dating as far back as the late 1970s for nuclear generation and transmission construction
Several of these financially strapped borrowers subsequently declared bankruptcy and could not repay their
loans. Between 1994 and 1997 the RUS wrote off $1.7 billion in loans to five electricity borrowers. Four of
those five were power supply, or G&T, borrowers.57 The GAO further estimated that the ongoing financial
difficulties of many RUS borrowers could leave taxpayers at risk of $10 billion in losses through loan write-
downs and write-offs to these troubled borrowers. The most dramatic and costly RUS borrower bankruptcy
was Cajun Electric Power Cooperative, which declared bankruptcy in 1994. At the time of the bankruptcy,
Cajun’s loan balance with the RUS was $4.2 billion.58 After estimating the accrued interest from 1994
through October 2000, and subtracting payments to the RUS from Cajun and the bankruptcy court, the most
recent estimated loan loss for the RUS on Cajun is $5.36 billion.59 RUS reports its loan loss on Cajun as $3.1
billion, in nominal terms. Not only does that estimate exclude accrued interest since 1994, it also does not
report the figure in current dollars. Doing so would increase the loss estimate substantially.
In the most dramatic bankruptcy filing of any RUS borrower, Cajun Electric Power Cooperative filed for
Chapter 11 protection on December 21, 1994. Cajun Electric had invested heavily in the River Bend nuclear
power plant, which resulted in a $4.2 billion debt to the RUS by the time of the bankruptcy filing. The event
triggering the bankruptcy filing was a conflict between the RUS and Louisiana state regulators, who had
ordered Cajun Electric to reduce their rates to member distribution cooperatives by 10 percent because they
did not believe that Cajun Electrics River Bend investment was sufficiently useful. In fact, the River Bend
plant proved to be too costly to complete. The RUS, Cajun Electric’s largest creditor, ordered them to ignore
the state PSC’s order because the rate decrease put Cajun Electric in default on its RUS debt. Cajun Electric
declared bankruptcy to take advantage of Chapter 11’s debt restructuring provisions. Much of Cajun
Electric’s debt to the RUS is still outstanding, and would exceed $8 billion including accrued interest.
This case illustrates many of the distortionary decisions made by RUS borrowers. The growing ability of
G&T cooperatives like Cajun Electric to obtain RUS loans has been accompanied by an increase in the
default risk in the RUS loan portfolio. Availability of RUS loans also encouraged investments that might not
otherwise have been considered reasonable. RUS loan availability also interacted with federal policy in the
1970s that pushed G&T cooperatives to diversify out of natural gas generation and into nuclear and coal,
creating incentives for G&T cooperatives to invest in large nuclear and coal generating plants. The loans
20 Reason Public Policy Institute
supporting these investments carried larger default risks than the REA had seen in its loans to distribution
The 1998 GAO report also reinforced the conclusions and recommendations of the 1980 reports discussed
above, indicating that many RUS borrowers were indeed sufficiently financially healthy to obtain credit in
retail markets, often at interest rates lower than those they could obtain through the RUS. They note that “the
RE Act does not require RUS to attempt to move financially healthy direct loan borrowers in the electricity
and telecommunications programs to commercial credit sources.”60 Their overall recommendations in this
report were to (1) implement loan and debt limits to reduce potential RUS losses; (2) institute a lower
repayment guarantee; and (3) introduce a transition plan for financially healthy borrowers to move to
commercial credit. The GAO and many other analysts have made these recommendations repeatedly over the
past three decades.
In some cases when a borrower becomes financially troubled, the RUS performs a loan “workout,” or
restructuring. Because loan workouts are not subject to Budget Enforcement Act controls, the costs of these
workouts are not transparent. In 1999 the GAO analyzed RUS loan restructurings to two particularly troubled
borrowers (both G&T cooperatives). Loans to these two borrowers alone will cost the federal government
(and consequently, taxpayers) between $295 million and $305 million in anticipated losses, even after
restructuring.61 While the RUS performed the restructurings correctly according to the Federal Credit Reform
Act of 1990, the RUS did not fully report all costs and estimated losses associated with restructured loans.
