2exp Probability 2
2exp Probability 2
2exp Probability 2
1. It is given that A = {2, 3, 4, 7, 9} and B = {11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21}.
(a) I a n!m"er is se#e$ted at random rom A, ind the %ro"a"i#it& that 4 or 7 is $hosen.
(") I a n!m"er is se#e$ted at random rom ea$h set, $a#$!#ate the %ro"a"i#it& that "oth
n!m"ers $hosen are odd n!m"ers.
2. 'wo sets, A = {4, (, )} and B = {7, *, 9}, are given. + n!m"er, p is $hosen at random
rom set A and another n!m"er q is $hosen at random rom set B. ,ind the %ro"a"i#it& that
(a) the %rod!$t, pq is an odd n!m"er,
(") the %rod!$t, pq is an even n!m"er.
3. 'wo si-.sided di$e, one red and one "#!e, are thrown together. ,ind the %ro"a"i#it& that
(a) the tota# s$ore o the two di$e is 12,
(") the tota# s$ore o the two di$e is 1/,
($) the s$ore on the red di$e is twi$e the s$ore on the "#!e di$e.
4. 'here are 12 "#a$k "a##s and 4 red "a##s in a "ag. + "a## is irst drawn rom the "ag.
0itho!t re%#a$ing it, a se$ond "a## is drawn rom the "ag. 1a#$!#ate the %ro"a"i#it& that
(a) "oth "a##s drawn are "#a$k,
(") one "a## drawn is red and the other is "#a$k.
(. 'he %ro"a"i#it& that a "asket"a## team wi## win an& %arti$!#ar game is 327. ,ind the
%ro"a"i#it& that the team
(a) wi## not win the irst game,
(") wi## win on#& one o the irst two games.
). 3o- A $ontains 4 red "a##s and ( &e##ow "a##s. 3o- B $ontains 3 red "a##s, 2 &e##ow "a##s
and 7 white "a##s.
(a) + "a## is drawn at random rom "o- B. 0hat is the %ro"a"i#it& that the "a## drawn is
(i) white4
(ii) not white4
(") + "a## is irst drawn at random rom "o- A. 'hen, a "a## is drawn at random rom "o-
B. 0hat is the %ro"a"i#it& that
(i) "oth "a##s drawn are red4
(ii) the se$ond "a## drawn is &e##ow4
($) 'he irst "a## is drawn at random rom "o- A and is %#a$ed in "o- B "eore the se$ond
"a## is drawn at random rom "o- B. 0hat is the %ro"a"i#it& that the two "a##s drawn
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(i) o the same $o#o!r4
(ii) o dierent $o#o!rs4
(iii) s!$h that the se$ond "a## drawn is &e##ow4
7. 0hen a %arti$!#ar di$e is thrown, the %ro"a"i#it& o o"taining a s$ore o si- is 5. 'he
%ro"a"i#it& o o"taining a s$ore o two, three, o!r and ive res%e$tive#& is 12).
(a) ,ind the %ro"a"i#it& o o"taining a s$ore o one.
(") 6-%#ain the signii$an$e o the answer to (a).
'he di$e is thrown twi$e and the s!m o the s$ores o"tained is si-.
($) 7tate the %ossi"#e s$ores o"tained on the two throws in the orm (a, b), where a
denotes the s$ore on the irst throw and b denotes the s$ore on the se$ond throw.
(d) 1a#$!#ate the %ro"a"i#it& that the s!m o the two s$ores is si-.
(e) ,ind the %ro"a"i#it& that whi#e the s!m o the two s$ores is si-, their %rod!$t is eight.
*. 'wo "o-es, X and Y, $ontain identi$a# mar"#es "!t o dierent $o#o!r. 3o- X has 1)
mar"#es, ) o whi$h are green, 3 are si#ver and the remaining are "#!e. 3o- Y has 11
mar"#es, 2 o whi$h are green, ( are si#ver and the remaining are "#!e. 8ne mar"#e is
drawn at random rom "o- X and is then %#a$ed in "o- Y. +ter a thoro!gh mi-ing, a
mar"#e is drawn at random rom "o- Y and is %#a$ed in "o- X.
(a) In the %ro"a"i#it& tree shown "e#ow, ind the va#!es o a, b, c and d.
(") 1a#$!#ate the %ro"a"i#it& that
(i) a green mar"#e is drawn rom "o- X and a "#!e mar"#e is drawn rom "o- Y,
(ii) 2 mar"#es o the same $o#o!r are drawn,
(iii) "o- X sti## has e-a$t#& 3 si#ver mar"#es #et ater the 2 draws.
9. 3o- A $ontains 1/ %ie$es o $o#o!red $ards, ( o whi$h are white (0), 3 are red (9) and
the remaining are "#!e (3). 3o- B $ontains 3 white $ards and ) red $ards. :!ring a game,
one $ard is drawn at random rom "o- A and is %#a$ed in "o- B. 'hen, a $ard is drawn
rom "o- B. 1a#$!#ate the %ro"a"i#it& that
(a) a red $ard is drawn rom "o- A and a white $ard is drawn rom "o- B,
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(") two $ards drawn are o same $o#o!r,
($) two $ards drawn are o dierent $o#o!rs,
(d) a red $ard is drawn rom "o- B,
(e) at #east one o the $ards drawn is "#!e.
1/. 'he %ro"a"i#it& that ea$h o three marksmen, ;ohn, +#an and 7am, wi## hit a target in a
sing#e attem%t are 5, < and 12( res%e$tive#&.
(a) In a game, ;ohn, +#an and 7am, ires at the target sim!#taneo!s#&. ,ind the %ro"a"i#it&
that no one hits the target.
(") 'he& de$ides to ire on$e at the target in the order = ;ohn, +#an and 7am. 8n$e the
target has "een hit, no more shots are ired. ,ind the %ro"a"i#it& that the target is hit.
End of Homework
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