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PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM System

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 94

PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM System
Radheshyam Patel
, Chirag Prajapati
, Vishal Naik
, Prof. T. P. Dave

Electronics and Communication,
GEC, Surat - India

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the techniques against the multipath fading channel for
wireless communications. However, the high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) problem of OFDM is a major drawback of
multicarrier transmission system which leads to power inefficiency in RF section of the transmitter. This paper presents
different PAPR reduction techniques with analysis. We also simulate the selected mapping technique (SLM) for different route
number which is most efficient technique for PAPR reduction when the number of subcarrier is large.
Keywords Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Techniques.

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM) technology is one of the most attractive
techniques for fourth generation (4G) wireless
communication. It effectively combats the
multipath fading channel and improves the
bandwidth efficiency. At the same time, it also
increases system capacity so as to provide a reliable
transmission [1]. OFDM uses the principles of
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) [1] but in
much more controlled manner, allowing an
improved spectral efficiency [1].
OFDM whole procedure block diagram is
shown in figure 1.The basic principle of OFDM is
to split a high-rate data stream into a number of
lower data rate streams that are transmitted
simultaneously over a number of subcarriers. These
subcarriers are overlapped with each other. Because
the symbol duration increases for lower rate parallel
subcarriers, the relative amount of dispersion in
time caused by multipath delay spread is decreased.
Inter-symbol interference (ISI) is eliminated
almost completely by introducing a guard time in
every OFDM symbol. OFDM faces several
challenges. The key challenges are ISI due to
multipath-use guard interval, large peak to average
ratio due to non linearitys of amplifier; phase noise
problems of oscillator, need frequency offset
correction in the receiver. OFDM generates high
Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) which
distorts the signal if the transmitter contains
nonlinear components such as power amplifiers
(PAs). The nonlinear effects on the transmitted
OFDM symbols are spectral spreading, inter
modulation and changing the signal constellation.
In other words, the nonlinear distortion causes both
in-band and out-of-band interference to signals.
Therefore the PAs requires a back off which is
approximately equal to the PAPR for distortion-less
transmission. This decreases the efficiency for
amplifiers. Therefore, reducing the PAPR is of
practical interest.
Many PAPR reduction methods have been
proposed. Some methods are designed based on
employing redundancy, such as coding [3], [4],
selective mapping with explicit or implicit side
information [5], [2], [4], or tone reservation [9],
[11]. An apparent effect of using redundancy for
PAPR reduction is the reduced transmission rate.
PAPR reduction may also be achieved by using
extended signal constellation, such as tone injection
[9], or multi-amplitude CPM. The associated
drawback is the increased power and
implementation complexity. A simple PAPR
reduction method can be achieved by clipping the
time-domain OFDM signal. In this work, we survey
the PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. In section II describe introduction about
PAPR. Section III describes PAPR reduction
techniques. In Section IV the analysis of different
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014
ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 95
techniques is given. Conclusions are given in section V.

Fig. 1 Block diagram of OFDM System
A major disadvantage that arises in multicarrier
systems like OFDM is the resulting non-constant
envelope with high peaks [12]. When the
independently modulated subcarriers are added
coherently, the instantaneous power will be more
than the average power. Consider the OFDM signal
x(t) defined in (1) where N subcarriers are added

= exp(j2fct) a(t), (1)

Where ak, 0 k N 1, are complex-valued
constellation points representing data and fk = fc +
kf, 0 k N 1, is the k
subcarrier, with fc
being the lowest subcarrier frequency. f is the
frequency spacing between adjacent subcarriers,
chosen to be 1/Ts to ensure that the subcarriers are
orthogonal. If a(t) is sampled at rate R samples per
second, where t is replaced by nTs/N, n =
0, . . .,N1, then a(t) is represented by the sampled
function a[n] expressed as,

If N is large enough, then, based on central-
limit theorem (CLT), the resulting signal x(t) will be
close to a complex Gaussian process [12]. This
means that both of its real and imaginary parts are
Gaussian distributed and its envelope and power
follows Rayleigh and exponential distributions
respectively. The PAPR for the continuous-time
signal x(t) is the ratio of the maximum
instantaneous power to the average power. For the
discrete-time version x[n], PAPR is expressed as

Where E[.] is the expectation operator. It is
introduces that PAPR is evaluated per OFDM
symbol. Figure 2 shows how a high peak is
obtained by adding four sinusoidal signals with
different frequencies and phase shifts coherently.
The resulting signals envelope exhibits high peaks
when the instantaneous amplitudes of the different
signals have high peaks aligned at the same time.