Only $30 million of the anticipated $295-305 million anticipated loss was reported on Rural Development’s
1999 financial statements.62 The RUS wrote down approximately $300 million dollars in loans through
instruments that would mask the true losses experienced, such as non-interest-bearing notes and notes with
contingent loan payments. Furthermore, because loan restructurings such as these are characterized as
“workouts,” they do not require new budget authority, and are thus not typically incorporated into such
financial statements because proper documentation is often unavailable.63 Because of the lack of
documentation policies for such costs for the entire electric loan portfolio, the GAO recommended to
Congress that it not rely on Rural Development’s financial statements and estimates of RUS losses.
The issue of the RUS loan programs as a federal energy subsidy was also part of a recent analysis that the
Department of Energy (DOE) requested from its Energy Information Administration. They found that
In 1998, the RUS electricity program had advanced loans of nearly $21 billion (both hardship and direct
municipal rate loans) and had guaranteed loans of nearly $26 billion. In 1998, RUS borrowers had
outstanding long-term debt approaching $33 billion.64
The DOE calculated a support level for 1998 of between $965 million and $1,557 million.65 The REA 1990
estimate was $235.4 million, which is $280.8 million in 1998 dollars. Thus in real terms, the estimated loan
subsidy in 1998 was 3.4 to 5.5 times the 1990 estimate. Note also that these estimates do not incorporate any
calculation of the financial benefits of loan guarantees to power supply cooperatives, and are thus lower
bound estimates of the subsidy from the loan program. Similarly, the PHB study mentioned above used 1995
data to estimate the cost of capital subsidy to electric cooperatives at $1,158 million. This number is close to
the upper bound estimate from the DOE study.66
Thus the REA/RUS loan programs are fraught with inefficiencies that impose great costs on taxpayers, most
of whom are not cooperative members. Electric cooperatives do not have to adhere to the market discipline
that borrowers in commercial credit markets do. Monitoring and bond rating by companies like Moody’s and
Standard & Poor’s impose market discipline on the management and decisions of IOUs, because the effect of
decreased credit ratings on them is costly. Cooperatives, with most of their debt owed to the RUS, face no
such discipline on their management and decision-making.
The current RUS view of its mission in its loan program is to provide financing for rural infrastructure
projects, including electricity, water, gas, cable television and telecommunications. RUS Administrator
Wally Beyer states that this financing is critical, but in reality rural borrowers have a variety of private sector
financing options, including the National Rural Electric Cooperative Finance Corporation, the Bank for
Cooperatives, and commercial lenders. The REA/RUS procedures have provided expensive credit to electric
cooperative borrowers, some of whom continue to receive loans even after being acknowledged as financially
insolvent. Taxpayers should not have to bear these costs, particularly with the promise of greater efficiency
and choice that electricity deregulation holds.
In 1991, then-administrator of the REA, Gary Byrne, suggested that the REA return to its original mission “of
providing supervised credit that insures repayment, for the purpose of expanding and maintaining rural
electric and telephone markets, and with a goal of encouraging borrowers to enter private credit markets.”67
Ten years later, the RUS has redefined its mission and moved substantially away from a focus on repayment
and private credit. Reason recommends that the RUS reconsider returning to its original mission, which
would be in keeping with a dynamic, restructuring industry and keeping rural electric loans cost effective for
22 Reason Public Policy Institute
Part 6
E lectric cooperatives and public power companies are accorded preference in purchasing power generated
by federal power marketing administrations (PMAs). Preference essentially originated with the Federal
Power Act of 1920; “with the Federal Power Act of 1920, preference began to evolve from serving
‘municipal purposes’ to serving particular classes of users, such as public bodies and cooperatives.”68 In the
1920s power preference was intended to create competition and ensure reasonable electricity rates.
Typically produced by relatively inexpensive hydro generation, federal power is usually sold to different
customers at different rates depending on their preference status. This case particularly holds in the Pacific
Northwest, where the Northwest Power Act of 1980 required the Bonneville Power Administration “to
generally charge lower rates to preference customers than to nonpreference customers. Such rates are based
upon the cost of the federal system resources used to supply electricity to those customers.”69
Preference power distorts power markets, and does so to different degrees in different regions. Preference
power creates distortions by artificially imposing power price differences where markets would otherwise
result in common prices through arbitrage. The hierarchy of preference power also creates a fairness issue –
favoring certain providers benefits some customers over others, even though we all pay to support federal
power through tax payments.
The most recent estimate of the benefit to electric cooperatives from having power preference is from the
PHB study. According to that study, in 1995 the benefit of buying federal preference power relative to the
average wholesale cost of power to IOUs amounted to $984 million.70
Many discussions of federal preference power beg the question of why the federal government continues to be
involved in commercial electricity generation. As generation becomes an increasingly competitive industry,
the federal government should exit the generation industry.71 Short of privatization, the removal of
preference power purchases would open the way for the government to auction its generation in commercial
markets. Moving to open auctions of federal power would eliminate the taxpayer support of federal
generation, and would make federal hydropower a power source for the whole nation and not a source of
regional market distortions, as it is now.72 Reason recommends the elimination of preference power, which
will result in improved efficiency in electricity generation markets and decreased taxpayer subsidies of
preference purchasers.
Part 7
W ith the changes and challenges facing the electric utility industry, the time has come to revive these
many questions about the tax, legal and regulatory treatment of electric cooperatives. While electric
cooperatives can play a vibrant and dynamic role in the electricity industry of the future, we should
reinvestigate their tax treatment, capital market benefits, and federal preference power status. Similarly, we
should reexamine the role of the RUS and their evolution away from their original mission to a new mission
of “economic development.” Current policies governing the electric cooperatives and the RUS date from a
bygone era, although cooperatives and the RUS have evolved to maintain a role in the industry.
The legislative and regulatory framework in which electricity cooperatives operate has not evolved to keep up
with the many changes in the electricity industry and the way that cooperatives do business now, and are
likely to do business in the twenty-first century. Changing that framework to one that is more flexible and
forward-looking would encourage efficiency in the electricity industry, and would eliminate income
redistribution to higher-income individuals.
Dan Michael Berry, in his study of the relative productive efficiency of cooperatives and IOUs, recommends
market-oriented policy prescriptions:
The policy prescription for this ailing sector of the power industry seems readily apparent: treat all
private electric utilities in the same manner. That is, all ownership shares in private utilities should be
tradable, and income earned on all such property should [be] taxed in the same manner. As property
rights theorists explain, only when property rights are well-defined, enforceable, and tradable will markets
operate efficiently.73
These recommendations are consistent with Reason’s findings. The current treatment of cooperatives is an
inequitable subsidy of activities that differ substantially from the original intent of providing rural
infrastructure. We recommend the following:
Tax treatment – Congress should, at a minimum, revise the tax code so cooperatives do not pay taxes on
the revenue they generate from selling to their members, but treat them like any other for-profit taxable
corporation for the remainder of their revenue (both in having to pay taxes and in enabling them to
benefit from tax credits and accelerated depreciation).
Loans and loan guarantees – If continued, loans and loan guarantees should be determined by a
combination of population density and average household income in the metropolitan statistical area, not
by “once eligible, always eligible” as it is now.
o Implement loan limits, which will enable RUS to control their risk of loss.
24 Reason Public Policy Institute
o Do not offer 100 percent loan guarantees, which increase default risk and encourage moral hazard in
o Do not loan to delinquent borrowers, which are risky and likely to default at high cost to taxpayers.