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014
ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 96

Fig. 2 High peaks in OFDM signal

Several PAPR reduction techniques have been
proposed in the literature. These techniques are
divided into two groups. These are signal distortion
techniques and signal scrambling techniques.
3.1 Signal Distortion Techniques
Signal distortion techniques are Peak
Windowing [13], Envelope scaling [9], Peak
Reduction Carrier [6], Clipping and Filtering [3].
3.1.1 Peak Windowing
The peak windowing method has been
suggested by Sungkeun Cha, Sungeun Lee [13].
This method, proposes that it is possible to remove
large peaks at the cost of a slight amount of self
interference when large peaks arise infrequently.
Peak windowing reduces PAPRs at the cost of
increasing the BER and out-of-band radiation.
Clipping is a one kind of simple introduces PAPR
reduction technique which is self interference. The
technique of peak windowing offers better PAPR
reduction with better spectral properties. In peak
windowing method we multiply large signal peak
with a specific window, for example; Gaussian
shaped window, cosine, Kaiser and Hamming
window. In view of the fact that the OFDM signal
is multiplied with several of these windows,
consequential spectrum is a convolution of the
original OFDM spectrum with the spectrum of the
applied window. Thus, the window should be as
narrow band as possible, conversely the window
should not be too long in the time domain because
various signal samples are affected, which results
an increase in bit error rate (BER). Windowing
method, PAPRs can be obtained to 4dB which from
the number of independent subcarriers. The loss in
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to the signal
distortion is limited to about 0.3dB. A back off
relative to maximum output power of about 5.5dB
is needed in spectra distortion at least 30dB below
the in-band spectral density.
3.1.2 Envelope Scaling
They anticipated a new algorithm to reduce
PAPR by scaling the input envelope for some
subcarriers before they are sent to IFFT [5]. They
used 256 subcarriers with QPSK modulation
technique, so that envelopes of all the subcarriers
are equal. The key idea of this scheme is that the
input envelope in some sub carrier is scaled to
achieve the smallest amount of PAPR at the output
of the IFFT. Thus, the receiver of the system
doesnt need any side information for decoding the
receiver sequence. This scheme is appropriate for
QPSK modulation; the envelopes of all subcarriers
are equal. Results show that PAPR can be reduced
significantly at around 4 dB.
3.1.3 Peak Reduction Carrier
Peak Reduction Carrier technique is
proposed by Tan and Wassell. The technique is to
use the data bearing peak reduction carriers (PRCs)
to reduce the effective PAPR in the OFDM system
[6]. It includes the use of a higher order modulation
scheme to represent a lower order modulation
symbol. The amplitude and phase of the PRC is
positioned within the constellation region
symbolizing the data symbol to be transmitted. This
method is suitable for PSK modulation; where the
envelopes of all subcarriers are the same. When the
QAM modulation scheme will be implemented in
the OFDM system, the carrier envelope scaling will
result in the serious BER degradation. To limit the
BER degradation, amount of the side information
would also be excessive when the number of
subcarriers is large.
3.1.4 Clipping And Filtering
One of the simple and effective PAPR
reduction techniques is clipping, which cancels the
signal components that exceed some unchanging
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014
ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 97
amplitude called clip level. However, clipping
yields distortion power, which called clipping
noise, and expands the transmitted signal spectrum,
which causes interfering. Clipping is nonlinear
process and causes in-band noise distortion, which
causes degradation in the performance of bit BER
and out-of-band noise, which decreases the spectral
efficiency [3].
Clipping and filtering technique is effective
in removing components of the expanded spectrum.
Although filtering can decrease the spectrum growth,
filtering after clipping can reduce the out-of-band
radiation, but may also cause some peak re-growth,
which the peak signal exceeds in the clip level. The
technique of iterative clipping and filtering reduces
the PAPR without spectrum expansion. However,
the iterative signal takes long time and it will
increase the computational complexity of an OFDM
transmitter. But without performing interpolation
before clipping causes it out-of-band. To avoid out-
of-band, signal should be clipped after interpolation.
However, this causes significant peak re-growth. So,
it can use iterative clipping and frequency domain
filtering to avoid peak re-growth.
3.2 Signal Scrambling Techniques
Block Coding Techniques [5], Selected
mapping (SLM) [7], Tone Reservation (TR)[12],
Tone Injection (TI)[12] etc are Signal Scrambling
3.2.1 Block Coding Techniques
The fundamental idea is that of all probable
message symbols, only those which have law peak
power will be chosen by coding as valid code words
for transmission. No introduction of distortion to
the signals. If there have N subcarriers, they are
represented by 2N bits using QPSK modulation and
thus 22N messages. Using the whole message space
corresponds to zero bits of redundancy. Using only
half of the messages corresponds to one bit of
redundancy. The remaining message space is then
divided in half again and this process continues
until N bits of redundancy have been allocated
which corresponds to a rate one-half code for N
carriers. Large PAPR reduction can be achieved if
the long information sequence is separated into
different sub blocks, and all sub block encoded with
System on a Programmable Chip (SOPC).
3.2.2 Selected Mapping