Federal power – Congress should remove the preference power hierarchy from the sales of PMAs to
cooperatives and municipal utilities. Sell to all qualified buyers on equal footing using an open auction
Implementing these recommendations would contribute to a truly competitive electricity industry, with a non-
discriminatory role for cooperatives. If policy does not account for the challenges of integrating cooperatives
into the increasingly competitive electricity industry without distorting markets, at best some people will not
enjoy the full benefits of competition, and at worst true competition will not emerge as long as cooperatives
are excluded.
L ynne Kiesling is Director of Economic Policy at Reason Public Policy Institute and Visiting Associate
Professor of Economics at Northwestern University. She has a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern
Terri Kandalepas has a B.A. in Economics from Northwestern University, specializing in the Mathematical
Methods in the Social Sciences program.
Powering Up California: Policy Alternatives for the California Energy Crisis, by Adrian T. Moore and
Lynne Kiesling, Policy Study 280, February 2001, http://www.Rppi.org/ps288.html.
Integrating Municipal Utilities into a Competitive Electricity Market, by Adrian T. Moore, Policy Study 270,
June 2000 http://www.Rppi.org/ps270.html.
Federal Power: The Case for Privatizing Electricity, by Douglas A. Houston, Policy Study 201, March 1996,
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Electric Sales and Revenue Report (Washington, D.C.,
1992, 1998). The market share of federally-owned power was 0.5 percent in 1998.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Electric Sales and Revenue Report (Washington, D.C.,
1992, 1998).
“The Cooperative Principles,” Rural Electric Magazine March 2001, p. 9.
Glenn English, “Choosing the Cooperative Option,” Electricity Journal June 1999, p. 32.
Investor-Owned Electric Utilities versus Rural Electric Cooperatives: A Comparison of Tax and Financial Subsidies,
Congressional Research Service (Washington, D.C., November 29, 1982), p. 7.
Daniel R. Hollas and Stanley R. Stansell, “An Examination of the Effect of Ownership Form on Price Efficiency:
Proprietary, Cooperative and Municipal Electric Utilities,” Southern Economic Journal 55 (January 1988), pp. 336-
Dan Michael Berry, “Private Ownership Form and Productive Efficiency: Electric Cooperatives versus Investor-Owned
Utilities,” Journal of Regulatory Economics 6 (1994), pp. 403-5.
Dan Michael Berry, “Private Ownership Form and Productive Efficiency: Electric Cooperatives versus Investor-Owned
Utilities,” Journal of Regulatory Economics 6 (1994), pp. 400-1.
Robert Dallek, Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. (New York: Oxford University Press,
1991), p. 177.
Edwin Vennard, Government in the Power Business (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967) p. 267.
Robert Dallek, Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. (New York: Oxford University Press,
1991), p. 177.
General Accounting Office, Financial Condition of the Rural Utilities Service’s Loan Portfolio, (Washington, D.C.,
1997), p. 2.
Robert Dallek, Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. (New York: Oxford University Press,
1991), p. 181.
Robert Dallek, Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960. (New York: Oxford University Press,
1991), p. 184.
General Accounting Office, Rural Electrification Administration Loans to Electric Distribution Systems: Policy
Changes Needed, (Washington, D.C., May 30, 1980), pp. i-ii.
General Accounting Office, Financing Rural Electric Generating Facilities: A Large and Growing Activity,
(Washington, D.C., November 28, 1980), p. 1.
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions For Electric
Cooperatives, (Washington D.C., 1983), p. 3.
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions For Electric
Cooperatives, (Washington D.C., 1983), p. 15.
Edwin Vennard, Government in the Power Business (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967) p. 269.
Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration, Return to the Mission: The Administration’s Budget
and Legislative Proposals for the Future of the Rural Electrification Administration (Washington, D.C., February
1991), p. 1.
Edwin Vennard, Government in the Power Business (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967) p. 271-272.
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions For Electric
Cooperatives, (Washington D.C., 1983), p. 13.
General Accounting Office, Opportunities to Operate Electricity and Telecommunications Loan Programs More
Effectively, (Washington D.C., 1998), p. 7.
Steven Lindberg, “Electric Cooperatives in a Deregulated Market,” Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 15
(Summer 2000), p. 41.
“Power Point,” Rural Electric Magazine March 2001, p. 7.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Electric Sales and Revenue Report (Washington, D.C.,
1992, 1998). At the same time, the publicly owned market share increased from 12.6 percent to 14.6 percent, and the
IOU market share declined from 79.1 percent to 76.0 percent.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Electric Sales and Revenue Report (Washington, D.C.,
1992, 1999).
Jody Garlock, “Ahead of the Game,” Rural Electrification December 1999, p. 19.
“A Slice of the Power Pie,” Rural Electric Magazine April 2001, p. 17.
“Three-way Deal,” Rural Electric Magazine April 2001, p. 17.
John Lowrey, “One Co-op, Many Services,” Rural Electrification July 2000, pp. 86, 89.
John Lowrey, “One Co-op, Many Services,” Rural Electrification July 2000, p. 87.
John Lowrey, “One Co-op, Many Services,” Rural Electrification July 2000, p. 89.
Kathy Chen and Bruce Ingersoll, “Rural Utilities Invest Funds in Markets Instead of Local Projects, Audit Says,” Wall
Street Journal, March 16, 2000, p. A6.
Kathy Chen and Bruce Ingersoll, “Rural Utilities Invest Funds in Markets Instead of Local Projects, Audit Says,” Wall
Street Journal, March 16, 2000, p. A6.
Congressional Research Service, The Rural Electrification Administration: Background and Current Issues,
(Washington, D.C., August 12, 1991), p. 21. An REA proposal also noted that “some large, financially strong electric
borrowers, whose service territories were once very rural, are now serving rapidly growing, affluent ‘bedroom
communities’ of metropolitan areas.” Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration, Return to the
Mission: The Administration’s Budget and Legislative Proposals for the Future of the Rural Electrification
Administration (Washington, D.C., February 1991), p. 3.
General Accounting Office, Rural Utilities Service: Opportunities to Operate Electricity and Telecommunications Loan
Programs More Effectively, RCED-98-42, (Washington, D.C., January 1998), p. 7.
Kathy Chen and Bruce Ingersoll, “Rural Utilities Invest Funds in Markets Instead of Local Projects, Audit Says,” Wall
Street Journal, March 16, 2000, p. A6.
Bureau of the Census, Metropolitan Statistical Area Map, 1990; NRECA Distribution Cooperative Service Area Map,
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions for Electric
Cooperatives, GGD-83-7 (Washington, D.C., 1983), p. 3.
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions for Electric
Cooperatives, GGD-83-7 (Washington, D.C., 1983), p. 23.
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions for Electric
Cooperatives, GGD-83-7 (Washington, D.C., 1983), p. 9.
General Accounting Office, Legislation Needed to Improve Administration of Tax Exemption Provisions for Electric
Cooperatives, GGD-83-7 (Washington, D.C., 1983), p. 54.
Data from unpublished research, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, D.C., January 2001.
Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration, Return to the Mission: The Administration’s Budget
and Legislative Proposals for the Future of the Rural Electrification Administration (Washington, D.C., February
1991), p. 3.
Data from unpublished research, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, D.C., 1998.
General Accounting Office, Rural Electrification Administration Loans to Electric Distribution Systems: Policy
Changes Needed, (Washington, D.C., May 30, 1980).
General Accounting Office, Rural Electrification Administration Loans to Electric Distribution Systems: Policy
Changes Needed, (Washington, D.C., May 30, 1980), p. 3.
General Accounting Office, Financing Rural Electric Generating Facilities: A Large and Growing Activity,
(Washington, D.C., November 28, 1980), p. 7.
General Accounting Office, Financing Rural Electric Generating Facilities: A Large and Growing Activity,
(Washington, D.C., November 28, 1980), pp. 20-22.