Fig. 3 Block diagram of SLM technique

Figure 3 shows the block diagram of
Selected Level Mapping (SLM). The probability of
PAPR larger than a threshold z can be written as
( > ) =1 (1exp z ) N. Assume that M
OFDM symbols carry the same information and
that they are statistically independent of each other.
In this case, the probability of PAPR greater than z
is equals to the product of each independent
candidates probability. This process can be written:

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014
ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 98
P{PAPRlow >z} = (P{PAPR>Z})


In selected mapping method, firstly M
statistically independent sequences which represent
the same information are generated and next the
resulting M statistically independent data blocks Sm
= [Sm,0,Sm,1,, Sm,N-1]
, m = 1,2..M are then
forwarded into IFFT operation simultaneously.
Finally, at the receiving end, OFDM symbols
in discrete time-domain are
acquired, and then the PAPR of these M vectors are
calculated separately. Eventually, the sequences
with the smallest PAPR will be elected for final
serial transmission.
3.2.3 Tone Reservation
The main idea of this method is to keep a
small set of tones for PAPR reduction. This can be
originated as a convex problem and this problem
can be solved accurately. Tone reservation method
is based on adding a data block and time domain
signal. A data block is dependent time domain
signal to the original multicarrier signal to minimize
the high peak. This time domain signal can be
calculated simply at the transmitter of system and
stripped off at the receiver. The amount of PAPR
reduction depends on some factors such as number
of reserved tones, location of the reserved tones,
amount of complexity and allowed power on
reserved tones This method explains an additive
scheme for minimizing PAPR in the multicarrier
communication system. It shows that reserving a
small fraction of tones leads to large minimization
in PAPR ever using with simple algorithm at the
transmitter of the system without any additional
complexity at the receiver end. Here, N is the small
number of tones, reserving tones for PAPR
reduction may present a nonnegligible fraction of
the available bandwidth and resulting in a reduction
in data rate. The advantage of TR method is that it
is less complex, no side information and also no
additional operation is required at the receiver of
the system.
3.2.4 Tone I njection
Tone Injection (TI) method has been
recommended by Muller, S.H., and Huber, J.B. [2].
This technique is based on general additive method
for PAPR reduction. Using an additive method
achieves PAPR reduction of multicarrier signal
without any data rate loss. TI uses a set of
equivalent constellation points for an original
constellation points to reduce PAPR. The main idea
behind this method is to increase the constellation
size. Then, each point in the original basic
constellation can be mapped into several equivalent
points in the extended constellation, since all
information elements can be mapped into several
equivalent constellation points. These additional
amounts of freedom can be utilized for PAPR
reduction. The drawbacks of this method are; need
to side information for decoding signal at the
receiver side, and cause extra IFFT operation which
is more complex.
The PAPR reduction technique should be chosen
with awareness according to various system
requirements. Table 1 shows the comparison of
PAPR Reduction techniques.
We describe and summarize several techniques
of PAPR and simulate SLM technique which is the
best solution for PAPR. The selected technique
provides us with a good range in performance to
reduce PAPR problem. SLM algorithm adapted to
any length of route number that means it can be
used for different OFDM systems with different
number of carriers. It is particularly suitable for the
OFDM system with a large number of sub-carriers
(more than 128). This research will continue in
directions Firstly, PAPR reduction concepts will be
expanded for distortion less transmission and
identifying the best alternatives in terms of
performance increase. Secondly, PAPR reduction
technique will be develop for low data rate loss and
efficient use of channel. A study of the complexity
issues of the PAPR reduction technique is required,
especially looking at ways of further reducing the
complexity of the sphere decoder.
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014
ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 99


Parameters Operation required at Transmitter (TX) /
Receiver (RX)
Bit Rate

Clipping and Filtering

NO NO NO TX: Clipping

RX: None
Selective Mapping

YES NO YES TX: M times IDFTs operation

RX: Side information extraction, inverse SLM
Partial Transmit
Sequence (PTS)

YES NO YES TX: V times IDFTs operation

RX: Side information extraction, inverse PTS

YES NO YES TX: D times IDFTs operation, D-1 times

RX: Side information extraction, de-interleaving
Block Coding

YES NO YES TX: Coding or table searching

RX: Decoding or table searching
Tone Injection (TI)

Tone Reservation


The author would like to thank Mr.Tushar P.
Dave for their valuable technical inputs, would like
to pay special thanks to my friends for sparing their
time on discussions and inspiring me.
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ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 100
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