General Accounting Office, Financing Rural Electric Generating Facilities: A Large and Growing Activity,
(Washington, D.C., November 28, 1980), p. 26.
Congressional Research Service, The Rural Electrification Administration: Background and Current Issues,
(Washington, D.C., August 12, 1991), p. 15.
Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration, The Rural Electric Loan Program, 1990, quoted in
Congressional Research Service, The Rural Electrification Administration: Background and Current Issues,
(Washington, D.C., August 12, 1991), p. 15.
Congressional Research Service, Rural Electric Cooperative Defaults: Origins, Current Status, and Legislative
Implications, (Washington, D.C., October 1988), p. 1. As mentioned below, several of these cooperatives subsequently
declared bankruptcy and were unable to repay their loans.
General Accounting Office, Rural Development: Financial Condition of the Rural Utilities Service’s Loan Portfolio,
RCED-97-82, (Washington, D.C., April 1997), p. 1.
General Accounting Office, Rural Utilities Service: Opportunities to Operate Electricity and Telecommunications
Loan Programs More Effectively, RCED-98-42, Washington, D.C., January 1998), p. 14.
Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service, Statistical Report on Electric Borrowers (Washington, D.C., 1994).
This report also indicated that Cajun’s average interest rate on RUS loans was 7.93 percent.
Data from unpublished research, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, D.C., November 2000.
General Accounting Office, Rural Utilities Service: Opportunities to Operate Electricity and Telecommunications Loan
Programs More Effectively, RCED-98-42, (Washington, D.C., January 1998), p. 13.
General Accounting Office, Financial Management: Impact of RUS’ Electricity Loan Restructurings, AIMD-00-288,
(Washington, D.C., September 2000), p. 14. This estimate could go even higher because of contingencies built into the
restructuring agreements.
General Accounting Office, Financial Management: Impact of RUS’ Electricity Loan Restructurings, AIMD-00-288,
(Washington, D.C., September 2000), p. 18. Rural Development provides accounting services to RUS for its loan
General Accounting Office, Financial Management: Impact of RUS’ Electricity Loan Restructurings, AIMD-00-288,
(Washington, D.C., September 2000), p. 5.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy
Markets 1999: Energy Transformation and End Use, (Washington, D.C., May 2000), p. 46.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Federal Financial Interventions and Subsidies in Energy
Markets 1999: Energy Transformation and End Use, (Washington, D.C., May 2000), p. 48. The range depends on the
type of debt that the cooperatives would be able to secure in the absence of RUS guarantees, which would lead to
different interest rates.
Putnam, Hayes and Bartlett, Subsidies and Unfair Competitive Advantages Available to Cooperative Utilities,
(Washington, D.C., 1998), p. 30.
Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration, Return to the Mission: The Administration’s Budget
and Legislative Proposals for the Future of the Rural Electrification Administration (Washington, D.C., February
1991), foreword.
General Accounting Office, Federal Power: The Evolution of Preference in Marketing Federal Power, GAO-01-73,
(Washington, D.C., February 2001), p. 4.
General Accounting Office, Federal Power: The Evolution of Preference in Marketing Federal Power, GAO-01-73,
(Washington, D.C., February 2001), p. 6.
Putnam, Hayes and Bartlett, Subsidies and Unfair Competitive Advantages Available to Cooperative Utilities,
(Washington, D.C., 1998), p. 30.
For an argument in support of privatizing federal power sources, see Douglas A. Houston, Federal Power: The Case
for Privatizing Electricity, Policy Study No. 201 (Los Angeles: Reason Public Policy Institute, March 1996).
The subsidies and market distortions associated with federal preference power are discussed in General Accounting
Office, Federal Electricity Activities: The Federal Government’s Net Costs and Potential for Future Losses, AIMD-
97-110 (Washington, D.C., 1997).
Dan Michael Berry, “Private Ownership Form and Productive Efficiency: Electric Cooperatives versus Investor-Owned
Utilities,” Journal of Regulatory Economics 6 (1994), p. 418.
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